It was getting dark, and Kakashi and others finally landed.

At this time, the sky was gray and it looked like it was going to rain. The dull feeling made people very uncomfortable.

Kakashi looked at the sky, and then he motioned for everyone to get off the boat quickly. The location they chose to land was very close to Kirigakure Village. This place was too dangerous for ANBU members like them.

"Are you ready?" After Ye Cang slowly walked down from the cabin, Kakashi said to her in a deep voice: "I know you have a lot of dissatisfaction and resentment in your heart, and you even wonder if we are cheating. , but what I want to tell you is that all of this is true."

"Huh, really?" Ye Cang stared at Kakashi for a long time, and then she suddenly sneered disdainfully: "No one knows whether it's true or not, and I don't care anyway."

"Do you really not care?" Kakashi looked at Ye Cang, he shook his head slightly and asked: "The feeling of being betrayed is always a bad thing, and now the person who betrayed you is Village, I’m afraid you are even more uncomfortable?”

Ye Cang didn't answer when she heard this, but tears already appeared in her eyes.

Indeed, it feels really bad to be betrayed by a village that you believe in and that you are willing to sacrifice your life for!

Even if the village changes its way of saying things, maybe she can still try to accept it in her heart.

Ever since she read the information Xia Yan told her, she began to think about this series of things seriously, and she also knew why the village did this.

In other words, all of this was completely led by Luo Sha and was approved by the village's senior officials!

To put it simply, in order to further consolidate his position as Kazekage, and despite his poor performance in the third war, Luo Sha needs to get more benefits for the village.

And now the benefit he can easily get is in the Bear Country, because Yanyin Village has to be wary of Kumogakure, which makes Luo Sha see the opportunity.

Sunagakure Village does not need to face Konoha now, and only Kirigakure Village is constantly causing trouble in the village.

Therefore, after pacifying Kirigakure Village, they can concentrate on dealing with Iwagakure.

As for how to calm Kirigakure, I'm afraid Kirigakure has already given the answer!

That is, she is the one who has killed the most of the Kirigakure team, and at the same time has the blood inheritance limit to study people in exchange, so that Kirigakure Village can stop.

She is an abandoned person, she is a person who has been deceived, she is a person who has not received any news from the beginning to the end, and is going to die without knowing anything!

"Even if you tell me directly, even if you order me in the name of the village..." Ye Cang lowered her head, her body had begun to tremble: "Even if it is like this... Even if it is like this!"

"If I tell you, you may leak it. If it is in the form of a mission, it will inevitably leave some traces."

Kakashi looked at Ye Cang, and he said calmly without any emotion.

"So you can only die without knowing anything, and you should also know that your body will still be studied after you die.

They are worried that you are not willing to accept this situation, and they have reached a relatively extreme stage. They cannot wait or lose.

Your fate is sealed, so to speak, and that's the truth. "

This is indeed a fact. Ye Cang knows that if she gets such a task, she will probably be dissatisfied in her heart, and she will have to hesitate whether to do it or not.

And I'm afraid she will be the only one to participate in such a mission. The best option is to have some ANBU follow her to confirm her situation.

Once she chooses to refuse this task, all Luo Sha's plans will come to nothing.

And once she chooses to leave halfway, and the ANBU fails to follow, the mission can be judged to have failed.

The risk is too great, it is better not to say anything. This is the most correct choice.

After a long time, Ye Cang finally raised her head. Her eyes were now extremely cold. She stared at Kakashi for a long time before finally speaking slowly.

"What about you Konoha?" Ye Cang asked: "What do you think of Konoha? Send me here, let me see what Kirigakure will do to me, let me give up completely and be rescued by you?"

"No, the captain's order is that you are already dead." Kakashi shook his head gently: "You were killed by the Kirigakure ninja, and before your body was taken away, the ANBU of Sunagakure Village will appear. Have your body taken away or destroyed.”

Having said this, Kakashi took out a scroll from his pocket. This scroll had a large character for corpse engraved on it.

Obviously, Kakashi and the others have already made all preparations. This mission has been confirmed by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato, so there will definitely be no shortage of material support.

It's just that Ye Cang's expression changed slightly when he heard this. Damn Konoha, is he going to completely disappear into the ninja world, and also destroy the relationship between Sunagakure and Kirigakure?

According to Kakashi, they would obviously pretend to be Sunagakure Anbu and then complete a series of aftermath matters.

This kind of aftermath will definitely not achieve the results Kirigakure hoped for, which will lead Kirigakure to think that Sunagakure has broken his promise.

I'm afraid that Sunagakure Village will still be harassed by Kirigakure Village, and it may even become more serious this time, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Cang felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. After all, it was the village where she was born and raised, but for some reason, she suddenly felt refreshed.

This seems to be a refreshing feeling after revenge. She worked hard for the village, but the result was betrayal. Couldn't she take revenge and go back?

"What a despicable and shameless plan." After a long while, Ye Cang closed his eyes and said slowly: "Is it the plan made by your captain? Who is he?"

"You have seen him capture you." Speaking of this, Kakashi's expression suddenly became serious: "He is the captain of our third team, and he will also be your captain in the future."

"Is it him? It seems that I will belong to the ANBU in the future?" Ye Cang sighed faintly: "Besides, he is still an ANBU of Konoha, and he is under the control of the person who captured me."

Ye Cang still has fresh memories of her arrest. How could she forget that young but extremely powerful and extremely vicious guy?

But talking about this guy, Ye Cang suddenly realized that she didn't know who he was from beginning to end.

Whether it's a name or a codename.

"Who is he? Our captain should have a name, right?"

"Remember, he is Konoha's Nightingale."


In an abandoned house in Yunin Village, Natsuhiko looked at the four Kumogakure ANBU in front of him with a calm expression.

These four guys are all in a bad state now, but after some treatment by the Four Thousand Hands, they have recovered, at least they are not in a coma anymore.

But what is not difficult to see is that they still have fear on their faces.

After all, in just over ten seconds, one person solved it so neatly and almost instantly. Such a result was really unacceptable to them.

Even if they knew who they were facing, because that was Konoha's Nightingale!

"Are you all awake?" Xia Yan looked at these four guys. Xia Yan's voice suddenly became gentle: "I'm sorry to make you like this, but I believe everyone in Yunyin Village can understand me. After all, we still have Is it in a war stage?"

Xia Yan's words immediately attracted the attention of these four people. The four of them were still thinking about what the Konoha Nightingale was going to do if he caught them.

After they woke up, they had been checked. Their chakra had been sealed, and the poison they had carried with them had been removed. It was obvious that they were to be tortured.

This situation filled their hearts with despair, but now it seemed that this Konoha Nightingale was different from what they had imagined.

According to what this Konoha Nightingale said, there would be no problem, because Cloud Hidden Village and Konoha had indeed never signed the terms of an armistice, and they were still in a hostile state.

In this case, it seems normal for the two of them to meet and exchange fire.

"What exactly do you want?" Perhaps because he knew that he could not resist, a Kumogakure ANBU asked quietly after a long time: "We are just ordinary ANBU. I'm afraid we can't provide you with any information."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your Yunyin's information." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, his voice still gentle: "My mission is only in Tang Ninja Village, so we only need the information from Tang Ninja Village."

"Your Excellency, you only want information about Tang Ninja Village?" Another Kumogakure ANBU seemed a little hesitant, but he still asked: "Why do you think we have such information? We just..."

"I don't know if there is, but I just want to say it's best not to be clever."

Xia Yan interrupted him without waiting for him to finish his words.

Although his voice was still gentle, it made these four people feel an indescribable pressure.

“I didn’t kill you or let my men conduct interrogations, I just gave you a chance.

If you don't grasp it well, then I can only apologize, after all, we are still at war.

And everyone, the information I want is only information about Yunin Village, it has nothing to do with you inside Kumogakure.

Besides, haven't I already been in your manual?

If I say that everyone is better off, but if I don't say that, you won't be considered a hero. Think about it carefully. "

Having said that, Xia Yan didn't say much. He just stood there quietly and looked at the four of them. Behind him, the four Qianju people slowly walked out, and then the four of them stood side by side behind Xia Yan. .

The room was very dark, and the moonlight could only seep in through the broken window. A little moonlight fell behind them, which made it impossible for Kumogakure ANBU to see their appearance.

But the long black shadow looked particularly scary. The five people in front of them were like five Shura, so intimidating.

They seemed to feel a powerful aura surrounding them, forcing them to make a choice. It seemed that once they did not agree or cooperate, their end would be absolutely cruel.

Death may be the best outcome, but the most terrifying thing is that they will be subjected to unimaginable torture before death.

This is definitely not what they are willing to face, and it is definitely not the ending they want to see!

And as Natsuhiko said, this Konoha Nightingale is the most dangerous person above their ANBU manual!

Anyone who encounters him can voluntarily give up the mission, and it seems that they can really make some choices in their current encounter.

"You have sixty seconds to think about it, don't keep me waiting."

Xia Yan looked at the hesitation of these guys and couldn't help but whisper.

"You must think carefully. Maybe you are all tough guys who are not afraid of death, but I don't know if you will like the feeling of life being worse than death."

As Xia Yan's words fell, the entire space seemed to become more solemn.

Death is indeed not a terrible thing for Anbu, and perhaps the same is true for ordinary ninjas.

But Guan Jue, who is worse than death, will feel fear no matter who he is, even if they are a ninja, even if they are ANBU!

Perhaps only people who ignore pain, or have a super high will that has reached an unimaginable level, like Morino Ihiki, can persevere.

Time passed little by little, and the entire small room seemed extremely silent. In addition to the silence, there was also an indescribable sense of depression that was gradually increasing.

After a long time, finally one Kumogakure ANBU seemed like he couldn't stand it anymore. He raised his head slightly and stared at Xia Yan. He spoke almost at the last second of the time Xia Yan gave them.

"We do have some information." The Kumogakure Anbu said with some difficulty and helplessness: "We came a few days earlier than you, so we visited the head of Yu Ninja Village several times and investigated many places. Recently A visit is an hour before you get here."

"That's right." Xia Yan nodded slightly and said in a gentle voice: "Please continue. The more cooperative you are, the sooner you can get out of trouble. When we verify what you said, we will naturally let you go."

"I just hope your Excellency will keep your word."

The Kumogakure ANBU sighed slightly, and then his eyes became firm.

"There is a small forest outside Yunin Village, and there are some mysterious stone statues in a cave in the forest.

And we also detected traces of human activity in that place, but we never saw anyone.

If there are no accidents, that may be the location of the mysterious church.

We visited the ninja head of Yunin Village before just to confirm the specific situation of that place. "

Outside the village, there is a stone cave in the forest, and are there some stone statues inside?

When Xia Yan heard this information, he couldn't help but nodded slightly. Although he was not sure that this thing was true, it didn't stop him from going and taking a look.

Before this, he had no information at all, but now he has gained something...


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