In the Kingdom of Water, Kakashi led the ANBU team to move quickly.

They are now completely made up to look like Sunagakure Anbu. This is not a simple transformation technique, but a complete change of equipment.

After all, it is easy to detect using transformation techniques, especially since they are going to the entrance of Kirigakure Village. Who knows if there will be sentient ninjas there.

As someone who has followed Natsuhiko for a long time, Kakashi naturally knows how troublesome a sentient ninja is.

Therefore, he really didn't dare to be careless at all. Instead of using chakra to transform, he might as well just use the equipment that their ANBU originally had in stock, which belonged to the Sunagakure ANBU.

They are very fast, even if the thick fog lingers in the Kingdom of Water, this will not stop them from moving forward.

In the center of their team, Ye Cang silently followed their actions. What she wanted to leave now was to witness whether everything was as the intelligence said.

She doesn't have much struggle in her heart now. After her exchange with Kakashi when she landed ashore, she already knows her situation.

The most important thing is that she might not be able to go back now!

Rasa wants to exchange her life for her political ambitions, but she disobeys this order and replies to Sunagakure that she can indeed bring disaster to those who betrayed and plotted against her.

But don't forget Konoha. Konoha, who knows all this, will never mind exposing this matter if she doesn't cooperate. It will only make Sunagakure Village even worse!

And what she did was essentially equivalent to disobeying Shadow's orders.

Shadow is the highest commander of a village, and to some extent, he is a symbol and expression of the village's soft power.

In order to protect the shadow, even if the shadow does something wrong, they may not really be charged with it. In the end, it will only be her whose reputation is damaged or even sentenced to death.

It can be said that when she accepted this task, she completely severed ties with Sunagakure Village, and she could only be a dead person!

Such sadness and powerlessness made Ye Cang feel desolate in his heart.

"It's coming, are you ready?" At this moment, Kakashi's voice suddenly came over: "Don't be distracted, and don't act like this, otherwise you will show your weakness."

"I know what I should do." Ye Cang came back to her senses and said calmly: "I won't make any mistakes."

After hearing Ye Cang's words, Kakashi did not answer immediately, but carefully confirmed Ye Cang's status before nodding silently.

Then he took out a scroll and handed it to Ye Cang: "Open it and put on the things inside."

"Oh?" Ye Cang glanced coldly, and then she asked: "So careful? Are you worried that I will really die?"

"I know you are vigilant and have defensive measures." Kakashi said calmly: "But what we need is for you to 'die' in front of him or them, and we will handle the follow-up measures."

"Is it Captain Nightingale's plan again?" Ye Cang glanced at Kakashi, and then he unsealed the scroll.

Soon, a set of Sunagakure Village's standard uniforms appeared in her hands. Feeling the weight of this uniform, Ye Cang suddenly understood that this uniform might have been tampered with.

For example, some defenses have been enhanced to prevent her from being killed directly.

"It seems that you really value me." Ye Cang put this uniform on himself directly: "Or are you interested in my blood successor?"

"You have to ask the captain about this." Kakashi said calmly: "This is all the captain's plan. The entrance to the Kirigakure Village is ahead. The next step is up to you."

Captain, is it that nightingale again?

Ye Cang has silently remembered this person in his mind. It was this guy who caught her, who got the information about her mission, and who designed this series of plans.

She was really becoming more and more curious about this Konoha Nightingale, especially since she still remembered that this guy seemed to be talking to the Fourth Hokage in front of her.

It can be seen that this guy seems to have a lot of energy in Konoha, but this guy seems to be quite young.

Shaking her head silently, Ye Cang quickly retracted her thoughts. No matter how mysterious this guy was, she still had other tasks to complete now.

"I know, I just want to verify it."

Ye Cang looked at the looming passage ahead, and her voice became a little cold.

"Although you have Sunagakure's communication code, and this seems to be the case, hearing is false and seeing is believing. I hope you won't let me down again."

After saying this, Ye Cang accelerated and rushed out alone, while Kakashi started to slow down with the ANBU members.

Looking at Ye Cang's back, Kakashi nodded silently. He naturally understood the meaning of Ye Cang's last words. It was obvious that there was something wrong with this woman's inner defense.

"Everything is ready." Kakashi looked around slightly, and then he quickly said: "This mission can't go wrong, understand?"

"Yes, Captain!" The three Anbu under his command immediately replied.

"Very good, let's go."

As soon as the words fell, Kakashi and others immediately dispersed, and they began to look for a suitable hiding place to cooperate with Ye Cang's actions.

Kakashi took out the scroll that sealed the body before, and he had to help Ye Cang replace the 'corpse' at any time.

Ye Cang glanced back and found that she could no longer slow down her speed after seeing Kakashi and the others.

In the territory of Kirigakure Village, and to show that you are here to negotiate, you naturally can't appear too impatient.

Everything around her seemed to be getting darker as she continued to go deeper into Kirigakure Village. The thick mist could never turn into rain. This feeling of depression was really strong.

"Who is it?" Suddenly, Ye Cang seemed to notice someone walking towards her, and she immediately asked.

"Your Highness Yakura, the Burning Escape from Sand Hidden Village?" A ninja wearing a Kirigakure forehead protector slowly walked out of the thick fog.

He looked at Ye Cang with a smile on his face and asked as if confirming his identity.

"It's me." Ye Cang nodded slightly.

"That's great." The Mist Ninja still smiled and said, "I'm here to greet you."

"Is that so?" Ye Cang seemed to be relieved: "That's really hard on you, but it's just passing through a valley, so it's impossible to get lost."

"Well, that's what you said." The Mist Ninja touched his head and looked a little embarrassed, but he soon returned to his serious expression.

Slowly and naturally, he walked to the side of Ye Cang. He lowered his head slightly and said softly: "Please, Your Excellency Ye Cang."

Ye Cang glanced at him, and then nodded slightly, as if she believed what this guy said, she walked directly forward.

However, the next moment, she felt a kunai stabbing her behind fiercely...


The moonlight fell on the ground through the branches, and in the mottled moon shadow, Xia Yan walked quickly towards the outside.

He was the only one in this operation. He did not let the four Senjus follow him. The four of them still needed to take care of the ANBU of Kumogakure.

In fact, letting them stay does not necessarily mean guarding. After all, the chakra of these four Kumogakure ANBU has been sealed by Natsuhiko.

Through the sealing technique learned through the system fruit, Xia Yan's ability in this area has become more and more terrifying. Although he has not yet obtained the intermediate sealing fruit, it is enough for now.

By simply sealing a chakra, he can definitely make the sealed person not feel the existence of chakra in his body at all.

This is just the initial sealing fruit. Xia Yan is really curious about how far he can develop the sealing technique once he gets the intermediate sealing fruit.

"The sealing technique is indeed one of the most powerful techniques in the Naruto world, even though this type of technique has always been underestimated in the previous life.

And in this world, because the difficulty of this type of technique is too high, not many people can really learn it.

But this type of technique is really practical, even if it doesn't have much lethality at this stage. "

Xia Yan thought silently while walking mentally, and soon his eyes were locked on the small cave hidden in the forest not far away.

His perception spread instantly, and his perception had spread into the interior of this small cave. He could detect many things in his perception.

Including chakra, including some traces of animals, and even some traces of blood!

"Except, there was no sign of anyone."

Xia Yan thought silently, and then he started to speed up and ran towards the cave. He still needed to check the situation inside.

Xia Yan's figure was like a stream of light, and he had already rushed into the cave in an instant. His perception had already determined that there was no trap or anything like this, otherwise he would not have dared to rush in like this.

However, Xia Yan had just stepped into the cave and he frowned involuntarily.

He didn't feel much when he was outside, but as soon as he came in, he could clearly feel the smell of blood that was almost unbearable!

Such a strong bloody smell cannot be caused by killing one or two people or animals.

It's just that there doesn't seem to be any corpses found in this cave, which is a bit strange.

"Did you go to dispose of the body?"

Xia Yan mentally muttered silently, and then looked at the stone statues.

These stone statues look a bit like Buddha statues, but their ferocious expressions are like evil ghosts, and there is absolutely no charm that a Buddha statue should have.

Coupled with the suffocating smell of blood, there is no problem in calling this place a hell.

Enduring the uncomfortable feeling, Xia Yan walked forward silently, and soon his eyes were fixed on a strange pattern on the ground.

This pattern looks like it is made of blood. Its periphery is a circle, and within this circle is a triangle!

"It seems those cloud ninjas didn't lie to me."

Seeing this pattern, Xia Yan was basically sure that those Kumogakure Anbu were really looking for the right place!

In his memory, that guy Hidan first got the enemy's blood, and then constructed such a pattern to transfer his own damage to the enemy.

Observing this pattern carefully, Xia Yan could clearly feel some traces of the sealing technique, or it could be said that it was a product converted through the sealing technique, similar to a barrier.

However, the danger of this kind of thing is self-evident. At least Xia Yan would not dare to pass it easily, even if there is no chakra fluctuation in it.


At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly raised his eyebrows because he felt that someone was walking towards the cave, and one of them seemed to have very good chakra reserves!

"Two people?"

Xia Yan thought silently, then he simply turned around and walked outside.

No matter who comes, he has found the answer he wants, so the next step is to see if the answer satisfies him.


When Xia Yan walked out step by step, he suddenly found a middle-aged man who looked about forty or fifty years old, walking towards him holding an eight or nine-year-old kid.

This old man's chakra performance seems to be very good, but the aura on his body is very weird.

And that kid was even more interesting. With his short silver hair and slightly crazy eyes, Xia Yan was almost sure right away that this kid was Hidan!

"Why are you still so young?"

Xia Yan was obviously stunned. Although the guy Hidan in the original work didn't seem to be too old, Xia Yan hadn't really researched how old that guy was.

After all, this guy was one of the people who got his lunch box relatively early. Although the first person killed by the Akatsuki organization was Scorpion in a real sense, Scorpion's intimidation power was really not comparable to that of Hidan.

Therefore, Xia Yan could only remember this guy's abilities, especially his physical abilities and his unique curse. As for his age, he really didn't remember it carefully.

"Anbu?" Just as Natsuhiko was sizing up Hidan and the middle-aged man, the middle-aged man suddenly spoke: "Anbu from Konoha? It seems like the higher ups have noticed us."

"That's right. After all, you guys are not very low-key." Xia Yan looked at the two people calmly and said lightly: "Isn't it normal to be noticed?"

"Really? It seems we have to make corrections in the future." The middle-aged man nodded, and then his eyes became dangerous: "It's just that you ran here alone, do you think you can do it?" What?"

"What can I do?" Xia Yan couldn't help but froze for a moment after hearing this, and then a smile appeared on his lips.

It's a pity that his smile was blocked by the mask, but it couldn't hide his mood. He looked at the two people in front of him indifferently, and then he spoke slowly.

"Am I not enough to deal with guys like you?"


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