The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 175: Means and Invitation (8K please subscribe~)

"Let's stop discussing Kushina's birth here for now."

"Okay, Sandaime-sama, actually I think this level of protection is enough."

"No, for Kushina, any attention is actually far from enough."

In the Hokage's office, Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mito Kadoen, Koharu Koharu, Nara Shikaku and Murajima Taku and others are gathered together, and they are currently discussing issues about Kushina.

Kushina has been pregnant for some time now. Her due date is actually October, but now the time has reached September unknowingly.

In less than a month, she would give birth, and at that moment Namikaze Minato and she would also have a new identity - parents.

But Kushina's problem is very special. She is the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi!

As a Jinchuuriki, especially a woman, the most dangerous time for her is when she is about to give birth. At this time, she not only has to face the dangers that come with giving birth to a child as a mother.

At the same time, she also had to face the threat from the tailed beasts due to the loosening of the seal during childbirth as a jinchuriki.

In addition, once outsiders know the date of Kushina's production as a Jinchuuriki, launching an attack at this time will be a catastrophic event.

As the shadow of the village, neither Namikaze Minato nor Sarutobi Hiruzen would have any thoughts at this moment.

Maybe they have a lot of problems privately, and they even have different positions.

But when it comes to issues of Konoha's common interests, they can put aside their respective positions and reach an agreement.

And this time Namikaze Minato was even more nervous than Sarutobi Hiruzen. After all, his identity was not just a Kage, he was also the father of a child and the husband of a wife.

However, he found that he seemed to have underestimated how seriously Sarutobi Hiruzen took this matter. The security plan arranged by Sarutobi Hiruzen was much higher than he had imagined.

They arranged a lot of candidates this time. The first person responsible for delivering the baby was Sarutobi Hiruzen's wife, Sarutobi Biwako. At the same time, there were also ANBU elites responsible for the reception. In addition, there were a small number of people from the sealing class who acted together.

The most important thing is that Namikaze Minato will also be present this time. It can be said that such a configuration is a bit over the top for a top-secret mission.

"Okay, I understand, Sandaime-sama." Namikaze Minato sorted out the reports on the table, and then he thought for a while and asked: "So, does Sandaime-sama have any ideas about the ANBU candidate this time? After all, you are better than me. Be more familiar with Anbu.”

Faced with such a question, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled calmly, and then he said: "It's normal not to be familiar with it. After all, ANBU is such a huge system. It takes time to take your time. Don't worry. In the future, this Everything still needs to be controlled and handled by you personally, right?”

The future is always the most anticipated thing, but it has no practical significance at all. It is more like a fantasy or a goal, a goal that you constantly pursue.

Although Namikaze Minato sighed a little inwardly when he heard such an answer, he didn't show any signs of it. After all, now was not the time to dwell on such things.

"Well, maybe it will be like this in the future." Namikaze Minato shook his head slightly, and then he asked: "So, does Sandaime-sama have any ideas about the candidate?"

"As long as the number of people cannot be too large and cannot interfere with the normal work of the ANBU, try to select those with a long resume and sufficient strength."

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave his answer directly without thinking, and the answer was relatively conservative. If he was given a choice, he would even let the roots participate in this task.

However, considering that Namikaze Minato would not be happy for someone from the root to come over, he did not mention this matter.

There is no problem in selecting personnel in ANBU, but the problem is whether there are enough people to do it.

After all, the ANBU's work tasks are still very heavy, and this matter needs to be kept secret. No one else can know except the people involved, so as to minimize the source of possible leaks of intelligence.

Even ANBU is the same in this matter!

"Well, I'll give you a list within two days, Yondaime."

"Then thank you for your hard work, Sandaime-sama." Namikaze Minato nodded slightly: "By the way, I remember Nightingale seems to be still on vacation, right?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but pause when he heard the name, and then he nodded with a smile.

"He is indeed on vacation now. He just left for Tang Country in person. As a captain, his initiative is really unexpected. However, if he is resting now, it will be hard to say in a month."

"I think he has time." Namikaze Minato smiled: "After all, this kind of thing can be arranged, and Nightingale has already proven his strength. I believe it will be better with him here."

"Indeed, he has proven himself, and this matter is indeed worthy of consideration." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked hesitant, but in the end he nodded.

In fact, in his heart, he didn't hesitate at all. He wished that Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato could get closer.

Although Natsuhiko is very ambitious, Sarutobi Hiruzen can definitely afford what this brat wants!

Even if it was just a blank check, he could let this kid follow him honestly.

As for the future, it is not about Sarutobi Hiruzen. As said, the future is the future of young people. By that time, Konoha will probably belong to Namikaze Minato.

As long as he 'tames' Namikaze Minato and clearly explains his past relationship with Natsuhiko, someone will naturally deal with this ambitious brat.

But now, he needed to use Natsuhiko, and he wished that Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato could get closer.

But there are things that go too far. Without intending to reveal his relationship with Xia Yan, it is enough to know that Xia Yan is from the Thousand Hands clan.

"Okay, I understand what you mean." Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed: "After all, we are protecting Kushina. It would be better to have Nightingale, but... forget it, I believe the Yondaime will handle it well. .”

"Don't worry, Nightingale..." Minato Namikaze didn't care about Hiruzen Sarutobi's attitude, but just when he was about to say something, there was a knock on the door of the Hokage's office.

At this moment, the other people sitting in this room finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What the two Hokages were talking about already involved the struggle for ANBU authority, which they were definitely happy to hear.

The only ones in the entire office who could remain calm were Koharu, Mito Kaden, and Takumi Murashima, the head of Konoha ANBU.

Everyone present is a smart person, and they are more or less aware of the current situation in Konoha, but just knowing it gives them a headache.

They don't dare to move closer to any party at will. If they don't pay attention to this kind of power game, it will be the end of it.

In addition, this conversation also involved some secrets of the Anbu, which they were not willing to hear.

Fortunately, someone interrupted this conversation, even if I don't know who it was.

"Hokage-sama, ladies and gentlemen."

Soon the door was opened, and an ANBU hurriedly ran in, and then quickly knelt on one knee on the ground.

"What's the matter, you're in such a hurry?" Namikaze Minato, as the Hokage, asked directly.

"Hokage-sama, it's Captain Nightingale..." The ANBU gasped slightly, and then he continued: "Captain Nightingale killed the people at the root!"

"What?" This news suddenly made the atmosphere in the entire Hokage's office become weird.

Nightingale actually killed someone at the root?

What is the situation and what happened to make Nightingale do such a thing?

It is quite common for Anbu and people from the Roots to have conflicts. After all, it is not a big deal if there is a conflict between the two parties because of the task.

Moreover, they were both Konoha ninjas, and the two sides had always maintained restraint. There had never been any physical incidents, let alone killing each other directly.

Xia Yan was setting a precedent. Not only did he conflict with others, he also killed them directly!

"In the end what happened?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned. He felt that his head was a little swollen now. He did not expect that such a thing would happen again.

In his memory, Xia Yan always maintained a gentle smile, and he would not do too many drastic actions at all. This time's behavior did not seem to be what he should be like at all.

"The Third Hokage, the situation is like this."

This ANBU seemed to have recovered, and he immediately said in a deep voice.

“A week ago, Captain Kakashi took Sunagakure Hagura, who was imprisoned in prison, out on a mission.

Captain Nightingale seemed to be preparing to assign a position to her when she returned this time, and it seemed that the recruitment had been completed.

But soon, the ninjas from the root suddenly came to the ANBU. With Danzo-sama's orders, they planned to take Ye Cang away by force without the Hokage's order, and even..."

At this point, the ANBU paused subconsciously, but in the end he gritted his teeth and said it thoroughly.

“They even defined Captain Kakashi as a traitorous ninja and prepared to launch an attack.

Finally, Captain Nightingale came, and...and he also defined these root ninjas as rebellious ninjas.

Then he chose to take action and killed them one by one, leaving no one alive! "

Having said this, the ANBU remained silent, and the entire conference room seemed somewhat silent.

They now knew what was going on, but the more they knew about these things, the more their expressions became weirder and more embarrassed.

Especially Nara Shikaku, he now wanted to press his face completely against the table, and simply pretended that he had fallen asleep and didn't hear what was said.

This kind of thing has already involved the deep-level battle between the root and the dark part, and it can even be seen from it how unscrupulous the root sometimes behaves.

Not many people like the root. Among the people present, except for Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others, they all have similar ideas.

Even though they feel very happy in their hearts now that Genbu suffered such a loss, even if they are happy about this matter, they don't want to know, let alone dare to know.

Now they can only pretend to be stupid, pretend that they don't know anything, and then see how the two Hokage will deal with this matter.

"Genbu, go to Anbu to rob someone without any orders?"

While the others were pretending to be stupid and dead, the expressions of Hiruzen Sarutobi and Minato Namikaze changed slightly. They never imagined that Danzo would do such a thing.

Sarutobi Hiruzen guessed what Danzo was thinking. After all, the two of them had been together since childhood. He had watched step by step, and he had even guided Danzo step by step to become what he is today.

Part of the reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen was willing to delegate power to him was that he knew Danzo too well, and Danzo was, in some sense, his shadow.

The meaning of this shadow also means that Danzo's will is involved in what he does.

Apart from that, it was a kind of compensation for Sarutobi Hiruzen to Danzo.

Danzo's dream is to become Hokage, but Hiruzen Sarutobi has completely pinned him into the darkness, and he can no longer and will not be allowed to escape from it.

For an ambitious subordinate, these are some necessary measures, but for a friend, it seems a bit too cruel.

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen would find a way to make some compensation and let him do something.

Even if it challenges Sarutobi Hiruzen's bottom line, as long as it does not seriously endanger Konoha's interests, then he can consider letting Danzo go.

But this time was too special. Danzo reached into the ANBU unscrupulously to break out such a conflict, which even made Sarutobi Hiruzen a little angry.

If you took the person away without causing much conflict, maybe Hiruzen Sarutobi would have no choice but to admit it, but it is different now.

Without an order, the Nebu ninja only recognized Danzo's words and defined treason arbitrarily, which even caused an unprecedented conflict between Anbu and Nemoto.

Especially when the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki was about to give birth in a month, how could this not make Hiruzen Sarutobi angry?

Although Nightingale was the one who really took the initiative, Nightingale didn't know the current situation in Konoha, but Danzo knew it all!

If there was no fight and no one died, perhaps it would not be impossible for Hiruzen Sarutobi to acquiesce in this matter, but it was different now.

"You've gone overboard, Danzo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was filled with anger, let alone Namikaze Minato. He really didn't expect that Danzo would dare to do such a thing!

Danzo Shimura didn't take the Hokage seriously at all. Maybe he thought he was the Kage and everything he did was right?

Doesn't this guy know what kind of state Konoha is in now?

Is this guy completely incapable of considering the serious consequences of the conflagration between the Anbu and the Roots, and the terrible casualties it will cause?

If this matter is leaked, plus Kushina's current situation, how big a crisis will this bring to Konoha and Kushina?

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato couldn't sit still, but as Hokage, he had to learn restraint.

After a long time, Namikaze Minato took a deep breath. He needed to calm down now.

Only by being calm enough can we better deal with these disturbing things....


In the basic base, Danzo Zhen was sitting there thinking about some issues.

For example, how would he deal with that Ye Cang after he brought him back, and how would he deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others.

Regarding the matter of Ye Cang, Danzo didn't think there was any problem. After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato were both in a meeting, and they didn't have time to deal with this matter at all.

As long as he is fast enough, he can catch Ye Cang before they can react.

"However, I wouldn't have attended such an important meeting to produce the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. You guys are really nice!"

Thinking of this, Danzo's inner anger began to become unbearable. Protecting and defending the production of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki was considered a major event in Konoha.

And this matter requires the coordination of multiple parties to deal with all possible troubles together.

But he was not brought to this meeting at all. What does this mean?

This shows that either he is not trustworthy at all in the eyes of many people, or someone is obstructing this matter!

Obviously, he felt that it was possible, whether it was the first or the second.

Genbu's behavior in Konoha will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of many people. Many people hate him and are unwilling to trust him. This is a very common thing.

But Danzo didn't care at all. As a person with the power of life and death, would he care about these people's thoughts?

Obviously, he won't!

As for the second one, he felt that this damn brat Minato Namikaze was causing trouble.

Not only did Namikaze Minato propose to change many situations in Konoha for the first time, the most mentioned thing was about Uchiha. All of these things were dismissed one by one by Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

They are unwilling to change the current situation in Konoha, because that will break their chain of interests, which is of no benefit to them.

In fact, the people involved were not just him and Hiruzen Sarutobi, there were also many people looming in it.

But Danzo knew that Namikaze Minato might not know those people, and the same guy didn't dare to target Hiruzen Sarutobi. After all, Hiruzen Sarutobi was also the Hokage.

So as the one who rejected the most proposals from Namikaze Minato, Danzo naturally swallowed such a bitter pill!

"This damn brat, it's only because I'm not Hokage, otherwise I wouldn't be in such a situation! Doesn't he know that everything I do is for Konoha?"

Danzo thought with great annoyance, but he might never understand one thing, that is, the things he did that he thought were right were the things that prevented him from ever becoming Hokage!

Being hated by the entire village family or those who hold power obviously makes it impossible for him to get any support.

He thinks that he holds great power and controls the life and death of others, but in the eyes of others, Danzo is just a rat hiding in a stinking ditch!

How could such a rat, such a disgusting existence, be able to achieve the position of Hokage, a position that requires an upright image?

Maybe Danzo knows, but he doesn't care, maybe he thinks that others' disgust is actually a kind of silent fear.

And in his opinion, this is what he needs.

He won't show how bright and majestic he is, all he needs is the fear of others.

He doesn't need other people's trust, what he needs is other people's surrender!

Only when you are afraid can you have a heart of fear, and only if you have a heart of fear can you surrender to you.

Danzo has always believed that power is the key to mastering everything. No matter where he is sitting at any time, as long as he has power, he can force everyone to kneel down in front of him through power!

I have to say that this is an extremely dangerous idea. Once someone like him takes the position of ruler, it will definitely be an unimaginable disaster.

In the original book, after Danzo took the position of acting Hokage, no family was even willing to send someone to form the so-called Shadow Guard for Danzo.

After Danzo and Ohashi died together, the entire Konoha was extremely calm, and no one even said to avenge him.

Perhaps for Konoha at that time, not setting off two strings of firecrackers to celebrate was already the utmost restraint.

It can be said to be an extreme failure for a person to reach the level of Danzo.

"grown ups!"

Just when Danzo was thinking about something silently, a hurried voice suddenly interrupted him, which made him frown.

Raising his head slightly, Danzo looked at the root member who rushed over and half-knelt in front of him without saying a word. He suddenly let out a cold snort.

The next moment, the root ninja suddenly fell to the ground. His whole body began to twitch, and his clothes quickly became wet with sweat.

However, he didn't scream loudly, and he didn't lie on the ground twitching all the time. He slowly and laboriously got up, and then knelt down in front of Danzo again.

He endured the pain forcefully. Even though the pain was constantly eroding his will, he did not dare to make any sound or make any excessive movements.

This situation lasted for a long time, and the only sound in the entire office was the low sound of sweat.

"There won't be a next time."

Finally, Danzo spoke, his voice was so cold and indifferent.

"Next time just kill yourself."

"Yes, sir, thank you sir."

Following Danzo's words, the severe pain in the root ninja disappeared instantly, making him feel like he was reborn.

He didn't dare to resist, and he didn't dare to have any inappropriate thoughts at all. Danzo was his master, and he couldn't resist his master.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Danzo withdrew his gaze, and then he asked indifferently.

"Sir, at the door of our department, seven packages were delivered..." This root ninja seemed a little embarrassed to say, but in the end he continued: "And these seven packages, if there is no accident, they are human heads. "

"Heads? Seven?" When Danzo heard this sentence, his expression suddenly changed.

He stood up suddenly, and then quickly walked outside. Upon seeing this, the root ninja immediately struggled to stand up, but his injuries could not keep up with Danzo's pace.

Their speed was very fast, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at the hall. At this time, the entire hall was already surrounded by root ninjas.

On a long table in the hall, seven packages were laid flat there, and at the bottom of these packages, there was blood oozing out!

For ninjas like them, they could almost tell what was inside the package at a glance.

Danzo looked at the scene in front of him angrily. He never dreamed that he would see such a situation. Seven packages with seven heads, and the number of people he sent out also happened to be seven.

It’s almost self-evident what’s inside these packages!

"Open it."

After a long while, Danzo took a deep breath and then tried his best to control his emotions and said.

"Sir..." A root ninja said hesitantly.

"Open it!" But before he could finish his words, he was rudely interrupted by Danzo!

"Yes, sir." The root ninja finally nodded, and then he slowly walked to the seven packages.

Taking a deep breath, the root stepped forward, and by the way, he also instructed six people to open the packages with him.

Since Danzo wants to see it, even if they already know what is inside, they will never resist this order.

When they opened the first layer of the package, bloody masks fell in front of their eyes. Seeing this scene, their hands couldn't help but pause, and then they involuntarily turned their heads to look at Danzo.

But unfortunately, Danzo's expression remained silent. Even though his hand had already grasped his cane and it started to sizzle, he still made no sound.

Seeing this scene, the roots admitted that they couldn't help but continue to open the packages, and when they completely opened the package, they immediately backed away.

Danzo looked at everything in front of him, especially when he got Yuru Ryuma, he looked like he was dead. He could no longer control the strength in his hand!


The cane in his hand broke directly at this moment, and the anger in his heart could no longer be restrained.

His people were actually killed, the people he sent out were actually killed, and they were killed by ANBU people!

Danzo never felt pitiful when a member of the Roots died, because he deserved to die because he was not strong enough.

What he was angry about was the failure of this mission. He was angry because someone in Konoha disobeyed his orders so much. What he was angry about was this provocative action!

Who on earth has the courage to do such a thing, and who has the strength to do this?


Suddenly, a name appeared in his mind. After thinking about it, it seemed that only this kid could do this.

Naturally, Danzo of Sunagakure Village also obtained the information. Of course he knew that this kid was really terrifyingly powerful.

However, Danzo knew some of this guy's personality traits. This kid seemed to be very kind all the time, treating everyone the same.

His character seems to be very likable, but in Danzo's view, it is indeed the most disdainful thing. Even if this kid does have ambitions, in Danzo's view, such ambitions are not worth mentioning at all, because he does not I'll give this kid a chance.

But now, this kid seems to be beyond his imagination.

Danzo looked at everything in front of him in silence, clenching and unclenching his fists, going back and forth like this for a long time, and finally he waved his hand hard.

He knew that he might not be able to retaliate against Xia Yan now.

Especially at this point in time, even if he wanted to do something, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to do it!

"You wait for me until the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki is finished giving birth..."

Danzo turned around angrily, but at this moment there was a noise in the root, and not long after, an ANBU personnel slowly walked up to Danzo.

"Danzo-sama, I'm sorry to bother you. Hokage-sama wants you to go to the office now..."


"Hokage-sama, that's what happened."

In the Hokage's office, Natsuhiko looked at Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen, and calmly repeated everything he had done.

After he led all the ANBU present to kill those root ninjas, he immediately sent someone to the Hokage's office to deliver the message.

And at the same time, he also asked someone to deliver a 'gift' to the root gate to show his attitude.

He knew very well what consequences he would have if he did so, but knowing that didn't mean he wouldn't do it, because he was no longer the timid Xia Yan before.

Personality cannot be changed, but certain behaviors can be expressed differently. If others bully him, if he does not fight back, his subordinates may not dare to trust him easily in the future.

"You have gone too far in this matter." Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed quietly: "We are all ninjas of Konoha, there is no need to go to this point."

"Hokage-sama, Anbu is Hokage's ANBU." Natsuhiko lowered his head slightly, his eyes not looking at anyone, and he said to the two of them in a neither humble nor arrogant voice: "Without Hokage-sama's instructions, it will be useless no matter who comes. And Ye Cang is also my subordinate now."

Hearing these words, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly laughed. He could see that Natsuhiko was being clever, but so what?

The ANBU was Hokage's ANBU, which he fully supported, and he did so.

Such a statement can be regarded as an excuse for one's behavior, and it can also be regarded as a statement to them.

This guy is becoming more and more sophisticated in his methods.

Sarutobi Hiruzen secretly thought that he wouldn't say anything more now that the matter was over, and Namikaze Minato also nodded with satisfaction.

"Although my thoughts are the same as those of the Sandaime-sama, you have gone too far. They are Konoha ninjas after all, and what you did is too bloody." Namikaze Minato shook his head, and he said helplessly: "But that's the end of it. At this point, and considering that the other party did not transfer the order, and wantonly slandered the ANBU ninja, and also planned to take away your subordinates by force, they deserve their punishment."

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan said softly, "Because I can't control my anger. If this causes trouble, I will accept the punishment."

"Punishment is inevitable. I don't care about provocation, but the behavior of a leader like you is too bad. This matter must be punished. But before that, I have a task to give you, a confidential task."

"Hokage-sama, please speak."

"In one month, I want you to join my escort team to protect someone, do you understand?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama..."


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