"It's actually like that."

Xia Yan looked at the report in his hand, and the expression on his face was really weird. He really didn't expect to encounter such a situation.

This Uchiha Makoto will actually be Uchiha Qiong’s grandfather!

That's right, the report in Natsuhiko's hand is all the information about Uchiha. This old man has come to find him, and he had some special plans.

Therefore, it is very important to investigate the old man's background, situation, and even some political stances.

What's more, this old man is still a dove, and the doves of the Uchiha clan are all ruthless people. When dealing with these doves who are as crazy as they are, if he is not careful, he will be extremely irresponsible to himself.

From this information, Xia Yan learned a lot of real information about Uchiha. Especially Xia Yan was very curious about how he thought of himself, but now he understands.

"Emotions are Qiong."

Natsuhiko rubbed the center of his eyebrows. No wonder this girl was sent to the Kingdom of Water to follow the Uchiha army. With her emotional identity here, she would naturally not be able to go to any dangerous place.

As for applying to some medical department, hoping to get into it, it was probably her grandfather's intention to put it bluntly.

Uchiha Makoto, an old man, hopes to establish certain connections with the top management of Konoha through this method.

After all, on the surface, the medical department is much simpler than the dark department, but in fact, the difficulty of the two is really about the same.

And this information is also very interesting. Perhaps the investigators know something about the relationship between Xia Yan and Uchiha Qiong, so they specially investigated some of this girl's deeds.

Most likely, he wanted to know whether there was a real Uchiha behind this girl and Natsuhiko who maintained such a good relationship.

The report showed that there was no such connection. In fact, even if Xia Yan was not reported, he didn't think there was any connection.

When I was in school, I was just an ordinary 'civilian ninja' who was neither good nor good.

According to Uchiha's pride, if he wins over a civilian ninja, he is not even considered a ninja at that time. Is it possible that they can see into the future and know that Natsuhiko has great potential?

"It's really cool. I actually threatened her grandfather, and then planted a rebellious seed in her grandfather's heart?"

The more he thought about Xia Yan, the weirder he felt, but he soon shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. Why bother with this kind of thing after it had already happened?

Although his approach was a bit deceptive, he didn't completely deceive Uchiha, right? Maybe this guy will thank himself in the future!

After reading this information, Xia Yan simply burned it completely, and either archived the ANBU investigation report or disposed of it directly.

Such a decision depends entirely on the subject of their investigation and the judgment of the value of the information by the person handling it.

As a member of the Uchiha clan, it is obviously something that cannot be made public if Uchiha reaches out to a family at will.

And the person handling this information is Xia Yan. It can be said that he can completely decide the final fate of this information.

Seeing this piece of information slowly turn into ashes in the light of the fire, Xia Yan then turned his attention to another piece of information.

"Tang Ninja Village in Yuno Country asks for help. Is there anyone in the village who believes in an unknown evil church?"

After a cursory glance at the contents of the intelligence, Xia Yan quickly extracted the key information, and this information also made Xia Yan look a little weird.

It is actually very normal for Yu Ninja Village to seek help from Konoha. After all, the Country of Fire and the Country of Yu are adjacent and bordering countries.

Even though the Kingdom of Yu and the Kingdom of Thunder share the same border, in terms of influence in the ninja world, Konoha, which became the winner of the Third Ninja War, is much more reliable than Kumogakure Village.

Even if the actual situation is that Kumogakure retains super combat effectiveness and many battle sequences because of his early evacuation.

But this kind of magical little country and small village may not be recognized, and the unknown evil church in Yunin Village, could it be Hidan?

To be honest, such information should not fall into Konoha's hands.

Otherwise, when Asuma met Hidan and Kakuzu in the future, he would have been fooled and died so tragically.

"Could it be that the ANBU failed to find the person in the end, so the mission was sealed as a failure?"

Natsuhiko touched his chin, he still remembered some information about Hidan.

Yunin Village is also known as the "village that forgot the war". It seems that because the war ended, they began to reduce the village's expenditure on ninjas.

In fact, Xia Yan really doesn't understand this approach. Ninjas are an important part of the national defense system, and they have weakened the national defense. What is this?

If it were a poorer village, it might be understandable, but the problem is that Yunin Village is very rich.

And the decision of this village also made guys like Hidan who were eager to fight very dissatisfied. At the same time, a new sect also appeared in the country of Yu.

Xia Yan couldn't remember the name of this sect very clearly. It seemed like it was called the 'Evil God Cult' or something.

All in all, this is an evil religion. After all, its teaching is that you must kill everyone around you!

This kind of religion, which a normal person would know at a glance, is not a fun thing to do, yet somehow caters to Hidan's thoughts, as if this doctrine is full of affirmation of Hidan's will.

Therefore, Yunin Village is in bad luck.

Hidan hated their pacifism and used spells to kill them all, and finally defected directly to join the Akatsuki.

Xia Yan can still remember these things, after all, he recorded them in his diary.

How could he, who had always regarded these guys as his potential opponents, let himself forget all aspects of information and intelligence about these guys?

"Is it possible that at this point in time, the Tang Ninja Village is about to be destroyed?"

Xia Yan put down the information in his hand and began to think secretly.

If this is the case, Konoha's ANBU should have been able to find some information in the past, such as bringing the head back and investigating.

However, Konoha's future obviously does not have this information, so it is very likely that it has not reached this point in time. At this stage, Hidan may not have taken action yet.

"But Yunin Village has already sent this request for help, so Hidan must have come into contact with something. If that's the case..."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't sit still.

If Hidan had been exposed to or even mastered those immortal arts, then the value of this guy would be far greater!

Not to mention anything else, just his immortal ability can do a lot of things...


A few days later, at the entrance on the side of Konoha, Natsuhiko led the four Senju group and quickly left the village.

After learning about the situation in Tang Country, Xia Yan had already secretly made a decision that he was going to take a look.

Since he has decided to get involved in the Kyuubi matter and to find ways to seek the greatest benefits, then the life and death of Namikaze Minato is the key!

After death, everything will return to the starting point, which is not in line with Xia Yan's expectations.

But alive, Xia Yan has to wait too long, and this is not in his interest.

Therefore, the answer given by Thousand-Armed Lotus at the beginning is very important. By participating, you can not only achieve current benefits, but also obtain future benefits, and achieve your own goals. This is the most critical!

Xia Yan now has good strength, he is qualified to participate again, and he even has some special methods that he can use.

For example, his Yang Release can extract life force, which is an excellent ability to save some people.

Therefore, the goal Natsuhiko set for himself is that Namikaze Minato cannot die, but he cannot continue to sit firmly in the position of the Fourth Hokage!

If he is alive, he can make Sarutobi Hiruzen afraid, and at the same time, Xia Yan can get everything he deserves.

The future interests will naturally be the relationships between those families. The close relationship between Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato will naturally make those families think that he is not with the third generation, which also solves a lot of worries.

As for the position of Hokage...

A living fourth-generation Hokage cannot continue to sit firmly in this position due to various reasons. If the third-generation Hokage cannot control the current situation in Konoha, then a fifth-generation Hokage will naturally be born!

There is a difference between conquering the world and defending the world. Conquering the world requires decisive attacks, while defending the world requires a broad mind and strategy.

Xia Yan kept in mind the various revelations given by his ancestors in his previous life. Even though he is now in a state of "conquering the world and defending the world" at the same time, he also knows very well what to do when.

"What I want to do is to use this blank period to quickly accumulate more power when the Fourth Hokage is unable to rule and the Third Hokage returns to the throne, so that I can truly push the Third Hokage down!"

To do all this, there is still a little trouble, such as the most appropriate level of handling the matter of Namikaze Minato.

At first, Natsuhiko thought about it, and told Namikaze Minato in a very cryptic way that there was no need to use any kind of ghoul seal to save the Kyuubi seal, he only needed to seal the Kyuubi back into Kushina's belly.

Anyway, I have that kind of 'medical ninjutsu', maybe I can save Kushina, as long as I control it to a certain extent.

But after thinking about it, they both had their stomachs pierced at that time, so I'm afraid they didn't have time to think so much.

Especially since Natsuhiko has no intention of revealing his medical ninjutsu, it is difficult to say that Namikaze Minato's final decision will change.

"So I need someone who is not afraid of death and can open the belly of the God of Death."

Death is something that everyone is afraid of, and it is not easy for Xia Yan to fool some people into dying regardless of risk.

There are ninjas who are not afraid of death, such as guys like Orochimaru, but such people are in the minority, and there is even a corner who has been severely offended by him.

The most terrible thing is that Xia Yan doesn't have that much money to give Kakuzu to help him die once.

Although this method can only be regarded as a preliminary plan, he will still explain the sealing matter to Namikaze Minato in a vague way, but only by making preparations on both sides will nothing go wrong.

In fact, he originally considered Hidan, but Hidan's timeline was too obscure. He had no idea when Hidan massacred the village and ran away, which left him with no choice.

However, now that such a piece of information is placed in front of him, if he doesn't do something, then he really has something wrong with his brain.

"Although every brigade has this information, they will not choose to go out on their own to complete this mission like me."

Looking at the four Senju people behind him who were exchanging information with the ANBU guarding the door, Xia Yan showed a smile.

After spending a few days, Natsuhiko basically worked on the relationship, such as telling Minato Namikaze that his team was training and needed time, and he had nothing to do, so he planned to try this mission.

For example, he discussed with Sarutobi Hiruzen and said that he needed more achievements to repay his kindness. This back and forth allowed Natsumi to get this opportunity.

To be honest, Natsuhiko already wanted to have a showdown with Hiruzen Sarutobi, but he knew very well that it was not realistic at this time.

Maybe when he becomes ANBU captain, he can express himself in a stronger way.

He has indeed experienced the practice of pretending to be a grandson, but now he is just a captain.

As for a real falling out, two conditions are required.

One is that he completely eliminated other voices in the ANBU, and everyone is his talent.

The other one is that Hiruzen Sarutobi made a mistake, and his mistake made everyone in Konoha dissatisfied with him.

The first one may be a little difficult. After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been working in Konoha for so long. It would take more than a year or two for Natsuhiko to eliminate those guys.

The second one is a little easier, because in Natsuhiko's memory, he did some not-so-good things to the Hyuga clan in the future.

"Now that we have the information, we can seize the opportunity by ourselves, but now we should deal with the matters in front of us."

After watching the four Qianshou handing over to the guard, Xia Yan adjusted his mask and then took the lead to head out of the village.

Also setting off at the same time as him was the ANBU team led by Kakashi, and there was a special person in this team, and that was Ye Cang.

After some preparations, Kakashi basically set off together under Natsuhiko's arrangement.

When Natsuhiko left the village, he was not worried about letting this woman stay alone in the ANBU. After all, this woman had blood inheritance limits, and there was no peace in Konoha.

For example, Danzo, although she has never shown up, it is difficult to say whether he will set his eyes on Ye Cang.

This woman, Natsuhiko, had no intention of handing her over to Danzo, or in other words, he never intended to hand anyone over to Danzo.

It's okay for him to be in Konoha. Now that he wants to leave, he must make all preparations.

For example, let Kakashi take Ye Cang to witness some things that she will inevitably face...


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