The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 178: Uchiha's Conception and Death Mask

Uchiha was sitting in his room, his expression was stern but his eyes were a little blurry. It was obvious that he was a little distracted now.

It has been a while since he and Xia Yan separated, and the seeds Xia Yan planted in his heart have not faded at all, but have become more and more serious now.

Patriarch, this is a bait given to him by Natsuhiko. Natsuhiko hopes that he will push away Uchiha Fugaku and let him sit on the position of the patriarch!

This was a bait, a bait that Uchiha really couldn't resist.

He longs for the Uchiha clan to get better, longs for the Uchiha clan to return to its former glory, and he longs even more for the family and the village to return to harmonious coexistence.

According to Natsuhiko, the current Uchiha clan cannot make a reasonable decision because of the existence of Uchiha Fugaku.

His decision was entirely about whoever was more powerful, who he would fall to. This made Uchiha really think about it, what if he controlled the Uchiha clan?

I have to say that this temptation was really too great, so much so that he had trouble sleeping and eating.

But since it is a temptation, there must be risks, because if he really does that, I am afraid that the Uchiha clan will really have a big problem.

But Uchiha Shinya knew very well that there was a huge threat underneath this temptation.

Uchiha really doesn't know who is behind Natsu Yan, but since Natsu Yan dares to say such words, it means that he really has the confidence to say so.

At the same time, this guy probably has quite a lot of power and strength.

It was impossible for him to turn a blind eye to such a person issuing such a threat, especially what was going to happen in this threat did not require Xia Yan to do anything at all.

As long as the village has a little control, there will inevitably be infighting in their family, and it will be the most cruel infighting that may lead to bloodshed!

It can be said that there are really too few choices in front of him. Once he makes a choice, the entire family may be involved.

"Grandpa?" Just when Uchiha Zhen was thinking about something with his eyes blurred, Uchiha Qiong's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Huh? It's Qiong." Uchiha came to his senses quickly. He looked at his granddaughter and immediately smiled: "Are you back so early?"

"Well, the amount of training is enough, so I'm back." Uchiha Qiong nodded slightly, and then she asked strangely: "Grandpa, I have found that you have been unable to concentrate these days. Is there something difficult that asks Grandpa? Can’t you figure it out?”

"Things at home, and..." After Uchiha really opened his mouth, he finally changed his words: "As well as some things about Shisui, I have to think about it carefully."

There is nothing wrong with this statement. This matter does concern the entire family, and it also has a deep connection with Shisui.

He didn't plan to tell anyone what Xia Yan had said, not even his granddaughter.

Shisui had indeed been listening at the time, but the child probably had no idea what the problem they were facing was.

What's more, Uchiha Zhen also told Shisui alone that this matter must be rotten in his stomach forever, and no one can tell it.

This was considered an insurance measure. He really didn't want anyone else to know about this.

"Thank you for your hard work, grandpa."

When Uchiha Qiong heard what Uchiha said, she didn't continue to ask, but she sat down and then looked at Uchiha curiously.

"By the way, grandpa, you asked about Xia Yan before, if you have anything to do with him."

"Team Xia Yan..."

When Uchiha heard the name, his body trembled subconsciously, and then he blurted it out.

But fortunately, his reaction was quick. He immediately realized something, so he spoke immediately.

"Xia Yan, after all, he is a talented person, and he is also your classmate. He helped you when he was a child, so I will naturally be interested."

Uchiha Qiong couldn't help but frown slightly when she heard this. She didn't seem to remember that her grandfather knew about that matter. How could she know about it now?

Was it a recent investigation?

Also, why does grandpa have such strange reactions and actions when talking about Xia Yan?

All of this made Uchiha Qiong feel extremely strange, and she hadn't seen Xia Yan for a while. She wasn't sure what Xia Yan was doing now.

Because Xia Yan's performance is really a bit mysterious, or maybe it's too mysterious.

"Grandpa, do you know what Xia Yan has been doing recently?" Thinking of this, Uchiha Qiong asked again: "I haven't seen him for a long time, and I don't know what he is busy with now."

"Well..." Uchiha Zhen's mouth twitched, and then he shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, maybe... I'm too busy with tasks."

Uchiha really didn't know what Natsuhiko was doing. After all, he was a member of the ANBU, and he was not an ordinary ANBU.

Anbu are the most mysterious existences. Their missions will not be told to any ordinary ninja, not to mention they are still Uchiha.

Looking at his granddaughter, Uchiha shook his head silently. He had never dared or been unwilling to mention this name. Unexpectedly, his granddaughter actually took the initiative to talk about him. This made Uchiha both funny and helpless. .

But he could tell that his granddaughter probably had a very good sense of this boy.

And although the boy didn't say much, he could feel that Xia Yan didn't seem to give him much time at that time.

In this case, Uchiha really feels that he has changed his decision. Some things will be bad if delayed for too long. In this case, it is better to make a decision earlier.

"I can no longer stop the seed deep in my heart from germinating, and it seems that I can only watch it continue to grow, without being able to stop it at all."

Uchiha took a deep breath. He had already made a decision. Since he couldn't stop it, he should just adapt to its growth!

He has to admit one thing, that is, he is indeed an ambitious man.

Even though his ambition was diminished due to various reasons, when a way appeared that could activate his ambition and realize his dream at the same time, she could no longer restrain herself.

"So, I'm going to meet Captain Xia Yan and have a good meeting."


"Captain, are you going back for lunch?"

When he got off work at noon, Xia Yan shook his head and walked towards the third door, but he didn't expect to meet Ye Cang.

"Yeah, I'll go back at noon." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "Together?"

"I'm afraid I don't have the time." Ye Cang immediately shook his head: "I still have to train. I'll finish it in the cafeteria at noon. By the way, captain, when can we go on a mission."

"Wait until you pass the training." Xia Yan waved his hand casually, and then left here directly.

In fact, others may be able to carry out the mission faster, but Ye Cang's situation may have to wait for a while.

But this wait may not be too long, after all, Danzo is in trouble now.

As the captain of the Anbu, Natsuhiko knew that Danzo was in bad luck now. He seemed to have behaved a little too poorly in the meeting with Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato.

Later, he had a communication with Hiruzen Sarutobi alone. The communication was very private, without anyone else present.

However, it is said that Danzo looked very ugly when he left, and it didn't take long for the ANBU to introduce some new rules.

That is, any personnel transfer within the ANBU will not be interfered by other external factors. The ANBU is only responsible to the Hokage!

This order already explains everything. I'm afraid Danzo should no longer think about using his influence to influence the operation of ANBU.

"It's a pity. I don't know if the information I can get is only here, or if there is only so much information. Danzo's face should be so ugly, it should be more than this."

Whether a person's face is ugly or not can actually explain something. Even if Natsuhiko did not see Danzo, judging from the description of the ninja who was in the ANBU at the time, I am afraid that this order is not the real punishment for Danzo.

There are also some big ones that are not planned to be announced and will only be accessible to some high-level people. Although Xia Yan is very good, he is obviously still some distance away from the real high-level people.

"But even so, it's enough for the time being."

Xia Yan walked out of the Third Brigade's station and then walked directly towards his home.

"Now I don't have many opportunities to touch the position of ANBU chief, but I am no longer an ordinary team member. Ordinary team members cannot leave just as I want to."

The captain still has certain privileges. For example, he has the right to control his own time at noon.

If they were just ordinary team members, it would be impossible for them to leave the ANBU, let alone go home for a meal or something.

But Xia Yan can do it now, and he has a lot of freedom.

As he walked forward, Xia Yan suddenly noticed that someone seemed to be looking at him. When he turned his eyes, he found that it was someone from the security department.

The Security Department is a large department, but after the development of Uchiha, this department has basically become the private department of the Uchiha clan.

It was obvious that all the people here were Uchiha members, there would be basically no outsiders, and the person looking at him was obviously an Uchiha person.

This made Xia Yan feel a little funny. Are these Uchiha people still planning to cause trouble for him?

Although he is not wearing a mask now, nor is he wearing ANBU costume, Natsuhiko seems to have done nothing wrong.

"You are..." It seemed that he also noticed the look in Natsuhiko's eyes. An Uchiha ninja walked directly towards Natsuhiko, and then asked: "Fukami Natsuhiko, right?"

"It's me, what's the matter?" Xia Yan nodded, and then showed a gentle smile, which had become his subconscious expression.

"That's right, our elder wants to meet you." After hearing Xia Yan's reply, this Uchiha member rarely showed any arrogant expression.

His answer was very smooth, but his eyes seemed a little curious. He really couldn't understand why the elders of his family wanted to see this guy, and he kept stressing that they should be honest and never offend this guy.

When Xia Yan heard this sentence, he immediately understood what it meant, which made the smile on his face become wider.

Uchiha Zhen seems to have thought it through, which is relatively good news, because Natsuhiko is really considering that if Uchiha Zhen doesn't give him a reasonable answer, then he will have to find someone else.

Even watch it destroy!

"I understand, I wonder where your elders are?" Xia Yan asked with a smile. He was in a good mood now.

"The elder said it straight, he is waiting for you at the same place." This Uchiha ninja was very dissatisfied with Natsuhiko's words, but he still answered honestly.

Xia Yan nodded slightly, then said 'Thank you' and left directly.

The old place is of course the teahouse. They have met there twice, and I'm afraid this time will be no exception.

And this time, I'm afraid there will be one more person in his army.

After watching Natsuhiko leave, another Uchiha ninja came up. He frowned and asked, "Who is this kid? Why are the elders so interested in him and why do we have to respect him?"

"How do I know?" The Uchiha ninja snorted dissatisfiedly: "But this kid is really arrogant. I don't know why he smiles like that. I really want to beat him up."

"Forget it, ignore him, let's just carry out our mission." Another Uchiha ninja shook his head. He glanced into the distance and then slowly said: "Who knows what that elder is thinking, anyway. This has nothing to do with us.”

"Yes, but we actually treat such a ninja with such respect." The Uchiha ninja said this, and couldn't help but snorted and shook his head.

He didn't want to say anything more, but his attitude had already been shown, that is, he was very dissatisfied with this matter now.

But he couldn't do anything, especially since the elder's order prevented him from being too presumptuous.

Soon, the two of them turned and left the place.

What they didn't know was that after they left, several ANBU ninjas wearing masks quietly appeared at their previous location.

These ANBU ninjas stared at the two people's leaving figures. After making sure that they would not do anything stupid, they quietly disappeared into the shadows again...


"I don't know what your plans are for meeting me this time."

Sitting opposite Uchiha, Natsuhiko looked at the old man in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

Especially when he saw Uchiha Shisui coming with the old man again, he knew that this matter was developing more and more in the direction he imagined.

However, Natsuhiko was still cautious. He would not take the initiative to say anything. He wanted Uchiha to take the initiative to speak out the answer he wanted.

"Captain Natsuhiko, I came to you this time because it was really necessary for me to do this." Uchiha really looked at Natsuhiko's young face, and finally he sighed faintly: "I think Captain Natsuhiko already knows Yes, isn't it?"

"I know something, but I'm not sure." Xia Yan shook his head gently: "So, I hope you can make it clearer."

Having said this, Xia Yan picked up the tea cup and took a sip. He did not continue to ask, but quietly looked at Uchiha Makoto in front of him.

And Uchiha Zhen probably understood what Natsuhiko meant, which made him sigh slightly. The boy in front of him really didn't show any flaws.

However, Uchiha has made up his mind. Now that he has come here and brought Uchiha Shisui on his own initiative, there is nothing to stop him from continuing.

He found that the moment he saw Xia Yan, the seeds in his heart that were ready to move began to sprout crazily.

He felt that the kid in front of him was really a demon, a demon that kept beating desires that he shouldn't have in his heart!

The leader of the Uchiha clan, the control of the Uchiha clan, and the ability of the Uchiha clan to stand together with the village again, these thoughts spread crazily in his brain.

When they refused to leave with Uchiha Madara, didn't they just hope that the Uchiha clan could enjoy the peace brought by the village?

Everything is changing now, and the Uchiha clan is becoming more and more dangerous and terrifying. If you didn't do something, why didn't you choose to follow Uchiha Madara back then?

"Since the current clan leader is not good enough, then change a clan leader to complete all this!"

Uchiha's inner voice became louder and louder, and the seeds in his heart seemed to feel his desire and began to grow stronger and stronger.

He looked at Xia Yan quietly, and finally he calmed down. He had completely convinced himself, and he already knew what he had to do.

"I hope Shisui can get that spot in the ANBU." Uchiha said calmly, his voice unusually calm: "And I am also willing to accept some opinions and suggestions from Captain Natsuhiko."

"Really?" Xia Yan had a smile on his lips. He stared at Uchiha for a long time before he said, "Is that all?"

"I will..." Uchiha took a deep breath, and then he said extremely seriously: "I would like to express with my greatest sincerity and my greatest strength of action that Uchiha is the Uchiha of Konoha. Wave and Konoha will know no difference between each other!"

"I like this answer very much." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he slowly said: "Congratulations on making a right choice, an extremely correct choice."

Xia Yan was indeed very satisfied with this answer, because with this answer Xia Yan could already do a lot of things for sure.

Of course, he also knew that Uchiha's current surrender was not for him, but for the Hokage behind him.

And this Hokage, I'm afraid Uchiha Zhen also has an idea, that is Namikaze Minato.

This is normal, after all, Namikaze Minato is so young, and he doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards Uchiha. As long as such a Hokage is still there, the Uchiha can really reintegrate into Konoha.

However, in Natsuhiko's plan, I'm afraid Uchiha will really be disappointed, but at least they can still rely on Namikaze Minato's remaining power to avoid being targeted too much.

And Natsuhiko cannot ignore them. He will definitely help with some things. Just as Uchiha Zhen said, if he wants to be the leader of the clan, he still needs to listen to the opinions and suggestions.

In particular, this is personal advice from Xia Yan, which is also paving the way for his own future.

"Then, Shisui will ask Captain Natsuhiko from now on." Uchiha really heard Natsuhiko's words, he nodded seriously, and then he stood up and planned to leave.

"There's no need to leave in such a hurry, if you have nothing else to do." Natsuhiko interrupted Uchiha, and then he picked up a cup of tea and took a sip.

Uchiha Zhen couldn't help but pause after hearing Xia Yan's words. After thinking for a moment, he finally chose to sit down. He was a little curious about what else Xia Yan needed to tell him.

"I don't know, do you have any clear goals and ideas for the future direction of Uchiha?" Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha, he smiled and asked softly: "Don't just have an idea but no clear program. and goals, you will never achieve anything like this.”

"I've learned a lesson, Captain Natsuhiko." Uchiha thought carefully about Natsuhiko's words, and then nodded seriously: "I don't know, does Captain Natsuhiko have anything to teach you?"

Uchiha actually felt a little confused about the clear program and goal, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that apart from having a clear goal, he really didn't have anything else at all.

The most important thing is that he doesn't seem to have a clear plan to complete this. Just like Xia Yan said, he only has one idea.

If this is the case, I am afraid that it is true that Xia Yan said that he has no way to achieve his goal.

He is even more curious now, what are Xia Yan's thoughts? The seed he planted for himself has grown up. What is his plan to turn this seedling into a towering tree?

"It's very simple, what is your goal." Xia Yan looked at Uchiha with a smile: "Think carefully and answer seriously. This will be good for you and me."

"My goal..." Uchiha frowned and looked at Natsuhiko. Finally, he sighed quietly and then gritted his teeth and said: "Of course, it is to overthrow the long-time patriarch and become the new patriarch to lead Uchiha to reunite with Konoha. stand together!"

"So, to put it simply, for the future of Uchiha, we must reintegrate into Konoha." Natsuhiko knocked on the table: "This is your goal, whether it is to overthrow the clan leader or do something bad, or even be labeled as obliterated. Things like Uchiha Glory, these are just a process."

When Uchiha heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he nodded involuntarily.

But soon his expression became weird. In fact, he really didn't blame him for his change of expression. At first, he thought it was Xia Yan who forced him to express his position.

What he had been reluctant to say, but what he had to do, forced him to say it in person.

But now it seems that the kid in front of him doesn't think so, but is really doing something to help him.

Define a goal for yourself, a simple and extremely tough goal, a goal that is full of ideals and covers up the blood.

This statement greatly alleviated his guilt, so he knew that it only emphasized the final result and slightly ignored the process, but it did make him feel a lot better.

"Yes, this is my goal!" Uchiha said seriously: "My goal is to reintegrate Uchiha into Konoha for the sake of his future!"

"What about your plan and action plan?" Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha with a smile, and he continued to ask: "How do you plan to deal with all this, specifically how do you plan to do it?"

"Since I plan to overthrow Uchiha Fugaku, there will definitely be bloodshed." Uchiha Zhen has already talked about the topic at this time, so he won't have much scruples: "I will deal with some people who need to be dealt with, and I will also Let’s integrate the people in the clan who are willing to follow me!”

Uchiha really said it very seriously and very movingly. His expression looked a little ferocious, but Xia Yan couldn't help but shake his head slightly when he heard this.

And this approach also made Uchiha slightly confused. Does his statement still make Xia Yan dissatisfied?

"It's a good idea, but it's too one-sided. It's not enough." Natsu Yan knocked on the table again, and this time Uchiha took the initiative to pick up the teapot and poured Natsu Yan a cup of tea.

"So, what do Captain Natsuhiko think?" Uchiha asked in a low voice while putting down the teapot.

He now trusts Xia Yan very much, or he has to trust the boy in front of him who is as old as his granddaughter.

"The choice you made is the lowest level. Of course, I don't deny that he should do something. Do you remember that I told you that you should get the maximum rights at the minimum price?"

Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Makoto with a smile, then he picked up the teacup and took a sip, and then he spoke slowly.

"I never think that the Uchiha people are extremely evil, it's just that someone led them to make wrong choices, so you have to find a way to guide them back.

And to prevent them from being guided, bloodshed is impossible to avoid, because you will inevitably need to kill some of the people who guide them.

After dealing with those guys, I think your voice is the loudest in the clan. I also think your clan leader will be wary of you.

So my advice to you is to wait and wait for your clan leader to make a mistake on his own initiative. "

Uchiha really listened to Xia Yan's words seriously. At first he nodded with understanding, but then he frowned again.

Waiting for Uchiha Fugaku to make a mistake?

This is indeed easy to understand and accept, because Uchiha Fugaku made a lot of mistakes, and he can catch some small things on weekdays.

But this is just a trivial matter, and it seems that it is not enough to bring down Uchiha Fugaku.

Thinking of this, Uchiha opened his mouth slightly to say something, but Natsuhiko didn't give him a chance to speak.

"Don't worry, I want to ask you a question." Xia Yan interrupted and said: "Among your Uchiha clan, how much power do you have in the security department?"

"Security Department?" Uchiha was stunned for a moment, and then said seriously: "Not many, the Security Department has three detachments, one of which belongs to our people."

"That's not bad. In that case, you can start from the Security Department."

The smile on Xia Yan's face became even brighter.

"Since you want to reintegrate into Konoha and say that Uchiha is an Uchiha who belongs to Konoha.

So is the Security Department respected by Konoha or the Security Department of Uchiha? "

"Security Department?" Uchiha's eyes lit up slightly: "What do you mean..."

"Giving half of a unit's share to civilian ninjas is the most basic method."

Xia Yan said straightforwardly.

“Besides, your unit also needs to revise its code of conduct.

After all, you should know how much civilian ninjas hate the security department.

As for those people who were pushed out by civilian ninjas, you don't need to worry.

After all, the entire security department will be yours in the future, so there is no need to worry that they have gone to work in the security department.

And when you really take control of the security department, why not try to attract people from other families?

Doing this is probably an excellent way for you Uchiha to fully integrate into Konoha. "

Having said this, Xia Yan drank all the tea in the teacup in his hand, and then stood up.

As he stood up, all the tea guests around him also stood up in unison, and then they quietly walked out of the teahouse.

Natsuhiko slowly put down his tea cup, looked at Uchiha and finally said: "Waiting for an opportunity does not mean doing nothing. On the contrary, doing something to force others to reveal their flaws is a better choice.

Okay, that’s all, let this brat follow the others, I’ll take my leave now…”


The Flying Thunder God's Technique was activated instantly, and Xia Yan arrived at an old house quietly.

This old house is the old site left by the Uzumaki clan in Konoha. As a member of the Senju clan, he can certainly know where this place is.

After all, Uzumaki Mito married into the Senju clan, and this old site was built by Uzumaki Mito.

When he arrived here, Xia Yan's perception spread crazily at this moment, and in an instant he had locked on all the sealing techniques here.

However, he did not take these sealing techniques seriously, and he slowly moved forward step by step.

This place is indeed very secluded, with no one around, but this is exactly what Xia Yan needs. After all, he has important things to do here.

"found it."

Soon, he used his perception to detect the location of the mask in this room, and then his chakra spread rapidly.

Within this old site, a seed carrying the mark of his Flying Thunder God quietly condensed underground.

The next moment, the Flying Thunder God activated here, and he also entered this room.

Looking at the large number of masks in front of him, Xia Yan focused on the mask that looked the most ordinary but exuded weird chakra.

A smile appeared on his lips...


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