The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 170 That’s the Konoha Nightingale!

"Then I leave this matter to everyone in Konoha."

"Please rest assured, no matter who they are, no one will let them go with such a crazy increase. Thank you very much for the information you provided, so that we can deal with them better."

"This is what we should do. Everyone in Konoha is too polite."

At the residence of the Ninto of Tang Ninja Village, Xia Yan spoke to the old man in front of him in a gentle voice. It was obvious that this old man was the Ninto of Tang Ninja Village.

Only places with ninja villages will naturally have their own leaders, but the title of Kage can only be held by the five major ninja villages in the entire ninja world.

This old man was kind-hearted, but he didn't have any chakra fluctuations in his body. It was obvious that he was just an ordinary person.

But his way of doing things is very special. Even a picky person like Xia Yan can't find anything wrong with him.

He not only maintained the issues that a leader of a Ninja Village should have, but also kept in mind that he was just the leader of a small Ninja Village. That kind of neither humble nor arrogant attitude made Xia Yan feel particularly comfortable.

However, if nothing major happened, I'm afraid the old man would have died at Hidan's hands in the end.

After all, Xia Yan knew a lot about what would happen in the future, and he knew through this exchange that this old man really longed for peace.

After separating from the old man, Xia Yan once again took the four people into hiding. As ANBU, they still didn't like to completely expose themselves to everyone's eyes.

"Sir, this old guy doesn't seem to be completely telling the truth." When they entered a forest, Senju Kenichi, codenamed Sparrowhawk, suddenly said: "He gave us a lot of information, but I found that he didn't seem to be telling the truth. Just given to us.”

"Oh?" Xia Yan tilted his head and asked curiously, "How did you find out?"

"Sir, when we came here, I felt that someone seemed to be probing us." Senju Kenichi said honestly: "It's just that my subordinate's perception is not good enough. Just because I'm aware of chakra, I can't completely confirm it. And this chakra disappeared quickly, so..."

"I understand." Xia Yan was really surprised. He didn't expect that Senju Kenichi also had some perception.

However, it is not unusual for the Senju clan to have such an ability. Xia Yan himself is born with very good perception, and it is normal for others to have it.

But this reason was not enough. He wanted to see if Senju Kenichi had discovered anything else.

"What about other than that?" Xia Yan continued to ask: "This alone is not enough."

"The traces in the house, sir." At this time, Qianju Kaixiang, codenamed Red Eagle, also spoke: "Although it has been sorted, the person who sorted it was not a ninja. It should have been sorted by some servants. There are many more things on it. trace."

"And sir, I'm afraid Yunin Village won't just look for us." Senju Eita, codenamed Harrier Eagle, also said at this time: "Yangnin Village not only borders the Land of Fire, but also borders Kumogakure. They can't just Place your bet on us, so..."

After saying this, Senju Eita stopped, and Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded slightly.

These four people are just the most ordinary Anbu. They can get some information, but definitely not much. The only one who can get complete information is Xia Yan himself.

But these guys can figure out a lot of things, which makes Xia Yan very satisfied. At least this means that they are worthy of the family's training.

But obviously this is not enough, they still need to perform better, otherwise Xia Yan may really be disappointed with the family's training system.

"The performance is not bad. At least you noticed something strange." Xia Yan said with a smile: "But we have to work harder. This is not enough. After all, someone is really coming, but you did not respond adequately."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, sir." The four people immediately lowered their heads after hearing this, showing unusual respect.

"It's not that I'm disappointed. I think you should also understand what really disappoints me." Xia Yan said it lightly, then he glanced at these people, and then slowly said: "Let's go , let’s go see them, maybe we can get some information.”

After saying that, Xia Yan turned around and walked towards the shadow clone's position. The four Senjus looked at each other, and then they quickly followed.

There was no need to say anything more, they all understood what Xia Yan meant, and they also knew that what they said was useless.

In addition, they couldn't help feeling once again that Xia Yan, who was much younger than them but had already taken the position of captain, really frightened them with his strength.

Senju Kenichi has a certain degree of perception, and it is with this kind of perception that he can detect that someone may be spying on them.

However, Xia Yanze had already noticed all this, and he had actually found out who and where the other party was!

They had known for a long time that Xia Yan had a strong sense of perception, but this was the first time they experienced how desperate his ability was.

To be honest, when they were threatened by Xia Yan, they were actually full of dissatisfaction. Why could such a brat control them?

But they didn't dare to say anything. After all, Xia Yan was the captain of the ANBU, and he did have the power to control their life and death!

Let them truly understand the terrible thing about Xia Yan, that is, in the matter of Senju Lingta.

Xia Yan completely ignored that Senju Lingta was a member of the family and a senior with great power.

He directly used the harshest means to force him to quit honestly. Even they could feel that if Senju Reijia refused, the end would be death!

And this death was not just for Senju Reita alone, it was very likely that his whole family would suffer an 'accident'.

In addition, since they have been training in ANBU for so long, they have also begun to have more or less contact with ANBU members from other brigades.

What they never expected was that they also received some cryptic news that shocked them all.

That was their captain, who left Konoha after intimidating them, and did an extremely incredible thing in the outside world!

They didn't know what this matter was, or maybe they didn't know much except for the ANBU members of their third brigade - after all, they were basically training, and Xia Yan didn't tell them what he thought.

Everyone in the other brigades basically knew about this.

Of course, Captain Trout and Captain Kakashi in their team may still know about it, but they will not say much about these things.

The information they got was very scattered. For example, their captain killed hundreds of Sand Ninjas alone and came back safely!

However, even if this news is not perfect at all and does not have any details, it is enough to shock them.

They probably also know the strength of their captain, and I am afraid that he is definitely not something they can touch.

Such people really have to suppress the only unwillingness in their hearts, because they know that once they reveal any problems, what awaits them may not be a good end.

Following Xia Yan's rapid advance, it didn't take long for the five of them to arrive at a relatively remote forest in Tang Ninja Village.

Xia Yan felt it silently, and after confirming that the distance between the two parties was not far and that the other party had noticed his approach, he spoke directly.

"There are four Kumogakure Anbu about 600 meters ahead. I will go over and control them first. You move faster."

Xia Yan paused for a moment before speaking in a playful voice.

"Don't wait until I've already taken care of them. If you haven't arrived yet, I'll be really disappointed."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yan's figure disappeared in an instant, and the next moment his figure appeared quietly beside the Kumogakure ANBU!

These Kumogakure Anbu also have a ninja with the ability of perception. It was he who noticed that Natsuhiko and others were coming, but his perception was obviously not good enough, otherwise he would have caught Natsuhiko's shadow clone long ago.

But no matter what, after the discovery, they naturally couldn't sit still and wait for death, especially since they already knew that they were facing Konoha's Nightingale!

"Damn it!"

However, Xia Yan's speed was beyond their imagination. Almost in an instant, Xia Yan quietly appeared dozens of meters behind them.

Then there was another dodger, and Xia Yan came in front of them without even giving them any room to react, and this time he had already taken action!


With one punch, a Kumo ninja Anbu who was running desperately flew backwards. The ribs on his chest collapsed, and blood overflowed from his mask!

However, Xia Yan had no intention of stopping. Almost as soon as he took action, his figure disappeared in an instant, and then appeared next to the second Kumogakure ANBU like a ghost!


It was only then that someone from the Kumogakure ANBU issued a warning, but unfortunately Xia Yan's fist had already been swung out again!


With a muffled sound, the second Kumogakure Anbu was punched away by Xia Yan, and this guy seemed even more unlucky. His mask was directly shattered by Xia Yan. He lay motionless on the ground, and he didn't know what happened. Dead or alive!

"Thunder Escape..."

When Xia Yan flew away the second ANBU, a Kirigakure ANBU quickly began to form seals. However, the next moment he was shocked to find that Xia Yan, who was at least three to five meters away from him, suddenly appeared in front of him.

This guy reached out and grabbed the hand that was forming the seal. He raised his hand slightly to hold his fingers, and then twisted it slightly!


It's not for nothing that the fingers are connected to the heart. Two of the fingers of this Kumogakure Anbu were broken off by Xia Yan, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.

But before he could scream, Xia Yan kicked him in the stomach, and the Kumogakure ANBU flew backwards and hit a tree hard.

The big tree was so shaken that it couldn't help but fall down quickly. However, before the leaves could fall to the ground as they continued to rotate in the air, Xia Yan's figure disappeared again.

The ghostly figure quietly appeared in front of the last Kumogakure ANBU, and he slammed his knee into the ANBU's stomach.

The moment the guy felt the severe pain, his hand had already pinched the guy's neck.

Only then did the first fallen leaves fall to the ground.

"It seems that you guys are too late." Xia Yan pinched this guy's neck and said slowly without looking back.

The moment he finished speaking, the Four Thousand Hands team also arrived at the scene. They looked at the three people who collapsed on the ground and the guy caught in Xia Yan's hands. They couldn't help but immediately knelt down on one knee.

"Okay, don't say sorry or not." Before they could speak, Xia Yan said directly: "These four people are not dead yet. Clean up the scene and take them away. We still need more information."

"Yes, sir!" The four Senjus immediately lowered their heads and replied quickly.

Their answers were respectful, but their voices sounded a little strange. Even though their faces were covered by masks, their slightly frightened faces still revealed their emotions.

How long has it been?

For an ANBU ninja, the distance of about 600 meters would not take long to reach.

And in such a short period of time, Xia Yan actually killed four Anbu at once. This was something they couldn't imagine!

The most important thing is that for a ninja, it is really more difficult to capture people than to kill them, but when Xia Yan faced these four people, none of them killed them. They all beat them until they lost their mobility.

Such strength really makes them feel the unimaginable gap.

Perhaps only such a person can do what the ANBU said, kill hundreds of people alone in the Kingdom of Wind and come back safely, right?


Almost at the same time, on the sea leading to the Kingdom of Water, Kakashi looked at the thick fog-filled sea in front of him, and he couldn't help but tighten his clothes.

At this moment, he had dressed up as a fisherman. Not only him, but all the ANBU were also disguised as fishermen, except Ye Cang, who was still dressed as himself.

The mission this time is to let Ye Cang see the betrayal of her by Sunagakure Village, so she is the only one who cannot make any disguise.

But what gave Kakashi a headache was that this woman didn't seem to cooperate. The attitude she showed along the way really made Kakashi extremely depressed.

In addition to not taking action, this woman took a completely non-violent and non-cooperative stance.

To be honest, if Natsuhiko and his teacher hadn't planned to rebel against her, Kakashi would have really wanted to knock her out, just like he did in the Land of Wind.

Shaking his head helplessly, Kakashi could only mutter silently in his heart as he watched the ships inspected by Kirigakure Village passing by in the distance.

"I hope there won't be any problems this time."


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