The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 174 Annihilation (8K please subscribe~)

Xia Yan didn't know that after he had just taken care of Ye Cang, he would actually cause such trouble again.

He is now thinking about Uchiha's affairs. After all, he still has an ANBU spot that Uchiha dreams of.

It has been a week since he and Uchiha Zhen last met. Carrying out a mission is indeed an excellent way to pass the time, especially when the mission location is far away, and a trip often lasts several days. .

"I don't know if any qualitative changes occurred after the seed was buried."

Natsuhiko knocked on the table lightly. The path he left for Uchiha seemed to be impossible to achieve at all, but he knew very well that as long as he grasped it well, all this was possible.

After all, this guy Uchiha Fugaku is really hopelessly stupid to some extent.

An extremely clear proposition was placed in front of him - to save the Hokage's life, it was better to listen to Danzo's words.

He actually made the wrong choice for you and listened to Danzo honestly. Can you really believe this?

Even then, the roots did move out, and the reflection of the Sharingan appeared in Kyuubi's eyes.

But did Danzo really put all his roots in the Uchiha?

And does Danzo really dare to attack Uchiha without hesitation when Kyuubi is out?

Moreover, with Uchiha's strength at the time, even if they couldn't defeat the defense, it was still possible for them to directly complain when everything was over. For example, they wanted to rescue but were blocked by Danzo.

This is 10,000 times better than others assuming that their Uchiha did not take action, almost acquiescing that they are related to the Nine-Tails incident!

Xia Yan said that he really couldn't understand such a proposition and such a poor choice!

Especially this guy is still wavering between left and right, not knowing at all what choice he wants to make.

He pretends to be fair, but in fact he has no independent opinion at all. He can only fall to whichever side is more powerful.

It would be incredible for such a person to be the leader of a clan, especially if the entire clan was not wiped out at that critical time!

Natsuhiko didn't want to let go of such excellent Uchiha resources, so he had to make some choices. Uchiha Fugaku was not reliable at all, so why didn't he make something more reliable himself?

Of course, this was only slightly reliable. It was a bad era. Xia Yan still didn't believe it. Could it be that someone worse than Uchiha Fugaku could appear under his control?

"But this guy also needs to make up his own mind, and he must control it as much as possible in the future."

Natsuhiko thought silently, as for Uchiha Fugaku possessing a kaleidoscope?

He wasn't sure about this, but even if Xia Yan was there, he wouldn't necessarily be afraid of him. As long as he didn't fall prey to illusions, it would be fine to run away.

And his own speed is also put here. At this bug-level speed of traveling through space, Uchiha Fugaku may not be able to catch him even with a kaleidoscope.

"Even I may not be able to deal with him easily."

The weirdness of the Mangekyō Sharingan is still unparalleled. Even with Natsuhiko's current strength, he is not afraid of facing hundreds of ninjas, but facing the Mangekyō one-on-one, he really doesn't have enough confidence.

The Sharingan is originally a terrifying being with a strong ability in single combat, but when it comes to the Mangekyou, it is even more terrifying.

Once you use the pupil technique desperately, or even activate the Susanoo, your group fighting ability will be unimaginably enhanced.

After all, it is the product of the ultimate Yin Escape. After all, with that kind of attack power and defense power, there is absolutely nothing Natsuhiko can do against Susanoo even if his attack power is not up to par.

“It would be great if I could reach the level like Senju Hashirama and summon Bokuto or even Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara.

Of course, Uchiha Fugaku is not worthy of enjoying these two techniques. After all, they are used to deal with the mature Susanoo and the complete Susanoo. "

Xia Yan was stunned as he thought about it, and then he shook his head in amusement.

He didn't even confirm whether Uchiha Fugaku had a kaleidoscope, but he had already considered it so far. This seemed to be a bit overestimating his opponent.

It was right to prepare for a rainy day, but there was no need for him to underestimate himself.

He just didn't recognize his own strength at the beginning. In the end, he almost didn't figure it out, and he kept struggling with what he was going to do.

He was so entangled that he felt a little numb in the end, which was obviously not a good sign.

"Actually, I'm much stronger than I thought. Why bother."

Xia Yan leaned back on the chair and kept pressing back. He tried to stretch his body more and make himself more comfortable.

But at this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door that forced Xia Yan to sit upright.

After all, as a captain, you still have to pay attention to your behavior and image.

Soon, after Xia Yan sat down, he let the guy who knocked on the door come in. However, when he learned why this guy was looking for him, Xia Yan's face changed instantly...


"Confirm, you are Ye Cang from Sunagakure Village, right?"

In the junior brigade lounge, Youru Longma stopped Ye Cang, who was about to find a place to rest, and then waited for Xia Yan to assign his identity and residence.

His voice was low and cold, and the cold aura that could not be concealed surrounded him. Although his words were questions, the undoubtability had already been highlighted.

Ye Cang frowned and looked at the guy in front of her. She didn't understand what was going on. Judging from the clothes this guy was wearing, he was obviously an ANBU.

Thinking of what Natsuhiko had said before, that there seemed to be no peace in Konoha, Ye Cang hesitated for a moment, but in the end she sighed and nodded lightly.

There is no one who doesn't bow his head under the eaves.

Her identity is too sensitive, and this sensitive identity makes her not want to get into trouble.

Now that she has made a decision, she will definitely do it well. She is a rootless person now. Since there is soil to accept her, she must perform well.

"I am Ye Cang." Ye Cang said calmly: "But I am not the Ye Cang of Sunagakure's village. The Ye Cang of Sunagakure's village is already dead."

"It seems you are the one." Aburame Ryoma didn't pay attention to what Ye Cang said. He looked at the woman in front of him indifferently and said, "Then, please come with us."

"Take a trip?" Ye Cang frowned even more tightly. It was obvious that this incident made her uneasy: "Why? Who are you?"

"Who we are has nothing to do with you, but as a member of Sunagakure Village, you obviously have serious problems entering the Anbu now."

The chakra in Aburame Ryoma's body began to surge slightly, not only him, but also all the root ninja who came with him.

"Now you only have two choices, one is to come with me, and the other is I will take you away."

As soon as he finished speaking, several strands of cold chakra locked onto Ye Cang's body. Such terrifying chakra was intimidating.

Obviously, these people really don't just talk about it, they will definitely take action if the situation goes wrong!

Ye Cang's fists clenched. Although she didn't understand what was going on, she knew that she was in big trouble now.

And she couldn't help but feel a little sad in her heart. As expected, as a person with the same identity as a rebel nin, joining another ninja village, especially entering an environment like ANBU, is probably not a good choice.

It's just that she has no choice at all. I'm afraid that the extremely powerful guy named Nightingale won't give her any room to choose.

Closing her eyes slightly, Ye Cang tried hard to control the anger in her heart, and it took her a long time to let go of her clenched fists.

She opened her eyes and nodded slightly: "I know, I..."

"Wait a minute." Before she could finish her words, Kakashi suddenly came over from behind: "Who are you and why do you come to the third brigade to ask for people?"

"Who we are is none of your business, Captain Kakashi." Aburame Ryoma frowned, but he soon regained his composure: "What you have to do is execute the order."

"Is it you?" Kakashi couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard this voice, and then he seemed to remember something: "Is it someone from the root? I didn't expect to meet you here."

Kakashi has already recalled the members of the Roots that he and Natsuhiko met after returning from their first mission.

That mission also made Kakashi realize that there seemed to be a similar department in Konoha besides the ANBU, which left a deep impression on him.

Now when he heard this voice again, he immediately remembered the guy who helped him and Xia Yan escape the siege.

"Now that you know who we are, you should know what to do."

Aburame Ryoma was also a little surprised that Kakashi still remembered him, but he didn't care and continued to speak indifferently.

"Stand back, or I will take action."

"Sorry, do you have transfer orders from Hokage-sama?"

Kakashi ignored him and asked directly in a deep voice.

"Removing an ANBU member requires Hokage-sama's order. If not, I will not let you take away our people."

"What we have is an order from Lord Danzo."

Aburame Ryoma's voice became colder, and his majestic chakra began to lock on Kakashi.

"I'll give you one last chance. Retreat, otherwise you will also be our target."

"I'm sorry, I don't know what Danzo-sama is, all I want is the death of Hokage-sama!"

Kakashi just glanced at this guy calmly, his voice began to become colder, and then he directly drew out his ninja sword.

Following his actions, almost all the ANBU in this lounge also took out their weapons at the same time!

For a moment, an extremely depressing atmosphere echoed throughout the lounge.

When Aburame Ryoma saw this scene, his face under the mask became even more gloomy. This was the first time he had encountered someone who dared to disobey Danzo-sama's orders like this!

"I see."

Aburame Ryoma took a deep breath, and he put his hand on his ninja sword. In an instant, countless small black shadows emerged from his body.

"Konoha ANBU ninja Hatake Kakashi, because he violated the regulations and rules and ignored the instructions of his superiors, he can be regarded as a traitor, so take action!"

The moment Aburame Ryoma's words fell, all the root ninjas collectively took out their weapons. His eyes revealed cold murderous intent. Such murderous intent instantly completely covered Kakashi and Hayakura.

Such pressure made Ye Cang grit her teeth. She seemed to have heard of Danzo's name, but she had no idea what Danzo did or what his specific position was.

But she seemed to be able to imagine that this guy was definitely not an ordinary person. Kakashi's willingness to come forward probably represented the will of the captain of the third team, that is, the will of the Konoha Nightingale.

Are they really willing to have such a conflict with a high-level person in Konoha for a person with a special status like themselves?

"In that case, then I..."

Ye Cang silently brewed chakra. Since the other party is willing to defend herself and regard herself as one of them, then she must not behave too badly!

"Who gave you the courage to cause trouble in the Third Brigade?"

However, at this moment, a familiar but unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded.

The moment this voice sounded, almost everyone looked at the door of the lounge in unison. That was the voice of their captain!

But at this moment, their captain's gentle tone seemed a little strange.

Even though it is still gentle, even though it still sounds very soft and pleasant, everyone seems to be able to feel how cold it is in such gentleness.


You Rulongma took a deep breath and looked at Xia Yan, and there was a little complexity in his eyes.

They had recruited this guy Natsuhiko, but he was rejected by the other party. As Danzo's personal guardian, Yuru Ryoma knew that Danzo had also thought about using tough methods to get this guy into the root.

However, this matter was vetoed by the Hokage, and Danzo was full of resentment and dissatisfaction with Xia Yan, but this guy has become extremely troublesome now.

As members of the Roots, they are naturally very aware of what happened in Sand Hidden Village. They are also afraid of people who can create such terrifying achievements.

While they are afraid, they will also respect him. After all, the ninja world is a world that worships the strong. Naturally, Xia Yan's extremely powerful performance makes them respect him too.

But now they have to become enemies, because as ninjas, especially root ninjas, they must completely obey Danzo's orders.

"Captain Nightingale." Yuru Ryoma took a deep breath and spoke again: "We are here with the order of Lord Danzo..."

"Please wait a moment."

Natsuhiko walked step by step in front of Kakashi and Ye Cang, and after blocking them both behind him, he interrupted Yuru Ryoma's words without any politeness.

"This is the ANBU, not the root. Lord Danzo's order, when can the ANBU be mobilized?

Also, who gave you the qualifications to judge an ANBU as a traitor? "

Natsuhiko's words almost blocked the space for Ryoma Aburame to speak. After all, Natsuhiko was an ANBU captain. As someone who could lead a brigade, Natsuhiko was qualified and capable to raise such questions.

Although Anbu and Genbu are somewhat similar, they are not the same system at all, and Natsuhiko became the captain only by cutting off Danzo's hand that reached into Anbu.

To put it bluntly, Danzo is not qualified to order ANBU now, and in terms of his position, he has never been qualified to order ANBU!

"Captain Nightingale, are you going to disobey Danzo-sama's orders too?"

Aburame Ryoma knew something was wrong, but he couldn't back down in order to protect Danzo, and he also had to complete Danzo's mission!

"Disobeying Danzo-sama's orders?"

Suddenly, Xia Yan showed a smile.

"Maybe I didn't say it clearly, so I'll repeat it again.

This is ANBU, not the root. You, a root ninja, come to ANBU to capture our people, and you dare to define the captain of ANBU as a traitor ninja at will.

I think you are the one who rebels..."

Natsuhiko's words were very gentle, but they made people feel dangerous. As he continued to speak, Aburame Ryoma clearly felt that the danger was getting worse!

Especially when he finished his last sentence, You Rulongma almost felt suffocated.

This guy defines treason for them, which means...


Aburame Ryoma suddenly shouted, and then he quickly formed seals with his hands, and the dark insect net spread quickly, but everything was still slow.

As an ANBU captain, Natsuhiko is qualified to define a ninja traitor when the evidence is clear and logical!

Almost instantly, Xia Yan dodged behind a root ninja, and the ninja sword in his hand was unsheathed like lightning. The blue light, with its sharp and sharp aura, instantly cut across the ninja's neck.


Without giving the root ninja any room to react, the root ninja felt a slight chill on his neck, and liquid seemed to begin to overflow from his throat the next second.

However, Natsuhiko did not have the habit of waiting for his complete death. His chakra turned slightly, and he once again flashed to the side of another root ninja.

He had talked so much nonsense with Youru Longma before. It was not because he wanted to avoid this conflict. On the contrary, he had already made up his mind to kill these people!

A group of root ninjas came to the Anbu to show off their power and robbed people in front of him. Xia Yan would be really stupid if he didn't seize such an opportunity.

ANBU is not fundamental, they can completely ignore Danzo so much.

And as a captain, Xia Yan naturally has to protect his team members, especially people like Ye Cang who have a sensitive identity and have just "submitted", and they need to be comforted and protected.

"Danzo is such a good man."

Natsuhiko's original plan was to take it slow, but Danzo actually came up with such a trick, which made him really feel that he had to thank Danzo.

And if he hadn't relied on Lizard to dig through Danzo's laboratory and get the body parts of Senju Hashirama, Natsuhiko might not have such strength now.

So Danzo is really a good person to Natsuhiko. Since he is a good person, Natsuhiko must repay him well!

With another swing of the knife, Xia Yan caught up with the insect nets and once again wiped the neck of a root ninja with his sword.

However, after killing the two of them instantly, Xia Yan quickly pulled away and left the place.

Because those insect nets spread quickly, completely surrounding the other root ninjas who were still alive.

Even if Xia Yan could kill one or two more people, he didn't want to be touched by those nasty bugs.

Although Xia Yan didn't know much about the situation of the Aburame clan, after all, the bugs raised in each person's body were different.

But at least there are members of the Aburame clan in his team, and he knows how disgusting and annoying these people's bugs are.

In particular, some bugs may be highly poisonous. Once you encounter them or even just smell them, who knows what will happen to them.

Although Natsuhiko had the experience of fighting against Chiyo and was immune to her poison, staying vigilant at all times is a virtue, and Natsuhiko will not lose this virtue.

"Everyone spread out, guard the entrances and exits, and don't let these people out."

Xia Yan's figure returned to where he was in an instant, and he quickly formed seals with his hands. At the same time, he also opened his mouth and gave instructions to all ANBU.

When these ANBU heard Xia Yan's words, they all hesitated because they saw with their own eyes that Xia Yan had killed someone.

However, as a member of the ANBU, such hesitation was only for a moment. They quickly followed Xia Yan's words and quickly deployed their defenses, completely blocking all possible escape routes in this lounge.

Xia Yan had already completed his seals long ago, and only after the ANBU of the third brigade left quickly did he release the techniques he had condensed.

"Water Release·Shui Qingbo!"

When Xia Yan put his hands together, a rapidly rotating and rising water flow like a tornado was summoned out of thin air by him.

This huge and terrifying water flow spreads like a waterfall and rushes towards Youru Longma and others!

Although using water escape will affect his flying thunder god's seeds, if those bugs are not dealt with, then his next attacks will have some trouble.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

When Youru Longma saw this scene, he immediately understood what Xia Yan wanted to do. He didn't need to remind him at all. A member of the root immediately fought back after seeing this.

His sealing speed was very fast, and in just a moment a huge earth wall was completed by him.

This earthen wall blocked Xia Yan's water escape, but such a barrier had no effect at all. The torrent hit the earthen wall hard.

This earth wall obviously could not withstand the impact of such a torrent, especially since the chakra injected by Xia Yan was very large. In the end, the earth wall was directly washed away, and Xia Yan's water escape eventually formed a big river.


When Youru Longma saw this scene, something bad flashed through his mind. The performance of water escape was really unexpected. Even if they dispersed, there were still many bugs that were directly washed away by the water.

Aburame Ryoma knew that Natsuhiko was very strong, but this strength was based on this guy's use of the Flying Thunder God.

Even though there seemed to be data showing that Xia Yan's use of magic was very powerful, this level seemed to be beyond his imagination.

With such a strong ability in martial arts, plus the Flying Thunder God Technique, is this Senju Natsuhiko learning from the Nidaime Hokage?

The water was flowing fast, and Natsuhiko didn't know what Aburame Ryoma was thinking.

He silently looked at the insects that were washed away by his torrent. The next moment, his perception was almost at its maximum. At this moment, almost all the insects were within the coverage of his perception!

The densely packed insects were extremely large in number. Whether they were flying aimlessly in the sky, those that had gathered around the root members, or those that were washed up in the water, they did not escape his monitoring.

But Xia Yan also knew that doing so would cost him a lot, so he had to do it quickly!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan quickly formed seals with his hands again, and the majestic chakra jumped again in an instant.

"Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet!"

Along with the fluctuations of chakra, under Xia Yan's control, several water dragons spun and rose from the river he said he had built. They let out a series of earth-shaking roars, and then fiercely moved towards the root members without any stagnation. And go!

"Secret Technique, Parasitic Insect, Hurricane!"

Facing such a large number of water dragons, Aburame Ryoma immediately formed a seal with one hand, and the majestic chakra quickly condensed in an instant.

Under his control, the bugs quickly gathered in batches, and they began to rotate continuously. In just a moment, these parasitic bugs turned into tornadoes!

These tornadoes of parasites rotated crazily, and then headed hard towards Xia Yan's condensed water dragon.

For a moment, the tornado and the water dragon intertwined with each other, and the two sides continued to bite madly. Soon Xia Yan's water dragon was swallowed by the tornado carrying bad bugs.

And these parasitic insects also paid a heavy price. Countless insects fell to the ground and into the water. A large number of densely packed insects floated everywhere with the current. It was obvious that they were all dead.

"Secret Technique·Parasitic Insect·Cluster!"

When the tornado carrying the bad bugs collided with him, Aburame Ryoma had already begun to prepare for the next moment technique, and Natsuhiko obviously noticed this, and Shui Shunshen rushed forward without any hesitation.

However, Aburame Ryoma was very fast, and Natsuhiko had completed his technique almost the moment he started.

The huge parasitic bug emerged from his body again, and then these bugs frantically surrounded Xia Yan in the direction he was moving.

Natsuhiko paused slightly as he sprinted at high speed. I have to say that Aburame Ryoma was really good at this move.

He knew that he had no way to lock Xia Yan, so he directly blocked the offensive line to contain the attack.

But Xia Yan is obviously not that easy to deal with. His body coordination is already terrible. No matter how fast he is, he can stop himself.

Therefore, he suddenly slowed down, and then the Flying Thunder God launched again, allowing him to instantly leave the siege of the parasites, and at the same time, he appeared next to a root.

With a light touch of the ninja sword, the throat of the root ninja who had lost the protection of the parasite was instantly wiped open by Xia Yan.

And his movements had no intention of stopping at all. Almost at the moment when he drew the knife, he once again shuttled to the side of another root.

The attack points he chose were all places where the water dragons had drained the nearby water sources. Once the water was filled, he directly chose to attack.

But I don't know if it was luck, but that damn Youru Longma always stood in the water, which made Xia Yan a little bit difficult.

However, Xia Yan did not rely solely on seeds to use the Flying Thunder God Technique. He had other ways to solve the problem.


There was another sword strike, and the fundamental ninja in front of him performed slightly better. He reluctantly turned around and tried to block it with his ninja sword.

It can be seen that he is a ninja who has experienced many battles, but without a super strong defense system, or equally good at space ninjutsu, it is really difficult for them to attack through space like this!

With the sword raised and lowered, this root ninja once again became the sacrifice of Xia Yannin's sword. They had no ability to resist at all!

"Everyone come and gather together!"

Youru Longma had already issued the order the moment Xia Yan launched the attack. He was bleeding crazily in his heart now. He took a total of six roots with him.

Within the root, there are basically two people in a team, which means that Xia Yan has killed two people in less than a minute from the moment he took action!

Cultivating qualified root ninjas is a very difficult task. No one can bear such a loss.

"Nightingale, do you know what you are doing!"

When the only two remaining roots surround Youru Longma, Youru Longma can summon insects to surround them.

Under such circumstances, he angrily yelled at Xia Yan. He even regretted now why he had to come to this ghost place alone.

"Of course I know what I'm doing."

Xia Yan looked at Youru Ryoma calmly. He gently shook off the blood stained on the ninja sword, and then he suddenly showed a smile.

"I don't know why you dare to choose this time to come to my place to cause trouble. Maybe Hokage-sama and the others have something to do.

And you want this matter to become a fact, so that the Hokages have no way to pursue it.

But have you ever considered a question, do you think I am someone easy to mess with? "

"Are you planning to become completely hostile to Danzo-sama?"

Looking at this smile, You Rulongma felt an unprecedented palpitation in his heart. Why could such a gentle smile be so cold?

"Being hostile to Danzo-sama?" Natsuhiko seemed to not understand what he meant: "Danzo-sama is very powerful. After all, he commands the entire root, but don't forget, I am a ninja from ANBU."

Having said this, Natsuhiko waved his hand, and Kakashi, who had been standing behind him, immediately understood something.

He jumped up and jumped to Xia Yan's side, and then said loudly: "All ninjas who can fire escape, get down!"

All the ANBU ninjas heard this without much hesitation. The ANBU who knew fire escape immediately jumped down one by one, and Ye Cang also followed silently.

"Water escape has not wiped out all your bugs, so I want to see if your bugs can resist fire escape."

Xia Yan looked at the three people, Youru Longma and others in front of him with a smile. As he spoke, his Ninja sword once bloomed with azure light.

"From the moment you came to Anbu and planned to take away my subordinates by force, your fate was decided.

So, you'd better go with peace of mind.

Do it! "


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