
Owl felt the changes in his body, and looked at Xia Yan angrily.

He has always been on guard against Xia Yan, because he just felt that there was something wrong with Xia Yan, or in other words, he never believed in Xia Yan from the beginning to the end.

After all, this guy was so courageous that he dared to attack him at the headquarters of Konoha ANBU. Even Murashima Takumi had the idea of ​​​​taking action at that time!

Such a dangerous person, and also a powerful and ambitious dangerous person.

Owl really couldn't believe him from beginning to end, even though he had become the captain of the ANBU and seemed to have the trust of the Third Hokage.

But Owl didn't trust him, and he knew that the Third Hokage's trust in Xia Yan was also limited.

And as an Anbu, he should always be vigilant. Besides, he and Xia Yan had so many unpleasantnesses, plus Xia Yan's status as a member of the Senju clan, how could he trust this guy?

But now everything seems to have come true, this damn guy actually has evil intentions, and he even took action against him!

"There's no need to show such a surprised expression. In fact, you had a premonition of it, didn't you?"

Xia Yan looked at the owl in front of him calmly, and his voice became extremely gentle and soft at this moment.

"After all, I can feel that you don't trust me very much. Even I don't know the reason, but it doesn't seem to be a strange thing."

"You damn guy, are you planning to attack Konoha?"

Owl gritted his teeth and said with difficulty. He felt that the weird chakra in his body was getting more and more, and his body became stiffer and stiffer. He knew that he was probably dead.

"Konoha has not sorry for you, why are you doing this to Konoha!"

"No, no, no, you made a mistake. Why do you think I want to attack Konoha?"

Xia Yan shook his head gently, then grabbed the stiff owl and came to a corner of the house. He took a look at Jiuwei's progress and said with a smile.

"Konoha is my village. I will not attack my village, but I can attack some more interesting and specific people."

Xia Yan said that he stopped temporarily here, and he gently took his hand away. Then he once again determined the direction of the Nine-Tails' action, and then looked at the owl again.

After the owl calmed down for a moment, he seemed to notice something, but this time his face became even more ugly.

"You attacked me, but your real purpose was to be the ANBU minister, right?"

Owl said in a deep voice in disbelief. He looked at Xia Yan and said angrily with a look of resentment on his face.

"You attacked me because you just wanted to prevent me from handing over the transfer order to the minister.

And without an order from the minister, he will never act even if Kyuubi appears, and you can take the opportunity to kill him!

You madman, you are really a real madman, aren't you worried that what you have done will be discovered? "

Xia Yan looked at the owl quietly, and then he gently took off his mask to reveal his face, which was still full of smiles.

He walked slowly in front of the owl, then squatted down and stared at the guy in front of him. He had to say that the owl was indeed a very good ANBU.

His thinking ability and reaction speed are very good. He has analyzed almost everything Xia Yan was thinking so quickly. It can only be said that this guy is worthy of being valued by the Sandaime.

Otherwise, he would not be the bridge between the Third Hokage and Murashima Takumi. After all, this job is not that easy to do.

"You're very smart. Did you guess my thoughts so quickly?"

Xia Yan still kept his smile. He stood up and looked at the owl that was completely frozen and couldn't help but nodded.

"I can only say, congratulations for guessing it right. Unfortunately, there is no reward. You can only take this secret to the Pure Land.

But you don’t need to feel lonely, after all, your old friends will come back to accompany you soon, and in fact, you don’t need to think about some things too complicated.

Do you really think this matter will not be suspected and discovered later?

No, this will definitely be discovered, but so what, as long as the Nine-Tails incident is handled properly, then everything will be fine in the future. "

Having said this, Xia Yan slowly took a few steps back, and then quickly formed seals with his hands.

“This is the reality, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not a good Hokage, it does not mean that he does not put Konoha first.

He did put Konoha first, but he was overconfident, perhaps because of his success over the past many years, which made him think that he was always right.

Therefore, this gave him the idea that everything must be under his will for Konoha to become better, and he has also done many chilling things.

Times have changed, and people have changed, but Hiruzen Sarutobi has not changed. He seems to have no idea how many people hate him.

Maybe he knows, but he thinks he can control everything, just like he thinks I am trustworthy. Of course, I also know that he will not trust me that much.

It's just that he didn't think I would do it so brilliantly, and when he knew it, he might not be able to do it so easily, just like he can't do it now. "

Having said this, Natsuhiko said nothing more. His dislike of Hiruzen Sarutobi was purely due to family issues and his position.

However, he would not deny Sarutobi Hiruzen, even if he actually inherited the political legacy of the Second Hokage and completely finished what Senju Tobirama had not finished.

But this is also a huge achievement. After all, when he succeeded to the throne, there were probably many people who opposed him, especially Senju, Uchiha and even Uzumaki, who would not easily agree to this matter.

In fact, Xia Yan also guessed. After all, these three families were the worst in the end, and not many people were willing to talk about what happened back then.

Facing the opposition of a bunch of people, he not only wanted to stabilize his power but also wanted Konoha to cope with the Second Ninja War, and at the same time develop Konoha.

Being able to do all this is definitely not a simple thing. It can be seen how tough and powerful Sarutobi Hiruzen's skills are.

Xia Yan has a habit, that is, when facing an enemy, especially a difficult enemy, he will never look at his bad side alone.

On the contrary, he will definitely remember the good aspects of this enemy, so that he can judge a person's weaknesses more accurately.

He knew very well that there was still a possibility that his actions would be discovered. After all, there was nothing in this world that could be concealed 100% of the time.

As for what is discovered, it may never be discovered, or it may be revealed that night.

But no matter what the result was, he could be sure that as long as there were no problems with tonight's performance, Sarutobi Hiruzen would definitely hold his nose and admit it.

Even if Natsuhiko shows strong enough fighting power and influence, and Namikaze Minato is still alive, this matter may only be buried.

After all, this is for the stability of Konoha.

"Immortal Technique·Water Release·Water Breaking Wave!"

When the seal was completed, the surging chakra rushed towards Kyuubi's position in an instant. The Chakra Water Release mixed with celestial magic slammed into Kyuubi.


In an instant, Kyuubi let out a scream, which turned out to be Senjutsu Chakra, which is considered one of the strongest powers in the Chakra system.

Even enemies at the Six Paths level will be harmed when facing senjutsu, let alone Nine-Tails!

Almost visible to the naked eye, a huge gash appeared on Kyuubi's shoulder, and the recovery speed of such a wound was extremely slow, completely different from the previous injuries caused by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Kyuubi seemed to be irritated, he accelerated towards Xia Yan crazily, and this look made Xia Yan nod.

"Go with peace of mind." Xia Yan said slowly to the owl: "At least, you died to protect Konoha, and you have done your duty."

Having said this, Xia Yan took out a kunai and kept backing away. He had to make sure that this guy was dead. Once he was gone, he would make a good last-ditch attack, and by the way, completely blow up the area.


Owl obviously knew what Xia Yan was thinking. He wanted to struggle but found that he couldn't move at all.

He simply couldn't understand what kind of chakra would have such an effect after entering his body, so much so that he couldn't even speak clearly now.

Feeling that the huge figure behind him that was filled with the aura of destruction and evil was getting closer and closer, and feeling that huge and suffocating chakra, Owl felt more and more desperate in his heart.


An angry roar sounded behind him, and the earth approached step by step with the steps of the huge figure, and the owl's heart completely fell into despair.

Suddenly, he felt a black shadow appear in the sky above him, and the black shadow crashed down with howling like a strong wind.


Along with the violent roar, the surrounding houses completely collapsed, and the sound of explosions resounded non-stop at this moment, and Xia Yan's figure had already disappeared.

In the distance, on a telegraph pole that was still standing, Xia Yan stood upright on it, with the bright moonlight shining on him, while his eyes were staring at the place where Kyuubi's kick crushed it.

It took him a while to retract his gaze, and then his figure flashed slightly and disappeared again...



The earth shook and the mountains shook, the Nine Tails' tail swept across, and another large area of ​​buildings was completely destroyed.

At the security department, all Uchiha with combat capabilities have already gathered. In fact, they have been on standby recently because they received orders from the Fourth Hokage.

This order is to remain alert and be ready for battle at any time.

They still recognized the Fourth Hokage very much. After all, the Fourth Hokage seemed to have a good relationship with their clan leader, and his strength was also very terrifying.

The Uchiha clan is a warlike clan. They only have certain recognition for powerful people. Of course, there is also a prerequisite, that is, they have no ill intentions towards them.

Uchiha Fugaku stood outside the gate of the security department and looked at the huge Kyuubi. He couldn't help but take a deep breath. Kyuubi was really a terrifying existence.

However, he also knew that they had to attack. As a member of Konoha, they couldn't dare to watch. Besides, the Sharingan still had certain advantages against the Kyuubi.

"Everyone." Uchiha Fugaku shouted loudly: "Let's go!"

"Yes, Captain!" The Uchiha present collectively shouted.

These Uchiha are all the elites of the family. Although these people may not all agree on their stance, they are still willing to do something if they really encounter big trouble.

Moreover, the attitude of these Uchiha ninjas is also very clear. They call them captain instead of clan leader. This means that they are going to fight against the outside world, and this enemy is Kyuubi!

"very good."

Uchiha Fugaku nodded silently, glanced at the elders behind him, and then quickly looked away.

Then he turned around and headed towards the Kyuubi's position. This time they were not fighting for anyone, but for Konoha and the village that their family's ancestors had created together.


However, at this moment, several ninjas wearing ANBU uniforms suddenly appeared, and they quickly stopped all the Uchiha.

Uchiha Fugaku watched all this with a frown, especially when he saw an old man walking towards him with a cane, his brows frowned a little deeper.

Of course he knows who this damn old man is. This guy is the leader of a huge dark organization outside of Konoha ANBU. He is also a person that the Konoha family hates very much. His name is Shimura Danzo!

"Danzo-sama, is there any problem?" Although Uchiha Fugaku hated Danzo, he did not dare to offend this guy easily, so he could only ask patiently.

"You cannot move out." Danzo said bluntly: "You are here now and accept our surveillance until this matter is over."

"What do you mean?" Uchiha Fugaku's face began to look ugly. He almost gritted his teeth and asked, "Danzo-sama?"

"What do you mean, don't you know?" Shimura Danzo still maintained an indifferent attitude. He raised his head slightly and said in a cold voice: "Don't tell me that you can't see Kyuubi's eyes."

After saying this, Uchiha Fugaku stood still, and even his previous momentum suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He had already noticed the Kyuubi's eyes, which were the symbol of a pair of Sharingan eyes, and according to some information from the family, the Sharingan eyes could control tailed beasts!

However, such records and methods have long since disappeared without a trace as Uchiha Madara left. Simply put, even Uchiha Fugaku couldn't do it.

And now that Kyuubi has appeared in Konoha, and is obviously controlled by people from the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku can definitely conclude that the person who controls Kyuubi is definitely not a member of the family.

Of course, it's also possible that someone in the family accidentally found some materials, which allowed him to do it.

But obviously, the possibility of this is pitifully low, but it is a pity that these things are not explained at all.

There is no doubt that he knows that explaining this kind of thing will be of no use.

The fists under his sleeves were clenched tightly, and Uchiha Fugaku forced himself to endure it. He was also thinking about how he was going to do it.

After a long time, Uchiha Fugaku sighed, shook his head helplessly and then took a step back.

This step already shows that he has given up. He intends to obey the instructions to avoid something happening. After all, the current Uchiha situation is really not good.

All the Uchiha tribesmen who were preparing to set off couldn't help but frowned when they saw this scene, a deep sense of humiliation and dissatisfaction lingering in their hearts.

They had clearly decided to do something for Konoha, and they even knew that if they dealt with Kyuubi, they might even lose their lives.

But Konoha did not trust them or even show basic respect. Instead, they sent people to monitor them and restrict their movements.

This naked hostile attitude further aroused their inner anger, but they had to be obedient because their patriarch had chosen to surrender and compromise.

They didn't understand why their clan leader would do this, but Uchiha Fugaku was their clan leader and they had to obey, even if they had great resentment and resentment in their hearts.

Uchiha Shinya watched all this silently, and his heart was full of helplessness and dissatisfaction, but between these two emotions, he was even more excited!

Surrendered, Uchiha Fugaku surrendered!

Ever since he chose to take sides and sent Shisui to the Anbu more than a month ago, he has been silently waiting for the opportunity.

He also hoped to change the current situation of the Security Department, and even tried to transform the Security Department's own detachment, and put half of the civilian ninjas into it as Xia Yan said.

But it is a pity that this plan is not realistic, because Uchiha Fugaku directly vetoed this plan without giving him any chance.

Not only Uchiha Fugaku, but other elders who were in different positions from him, rebounded even more violently after learning about this incident.

In fact, this matter should not only be known to them, but they can know it, which makes Uchiha really realize that Uchiha Fugaku may have done something in it.

He was really becoming more and more disappointed with this patriarch, and the seed in his heart seemed to sprout crazily at that moment.

But now, he seemed to finally see an opportunity. He saw Uchiha Fugaku retreating, he saw Uchiha Fugaku making a mistake, and he knew that his opportunity had come!

Danzo Shimura is indeed a feared person, but how many people has Danzo brought here now?

Just a few root members and himself.

And what are they going to do?

That is to aid the Hokage and protect Konoha. They are going to fight against the Kyuubi!

This is an extremely simple calculation problem, and Uchiha really knows what choice he should make.

He also knew why Uchiha Fugaku was in such a dilemma, and why he finally chose to surrender.

The reason is that he is worried that this matter involves too much, and he is unwilling to have too many conflicts with Konoha, let alone offend Konoha's current high-level officials.

But Uchiha Zhen also saw his cowardice, his indecision and his lack of decision-making ability at critical moments.

Uchiha really didn't believe it. Only a few people in Danzo really dared to conflict with Uchiha at this time. Even when Uchiha was going to rescue, he stopped the entire Uchiha!

"Danzo-sama." Thinking of this, Uchiha suddenly took a step forward and asked with anger in his eyes: "You came to stop us. Is it the Hokage's order or your own decision?"


Danzo was originally very happy to see Uchiha Fugaku surrendering, but now that such a person suddenly appeared, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

He frowned and asked, "What do you mean, Uchiha Makoto?"

"The meaning is very simple."

Uchiha said loudly, and his voice was heard by all the Uchiha people present.

"If it's the Hokage-sama's order, take out the document transfer order.

If not, why are you stopping us, or do you plan to watch the Nine-Tails plundering Konoha? "

"Hmph!" Danzo's face became even colder: "Doesn't the Sharingan in Kyuubi's eyes mean that this matter has something to do with you, and monitoring you is the best protection for Konoha!"

"It seems that this is your own decision, Danzo-sama."

Uchiha Zhen immediately understood what Danzo meant by evasive words, and his tone became a little playful.

"Lord Danzo, you are so arrogant. In what capacity are you ordering us? Do you think you are the Hokage?"

Danzo's expression changed completely when he heard these words. He slammed his crutch on the ground, and the chakra in his body rushed out crazily at this moment.

He looked as if he wanted to launch an attack, and his actions immediately caused the collective reaction of the root ninjas who came with him.

For a moment, the entire scene became extremely tense, and Uchiha Fugaku seemed a little unresponsive. He stared blankly at everything in front of him.

"Do you want to resist my order, Uchiha Makoto?" Danzo asked almost through gritted teeth. He seemed to have reached the limit of his patience.

"I disobeyed your orders. I'm sorry, but you are not Hokage. You can't order us or the security department!"

Uchiha replied calmly but firmly, and then he raised his fist without hesitation. This time his voice became louder again.

"All members of the Uchiha, are you willing to accept such an unprovoked order without any official orders from the Hokage?"

"I don't want to!" At this moment, the Uchiha members who had accumulated anger shouted directly.

When Uchiha Makoto fought back strongly against Danzo, they had already set their sights on Uchiha Makoto. They really didn't expect that this 'good old man' in the family would have such a tough side.

And this side also directly released the grievances, dissatisfaction and anger in his heart, especially when Uchiha asked so loudly, they could no longer suppress their emotions!

"Then are you willing to watch this monster in front of you destroy our home wantonly, but do nothing for various reasons?"

"I don't want to!"

"Are you willing to sit here and wait for death, accept unfounded accusations and be monitored?"

"I don't want to!"

The Uchiha members responded louder and louder, and their attitudes became stronger and more determined with each response.

After Uchiha Zhen asked these questions, his eyes looked at Danzo again: "You heard me, Danzo-sama."

"You guys, damn it!" Danzo gritted his teeth. He seemed to be getting ready to attack.

However, he didn't dare to move now. He really didn't dare to take action. He really didn't bring many people with him this time, or he couldn't command many people at all now.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's order allowed him to maintain the position of the highest leader of the Roots at will, but now he is also strictly restricted, that is, without orders from the Hokage, he cannot easily mobilize the Roots' actions!

This was the case except when the foundation was first established and when he first took over. After that, for nearly twenty years, he never felt so aggrieved again.

"Lord Danzo, you don't want to take action against us, do you?" Uchiha really glanced at Danzo, and then he asked with some fun: "When the village was in the most danger, you brazenly attacked the people who were preparing to rescue the village. I wonder what Danzo-sama’s intentions are when the ninja takes action?”

After saying this, Uchiha Jin never looked at Danzo again. He stepped forward in front of everyone, and then walked in the direction of Kyuubi without hesitation.

The other Uchiha ninjas were hesitant at first when Uchiha really set off, because Uchiha Fugaku was still standing there without making any movement.

But as the Guard Department's Uchiha detachment was dispatched collectively and also headed towards Kyuubi, no one hesitated anymore, and they walked forward silently together.

Only Shimura Danzo, whose face was full of anger, and Uchiha Fugaku, who looked a little lost and complicated, were left...


After Xia Yan dealt with the owl, he quickly moved forward alone. He had been standing there waiting for safety.

It wasn't until his senses confirmed that the owl was completely crushed into a meat pie by Nine-Tails' kick that he stayed away from that place and observed it for a moment again.

The ANBU people are not that easy to deal with. Each of them is very good at a certain aspect of art. When Xia Yan doesn't know the owl, it's better to make sure whether he is dead, because he doesn't want to encounter unknown troubles.

Now that he has completely confirmed that it is impossible to stay where he is, he still has a very important thing to do, which is to notify the ANBU to deal with the Kyuubi, and at the same time solve his biggest obstacle and trouble in the ANBU!

Although he himself felt that it was not very kind to use such an opportunity to deal with some people, Xia Yan himself was not a kind person because the opportunity must not be missed before it comes again.

Even though doing this was somewhat similar to Danzo, he knew that his approach was fundamentally different from Danzo's.

"Danzo must have stopped Uchiha. What he did was purely based on personal subjective factors, and then he kept Uchiha involved without giving them any chance.

Once this matter is confirmed, he may get a good harvest, and if this matter is not confirmed, he may not have any problems. After all, he is the leader of the root.

But Danzo's selfishness is completely different from mine. He has no intention of participating in the Kyuubi incident, but I really want to stop the Kyuubi. "

Danzo was really not involved in the Kyuubi incident, or he had been blocking the Uchiha clan and dragging the family into the water, using this excuse to preserve the power of his roots and not fight the Kyuubi.

And Natsuhiko really wants to fight the Kyuubi. This guy Danzo is fundamentally different from him in this aspect alone!

It didn't take long for Xia Yan to arrive at the Anbu headquarters. At this time, all the ninjas in the entire Anbu who were on vacation and had no missions had gathered.

It also included the interrogation department and the large number of reserve teams. Besides him, the other two captains and their subordinates were also in place. They were already gearing up and waiting for the final order to be issued.

But Murashima Takumi stood there motionless. Although the ANBU below could not see their expressions, Natsuhiko could feel that these people were very unhappy at this time.

After Xia Yan came in, he glanced at the current situation. The face under his mask couldn't help but reveal a smile. It seemed that the ANBU minister was indeed waiting for orders.

For him, this kind of waiting is normal. After all, that's the kind of person he is. He will never act without any orders.

But for other Anbu, his decision seemed so unacceptable, because it was to protect their own home!

"Everyone obeys the order!" Xia Yan quickly ran to the front row, and then said loudly: "The Third Hokage has ordered that all ANBU take action immediately and prepare to go!"

"Wait a minute." Just as Natsuhiko gave the order, Murashima Takumi immediately frowned and shouted: "Nightingale, what are you doing? Do you have an order from Hokage-sama?"

"Mr. Buchou, the Sandaime Hokage gave us the order." Natsuhiko immediately turned around and said slowly: "He gave it to the owl, but when we came over, the owl was attacked and killed by the Nine-Tails, and his body was stepped on... I’m afraid, I won’t be able to get the transfer order.”

Natsuhiko's words immediately made Murashima Takumi frown. There was a transfer order, but because the owl died, the transfer order was lost and could not be recovered?

This reason is barely reasonable, but why they attracted the attention of Nine Tails, and why the owl with the transfer order died, all this is a question.

If there are problems, then Murashima Takumi must not move. He must solve these problems.

"Can't act." Thinking of this, Murashima Takumi said directly: "No one can act without the Hokage-sama's order."

"Mr. Buchou." Natsu Yan's gentle tone, everyone could hear that he had become colder at this moment: "Kyuubi is plundering the village, and the Hokage is fighting desperately outside. As the ANBU minister, it seems not good for you not to act. Isn’t it?”

"You have mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique. You go and get a transfer order." Murashima Takumi's expression did not waver at all. He looked at Xia Yan indifferently and said coldly: "Otherwise, the ANBU cannot move."

Murajima Takumi's words made almost all the ANBU members feel extremely unbelievable. Captain Nightingale had already said his words to this point, but he still insisted that he couldn't move without an order?

Even if he was right, Captain Nightingale mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique, but could he find the Hokage in a short time?

As ANBU ninjas, they naturally knew some of the use of the Flying Thunder God technique. They didn't think that Natsuhiko would leave a kunai by Naruto's side.

"Is this true? No matter what the chaos is outside, the Minister will not move?"

"An order is an order. No one can disobey my order unless I die!"

"I understand, then..."

"as you wish!"


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