The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 176: New Life (8K please subscribe~)

"Join the Guard to protect someone?"

Walking out of the Hokage's office, Natsuhiko recalled what Namikaze Minato said, and he couldn't help but have an inexplicable look on his face.

He had already thought about the meaning of Namikaze Minato's mission this time. If there were no accidents, the future savior would be born!

"Time flies so fast."

Indeed, time flies by.

Unconsciously, we have reached this stage of time. What is even more interesting is that he will actually participate in this task personally.

Natsuhiko actually felt that this mission should have little to do with him. After all, even Kakashi was not involved in this mission.

What's more, it's already September, the weather is gradually getting colder, and he still hasn't received any news, so he feels that this matter has nothing to do with him.

But he didn't expect that he would be informed of this matter in person today. Although this was a bit unexpected, he was not too worried about it.

"I'm afraid the only trouble is that we really have to face Obito."

After all, Xia Yan still has some fears about this guy Obito. After all, his abilities are still a bit disgusting.

But be wary, Xia Yan is really not afraid of him in a fight. Everyone uses space. Although they use it in different ways, they are still somewhat similar in the final analysis.

To put it bluntly, whoever is a coward is a dog!


While walking, Xia Yan suddenly found someone walking towards him. He raised his head slightly and looked up. Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

Because the person coming is this guy Danzo!

Danzo obviously noticed Natsuhiko, especially when he saw Natsuhiko's mask clearly, his eyes suddenly showed an angry look.

They are both members of Konoha, and they are both people who are rooted in the dark, and Natsuhiko has also done such terrible things in Sunagakure Village. It is impossible for Danzo not to recognize his mask!

"Captain Nightingale, what a great trick." Danzo suddenly stopped. He turned his head and stared at Natsu Yan and suddenly said solemnly: "He is truly a person who is famous as an ANBU member in the ninja world. This ruthless old man is really unmatched."

"Danzo-sama is overly praised. My methods are really nothing compared to the 'Dark Ninja'."

Xia Yan gently took off his mask, revealing a gentle expression and a harmless smile and replied softly.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I have met Danzo-sama. It is really an honor for me to be remembered by Danzo-sama."

"Of course I want to remember you. After all, you are not just Konoha Nightingale, you are Senju Natsuhiko."

Danzo's voice didn't seem to have much ups and downs, but the cold breath and full sense of oppression had completely forced Xia Yan.

"How is the current situation of the Senju clan? As a member of the teacher's family, I think you, Captain Nightingale, are very aware of it, right?"

"What are you talking about, Danzo-sama? My name is Fukami Natsuhiko, is Danzo-sama mistaken?"

Xia Yan blinked innocently, then he spread his hands slightly and said with a smile.

"If you want to investigate this family, I will help. After all, I am a member of the ANBU. But I have never heard of this family. I don't think it is a big family. It's just the Shimura clan that I know very well." , after all, there are so many people..."

Having said this, Xia Yan paused deliberately. He looked into Danzo's eyes and then slowly spoke out word by word.

"The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. It's better for Danzo-sama to keep an eye on some of them. Also, Danzo-sama's method of dealing with certain people is really worth learning."

Having said this, Xia Yan stopped and looked at Danzo quietly, and Danzo also did not give any answer. He also looked at Xia Yan quietly.

For a moment, the two fell into a collective silence, but Natsuhiko's expression remained the same, while Danzo's expression became more gloomy.

How could Xia Yan not understand Danzo's words? He said them so openly. It was obvious that this guy was really angry.

But Natsuhiko is not afraid of Danzo, especially at this time, whether it is his personal strength or the overall atmosphere of Konoha, Natsuhiko does not need to worry about Danzo!

In terms of personal strength, the Uchiha clan is still there, so where can Danzo get the Izanagi technique?

Not to mention Izanagi, how many pairs of Sharingan can he get alone?

Even with Izanami, Natsuhiko might not need to be afraid. After all, it's not Izanami who would fall into an illusion.

It only uses illusions to distort reality to achieve an effect similar to resurrection, but the resurrection is only to collect intelligence at most.

Resurrection does not enhance defense. Xia Yan will kill him instantly if he should!

But there is one thing in the future that Natsu Yan is very afraid of, and that is the Mangekyō Sharingan that possesses other gods.

But now Danzo really has nothing.

In addition to his personal strength, Natsuhiko wouldn't worry about it. In the entire Konoha environment, Danzo might not dare to act haphazardly.

What time is it now?

Now is the time for the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki to give birth!

If Danzo acts randomly at this time, I'm afraid Natsuhiko won't need to do anything. I'm afraid Namikaze Minato will have to deal with Danzo himself.

And what Xia Yan just said made it very clear, who is afraid of whom if they threaten their family?

Moreover, wouldn’t Natsuhiko not be able to use the methods that Danzo usually uses?

It was this sentence that made Danzo's face become even more gloomy. If it were Xia Yan a few months ago, he would not dare to speak like this.

If the strength is not good, the status is not good, and there is no backing, that will bring nothing but disaster!

But it's different now. He has strength and a certain status. Even though these are not as good as White Fang back then, there is the Hokage standing behind him.

The reason why White Fang was abducted by public opinion and eventually forced to commit suicide was because there was no one behind him, not to mention it was a war period, and Konoha also needed to set an example to warn other ninjas, letting them know that the mission is more important than anything else!

But now, the war is over. Village development in different periods requires different policies.

At this stage of recuperating, naturally we can no longer use extremely harsh wartime laws to govern the village and deal with the people in the village.

Why in the original work, thirteen years ago, Kakashi valued the mission more than anything else, but thirteen years later, the entire Konoha emphasized bonds and friendship.

It is precisely because of policy changes and the development needs of the village.

People like Danzo don't understand these things at all, and such a guy will definitely be eliminated by the times.

So Xia Yan is not afraid of him, and there is no need to worry too much about him!

"I remember Captain Nightingale's advice." After a long while, Danzo nodded silently: "But Captain Natsuhiko had better remember my words."

"I will definitely listen to Danzo-sama's words and keep them in mind." Xia Yan bowed slightly and said with a smile.

"Remember, I have my eyes on you. I hope Captain Nightingale will perform well."

"Thank you for your hard work, Danzo-sama. I will behave well."


After leaving the Hokage Building, Xia Yan walked towards the third brigade.

This time, the matter of being provoked and counterattacked by the root ninja can basically come to an end, although Namikaze Minato said that Natsuhiko would be punished.

But even if he wanted to be punished, it would have to wait until after the Nine-Tails Incident. At that time, it was hard to say whether Namikaze Minato would still have time to punish him.

Death was impossible. Natsuhiko, who had already thought about how to do it, couldn't let Namikaze Minato really die like this.

When it comes to Namikaze Minato's health, he won't get any better, at least he needs to cultivate for a long time, and he can't be allowed to affect his plans and plots.

"So, some things must be dealt with in advance."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but speed up his pace. He had to deal with as many things as he could within this short period of time.

And this period of time may also determine what Xia Yan will develop into in the future.

This guy Danzo probably holds a grudge. Natsuhiko feels that his grudge is not to remember the ugly person who killed his subordinates. He has that kind of indifference that only belongs to his own people and he yearns for the Hokage wholeheartedly. What he cares about most is his own face.

He held grudges because he hated Natsu Yan for hitting him in the face, and in the end he used such a daunting owl-like method to send Aburame Ryoma and others back.

To be honest, who would do such a thing to him? Xia Yan felt that he might be able to cure the hypotension disease.

But no matter how much Danzo hated him, he probably wouldn't do anything during this period of time, especially after he went to see the two Hokages.

"It's impossible to expect his downfall. After all, he is a sword that Sarutobi Hiruzen still needs to use. But it should be okay to let him be more honest during this period."

Once Danzo becomes honest, Natsuhiko will have no worries for the time being. When he finishes dealing with the Kyuubi matter, he will have plenty of ways to deal with this guy!

The worst option is to assassinate this guy directly.

However, assassination is always the most despicable method, especially in such a situation of power struggle. If there was no choice, Xia Yan would not have to do that.


When Xia Yan returned to the station, the ANBU from the third brigade immediately came over. As he said this, more and more ANBU ninjas gathered around.

These Anbu were obviously people who had participated in the previous cooperation with Xia Yan to contain those roots. Not only them, but also the trout came running over immediately.

He was originally responsible for training new people, but by chance he heard the news, and he immediately came back with his people.

As an old man of the Third Brigade, he naturally knew how closely his former captain Kusumu had been with the roots.

However, with the death of Nanmu, this connection was basically severed. However, hearing the news from these guys again today made Trout a little unhappy.

Especially when I heard that these guys seemed to want to come here and take Ye Cang away by force!

There is still some circulation about Ye Cang's matter within the Third Brigade. After all, this woman was caught and thrown into prison, but she has not been interrogated until now. She only had a simple blood draw and was provided with delicious food and drink. .

This kind of treatment obviously made Yu Yu feel different. He naturally guessed that there were only two ways for this woman to go, one was to become his teammate, and the other was to die.

Everything that happened after that seemed to confirm his thoughts. That boy Kakashi took Ye Cang out on a mission. It was obvious that this was deciding Ye Cang's future.

After the mission was over, Ye Cang came back with him. Yu Yu knew that there was going to be one more blood ninja in their brigade.

But Genbu's arrival made him realize that maybe this matter was not that simple. I'm afraid Genbu wasn't going to let a talent like Ye Cang go, right?

However, the news that followed was completely beyond Yu Yu's imagination. Kakashi directly rejected the root people because they did not have the Hokage's transfer order. This was the first time in Yu Yu's memory that someone rejected the root with such a strong attitude.

Although what happened next was a bit unexpected, it seemed that everything was within reason. The root cause would not give up, and the two sides would definitely conflict. In this case, Nightingale, the captain, would end.

But he really didn't expect that Xia Yan would kill all these guys directly.

In addition, they even sent their heads back!

what is this?

This is the most serious provocation!

He didn't know what his captain was thinking. Why did he make such a choice?

In Trout's mind, I'm afraid his captain needs to be replaced again.

However, what he never expected was that his captain came back and seemed to have no problems at all.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone, and please don't get stuck here." Xia Yan looked at more and more people around him, he couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "Don't forget, you still have missions, maybe you can do it later. Go to work, don't let this little thing delay what you should do."

"Captain." Trout couldn't help it. He took a step forward and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry. Although Hokage-sama blamed me and wanted to be triggered because I decided to provoke him, this matter ends here."

Xia Yan could guess what Yu Yu was thinking, and he was not the only one who wanted to know the final result, so Xia Yan had no intention of hiding anything.

"As for the underlying matter, according to Hokage-sama, they did not have any instructions, but they also wantonly slandered the ANBU ninjas, and finally planned to take away my subordinates by force, so I will handle it, but I should not provoke."

If you don’t want to deal with it, then deal with it, but you shouldn’t provoke?

Hearing these words, Trout's eyes widened. Is this the end?

All seven roots were killed, that is to say, it was dealt with, and the punishment was just because Xia Yanxiao sent the head back to cause provocation?

Trout suddenly discovered that his captain seemed not only strong enough personally, but he also had people behind him!

"Sir, it's all of us..." Trout hesitated for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "Also, this is what the Hokage-samas mean?"

"Of course, all of us are fine." Xia Yan nodded affirmatively, and then he patted Yu Yu on the shoulder: "Both Hokages agreed, but I think Captain Yu's idea is a bit dangerous. ah."

"I'm sorry, sir, I shouldn't question you..."

"Stop, do your job well, remember your identity, you are the squad leader of ANBU, all you have to do is listen to me."

Hearing these words, a cold sweat broke out on Trout's face under the mask. He immediately bowed down and remained silent.

Natsuhiko didn't mean to embarrass him too much. He just patted him on the shoulder a few more times and walked directly to Kakashi and Ye Cang's position.

All the ANBU were already cheering when they heard Xia Yan's words, but they did not forget that Xia Yan said that they still had a mission, so they dispersed and left after cheering.

Only Kakashi and Ye Cang didn't leave. They knew that Natsuhiko would probably come to find them again.

"Kakashi, it's really hard for you this time." Xia Yan walked to Kakashi, then smiled and punched Kakashi on the shoulder: "If you hadn't stopped me, I would have been taken away if Ye Cang was taken away. But I betrayed her trust in me."

"Captain, please don't say that." Kakashi put a hand on the back of his head, then smiled and shook his head: "Ye Cang is one of us now and also our teammate. Since he is a teammate, we can't let him There's nothing wrong with her, isn't there?"

Moreover, those who don’t value their teammates are worse than trash!

Kakashi muttered something silently in his mind, but he did not say it out loud. However, this sentence is his current life creed and the direction he needs to work hard in the future.

"Yes, she is one of ours." Xia Yan nodded with a smile, and then his face became slightly serious: "By the way, you know about your teacher's wife, right?"

"Kushina-sensei?" Kakashi's face changed slightly when he heard this: "I know a little bit, that's what the teacher told me privately, captain you..."

"I'm going to serve as a guard." Xia Yan spread his hands and then said deliberately: "This is a task given to me by your teacher. It seems that you are going to join me."

"Well, I haven't received the notice yet." Kakashi sighed helplessly: "So I don't know if I can go."

You probably won't be able to go.

Natsuhiko muttered silently, but he remembered that Kakashi happened to be walking on the streets of Konoha with Akai when Kyuubi came out.

And there is an advantage to not going, because Obito has to run there to launch an attack. Who knows if Obito will go crazy after seeing Kakashi.

After all, he is an Uchiha, and he is also an Uchiha with the attribute of 'Kenji'. No one can predict the consequences of going crazy.

And for this escort mission, Namikaze Minato may also feel that Kakashi's strength is not enough. Anyway, Kakashi did not participate in the original work.

"Okay, let's stop here for now." Xia Yan glanced at Ye Cang, who lowered his head and pretended not to hear anything. He waved his hand casually: "Go and have a little more time with your subordinates. I'll I need to meet the guy I captured."

"Yes, Captain." Kakashi nodded directly after hearing this, then he turned around and left here.

"As for you." Xia Yan turned to look at Ye Cang: "You come with me for a walk, just in time to talk about your arrangements."

"Yes, captain." Ye Cang raised his head and nodded seriously.

Then she followed Xia Yan obediently and walked into the cell step by step.

Her expression was a little complicated, although she really didn't know what kind of army the people who wanted to take her away belonged to.

Because they were dressed the same as the ANBU, but it was obvious that they did not belong to the ANBU. Such an existence was really a bit dumbfounding.

In a sense, this also shows that those people are definitely not easy to mess with, but Xia Yan killed those guys directly for her.

She was really flattered by this approach. If Xia Yan was just trying to win people's hearts, there was no need to do this step.

Because doing this will inevitably bring a lot of hidden and invisible troubles to Xia Yan.

"Thank you, captain." After a long while, Ye Cang said softly.


"Captain, will it be troublesome this time?" Ye Cang did not believe Xia Yan's words easily, she continued to ask.

"You are such a real woman."

Xia Yan shook his head in confusion. He felt that it was better not to get entangled with Ye Cang on this issue, so he quickly changed the subject.

"I said it's okay if it's okay, don't think about it. By the way, I will find a solution for your residence. If there are no accidents, it will be near my home.

Also, because of your identity, I can be your guarantor, but you still have an inspection period.

From now on during this inspection period, ANBU people will be watching, so don’t be too surprised if you meet them.

Of course, I will also warn them not to go too far. Although the person coming to stalk them will not be from the third brigade, as the captain, I can still make them be more honest.

As for your team, I haven't thought about it yet, so you start with training first, and then regroup after completing the training. "

Xia Yan said everything he thought of at once. Even though Ye Cang knew that Xia Yan was changing the topic, she still nodded silently.

She didn't care where she lived, but she never expected to live near Xia Yan's house, and this choice made her feel very good.

As for being followed by ANBU, it's not a strange thing. After all, she used to be a ninja from Hidden Suna Village. If she completely believed her without any surveillance, that would be impossible!

She was happy that Xia Yan told her so frankly, because frankness and trust are what a ninja like her needs most.

As for things like detachment, she didn't care too much. Starting training from the most basic made her feel good, because Anbu and ordinary ninjas were two different things.

She also needs to relearn these new knowledge, so that she can better integrate into the entire ANBU.

"I understand Captain, so if I see Captain on the street in the future..." Ye Cang turned slightly to the side, looking at Xia Yan wearing a mask, she couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Just call me Xia Yan. Of course, you can also pretend not to know me." Xia Yan said matter-of-factly: "Also, remember to change your hair color. As for the name, it doesn't matter. It's not a big deal after all. At most, you are an orphan who was brought back by us from the Kingdom of Wind."

"Yes, Captain." Ye Cang couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

She really has no idea of ​​changing her name. Even though she doesn't have a surname, this name has been with her for so many years and she has no intention of changing it.

As for facial issues, she usually wears a mask when performing tasks, but in normal life, being as big as Konoha and having people helping her integrate, she really doesn't need to worry about too many things.

A new life, a new future, all this is a new beginning.

Although Ye Cang still felt a little sad in her heart that she left Sand Hidden Village, the unforgettable betrayal and distrust always lingered in her heart.

But in Konoha, she gained trust and protection, even though she didn't doubt whether there was some element of showmanship involved.

But people who have been hurt know how to cherish best, and Ye Cang cherishes everything in front of her now.

"Okay, you go to train." When Xia Yan and Ye Cang walked to the cell door, he turned around and said with a smile: "After get off work, I will take you to see someone, and I will let him arrange a place to live. How about this."

"Yes, sir." Ye Cang immediately bowed slightly, then decisively turned around and left.

After watching Ye Cang leave, Xia Yan turned to signal to the ANBU guarding the cell door. The two ANBU immediately nodded and left.

When there was no one outside the cell, he walked in step by step. He didn't stop until he came to Jin Gukuan's cell.

Looking at the man in front of him whose arm had been stitched up again and could move freely, Xia Yan mentally nodded silently.

It seemed that this guy had achieved good results under the power of the cult, but Xia Yan noticed that this guy's vitality seemed to be worse than last time.

"Is the so-called immortality a scam at all?"

Xia Yan thought silently for a while, but whether it was a scam or not, it had nothing to do with him.

Maybe it's a scam, but Xia Yan doesn't know how to use this thing. If it's not a scam, it can only be said that this guy's practice has not reached its peak, and this is why the life force is flowing away.

But no matter what, after the stitches, even though there are still ugly stitched wounds on this guy's body, his body can move freely.

Sometimes Xia Yan really felt a little emotional. Fortunately, Danzo focused his attention on Ye Cang and ignored these two cult members.

Otherwise, with such an immortal ability, even if he learned such an ability, Danzo would probably take a risk, right?

"Your Excellency Jingu, how have you been these days?" Xia Yan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him calmly, and then he asked with a smile.

Jin Gukuan had obviously seen Xia Yan coming over a long time ago. He snorted coldly at first, and then said quietly: "It doesn't matter how you are doing, but it's you who actually came back to this place."

"It's not that strange that I come here. After all, this brigade is under my control, and I have the final say on your freedom." Xia Yan said in a gentle voice, and then he slowly changed his body: " Are you interested in making a deal?"

"What deal? Can you really let me go?" Jin Gukuan looked at Xia Yan with a faint look, but the distrust was not covered up at all.

"I need you to perform a technique. Once you perform it successfully, I can let you choose whether you go or your disciple goes." Xia Yan's voice began to become indifferent: "This is one of the few people who can leave here. Chance."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I will find someone to control you, and then let you use it. Although the effect may be greatly reduced, it can still achieve the goal.

Now it's your turn to choose, do you cooperate with me yourself, or do I find someone to let you cooperate with me..."


In the underground office of the Hokage Building, Sarutobi Hiruzen sat there quietly, his eyes staring at Danzo standing in front of him.

Just now, Danzo had met with Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen in the office above.

However, the effect of such a meeting was obviously very bad. Danzo was very harsh in his words. He thought that he had done nothing wrong at all.

Ye Cang is a foreign ninja, especially since she was once the pride of Sand Hidden Village. At the same time, she was also a ninja with the blood inheritance limit.

No matter what the purpose of such a ninja coming to Konoha, in his opinion, there is a serious problem and he is not worthy of trust at all.

Even if it is trustworthy, it should not be placed in the ANBU, but should be placed at the root, so that no problems will occur under his care.

No matter where he is, he must make the right choice.

And his remarks completely angered Namikaze Minato, even Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little angry at this moment.

Don’t you know what is going on in Konoha now?

However, Danzo was his old friend and his shadow. It was impossible for him to further intensify the conflict between Danzo and Namikaze Minato, so he temporarily calmed down the two and separated them.

For him, the only one who could deal with Danzo's problem was Sarutobi Hiruzen himself.

"You have overstepped, and you have overstepped very seriously, Danzo." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo quietly for a long time before he said indifferently.

"Transcendence?" Danzo's voice seemed a little disdainful. He stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen and gritted his teeth and said, "Just because I am not the Hokage, is the right decision I made to transcend?"

"Whether you made this decision for Konoha or not, you know very well in your heart." Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed: "Don't treat people as fools. Even if you do it for Konoha, you can't do it now."

"Hmph, that's really high-sounding." Danzo snorted coldly: "There is nothing wrong with the decision I made..."

"That's enough! Remember your identity, remember who gave you your power, don't be too presumptuous!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted Danzo with an ugly expression. He had never thought that his old friend would come to Konoha regardless of his own selfish interests!

Even though Sarutobi Hiruzen has always been controlling Konoha's stable forward movement according to his own ideas, he firmly believes that he is right.

But he has always put Konoha's interests first, and that has never changed.

He was very angry at this moment, really angry...


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