"Sir, we have arrived."

A week later, outside the entrance of Tang Ninja Village, the sparrowhawk, Takeru Senju, spoke to Xia Yan in a low voice.

The four members of the Senju Clan under Xia Yan are Sparrow Eagle - Senju Kenichi, Red Eagle - Senju Kaixiang, Harrier Eagle - Senju Eita, and Snow Eagle - Senju Yang.

Xia Yan only took the four of them with him in this operation. It doesn't mean that Xia Yan completely trusted the four of them, but compared to the four of them, there were really few people in the Third Brigade who were worthy of his trust.

But how Xia Yan treats these four people, at least they are all from the Senju clan, not to mention the guy Xue Ying Qianju Yang, who has completely moved closer to Xia Yan.

Senju Yang once belonged to Senju Reita, and his situation was somewhat similar to Senju Renge. After Xia Yan completely pushed Senju Reita down through coercion, he was liberated to a certain extent.

Although he didn't thank Xia Yan in a real sense, his attitude said something anyway.

What's more, Xia Yan has never been a person who cares about what you say, he is a person who likes to watch actions.

After all, what you say is so frivolous, but what is shown in your heart is completely different, and it is even hiding evil intentions, so no matter how much you say, it will be of no use.

He has seen many such people, the most typical one is himself...

He is such a person himself, how could he just believe other people's lies?

"Let's go."

Xia Yan glanced at the environment around Tang Ninja Village, and finally he shook his head slightly and said.

“This village has basically no defense, so it’s no wonder they’re asking for help.

And I guess he is asking for help not only from us in Konoha, but also from people in Kumogakure.

So let's not waste time and go straight to their heads. "

"Yes, sir."

The four Senjus nodded immediately, and then they quickly followed Xia Yan into the Tang Ninja Village secretly.

The atmosphere in Tang Ninja Village is still very harmonious. All kinds of people can be seen everywhere. It seems that they have not been troubled by the war at all.

Moreover, the special products of Yunin Village can be seen everywhere. Looking at the hot springs that line the area, Xia Yan himself was a little excited.

He has never been to a hot spring. After all, he doesn't have much time, and he is too young, so he can only go to some normal hot springs.

He felt that since he wanted to enjoy himself, he had to learn from Jiraiya, right? Ordinary hot springs were not interesting, and the customs museum might be more suitable for him.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan stopped thinking about these messy things. They moved quickly, and it only took them more than ten minutes to arrive at the residence of Ninto in Tang Ninja Village.

Speaking of which, Yu Ninja Village is different from other major Ninja Villages, that is, its Ninja Heads are not powerful people, but some so-called ordinary people with high moral standards.

This probably has something to do with the establishment of Tang Ninja Village. The people who established Tang Ninja Village were really an ordinary couple.

Due to some coincidence, the couple got a partial rubbing of a strange scroll.

After decades of research, they developed a unique technique and used it to establish Yugyin's special ninja system.

This system trained batches of outstanding Yu ninjas in the following decades, and some systems were also used after their deaths.

That is, Yu Ninja Village will choose ordinary people to manage the village, not powerful ninjas.

There are good and bad ways to do this. After all, ordinary people are the ones who know best what ordinary people desire.

But ordinary people may not understand the horror of ninjas, so they will entertain some strange ideas and make some incomprehensible decisions.

For example, now, when one clearly has enough money, the village's ninja system is inexplicably weakened, which can be seen as outsourcing one's own defense to other large ninja villages.

Maybe this is the way to survive in Xiaoren Village, but Xia Yan's education in his previous life made him think that doing so was the stupidest thing in this world.

But he didn't bother to care about other people's decisions. He only needed to do his own thing. And he also noticed one thing, that is, when they came over, he clearly felt that someone had been watching them.

"Kumogakure is still a member of those cults? But why did they withdraw later?"

When he felt someone staring at them, Xia Yan decisively spread his perception, and he clearly caught four figures.

It seemed that after these four guys confirmed something, they immediately chose to retreat, with no intention of meeting Xia Yan and the other five.

This discovery made Xia Yan a little baffled. After all, judging from the chakra of these four people, they were not weak at all.

Even if he can't compare with his own side, this is a matter of course.

In any case, Xia Yan's side are all members of the Thousand Hands Clan, and those four guys are much more normal than Xia Yan.

Those who can be selected into ANBU at least show that they are very good geniuses in the family, and this genius is even more vividly displayed in terms of chakra.

What's more, Xia Yan is now considered a temporary 'Chatara'. Ever since the Kingdom of Wind made all his seeds mature at once, his chakra has been completely liberated.

And he planned to maintain this kind of liberation for the time being, at least until he had settled the Nine-Tails matter, and then make other plans.

And he doesn't have any necessary seeds to plant now, so his chakra can only be described as an exaggeration.

"Is it possible to judge the opponent's strength just by relying on chakra? If that's the case, these guys are too big of a problem, right?"

Xia Yan was a little confused, but now that he had met them, he couldn't just let these people go. Maybe he could get some information!

He had already separated a shadow clone on the way here. The shadow clone quietly followed the four guys. At the same time, the shadow clone still bore Xia Yan's mark.

Once he encounters any trouble, such as the shadow clone being attacked, he can find the four people immediately and then have a good chat with them.

"Xue Ying, go knock on the door."

After withdrawing his thoughts, Xia Yan spoke to Qianju Yang behind him in a gentle voice. He had not forgotten his business.

"Yes, sir."

Qianju Yang replied respectfully, and then he walked up directly.

As outsider ninjas, even if they are members of Konoha ANBU, they will still follow the rules honestly.

Even if the fighting power of the five of them is enough, they can completely defeat this small Yu Ninja Village.

But in the mixed ninja world, although there are fights and killings, the most important thing is human relations...


"Are you sure, is it really him?"

In a hidden corner of Tang Ninja Village, four figures gathered around and whispered to each other, but there seemed to be a hint of trembling in their voices, and they seemed to be a little frightened.

But that's the fact. The four of them were really frightened. They really couldn't believe that they actually met the legendary guy!

There was nothing wrong with the information that Natsuhiko received. The four of them were members of Kumogakure's ANBU. It was obvious that the Yunin Village not only sent a request to Konoha, but also to Kumogakure.

The four of them were the ANBU sent by Kumogakure to investigate the mysterious cult in Yunin Village.

At the same time, they also shoulder a mission, which is to use this matter to bring Yunin Village closer to them as much as possible!

Yunyin Village is indeed a village that likes to use force to take what they want, but they are not really stupid enough to use force for everything.

In some sense, they are similar to Xia Yan's idea, that is, they can use force to show their strength, but they are not naive enough to think that force can get everything.

I don’t know if the world has ever heard of the phrase “giving both kindness and power,” but the meaning of this phrase can still be understood by this world.

Kumogakure voluntarily withdrew from the third battle, allowing them to retain great combat effectiveness. Although they did not take action because the fourth generation Raikage consolidated the power in their hands, they did not stop the conflict.

And they also have a terrible idea, that is, they hope to seize the throne of No. 1 in the ninja world from Konoha!

This is a battle between hard power and soft power. There are many benefits to being number one in the ninja world. For example, they can get more task shares, especially the task shares of outer villages!

The economic component of Ren Village actually has three parts. One part is the development of the village itself, such as villagers doing business and planting.

Part of it is financial assistance from the daimyo, and this part is the big head, because the daimyo is really rich. In contrast, the Ninja Village is at least nominally under the daimyo's management and obeys the daimyo's dispatch.

Of course, this is the key in name. In fact, only the really poor villages will really obey.

Danzo once made the Daimyo of the Fire Country so scared that they dared not speak with just one look. From this, we can see who is really in charge.

The third part is the value wealth created by the ninjas themselves. Although this part is not as good as that aided by the daimyo, the share is huge and the potential is huge.

Just imagine, if half of the entire ninja world is occupied by a great ninja village, then the money will definitely be much more than what the daimyo supports.

And if you want to achieve this step, the most important thing is to have the title of number one in the ninja world!

This title has always been controlled by Konoha. Even if Konoha is weak now, many people still believe this.

The Fourth Raikage is an ambitious person. His dream is to develop Kumogakure to be the best in the ninja world. He knows that if he wants to realize this dream, he must fight against Konoha.

But now he can't move. He is still integrating the power in the village, so he chooses to use soft power to gain influence.

For example, supporting Tang Zhiguo this time is one of his planned actions!

The ones he sent were also Kumogakure's elites. They were all people deeply trusted by the Fourth Raikage. They could get a lot of information, and he was also very strong.

The four of them are also very confident. After all, Tang Ninja Village is just a small village, and they can easily cope with it with their strength.

However, what they never expected was that when they came here for a reconnaissance mission, they actually encountered ninjas from other ninja villages.

In fact, they have considered this situation. It is a normal thing. Yunin Village cannot only look for their Kumogakure family. It is not a big deal.

But when they found out who was coming, they couldn't calm down.

"If there are no accidents, that guy...that guy is Konoha Nightingale!"

"Damn, why is this guy here?"

"Hasn't he already become the captain of Konoha's ANBU? Why does he still come to perform this kind of mission?"

These Cloud Ninja Anbu are really a little confused now. They never expected that the opponent they encountered this time would be such a guy!

Who is Konoha Nightingale?

Ordinary ninjas may not have access to it, but as members of ANBU, they know it all too well!

I am afraid that all the villages with ANBU in the entire ninja world will not know who this Konoha Nightingale is.

That was Shura who killed hundreds of ninjas by himself!

That was the demon who single-handedly killed nearly half of the Sandgakure ANBU!

And according to legend, that guy actually single-handedly killed the entire Sunagakure sealing team!

The sealing class has little combat effectiveness. This is a thing recognized by the ninja world, but the strategic value of the sealing class is unimaginable.

Therefore, when a sealing squad is dispatched, there will usually be accompanying protective ninjas. Nightingale managed to kill a sealing squad while escaping. This was really too scary.

No village has verified this matter because they have no relevant information at all.

However, there seems to be some problems with the barrier of Hidden Sand Village recently, which seems to confirm this legend from the side. It seems to be really accurate!

It was precisely because of this incident that the name Nightingale almost invariably appeared on the ANBU lists of every village.

Fortunately, every ANBU mask is fixed. Once the mask is used, basically unless death occurs, the mask will always be with the person.

This is an unspoken rule of ANBU, and it is the same in the entire ninja world, so they can clearly identify who they encounter, and can also record that they can evacuate if they encounter certain people.

And Nightingale is such a person. He is on the roster of ANBU in other villages, and he is already treated the same as ordinary ninjas when they meet Namikaze Minato!

"Once a mission is encountered, if the mission is serious, you can choose to retreat depending on the situation, and the mission will not be judged as failed!"

Strictly speaking, Natsuhiko's roster is more deadly and more intimidating than Namikaze Minato.

The missions carried out by ANBU are basically the most dangerous, and there is basically no reason to retreat.

But he can make these Anbu choose to retreat. In a certain sense, his danger level even exceeds that of Namikaze Minato!

This is also the reason why these four Kumogakure Anbu feel extremely embarrassed, and also the reason why they feel fear.

"So, what should we do now?" Suddenly, a Kumogakure ANBU asked.

"Let's take a look." The captain leading the team sighed deeply: "Try not to conflict. After all, our operation this time is not in conflict with them."

"Just...avoiding them?"

"Well, I can only avoid them..."

The four of them were talking quietly in this corner, but no one noticed that Xia Yan stood quietly above them and stared at them...


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