"Elder, this is what I came to see you for this time."

Sitting in Senju Xiangma's room, Xia Yan drank tea while looking at Senju Xiangma with a gentle expression, but he felt that the tea here was not quite to his taste.

The tea here is too bitter. Maybe this is what real tea should taste like, but he still likes the tea that the woman from Lianhua made for him last night.

This time when Xia Yan came to see Senju Xiangma, Xia Yan's purpose was very clear, which was to explain the situation at home.

Someone has crossed the line, so he must do something. It is obvious that Senju Xiangzhen also understands what Xia Yan means, and his face looks very ugly now.

He really never thought that things would turn out like this. People in the family seemed to have different ideas because of Xia Yan's promotion and the opening of Mu Dun.

He was already filled with anger. He was already a little worried about Xia Yan, but now that something like this happened, he who was slightly relaxed suddenly became nervous.

Fortunately, Xia Yan's performance was relatively restrained. He did not use any drastic measures. Thousand-Armed Lotus was still alive and ran away to find him.

What Senju Shoma was most worried about was that Natsuhiko didn't look for him at all. He got the location of Senju Reita directly from Senju Renge, then killed the poor girl, and then ran to kill Senju Reita.

This kind of thing is probably something that the ANBU ninjas are very skilled at, not to mention that Natsuhiko is also extremely good at the flying thunder god technique. Once he does it, no one will be able to find any clues.

Even Xia Yan doesn't need to do it himself, his people can easily complete all this, because he is the captain of the ANBU!

"I understand, Xia Yan." Qianju sighed slightly, and nodded seriously: "Thank you for remaining restrained. I will handle this matter."

"No, elder." When Xia Yan heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head: "I plan to handle this matter personally."

Handle it yourself?

Upon hearing these words, Senju Xiangzhen instantly became more nervous.

If an ANBU handles this kind of thing, basically nothing good will happen!

He knew that Xia Yan must be very angry about such a thing, but Senju Lingta was also a member of the family, and an important one.

If Xia Yan really handled it according to the ANBU's style of acting, then the impact of this incident would be really terrible.

Taking a deep breath, Senju Xiangzhen forced himself to calm down.

He must calm down about this kind of thing. If he messes up, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

After calming down, Senju Xiangzhen immediately thought of something different, for example, Xia Yan came to him on his own initiative!

The fact that he came to him probably showed his attitude, and this attitude probably meant that he would use his identity as Senju Natsuhiko to solve the problem.

It was not the identity of Nightingale, the captain of the Konoha ANBU, who was here to solve the problem this time.

I just thought that Senju Xiangzhen also needs to confirm, after all, this matter is really likely to cause the division of the family.

Even if such a situation occurs, Senju Xiangzhen will probably stand behind Xia Yan. After all, he trained this child, and after all, this child has a wooden escape!

This is the key to the re-emergence of the Thousand Hands Clan, and he naturally knows how to make choices.

But he can handle all this better, and he doesn't want such a split within the family.

"Tell me about it." Senju Xiangzhen sighed deeply: "What do you think?"

"My idea is very simple, that is, this matter must be handled properly." Natsu Yan faced Senju Xiangma with a smile: "Of course, this matter is Senju Natsuhiko's matter, not Nightingale's matter. I There will be some sense of proportion.”

"Really?" After hearing this, Qianju Xiangzhen was truly relieved: "I understand, you have grown up Xia Yan, what are you going to do about this?"

"Of course I want to have a good meeting with this gentleman, and by the way, I will bring a message to other people who may have ideas."

Xia Yan gently put down the teacup, his mouth still kept a smile, but this smile made Qianju Xiangzhen feel unusual.

"It's okay to have ideas, but everyone must remember one thing, that is, there are some things you can think about but cannot do. Once you do, you will pay the price."

"Then... what's the price for what you said?" Qianju Xiangzhen thought for a moment, and then asked in a low voice: "Xia Yan, tell me, what is your purpose?"

"In order to make some people sober, I will bring members of the Anbu family." Xia Yan said with a smile: "If they are sensible, they know what to do, otherwise according to the damage rate of the ANBU, I cannot guarantee the safety of these people. .”

Upon hearing these words, Senju Xiangzhen's pupils dilated instantly. Maybe this was not the first time Xia Yan showed his fangs, but this was definitely the most ruthless time Xia Yan had shown!

He didn't attack his fellow tribesmen because he didn't need to do anything. He just had to speak within the rules and some people would die!

This is what Xia Yan wants to convey. Those Senju members who entered the ANBU are the elites cultivated by the Senju clan who are hiding in each other.

Once they are all dead, the blow to the Senju clan will be huge. Xia Yan is nakedly threatening those guys, and Senju Xiangzhen can see that he really dares to do it!

But soon, Xia Yan once again gave him an answer: "Actually, it's just to scare them. After all, I won't do anything to my own men, as long as those people think clearly."

"Huh?" Qianju Xiangzhen thought about this sentence, and instantly he understood something: "You...have already treated those children..."

"Yes, elder." Xia Yan nodded calmly, and the smile on his lips became even stronger.

"I reminded them before going on the mission that no matter who they were before, they can only listen to me in ANBU, otherwise...

I don't know what they are thinking about, but this time is a good opportunity for experimentation. "

Hearing Xia Yan's understatement, Senju Xiang was really stunned. For some reason, in his eyes, Xia Yan seemed to have a shadow behind him at this moment.

That shadow is a man with the same white hair as Natsuhiko. That is the ancestor of their Senju clan. That is Konoha's second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama!

The same coldness, the same intelligence, and seemingly the same ninjutsu and the same methods!


Senju Shoma lowered his head. He had followed Senju Tobirama in the Anbu when he was young, so he naturally knew this ancestor very well.

At this time, Natsu Yan gave him the same illusion as Senju Tobirama. If Natsu Yan's Wood Release is included, then is he a fusion of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama?

Trying to calm his breathing, Senju Xiangzhen already had some thoughts in his heart, and then he nodded deeply.

"Just go ahead and do it, I just hope it will be a good outcome."

"Everyone hopes that things will have a good outcome, but I prefer to prepare for the worst, but this time I am confident, Mr. Elder..."


After discussing these matters with Senju Xiangma, Natsuhiko left this quaint wooden house and walked towards the ANBU.

Xia Yan was thinking about one thing as he walked, that is, he found that he seemed to have changed a little.

If it were before, perhaps he would not have used such strong words, let alone such an aggressive approach.

He will use some more to make people trust him more, and then unconsciously adopt his opinions.

For example, when facing Senju Shouma, he would no longer constantly adapt to the other person's ideas as before, and then secretly export his own ideas.

He will now express his attitude directly, and tell the other party his plans in a slow and gentle manner, so that the other party has no way to reject him.

"What is the reason that made me change?"

Xia Yan touched his chin. He didn't think this was bad. What he did before was very correct, even if he would still do it in the future.

But one thing I have to say is that his previous performance seemed to be too weak, so that before he could get the benefits, he ended up in a very frustrated state.

Xia Yan himself didn't like this kind of frustration. Even though he was essentially a person who didn't pay much attention to the process and only focused on the results, the process was so uncomfortable that he seemed a little nauseous.

But now the method he uses makes him suddenly feel like he can enjoy the process and get satisfactory results.

I have to say that this feeling really made him very comfortable.

"Perhaps it's because my strength has increased and my character has changed slightly?"

Xia Yan thought for a long time, and in the end he could only summarize his changes with this conclusion.

After all, when your character changes, it will also change accordingly. Even if the means of taking action are still the same, there can be many changes in the method, right?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan once again smiled. He had to say that strength is really a good thing.

This is not only the best weapon to enhance personal deterrence and ensure one's own safety, but it is also something that makes people more confident. If he doesn't have the strength, no matter how unhappy Xia Yan is, he will probably only be timid.

"But we still need to restrain ourselves, especially when some things have not been done."

He raised his head slightly and looked at the ANBU headquarters in front of him. He slowly turned his head and looked at the ANBU headquarters not far away.

There will definitely be his territory, and it will also be his step to a higher stage!

Quickly entering the ANBU branch, the entire team of ninjas knew him, so the captain who stayed here quickly came over - in fact, there were only two of them, one was Kakashi, who was directly recognized by Natsuhiko, and Another is a trout.

"Captain Trout, I need to trouble you with something." Xia Yan sat in front of his desk and said directly without any nonsense: "Thank you for bringing the four Sparrowhawks here."

The codenames of the four people from the Senju clan who entered the ANBU were Sparrowhawk, Redhawk, Harrierhawk and Snowhawk. Trout immediately nodded after hearing this.

He didn't ask any questions at all, turned around and left the office, while Kakashi stood in front of Natsuhiko, and he didn't know what his captain had planned.

"Kakashi, you may have to go out for a while." After Xia Yan watched the trout leave, he showed a smile and said slowly: "I'm sorry, your good days are over."

"I've been used to it for a long time. If there is no mission, I might feel uncomfortable." Kakashi also laughed. He was really not joking.

After coming off the battlefield, he kept paralyzing himself with various tasks, because once he was idle, that terrible scene would appear in his mind.

Namikaze Minato sent him to the ANBU. One of the important reasons was that the ANBU had very heavy tasks and hardly had much rest time.

Although Kakashi is getting better now, the time he followed Natsuhiko seems to have been anything but leisurely.

And now that he has been promoted to squad leader by Xia Yan, he has been improving his leadership skills in all aspects and working with his new subordinates.

Even though this running-in period is not long, it is less than a week after playing full games.

But he felt that instead of exercising like this in Konoha, it would be better to get better improvements through actual tasks.

"This mission is a bit troublesome, but it is also very important." Natsuhiko stood up. He slowly walked to Kakashi's side, and then whispered: "This matter is about Ye Cang."

"That woman?" Kakashi was stunned for a moment, and then he nodded: "What should we do? Kill her quietly..."

"What are you thinking? I plan to instigate rebellion against her!" Xia Yan rolled his eyes. This guy's behavior was really becoming more and more ANBU-like.

Shaking his head, Natsuhiko took out a scroll from his ninja bag and handed it to Kakashi: "Look carefully. You will understand after reading it. You and I can go meet this woman after get off work." .Also, do you know how to deal with this thing?"

"Yes, Captain." Kakashi immediately picked up the scroll. He nodded seriously, and then quickly put the scroll away.

Tasks that are informed in advance are either troublesome or easy. Kakashi learned this when he followed Natsuhiko.

Now he can conclude that his mission this time is not simple, and he is determined to carry out this mission well.

After all, it was Xia Yan who promoted him to the position of squad leader. If he didn't perform well, it would be really embarrassing.

This kind of embarrassment is not only for Xia Yan, but also for his teacher.

Looking at Kakashi's eyes, Natsuhiko patted him on the shoulder, and then he sat down in his seat again.

At this moment, the four people from Senju had also arrived outside the office...


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