The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 180 Nine-tails comes out of the cage (8K please subscribe~)

The afterglow of the setting sun quickly disappeared below the horizon, and the dark night enveloped the entire world.

The moon in the sky emits a hazy light, but it can only allow people to barely see at night.

Natsuhiko and a group of Anbu were hiding in a secret cave entrance outside Konoha, and standing next to him was one of his old acquaintances - Weasel.

Speaking of which, this weasel was once a teammate of his first team, and was his first opponent when he participated in the selection of captain of the third team.

They haven't seen each other for a while, but they actually met during this mission. This has to be said to be a very interesting thing.

"Captain Nightingale, it seems it's quite quiet tonight." Weasel looked at Xia Yan with a smile, and then he said in a very kind tone: "There will be no trouble or fighting. This is great."

"Indeed, for ninjas like us who are on guard duty, boredom is the best." Xia Yan nodded in agreement, and then said with a smile: "Trouble is the most troublesome. It’s a matter.”

Although he said this, Xia Yan knew very well that he might not be able to calm down tonight.

After all, he didn't stop Kakashi and warned him not to talk nonsense, especially after get off work, he was even less likely to follow Kakashi around at any time, so the possibility of him whispering death was never low.

What's more, Xia Yan didn't make any decisions or preparations at that time, and he wasn't as strong as he is now.

But no matter how you look at it, since things have reached this point, he must go all the way.

He has spent a month adjusting his condition to the best. In addition, Tsugu Kuan has also practiced the technique of sealing and unlocking the corpses.

With the preparations from these two parties, even if Xia Yan could not be said to have peace of mind, he had already done everything he could.

The only thing you need to worry about is that Tsugu Kuan changes his mind. If he does, then Xia Yan swears that he cannot die, which will definitely become the biggest nightmare in the future!

After all, Xia Yan is a practical pursuit of interests, and he will send anyone who undermines his interests to hell without hesitation.

" hurts..."

At this moment, a miserable scream came from the cave. Several ANBU ninjas guarding the entrance of the cave could clearly hear it, and Xia Yan couldn't help but glance inside.

But he quickly retracted his gaze. A woman had to go through the gate of hell to give birth. Xia Yan had heard of this saying, but he couldn't understand such pain.

But as a ninja, his patience is definitely very strong, but Kushina's shrill scream at this time also showed how terrible all this is.

He took a deep breath and stopped paying attention to what was going on here. He had to be more careful about everything around him now.

The same goes for the rest of the Anbu. They didn't dare to be distracted at all, and they watched the outside world with all due diligence.

Inside the cave, candlelight and firelight illuminated the interior.

Kushina was lying on the stone collapse with a face full of pain, a thick blanket under her body, and a layer of sheets wrapped around her body, and she was screaming in agony.

The cave was very dry and it could be seen that it had been arranged in advance. Namikaze Minato kept his hands superimposed and placed them on Kushina's abdomen.

Sweat was already visible on his forehead. He was trying hard to maintain the seal of Kyuubi, but when he saw Kushina screaming loudly, he was still very worried even though he was completely inexperienced.

As Kushina's screams became louder and louder, he couldn't help but turned around and asked: "Master Biwako, is it really okay? I have never seen Kushina scream in such pain. Is this no......"

"Don't worry, keep safe and maintain the seal of the Kyuubi." Biwako had been crouching down to observe the situation. After hearing this, she raised her head and said seriously: "A woman is stronger than you imagine, especially when she is going to be a mother. "

Be a mother?

Namikaze Minato glanced at Kushina, who was still enduring the pain, and couldn't help but nodded.

And he really has nothing to do now, he can only hope that everything will be fine.

Outside the barrier, Xia Yan's senses had been observing everything around him. Suddenly, he frowned, and then he drew out his Ninja Sword.

Following his actions, other Anbu quickly drew out their ninja swords, concentrating on guarding against everything around them, even though they had no idea what was happening.

"What's wrong, Captain Nightingale?" Weasel looked around carefully, and then he couldn't help but ask, "Is there anything going on?"

"Who is it, come out!" Xia Yan did not answer Weasel's words, he shouted directly to the open space in front of him.

In fact, he didn't see anyone, but his perception was always flat, and he could feel many things that others could not feel.

For example, some extremely obscure chakra fluctuations, and some particularly obscure power fluctuations!

Sure enough, under the cold moonlight, a figure in a black robe appeared silently in the water.

Without any orders at all, all the ANBU immediately stepped out and quickly surrounded the man in black.

The man in black didn't move, but the more he did this, the more pressure he felt on the guarding ANBU.

Natsuhiko silently sensed Obito, and he found that Obito's chakra was very strange. His chakra amount was very sufficient, and there was also a part of him that was very similar to Natsuhiko's own power.

In addition, he also has an extremely dark and destructive power, and this power comes from his exposed eye.

"Is the power of Yin Escape intertwined with the power of Yang Escape? Although there is no sign of fusion, such an ability is terrifying enough.

This kid now has enough chakra, and he can't beat him. In addition, with his kaleidoscope ability, he is really not an easy guy to deal with. "

Natsuhiko thought silently, while Obito completely ignored all the ANBU present. He just looked up at the cave above indifferently.

As he raised his head, all the ANBU noticed that he had a strange orange spiral shape on his face, with only a hole in the mask left for his right eye.

And out of this hole, a scarlet eye with three magatama eyes was slowly rotating.

"Sharingan?" Many Anbu immediately recognized what it was, and some even asked: "Uchiha people?"

"It belongs to Uchiha, but it doesn't necessarily belong to Konoha." Natsuhiko said directly: "Get ready to fight. Take off his mask and you will know who he is."

"You are really calm enough." Obito looked at all the ANBU in front of him indifferently, and then he shook his head gently: "But if you want to take off my mask, you are far from qualified!"

"Do it!" Xia Yan gave the order directly. He had no intention of talking nonsense with Obito.

And as the ANBU with the highest position present, he was indeed the best suited to issue orders.

Now that the opponent has passed into this area, he will automatically be regarded as an enemy and be killed directly!

Following his order, all the ANBU rushed towards Obito almost immediately!

With such a short distance, it didn't even take a second for the ANBU to reach Obito, but Obito still didn't respond.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Obito didn't dodge at all, but those ninja swords penetrated his body directly without any lag at all!

In other words, their ninja swords directly penetrated the mysterious man in black without causing any damage.

"Illusion, or phantom?"

This is the thought that flashed through everyone's mind at the same time. But the next scene immediately shattered their thoughts.

An ANBU ninja who still hadn't realized what was going on, but when he was about to find out the situation, his neck suddenly tightened, and then his breathing became rapid.

A strange mask pattern appeared in front of him, but he was already grabbed by the opponent's neck, and his life force was rapidly draining away.

"It's not a phantom, be careful."

Xia Yan's perception has been locked on Obito. At this moment, he noticed many situations, and then he dodged and rushed forward!

Natsu Yan had not made a move before. In fact, he was completely waiting for Obito to make a move. At the same time, he was also quickly arranging his seeds.

During this period of time, as he continued to learn Wood Release, he was now able to arrange his seeds faster and more at the same time. The most important thing was that the scope of involvement could also become wider!

In just a moment, he appeared directly beside Obito, and his ninja sword stabbed towards Obito's chest with a bright blue light.

However, the next moment, Xia Yan's brows frowned slightly, because Obito suddenly stopped at this moment.

Natsuhiko's ninja sword passed directly through his chest. He had entered the void again, and the ANBU in his hand was also spread out on the ground at this moment.

The ANBU kept breathing heavily, looking like he was surviving a disaster, but he didn't have time to breathe more, and Xia Yan had quietly taken him away from the place!

"Are you okay?" Xia Yan asked quickly, but his eyes were still locked on Obito.

"I...I'm fine..." Although the ANBU felt dizzy from flying Thunder God and was in a very bad state due to the previous suffocation, he still answered quickly.

"You retreat, you have no way to deal with the space ninjutsu used by this guy." Natsuhiko stared at Obito and said slowly: "Don't die here, it doesn't make any sense. Go back and inform the Third Hokage that there is danger here. .”

"Do you think they can leave?" At this moment, Obito suddenly said: "Also, you are using the Flying Thunder God Technique, which is very fast, but are you sure you can deal with me?"

After the words fell, Obito launched the attack again without any hesitation, and Xia Yan quickly followed.

But what made Xia Yan frown was that this damn guy had no intention of attacking him, and the target of the attack was very uncertain, which gave Xia Yan a headache.


With a slash of the knife, Obito turned into a shadow almost instantly, and then his body twisted slightly and quickly dodged another ANBU.

He swung out his fist fiercely, and even wooden thorns appeared on his hands. Xia Yan immediately realized that this was Wood Escape, so he quickly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and chased after him.

The moment Obito took action, he struck again, but this time his ninja sword slashed directly from top to bottom, just hitting the air!

Obito's eyes glanced at him, seemingly with a little contempt, and then Obito flashed slightly and ran towards the ANBU on the side.

Every time Obito attacks, Natsuhiko must follow him every time, because he has no way to determine whether this guy is really attacking or maintaining a virtual feint.

Sometimes having teammates is really not a good thing, especially when there is a gap in strength between these teammates and you, and there is no comparison at all in terms of coordination.

But Xia Yan had no choice. The persona he had set for himself would not allow him to abandon these teammates.

If it's an ordinary mission, forget it, no one else knows about it anyway, but the problem is that behind him are Minato Namikaze and others!

Therefore, he had to play the cat and mouse game again and again. The ANBU on the side seemed to know that he had become a burden. They obviously became the ones dragging down Xia Yan.

Similarly, they also know that they cannot leave now, because they are also the best bait to help Xia Yan attract the person who plays with space.


Then at this moment, a loud cry of a baby sounded in the cave, which made Xia Yan frown slightly, and Obito also looked into the cave.

"It seems that the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki has completed production." Obito stopped and looked into the cave. At that moment, the scarlet Sharingan looked particularly strange and dazzling.

"Sure enough, your target is the Nine-Tails?" Xia Yan already knew the answer, but he still said: "Who are you? You are definitely not the Uchiha in the village. If they have a guy like you, I'm afraid They have already assassinated Hokage."

"Does it matter who I am?" Obito chuckled: "Well, I am indeed not the Uchiha in the village, and I will not associate with that group of trash. I have to say that your strength really makes me a little incredible, but It's a pity that I don't have time to play with you."

"What do you mean?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, and then he shouted loudly as if he suddenly realized: "He wants to go in, please inform the Hokage!"

However, Obito didn't give him a chance at all, and his body began to become distorted.

However, what he didn't know was that under Xia Yan's mask, a smile quietly appeared...


Accompanied by the baby's cry, Kushina, who had been tense, instantly broke away and lay paralyzed on the stone couch like a puddle of mud.

Biwako quickly took the child, with nervous sweat still hanging on her forehead. She quickly shouted to the female ninja next to her: "Quick, hot water."

The female ninja on the side nodded, but her eyes couldn't help but look towards the direction of the cave.

Not only her, but also Namikaze Minato. The waves and sounds of fighting had been heard outside the cave long ago.

They don't know how the enemy broke through the seal, nor do they know who the enemy is and how many there are, but they know that it may really not be peaceful outside.

It's just that they can't act at will, especially Namikaze Minato, who is now responsible for Kushina's seal. Once he moves, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Lake Biwa obviously knew that this situation was not good. She immediately turned to Namikaze Minato and said: "Yondaime, now is the most dangerous time. You must concentrate on repairing the seal. You must not let the Kyuubi escape. There are people outside. ANBU can handle it.”

"I...I know." Namikaze Minato gritted his teeth and nodded immediately.

Sweat beads slid down his face, and at that moment, he felt the terrifying and huge chakra of Kyuubi rush out instantly, as if a demon was about to rush out.

Although he was very worried about everything outside the cave, he also knew that all his energy must be completely focused here now.

He must also believe that Xia Yan can handle all this. He always believes that Xia Yan is definitely not weaker than him!

Taking a deep breath, Namikaze Minato's chakra began to surge crazily. He quickly began to form seals with his hands, and a new seal was completed in just an instant.

In addition, the seal on Kushina's body was already strong, and the most violent wave of Kyuubi was suppressed.

After doing all this, Minato wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then he turned to Kushina and said gently: "The most difficult time has been passed, and now we only need to repair the seal of the Kyuubi. Thank you for your hard work. Kushina.”

"Thank you, Minato." Although Uzumaki Kushina's face was still pale, she showed a happy smile.

But their conversation ended here, because they all knew that it was not peaceful outside the cave, so they could only complete what they needed to do as quickly as possible.

Namikaze Minato didn't even have time to take a look at the newly born Naruto. He immediately formed another seal and prepared to repair the seal. However, at this moment, the sound of the body falling instantly reached his ears!

Namikaze Minato suddenly turned around cautiously and saw two fallen figures, Biwako and the female ninja.

A black figure had quietly appeared next to these two people. Naruto, who was crying non-stop, was held in his arms. He had a strange patterned mask on his face, and a kunai in his left hand was pressed against Naruto's body. Human back.

The next moment, Xia Yan's figure instantly appeared in the cave, and his ninja sword was already slashing towards the black shadow!

When Namikaze Minato saw this scene, his heart was already in his throat, but he could see it clearly.

Once Natsuhiko kills this guy, the kunai stuck behind Naruto will probably penetrate Naruto the moment this guy lets go!

It's just that Namikaze Minato knows better. In such a situation, Natsuhiko may not be able to make that many judgments at all. After all, the Flying Thunder God Jutsu doesn't leave much room for people to make judgments.

The ninja sword kept getting closer to Obito, and the chakra in Namikaze Minato's body burst out again at this moment. The next second, when Natsuhiko's ninja sword focused on Obito, Namikaze Minato burst out at an incredible speed!

He didn't use the Flying Thunder God Technique because he didn't have the opportunity to set the spatial coordinates, so what he used now was just the Instant Body Technique.

But his teleportation technique was so fast at this moment that it was as if he had traveled through space. He was in front of Obito in an instant, and then he hugged Naruto directly with both hands!

In fact, Natsuhiko had already seen the current situation clearly the moment he took action, but he was very confident that he could definitely catch Naruto before Obito Kamui.

But in the next second, everyone else was dumbfounded, because Namikaze Minato came directly in front of him, which forced him to quickly turn his ninja sword aside.

At this moment, Obito's figure instantly disappeared in front of the two of them.

Namikaze Minato held Naruto to steady his body, while Natsuhiko's posture was a bit weird because he forcibly twisted the ninja sword away. The two of them stared at each other in silence for a while.

"A very tacit cooperation?"

Obito suddenly let out a strange laugh, and at this time, he had already put his hand on Kushina's neck.

Obviously, his plan was successful, and Namikaze Minato was obviously aware of this.

This guy's goal is not Naruto at all. He is just using Naruto to attract his attention. Once he makes a move to create a hollow in Kushina's place, this guy will have a chance.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato's face became extremely serious. Since the other party's target was Kushina, he could be 100% sure of one thing.

That is, this guy is here for Kyuubi!

"By the way, let me remind you." Just as Namikaze Minato was analyzing quickly, Obito suddenly spoke again: "What are you going to do next?"

"How to do it?" Namikaze Minato asked in confusion. In an instant, he found that the detonating charm attached to the baby's body had begun to ignite and would explode in the next second.

The detonating talisman was lit, and the situation was extremely critical. Namikaze Minato had no extra time to think, so he almost took action.

I saw him holding Naruto up with his left hand, tearing off the swaddling clothes with his right hand like lightning, and the Flying Thunder God Technique was activated at the same time.

Xia Yan also disappeared at this moment. At the moment of the explosion, both of them had left the place instantly.

Roaring sounds rang in the ears, and a wooden house was shattered in the fire. In order to protect Kushina, Namikaze Minato brought the cloth bag with the detonating talisman attached to it!

He rolled around under the impact of the aftermath, trying hard to protect Naruto in his arms from harm.

When everything calmed down, he stood up and looked at the kunai stuck on the ground, but soon a figure appeared next to him again - it was Natsuhiko!

"Hokage-sama, let's make a long story short." Natsuhiko said quickly before Minato Namikaze could speak.

"That guy is an Uchiha, but he is not an Uchiha from Konoha. He is good at space ninjutsu and can move quickly and make his body virtual.

I've already made some discoveries against him before, but you shouldn't take action. "

"So that's it." Namikaze Minato stood up and looked at Naruto in his arms. He sighed: "I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't take action, but I can't control myself because this is my child. "

"I can understand the mood of Lord Hokage. The other party's target is probably Lord Kushina." Xia Yan nodded, and he was not entangled in this matter: "Then, what should we do next?"

In fact, no matter whether Namikaze Minato takes action or not, Natsuhiko will probably let Obito take Kushina away in the end.

If Konoha isn't in chaos and Namikaze Minato doesn't work hard, how can he get what he wants?

Although doing this is really bad and too bad to be believed, Xia Yan never thinks that he is a good person.

At least compared to Obito, he is already a good person.

What's more, once what he does succeeds, he can get huge benefits, and he can also change a lot of things.


Namikaze Minato obviously didn't know what Xia Yan was thinking, he thought about it and said seriously.

"Now that Xia Yanjun already knows the other party's purpose, we have to take it seriously next.

You immediately take Naruto back to Konoha, find Lord Sandaime and ask him to bring Naruto to my home.

As for the rest, I don’t think much intervention is needed, the Sandaime-sama already knows how to do it. "

"I understand." Xia Yan nodded, and then he stood up and took Naruto: "Please be careful, Hokage-sama, I will definitely complete the mission."

After saying this, Xia Yan's figure flashed slightly, and he disappeared from the place in just an instant.

Namikaze Minato closed his eyes after taking a deep breath. After sensing Kushina's position through his own efforts, his figure disappeared instantly.


Not far from the cave where she gave birth, Kushina was lying weakly on a boulder. Black seal words appeared like chains, connected to the surrounding stone pillars.

Kushina gritted her teeth and tried hard to suppress the nine tails that were constantly rioting in her body. In front of her was the mysterious man who had forced her husband back, shrouded in black robes, with the strange patterned mask and the scarlet Sharingan. It looks so evil.

"What...what do you want to do?" she asked weakly, sweat dripping down her face.

"Obviously." Obito looked at Kushina, who was no longer as bright as before. His eyes were a little complicated, but his tone was unusually calm: "Pull out the Nine-Tails in your body, and then destroy Konoha."

"What did you say?" Kushina's pupils dilated instantly, and she asked with disbelief on her face.

"I have to say that your protection is indeed in place, not only from Namikaze Minato, but also from that Konoha Nightingale."

Obito closed his eyes and didn't want to let his emotions show. His tone was very indifferent. Maybe he was too bored, or maybe he really wanted to show off. He said something calmly.

"But it's a pity that whether it's Namikaze Minato or Konoha Nightingale, they were all transferred away by me.

The Flying Thunder God Technique is a technique that uses curse seals and spells carved or sealed anywhere to achieve space jump-like transfer.

It is true that Namikaze Minato has left a mark on you, but now he probably won't come over so quickly.

As for Konoha Nightingale, he is indeed troublesome, and he seems to be close to catching my weakness.

But it's a pity that he didn't have the chance to leave a curse mark on me, so he couldn't come over.

The two people who can support you in time are unable to come, and you are in the weakest state. I have been waiting for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a long time. "

After saying this, Obito raised his head and looked at the moon in the sky.

The moonlight was bright, shining through the layers of dark clouds and falling on his mask. It took him a long time to turn his head and look at Kushina.

"Okay, after all the nonsense, it's time to get down to business."

Obito murmured in a low voice, and the three magatama in his right eye slowly rotated, looking directly into Uzumaki Kushina's pupils. In just an instant, he invaded Kushina's consciousness space.

In Kushina's consciousness space, Obito clearly saw a huge bound demon fox, and Kyuubi suddenly found a figure of a man in black appearing in front of him, and looked over with a look full of violence.

"Who are you?" Kyuubi asked coldly, but soon his pupils suddenly dilated: "What evil eyes, you are from the Uchiha clan!"

Unfortunately, Uchiha Obito didn't respond to him at all, and his Sharingan quickly rotated to look into Kyuubi's pupils.

In an instant, Kyuubi's pupils began to dilate rapidly. He roared and tried to struggle, but he was unable to resist the Sharingan, especially since Obito had also obtained Uchiha Madara's method of controlling the tailed beast!

The pattern of three magatama slowly appeared in Kyuubi's eyes, and his roar slowly disappeared along with the pupils that gradually became clearer.

The seal suffered a devastating blow at this moment, and then Kyuubi, with the help of Obito's power, broke Kushina's nearly unbreakable seal!

"Come out, Kyuubi!"

Feeling the change of Kyuubi in his consciousness, Obito suddenly opened his eyes, and the chakra in his body began to surge, and echoed with Kyuubi's chakra.


A painful scream came from Kushina's mouth, and a layer of rich red chakra slowly appeared on her body.

Immediately afterwards, a deep, rich red chakra rushed out from her abdomen. This chakra was very evil, as if it was rising into the sky with all the negative emotions!

Not long after, this suffocating amount of chakra fell from the sky to the ground, and along with the bright moonlight, a huge demon fox faintly emerged from the dust.


The demon fox raised its head to the sky and roared. His nine tails swept slightly, quickly sweeping away the dust around him.

His chakra spread crazily at this moment, and the entire earth seemed to tremble with the extremely violent chakra.

Obito looked at the huge nine-tails in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face hidden under the mask.

Kyuubi is already in his possession, and now all he has to do is destroy Konoha!

Even though that was the place where he was born, even though that was the place where he grew up, even though it had a lot of his past and ties there.

But with Lin's death, everything changed, and those things became meaningless in his eyes.

He wants to destroy it all, he wants to destroy it all, he wants all these false things to be destroyed before his eyes, he wants to turn everything in front of him into hell!

"Because, I have already been in hell..."


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