Natsuhiko had been thinking about how he was going to get in touch with those Uchiha people.

After all, Xia Yan really couldn't bear to ignore such a huge 'talent market'.

Especially now, I am afraid that something that will cause great changes to the Uchiha clan, and even the entire Konoha, in a few months is about to happen.

If there is no substantive contact, I am afraid that if there is contact in the future, the level of trouble will be very great.

This is not a joke, in fact.

If Minato Namikaze was still alive, I'm afraid everything would be fine, but if Minato Namikaze died, then everything would be extremely troublesome.

"In the final analysis, the impact of Namikaze Minato's death is so great that it makes people despair."

Sighing slightly, Xia Yan suddenly made a gesture. With this gesture, all the ANBU following him immediately dispersed and then disappeared in this area.

Xia Yan stood there and thought carefully, and then his figure flashed slightly, and like a ghost, he disappeared in an instant.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived at his third brigade branch!


Trout was dealing with some things. When he noticed the figure suddenly appearing in the office, he was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately bowed respectfully to Xia Yan.

"Get up, don't be so polite." Xia Yan nodded to Trout, and then asked directly: "Is Kakashi here, and what is the current situation of the people I asked him to bring back."

"Captain Kakashi is undergoing training. As for the person he brought back, he is being held in a prison. According to the captain's instructions, we did not embarrass her." Trout looked very honest, and he immediately told everything he knew. come out.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "Now I have a task for you. You go to the location of the Third Hokage and inform him. I will visit him in the afternoon."

"The Third Hokage?" Trout blinked, and then he nodded immediately: "I understand, I will go immediately."

After saying this, Trout immediately left the office. He seemed to be very motivated.

As for where his motivation comes from, Xia Yan is not interested and is too lazy to think about such things.

After all, the water in the ANBU is very deep, and Xia Yan has already entered this muddy water. Even if he can guarantee that he will be drowned by this muddy water, he must also pay attention to what will happen to the people around him.

With his current strength, I'm afraid not many people can defeat him head-on as long as they are careful enough.

Even if he was defeated, he would definitely be able to do it as long as he didn't want to die. The terrifying aspect of the Flying Thunder God's technique was not only the attack, but also the running away which gave him great support.

In the past, Xia Yan only relied on the elementary immortal mode and the use of the teleportation technique. There were few people who could match him in terms of running away.

And now he is even more powerful. He can run away if he can't be beaten. Relying on his temporarily intact chakra, not many people can really beat him!

But this is just his strength. The Thousand Hands Clan who have nurtured him may not be able to do this.

"Forget it, don't think about this, handling your own affairs is the most important thing."

Xia Yan stretched and then walked directly towards the prison.

Naturally, the branch of the Third Battalion also has cells, and the cells here are completely built according to the Anbu's instructions. They are not as simple as the Konoha Prison under the name of the Security Department.

After all, not many of the enemies the Anbu faced were simple. After capturing them, they were waiting to be interrogated to prevent them from escaping.

Naturally, the configuration and construction of this cell must be more strict and excellent.

Entering this prison, Xia Yan quickly came to the cell where Ye Cang was imprisoned in the deepest part.

Ye Cang looked particularly miserable at this time. Her whole body was shackles, and there were various seals on the shackles.

Moreover, a mask-type thing was put on her mouth, which was obviously not intended to allow her to speak. Now, except for her vision, her other senses were probably strictly controlled.

"Captain." The ANBU guarding the cell bowed slightly after seeing Xia Yan.

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then said: "You go down first, I will talk to her alone."

"Yes, Captain." The ANBU had no intention of refusing at all. He quickly left the cell after receiving the order.

Xia Yan stared at Ye Cang in the cell, looking at her eyes full of hatred, and a smile couldn't help but flow out of the corner of his mouth.

Such a look was as piercing as a blade, but unfortunately, she was not from the Uchiha clan, so there was no possibility of killing someone with such a look.

Ignoring Ye Cang, Xia Yan suddenly took out a kunai. With the surge of his chakra, the inexplicable runes on the kunai suddenly became shiny.

Ye Cang looked a little confused. She didn't know what the Konoha Anbu who had captured her wanted to do, and she didn't know what this guy wanted to do now.

However, just a moment later, her eyes suddenly widened because she saw the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village actually appearing in this place!

This damn guy actually has such a relationship with the Fourth Hokage?

Why did the Fourth Hokage come here?

What exactly is going on?

Ye Cang didn't know that except for her vision, all her other abilities were sealed, and she knew nothing about everything happening in the outside world.

But she knew that there might be some secret to these two people getting together here, right?

"Hokage-sama." Natsuhiko bowed slightly after seeing Namikaze Minato appear.

"Natsu Yan-kun, why are we meeting here?" Namikaze Minato looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help but frowned: "Could it be that this Ye Cang has something hidden?"

"No, Lord Hokage, the reason why I am here is because it is relatively safe." Xia Yan shook his head and said softly: "After all, with Ye Cang as a cover, some things can be better discussed."

Natsuhiko's words made Namikaze Minato a little confused, but he did not ask. He wanted to see what kind of explanation and answer Natsuhiko would give.

"We already talked about Ye Cang's matter last time."

Xia Yan couldn't help but smile when he saw this, and then continued.

"I plan to ask Kakashi to carry out a mission, maybe he will set off soon.

In addition, a real person named Uchiha met with me today..."


"Uchiha Makoto?"

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but froze when he heard this name. Naturally, this name was familiar to him.

For someone like him who has been working hard to bring Uchiha and Konoha back together, he still understands the situation within the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha is really the elder of the Uchiha clan, and this elder is the kind of person who has similar ideas to him. He is a person with a rational mind in the Uchiha clan.

But it is a pity that such a person, Feng Shuimen, has never had the opportunity to meet him, let alone have a good discussion with him.

Because any of his policies involving Uchiha will be rejected for various reasons, and there are indeed some other voices within the Uchiha clan.

These voices seemed to slowly begin to gain the upper hand, which was not a good phenomenon. This was also confirmed by the dark parts or roots.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato really had no way to contact them, and there was no way to relieve them in any form. But what she didn't expect was that this guy actually found Natsuhiko!

"What exactly happened?" Namikaze Minato became interested now, and he immediately asked: "How did he determine your situation, and what did you talk about?"

"I still need to confirm why he targeted me specifically." Xia Yan shook his head slightly: "But according to what he said, it was because of Kakashi that he knew about my existence and found me. . And what he said is also very interesting..."

Natsuhiko quickly told the general story. Whether it was Uchiha's true thoughts or Uchiha's understanding of Konoha's current situation, whether it was true or false, Natsuhiko had nothing to hide.

Even when he asked the ANBU members to clear the scene, he reported it truthfully.

Namikaze Minato listened very carefully, but some of the situations here made him a little distressed.

As Natsuhiko said, it's not sure whether Uchiha really knows the details of Konoha's summit.

I am afraid that ordinary people really have no way to confirm and know this matter. In the eyes of most people, the Fourth Hokage and the Third Hokage are actually one body.

This kind of recognition is really not a good thing, because once labeled like this, many serious people who were originally outside the Third Hokage system will never have the opportunity to get close to the Fourth Hokage.

As long as there are advantages and disadvantages, the disadvantages are obvious but the advantages are also obvious, that is, the ninjas who are originally within the scope of the Third Hokage system will be closer to and assist the Fourth Hokage.

When Natsuhiko finished everything, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but sigh deeply. After thinking seriously for a moment, he slowly asked.

"So what is Xia Yanjun's idea?" He said hesitantly: "He wants to send people into the ANBU to establish a connection between the family and the Hokage. Do you think this kind of thing..."

"Hokage-sama, I have no right to suggest this kind of thing." Natsuhiko interrupted Namikaze Minato before he could finish his words: "After all, you are Hokage-sama, you need to make your own decisions, more independent decisions. .”

Xia Yan must not express his attitude casually on this kind of matter, even if he has ideas and opinions.

But because of his position, he couldn't let himself get trapped in it, and he couldn't go too far. This would be very detrimental to his career as a Hokage.

However, Natsuhiko can still give some obscure suggestions, such as telling Minato Namikaze what his identity is!

"I understand." Namikaze Minato sighed slightly, and then he nodded seriously: "I know what to do, and I can try to give you some rights. Next time you meet him, you must avoid him. Everyone, do you know?"

"I understand..." Xia Yan couldn't help but reveal a bright smile when he heard this: "Hokage-sama."


"The Third Hokage, that's probably what happened."

As the sun set, in the office of the ANBU headquarters, Natsuhiko bowed slightly and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After separating from Namikaze Minato, Natsuhiko came to the ANBU headquarters, but he waited until now to meet Sarutobi Hiruzen.

However, Natsuhiko didn't complain at all. He still maintained an extremely respectful look, as if he was not the captain of the third team at all, nor was he the Konoha Nightingale who gave Sunagakure Village a huge headache!

"Is that so?" Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured after quietly listening to Xia Yan's words. Then he immediately made an embarrassed expression: "Xia Yan, you don't have to be so respectful. But the captain of the third team is even more of a genius in Konoha!"

"No, Hokage-sama, there is a difference between superiority and inferiority." Xia Yan lowered his head and said softly: "You are Hokage-sama, and I am just an ANBU captain. I will never forget my identity, no matter what my strength is."

"I said, it doesn't have to be like this." Sarutobi Hiruzen showed a smile, and it could be seen that he was very happy, but he still shook his head: "Stop talking about this, tell me your opinion, after all, those Uchiha clan He is an old rival of your Thousand Hands Clan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen directly threw this question to Natsuhiko, but he still did not forget to disgust Natsuhiko.

Perhaps not many people know about the old rivals Uchiha and Senju as the years change, but Natsuhiko, as a member of the Senju clan, naturally cannot not know these things.

Throwing this matter to Natsu Yan actually showed Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude in some sense. He wanted Natsu Yan to reject this matter.

And Natsuhiko is the person he hopes to be placed next to Namikaze Minato. He can completely deny this matter, but he also doesn't want any trouble to happen to Namikaze Minato.

He needed Natsuhiko to influence Namikaze Minato so that when the time came, he would need to face Minato Namikaze himself.

Natsuhiko naturally knew what Hiruzen Sarutobi meant, but he gave a different answer: "I think we can try to let some of them in."

"Huh?" Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help being stunned when he heard this answer, and then he frowned: "Why? Tell me what you think."

"Lord Hokage, aren't there two voices in the Uchiha clan?" The smile on Xia Yan's face became brighter: "In this case, why can't we let a voice that is beneficial to us stand up?"

"You mean..." Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to understand: "Grasp this voice and let them deal with themselves..."

"This is Hokage-sama's idea, not mine."

"Is this so? It seems that this seems interesting..."


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