The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 177 I want all the corpses to be sealed away (8K please subscribe~)

At dusk, Xia Yan took Ye Cang to a teahouse.

Arranging accommodation for Ye Cang is not a trouble for Xia Yan, or it is not a trouble for the Senju group.

Even though the Senju clan is lonely, they still have some background. Anyway, there is no shortage of houses to live in.

Even if the house in their hands is not good, at least it will not be worse than Naruto's living environment in the original book.

To be honest, sometimes Xia Yan also wonders if the Thousand Hands clan completely withdraws from the stage of history, whether he can simply become a tenant and collect rent every day.

After all, when Konoha was founded, the Senju clan built many houses. This can be regarded as accumulating a lot of intangible wealth for the current Senju.

There are not many Senju people now, or there are many people with Senju bloodline, but there are not many people who identify themselves as Senju in their hearts and still remember the glory of their family.

Most of the houses left by the Senju clan are now rented out, while a small number of houses are still empty.

For example, where Xia Yan lives now, he remembers clearly that there are some vacant houses nearby, and those houses belong to the Thousand Hands clan.

Therefore, it is not unacceptable to temporarily use these houses as welfare, not to mention that it is a way to win people's hearts. Xia Yan doesn't think Senju Xiang will really refuse.

If you want to discuss this matter with Senju Xiangzhen, and you still have to bring people to check in at any time, then they naturally have to have a good meeting.

However, Senju Xiangzhen has a special status, and it is impossible for Xia Yan to take Ye Cang to that old house.

So he asked Senju Yang to inform Senju Xiangzhen very early, and he brought Ye Cang here after get off work, and Senju Xiangzhen was already sitting inside.

"So that's it, I understand."

After Senju Xiangzhen listened to Xia Yan's request, he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Ye Cang, and then he nodded seriously.

"There is a vacant house about a block from where you live, so I'll leave it to you. You can move in now if you need it."

"Then let's move in now." Xia Yan said directly after hearing this: "She doesn't have a suitable place to live yet. This is not suitable."

"No problem." Qianju Xiangzhen nodded, then he took out a key and said to a man drinking tea behind him: "Take this lady there to have a look. If there is no problem, find someone to take it." Clean up inside.”

"Yes, sir." The middle-aged man stood up immediately, took the key and walked out of the teahouse.

"You can go too. If you have any questions, just contact me." Xia Yan also turned to look at Ye Cang and said softly.

Ye Cang nodded, then stood up, and soon she disappeared into the teahouse.

Senju Xiangzhen glanced at Ye Cang's leaving figure. He couldn't help but take a sip of tea. It took him a long time before he asked.

"What's going on with this woman? Senju Yang came to me before and said that you want to prepare a place for her to live close to you. She is not just one of your subordinates, right?"

"Of course not, her identity is very special."

Xia Yan also withdrew his gaze, and after casually answering Senju Xiangzhen's words, he also poured himself a cup of tea, but he didn't expect that Qianju's next words would almost make him spit out the tea.

"It's good to be young, but you have to be careful not to have a child." Senju Xiangzhen said seriously: "Even if you want to have a child, your first child should be from the Senju family."

"..." Xia Yan was stunned for a moment when he heard these words, and then his face froze slightly: "Elder, I seem to be a bit young now, so it doesn't make much sense to say this."

Now I really didn't expect that my elder would actually say such a thing. He is currently only fourteen years old. In his previous life, he was only a junior high school student at this age.

Even if it is possible to get engaged at this age in this world, after all, the life span of a ninja is really hard to say. No one knows whether a ninja will die during a certain mission.

Therefore, families of some size will prepare marriage contracts when their children are still young, and ordinary ninjas mature early. Sakura's performance in the original work can actually vaguely show some situations in the ninja world.

But this is a bit hard for Xia Yan to accept. Even though he has been in this world for fourteen years, he still feels that if something happens at this age, it will basically be a fatal rhythm.

What's more, he has so many things to do now, so naturally he can't focus on unimportant things.

For an elite ANBU ninja, he had killed quite a few female ninjas, and all of them were pretty good looking. He had become numb after so many years.

So it is completely unrealistic for him to take the initiative to pursue certain girls, and for him, the family will arrange a girl for him who does not need to pursue it at all. This is more efficient than a blind date or something, so why should he? What about wasting time?

"Let's not talk about this issue. I have other things that I need to talk to the elder about." Shaking his head, Xia Yan stopped worrying about this matter. He thought for a while and said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Qianju Xiang was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "If you have anything to say, just tell me, most of the people here are ours."

Xia Yan glanced around, and then couldn't help but nodded silently. He could see that he, the elder, was still very careful.

Such caution is indeed necessary. After all, in front of a stranger to him, necessary precautions are still necessary.

I don't know what my elder will think after knowing Ye Cang's true identity.

But Natsuhiko wouldn't talk about this kind of thing. Anyway, Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Hiruzen basically knew about his situation, and even Senju Shoma himself knew about it.

In this case, being watched is not a big deal, and Xia Yan believes that those people don't dare to really stare at him.

I'm afraid that after Sarutobi Hiruzen knows the situation, he won't think too much about it. Some secrets are open to the public, and it is enough to keep everyone well aware of them when there is no need to reveal them.

"That's right, elder." Xia Yan asked softly. Even if he was surrounded by his own people, it was better to be careful: "I wonder if the elder knows some more powerful sealing techniques."

"Sealing Technique?" Senju Xiangzhen was stunned for a moment, and then asked strangely: "Do you want to specialize in Sealing Technique?"

"Yes, but not." Xia Yan tilted his head slightly, and then a smile appeared on his lips: "To be precise, what I need to study is just a technique, whether it is the operation of this technique or the way to release it."

"What technique interests you so much?" Senju Xiangzhen raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice: "If it is too dangerous, I will not allow it."

"This technique is very dangerous, but I will not put myself in danger. And the technique I want is to seal away the corpses!"


This technique of sealing away ghosts is definitely the most dangerous sealing technique!

Although any technique is dangerous, even sealing techniques, Danzo died together on an unknown bridge in the future because of the use of sealing techniques.

The technique of sealing out corpses is too special, because the seal it acts on is no longer just about the body and energy.

The object of its seal is a person's soul!

The soul has always been the most mysterious and dangerous thing. Once the soul is involved in a technique, the danger level will suddenly increase.

Moreover, everyone's soul is unique. If a person's soul is damaged, it is difficult to say whether it will leave any irreparable trauma.

Orochimaru is also considered the number one person in soul research. Although he is not the first, in terms of achievements, probably no one can compare with him.

He may not be completely involved yet, but in the future, his control over the soul may really be unparalleled by anyone.

But he still had his soul traumatized, and his ability to reincarnate could, in some sense, allow him to live forever.

But this technique seems to have weakened his resistance to illusions, although the object of this weakening is the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan.

But every three years in the future, you will have to let your soul devour other people's souls, then occupy other people's bodies, and there will be various complications caused by mismatches.

Xia Yan really didn't believe that nothing would happen to him!

"Sealing the corpses away?" Senju Xiangzhen's eyes widened when he heard the whole name: "How do you know this technique... Damn it, why do you have thoughts about this technique?"

The level of secrecy of the corpse seal really belongs to that very, very high category.

Senju Xiangzhen didn't react at first, and didn't think that Xia Yan could get the information about this technique at all. But when he thought about Xia Yan's current strength and status, he suddenly felt that it was not strange for this kid to know this technique.

But what he couldn't figure out was why this kid would be interested in this ridiculously dangerous technique.

Doesn't he know that this technique is basically a technique to perish together with the enemy when there is no other way?

"Elder, calm down." Xia Yan looked at Senju Xiangzhen with a smile. The expression on his face was still as gentle as before: "Of course this technique is very dangerous, but I have my own considerations. Do you think I want to treat this technique as... My trump card?”

"Then what are you..." Qianju Xiangzhen tried his best to calm down, and his brain began to work rapidly. Suddenly he thought of something: "How to unlock it? Don't you want to study the soul?" "

Xia Yan laughed. It seemed that although he, the elder, was old and did not respond quickly to some things, he still responded quickly once he got serious.

Xia Yan deliberately mentioned operation and deactivation before, so that he, the elder, would not feel that he was doing something dangerous.

In fact, what Xia Yan did was not that dangerous, because whether this technique was to be performed or lifted, he could not get himself involved in it.

The purpose of his meeting with Tsugu Kuan not long ago was to get this guy to cooperate with him!

Looking at Senju Shoma in front of him, Xia Yan couldn't help but think of his previous meeting with Tsutani Hiroshi.


Jin Gukuan looked at Xia Yan with a dark expression. After being threatened to this point, he naturally knew that he probably had no choice, but he still had doubts in his heart about what the kid in front of him wanted to do.

"Tell me, what are you planning to do?" Jin Gukuan gritted his teeth and asked, "You should let me know what you want me to do, right?"

"I need you to learn a technique, a technique to lift the seal." Xia Yan looked at Jin Gukuan calmly, his voice was very gentle, because he knew that the guy in front of him had compromised.

"I am asked to perform the technique to lift the seal. I'm afraid this technique is not simple, right?" Jingu Kuan looked at Xia Yan with a sneer: "Let me guess, I'm afraid I'm in danger too, right?"

"Yes, that's not right." Xia Yan tilted his head slightly, his voice was very soft, and his tone was also very low: "If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely die if you unlock this technique, but if you You are not an ordinary person, you can survive.”

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and then he suddenly took out a kunai.

The chakra in his body moved slightly, and Xia Yan's figure disappeared in an instant, but Tsugu Kuan didn't react at all. He suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from him!

Quickly lowering his head, Jingu Kuan found that his stomach had been cut open, and internal organs such as intestines had begun to flow out quickly.

Others would have been unable to bear this bloody scene, and they didn't even know how to deal with it. They only knew how to yell and wait to die.

But Jingu Kuan was not an ordinary person. He endured the severe pain and stuffed his intestines into his body. He used his hands to force the wound on his abdomen to close, and then he raised his head.

And Natsuhiko's figure still stood in place, as if he had never moved, except that the kunai in his hand was still bleeding.

"Look, you don't have any problems, right?" Xia Yan said softly, as if the tragic scene in front of him was not his fault at all.

However, his perception has been expanded, and he began to carefully observe the situation of the guy in front of him.

As before, his life force still lapses, but the extent of this lapse is very small, not like that of a normal person at all.

It seemed that the flow of blood and the entry of bacteria in the air could not cause much trouble to Tsugukan.

But the passage is passing, and others may not be able to feel it, but he who can control the life force can clearly 'see' it.

"What kind of jutsu do you want me to perform, and you actually want me to cut my own belly open?" Tsugukan endured the severe pain. As a ninja, he already felt that this jutsu might not be simple.

"A sealing technique requires a sacrifice. The sacrifice wears a sealing mask and cuts its own belly, thereby rendering the technique ineffective."

Xia Yan described it in the simplest terms, and then he shook off the blood on Kunai before continuing slowly.

"You have a special body, and I want to see where your limits are.

So whether you agree or refuse, you are my guinea pig.

I wonder if you have ever heard of a person’s name? "


"Konoha Jounin, Kato Dan."

At this point, Natsuhiko stopped. He carefully observed the changes in Tsutani Hiroshi's expression. He was actually not sure whether the guy in front of him knew about Kato Dan.

He just relied on his age to make some attempts. Kato Dan was Tsunade's lover and died more than ten years ago.

However, Kato Dan is still very famous in the ninja world, and his secret technique of spiritual transformation has frightened many people in the ninja world.

He took control of you before you knew it, and then used your body to do whatever he wanted.

For example, directly causing people to commit suicide, or even controlling enemies to attack other enemies, causing internal strife between enemies.

But it is a pity that he is already dead. He died in a mission performed with Tsunade and others during World War II. That is to say, his death caused Tsunade to suffer from hemophobia.

But his reputation is also spread in the ninja world.

Tsuguhiro appears to be in his forties or fifties, and he is still a ninja. If there is no accident, he may have experienced the Second Ninja War.

Sure enough, when he heard Kato Dan's name, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed slightly. He knew what Xia Yan meant by this person's name!

"It seems that you have heard of Kato Dan." The smile on Xia Yan's face became wider when he saw this: "That's good, then you should also know the art of spiritual transformation, right?"

"You can control a person's body and make him do whatever you want." Tsugu Kuan raised his head and stared at Xia Yan fiercely: "In other words, you can directly control me to complete all of this!"

"Yes, in addition to spiritual techniques, illusion techniques are also available." Xia Yan nodded slightly: "But I said, doing this will reduce the effect. I am a perfectionist, and I don't want to have any problems. .so....."

"So you want me to complete all this myself, right?" Tsutani sighed quietly: "Are you really a Konoha ninja? You seem to be very different from the Konoha ninja in my memory. "

the difference?

Natsuhiko couldn't help but smile silently when he heard this. He knew what the difference Tsutani Hiroshi was talking about, but the problem was that Natsuhiko was not an ordinary Konoha ninja.

And Hiroshi Tsutani has probably never seen how ruthless Konoha ninjas can become on the battlefield, right?

But think about it, forcing others to do extremely dangerous experiments like this, and telling others that the final result will be the same no matter what choice you make, I'm afraid this guy has less exposure to such people.

I have to say that Yunin Village is actually quite good. After all, that village has been pursuing peace from beginning to end.

However, the village pursues peace, but the ninjas in the village may not have the same mind, just like these guys in front of him.

"Every village has different people. Aren't you an alien to Tang Ninja Village?" Xia Yan shook his head disdainfully: "Tang Ninja Village has been pursuing peace, but what are the teachings of your sect? I don't need it. Say more."

"I understand." Tsugukan took a deep breath, and then he said seriously: "I will help. When everything is over, let me leave here. That kid Hidan has learned a lot, and he is enough for you to study. ”

"Smart choice." Xia Yan nodded calmly, and then he dropped a document to him: "Take it, there is a written record, I think you will feel more at ease, right?"

"You are really a demon who is good at taking advantage of people's hearts." Jin Gukuan licked his lips: "I think you should submit to the evil god with me."

Xia Yan ignored him and turned around to leave. Tsugu Kuan quickly hid the document in his clothes.

Xia Yan knew that he would be in a lot of trouble if he left such a written document, but this written document had the mark of his Flying Thunder God on it.

As long as necessary, he will take back this document, and he will not leave any excuses for himself...


"Okay, I will think about this carefully."

Just as Natsuhiko was thinking about everything he had met with Tsutani Hiroshi, Senju Shoma also made the final decision.

In his opinion, the technique of sealing out the corpses was too scary and troublesome, and he really didn't want to let the only Mudun of the Thousand Hands clan take such a risk.

But he also knows one thing, I am afraid that Xia Yan will not stop at all. After what happened to Senju Lingta, he also knows that many things of his can no longer stop this young man.

The only advantage he has now is that Xia Yan still respects him, but the premise of this respect is that he does not interfere with all the decisions he makes.

He couldn't refuse after the corpses were sealed, and he couldn't think of any way to stop Xia Yan from thinking about this technique, so he could only agree to it, which would make Xia Yan's grudge against him even bigger.

Then I will think of ways to slowly guide this child so that he does not go down the wrong path.

"Then, I would like to thank you elder." Xia Yan came back to his senses, and a smile appeared on his face: "Don't worry, elder, I will not make fun of my own life."

"I will go back and prepare it carefully. I should be able to hand it over to you tomorrow." Senju Xiangzhen sighed: "After all, this is something left by Mito-sama. I need to find and organize it carefully."

"It's okay, elder." Xia Yan nodded lightly. Of course he knew that only Uzumaki Mito had these things: "By the way, elder, can you give me the text of the spiritual transformation technique?"

"The art of spiritual transformation?" Qianju Xiangzhen took a deep look at Xia Yan, and then he nodded: "I understand, I will give it to you."

The art of spiritual transformation is also a secret art, and what’s even more interesting is that this art was also created by Senju Tobirama!

Although this technique was used by Kato Dan and became famous, apart from the family secret techniques in Konoha, all other secret techniques were basically created by Senju Tobirama!

It can be said that Senju Tobirama is the king of Konoha's secret arts. In order to deal with Uchiha, he made himself look good at Water Release, but under Water Release, his secret skills are the most terrifying!

Although Kato Dan has been using the Spiritual Transformation Technique and even perfected it, the concept and idea of ​​this technique were all proposed by Senju Tobirama!

Probably for this reason, plus the relationship between Tsunade and Kato Dan, the Senju clan has a complete record of the spiritual transformation technique perfected by Kato Dan!

Although this technique has been handed over to Konoha, the Senju clan has always retained some information, and Natsuhiko must have benefited from it.

Moreover, this technique was deliberately proposed, not only because Natsuhiko planned to guard against this guy Hiroshi Tsutani, but also to convince Senju Shoma that he planned to study the soul.

After all, the art of spiritual transformation is a ninjutsu that is almost equivalent to letting the soul leave the body...


After settling the matter with Senju Xiangma, Xia Yan's next days became relatively easy.

Senju Xiangzhen gave him the information Xia Yan needed the next day, and he came to give it to Xia Yan in person.

This kind of treatment is probably only available to Xia Yan among the Thousand Hands clan now. Of course, he also knows that the reason why he is so good now is because of his continuous efforts in the past.

This gave him enough rights in the ANBU, and because he had enough strength, he was able to receive such treatment.

He is indeed very strong now, but he knows very well that for now, he still has a long way to go!

Not to mention anything else, in terms of chakra alone, he is far from reaching the level of Senju Hashirama - not to mention this pervert, I am afraid he has not even reached the level of Senju Tobirama.

In addition, his attack methods and defense methods also appear to have great shortcomings.

Mudun can indeed be regarded as a combination of offense and defense, but the power of Mudun is connected to Yangdun, and Xia Yan's own Yangdun power is only in its primary state.

He could use some wood escape, but needless to say how effective it was, this really made him a little helpless.

"So, now I can pretend to be good, but when it comes to those really powerful people, I'm really far behind."

Xia Yan sighed quietly, but he was still very confident. If he didn't even have this confidence when he had a plug-in, then what a fool he was!

He hasn't found any good seeds yet, and I'm afraid this has something to do with the fact that he hasn't met any powerful people, or fought against powerful people in the past.

But the Nine-Tails Catastrophe will soon usher in. He has determined that Kakashi has long known about Kushina's birth, so he can think that the Nine-Tails Incident is inevitable.

After all, Kakashi's Devil Whisper is not particularly powerful.

The Nine-Tails is wreaking havoc on Konoha, and who knows how much will be left behind. Maybe Xia Yan can achieve more than just his political aspirations in this catastrophe.

He can also take advantage of the chaos to get a lot of seeds he hopes to get, such as Yang Dun's seeds, and even...

"The seed of Nine-Tails' power!"

Xia Yan's eyes were a little cold. There was no clear definition of what types of seeds the system could obtain.

The basic seeds improve his basic physical abilities, while the chakra seeds have upper limits and attributes, and even the chakra in the sage mode is available!

So Kyuubi is a fusion of chakra. Even if he has self-awareness, this cannot be changed.

Since it is a fusion of chakra, he might actually be able to get some good stuff!

He shook his head. There was no concrete answer to these things yet, and he didn't want to mess up his thoughts by thinking about them all the time.

He didn't even want to have expectations.

Because the greater the expectation, the greater the sense of loss will become once his goal is not achieved.

After stretching, Xia Yan looked at the lunch box placed on the table, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

This square box was prepared for him by Thousand Hands Lotus. Speaking of which, this woman has undergone many changes since her mother was rescued by Xia Yan.

Even though she still looked so cold, Xia Yan saw something special in her eyes, which was a yearning for the future!

In addition, this woman's attitude towards Xia Yan has become more respectful, but she has long been used to living with him alone, and all this makes him really uncomfortable.

As for Senju Renhua's mother, she is now staying at Xia Yan's home. At that time, he said that there would be a new 'guest' in the house. Since he has already arrived, there is no need to rearrange the place.

Xia Yan's house is big enough, so it's a bit difficult for one person to tidy it up, and the house will be more lively if there are more people in it.

However, Xia Yan clearly refused them to enter his room privately. Even though he would never bring any ANBU documents back, he did not like people to enter and leave his room at will.

These two people are living well in Xia Yan's house now, at least they are settled now.

"However, even if I'm grateful, there's no need to get some bento or something like that. I can't get used to it."

Natsuhiko wasn't being pretentious. He was really not used to the rice balls in the lunch boxes. When he was in school, he always ate them with Senju Shoma in the morning.

He can also go back during the lunch break. After all, there are people at home who don't need to worry about running out of food, so he basically won't eat rice balls.

So looking at the rice balls now made him feel a little dizzy, but soon he was too lazy to think about it. The ANBU had a cafeteria, so there was no need to worry about not being able to get used to it.

In addition to the mother and daughter being placed, Ye Cang was also placed.

Now Xia Yan can basically meet this woman when he goes to work. She said that the environment where she lives now is also very good, and the neighbors nearby are also very friendly, and she has integrated well now.

Xia Yan is quite relieved about this. After all, the people living in that area are basically members of the Senju clan, and they even follow Senju Shoma.

Even if not, there are still some small family members who are willing to believe in the Thousand Hands clan and some civilians who don't know anything.

With the help and guidance of these people, Ye Cang's integration into Konoha was no problem at all.

"It can be said that these small troubles have been solved. Now we are slowly waiting for those things to happen. Of course, there is still the Uchiha matter that has not been resolved."

Natsuhiko looked out the window, now that the time for Kushina's birth is getting closer, if Uchiha hasn't made a decision yet.

Then, Xia Yan feels that they have no right to make decisions in the future...


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