"You four wait here and don't let anyone in. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Captain!"

As the sun set, in the dungeon of the Anbu branch, Natsuhiko said with a smile to the four ninjas of the Senju clan.

However, his gentle attitude did not make the four people relax at all. Their level of respect even made Kakashi look sideways.

However, Xia Yan didn't pay much attention to them. It was obvious that these four people seemed to be frightened by his previous actions, but some things had not been completely confirmed, so he would not let these four people go easily.

Taking Kakashi directly into the cell, the four Senju clan ninjas immediately retreated and separately controlled the entire cell. It seemed that they were completing Xia Yan's orders meticulously.

However, Xia Yan didn't say anything because he needed more confirmation on some things. When they arrived at Ye Cang's cell, Ye Cang immediately raised his head.

During this period of time, her life in prison really surprised her. It was not that it was difficult, but she found that her life was better than she had imagined.

Especially after witnessing a private meeting between Natsuhiko and the Fourth Hokage, her life began to get a little better.

Although her blood is still drawn every day, she is not demanding in terms of diet, and she has not been interrogated until now. This does not seem to be the way ANBU treats prisoners.

"Is it today?"

Ye Cang thought to himself, but her expression was still very calm. As a ninja, they have to undergo training since they were in school.

That is, if you are caught by the enemy, how to find a way to resist the interrogation as much as possible, or provide some false information so that you can die with dignity.

Of course, the more important thing taught is to make oneself die faster when being interrogated.

There is an unwritten iron rule in the ninja world, that is, after being interrogated, you should die as soon as possible.

Otherwise, since the end is death no matter what, it is better to let yourself suffer less torture and die more honorably.

Ye Cang was ready to die. After being caught, she did think about resisting, but when she was brought to Konoha, she had no such thoughts.

Maybe she still has value now. For example, her blood inheritance gave Konoha ideas, so she was not thrown into the torture class.

Xia Yan didn't know what she was thinking. He walked directly in front of Ye Cang and unlocked part of her seal. At this moment, Ye Cang regained his hearing.

Xia Yanke was interested in unlocking her ability to speak. After all, he didn't want to have an argument with this woman. He wasn't afraid of this kind of thing, but he also hated it.

What he prefers now is to let others listen to him, and in the end, no matter what method he uses, he can make others accept his ideas.

Of course, he would not use such a coercive method on everyone, after all, his personality is not like that.

Sometimes it is okay to be strong, but sometimes it is not necessary. Xia Yan knows what kind of speed is most suitable for him.

"Now you can hear me, I guess you have a lot of questions, right?"

Xia Yan looked at Ye Cang with a smile, his expression still as gentle as ever.

"After all, you have been here for so long, and our Anbu have never interrogated you or done anything to you.

Of course, we do this for a reason, after all, you are worth much more than you think. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused for a moment. Looking at Ye Cang's indifferent eyes, he knew that this woman probably heard it but didn't take it to heart.

So Xia Yan decided to come up with something exciting. He didn't have that much time to spend with this woman here.

It was already time to get off work, and he had other things to deal with, such as that guy named Senju Reita.

"Do you know what your greatest value is?"

Xia Yan looked at Ye Cang in front of him with a smile, and then he stretched out his hand to clasp Ye Cang's chin, just like he did to the Thousand-Armed Lotus last night.

Xia Yan himself didn't know why, but he suddenly liked to use this method to deal with troublesome women.

Although this is not that good, it is at least much better than breaking his neck with his hands.

Ye Cang frowned and looked at the young man in front of her. Her eyes were very dangerous now. She didn't know what this damn guy Xia Yan wanted to say.

But no matter what he said, Ye Cang had already made up her mind that she would never pay attention to this guy.

However, when Xia Yan said the next sentence, Ye Cang's eyes changed slightly.

"Your greatest value is that you can be incited to rebel."

Xia Yan's voice was very gentle, and Ye Cang's eyes narrowed slightly after hearing these words, and then her eyes immediately revealed a hint of ridicule.

Instigating rebellion was definitely something she had never thought about, because she would never betray Sunagakure Village!

She suddenly felt that the guy in front of her was a little too stupid. Why did he think that he would seek refuge in Konoha? Was it because he was caught?

There are so many ninjas who have been captured, especially during wars, but how many ninjas actually choose to be rebels?

Even if some ninjas become traitorous ninjas, they may not go to major ninja villages to serve.

"Don't make such an expression. Do you think an ANBU member like me would talk nonsense?"

Looking at Ye Cang's expression, Xia Yan roughly guessed what she was thinking, but Xia Yan didn't pay attention and continued to speak slowly.

"Do you know why I didn't remove the seal on your mouth?

Just because I don't want to hear you argue with me about these things. Of course, you may also remain silent without saying a word.

I don't care which one it is, but there's something you need to know.

Ye Cang, based on my last trip to the Kingdom of Wind, I got some interesting information, including you.

According to the intelligence, we know that Luo Sha wants to protect the interests that the Bear Country has gained from the Earth Country, and he needs to calm down all the troubles in his village.

Especially those guys from Kirigakure are your biggest trouble, right?

And your mission is to go to the Kirigakure Village of the Water Country and have a good talk with those guys, like giving up hatred and stopping the nuisance to Sunagakure.

As for how far you can go, it all depends on your own ability.

Just a question, have you ever thought about why he sent you? "

When Xia Yan said that he would bring it here, he paused for a moment and took a special look at Ye Cang's reaction.

It's a pity that Ye Cang still has the same expression as before. She didn't react at all, not even a little hesitation.

This is not beyond Xia Yan's expectation. After all, the current Ye Cang is not the one reincarnated from the dirty land. The firmness of her inner belief is unimaginable.

Otherwise, she would not have carried out such a mission alone. You must know that her methods against those Kirigakure in the Kingdom of Wind were quite harsh.

It's even a good thing for Xia Yan that she has such a reaction, because the more determined you are about something, once it is reversed, it will be a devastating blow.

"I know you don't quite believe me. After all, I am a Konoha ANBU, but without evidence, do you think I would say this to you here?"

Xia Yan gently moved Ye Cang's face from side to side, then let go of his hand. Then he reached into his ninja tool bag and took out a scroll, throwing it in front of Ye Cang.

"In fact, it's not difficult to understand why I sent you there. After all, you are the hero of the village. After all, you were ruthless in dealing with those Kirigakure in the Kingdom of Wind.

With an existence like you, you are an excellent tool for profit when the peace defined by Luosha is desperately needed. "

Ye Cang turned her head away immediately after Xia Yan let go. She didn't even look at the scroll that Xia Yan threw over.

However, when Xia Yan said such a sentence, her body stiffened slightly, but she soon recovered and ignored Xia Yan at all.

"Everyone with some brains knows what kind of person Rasa is. How did the Third Ninja War happen?

At that time, your Third Kazekage disappeared, and Rasa probably got a lot of support and rose to power with the slogan of revenge for the Third Kazekage, right?

The situation in your village has been very bad since he came to power. After all, there are people who oppose him everywhere.

In addition, if he doesn't implement the slogan he made himself, he, the Kazekage, will definitely not have an easy time.

Coerced by the slogan of revenge, plus the internal problems in your village, plus he has always hoped to get more benefits in the River Country.

Therefore, he brazenly launched the Third Ninja War.

Just imagine, for a person who is so calculating, how much do you think your so-called hero is worth to him?

Is it worth using your life and your blood inheritance to stop Kirigakure Village when he needs to concentrate on another thing? "

Natsuhiko's words were still gentle, and his voice could make people feel like they were bathing in the spring breeze, but both Kakashi and Ye Cang in the cell felt shuddering.

Kakashi was okay, but Ye Cang was very uncomfortable at this time. She really didn't want to listen to what this guy said, but she had to admit one thing.

That is, every word he said is worth thinking about, and she who has experienced that period will naturally not forget some things.

After the guy in front of him connected these things together, Ye Cang felt that he had gotten a terrifying truth!

It's just that she can't believe it, and she definitely doesn't want to believe it. Does the Fourth Kazekage, and even Sunagakure Village, really intend to give up on herself and use herself as a bargaining chip?

Thinking of this, Ye Cang unconsciously looked at the scroll that Xia Yan threw over.

The cylindrical scroll rolled over and spread out when it was thrown to her. When she saw some of the contents inside, her whole body instantly became stiff.

And her eyes lost their light at this moment...


"The rest is up to you, Kakashi."

"Don't worry, Captain, I won't let you down."

After walking out of the cell, Natsuhiko smiled and said to Kakashi, and Kakashi nodded extremely seriously.

Although Ye Cang did not give an accurate answer, both Natsuhiko and Kakashi knew that this woman's inner defense had been broken.

The content written in the scroll was actually obtained by Xia Yan from the ANBU captain Viper, and Xia Yan's translation notes were still retained on it.

He did this deliberately. His purpose was to tell Ye Cang that I had a lot of information.

I have obtained all the secret information about your Sunagakure Village. It is normal for me to obtain such information.

Now Ye Cang is still struggling, but Natsuhiko told her when she left that in a few days she would ask Kakashi to take her to Kirigakure Village, and then he would know if Natsuhiko was lying to her. .

"Then I'll go first, Captain."

Kakashi glanced at the four Anbu who were still following Natsuhiko. He guessed that Natsuhiko had other things to do, so he decisively said goodbye first.

Xia Yan smiled and nodded, and Kakashi immediately turned around and left. After Xia Yan could no longer see him, he turned his eyes to these four people.

"Okay, let's go too."

Xia Yan's expression was as gentle as ever, and his eyes kept moving on these four people, who immediately lowered their heads.

"Am I that scary? You guys are really making things difficult for me."

"I'm sorry, sir." When the four of them heard Xia Yan's words, they couldn't help but apologize in unison.

It's just what they said, but deep down they actually agree with Xia Yan's words, that is, this guy is indeed terrifying and abnormal!

What Natsuhiko did and said when he left Konoha that time is still echoing in their minds.

They didn't dare to think that this guy who looked much younger than them and always had a pleasant face was a really kind person.

I'm afraid that such a smile is just a disguise, and the essence of this guy is a devil with a hidden knife in his smile!

After all, he could maintain such a smile, issue death threats to his fellow tribesmen, and force them to choose sides. How could such a person be a kind person?

After all, he is a captain. After all, he is a veteran who has been working in the ANBU for five years.

They had no doubt that this guy could really do such a thing.

"By the way, do any of you know where Mrs. Senju Ling lives?" Xia Yan just turned around and was about to leave, but soon he touched his head and asked apologetically: "I'm sorry, I really don't know. I think some of you should know the position of this lord, right?"

Senju Lingta?

Upon hearing this name, one of the ANBU's breathing suddenly became a little faster, and his head lowered a little deeper.

"It seems that someone knows." Xia Yan smiled slightly: "Then, please lead the way."

"After all, I have something very important to meet with him, and I don't want to delay it..."


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