"It's really troublesome, will it never end?"

Xia Yan could not help but frown as he felt the aura getting closer and closer. He admitted that he had stolen Sunagakure's home.

Even if this time the thief completely took advantage of the asymmetry of intelligence information, Namikaze Minato had never come to Sunagakure Village to fight, and the people here did not particularly understand his strength.

In addition, Xia Yan unexpectedly got something extremely important to him, and relied on his own strength to mature all the seeds he planted and liberated his chakra.

In the end, it was completely dependent on the newly acquired Wood Release, and relying on the abilities given by the plug-in to combine the seeds condensed by the Flying Thunder God and Wood Release.

This resulted in him stealing a house alone, but the other party couldn't do anything to him.

If he didn't have enough chakra, everything would be nonsense.

If he hadn't learned to fly the Thunder God, whether he would dare to run to Sunagakure Village alone was a question.

However, his chakra is not unlimited. Even if he recovers quickly, his body recovers quickly, but his energy may not recover that quickly.

There is no doubt that human energy is limited. His mental power is already strong enough, but it cannot stop him from using his perception to fight.

"The person who came here has a lot of chakra, and his speed is not too slow. It seems that he will be difficult to deal with this time."

Xia Yan took a deep breath and simply stopped and stood there.

This kind of pursuit also made him a little bored. He was almost out of trouble anyway, so he didn't care to vent his emotions and leave a deeper impression on these sand ninjas!

He casually put the envelope he had just taken out back into his ninja bag, Xia Yan's chakra rippled slightly, and in an instant his feet were once again covered with wood escape tree species.

He was also curious about who would be chasing him this time.

Judging from the chakra strength, it is definitely not a simple thing, which made Xia Yan think of several people.

“Could it be the Fourth Kazekage?

It's possible, but isn't this guy going to the Bear Country to confront Iwagakure?

Wasn't Ye Cang sent out because of this?

If it wasn't the Fourth Kazekage, then who else in Sunagakure Village had such chakra.

Ebizo? No, chakra is not like this.

Could it be that old woman Chiyo? "

Xia Yan quickly eliminated them in his mind and basically locked on two people - one was the Fourth Kazekage Rasa and the other was Chiyo.

However, he felt that it was more likely to be Chiyo, because the chakra he sensed was somewhat similar to the Scorpion he encountered last time.

That is, there are obvious traces of non-human beings in this chakra. Apart from those crazy puppet masters, Xia Yan really can't think of anyone else who can do this.

Even though he is a non-human like Kakuzu, his chakra aura still belongs to the human category.

Waiting quietly, Xia Yan had completely arranged Mu Dun's seeds, and each seed was covered with his Flying Thunder God mark.

In this field, he will definitely be the strongest one.

"However, this technique also has shortcomings, that is, once I leave this domain, I am afraid I can only rely on lizards and kunai to complete the Flying Thunder God."

Xia Yan couldn't move at the same time, but he could also gather the tree species and quickly arrange the flying thunder god.

This has nothing to do with chakra, but is linked to his chakra.

But this is also very easy to handle. He just needs to keep practicing. With the help of the system, he can definitely do it easily.

And when he goes back, he has to start looking for new seeds again.

His current state is very strong, so strong that he is a little scared, but he knows that if he needs to improve, the best way is still to rely on seeds.

He didn't know if he had other talents with chakra attributes. Even if he had, he wouldn't be able to train them to be the same as his natural ones.

But seeds are different. Even if you are not born with the ability in this area, these seeds have become something that belongs to you under the nourishment of your chakra.

The fruits it condenses can make you feel as if you are born with this talent. This is something Xia Yan's own practice cannot match.

In addition, there is the Immortal Mode. As a person who has no learning path for the Immortal Mode at all, he has no other way but to rely on seeds.

"Just think of it as a full-power experience card." Xia Yan thought helplessly: "It would be great if I could control the intensity of the seeds devouring chakra, for example, when I need all the chakra to fight, it would be great to automatically disconnect the planting mode. ah."

If this step can be achieved, it will definitely be a huge improvement for Xia Yan's strength.

But let's just think about this kind of thing. It's not like he hasn't tried it before, but the final result is this.

After the seed left the chakra, it withered and died, which made him waste a seed that he had finally found.

From now on, Xia Yan would really rather have less chakra than let a seed be destroyed directly.

Anyway, for him, his fighting style doesn't really require too much chakra. He can't just go to other people's villages and have fun like this, right?


Just as Xia Yan was thinking, he suddenly raised his head and looked not far away, and saw an old woman who looked to be in her fifties or sixties running towards her. It was obvious that this guy was Chiyo.

However, before Natsuhiko could say anything, Chiyo took action without any nonsense!


Countless anvils cut through the air, making a shrill roar, and the huge coverage area completely locked Xia Yan.

Moreover, these thousand books showed a touch of green under the sunlight. It was obvious that Chiyo, the old woman, was definitely poisoned!

"As for it?"

Upon seeing this, Xia Yan immediately activated the Flying Thunder God. He didn't think he could hide within such a coverage area.

Fortunately, he walked back many meters after setting up the Flying Thunder God's domain. At least he didn't have to worry about half of it being destroyed before he could use it.

Flying Thunder God traveled through space, and Xia Yan instantly came to a position relatively close to Chiyo. He instantly drew his ninja sword without any hesitation.

This woman is obviously crazy now. There is no point in talking nonsense with her. In this case, let's fight directly.

The ninja sword instantly appeared a blue color in his hand, and then his speed exploded. The teleportation technique at this moment was like a real teleportation, bringing him directly to Chiyo's side.

Chiyo's reaction speed is also extremely fast, or she already knows Xia Yan's routine, and she has already prepared countermeasures.

The moment Natsuhiko swung his sword, a strange puppet appeared silently between him and Chiyo.

This puppet is holding a shield in one hand and a sharp ninja sword in the other hand. Its ninja sword is slightly forward. It is obvious that Xia Yan is about to be pierced by this ninja sword if he takes half a step forward. Got it!


Without the slightest hesitation, Xia Yan once again launched the Flying Thunder God Technique in mid-air. He instantly returned to the rear, looking like a ghost who had never launched an attack at all.

"It's really dangerous." Xia Yan looked at the puppet and couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "Chiyo-sama's puppet master is really the best, and his method of summoning puppets is even more mysterious. If I react slower, I'm afraid I will really die in front of Chiyo-sama. It’s in hand.”

"You are so hypocritical to the extreme, it's really disgusting." Chiyo looked at Xia Yan with an angry face, but the vigilance in her eyes was also clear: "Are you people in Konoha so hypocritical?"

"Is it hypocritical?" Xia Yan tilted his head, and then he said with a smile: "Maybe it seems hypocritical to Master Chiyo, but why is your village not hypocritical? I dare to ask Master Chiyo, if you hadn't taken the initiative to attack me, why would I? What about fighting back?"

"You entered the Kingdom of Wind without a pass. Is there any problem if we capture you?" Chiyo said righteously.

"Chiyo-sama, I suddenly discovered that we are really similar in one thing."

"What's the meaning?"

"That is, we all have a flexible moral bottom line."

Xia Yan slowly took off his mask and looked at Chiyo with a gentle smile, but such a smile was like endless ridicule in Chiyo's eyes.

She naturally knew that what she said was nonsense, and she knew even more clearly that it was really Sunagakure Village's own idea that caused such a big thing this time.

But as a member of Sunagakure Village, she must safeguard the interests of Sunagakure Village no matter what the outcome.

As for what flexible moral bottom line is?

As a high-level executive of Sunagakure Village, if she really cared about things like morality and bottom line, especially for a person from another village, then she wouldn't be where she is today!

With a cold snort, Chiyo raised her hands, and the next moment three puppets with huge shields appeared beside her.

In addition, smoke continued to appear all around, and dozens of puppets also appeared at this moment.

It's obvious that Chiyo doesn't want to continue talking, she's going to take action!

"Have you been poked to a painful point?" Xia Yan seemed to have not seen the large number of puppets at all. He shook his head gently with a smile on his face: "However, if I were Chiyo-sama, I would do the same thing. Choice, after all, we are not good people."

"Go to hell!" Chiyo didn't intend to talk nonsense at all. She pulled her hands at this moment, and all the puppets rushed towards Xia Yan in an instant.

Faced with so many puppets, Xia Yan was still calm. Some of these puppets were good at close-range techniques, and some were also good at using ninjutsu to suppress them.

But no matter which one it is, the pressure is acceptable to him.

The only troublesome thing is that as a puppet master, Xia Yan doesn't think Chiyo will miss the opportunity to use poison.

Xia Yan's original ability to resist poison was not very good. Almost every time he encountered a ninja who used poison, he would consciously take an antidote.

But now he was facing a poison master, and he seriously doubted whether those antidotes were really effective enough.

After all, he is not Senju Hashirama. The ancestor of the Senju clan is really powerful. He seems not to know what poison is at all, because his body is not afraid of poison at all.

Although Xia Yan also obtained the power of Asura, what he obtained was simply a defective product.

This incomplete product can almost make him reach the sky in one step now, but in fact, this kind of power would be completely unsatisfactory decades ago, or more than ten years later.

Poison generally doesn't care what your strength is, whether you should overturn or overturn if you are not careful.

"Let's fight it as quickly as possible."

Xia Yan thought silently, then he quickly took out an antidote and stuffed it in his mouth.

“Although I don’t think it’s of much use, it’s a good choice to comfort yourself.

Even if he is really poisoned, as long as he subdues Chiyo, there is no way to get the antidote! "

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan's eyes became serious. Those puppets had already rushed in front of him, and he naturally wanted to do something.


"Didn't those sand ninjas behind you come after you?"

In the Kingdom of Wind, in the desert dozens of kilometers away from Sand Hidden Village, Murashima Takumi glanced behind him, and then asked.

They attacked the troops in the Yitian Fortress, and even killed a lot of Sand Ninjas, and waited until reinforcements arrived before they chose to evacuate.

It's just that the reinforcements didn't seem to have much thought in tracking them. Even if they slowed down a little, those guys still didn't catch up.

This made Murashima Takumi a little strange. What surprised him the most was that not only the garrison did not pursue them, but the ANBU also did the same.

"It seems that they really didn't come after me." The owl also looked back, and it took him a long time before he spoke.

But soon, he raised his head keenly, because a letter eagle was flying towards him quickly.

Judging from the direction of its flight, this trust eagle should be coming from the border of the Kingdom of Wind, and its final direction is obviously also the Kingdom of Wind.

This made him mentally shaken slightly, and then he immediately started forming seals quickly.

In an instant, a strong wind roared past, and the flight path of the trust eagle in the sky was also changed at this moment.

It kept flying its wings up and down, and the next moment a cold light flashed, and the trust eagle was thrown directly from the sky.

The owl ran over quickly, and then he took out a bamboo tube from the foot of the letter eagle.

After thinking for a moment, Owl brought the bamboo tube back and handed it to the ANBU beside him.

"Let's see if we can decrypt it." Owl said quickly: "If there are no accidents, it should contain information about the border. If we can know the information inside, then we will have greater initiative."

"I can only say that I will give it a try." As a result, the ANBU of the bamboo tube hesitated, and then quickly replied: "Even if I can open this bamboo tube, but you also know that if they use cipher text, I can't decipher it. "

"I know, it's just a try. After all, we don't know anything about what's ahead now."

"I understand, I will do my best..."


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