The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 156: Continuing the Mudun bloodline

Xia Yan had heard in his previous life that except for the motherland in his previous life, which had special political courses, almost no other country had such a thing.

Even the legendary Beacon of Liberty also pursues elite education and will not teach ordinary students to learn these things.

To put it harshly, political classes are nothing more than a dragon-slaying technique, and countries represented by the Free Beacon more adhere to the concept of elite governance of the country, in other words, a policy of obscuring the people.

He wasn't so convinced at first, but it wasn't until he saw the performance of that group of red necks before traveling through time that he finally understood how stupid these people were.

And when he came to this world, this person with extraordinary strength, he was basically sure that people in this world were even less likely to receive similar education.

Set a goal to do something, especially something like family revival or even seizing power!

This all requires a process, a plan and a complete action plan. I am afraid that Xia Yan's students in his previous life will probably know this.

However, this elder of his own family has controlled and mastered the Thousand Hands Clan for so many years, even though the Thousand Hands Clan is so broken that it is almost impossible to look directly at it.

But at any rate, he had mastered the power, rights and wealth, but Xia Yan really didn't expect that he could achieve this step only by relying on his passion.

His goals are always vague. He doesn't have a complete idea of ​​how to achieve his goals, and even many of his actions are based on thoughts.

For example, Natsuhiko entered the ANBU. This was considered as a way to get close to the Hokage with one hand, but the question was, so what if he got close?

Keeping things secret is good, so what?

Is it possible that this old man still hopes that Natsuhiko can't assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen?

What he got when he entered ANBU were the tasks he had completed, and based on these tasks he could only roughly analyze what the ANBU wanted to do.

But what is the actual meaning and value? Xia Yan couldn't figure it out at first. He thought the elder had other plans.

As a result, he later discovered that his elder's intention in letting him join the ANBU was actually too simple.

In addition to understanding the trends of the ANBU, he also hopes that Xia Yan can show the style that a Senju clan should have through his performance in the ANBU.

Then there was the hope that he could keep moving forward and see if he could finally hold ANBU in his hands.

It can only be said that Xia Yan is more ambitious, or that he has a plug-in to help him, which prevents him from being directly defeated in the mission, and he has gradually reached the position of captain.

In fact, even this captain was obtained by Xia Yan through various exchanges of interests.

This elder probably didn't think that much at all. After all, the current Hokage was the Fourth Hokage. He probably thought it was the Fourth Hokage's credit that Natsu Yan was able to step up.

Even if he knew that the Third Hokage probably still controlled some ANBU, at least the Fourth Hokage pushed Natsuhiko up, right?

It's a pity that Natsuhiko didn't intend to tell the truth at all. Even if Senju Xiangzhen asked that night, he would keep it strictly confidential.

In addition to the fact that he didn't want to expose himself as a de facto tripartite spy, another point was that he didn't want the elder to fool around.

Yes, although this elder has a firm stance, no matter how firm his stance is, he may not be able to make the right decision.

At least in Xia Yan's eyes, that's how this elder is.

After Senju Xiangzhen heard Xia Yan's words, he was stunned for a moment, then he frowned and stared at Xia Yan.

This was probably the first time Xia Yan spoke to him in such a tone. Even though Xia Yan's attitude was still respectful, he could feel that Xia Yan's language was very different from before.

But he didn't speak. He was seriously thinking about what Xia Yan said.

And the more he thought about it, the more he realized that it seemed that what Xia Yan said was very accurate, because he did not seem to have a very clear goal.

A goal of how to re-create Thousand Hands of Glory is not just a goal, he also doesn't have a clear plan on how to do it.

As for other things, such as the action plan, he didn't understand it clearly, but he knew that Xia Yan probably hadn't seen the light of day here.

Even though he hated Natsuhiko's words and said there was no hope at all, Senju Xiangzhen had to admit that there was actually very little light he could see in his heart.

"You can't say that, at least you have embarked on the right path." Senju Xiangzhen took a deep breath, and finally said slowly: "At least, you are already the captain, at least the Hokage is no longer the third generation. Hokage."

"Elder, sometimes it's better not to take it too much for granted." Xia Yan shook his head gently: "A centipede insect is dead but not stiff. This truth was taught to me by the elders, not to mention that for the Third Hokage, he is not What a dying centipede.”

Having said this, Xia Yan stopped directly. There are some things that cannot be said too much.

Because the more you talk, the easier it is to reveal more.

A centipede insect, dead but not stiff, this sentence is not an exaggeration to describe the current Senju clan. Xia Yan also believes that Senju Xiang can really understand what he means.

As expected, although Senju Xiangzhen's face was extremely ugly, he finally nodded.

Senju Xiangma himself was unwilling to talk about this topic anymore, and he also confirmed some things through this conversation.

That is, Xia Yan really cares about Thousand Hands, but he also has endless ambitions in his heart. He can't see the light or hope here, but he is still doing these things.

This can only show that he has his own ideas, his own goals, and his own plans and routes.

He wants to be his own light!

Taking a deep breath, Senju Xiangzhen turned around and prepared to leave. He also had to think carefully about what he was going to do.

"By the way, you should change your residence." Before leaving, Senju Xiangzhen suddenly said quietly: "Also, you won't have much time in the future, I will have someone take care of your daily life."

"Specially taking care of my daily life?" Xia Yan chuckled: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Elder, I rarely leave things at home, just like before."

"Whatever you want, and don't have too many unnecessary thoughts, we are all Senju."

Senju Xiangzhen paused for a moment before continuing.

"You have become the focus of the family. Maybe you have other ideas, but I hope that no matter what your ideas are, you will make some efficient contributions to other aspects of the family."

"Oh? In what way?"

"Continue the Mu Dun bloodline."


Just when Natsuhiko returned to Konoha to rest, what he did in Sunagakure Village was irreversibly spread wildly throughout the intelligence system of the entire ninja world.

Apart from Konoha, Iwagakure Village is the village that has the most direct interests with Sunagakure Village, and the two villages have even started to compete in the Bear Country.

Even though the fight hasn't really started yet, the smell of gunpowder is already strong, and even their shadows are ready to go to the front line.

In the office of Iwagakure Village, Onoki's face looked a little strange when he looked at the report in his hand. He seemed to be a little happy, but for some reason he was a little solemn.

These two expressions were intertwined together, making Onoki look particularly conflicted. It took him a long time before he sighed deeply.

"Is it the Nightingale of Konoha, another Namikaze Minato, or even... Senju Tobirama!"

Onoki was indeed very conflicted at this time. He was indeed very happy. What he was happy about was that Sunagakure Village, which had a direct conflict of interest with him, was in bad luck.

Sunagakure Village, which had no money and chose to take the elite route, lost so many border guard ninjas at once, and even took half of the ANBU in. Such losses can no longer be described as huge.

It can be said that it was a heavy loss!

Even though there are tens of thousands of ninjas in Sunagakure Village, how much actual combat power there are among these tens of thousands is really a huge problem.

After all, the students of the ninja school can already be regarded as ninjas, as well as the genin who have just left the school, the ninjas who are studying in various institutions, the ninjas in the administrative agencies, and the ninjas in the ninja school.

The total number of these people will definitely not be small, but their actual combat effectiveness is probably not worth mentioning.

As for other large-scale ninjas, it cannot be said that they can be mobilized.

The geographical environment of the Kingdom of Wind allowed him to face only two large ninja villages, and the relationship between these two large ninja villages was not very good - one was Konoha and the other was Iwagakure.

But the problem is that the relationship between the two shinobi villages and Sunagakure Village is also very bad. Sunagakure Village and Iwagakure Village have conflicts of interest in small neighboring countries such as the Bear Country, and they have conflicts of interest with Konoha in the River Country.

Even though Sunagakure Village and Konoha have signed an alliance agreement, the fighting between the two sides has never stopped for a moment.

The Third War was caused by Sunagakure Village's initiative to attack the Country of Fire. Even after the agreement was signed, there were still various battles between the two sides that never stopped, otherwise it would not be possible for things like this to happen now.

Therefore, ninjas are needed to defend every place. Once the front line is opened, the number of ninjas required will be really large.

But now a Konoha Nightingale has directly killed more than a hundred people. This is not only a blow to the effectiveness of the ninja system in Sunagakure Village.

It is a major blow to the choice of the ninja system of Sunagakure Village!

After all, the people he killed included almost half of the ANBU, and even two captains died in his hands!

Such a result would definitely have an immeasurable impact on the overall morale of the Sunagakure ninjas, especially since they now have to deal with the pressure of Iwagakure Village.

The benefits this brings to Iwagakure are simply inestimable.

Although there is a certain chance that Sunagakure will encounter such nonsense as "knowing one's shame and then becoming brave".

But most of all, they suffered unimaginable blows due to huge losses, which ultimately led to the collective morale of the Sunagakure ninja being low and not much fighting spirit.

In other words, if there is a real fight against Yanyin Village, the losses will be reduced a lot and a more generous reward will be obtained.

But what made Onomu frown was the Nightingale of Konoha. This boy's strength had already made him feel extremely troublesome, and he was even a little scared.

The fear is not because Ohnoki is worried that he can't beat him. After all, he can fly, and his defense is not weak because he is good at earth escape.

But it is really unimaginable for a person who has achieved this on his own to kill and attack ordinary ninjas.

The reason why Iwagakure and Iwagakure chose to cease fighting during the Third Ninja World War was not only because Kumogakure took the initiative to withdraw and assemble, seemingly to retaliate against Iwagakure.

What's more important is that the bridge on the logistics support route was blown up, turning thousands of Iwa ninja into lonely ghosts in an instant.

All of this, combined with Namikaze Minato's ghost-like ability to kill fifty ninjas by himself, made the Iwa ninja collapse.

What Namikaze Minato did was an unimaginable blow to Iwagakure.

Any ninja actually wants to live in his heart, and they fight with faith in their heart.

But they don't want to die inexplicably, and they don't want a ghost to appear next to them anytime and anywhere.

Such a mental blow is unbearable for them, and it is also unbearable for Ohnoki, because it has severely damaged the morale of the Iwa ninja.

Coupled with the loss of logistics routes and the threat from Kumogakure, Onoki decided to surrender so that he could concentrate on dealing with the threat from Kumogakure.

Now such a person has appeared in Konoha, and he is even more dangerous than Namikaze Minato back then.

This guy went deep behind enemy lines and accomplished all this by himself!

If this guy ran into his own village during the war, you can imagine how destructive this guy could be!

"Except for sabotage behind enemy lines during war, ordinary mission ninjas will probably die when they encounter him."

The elusive Flying Thunder God Jutsu, a technique even more skillful than Namikaze Minato, as well as the huge lizard and powerful ninjutsu.

The combination of all these things really gave Ohnoki a headache.

If such a guy ran to his rear during the war, or even met a ninja from his own village because of the mission status, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

"It seems that this guy must be handled with caution. Meeting him seriously is just like meeting Namikaze Minato. It seems that something must be added to the ninja manual."

Ohnoki stood up and shook his head helplessly. For him, this matter was really a mixed blessing and conflict.

And there really isn't much he can do, because this guy is an ANBU, not as big and obvious as Namikaze Minato's target.

He knew that even adding something to the ninja manual would only serve as a warning. Who knows when they would actually run into each other.

"God, why are you always so nice to Konoha?"


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