"That's basically what happened, above."

In the Hokage's office, Natsuhiko stood aside and explained all the circumstances of this mission carefully and comprehensively in front of Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Even if Xia Yan knew it very well, I am afraid that these people in this office have basically obtained the information, and there are even some things that he is more familiar with than himself, the client.

After all, he withdrew immediately after taking action, and he didn't know exactly how much damage it caused.

However, the existence of intelligence always needs to be proven by each other, especially those in high positions. They do not completely believe in a single piece of information. Even if they believe it, they still want to know more.

Therefore, Natsuhiko spoke in great detail, whether he was the first to kill six ANBU when facing Ebizo, and then deliberately led them into the wrong direction during the breakout process, and even killed two more teams.

Later, in order to slowly wear down Sunagakure's patience, he found an oasis to hide, and finally used the Flying Thunder God Technique and cooperated with Lizard Maru to completely break out of the encirclement. He told them in great detail.

In order to avoid some minor troubles, Xia Yan even told the story of how he killed the sealing class and how Chiyo chased them.

But just like the key information he had hidden before, whether it was Little Lizard or Loulan, or his sudden increase in strength, he did not explain in detail, including some of the transactions between him and Chiyo.

In his mouth, Chiyo only caught up with him after he accidentally found the sealing team of Sunagakure Village and annihilated them in one fell swoop.

Probably because his actions left some traces, Chiyo had the direction to follow.

But in the end, he still relied on the Flying Thunder God Technique to continue to deal with, and after destroying enough puppets, he suddenly escaped when Chiyo was extremely wary of him launching an attack here.

"I didn't expect you to kill the sealing team of Sunagakure Village." After Natsuhiko finished speaking for a long time, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but sigh: "It's been a thrilling journey."

It was indeed thrilling. Even Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others, who had already known a lot of information, couldn't help but feel this way after getting more complete information from Xia Yan.

Everything this kid has gone through is really depressing. After all, the level of trouble Xia Yan has encountered can be described as extreme!

Facing such a huge siege, if someone else had come, he would have been forced to sit down, but Xia Yan behaved completely differently.

He was calm and smart, and fully used the power he had learned. He kept playing hide and seek with Sunagakure, waiting for the right time to break through. Not only did he leave behind hundreds of enemy corpses, but he also made himself run away. return.

This boy's strength and character really made Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others feel that they were really old.

"By the way, I heard that you also captured a woman?" After sighing, Hiruzen Sarutobi slowly asked, "Who is that woman?"

"That's Ye Cang." Xia Yan was already prepared, and he answered directly: "When we were performing the task of repatriating Yasha Maru, she suddenly appeared and attacked us, but I recognized her identity, so we Caught her."

"Storm Escape Leaf Cang?" Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but froze when he heard this.

Zhuo Dun Ye Cang, their name is naturally familiar to them.

After all, this woman performed extremely well both during the war and later in dealing with Kirigakure's revenge.

Especially her Burning Release, the power of this Blood Successor's limit is also surprising enough. If this woman can be captured, then Konoha will naturally be able to study her Blood Successor.

Compared to Sarutobi Hiruzen's surprise, Namikaze Minato seemed much calmer. He had known about this for a long time.

"Yes, it's her." Xia Yan nodded seriously, and then he continued: "And I also got some information, so I have a plan."

"What information?" Minato Namikaze also asked curiously: "Did you get any other information?"

"Yes, please ask the two Hokage-samas to read it." Natsuhiko immediately took out the letter found on Viper and handed it to Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato.

"This is..." Sarutobi Hiruzen took the initiative to take the letter, then spread it out and read it with Namikaze Minato.

This letter was completely written in the cipher text of Sand Hidden Village. However, what they didn't expect was that there was a complete translation of the cipher text on the letter!

Seeing such a translation, the two of them raised their heads and looked at Xia Yan. Naturally, they knew very well what such a translation meant.

"The decryption of the cipher text was found from an ANBU, and this letter was obtained from Viper."

Xia Yan knew what they wanted to ask, so he said directly.

“But unfortunately, I didn’t know what I found the first time.

Moreover, I don’t have time to destroy the body and eliminate all traces, so..."

"I understand." After hearing such words, both Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato couldn't help but shook their heads in disappointment.

However, they will not blame Natsuhiko for this matter. Indeed, with such a decryption, Sunagakure Village will have no secrets in front of Konoha.

But in Xia Yan's crisis situation, he didn't have much choice but to run away, and he was also besieged by a large number of ninjas.

If he really took the time to destroy the body and eliminate all traces, it would be a question of whether he could come back.

Besides, he didn't know what he had found, so it was understandable that he would act a little rough.

After sighing slightly, they both began to read seriously, but as they flipped through, their expressions changed slightly.

"This..." Namikaze Minato looked at the content translated by Natsuhiko in astonishment. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed a little silent. To be honest, Rasa's approach was not very popular, but to be fair, his approach was more realistic.

In his opinion, there is nothing wrong with using one's life to exchange for the stability of the village so that the village can deal with bigger troubles.

But the mistake was that this matter was exposed!

Such exposure will definitely plunge Sand Hidden Village directly into a situation of eternal disaster, even if his starting point is indeed for the village.

Of course, we can't rule out the possibility that this Ye Cang may not belong to Luo Sha's faction, so Luo Sha plans to take the opportunity to eliminate this woman.

Shaking his head slightly, Sarutobi Hiruzen was too lazy to think about this matter. After all, it was someone else who was unlucky.

"What are your plans?" After calming down his emotions, Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly asked: "About this woman Ye Cang."

"Of course, I will imprison her first. Her value is very high, especially her blood successor." Xia Yan said calmly: "As for the future, I hope to find a way to instigate her rebellion."

"After all, this is an excellent thing that can hit Sunagakure, and we can also get more information. I think we shouldn't miss it..."


After reporting all the circumstances of the matter and his own thoughts, Xia Yan got a fairly objective holiday as expected.

For an ANBU, vacation is basically a reward for doing well.

Of course, even if you are given a vacation, the material rewards will definitely not be less, and may even be much more than other regular mission ninjas.

After all, the danger of ANBU lies there, and the tasks they perform are difficult for ordinary ninjas to deal with.

If the Anbu want to work hard, in addition to the blessing of faith, there is absolutely no way they can get less rewards. For example, Xia Yan's mission this time also allowed him to get a large commission.

This amount of commission is almost one-third of Asma's future bounty. Why does this make Xia Yan unhappy?

He has not forgotten the transaction between him and Sara, but he still owes Sara a large sum of money.

With such a large reward, he can completely smooth out the money and still have a lot left for himself.

"Having money can solve a lot of troubles, and taking a vacation is also a good thing."

After Natsuhiko left the Hokage Building, he was mentally walking and thinking.

"But I don't know what the current situation of the Third Brigade is. I, the captain, have really neglected my duties."

Since taking over the Third Battalion, Xia Yan actually spent very little time in the Third Battalion. After all, he turned around and ran to Sunagakure Village.

He really doesn't have a detailed and clear idea of ​​what his team is like now.

He left the task of training the team members to Yu Yu, whether they were new recruits or people the Senju clan asked him to put in, he gave it to this guy.

He didn't really know what was going on now, but he felt that if Trout wasn't stupid, he would be able to complete these tasks well.

"It seems that during this vacation, I have to go back to the brigade to see the current situation, and there is one more thing that needs to be dealt with."

Xia Yan thought silently, after all, he did still have a lot of things to deal with, such as Ye Cang's matter, he also needed to deal with it properly.

Natsuhiko's plan was to see if he could let the woman Hagura stay in Konoha. Not only could he get a lot of information about Sunagakure from her, but it would also make it easier for Konoha to study her blood successor.

The most important thing is that this woman's fighting ability is really not weak, even if she loses to him and is still close to an instant kill.

But that was accomplished by Xia Yan relying on the Flying Thunder God. In this era, there are really not many people who can resist the Flying Thunder God.

Not even Chiyo was defeated at his own hands. It was completely normal for Ye Cang to be nearly killed instantly without any information about him.

Just wanting to instigate rebellion against her is not an easy task, and of course it is definitely not something so difficult that it is impossible to do.

Xia Yan planned to have a good meeting with Ye Cang during this holiday, and then also planned to have a good chat with her.

Anyway, he had already reported this matter to Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato, and no matter what the reason, neither of them had any objection.

Of course, it was impossible for them to object. After all, no matter who the ANBU belonged to now, it was the ANBU belonging to Hokage.

Natsuhiko emphasized that Ye Cang was incited to rebel and enter the Anbu, so this is a good thing for the current beneficiary is Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the future beneficiary is Namikaze Minato.

Even though the two of them still have a lot of conflicts, they still unconsciously stand on the same line on some things.

However, Xia Yan himself also knew that he had to go faster. The longer some things are delayed, the more likely unnecessary problems will occur.

"It seems that we have to wrong Kakashi again. We can let him lead the team to perform some tasks. By the way, we can also train the guys from the Senju family."

Regarding the use of Kakashi, Xia Yanke never had any idea about whether it would be overused.

What's more, he felt that only Kakashi could handle this matter well. After all, he had been guarding Ye Cang for some time and was quite familiar with them.

Is it possible that Xia Yan still needs to take action in this matter himself?

Obviously, Natsuhiko does not intend to do this, and Konoha will probably not allow him to do this.

How unbecoming is it for a captain to run around all day long, especially since the Third Brigade obviously still has a lot of unresolved situations. Even if Xia Yan wants to go out, he must deal with the matters in the Third Brigade.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan quickened his pace. He wanted to go back to his home and have a good rest after being away for so long.

Although he knew that after returning, he would probably have to report the results, but in comparison, it was just a simple report, which was much more comfortable than being in Sunagakure Village.

"Just in time, we can also take this opportunity to get some information about Mu Dun."


"Scorching Escape Ye Cang?"

Under the Hokage Rock, in the root base, Danzo looked at the report in his hand and the photos attached to the report, and could not help but murmur in a low voice.

As the owner of the root and one of the largest intelligence agencies in Konoha, Danzo naturally recognized who the person inside was right away!

Natsuhiko and the others entered Konoha through the side door of Konoha. Not only were ANBU people stationed there, but people from the same Roots were also observing from the dark.

This kind of change also happened recently. When Natsuhiko returned to Konoha, no one from the roots showed up.

Therefore, he did not investigate carefully himself. In fact, he did not know that this matter really had something to do with him.

After all, for the roots, they were shocked to find that they had lost something important!

It is precisely because of this that Genbu is now in a relatively tense situation. Danzo does not dare to report this matter casually. He needs to conduct a serious investigation.

Therefore, people from the root appeared there, and it was only natural to secretly investigate everyone who came in and out.

But Danzo really didn't expect that he would get such an interesting record photo here, and it would actually be Sunagakure's Hagura!

"This woman is a good prospect..."

Danzo secretly thought that it would be okay if he didn't know, but now that he knew, he had to do something.

For the roots, for the leaves.

This woman can only make the best choice for Konoha by getting to the root...


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