The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 14 Teammates (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

After resting at home for two days, Xia Yan reported to ANBU on time.

The ANBU's work is very busy, but when there are no tasks or some special circumstances, the ANBU's work is relatively relaxed.

Maybe you can rest for a few days after performing a mission today, but you may not have any time to rest at all the next time you perform a mission.

Therefore, in ANBU, in addition to learning various skills and memorizing all kinds of information, you also need to plan your time well and reasonably.

Xia Yan did very well at this point, although there were plug-ins to assist him, which allowed him to avoid wasting too much time on unnecessary things.

But reasonable planning and learning a lot of things are very necessary.

During the two days of rest, Xia Yan not only thought about some ways to go in the future, but although some things were still ambiguous, he at least had some ideas.

And he has been learning sealing skills these days. Although he also knows that he has a long way to go to learn sealing skills, if he doesn't work hard, then he will be even more hopeless.

"I'm not a genius after all, I'm just a person with some special conditions to help, so I have to work harder."

Xia Yan is also aware of his talent. If not, he can grow those special fruits to help him.

I am afraid that he has already died in the ANBU mission, or was directly sent to the front line and became one of the many cannon fodder.

It is very ironic to say that the so-called spirit of fire in Senju Hashirama's era was actually the purpose of Konoha's establishment.

It was established by a large number of ninjas in order to protect children from the threat of war and prevent their young lives from withering away in the chaos of war.

But whether it was World War II or World War III, during the entire reign of the Third Hokage, many young children went to the battlefield.

This is completely contrary to the original intention of establishing Konoha, and the will of fire between Senju Hashirama.

Even if this was not his intention, even if Konoha has reached its most dangerous moment, he did do it.

If Xia Yan hadn't been lucky and had some connections in his family, he might not have been able to escape this situation.

"Captain Nightingale, good morning."

"Good morning."

After arriving at the ANBU station, Natsuhiko smiled and greeted his colleagues who passed by, but soon he noticed Kakashi sitting alone in the corner.

After thinking for a moment, he simply walked towards Kakashi. Since he wanted Kakashi to introduce Kushina to him, their relationship must be good.

"Why are you sitting here alone?" When he came to Kakashi, Xia Yan asked directly: "It will actually be good for your future to have a good relationship with other people."

"Captain." Kakashi raised his head and replied calmly, and then there was no follow-up.

Xia Yan didn't care that much. He directly pulled Kakashi up and then led him towards the lounge.

Natsuhiko's behavior made Kakashi a little strange, but he didn't resist. In his opinion, Natsuhiko was his captain, and his teacher also wanted him to have a good relationship with Natsuhiko.

Soon the two of them arrived at the training room. At this time, there were many Anbu doing some simple basic training in the training room.

Such training can help them keep their bodies active and serve as a simple warm-up for the task.

The ANBU's tasks are not limited to outside the village, there are often tasks they need to do within the village.

And compared to outside the village, there is not much preparation time in the village, so it is very necessary to prepare in advance.

"team leader."

Just after the two of them came in, two Anbu quickly ran over and greeted Xia Yan.

These two people looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old, and their bodies were very strong, but it was a bit weird for them to call a captain like Xia Yan, who was thirteen or fourteen years old.

It's just that no one around thinks there's anything wrong with this. The competition among Anbu is even more cruel than outside.

During the war, the level of ninjas can be improved due to the completion of certain special tasks, and wartime promotions can be obtained.

But there is no such thing as ANBU. Only with enough strength and enough tasks can you be promoted.

Therefore, there is a saying that 'ANBU ninjas are all elite ninjas', which is cruel but also very effective.

Although Xia Yan entered the Anbu through a back door, his strength was indeed real, and it took him three years to get the position of squad leader.

"I knew you two were here."

Natsuhiko showed a warm smile, and then pointed at Kakashi.

"I think you already know this guy, my former classmate, a true genius ninja."

Having said this, Natsuhiko paused for a moment, then he pointed to Kakashi and his two team members, and continued to speak gently.

"One of these two people is called Yaya and the other is Shinichi. They are both people who saved my life."

Neither Masaya nor Shinichi have surnames. If they had to leave a surname, perhaps 'Yakushi' would be the most suitable for them.

Because both of them came from orphanages, their parents had died in the war long ago, and no one could even investigate.

Therefore, they have no surnames, and some are just names. It can be said that this is their misfortune.

But they are also lucky, at least they entered the dark side instead of directly erasing the roots of human nature.

"Don't listen to the captain's nonsense. It was the captain who saved both of us."

Shinichi shook his head as he thought about it, and then he nodded to Kakashi.

"My name is Shinichi. It's our first time meeting you. Please give me some advice."

"Please give me your advice."

"Hello, my name is Yaya, please give me your advice."

"Please give me your advice."

Compared to Shinichi and Masaya's performance, Kakashi seemed more polite but less enthusiastic, but no one took him too seriously when he first arrived.

Moreover, Shinichi and Miyabi have probably read his information in advance, so naturally they will not have any doubts about Kakashi's coldness.

Of course, they are not too enthusiastic about Kakashi. After all, someone who killed his companions with his own hands must be careful even if he is placed in the ANBU.

"Okay, everyone, we will be teammates from now on."

Xia Yan saw that they had finished introducing each other, and then said with a smile.

"Although I don't know how long we will remain a team, as long as we work together, we will be able to complete the task perfectly."

"Yes, Captain!" Yaya, Shinichi and Kakashi replied immediately.

The mobility of the dark part is not that big, but it is not small.

For example, if a person performing a mission is killed, or someone like Kakashi suddenly intervenes, this will force the original team to be replaced.

The Anbu's death rate is really high, because the people they face are not simple things.

It's okay not to be discovered, but once discovered, it may be really difficult to come back.

Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction when he saw this scene, but just when he was about to instill chicken soup for the soul into his teammates and bring them closer together, a voice suddenly rang.

"All assembled..."


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