During this period, there were definitely not a few people who expressed emotions similar to Ohnoki's.

And they also realized how destructive someone like Xia Yan could be to their village.

Maybe Kirigakure Village is okay, after all, they are so far apart, and even if Kirigakure hates Konoha, they have no plans to do anything to Konoha now.

And they still had their own things to do. Although they were very emotional and unhappy, they did not focus too much on this matter.

The Hidden Cloud Village seemed different, especially when the Fourth Raikage saw Xia Yan's achievements, he frowned a little.

Like Onoki, he seemed very conflicted. On the one hand, he and Konoha did not formally sign an armistice agreement. They only temporarily stopped the war, and there was no agreement as protection.

After all, Konoha was under siege at that time, and he didn't want to have more enemies. The third generation Raikage was given over to 30,000 ninjas by Iwagakure Village, and the fourth generation Raikage didn't want to get too entangled with Konoha.

Strictly speaking, they are actually in a state of war. Once Konoha wants to do something and send this guy to their ninja village, it will be a disaster!

He didn't want something like this to really happen.

But on the other hand, the Fourth Raikage really wanted to fight with this guy!

Ever since Namikaze Minato defeated him and his younger brother, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, Rabbi, one against two, he had always wanted to get this place back.

But the reality is much more skinny than the ideal. He doesn't have the opportunity to do such a thing, and he can't let himself be too willful. After all, he is already the Raikage.

He needs to consider the interests of his village. Any willful and impulsive choice will only bring trouble or even danger to his village!

What's more, after so long, he felt that he had made progress. He didn't think that he was still the same when facing Namikaze Minato.

And now there is a guy who behaves even more exaggeratedly than Namikaze Minato. It is impossible for him not to be interested.

"Konoha is really a fertile land that is good at nurturing talents."


"It's really interesting."

Just when the other actors felt that what happened to Xia Yan was extremely unbelievable, Xia Yan walked out of his new house with an inexplicable look on his face.

In order not to expose Mu Dun's facts, his previous house was also destroyed by an "accidental fire".

Naturally, Senju Xiangzhen prepared a brand new house for him, and this house was not comparable to the previous ones in terms of scale and location.

Of course, the location of this house is still somewhat far away from the truly prosperous areas of Konoha, but it is much better than before.

To put it simply, the place where he lived before was the urban-suburban junction, so now the place where he lives can be regarded as entering the ring.

Although Xia Yan doesn't care about this kind of thing, he will still be happy if he has better conditions.

But besides these things, there was another thing that made Xia Yan a little confused about how to evaluate it.

That's who he is now, inexplicably no longer living alone.

Ever since he started Wood Escape, he had actually guessed that he might not be able to live alone for long.

This is not surveillance. Xia Yan can be sure of his potential and current strength. Senju Xiangzhen will never act rashly.

Especially the extremely subtle fear that this elder sometimes displayed unconsciously made Xia Yan understand the mentality of his elder.

In fact, Xia Yan felt that this elder was really overthinking. With the influence of his previous life's cultural education, he really couldn't do such a thing of repaying kindness with hatred.

Unless this elder really had any malicious intentions and planned to kill him, Xia Yan would not be able to do it easily.

But later Xia Yan figured out that differences in cultural inheritance and influence create different human natures.

Therefore, even if he felt funny about Senju Shoma's attitude, he would not say anything.

Fear is sometimes a talisman that can not only protect the elder himself, but also make Xia Yan feel more comfortable.

“However, this way of living together can be called it, which is quite good.

At least I figured out who it was that had been helping me clean my house. "

Xia Yan was thinking silently while walking on the street.

It's really impossible for Senju Xiang to arrange surveillance, even if he did have such an idea before.

But one thing he is very smart about is that the person he chooses is unlikely to make Xia Yan feel bad.

A person who has been silently helping Xia Yan clean the house, and is extremely honest and will never do anything inappropriate.

Even if Xia Yan doesn't like such a person, he won't have a bad feeling.

Especially after his explanation, it turned out that this person was the person he arranged to be with Xia Yan in the future.

So to some extent, it can relieve some of Xia Yan's inner grudges, and even if Xia Yan is unhappy, he won't show too many emotions.

That's right, the person Senju Xiangzhen arranged was a woman!

What he said before was to continue Mu Dun's bloodline, which was really not a joke.

In other words, a family like theirs, even if it has been ruined, will still do some things according to the previous practices, such as arranging marriages within the clan.

To be precise, Xia Yan's marriage had been decided a long time ago, but Senju Xiangzhen didn't tell Xia Yan about it, and I don't know if he had other plans.

But no matter how many plans I have, I am afraid I don’t dare to do it anymore now.

"I'm afraid the only advantage of a big family is that you don't have to worry about finding a wife yourself? It's just that this woman..."

Xia Yan recalled the woman he met when he moved into this house, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

She is very beautiful, yes, although she is not blond like Tsunade, but the black hair and the beautiful face that looks a bit like Tsunade, I have to say it is still very good.

However, this woman looks very cold, behaves in a well-behaved manner, does not resist or argue, and typically looks like she can let Xia Yan do whatever he wants.

But Xia Yan is also a human spirit, and he can feel that this woman is not as 'virtuous' as she seems.

He had no communication with this woman, especially after knowing this woman's name, he had no desire to communicate.

"Thousand-Armed Lotus? Are you kidding me?"

Walking on the street, whenever Xia Yan thinks of this name, some inexplicable pictures always appear in his mind.

When he thought of his name, he wondered if there really was a legend about these two people in this world.

He continued to walk forward silently, but at this moment, a man suddenly stopped in front of Xia Yan, which made Xia Yan frown...


"Are you Natsuhiko Fukami?"

The young man standing in front of Xia Yan asked directly. His voice seemed a little arrogant, but his attitude still seemed a little restrained.

Xia Yan raised his head slightly and looked at the young man in front of him. He soon frowned because he had recognized who this guy was.

"From the Uchiha clan?"

As an ANBU, Xia Yan also has very strong observation skills. After meeting a stranger, he almost immediately starts to collect the person's identity information.

He soon noticed that this guy's clothing arm also had a family emblem embroidered on it.

Natsuhiko will never admit this clan emblem, it is the symbol of the Uchiha clan!

What makes Xia Yan confused is that he doesn't seem to have much contact with the Uchiha clan.

The only other connection is Uchiha Obito, who is probably now the actual Mizukage of Kirigakure Village, plus the person behind the scenes of the Akatsuki organization.

Obviously, this guy can no longer be regarded as existing in Konoha.

As for the other one, he was his deskmate back then, and after he went to ANBU, he basically had no contact with that girl.

However, we met again recently, but Xia Yan did not have any in-depth communication due to his heavy workload.

Especially since he knew that this girl seemed to want to go to the medical department, he felt that this girl was a little too naive. In addition, due to her status as an Uchiha clan, they really didn't have much contact with each other now.

If it wasn't these two people, then what was the reason why the Uchiha people found themselves here?

Thinking of this, although Xia Yan felt extremely abrupt, he still nodded calmly.

"Yes, I am Xia Yan." Xia Yan said calmly and gently: "Who are you and why are you looking for me?"

"I'm not looking for you. You and I will find out when you come here." This Uchiha clansman shook his head and said in a tone that could not be refused: "Let's go, don't keep people waiting."

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, then nodded silently in agreement.

Although he is not afraid of this guy, according to his hidden identity, I am afraid that except for Uchiha Fugaku, he is slightly intimidating to him.

After all, in addition to the leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku also had the identity of the head of the security department. As for other people, he didn't pay attention at all.

After all, as an ANBU captain, he has great power.

It's just that such an identity cannot be exposed at will, even if the captain has broken away from the most basic identity of an executive that needs to be kept secret.

But he has not reached the level of a minister, and the range of light he can see is limited to the ANBU, so he cannot act too extravagantly.

Even if he has to deal with something, he must put on a mask and deal with it. If that doesn't work, he can also let his people handle it!

After all, he is the captain of a complete brigade.

Following this Uchiha, Natsuhiko slowly walked into a teahouse. What made him feel interesting was that he actually saw several ANBU members opposite the teahouse.

Those ANBU had obviously recognized Xia Yan's identity, but they were on a mission nearby. Even if they recognized him, they did not disturb Xia Yan, not to mention that Xia Yan was still on vacation.

Xia Yan quietly made a tactical gesture to the ANBU. The ANBU seemed a little hesitant, but they nodded immediately.

Such hesitation immediately let Xia Yan know that these Anbu were not from his third brigade, but it didn't matter.

Since they are all ANBU members, even if they are not from their own team, these team members must obey orders when they see the team leader.

After doing all this quietly, Xia Yan followed this member of the Uchiha clan to the second floor of the teahouse.

He had sharp eyes, and soon he noticed an old man from the Uchiha clan sitting in the teahouse.

"Go there by yourself." The member of the Uchiha clan whispered: "Don't cause trouble, I will watch you."

"Really?" Xia Yan smiled gently: "I understand, and I will cooperate well."

After saying this, Xia Yan walked directly towards the old man...


"Captain, is that Captain Nightingale?"

In the dark corner opposite the teahouse, several Anbu gathered around, and one of them asked.

"That's right, that's Captain Nightingale." The ANBU team leader nodded: "Although he is not wearing a mask, I have been fortunate enough to see the captain's true appearance, and I am absolutely sure of this."

After Xia Yan became the captain, he rarely wore a mask in that department, but not many people could see his true face.

This squad leader unexpectedly met him once when he was at the ANBU headquarters, so he recognized Xia Yan immediately.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to admit his mistake to the captain, even though he really did not have enough strength and qualifications to participate in that selection a few months ago.

But he watched the entire selection process. It can be said that Xia Yan gave him an unimaginable shock. Xia Yan's strength also made him feel extremely incredible.

Therefore, it was no surprise to him that Xia Yan became the captain. It could even be said that in terms of strength, Xia Yan was definitely the only choice.

"Captain, what should we do now?" Just as the captain was thinking, a team member suddenly asked: "Captain Nightingale's order, we can't complete it."

"Call someone. I remember that there are people from the Third Brigade not far from us. We can't complete Captain Nightingale's mission with just a few people." The team leader thought for a while and then continued: "As soon as possible, An Jinghe Complete Captain Nightingale’s mission quietly, do you understand?”

"Yes, Captain!" The three ANBU members nodded immediately and replied, then their figures moved slightly and disappeared in an instant.

The team leader looked at the teahouse. He formed a seal with one hand and accompanied the surge of chakra. As a puff of smoke dissipated, he split into two people.

After he completed the transformation technique, he immediately formed another seal. In an instant, he directly transformed into someone else, and then he slowly walked towards the teahouse.

He did consider whether to report the matter, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was the captain's matter.

He is just a small ANBU, and the most he can do is report this matter to his own captain...


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