The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 161 Sixty seconds and twenty seconds

"It seems that I really have this strength!"

Xia Yan sat up, his expression looked a little weird, as if he didn't even react.

But after some serious thinking, he suddenly discovered that he could indeed do it, and if he was lucky, he could even do it very well!

From the beginning to the end, Natsuhiko was constrained by his thinking, and he was always thinking about the combination of Kyuubi and Uchiha Obito, so he never thought thoroughly about whether he could deal with them.

Especially since he had obtained the 'Broken Power of Asura' for too short a time, he himself had not fully adapted to such changes, so he had no clear idea of ​​what his strength was.

But now that he calmed down and thought about it seriously, he had to admit one thing, that is, he seemed to be able to really deal with Obito.

Even if you count the Kyuubi, he is not helpless!

"I fully use Obito's information. It can be said that this boy has no secrets in front of me!

Obito, who has not reached the level of Six Paths or pseudo-Six Paths, is not as terrifying as imagined. The most important thing is his eye skills.

And the Yin Yang Escape he learned from Uchiha Madara or Black Zetsu! "

His strength has not reached the level of the later stage, where senjutsu is rampant, wood escape is everywhere, the Mangekyou Sharingan is no secret, Susanoo is flying all over the sky, and meteorites are falling from the sky at any time.

Intelligence is still a key factor in combat nowadays, and Xia Yan has Obito's intelligence, which means that he has a huge advantage when facing Obito!

Of course, it is not that simple to turn an advantage into victory, especially Obito's pupil technique is really the most disgusting pupil technique Habara has ever seen, bar none!

Under such a pupil technique, this guy is not afraid of any attack at all.

Coupled with the insight of the Sharingan, he can evade in advance to any extent. You can only watch him hit you, but you really can't hit him.

It's just that this guy is born with some weaknesses, and Namikaze Minato in the original book has helped Natsuhiko test them out!

That is, even though Obito has the help of Sharingan, his foundation is too problematic.

Obito used to be a loser in the class. He didn't have the interference of the Nine-Tails in his body like Naruto. In addition, due to the rejection of Muranochi, he could not get an excellent education.

This guy really has a slight problem with his brain. In other words, his IQ is really not that good. In the ninja assessment, the existence of 'skill' being ranked second is no joke.

The reason why Uchiha Madara chose him was probably entirely because this guy was really kind enough.

The opening of the kaleidoscope has nothing to do with strength. The more pure an Uchiha is, the more qualified he is to open his eyes, whether it is pure good or pure evil!

Obito is pure goodness, and once this pure goodness is distorted, coupled with the unique psychopathy of the Uchiha clan, it is normal for him to reverse into the abyss!

The current Obito is not the Obito who will continue to hone himself to a certain level in the future. He has strength but no ability to match it.

Even though he has the Mangekyou Sharingan, his attack speed and reaction speed all fell behind in the contest with Namikaze Minato.

Even though Namikaze Minato suffered a lot because he didn't understand the information at the beginning, once he figured out this guy's tricks later, it was really a turnaround!

“My reaction speed and attack speed are not weak either, plus he has the combination of Flying Thunder God Technique and Wood Release.

In a small-scale attack, I have an advantage over Namikaze Minato!

And I’m familiar with Obito’s intelligence, and I know how to deal with him, so to speak…”

Thinking of this, Hahara's eyes shone slightly. He really ignored his current strength. He was definitely not weak at this time!

Obito is easy to deal with. Although he can't defeat this guy and will run away, Habara seems to remember that Namikaze Minato seems to have left a curse mark on his body.

Even if Hahara went to do other things at first, he could use this curse seal to launch a fatal attack on Obito later, saving him from interfering with the good things Hahara wanted to do.

As for the Kyuubi, this guy is indeed a huge trouble. After all, its destructive power, especially to ordinary ninjas and civilians, is unimaginable.

Strategic weapons, this is really no joke!

It's just that although the Nine-Tails is scary, Habara doesn't have psychic beasts that are comparable in size to the Nine-Tails.

Not only did he have it, but even Namikaze Minato also had it.

As long as Kyuubi is brought outside the village, the destructive power of Kyuubi will be significantly reduced. If Lizard Maru and Bunta are added to deal with Kyuubi, then Kyuubi will not be as scary as imagined!

"It looks like I really have the ability to save Namikaze Minato."

Hahara touched his chin. He thought very seriously. He was now sure that if he really wanted to do something, it would definitely not be difficult.

After all, he has now reached a level that is difficult for others to reach!

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yanzhen stood up. Now he was really facing an unprecedented choice.

To save or not to save, this is a serious question.

And to what extent we need to save is a more serious question!

After all, he really cared about the position of the Fifth Hokage. After all, he succeeded in sitting on the Fifth Hokage, so he could get more with the help of the system's power.

After thinking about it, Hahara still didn't have a clear result.

Because if this matter is not handled well, he may have to wait for more than ten years or even many years before he can hope to compete for the position of Hokage. This is something he will never allow!

"Master Xia Yan, please drink tea."

Just when Habara was frowning and unable to do anything, the voice of Senju Renge reached Xia Yan's ears.

This voice also brought Xia Yan back to his senses. He turned around and saw the girl coming to him with a tea tray. She still looked so respectful and cold, as if she completely regarded herself as a servant.

"Thank you." Ha Yuan rubbed his eyebrows, then stretched out his hand to pick up a cup of tea: "Also, I said, you need this."

"Master Xia Yan is the hope of the family. I must maintain this attitude towards Master Xia Yan." Senju Renhua lowered her head and said in a slow voice. It seemed that she recognized this sentence very much.

Xia Yan glanced at her slightly, looking at that beautiful but expressionless face, he suddenly looked a little uninterested.

This woman is indeed the type who can let him do whatever he wants, but this type of woman somehow makes him seem to have little desire.

Sure enough, the phrase "what a bitch is so pretentious" is very useful at any time...


After mentally complaining about his shameless performance, he didn't bother to dwell on such things.

Taking a sip of the tea in the cup, he had to admit that the tea was indeed delicious.

Xia Yan doesn't know how to drink tea. In his previous life, he drank more coffee, but in this life, he drinks more boiled water, so it is difficult for him to distinguish so many things when a cup of good tea is placed in front of him.

But the tea brewed by Senju Lotus seems to have some honey in it. It tastes both tea-like and honey-sweet, which suits his taste quite well.

Putting the tea cup in his hand, Xia Yan patted the sofa gently: "Sit down, don't stand all the time."

"This is against the rules, Master Xia Yan." Senju Renhua shook her head and whispered.

"Does it follow the rules if you don't listen to me?" Xia Yan smiled and asked curiously: "Or are you just listening to other people's words from beginning to end, even when you come to me?"

Xia Yan's words made Senju Renhua's face change slightly. She quickly lowered her head without making any response, but this behavior already let Xia Yan know something.

Xia Yan stood up slowly, put the teacup in his hand on the tea tray, and then clasped Qianju Renhua's chin with one hand.

With a slight exertion of his hand, he lifted Thousand-Armed Lotus's lowered head up. Even if she resisted, it was of no avail.

Looking at this beautiful face, especially the way it pursed its lips, Xia Yan still kept a smile on his face.

He had known for a long time that this would be the result, so he was not disappointed at all, but he had to make his position and attitude clear.

He is indeed willing to do something for the Thousand Hands Clan, and it is true that he will not push the Thousand Hands Clan into the abyss, but this does not mean that he can tolerate some things.

After all, he needs the Thousand Hands Clan, and the Thousand Hands Clan is under his control!

He now has Mudun. If some people still try to use some other method to contain him, then he will definitely do something disappointing.

"It seems that I guessed it right." The smile on Xia Yan's face became brighter, and the strength in his hands began to increase.

Senju Renhua, on the other hand, remained silent, even though her chin had begun to turn red, and she seemed to feel like her chin was about to be crushed.

"Very strong?"

Xia Yan slowly let go of his hand, and then he slowly slid his hand down before the woman could recover. Finally, his hand fell on the woman's neck.

His hand gently clasped Qianju Renhua's neck, and then he exerted a slight force and began to slowly tighten it. In just a moment, the woman felt that she couldn't breathe!

"Think carefully." The power in Xia Yan's hand is still increasing, but his voice is still as kind as talking to a friend: "You have to think carefully, and you only have one minute. After one minute, I will be interested in listening. say something."

After saying this, Xia Yan quietly looked at the performance of the woman in front of him.

For twenty seconds, she couldn't bear it anymore, but she still closed her eyes and didn't move.

Thirty seconds later, her body began to tremble, but she still closed her eyes tightly.

Forty seconds later, her face began to turn red.

Fifty seconds later, her expression had turned a little horrifying, but she remained motionless.

Xia Yan himself was a little surprised by this state, but he knew how cruel his attack was. Even he himself might not be able to withstand such a suffocating feeling!

Suddenly, the smile on Xia Yan's face became even thicker. He wanted to see how long this woman could last!

Sixty seconds later, Xia Yan still didn't let go, and the power in his hand began to grow stronger.

However, he was still monitoring the woman's vital signs. He planned to pry something out of this woman's mouth, and he also planned to give the person behind her a warning.

But he hasn't planned to kill this woman yet. It's not that he has any boring thoughts of pity for her.

As a qualified ANBU, Natsuhiko killed quite a few beautiful female ninjas, especially some female spies who used their bodies to exchange information, and quite a few died in his hands.

This level of beauty can indeed make his heart flutter, but it won't make him lose his cool or give up on his principles!

Seventy seconds later, Thousand-Armed Lotus's vital signs seemed to begin to weaken, and at this moment she opened her eyes.

At this time, her eyes were no longer as indifferent as before, and she finally looked like a normal person and began to have obvious mood swings.

Are you unwilling?

Is it relief?

Xia Yan watched all this calmly, and at the eightieth second, when the woman's consciousness was about to completely blur, he finally let go of his hand.

The Thousand-Armed Lotus fell heavily to the ground, her head also hit the ground hard, and the tea tray and tea cup shattered on the ground.

However, this collision seemed to bring back her vague consciousness, and she began to breathe heavily. She had really walked around the door of death!

"Nice look, really nice."

Xia Yan's gentle and soft voice rang in her ears.

"But as a friendly reminder, if you think you can respond to me with silence, then I don't mind sending a corpse to Senju Xiangma.

The decision is yours, and you only have twenty seconds to say it. "

After saying this, Xia Yan didn't say anything more. He just looked at the woman in front of him who was still panting silently.

Time was passing quickly, and Xia Yan was mentally counting down silently. When there were ten seconds left, the woman finally raised her head.

"The instructions I received are to take care of Master Xia Yan's daily life, and to continue the bloodline of Mu Dun."

This woman's voice seemed very hoarse, perhaps because Xia Yan's previous attack was too harsh.

Only this time, the fear in her voice was more obvious, and her mood was no longer as cold as before.

"Then, who asked you to do this?" Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he slowly squatted down: "Is it Senju Xiangma?"

"Isn't it?" Senju Renhua shook her head. She gritted her teeth and finally spoke: "Elder Xiangzhen chose me, and he also reminded me not to anger you, but Elder Xiangzhen is not the only one in the Senju clan. It’s up to you.”

"Well, that doesn't surprise me."

Xia Yan smiled and stretched out his hand to help the woman tidy up her messy hair before he continued.

"I have many subordinates in ANBU, and I have long known that the situation in Senju is not normal.

But I don't care about these. What I care about is how you choose in the future.

Think hard because your life matters. "


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