Xia Yan's meaning is actually very simple, that is, to make them appear more divided.

After all, there are two voices in a family, and these two voices are constantly fighting and seizing control. Although this kind of thing is not uncommon, it is really not that common.

Now that something like this has happened, and it's right in front of their eyes, it would be a pity not to make good use of it.

Dog eat dog is always the most labor-saving and simple way. You only need to support a voice, give him enough support, and control his upper limit.

Then within the Uchiha clan, a more fierce confrontation will naturally form!

Such a confrontation will make the Uchiha clan even more divided, and this kind of confrontation will also make the Uchiha clan even weaker.

A weak Uchiha clan would have unimaginable benefits for Konoha, especially for Konoha who inherited the will of Senju Tobirama and was under the control of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The reason why Xia Yan was able to think of this method must be thanks to the huge shit-making country in his previous life for what he did all over the world.

A peaceful and complete country is not a good thing for them, but a country that is constantly entangled in disputes and ultimately weakens itself because of such disputes is a good country.

Although Xia Yan doesn't like that approach, he has to admit that such an approach is acceptable now, especially in some families.

According to Natsuhiko's understanding of Uchiha, this family will fall due to the fourth generation in the future, and the village's more stringent isolation policy will bring them directly to the situation of opposing teams.

This relative unity means that they have united their minds to carry out a coup.

This is definitely not what Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to see, and it is also not what Natsuhiko wants to see. The only one he wants to see is probably Danzo.

The difference between Natsuhiko and Hiruzen Sarutobi is that Hiruzen Sarutobi is still hesitant about handling the coup.

After all, Hokage also needs to take care of his own face. Whether attacking a family will cause a chain effect is something he must consider.

But in the end, the clan was exterminated under the leadership of Danzo, so the fact has been determined, and it is impossible for him to struggle so much.

To put it simply, although he hesitates about whether the Uchiha clan still needs to exist, he will never hesitate or dwell on a Uchiha clan that has disappeared.

But what is different about Xia Yan is that he has no intention of letting this family disappear. After all, it is a talent base, and these people are very dissatisfied with Konoha's past rule.

It's just that there are not none of them who want peace talks, so why can't we lift up those who are a little more clear-minded?

An Uchiha who is constantly fighting among themselves to the point of weakness, even if the dove faction loses in the end, they will not have the strength to stage a coup.

Besides, if the Fourth Hokage had not died, then the promotion of Dove Faction would be an extremely valuable proposition.

It is Namikaze Minato who wants to change Uchiha. Those dovish people will become Namikaze Minato's subordinates in the future, which is also an extremely beneficial thing for Namikaze Minato.

However, one thing they all ignored was that if these people entered the Anbu, they would all join Xia Yan's group unless there were any accidents.

When he entered his team, the leadership he received naturally came from Xia Yan, and he had never been in a team before.

"With the consent of the two Hokages, it seems that this matter has been basically confirmed. I just don't know who the old man Uchiha will send in."

On the way home, Xia Yan silently thought to himself that he really didn't know much about Uchiha. After all, he was not from the Uchiha clan, and the information he got was not complete.

He only knew that the old man was an elder, and other than that, he really had no other information about his attitude.

However, he does know who Uchiha will send into the ANBU in the future, but now that Natsuhiko has intervened, he is not sure whether these two people still have a chance to enter the ANBU.

"However, if there are no accidents, Uchiha Shisui still has some hope."

Uchiha Itachi is the son of the clan leader no matter what. With such a special status, and now that Natsuhiko has proposed a plan against Uchiha to Sarutobi Hiruzen, whether this guy can still enter ANBU really has to be maintained. Suspect.

But Uchiha Shisui is different. This boy seems to be a descendant of Uchiha Kagami, and he is naturally on the side of the dove faction.

In addition, coupled with the influence of his ideas, I am afraid that he will not agree to obtain the rights of Konoha through some extreme methods.

What's more, this kid is really a genius. His performance in the ninja school is also recorded by the ANBU, and even all aspects of his personality are recorded to a certain extent.

"But this kid is still a little too young now. Although his strength is not bad and he graduated early, but..."

Uchiha Shisui is only nine years old now. Like Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi, he also chose to graduate early, and he has already been on the battlefield and witnessed the horrors of war.

However, this kid is still too young. Now that the war is relatively over, he has begun to follow the mission ninja, constantly doing missions to gain experience.

Moreover, this kid seems to have received a lot of attention within the Uchiha clan. It may not be an easy task for him to enter the ANBU.

But these are not what Xia Yan needs to consider now. No matter what will happen then, at least Xia Yan will not lose.

Walking slowly to his new residence, Xia Yan glanced at the surroundings before walking directly in.

I have to say that his new residence is indeed quite large, and there are not many rooms in it. It seems that there is no problem at all for a few more people.

But now he and the woman named Qianjulianhua are the only ones living in this place, which makes Xia Yan feel like it's a bit of a waste.

"Master Xia Yan, you are back." As soon as Xia Yan walked in, a slightly cold voice rang in his ears.

Turning around, I saw Senju Renhua standing aside. She looked very respectful, but there was not much expression on her beautiful and cold face.

Xia Yan nodded slightly. He had seen this woman's attitude yesterday, and he was not surprised at all.

"Well, I'm back." Xia Yan nodded slightly: "Actually, you don't need to be so polite, just call me Xia Yan."

"The food is ready, Sir Xia Yan, you can prepare to eat." Thousand Hands Lotus didn't seem to hear Xia Yan's words.

She still maintained her previous attitude, respectful, cool and elegant. This attitude made Xia Yan feel helpless.

But life is like this. If you can't resist, just enjoy it. At least Xia Yan feels helpless but it's not bad.

After all, people are social animals. Xia Yan is not an indifferent person after all. It is not impossible to have someone by his side, even if it is a girl with a problem.

"It can only be a woman. If it's a man, get out of here."


After enjoying a decent dinner, Xia Yan suddenly realized that he really had the potential to be a lazy person.

Because now he really doesn't need to do anything, Senju Renhua can handle it all by himself.

Whether it's dealing with leftovers or washing dishes, Xia Yan doesn't need to worry about it at all. If cooking is also included, then Xia Yan will be even more relaxed.

It has to be said that being a lazy man is always a person's ultimate dream. Even a person like Xia Yan also thinks this is very good. After all, he does not need to do anything and enjoys a life like a landlord. Anyone would be happy.

"After all, this allows me to devote more energy to more important things."

Xia Yan was lying on the sofa in the living room, enjoying such a comfortable time, and he couldn't help but think silently.

He does still have a lot of things to think about, such as what Namikaze Minato will encounter in a few months!

To be honest, Natsuhiko is really conflicted about this matter. On the one hand, he is willing to follow the original plot line and let Minato Namikaze face this plot kill.

After all, the benefits of this are too obvious. Xia Yan can know what will happen next without thinking too much.

And knowing these things, he can easily make various choices that are beneficial to him.

Stability and stability are the key. As long as you do nothing, you will not make mistakes. In Xia Yan's opinion, this sentence is indeed correct sometimes.

Because stability and stability, even if they sometimes seem a bit unprogressive, can be particularly valuable at certain points in time.

But Xia Yan himself also knew that his arrival had essentially changed the entire Naruto world.

After all, there is no such thing as him in the original work, and there is no such thing as him taking away the big lizard from Shouzaki Castle, and there is no such thing as him causing trouble in Sunagakure Village!

Although everything he did seemed insignificant in the overall environment, as a person who had studied Marxism-Leninism, he firmly believed that everything in the world was universally connected.

Even if he doesn't talk about this kind of materialistic values, he still knows that there is a saying called the butterfly effect. Who knows how big a storm his little butterfly has stirred up.

The unknown is scary, something Natsuhiko has never denied, and it is because of the unknown that he hesitates about Namikaze Minato's future.

However, if what he has done has made the future unknown, then if he allows things to develop, he is just running wildly on a road that seems to be known, but is actually unknown.

"It's really a headache."

Xia Yan rubbed his brow. This matter was really a headache, but he had to admit that if he didn't want to get it right, he might not have much time.

It seems that Namikaze Minato's death will bring him some benefits, but if he is still alive, it is difficult to say whether it will bring him greater benefits.

The woman Tsunade is really going to come back as the Fifth Hokage, and that will be thirteen years later. Xia Yan knows how many things will happen in these thirteen years.

For example, Kumogakure will come looking for trouble. If you are not careful, Konoha may really enter a state of war with Kumogakure again.

Similarly, during this period, there was also the crazy expansion of the roots, Orochimaru's defection, and the massacre of Uchiha.

It can be said that the past thirteen years have not passed so easily, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's performance in these thirteen years can only be described as 'disappointing'.

Regarding Orochimaru's defection, he showed an attitude of 'reminiscing about old feelings'. Although he took the initiative to reveal Orochimaru's secret, he also let him leave.

This wave of operations really allowed him to win over people's hearts and gave him a huge advantage in regaining the rights of Hokage, thereby suppressing the selection of the Fifth Hokage.

But in the case of Yunyin, even though he acted cautiously and walked on thin ice, he used one person's life, especially the life of a member of the branch family, to avoid the emergence of war.

It can be said that all means have been exhausted, allowing Konoha to pass through the period of weakness safely.

However, what he did also severely damaged the morale of the Konoha ninjas, and even allowed Kumogakure to successfully plant mines in Konoha, causing Hinata to gradually separate from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Afterwards, with the crazy expansion of the roots, Danzo began to attack the big families unscrupulously, causing such conflicts to spread outward from Hinata.

In the end, the destruction of the Uchiha clan brought this distrust to the extreme. As a result, he "showed his courage and challenged Orochimaru" in the Chunin Exam.

In fact, even if he singled out Orochimaru, others could clear the obstacles within Konoha and kill those Sand Ninja and Sound Ninja.

But no one ran out, and they had to wait until he was really dead. Then those guys rushed out shouting slogans for revenge, and defeated Sunagakure and Otogakure in three strikes.

"So, he may have been a forbearer before, but in the past thirteen years, he has begun to walk on a path of seeking death, and using him as a backer is simply seeking death."

Xia Yan sighed in distress. He didn't react until he thought about it carefully. When he thought about it carefully, he realized that he had some previous plans.

For example, relying on Sarutobi Hiruzen to rise is simply unrealistic.

Although Konoha did not cleanse Sarutobi Hiruzen's old department after Tsunade took over, there were some things that Natsuhiko had to guard against.

His goal is to become Hokage. If a Hokage is not recognized by everyone at all and just relies on strength and violence to force himself into the position of Hokage, then Xia Yan will have to face a lot of inexplicable things that he is unwilling to face.

"It's just that if Namikaze Minato is alive, I won't have much chance. Besides, do I have the strength to save Namikaze Minato?"

Crossing his hands and holding his head, Xia Yan began to think hard.

But as soon as this question appeared in his mind, he was stunned, and then he immediately sat up...


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