Xia Yan's words can be completely understood to mean that this guy is really asking for money.

But Uchiha really had no way to refute, or he had already thought of the problems he might face.

Although it was a bit funny, after all, he was threatened by a thirteen or fourteen-year-old child and the lion opened his mouth, but after the last lesson, Uchiha Zhen already knew that the kid in front of him was really not something that could be understood with common sense.

Uchiha Zhen now began to think seriously about what the kid named Natsuhiko in front of him wanted.

An ANBU spot was given as soon as he was told. It was obvious that he had already asked the people behind him for instructions. In other words, this matter was approved by the Hokage!

This result has made Uchiha really happy, because setting up this line means that he and Konoha have a platform to communicate.

Even if the effect of this platform is not ideal at the beginning, Uchiha still understands the principle of speaking lightly.

But as time goes by, he believes that this platform will definitely be able to play its role!

Therefore, he didn't care about Xia Yan's behavior. Everything had to pay a price. Uchiha really understood and understood this.

"I don't know, what does Captain Xia Yan want?" Suppressing the joy in his heart, Uchiha Zhen lowered his voice very low: "As long as it is within my ability, I will find a way to satisfy Captain Xia Yan."

"Let's not talk about this problem for now." To Uchiha's surprise, Xia Yan shook his head gently.

Then he picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. It looked as if he had really come to drink tea.

But Uchiha really wouldn't think like this, and still sat there honestly.

After Xia Yan finished drinking the tea in the cup, he used his eyes to remind Zhi Shui who was standing aside, and Zhi Shui immediately filled Xia Yan's tea cup.

This kind of treatment actually made Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh. In the future, Uchiha, who has mastered the pupil technique of "Beyond God", poured himself tea. This was really a different experience.

"Knock knock knock."

When the tea was almost ready, Xia Yan lightly knocked on the table to indicate that it was almost ready, and then he spoke slowly.

"Before we talk about this, I have something to ask Your Excellency."

"Captain Natsuhiko, please tell me." Uchiha Zhen asked very seriously: "As long as the question is not too confidential, I will definitely give Captain Natsuhiko an answer."

"Rather than giving me an answer, it's better to give Hokage-sama an answer."

Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Makoto with a smile, and then he said faintly.

"Hokage-sama trusts you very much, and will even trust you even more in the future.

But trust comes at a certain price. For example, what will you do? "

After saying this, Natsuhiko paused for a moment, looked at Uchiha who opened his mouth to say something, stretched out a finger, and then waved it gently.

"Don't rush to answer, we have heard about things in your family.

Now there are two groups of people in your family who are fighting fiercely. One group is yours.

One group hopes to use some tough measures to make Konoha compromise, right?

Are they even considering using a coup when necessary? "

Natsuhiko's words were very soft, and his expression was unusually gentle. However, at this moment, Uchiha Makoto couldn't help but feel a little stiff, and his expression also changed slightly.

Even though Natsuhiko didn't say anything, Uchiha really wasn't a fool.

How far did Konoha stretch its hands? Did it really investigate the situation within their clan?

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he probably guessed some of Konoha's thoughts!

The reason why Konoha gave him a spot was entirely to allow him to fight more fiercely with those 'hawks'.

What is trust?

What is more trust?

This shows that not only this quota, but also more things will be given to him in the future, giving him more confidence and strength to fight.

This is completely making them kill each other and fight among themselves!

However, the sad thing is that this is what Uchiha really wanted to do. He really didn't expect Konoha to be so cruel.

Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Zhen's expression and immediately realized that this guy might have understood something.

Xia Yan had already spoken very cautiously, but he still saw something. It had to be said that sometimes the older people are, the smarter they really are.

"It seems that your Excellency has already guessed some of our purposes."

Natsuhiko chuckled lightly, looked at Uchiha Shisui beside him, and then said slowly.

"You are really cruel, you..." Uchiha's face turned a little red, and he really wanted to stand up and turn around and leave.

But he didn't dare to leave and couldn't leave. He sought this opportunity by himself. Now in such a situation, he could only bite the bullet and find a way to continue.

Once he refuses, then he will be in really bad shape within the clan. In some sense, he has completely deviated from his intended position, and those who follow him will also be in bad luck!

Similarly, if he told the clan about this matter, then the clan would really have to face the whole of Konoha when they get excited.

But soon, Uchiha really thought of something. He suddenly calmed down and stared at Xia Yan tightly.

"Captain Natsuhiko, if you reveal this matter, have you considered Konoha's position and thoughts?

I'm afraid Konoha hasn't thought about asking you to tell me this, right? "

"of course not."

Xia Yan nodded directly, without any intention of denying it. Then he picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. When he put the cup down, he said quietly.

"Konoha hopes that you will bite dogs, and the fiercer the bites, the better for the village. After all, the Second Hokage believes that you are all a source of instability.

As for you telling other families in the village what I told you and causing suspicion within the village, I can only tell you that you are overthinking.

Maybe the village will be affected by this, which is a blow to the village, and such a blow will give other villages an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Also, this is the Yondaime platform. Once this matter is brought out by you, what is the probability that the Yondaime will take the blame and resign?

And who will stand on the stage again? Have you ever thought about it carefully?

When that person returns to take charge of Konoha, I'm afraid things won't be easy for you and your family, right? "

At this point, Natsuhiko won't say any more. He didn't dare to attack Uchiha before, because he was not sure and had no strength.

But now, although his confidence is not high, he has undergone a huge change, that is, he has strength.

Some layouts can also be started, and some things can also be started.

Just like the Senju clan, Uchiha must do something!

Uchiha sat there in silence, thinking about the meaning of Xia Yan's words and what Xia Yan's purpose was.

Today's conversation was beyond Uchiha's imagination. He had to calm down and figure out some things.

After a long while, Uchiha finally spoke slowly, his voice already a little hoarse: "So, what do you think we should do?"

"Me?" Xia Yan nodded quietly mentally. The old man reacted quite quickly: "My advice to you is, you should get whatever is given to you, and when necessary, you can try to cut through the mess with a sharp knife. .”

"You!" Uchiha was really angry at this moment. He stood up angrily and stared at Xia Yan: "If Captain Xia Yan makes such a suggestion, I can only say that I will consider it carefully."

Thinking about it carefully means basically not thinking about it.

Xia Yan can still understand this kind of narrative. I'm afraid he still wants to take it slow and follow his own rules.

But it is a pity that his method is of no use at all. If it were to be useful, it would not be fully occupied by the 'hawks' in the future.

And Natsuhiko said that he felt it was almost the same now. Although it is true that these "doves" in Uchiha are super young people, not all of them are people like Uchiha Itachi.

If they really want to attack their own people, I'm afraid they still can't do it.

So Natsuhiko really admires Uchiha Itachi. He killed the whole clan with a sword in his hand. This is not a ruthless person in the ordinary sense. In Natsuhiko's previous life, this was called wolf annihilation.

"Your Excellency, it's better not to be anxious."

Natsuhiko sat in his seat and did not move. He looked at the angry Uchiha Makoto with a smile, his expression still gentle.

"The reason why a suggestion is a suggestion means that it may not be adopted, and I didn't say I only had one suggestion, right?"

"Oh?" Uchiha raised his eyebrows, then sat down and asked in a low voice: "Then Captain Natsuhiko, do you have any better suggestions?"

"I can see that you care very much about the internal stability of the Uchiha clan and the harmony of the village."

Natsuhiko shook the tea cup in his hand. His voice was very soft and low, but Uchiha could hear it clearly.

"A person like you is truly a respectable person, so I would like to express my personal opinion."

Having said this, Natsuhiko paused for a moment, while Uchiha Makoto nodded seriously.

He already understood what Xia Yan meant, and what he said this time was probably what the real unofficial hoped for.

"Captain Natsuhiko, please continue, I am all ears." Uchiha Makoto said slowly.

"It's very simple. Haven't you ever considered one thing?"

Xia Yan put down the tea cup in his hand, and then he sighed softly.

“There are still two voices within the Uchiha clan, and these two voices have been indulged in constant back-and-forth quarrels.

The Uchiha clan has never been truly harmonious and stable. Have you not thought about the reasons?

Of course, I guess you have also thought that this is probably what you should do as the leader of the Uchiha clan, to be impartial and choose your side based on the facts, right?

But the problem is, this approach is really not a good thing, especially the more fierce the quarrel you two have, the more stable his rule over the family will be for him. "

Having said this, Xia Yan took a serious look at Uchiha, and Uchiha's breathing became a little faster.

This kind of performance made Xia Yan feel a little funny. I'm afraid the old man had never thought that he would target Uchiha Fugaku.

That's right, Natsuhiko is going to show his fangs now. What he wants is to plant a seed for Uchiha and let him think about a path he has never imagined!

What kind of kindness is the greatest?

What kind of control method is best?

Of course, it is to give him a path that he has never imagined, and to give him the opportunity to touch or even really touch it. This is the greatest kindness!

And when he embarked on this road he had never imagined, he had all the handles in his hands. This was also the best means of control!

Seeing Uchiha calm down slowly, Xia Yan continued: "If you change to a relatively stable environment, it will definitely be a good thing for you to be so noisy, because you can compete with each other to let the clan leader know that you are What to choose.

However, I don’t need to say more about how your situation has reached now, otherwise you wouldn’t see me here.

If you continue to quarrel and fight like this, it will only make people in your family continue to lose heart, and even become hostile to each other.

I don't know what your clan leader thinks. Is he really neutral and impartial, or is he indecisive and doesn't know how to choose?

But this is your own family matter, and you need to resolve it yourself.

And my suggestion is, if possible, why not seek maximum benefits with minimum losses? "

Having said this, Natsuhiko drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, then he stood up and stopped Uchiha Shisui who was about to continue pouring him tea, and tapped the table lightly.

"That's it for now, so I'll take my leave first." Xia Yan smiled and said to Uchiha: "That's it for today. If you think it makes sense, you can make some attempts. If you think it doesn't make sense, then just treat it as such. My joke is done."

After saying this, Xia Yan turned around and left the teahouse without any hesitation.

The seed has been planted, and all that's left is to wait for it to sprout slowly. As for how high this seed will grow, it depends on Uchiha Makoto's ability.

This can be regarded as Natsuhiko's first step against the Uchiha clan, and he is now looking forward to how far it will develop in the future.

While walking, Xia Yan suddenly stopped, and then he walked towards a corner.

When he came to the shadow of this corner, an ANBU ninja suddenly appeared and bowed slightly to him.


"Is something wrong?"

"The minister has a task that cannot be assigned, and it needs to be handled by the captain."

"Is that so? I understand. Have you found out the information I asked you to check?"

"It's been found out, Captain..."


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