The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 158 I am indeed not an ordinary ANBU

"Are you Natsuhiko Fukami?"

When Natsu Yan walked to the old man of the Uchiha clan, the old Uchiha man directly raised his head and looked at Natsu Yan, and then asked directly.

Xia Yan looked at the old man and began to quickly search for relevant information in his mind.

I have to say that the ANBU's intelligence library is indeed very powerful, especially for some special families in the village, and the information is recorded more thoroughly.

Xia Yan quickly showed a smile, and then he nodded politely to the old man in front of him before saying: "Yes, I just met Xia Yan. I wonder who you are?"

In fact, Natsuhiko already knew who this old man was. According to ANBU's intelligence, this old man's name was Uchiha Makoto, and he was the elder of the Uchiha clan.

When he was young, he had a good relationship with Uchiha Kage. Unfortunately, Uchiha Kage died relatively early, and he later raised Uchiha Kage's son.

However, I don't know if Uchiha Kagami's lineage was cursed. More than ten years later, this child, like Uchiha Kagami, died in the war after leaving a son.

Xia Yan didn't look up who that kid was, but he basically knew all the information about the old man, but he was full of doubts and couldn't say it directly.

He wanted to see what the old man meant by looking for him. After all, he was just a civilian ninja on the surface.

"My name is Uchiha Makoto. I hope you won't be offended when I meet you in this way today." Uchiha Makoto looked very kind. He kept a smile on his face like Natsuhiko: "It's our first time meeting you. Please give me a lot of thanks. Advice.”

"Advice?" Xia Yan's face was a little weird. He seemed to have guessed something, but he shook his head directly: "How dare I give advice to a member of Uchiha? I don't know if you have received any wrong information. I just Just an ordinary ninja."

"Captain Natsuhiko is so polite." Uchiha really heard Natsuhiko's words and knew immediately when he saw Natsuhiko's expression. He couldn't help but sigh slightly: "The person who can make Kakashi call captain is really just one person. Ordinary ninja?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan's face suddenly softened, and he had now confirmed his inner guess.

It seems that this old man named Uchiha really has a lot of information, but the source of this information is really interesting, as he actually got it from Kakashi.

Xia Yan actually had some guesses about this kind of thing. Even though he had tried to make up for it at first, if someone really wanted to investigate this kind of thing, he could still get some clues.

Now Xia Yan just doesn't know how much information this old man got from the Anbu. After all, the confidentiality of the Anbu is still very high.

Even with high confidentiality, certain information will be leaked. Just like what Xia Yan said to Qianyo, if you don't want others to know, you have to do it yourself.

The Uchiha clan still has a strong desire for Anbu. Whether it is those who want a coup or those who want peace talks, Anbu is a place they must fight for.

But they found him, which made Xia Yan feel a little funny.

Although Xia Yan didn't know whether this old man was a dove or a hawk, why did he think he could convince him?

Could it be that he looks like a young boy?

Tilting his head slightly, Xia Yan noticed that the people in the teahouse began to flow. Although the flow was not very large, it already showed that the ANBU had begun to take action.

"Maybe, maybe not." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, then he reached out and picked up a tea cup. He shook it slightly and then said slowly: "But, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

"Don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand." Uchiha Makoto immediately shook his head and denied.

He smiled and poured himself a cup of tea, then poured a cup of tea for Xia Yan, and then said with a smile.

"Of course I don't dare to ask too many questions, especially about Captain Xia Yan.

However, this time when I meet you, I really have something to say and something I really want to confess to you.

It doesn't matter what you think. You can even report the truth about this meeting.

Because I really have been holding back some words for a long time, and I don’t even know who to say some things to.

But now that I have such an opportunity, I naturally can't miss it. "

Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Makoto silently. He seemed to be lost in thought and did not reply to Uchiha Makoto's words immediately.

For a moment, the table between the two of them seemed a bit silent, and compared to the teahouse next to them that was constantly whispering, it really seemed too weird.

Xia Yan turned the teacup in his hand. The speed of his rotation was not fast, but the amplitude was very large.

But what's interesting is that the tea in his cup didn't spill out at all.

This scene was naturally seen in Uchiha Makoto's eyes, which made him immediately understand that the brat in front of him had really reached an extremely high level of control over chakra.

Uchiha Shinya was a little curious. Judging from the information, the kid in front of him was just an ordinary ninja.

It's just that the resume of this ordinary ninja seems a bit too vague, and there is even an experience that is extremely blank.

What's even more interesting is that when he sent people to investigate Xia Yan, he also received some vague obstructions. He could feel that if he took another step forward, he might really be in trouble.

He was sure that this kid was definitely a member of ANBU, but he was more curious about what role this kid played in ANBU.

Therefore, he decisively stopped the investigation and finally chose to meet this former classmate of his granddaughter.

He had a hunch that if he met this kid, he might gain something different.

Even though such a meeting might be dangerous, he must try to do it, for his family and for Uchiha!

"I think I understand." After a while, Xia Yan nodded slightly: "It's just that I'm curious, why are you looking for me, how did you find me, and another question, do you really know who I am? ?"

Facing Natsuhiko's question, Uchiha took a deep breath, and then he answered in a low voice.

"Your Excellency is a captain of Konoha ANBU. Sorry, this is the only information I can get and guess.

As for why I'm looking for you, I actually want to find Kakashi. After all, Kakashi is the disciple of the Fourth Hokage.

But you are Kakashi's captain, and to some extent you have more say than Kakashi, so I can only find you.

How about my explanation, Captain Xia Yan? "


Uchiha really explained that Natsuhiko didn't think there were too many problems with this.

However, it is worth noting that this guy mentioned the Fourth Hokage and Kakashi, which made Xia Yan wonder whether this old man might be a dovish person.

After all, the people of the Dove Faction still want to have a good talk with Konoha, and the current Hokage is the Fourth Hokage. This Hokage still has a slight relationship with the Uchiha clan leader.

Therefore, it is not impossible for them to focus on the Fourth Hokage.

Of course, Xia Yan can't rule out that this guy may be a hawk. All this needs to be considered by Xia Yan himself.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan showed a gentle smile: "Then please tell me. Maybe I can bring you something back."

"Then I have to thank Captain Xia Yan for listening."

Uchiha really got the news and couldn't help but laugh. He gently picked up his teacup and took a sip before speaking softly.

"Actually, for me, or for some of us in the Uchiha clan, we are extremely eager for the Uchiha clan and Konoha to get back together..."

"Stop." Before Uchiha could finish his words, Natsuhiko interrupted him directly: "Uchiha and Konoha are always together. They blend with each other and are intertwined with each other. No one can distinguish each other, so you should be careful when speaking. Some."

"Perhaps I am not careful enough with my words..."

Uchiha was really interrupted by Natsuhiko, but he didn't appear to be angry at all. He stared at Natsuhiko for a long time, and then nodded seriously.

He naturally knew what Xia Yan meant. There were certain things he couldn't say nonsense, as this might cause big trouble.

This made him sigh slightly in his heart, because some words that cannot be said will lead to many things, and there is no way to express them more clearly.

But people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and he could only continue according to Xia Yan's wishes.

"But Captain Xia Yan, I do not mean any harm, please believe me.

Konoha and Uchiha may have always been together, but both Konoha and Uchiha actually have two voices.

I think Captain Natsuhiko, as the elite of Konoha ANBU, also knows this situation.

Now within the Uchiha clan, some irrational voices have slowly gained the upper hand.

Although they are not the leader yet, I am worried that something bad will happen if this continues.

Such a bad thing is a disaster for both Konoha and Uchiha.

And people like me, and people like me, are more willing to contribute to Konoha and Uchiha.

We are willing to maintain communication with Hokage-sama, we are willing to pay more for the village and family, and we are also willing to use our strength to gain recognition and support from Hokage-sama. "

Uchiha really spoke very slowly, and his voice was also very low, as if he was worried about being heard by the people around him.

It's just that Xia Yan didn't seem to care at all about what he said and did, and was still playing with the tea cup in his hand, but Xia Yan did start to seriously think about what this guy meant.

Obviously, Xia Yan already knows that this guy is basically from the dove faction of the Uchiha clan.

In the current struggle between doves and hawks, both sides are still entangled and entangled. Even if the hawks have the upper hand, they will never be able to dominate.

What really allowed the hawks to take the lead was Konoha's attitude and approach towards Uchiha after the Nine-Tails incident.

But are the dovish people starting to try to contact the Hokage now?

Natsuhiko stopped what he was doing. In his memory, the Dove Faction did indeed send some people into the ANBU, and one was Shisui who proved that Mangekyou was not invincible.

One was Uchiha Itachi who wiped out the entire clan with a sword in his hand.

I have to say that the doves within the Uchiha clan, the second and fifth sons of the family they have trained are really quite good.

Although their original intention may not be like this, the fact they caused is indeed the case, and I have to say that this is indeed a huge tragedy.

But is it really a good idea to contact the Hokage and go the ANBU route?

Is this another statement, just like other families sending their own members to ANBU?

Also, is the person they want to express their opinion the Third Hokage or the Fourth Hokage?

Xia Yan couldn't understand these two questions, but he also figured out some things, that is, the guy in front of him might have plans to block people.

Chapter 158 It’s just that his purpose is purer than others, he just wants to build a platform.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan picked up the tea cup in his hand and took a sip. Then he said quietly: "I roughly understand what you mean, but I still have one question that needs to be clarified."

"Captain Natsuhiko, please speak." Uchiha smiled and nodded.

In fact, he didn't believe that Xia Yan could really understand what he meant. After all, the man in front of him was too young.

"Your Excellency, you want me to report this matter to the Third Hokage." Xia Yan put down the tea cup in his hand, and the smile on his face became gentler: "Or is it the Fourth Hokage?"

"This..." This question instantly made Uchiha realize that the situation here seemed a bit complicated, so he tentatively asked: "Is there any difference?"

"There is no difference, because they are both Hokage-sama." Xia Yan's smile became brighter, but he had no intention of continuing the conversation on this issue.

Is Uchiha really pretending to be stupid with himself, or is it really because the information blockade is too strong that he can't figure out the current situation? Natsumi Yan doesn't bother to think about this.

After all, this question is really difficult to answer. If it were him, he would never give the answer easily.

You must know that in the eyes of outsiders, Namikaze Minato was single-handedly promoted by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Looking at Makoto Uchiha in front of him, Natsuhiko guessed that he wouldn't care at all. He would tell any Hokage what happened today, because to some extent it would be the same.

"Knock knock knock."

Suddenly, Xia Yan knocked on the table lightly, and then stood up: "Then, that's it for today. Thank you for your hospitality."

"It doesn't have to be like this." Uchiha smiled and shook his head, but the next moment he froze.

Because he saw that as Xia Yan stood up, all the tea guests around him stopped at this moment, and then they all stood up together with Xia Yan.

Such a scene immediately made him realize that he was surrounded, and everyone in the teahouse had unknowingly turned into ANBU!

"It's just that the next time you want to see me, don't do it like today." Xia Yan seemed to have not heard his words, he said softly: "Also, you did guess one thing right... "

"I am indeed not an ordinary ninja, and I am not an ordinary ANBU either..."


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