"Finally back to the Land of Fire."

Standing on the border of the Fire Country, Xia Yan stretched slightly.

It has taken him almost a month since the mission started, and he has been in a cautious state for more than a month.

Even after entering the territory of the River Kingdom, he did not act so arrogantly. After all, half of the River Kingdom was under the control of the Wind Kingdom.

Being too high-profile in this place, it was hard to tell what kind of trouble it would cause, not to mention he also knew that among the ANBU he killed, there were actually two captains.

One was Viper, the guy who was instantly killed by Xia Yan using Wood Release and Flying Thunder God.

The other one was a person he accidentally killed when he was constantly fighting with the Sunagakure ninja.

I have to say that the death of these two ANBU captains was a bit aggrieved, and I have to say that the Flying Thunder God Jutsu is really the most terrifying ninjutsu in this era that has not yet evolved to the "Legend of the Eyes"!

But whoever it is, no matter how strong they are, as long as their defense is not strong enough to withstand the Ninja Tool, or they don't have a second life.

Once it is locked by the Flying Thunder God and launches a surprise attack, its fate can basically be determined.

"Yeah, I'm finally back." Kakashi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Although he did not participate in this mission, after all, he was sent away by Xia Yan before it even started, but he never really returned to the Kingdom of Fire.

He has been staying near the border of River Country, constantly inquiring about Natsuhiko's information, and also summarized and passed this information to Namikaze Minato.

In addition, he must always be careful about the woman Ye Cang, so that she can neither be discovered nor starve to death.

It can be said that he was somewhat mentally and physically exhausted during this period, and his task was indeed not light at all. He was living a truly frightening time.

Fortunately, Natsuhiko ran to the River Country, and the location where Kakashi chose to lurk was exactly the route Natsuhiko had to pass.

And Kakashi is also very smart. He left a lot of Anbu codes in this place, and Natsuhiko also discovered these codes after coming here, and only then did he know that Kakashi had never gone back.

However, after Natsuhiko found Kakashi, he was not moved at all. He scolded Kakashi unceremoniously.

Kakashi was honest. Although he was scolded, he didn't say anything back at all because he knew that he had indeed disobeyed Natsuhiko's order.

After they cleared up the remaining codes, they set off towards Konoha together, and spent many days avoiding various inspections, and slowly ran back to the Land of Fire.

"If you hadn't disobeyed my order, you would have come back long ago."

Natsuhiko rolled his eyes at Kakashi, and took a look at Ye Cang, who was tied up with ropes, with a rag stuffed in his mouth and chakra sealed, and he sighed helplessly.

"At least now, we don't have to worry about a troublesome person being exposed all the way through the city."

For Xia Yan, this Ye Cang is really a huge trouble, but the value of her existence makes Xia Yan reluctant to kill her directly.

Therefore, they really can only hold on to the soy sauce bottle and keep moving forward. Otherwise, if she runs away, it will not only be a big loss, but also the trouble will become bigger.

Not to mention anything else, if she lured the troops from the River Country to Sunagakure Village, that would not be a good thing for either of them.

Even if Natsuhiko has obtained the details about her mission, he can't take it out now. Then this woman may be even more unscrupulous in wanting to return to Sunagakure to figure out everything.

"I was really lucky this time. Not only did I complete the necessary tasks, but I also completed the tasks I needed to complete. I even managed to complete some tasks unexpectedly."

The harvest this time was indeed so rich that even Xia Yan himself felt a little incredible. In addition to the previous additional goals, he also got a lot of things from Chiyo!

Chiyo finally gave in, even though her eyes were almost spitting fire, even though her blood pressure was high and her fists were shaking.

But in the end, she made a concession for the reputation of Sand Hidden Village and for Scorpion's information.

She used intelligence information that betrayed Sunagakure's interests one by one to recover some information that must not be leaked easily, and she also got the information she wanted.

It seemed that she was not losing money or even making a profit, but in fact, what she did was to make Sunagakure Village completely fall into the control of Konoha.

It's like if the fuse of the explosive is stretched, it will only delay the explosion time of the explosive, but there is no way to really prevent the explosive from exploding.

But she really had no choice, and Xia Yan didn't give her any choice. In the end, she could only give Xia Yan what he needed to calm things down.

The decryption of ANBU's cipher text and the information about reincarnations, these two things fell completely into Xia Yan's hands.

He was already sure that the decrypted ANBU code was true. After all, he had a letter in his hand that he had found from the ANBU Captain Viper.

And after some interpretation, Xia Yan was shocked to find that this letter was posted by Luo Sha himself, with the purpose of letting Viper go to Kirigakure Village after completing the mission.

The purpose of his mission is simple, that is, to recover Ye Cang's body.

Although Ye Cang's body may have been studied almost completely by the time he reached Kirigakure Village, what should be recovered still needed to be recovered, even if it was a bit deceptive.

But no matter what, Xia Yan finally got part of the evidence that Sunagakure Village was going to betray Ye Cang.

As long as we use this kind of evidence properly and wait for her to calm down and show her cards after she returns to Konoha, then maybe Natsuhiko really tricked her into rebelling against me.

"It's just that it won't take long for the secret text of the ANBU to be decrypted, and it will be forcibly modified by Ebizo in various forms. After all, I'm afraid there really aren't many secrets between Ebizo and Chiyoko."

Xia Yan still knew very well that it wouldn't take long for him to get the cipher text and decrypt it, and it would be a dream to use it in exchange for credit.

After all, this is something that is completely harmful to Sunagakure Village. If Sunagakure Village does not change, then the entire Sunagakure Village will completely have no secrets in front of Konoha.

No one could tolerate this kind of thing, and Xia Yan didn't expect them to do nothing.

As for the information about the reincarnation, Xia Yan was even more unsure whether it was true or not.

After all, Chiyo gave him pleasure, and Xia Yan took it happily. The combination of such pleasure things may not result in pleasure.

But it's better than nothing. Maybe he can actually find something interesting from this information.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

Xia Yan shook his head and put the thoughts in his mind back, and then he spoke.

"Let's go back to Konoha."


It took nearly a week for Natsuhiko and Kakashi to lead Yakura back to Konoha, which made them sigh in relief.

The journey into the Country of Fire was not very uneasy. After all, the Country of Fire was Konoha's sphere of influence, so it was enough for them to be cautious as necessary.

However, after being out for so long and encountering so many troublesome things, they couldn't help but feel really relieved when they returned to Konoha.

As for Ye Cang, he also feels relieved now.

To be honest, she really didn't expect that she would be captured so easily, which made her extremely unwilling.

However, when she discovered that there was only one person guarding her, she had the intention of running away.

But sadly, her chakra was sealed, and her whole body was tied tightly, and she was in a coma for a long time.

If her caretakers were not worried about her death, they would wake her up regularly and give her food and give her a chance to clean herself up.

I'm afraid Ye Cang will starve to death a long time ago, or it will already stink.

It's a pity that the place where she cleaned up was completely in a blind spot, without even a window.

In addition, her chakra was sealed and she didn't eat enough food for a long time. Her physical condition had already reached its limit, and she couldn't resist even if she wanted to.

She didn't know when such days would end, and she didn't know why this guy who looked like Kakashi still didn't take her back to Konoha, but she could only endure it.

Finally, after enduring for almost a month, Ye Cang finally met the person who defeated her.

And Ye Cang also realized that this guy might have performed some ulterior secret mission in Sand Hidden Village.

This made Ye Cang extremely angry and at the same time wanted to escape from this place.

However, what made her even more desperate was that this Bai Mao was more hateful than the other Bai Mao, and it made her even more helpless.

The seal that she had spent nearly a month trying to wear away was actually filled by this guy. In addition, this guy also monitored her more strictly.

The guy suspected of being Kakashi would at least give himself some private space to sort out his personal problems.

But this guy doesn't care that much at all. Although he doesn't stare at him all the time, he doesn't give himself any privacy at all.

But in essence, it's almost the same, because Ye Cang accidentally learned from the chat between the two Bai Mao that this guy called the captain is actually a sentient ninja!

It is not difficult for a perceptual ninja to understand everything about himself through perception.

Thinking of this, Ye Cang really got chills all over.

She would rather return to the previous state of being guarded by the suspected Kakashi, at least then she could be sure that she still had some space.

But now it's better. Although coming to Konoha is basically equivalent to losing her freedom, at least she won't be as miserable as she is now.

A group of three people arrived at the side door of Konoha. The ninja responsible for verification at the side door seemed a little surprised when they knew that it was Natsuhiko who had returned. Then, while letting Natsuhiko and others go, they immediately reported the incident to the Hokage.

"It seems that we are going to be busy again." Xia Yan shook his head helplessly when he saw this: "You take this woman back to the branch and lock her up so that no problems arise. I will go directly to the Hokage's office."

"Yes, Captain." Kakashi was also very smart, and he nodded directly and replied.

The expressions of the ANBU who were guarding the gate just now said it all. I am afraid that what Natsuhiko did now has been completely spread among the high-level officials of Konoha.

It won't even take long, I'm afraid this matter will be spread among the high-level people of the entire ninja world, and it will be a normal thing.

Each village has a lot of intelligence personnel buried in other villages. These intelligence personnel naturally serve the supreme ruler of each other's ninja village.

Therefore, I am afraid that ordinary ninjas have no way of knowing this information, but for upper-level ninjas, it is really not a secret.

Natsuhiko himself is a Konoha ninja, and with the transmission of Kakashi's information, it is reasonable for Konoha to know these things faster.

Now that Natsuhiko is back, he naturally needs to report the situation as soon as possible, so as a team member, Kakashi needs to handle some things for the captain Natsuhiko.

Looking at Kakashi's leaving back, Xia Yan nodded silently, then turned around and ran in the other direction.

Along the way, he was also thinking about how he was going to make a report. After all, what he had done during this trip was too big.

But since he was nowhere to be seen for such a long time after escaping for the first time, he had to think of a realistic answer.

It’s impossible to tell the truth, but I went to the Dragon Vein and completed a wave of transformation through the meat pieces I found at the root of the Thousand-Hand Pillars, right?

Thinking about it, it is impossible to say such a thing. It is no different from seeking death.

"Speaking of which, although I recovered the piece of meat from Senju Hashirama, the power contained in it seems to have disappeared. What should I do?"

Senju Hashirama's meat pieces were stuffed into the tree by Natsu Yan, which accidentally gave the tree strange powers. These powers were extracted by Natsu Yan and made him what he is now.

But the problem is that what was originally Xia Yan's trump card also lost its unique power at that moment.

Even though Xia Yan dug it out again, the size remained unchanged.

But Xia Yan felt that even an ordinary person could detect this piece of meat, which was definitely completely different from before.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan felt that it was better not to think about this problem now. Dealing with the current difficulties first was the most important thing.

As for this piece of meat, if it really doesn't work, Xia Yan thinks that maybe he can pay another visit to the kind-hearted Lord Shimura Danzo.

The last time I found something in his laboratory, this time I went to visit. Although I may not have the same harvest as before, how would I know if I didn't try it?

"I hope Danzo-sama won't disappoint me. If it doesn't work out, I will really go get your records this time..."


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