The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 150: People with ANBU professional ethics

In the Kingdom of Rivers, Xia Yan stood among the ruins, his eyes staring at Chiyo in the distance.

At this moment, this location had been completely reduced to ruins by him and Chiyo.

The several large and small deep pits and the remains of the puppets all over the ground have shown how intense their battle was this time.

The moment Chiyo controlled the puppet to launch the attack, Xia Yan had already started to use the Flying Thunder God to attack.

However, Chiyo's position was a little far away, which made it impossible for him to directly lure him into the area full of flying thunder god seeds, so he could only keep cleaning up the puppets in this area.

Chiyo is naturally extremely cautious. As a puppet master, she doesn't like to be approached. She still vividly remembers the experience when Tsunade punched a puppet and almost hit her.

Although Natsuhiko is not as powerful as Tsunade, he is simply a huge pervert, but his speed and the weird flying thunder god are not comparable to Tsunade's.

To put it simply, you can see Tsunade's attack but you have no way to resist it. All you can do is dodge.

But you can't even see Xia Yan's attack, let alone his defense and avoidance.

Therefore, Chiyo always keeps a sufficient distance from Natsuhiko, and is always surrounded by defensive puppets.

As long as Xia Yan had any previous tendency, she would immediately retreat, and after Xia Yan retreated, she would not chase him easily, but would use a puppet to test him.

Although this kind of dismissal caused Chiyo to lose dozens of puppets in just a few minutes, she also found out the details of Xia Yan.

She found that the guy in front of her seemed to be always moving around a location with a radius of about thirty or forty meters.

However, Chiyo himself was a little unsure about this judgment, so he conducted a more thorough test.

She controlled all the melee taijutsu puppets in her hand, while the puppets responsible for long-range ninjutsu kept approaching the range with a distance of one meter.

The final result seemed to confirm her thoughts. All the puppets that entered the range of her judgment were quickly cleaned up by Xia Yan using the unpredictable Flying Thunder God technique.

As for those puppets that did not enter the range, he could only rely on the instantaneous technique to deal with them!

This discovery made Chiyo very happy. At this stage, ninjas still rely on intelligence to fight. With such intelligence, she can definitely make herself safer and have greater confidence in dealing with this guy.

After a stalemate for a long time, Xia Yan stood on the ruins and couldn't help but shook his head: "As expected of Chiyo-sama, it seems that you have discovered something."


Although Chiyo was a little proud, her vigilance did not relax at all.

"Your statement is indeed very good. I have always been curious about why the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato needs to rely on kunai to cooperate with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Even the former second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama is the same.

But now I seem to know that you made some modifications to the Flying Thunder God Technique, some genius-like modifications.

You have directly set up the Flying Thunder God Technique in an area, and in this area you are a god-like existence!

No wonder so many people besiege you, but you can kill them all without any damage.

No wonder even a guy like Viper couldn't escape your poisonous hands. I have to say that you are indeed amazing!

It's just that your settings have another consequence, which is that your mobility is almost lost.

Obviously you didn't chase it out, that's because it takes a certain amount of time for you to arrange all this, and it can't be done overnight.

Moreover, the limit of the range you can set should be about forty meters! "

Chiyo said very firmly, and Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded slightly. I have to say that Chiyo is indeed a very powerful ninja.

In addition to being super strong, ninjas also need to have a clear mind, because without a clear mind, they have no way to detect enough information about the enemy.

It was quite helpless for Chiyo to see through Xia Yan. After all, Chiyo used a puppet to attack him after keeping a distance from him. There was really nothing he could do.

He had thought about using lizards to complete the raid, but he had summoned Lizard Maru not long ago. He had to be careful. If his lizard was discovered by Chiyo, it would be troublesome.

"Yes, that's true." Thinking of this, Xia Yan nodded directly: "I have to say that Mr. Chiyo is really quite keen."

"So to deal with you, I just need to keep enough distance." Chiyo once again put his hands together, and the next moment the huge puppet appeared again: "And the sound of our fight will definitely attract other ninjas from Sunagakure Village. You are doomed!"

"That's right, it's just..."

Natsuhiko sighed slightly. He reached out and took out dozens of kunai from the ninja bag, and then took half of them with both hands.

"Why did Chiyo-sama decide that I didn't leave a way out for myself?

Moreover, since Chiyo-sama knows the flying thunder god technique of Nidaime-sama and Yondaime-sama.

So why do you decide that I won't use this method? "

Chiyo ignored Xia Yan. She had seen Xia Yan fight before and naturally she would not forget all this, but now she wanted to bet that this guy would not leave so easily.

In fact, her speed is not particularly fast. She knows this. If this kid wants to run away, she may not be able to catch up with him even if she wants to.

He naturally had his own reasons for staying. Chiyo was too lazy to think about it so much. No matter what the reason was, Chiyo was not going to miss it.

What's more, she still has questions, and a very important question that needs to be asked. How will she understand these questions if Xia Yan runs away now?

"Since Chiyo-sama wants to see my other ways of using the Flying Thunder God Technique, then naturally I will not disappoint Chiyo-sama."

Xia Yan smiled slightly. The sun in the sky shone on his face, making him look very sunny.

"Speaking of which, I met a very interesting guy last time. He is also very good at puppetry, and he has some relationship with Chiyo-sama."

"You..." Chiyo's face changed slightly: "You said that guy is..."

"Oh, it turns out that Chiyo-sama hasn't confirmed this matter yet." Xia Yan seemed to have discovered something interesting. He spread his hands regretfully: "In that case, it's better for me not to tell you this important top-secret information."

"After all, I am a person with ANBU professional ethics!"

As soon as the words fell, the kunai in Xia Yan's hand had already flown out...


" is this possible?"

In the Kingdom of Wind, people looked at the letters in their hands with somewhat inexplicable expressions. They were lucky, the letters carried by the letter eagle were not encrypted.

Maybe the situation at that time was too bad, or maybe the ANBU that processed the cipher text was killed, and they could only write in normal characters.

This was a lot more convenient for them, but when they started to read the contents of the letter seriously, they were all dumbfounded!

The speed of the Xinying has always been very fast. There is absolutely no doubt about this. For a person, it takes several days to walk, but for it, it is probably just a few hours.

The main reason is that the faith eagles have a certain amount of chakra, which has been cultivated since they were young.

With the help of these chakras and a favorable wind, their speed was simply faster than Xia Yan's plane in his previous life.

It has to be said that this world that has not embarked on the road of technology has also developed a different and convenient channel.

The letter about the arrival of this letter eagle happened not long ago. Although the information in it is not the latest information, the content contained in it is already shocking.

According to the information, Nightingale has killed more than a hundred people by himself, including not only the ninjas guarding the border, but also many ANBU!

Whether it was a viper or a vulture, they were all familiar opponents, but they all died at the hands of that guy.

The most terrible thing is that this guy has disappeared now, and judging from his ability and strength, he has most likely broken through the siege!

How can this be?

What happened?

Why did that kid suddenly have so much power and do such terrible things?

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out at all. Even a person like Takumi Murashima, who is almost like a machine, is feeling a lot of shock in his heart at this moment.

He made some comparisons in his mind. If he were Xia Yan and came to such an environment, could he break through the encirclement and kill more than a hundred people, including the enemies of the two ANBU brigades?

In the end, Murashima Takumi shook his head, because he found that there was no way he could do this.

It was a huge success that he could break through the siege and run back to the village. As for killing more than a hundred enemies, including the masters of ANBU, he felt that he might not be able to do it at all.

Taking a deep breath, Murashima Takumi forced himself to suppress the thoughts in his mind and returned to a calm state for the first time.

He didn't want to think about this because it didn't mean anything to him. He turned around and continued walking in the direction of River Country.

Now that the nightingale might be out of trouble, there was no need for them to stay here.

The most correct thing to do is to leave here as soon as possible to avoid being accidentally trapped...


When Natsuhiko's kunai came out of his hand, Chiyo immediately became extremely nervous.

Using kunai in conjunction with the Flying Thunder God is the greatest consensus among the ninja world on this technique.

Therefore, when Chiyo faced this kunai, she immediately began to react. The movements between her fingers accelerated the rhythm, and the chakra threads pulled the puppet to make further movements.

Under her control, dozens or hundreds of puppets launched an attack on Xia Yan in an orderly and cooperative manner. At the same time, there were also puppets responsible for intercepting the kunai.

The moment Xia Yan threw the kunai, he suddenly disappeared on the spot. This time it was not the Flying Thunder God's technique, but an ordinary teleportation technique.

But his teleportation technique is so fast that to the naked eye, it seems that there is not much difference between him and the Flying Thunder God!


With a fierce blow, a puppet was shattered by him, and then he turned his body slightly and threw several kunai out together.

The next moment his body disappeared again, and the place where he appeared was in the opposite direction from where he threw the kunai!

Chiyo didn't keep up with this speed at all. She had just intercepted the few kunai thrown around, but the next moment she found Xia Yan's figure suddenly appeared again.

Immediately afterwards, those puppets had no time to be controlled, and they were destroyed by him one by one!

"Deliberately not teleporting, or are these kunai simply fake?"

Chiyo gritted her teeth. She didn't understand why this kid still had such strong fighting power even now.

You must know that he fought all the way here. The lives of hundreds of sand ninjas ended in his hands, and he also summoned a huge psychic beast!

Such frequency of fighting, such consumption of fighting energy, resulted in the fact that when he was duel with himself now, his chakra was still so full and his physical strength was still so abundant.

What exactly is going on?

Chiyo couldn't understand that even if the kid in front of him was not using the Flying Thunder God, he was much slower at cleaning up his own puppets.

But if he was so slow, it would still be unimaginable in Sunagakure Village!

Konoha, why are there so many geniuses?

Chiyo gritted her teeth, and then she unceremoniously used the puppets to release a large-scale ninjutsu. At the same time, other puppets also began to fire hidden weapons at this moment.

Such a large-scale coverage, even if she knew that it was most likely useless, after all, the opponent would probably turn around and run out of the coverage area, and this would also be a challenge to her chakra.

But she knows better that if she doesn't do this, then it won't be long before these puppets of hers will be cleaned up!

"Buzz buzz!"

At this moment, several kunai suddenly flew through the ninjutsu and flew directly to her surroundings. These kunai looked a little worn, obviously caused by being covered by ninjutsu.

But seeing these kunai, Chiyo couldn't help but feel tight. The next moment, she quickly used the puppets protecting her to bounce away the kunai one by one.

"No teleportation?"

After flicking away four or five kunai, Chiyo suddenly realized something was wrong. The flying speeds of these kunai varied, and he was not very fast at cleaning them.

Normally, this is definitely enough for one person to teleport, but the kid doesn't seem to have such an idea at all?

"Are you really just fooling people?"

Chiyo thought silently, her eyes staring at Xia Yan who was still avoiding ninjutsu and ninja tools in the periphery, but the next moment she suddenly felt that her eyes were blurry.

Xia Yan, who was still waving his ninja sword vigorously, suddenly disappeared, and then there was a loud noise in his ears!

Such noises continued, and she also felt that she and the four puppets close to her had lost contact almost simultaneously at this moment...


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