Although Xia Yan was interested in what was going on within the Senju clan, he really didn't care that much.

In the past, because he was in the Anbu and had a very low position, Senju Shoma would not tell him many things in order to avoid all kinds of messy checks and ultimately get information.

Naturally, Xia Yan didn't know much about the situation in the family, and he really wanted to find out some things at that time.

But now, with enough strength and status, he doesn't care about this matter anymore.

Because he knew that the family would definitely find a way to make good use of his current position. In other words, they would send some necessary talents to Xia Yan!

In this case, why did Xia Yan spend so much effort to figure out these messy things.

Although he respects Senju Shoma and decides to help the Senju clan, this does not mean that he will approve of those who try to control him.

Even Senju Xiangzhen no longer dares to do this. If others dare to reach out, Xia Yan will never be polite at all.

It's just that he won't do this kind of thing casually. After all, it will affect the unity of the so-called family, and it will also affect his image.

He should also consider cherishing his feathers now. He didn't want to have to kill some people here and deal with some people there all day long after he gained control of the entire family.

If you keep doing this, maybe the Senju, who don't have many people in the first place, will really be pushed into hell.

And if you kill too much, you will always be implicated in various ways. As an ANBU Natsuhiko knows this too well, so violence is only used when necessary, not a conventional means to solve all problems.

As for the decision of Thousand Hands Lotus, Xia Yan just watched quietly. He had already spoken to this extent, and there was no need to say too much.

Thousand-Armed Lotus's complexion slowly returned to normal, but her expression was still not that good-looking.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Xia Yan, and finally shook her head slowly: "Sorry, I can't make such a choice."

"Really?" Xia Yan sighed slightly: "I thought you were a sensible person, but it seems you have disappointed me."

"Master Xia Yan stands high up, so naturally he cannot lower his head to watch the living conditions of people like us."

Thousand-Armed Lotus took a deep breath. Her expression had returned to the coldness before, and she even looked even colder now.

"I heard that Master Xia Yan was raised by Elder Xiangzhen. I wonder what Elder Xiangzhen means to you in the eyes of adults?"

When Xia Yan heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He seemed to realize something.

Could it be that this woman, like him, was raised by someone from the Senju clan, or is this woman's family still in the hands of others?

If it is the first type, then all Xia Yan can do is to destroy the flower directly.

His words have been so decisive, so naturally he will not leave any room. After all, keeping his word is also a kind of tolerance.

What's more, using some warnings in this way will definitely not be bad!

If it is the second type, then Xia Yan will have to consider whether this woman is valuable.

The second situation is easier to handle than the first situation, but it is also a little more troublesome.

Maybe Senju Xiangzhen can help him deal with it by selling favors, but favors are always the hardest debt to repay, and Xia Yan never wants to owe these debts.

But if the interests are appropriate, then it is not impossible to consider replacing it with so-called favors.

Xia Yan saw unwillingness and relief in this woman's eyes before.

The reluctance may be due to her unwillingness to die in such a situation, or it may be that she still has some unfulfilled wishes, which can even be understood as unfulfilled ambitions.

And relief also means that she is not satisfied with the current situation, the current arrangements, or that her family is being dragged into her hands.

With such sentiments, if this woman really has good enough value and potential, then Xia Yan wouldn't mind helping her.

There was no burden to kill Xia Yan, but he still had some scruples about killing his own people, so he decided to give it a try first.

"Tell me about your situation." Xia Yan stared at the woman in front of him and asked softly: "Don't lie. You know, with my power, I can clearly find everything I want. so......"

"my mother."

Thousand-Armed Lotus raised his head and said indifferently.

“Since I was born, my father has died and I have been raised by my mother.

Master Senju Lingtai is responsible for taking care of and protecting our tribe, and I have been arranged to be with Senju Natsuhiko since I was a child.

I don’t know who Senju Natsuhiko is, but I know this is my destiny.

It's just that my contact with adults has been postponed. It wasn't until this year that I was allowed to come to the adults' homes to clean, so as to slowly get closer to each other.

I don't know what adults do, and I don't know why there is such a result.

But it seems to have become a little strange recently. My mother is controlled by Master Ling, and the order he gave me is to let Master Xia Yan..."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, he probably understood what was going on.

This year's time is right. As for the recent problem, he has become one of the captains of the ANBU. It seems that his news is not really a secret among the entire Senju clan.

And I am afraid that becoming the captain has also aroused the thoughts of some other people in the family, such as Senju Lingta in this woman's mouth.

Xia Yan had never heard of this person, and had never been in contact with him, but from the woman's tone, he knew that this guy was probably someone who controlled an area of ​​​​the Thousand Hands Clan.

His status may not be as good as Senju Shoma, but he is still a person with certain real power.

"Do you want to operate on this guy?"

Xia Yan touched his chin, and soon he smiled because he already knew what he was going to do.

Although he can't do it directly, there is still no problem in teaching him a lesson. After all, Xia Yan wants the family to know that he is not to be trifled with and not to mess with him. This is an excellent opportunity!

Thinking of this, the way he looked at Thousand-Armed Lotus changed slightly.

Although he is still as gentle as the scorching sun, unlike before, his gentleness was full of coldness, but now there is a little bit of heat.

"I already know about you." Xia Yan said with a smile: "And I also know what I should do."

"Do you want to kill me to establish your authority?" To Xia Yan's expectation, Thousand-Armed Lotus raised his head and asked softly: "After all, I am afraid that someone like you will never allow anyone to have such an idea. ?"

"Oh?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked curiously: "Why do you say that?"

"I can see that you have indeed had murderous intentions before, and you really want to kill me."

Thousand-Armed Lotus's voice was still cold, as if what she was saying had nothing to do with her.

"Indeed, although I only found out recently, I already know that you are a member of the ANBU and an important member of the ANBU.

People who have reached the level of adults probably won't want to be controlled by others, especially Elder Xiangzhen also reminded me.

If you guessed correctly, you should have had a lot of contact and even conflicts with Elder Xiangzhen.

Therefore, now that people like me have appeared, if there is no need to seek revenge on the people behind me, killing me is the best warning.

After all, I am just a small person. If my death can serve as a warning, then everything will be better.

Am I right, Sir Xia Yan? "

Xia Yan looked at her quietly, and he suddenly realized that this woman's mind seemed to be spinning really fast.

She can quickly put together such small and fragmented information and analyze her own intentions, which can be said to be very remarkable.

However, this woman's attitude was still a problem, which made Xia Yan couldn't help but shake his head slightly. Being too cold does make people want to conquer, but being too cold can also make people uncomfortable.

The unwillingness in her eyes before was probably not only unwilling to accept her fate and die like this, but also unwilling to use her talents to the fullest, right?

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but clapped his hands gently, and then he looked at the woman in front of him with a smile.

"Great analysis, really great. After all, you have analyzed everything I thought of."

"Should I thank you for your appreciation, or should I beg for mercy?" Qianjulianhua stared at Xia Yan, and then she also smiled: "Maybe, this is my destiny?"

"Actually, aren't you begging for mercy now?"

Xia Yan looked at the woman in front of him with interest, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Of course, this is just my own understanding. What you are doing now is showing your intelligence and intelligence.

You are using your ability to attract me, so that I know that you are valuable enough, so maybe I can help you, right?

Of course, this is just a family opinion, so please forgive me if this is not the case. "

"Perhaps, sir." Thousand-Armed Lotus couldn't help but shook his head slightly after hearing Xia Yan's words: "But there is one thing I want to tell you, sir. People's hearts are not that dark. Maybe it's because I don't know enough about the world. .”

"Really, then I have to apologize." Xia Yan shook his head indifferently, and then he slowly said: "Of course, I don't care whether it is true or not, and you are right, your understanding of the world Knowledge is indeed not enough.”

At this point, Xia Yan stopped continuing this topic.

That's pretty much it. What's more, he really hasn't thought about what to do with this woman. At least for now, he has no idea of ​​killing her.

After standing up, Xia Yan sat on the sofa, and Qianju Renhua also began to silently clean the broken coffee table on the ground.

She still doesn't know what Xia Yan's final thoughts are, but she will never forget what she should do in her current status.

"Let's clean up these things later." Xia Yan patted the sofa again: "Come here and sit down."

Qianjulianhua's body stiffened slightly. She was hesitant and worried, but in the end she stood up and walked over, and then slowly sat down next to Xia Yan.

"Very good, you are starting to get into the zone, although your performance is not satisfactory." Xia Yan chuckled: "Let me ask you a question. If you can give me a good answer, I will also give you a good answer."

"Yes, Sir Xia Yan." Senju Renhua lowered her head, and her voice began to become calmer.

"One thing I'm hesitant about is the timely benefits I can get if I get involved."

Xia Yan leaned on the sofa, his voice became a little longer, and he looked at the ceiling, as if he was sorting out his words.

“But for the future, it’s not good for my goals and I even need more time to accomplish my goals.

But if I don't get involved, I may be able to control the future and get a lot more out of the next few years.

But I will also lose a lot, and even my goals will no longer be achieved.

Even, I will lose everything because of this!

You say, how should I deal with it now and how should I control it? "

After Xia Yan said this, he looked at the woman in front of him quietly with a gentle smile.

Thousand-Armed Lotus also fell into deep thought. She knew that this was the moment that truly decided her fate. After some careful thinking, she slowly raised her head.

"My lord, this is a difficult choice."

Thousand-Armed Lotus Ye's cold voice sounded again.

“But if you have enough strength and means, you can control the progress of this matter.

So it is not impossible to participate so that you can not only get the current benefits, but also control the scale to get more in the future and achieve your adult goals.

If not, then you can only avoid this matter. Although you will lose a lot in the future, the look on your face seems to be that you know what you will lose.

Then take precautions in advance to avoid greater losses.

If you really don’t have the strength and means, then it’s better for adults to get involved.

Compared with the time it takes to achieve your goals, it is always better than not being able to achieve your goals. "

"So, I have the strength and means, and I intervene, what is the best way for me to do it?" Xia Yan looked at Lianhua with interest and asked his second question.

"Achieving a balance between natural participation and non-participation can not only obtain current benefits, but also obtain benefits in the future, and finally achieve your own goals!"

Thousand-Armed Lotus's words were sonorous and powerful, and Xia Yan looked at her with a smile. In fact, he already had an answer in his heart, and now Lianhua's words have completely confirmed his idea!

This matter is difficult to handle, but Xia Yan now has the strength and means, so why doesn't he give it a try?

"It seems that you have given me the answer in my heart." Xia Yan stared at the woman in front of him, and finally he said calmly: "There is no need to call me Sir from now on, just call me Xia Yan. You can regard it as an order or as an This is my request."

"Yes, Xia Yanjun." Thousand-Armed Lotus didn't hesitate much this time, but there were other emotions in her eyes.

"There are many rooms in this room. Please tidy up one more room."

Xia Yan stood up and then stretched slowly.

"Maybe if you don't come for a few days, someone will come over to accompany you..."


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