The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 179 The Beginning of Nine Tails (8K please subscribe~)

Having obtained the Death Mask, it can be said that Xia Yan has made all the preparations he should make at this stage.

Even though many of the original plans did not have a specific goal, they were simply made for self-protection and future development.

But for now, everything is developing very smoothly, and everything is moving according to his expectations. He can now say that he has solved everything he can think of and do.

"The Death Mask can use the Ghoul Seal against Namikaze Minato. The sealing and release techniques of the Ghoul Seal obtained from the elders can be used in conjunction with the Death Mask.

The family is now stable, and I don’t need to worry about them holding me back, nor do I need to worry about them causing any trouble behind my back.

The problem of the Uchiha clan has been temporarily solved, and Uchiha has been given a vaccination, so he must know what to do. "

Natsuhiko specifically warned Uchiha to really seize the opportunity of Uchiha Fugaku to make a mistake. There is no problem with this. After all, Uchiha Fugaku made a big mistake in the Nine-Tails Incident.

If Uchiha really has no problem, he must know how to make choices. Of course, it all depends on his own subjective initiative.

It was impossible for Xia Yan to tell him directly that he must consider the Hokage when making a choice. This was obviously too false, and Xia Yan himself did not necessarily want to get closer to the Hokage.

It is enough to say that Uchiha Fugaku is prone to making mistakes. After all, Uchiha Fugaku is really prone to making mistakes.

For the next time, Xia Yan was silently waiting for the order to assemble. At the same time, he did not forget to carefully check the scroll on how to release the corpse seal.

I have to say that the technique of sealing out corpses is indeed much simpler than other sealing techniques. At the same time, this technique is really too dangerous.

The person who created this technique is really a genius, because this technique does not require you to know enough about sealing techniques. All you need to do is use your own chakra to communicate with the Pure Land.

Let the God of Death in the Pure Land be summoned by Chakra to appear, and use your own soul as the price to achieve the effect of dying together with the enemy using this technique!

It can be said that the purpose of creating this technique is to have one more option when you are desperate.

However, the power of this spell is too terrifying, both for the caster and the person being casted. Moreover, even the reincarnated person cannot be resurrected by this spell.

Therefore, this technique has become a forbidden technique, one that must not be learned and used easily.

But this is not a big problem for Xia Yan. After all, his current family has a rich ancestor.

"I just don't know if this guy Tsugu Kuan will be as unlucky when this technique affects the soul."

Xia Yan touched his chin and thought to himself, to be honest, whether Jin Gukuan died or not had nothing to do with him at all, and it was really impossible for him to control Jin Gukuan with the technique of spiritual transformation.

After all, Ghost doesn't know whether he used his soul as the medium or Tsugukan's soul as the medium when he used the spiritual technique to control Tsugukan and then used the corpse seal.

Xia Yan would not try anything dangerous unless he had to.

But considering that Orochimaru didn't do anything in the original work, maybe unlocking this technique only requires a physical cost, right?

"But Tsutani Hiroshi's life flow is not as trustworthy as his technique, but I don't know if this guy will die."

Xia Yan has always seen the passing of Tsutani's life. This is a good sign. After all, even the Otsutsukis can die, but a person from the evil god sect cannot die. This is too bizarre.

Perhaps it is possible to achieve immortality. No one knows this kind of thing, but Tsugu Kuan definitely has not achieved it, because his vitality is really disappearing, even if the process is very slow.

Standing up, Xia Yan stretched hard. Tsugu Kan was already practicing this technique continuously. Even though he couldn't actually use it because the chakra was sealed, this was the result Xia Yan needed.

After all, the God of Death was summoned out of nowhere, and Xia Yan himself would feel that something was wrong.

Xia Yan slowly walked to the window and looked out the window. At the same time, a panel suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Elite Jonin (system judgment without using any ability) (Kage level chakra reserve)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique)

Seeds: Primary wind escape seeds (not planted) Intermediate seal seeds (not planted)

Fruit: None

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (18% progress)

Looking at his own panel, Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded slightly. There were some big changes in his panel.

Those seeds would not be displayed if he had not planted them before, but now this situation seems to have changed. Even if he does not have a planting system, he can still detect them, so he will be given certain system feedback.

It's also interesting to say that after he explored the old site of the Uzumaki clan and obtained the Death Mask, he unexpectedly touched a new seed next to a big tree in the courtyard.

This discovery made him a little funny but also a little helpless. It has been a long time since his primary seal seeds matured, and he really needs some new seeds to help himself become stronger.

It's just that he has never been too concerned about this matter. After all, the Nine-Tails incident is right in front of him, and he cannot let his strength be damaged in any way.

What he didn't expect was that he had no intention of looking for seeds, but an intermediate seal seed appeared in front of him.

Xia Yan didn't hesitate at all. Anyway, he still had a seed of elementary wind escape. At worst, he could just harvest it and not plant it.

Just seeing that he couldn't plant them still made him feel a little unhappy, but no matter how unhappy he was, he could only endure it. Only when everything was resolved could he have the time and opportunity to plant these things.

"But speaking of which, after all this is over, it's time for me to go to the Valley of the End."

Xia Yan looked at the Huoying Rock outside the window and couldn't help but think silently.

The Valley of the End is the place where Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama broke up. Natsuhiko passed by that place many times in the past, but every time he did not stop at all because of mission reasons.

He could feel his system continuously vibrating when he passed that place. Unfortunately, Xia Yan took the initiative to touch the nearby tree, but the system did not give him any feedback.

Maybe Xia Yan's strength was really weak at that time, so he couldn't activate the system to extract the power contained in those trees.

"But now, my strength should be enough. After the Nine-Tails incident, I have to go and investigate!"


Uchiha Obito sat quietly in a cave, his eyes always staring at the documents.

Ever since he witnessed Kakashi killing Lin with his own hands, his heart had completely fallen into the abyss.

He wants to inherit Uchiha Madara's will, and he wants to create a dream world, so this world is false!

Therefore, after he finished handling the affairs of the Akatsuki organization and succeeded Uchiha Madara to control the Fourth Mizukage, he came to Konoha from time to time.

On the one hand, he wanted to pay homage to Lin, the girl who gave him warmth but also made him despair of the world, the girl who was sacred and inviolable in his heart.

On the one hand, he also wants to collect some information, some information about Konoha, so that he can do some necessary things!

Just like Kyuubi, just like destroying Konoha.

And his luck was really good. He never expected that when he visited Lin, he would meet this damn guy Kakashi.

And what was extremely unexpected was that he actually got top-secret information from Kakashi's mouth-Kushina was pregnant.

As a former disciple of Minato Namikaze and now the inheritor of Madara Uchiha's legacy, he naturally knew Kushina's true identity.

That was the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi, and that was one of his goals.

After inheriting Madara's name, not only did his strength increase by leaps and bounds, but the information he mastered also surpassed that of most ninjas in the entire ninja world.

He had spent a lot of time researching the Jinchuriki and knew that the Jinchuriki usually needed his own seal to suppress the tailed beasts.

However, the seal on a woman's jinchūriki is at its weakest during childbirth. If she can seize the opportunity at that time, she will be able to liberate the tailed beast in one fell swoop.

At the same time, when Black Zetsu left behind by Uchiha Madara taught him Yin Yang Escape, he also taught him how to use the power of the eyes to control the Nine-Tails.

According to Black Zetsu, it is not difficult to control the Nine-Tails, which is a huge aggregate of chakra.

But the Sharingan is the embodiment of Yin Escape power, and what it is best at is controlling chakra. It can be said to be the natural nemesis of Nine-Tails.

Although he has never tried it, Obito still believes that he can control the Nine-Tails, especially in the violent state that has just escaped from the seal.

Now that Kushina is about to give birth, this is definitely Obito's best opportunity to make a move. He doesn't plan to miss this time!

The information he is looking at now is the classified information he received from Bai Jue, and he is laying out a series of plans in detail.

"What's going on with this Nightingale?"

In the dim cave, he took a piece of information and read it carefully with the help of a bonfire nearby. Because of the whirlpool mask, he couldn't see clearly his expression at the moment, but I guess it was solemn.

"Is his strength so exaggerated that he can kill hundreds of Sunagakure ninjas at once?"

Uchiha Obito really didn't expect that such an incident would happen while he was hiding.

At that time, he was dealing with some things in Kirigakure Village, and after Xia Yan settled these messy things, he was crossing the sea.

After waiting for him to come back, he didn't completely focus on this, but kept running to Konoha to visit Lin.

In particular, his goal has never been on the so-called Anbu, so he really ignored these things.

"It's been a few months since we talked about what happened to Nightingale." Bai Jue's strange tone and voice rang in his ears: "It's just that you were either busy or didn't care, so you ignored it again and again. Lost."

"Really." Uchiha Obito nodded slightly: "So do you have more specific information about him?"

"He is very good at the flying thunder god technique, and he has a huge amount of chakra." Bai Jue thought for a moment and said, "Besides, he is still your classmate."

"Classmate?" Obito couldn't help but frowned when he heard the word: "Which of my classmates can reach this step?"

Obito really can't remember any of his classmates who can grow to this point. This level of strength is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It seemed that the most powerful student in their class was Kakashi, and it was Kakashi who was the first to apply for graduation.

After that, many students left the campus and went to the battlefield for various reasons. Obito himself didn't know the final result.

But thinking about it, I'm afraid the fate of these students will not be so good.

Now that such a person suddenly appeared, Obito couldn't help but feel strange, and he himself didn't have much of an impression.

"That guy's real name is Natsuhiko." Bai Jue seemed to know Obito's doubts, so he didn't let Obito wait long before announcing the answer.

"Xia Yan?"

Uchiha Obito quickly reviewed the name in his mind and seemed to remember something.

But because it was too long ago, he couldn't be completely sure, so he could only frown and ask.

"I don't remember clearly, but there does seem to be such a person in the class before... Wait, is he the classmate from Uchiha Qiong?"

"Yes, that's him. Obito, you had a good relationship with him back then." Bai Jue's weird voice sounded again: "And according to some intelligence, he doesn't seem to be a civilian ninja."

"So it's you, Fukami Natsuhiko." The picture in Obito's mind became clearer and clearer, and now he was basically sure who this Natsuhiko was!

Fukami Natsuhiko, this guy had a very good relationship with him at school. It can be said that he was a pretty good friend in the ninja school.

However, this friend seemed to have left school when he was about eight years old. He didn't know exactly where he went.

All he knew was that this guy was very busy, and the time they spent seeing each other became less and less. In addition, this guy's deskmate was the granddaughter of an elder of the Uchiha clan.

"Do you have such strength now? It seems that you chose to join ANBU at the beginning."

Thinking of this, Obito stood up, his eyes staring into the distance, as if he could see through everything and see everything in Konoha.

"Natsu Yan, right? I don't know how strong you are now after all these years. You are no longer the same person you were before. Likewise, I am no longer the Obito I was back then!"


Namikaze Minato looked at the report in his hand with a smile on his face.

He is really happy now, and he is in a really good mood now.

On the one hand, his child is about to be born, which is the fruit of his and Kushina's love. It is impossible for him not to feel happy about such a thing.

On the other hand, Danzo has lost control of his roots!

This news was obtained by Minato Namikaze later. He really didn't expect that such a thing would happen after the meeting with Danzo was interrupted by the Third Hokage.

In fact, he had always wanted to take action against Danzo's heel, but he was measured and did not touch it rashly.

Danzo is a veteran force in Konoha. He is not only protected by the Third Hokage, but has now developed to the point that even when the Third Hokage is in power, he can only restrict him in certain aspects.

He had just become Hokage, so there was no need to rush to pluck out the tiger's beard.

But just because the Third Hokage was afraid of him, it didn't mean that he wouldn't be triggered, and this time it was obviously the Third Hokage who took action.

"It seems that Danzo really made the Sandaime very angry, otherwise he wouldn't have done such a thing."

The autumn weather was in full swing. Sitting in the Hokage Building, Namikaze Minato put down the report in his hand. Danzo's incident made him very happy, but he could not be complacent.

This time Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to stand by his side, in fact, it was entirely for Konoha's benefit.

Namikaze Minato can now see clearly that the fight between him and Hiruzen Sarutobi is actually a fight over different opinions on the future development of Konoha.

When it comes to maintaining the safety of Konoha, they can stand on the same front, but for other things.

Especially regarding the many family issues in the village, the mobilization of departmental interests, and the path Konoha will take in the future, it may be difficult for them to go on the offensive.

For example, I am afraid that I may not be able to make personnel transfers in many departments.

For example, in terms of Uchiha, I'm afraid Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others will never compromise easily.

Shaking his head helplessly, Namikaze Minato looked at the document in his hand seriously. This was a case reported to the Konoha Security Department, involving the Uchiha clan and other ninjas in the village.

He frowned slightly when he saw the trial opinions submitted by the Ministry of Security.

In fact, this document can only be regarded as a selected one of the reports submitted by the Uchiha clan, and he has heard about it.

This is not a big deal, but it is the fault of the Uchiha clan.

But in this document, all responsibilities were assumed by the other party, and the security department sentenced the ninja to half a year in prison. At this time, he, as the Hokage, was required to sign and agree.

Minato was silent. Of course he knew that there were many problems in the Uchiha clan, and he also knew the purpose of submitting this report.

If he had followed his previous character, he would definitely not have approved it, and would have sent the Uchiha people to be reprimanded.

At the same time, people will also submit the rest of the reports together, and then classify them together to check the actual situation of the Uchiha clan.

But having been Hokage for almost a year, he knew very well that Konoha was not completely consistent with what he had previously known.

Those things hidden in the darkness, even though he had never come into contact with them during his previous missions.

But he also knew that the relationship between the major clans and the Hokage, and the compromises and conflicts between the top leaders, were all real.

The Uchiha clan is a threshold that all generations of Hokage cannot bypass. Even the first or second generation Hokage cannot solve this problem perfectly.

His dream is to solve this problem, even though he knows it is very difficult but he must do it.

"Fortunately, Natsuhiko provided information about the disharmony within the Uchiha clan, and also provided the third generation Hokage's dog-eat-dog plan."

The contemplation lasted for ten minutes, and finally Namikaze Minato sighed slightly, and then marked the word "agree" on the document.

This time he could only agree to the matter, because he also had a deep dislike for those overly proud guys in the Uchiha clan.

He didn't like the dog-eat-dog plan, but he also knew that unless there were any changes to this plan, it would be really difficult for the Uchiha clan to settle down.

He raised his head and looked out the window. The sky outside the window was blue, but he felt very helpless inside.

And he knew that this helplessness would accompany him for a long time unless he truly became a qualified Hokage.

Withdrawing his gaze, Namikaze Minato once again began to process the documents in his hands, and as he continued to process the documents, his mood slowly began to calm down.

Time passed quickly, and the sky dimmed quietly. Namikaze Minato approved another document, sorted it out and folded it together, preparing to hand it over to his assistant for distribution later.

Looking at the time, he got up and left the Hokage Building. According to his personality, he should have worked overtime, but not during this period.

Kushina was about to give birth, and he had to spend more time with her. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but have a happy smile on his face.

Kushina is pregnant with their child in one month, and every time he thinks of this, he feels a sense of happiness welling up in his heart.

besides. There is one more very important thing.

"Jiraiya-sensei is leaving."

It has been a month since Jiraiya returned to Konoha. His return was so secret that even Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know that his disciple was back.

And Jiraiya only met Namikaze Minato and Kushina, so until now it was only the two of them who had done this.

Now Jiraiya is leaving Konoha. It seems that he left to pursue his inspiration. In fact, Namikaze Minato knew that he was a teacher to pursue his dream, and he did not seem to like the current internal environment of Konoha.

He sighed slightly. It was not easy for Namikaze Minato to judge these things. All he could do was deal with everything he could.

"It's better to go back, have a nice dinner with Jiraiya-sensei and say goodbye."

Thinking of this, Minato Namikaze stood up, and then his figure quickly disappeared into the Hokage's office.


In the golden month of October, Namikaze Minato, who has succeeded Hokage for almost a year, is sitting at his desk today, which is rare, and he is unable to concentrate.

In fact, his thoughts during this period of time are not all on Konoha's political affairs. The reason is very simple. Kushina's due date has arrived.

However, when Natsuhiko and others entered the Hokage's office, Namikaze Minato immediately concentrated his energy.

The ANBU in front of him were all ninjas selected by the Third Hokage to protect him. Although he was not familiar with many of them, and there was only one among them who was named by him, and that was Natsuhiko.

But this is enough for him. In fact, for him, no matter how many ANBU there are, they are not of much use, because the strength of others can solve many problems.

He was not particularly happy to waste the entire village's public resources over some personal matters.

However, he also knew that Kushina had a very important identity besides being his wife, so he could not be careless or careless about this matter.

Adding Xia Yan will definitely put him at ease, because Xia Yan is very strong!

Even in his opinion, Xia Yan's strength is probably not weaker than him.

"I believe everyone knows about this mission, so I'm begging you all."

The ANBU in front of Namikaze Minato couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"Kushina is not only my wife, she is Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, so I don't want any trouble.

So this operation is left to you. You must concentrate on killing all threats, understand! "

"Yes, Hokage-sama!" All the ninjas responded in unison.

Namikaze Minato nodded, and then he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and his wife.

In addition to the ANBU, Sarutobi Biwako, the wife of the Third Hokage, was involved in the production of Kushina in this operation.

After all, this woman can be considered a relatively experienced person.

And as the wife of the Third Hokage, she is also learning some necessary things.

For example, they all knew that when a Jinchuuriki was giving birth, she was at her weakest.

One bad move will cause Kyuubi to break free from the seal, and the consequences will be very serious.

And for the arrival of this day, Namikaze Minato cannot be careless in the slightest. There are some things that really need to be entrusted to these two people.

"Sandaime-sama, and Biwako-sama, I have to work hard for you this time." Namikaze Minato bowed slightly and said, he looked very sincere.

"Don't worry, Yondaime-sama, we won't let Kushina have any problems." Sarutobi Biwako said calmly, she looked very kind.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded calmly. The importance of this operation was unparalleled, and he did not want the village to encounter any problems.

Although he and Namikaze Minato had different opinions in many aspects, and his 'domestication' process was not so satisfactory to him, in any case, this was only a small problem within the village.

When it comes to big issues, he will not allow anyone to destroy the harmony of the village, even if it is Danzo, he will still deal with it.

Kushina wants to give birth. This matter is the biggest challenge facing Konoha now. He must do his best to prevent any problems from arising.

And in order to reassure Namikaze Minato, he will not make any small moves in Konoha this time. This can be regarded as a tacit understanding between the two Hokages.

There is a fight between them. This is not a big deal. When it can be carried out and when it must be stopped, it needs to be clearly distinguished.

"Don't worry, I will take care of things while you are away." Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly: "I will not leave you any trouble. This is my promise."

Naturally, Namikaze Minato understood what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, and this was what allowed him to go out to Kushina without any worries.

Namikaze Minato nodded, and then waved slightly. Natsuhiko and the ANBU immediately disappeared into the office, while Namikaze Minato set off with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Not long after, a group of them arrived at the door of Namikaze Minato's house, and Kushina was already waiting at the door with the support of a woman.

"Kushina, although I have emphasized it many times, I will reiterate it again today."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Kushina's unusually serious tone, and now he must maintain this attitude.

"That is when the child is born, the seal of the Nine-Tails is the weakest. This happened to your predecessor, Uzumaki Mito-sama.

At that time, the seal of the Kyuubi was almost broken, and it was only a small step away from causing tragedy.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents when giving birth, you must go to a barrier far away from the village to give birth. "

Uzumaki Kushina nodded seriously. She already knew this and was mentally prepared for it.

As a member of the Uzumaki clan, she naturally knows many things that others don't know, so she also knows how troublesome this time is.

"Don't worry, I will be with you when you give birth."

Namikaze Minato looked aside and noticed Kushina's emotions. He immediately put his arm around Kushina's shoulders and said tenderly.

Kushina glanced at him and nodded with a slightly red face.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't seem to see it, he still said calmly: "Minato, the ANBU man, came to arrange it himself. They are elites and can deal with a lot of troubles. We must keep the secret. As long as the child lands safely, everything will be settled. "

"Sandaime-sama, please rest assured, I only have an opinion." Namikaze Minato nodded seriously, giving Sarutobi Hiruzen a response.

"That's it for now, Kushina, Minato." Hiruzen Sarutobi also nodded. He looked up at the sky and then said, "Then get ready to go."

Kushina and Namikaze Minato couldn't help but nodded when they heard this, and then they walked out of the village together.

Now Kushina's situation is really not suitable for using the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, otherwise Namikaze Minato really wants to use the Flying Thunder God Jutsu to take Kushina there.

For the sake of his children, he couldn't take any risks.

And when they set off, somewhere in the underground cave in the Land of Fire, the space rippled slightly, and the figure of Obito Uchiha emerged.

"White Zetsu." As soon as he appeared, he shouted: "How is the situation in Konoha now?"

"Now they have set off over there, but I can feel that the defense there is very strong."

Bai Zetsu slowly emerged from the ground. He looked at Obito and asked in a strange voice.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Anyway, there are Samsara Eyes in the Country of Rain and they have joined us. Don't you plan to let them act together?"

"Humph, of course there is no need. They are not ready yet, and we need to show our strength."

Obito shook his head and looked outside the cave entrance. At this time, the bright moonlight scattered from the sky, looking particularly beautiful.

"He is actually not honest, and he doesn't even trust us at all, so let's start with the strongest Kyuubi and let him know something. Isn't it great!"

As he spoke, he quietly looked back at Bai Jue. The three magatama looked strange and ghostly.


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