Natsuhiko's life back in Konoha has become very comfortable, especially since he is currently on vacation.

He didn't need to worry every day whether he was discovered by the people of Sunagakure Village, nor did he need to think about whether the chakra of the dragon vein had touched the Flying Thunder God's seal, and Namikaze Minato discovered it.

There is also no need for him to get up early in the morning and go to the ANBU to report, and there is no need to worry about a lot of mission reports and task assignments that bother him.

Now he just needs to stay at home quietly, or do what he wants to do without leaving the village. Everything can be done as he pleases within the rules.

"It feels really good, even though I feel like I'm retiring early."

Of course, early retirement is just a thought. Even though he was thinking about retirement on the first day of work in his previous life, everything is different now.

Sitting at his home, flipping through the information in his hands, Xia Yan frowned from time to time.

The things he was reading were obviously a bit difficult, but he needed to look at them carefully and think about them even if they were difficult.

Because these information are what he got from Senju Xiangma about Senju Hashirama's experience and records of wood escape!

It is not a simple matter to get this information from this elder, but it is not a difficult matter for Xia Yan.

Because after he specifically showed off his Mudun ability, Senju Xiangzhen's eyes widened, and he even thought that he had seen it wrong.

However, after some confirmation, he knew that he had not misjudged the chakra that was full of life.

This kid, Xia Yan, has truly gained the ability to escape from wood!

"How did you do it?"

"I don't know either. I suddenly awakened a power when I was on a mission in Sand Hidden Village. Then I discovered that I could condense the power of Wood Release, even if it was just seeds."

"I understand, I will provide you with the information."

"Then, thank you very much, elder."

Senju Xiangzhen didn't have any good solution to Natsu Yan's almost perfunctory attitude, but after seeing the tree species summoned by Natsu Yan, he had to admit it.

That means Xia Yan has indeed mastered, or at least awakened the power of Mu Dun.

Although this incident made Senju Xiangzhen a little unbelievable, and it also made him feel confused, but he knew one thing, that is, Xia Yan belongs to the Senju clan!

A member of the Senju clan, this was his family, and the birth of Mudun within this clan was of unparalleled importance.

This can be regarded as a symbol of the family's rise again. Senju Xiangzhen was naturally very excited, even though he had all kinds of injustices and fears about Xia Yan in his heart.

After all, he has not forgotten Xia Yan's obviously reluctant expression when he sent him to ANBU.

And after that, although Xia Yanna was still respectful, he could clearly feel his slightly distant attitude.

But even so, Senju Xiangzhen still handed over all the information to Xia Yan, and he kept telling Xia Yan that if the matter of Mu Dun was not too necessary, it would be better not to reveal it easily.

"Even if it is necessary to show it, you have to wait until your Wood Release reaches sufficient strength."

"I understand, elder."

Xia Yan naturally agreed with Senju Xiangzhen's proposal, and he would do it even if Senju Xiangzhen didn't say it.

Strength must be adequately guaranteed. If you use your power indiscriminately without sufficient guarantee, the final outcome will probably be to be arrested and studied.

Natsuhiko didn't want to think too darkly about Konoha, but there were some things that he had to seriously consider. After all, his current transformation came from a laboratory in Konoha.

"However, these information are really obscure. I can only say that it is indeed a Mu Dun."

After Xia Yan looked at the information in his hand for a long time, he couldn't help but rub his head. He found that these things were really not easy to understand.

Even though Senju Hashirama has written it in more detail, and there are some annotations from Senju Tobirama, the problem is that it is really easy to understand this kind of thing, but it is a bit troublesome to fully understand it.

These wood escape ninjutsu are indeed very perfect, but what is mentioned most about each of them is the combination of chakra. This combination needs to be coordinated with Yang escape.

In addition to Yang Escape, there is also the intertwining of Water Escape and Earth Escape. It can be said that just looking at it makes him feel dizzy.

"Forget it, it seems that it is a bit difficult for me to understand these things myself. A cheat player like me should really focus on things that are more worthy of concentration."

After reading for a long time, Xia Yan finally decided to put down the information in his hands.

In fact, he sees these as just a show, just like his other escape techniques. Once he learns them, he can master them completely.

It's just that Wood Escape is different from other Escape Techniques. Just like when he was learning to fly Thunder God, even if he mastered it, he had to leave himself enough window period.

He would not let himself seem to have mastered any technique in one go. After all, a genius who learned everything quickly and a genius who relied on his own hard work would be more likely to empathize with the 90% of ninjas.

Xia Yan had to admit that he was indeed extremely utilitarian in doing things sometimes, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he really didn't have any backing to back him up.

Standing up, Xia Yan suddenly raised his hand, and along with his slightly jerky seal, the chakra in his body began to surge instantly.

Perhaps it was the first time he tried it, and Xia Yan's performance was very slow, but his chakra was extremely stable, without any turbulence.

"It's almost there. I really didn't expect the seed to be so powerful. It fused the water escape, earth escape, and the Yang escape in the body together.

But, does this count as a special kind of blood inheritance elimination? "

The blood successor elimination is formed by the fusion of three kinds of chakra. Its power is so powerful that people are moved, and the wood escape also has similar characteristics.

It's just that the power it requires contains the most special kind of power that is also the most difficult to mobilize and use.

"I don't know how far I, a beginner, can use this technique, but it's better to use less force at home."

Naturally, he didn't dare to experiment with such ninjutsu outside. If he was discovered, it would be a big trouble.

And he didn't dare to go too far at home. If he accidentally damaged his house, wouldn't it be even worse?

When Xia Yan completed the seal, the chakra in his body was also turbulent to an extreme. Then he immediately suppressed his own chakra, and finally pressed his hand hard to the ground!

"Wood Release: Cutting Technique!"

In an instant, countless sharp wooden branches suddenly shot out from the ground, and then in Xia Yan's stunned expression, madness began to spread!

Xia Yan was shocked to find that he could indeed master this technique, but he had no way to control the chakra output of this technique.

"What...what's going on!"

Xia Yan has begun to work hard to restrain his chakra output, but it seems that there is no way to stop it.

In just a few moments, his entire house was covered with branches, and all his daily belongings were pierced.

Even these wooden thorns are getting taller and taller, even piercing the house...


"I didn't expect you to master it so quickly..."

At the door of Xia Yan's house, Senju Xiangzhen said to Xia Yan with a serious face. At this time, Xia Yan's house still looked intact on the outside, but it had been completely destroyed inside.

Countless branches crisscrossed the area, leaving only a very small space for people to move around, and all the furniture inside was destroyed. It was obvious that this place was no longer habitable.

Senju Xiangzhen had already gone in and had a look. He knew everything about this room, and he was really shocked.

How long has it been?

How long has it been!

By all means, it has only been a week since Xia Yan came back, and it has only been less than five days since this guy got the information and started reading it.

But in just this little time, he has already achieved this step?

How terrible is this guy's talent?

With the extremely sharp branches all over the room, you can completely imagine what kind of devastation it will cause once it pierces a person's body. If it pierces a vital part, it will be impossible to survive!

Senju Shouma has already recognized the cutting technique, but it is definitely not an easy task to perform this technique to this extent.

He is really shocked in his heart right now, such a talent is really unimaginable!

"Actually, if I had mastered it, it would not be like this now." Xia Yan sighed slightly: "At least, my residence will not become like this."

Xia Yan is indeed a little depressed in his heart. After all, the current situation is really not that good for him.

The use of Mu Dun was indeed more troublesome than he thought. Even with the help of seeds, there were still some problems.

This matter was really beyond his imagination. After all, this was the first time he had seen Ninjutsu performed using seeds. As a result, there would be situations where there was no way to control this Ninjutsu.

In the past, when he had seeds, such as the primary water escape seeds and earth escape primary seeds he had obtained before, he had absolutely 100% control over his ninjutsu.

Except for the incomplete mastery of deformation and qualitative change, and the insufficient power of ninjutsu, there is absolutely no problem with the output of chakra.

But today when he was using Wood Release, his chakra went crazy. As a result, his house was completely destroyed if he was not careful.

As a result, Xia Yan had no other thoughts except helplessness, and his helplessness did not mean that he had no place to live.

The bounty for his mission this time is really large, even if he doesn't spend a dime, since he has activated Mudun, he can get more benefits in the family.

A brand new residence is not a problem at all, and it is not a problem that he can even get a larger and more comfortable house.

Anyway, he didn't leave anything important in his house, and he would never care if it was gone now.

What really mattered to him was that he originally wanted to hide it for a while, so that it looked like he had learned the Wood Release naturally.

But when this happened today, he knew that he might not be able to hide it anymore. Even if he didn't master it well, the way he showed it was definitely not what he expected.

But fortunately, only a few people know about this matter at present. Fortunately, the technique Xia Yan performed is not very advanced.

And through this performance, he also noticed the existence of some problems.

All in all, the unexpected result this time can be regarded as a flaw. Even though he was a little helpless, he still had to admit one thing.

If it hadn't been for this accident, he really wouldn't have learned about his Mu Dun situation so quickly.

"Actually, you have done a good job." Senju Xiangzhen sighed slightly: "Do you want to consider quitting ANBU? Now your importance has been inestimable. You are the only hope of our Senju clan... ..."

"The only hope?" Xia Yan interrupted with a smile before Senju Xiangzhen could finish his words: "I think the elders should not focus on Mu Dun, or even on the ANBU at the beginning. .”

Having said this, Xia Yan paused for a moment, and looked at Senju Xia Yan. After a long time, he gently shook his head.

"Actually, elder, Anbu's choice is not wrong, and Mu Dun's choice is not wrong either. But I have a question, elder, what is your goal?"

What is the goal?

Senju Xiangzhen frowned. He wanted to blurt out that his goal was to make the Senju clan rise again.

But just as he was about to speak, the image of Hiruzen Sarutobi appeared in his mind. He hated Hiruzen Sarutobi to the core. He had always wanted to see Hiruzen Sarutobi die!

Although there is no conflict between letting the Senju clan rise again and letting Sarutobi Hiruzen die, he knows that this is not what Natsuhiko is talking about.

He didn't know when Xia Yan started to feel a little strange to him.

Especially in the short period of time after he became the captain of the ANBU, Xia Yan felt more and more strange to him. He knew that this kid who still looked like a boy was definitely not as immature on the inside as he looked on the outside.

He wanted to take a look and hear what the only awakened Mu Dun in the family had to say.

"Actually, Elder, you never have a clear goal for the family."

Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh slightly when he saw Senju Xiangzhen not saying a word.

"What is the overall goal? Is it hatred of Hiruzen Sarutobi or recasting the glory of the Thousand Hands? They all seem to be the same.

Very unclear and of no practical value.

In addition, you don’t have a goal or direction for what you want to do. There is no plan, no goal, and no plan for action.

Just blindly take out what is in your heart, and then make a decision when you see any beneficial changes.

Elder, the only hope is really not me, because there is really no hope for the Thousand Hands clan..."


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