When the words 'as you wish' blurted out, Xia Yan was already ready for everything!

His figure disappeared quietly like a ghost, and then appeared directly behind Murashima Takumi, and his ninja sword had blue chakra appearing at some point.

"Water Escape·Water Blade Slash!"

The water escape that had been compressed to the extreme, with unimaginable sharpness, combined with the ninja sword, slashed towards Murashima Takumi. At this moment, Murashima Takumi also showed unimaginable mobility.

After all, he is the head of ANBU, and his reaction speed is simply unimaginable. In other words, he doesn't trust anyone at all, and he maintains a very high level of caution no matter who he is.

Therefore, the moment Xia Yan took action, his body had already moved, and almost in the blink of an eye, he had used the substitute technique to quickly leave the place.

He almost didn't need to look back to know that the clothes on his back had definitely been torn open by the ninja sword, and there were definitely wounds on his back. I have to say that the flying thunder god's surprise attack was really unbelievable!

But he also had doubts. He didn't see any movement by Xia Yan at all. How did he perform the Flying Thunder God's technique?

But he also knew that now was not the time for him to be confused, because he could feel that this Nightingale really wanted to kill him!

Not only did he feel incredible, but all the ANBU present were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. They had no idea that Xia Yan would actually take action.

You must know that the person Xia Yan attacked was the minister of ANBU. Such an approach would completely put him into an extremely unfavorable situation.

But he didn't hesitate at all, and still chose to take action instead of continuing to try to persuade the minister.

However, this approach made the ANBU feel particularly comfortable, because the situation was so urgent now, and they, the ANBU, must rescue Konoha.

Even though they knew that this operation might be very dangerous, they didn't care so much.

They were already aware when they entered the ANBU, not to mention that the other ninjas in the village had already moved out, and they were still hiding here. What does this sound like?

It's just that they really don't dare to challenge this guy's authority. After all, he is the ANBU minister, and they really don't dare to go against their minister's wishes. But at this time, Nightingale didn't seem to care about this kind of thing at all. They were really ruthless and they really dared to take action.

It can only be said that he is truly worthy of the Konoha Nightingale who stirred up such a storm in the Kingdom of Wind. His decisiveness and execution ability are really beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

After Xia Yan missed a hit, he couldn't help but frown slightly, but he didn't care too much that this shot didn't result in a kill.

Murashima Takumi is dead. This is something Natsuhiko must decide. There is nothing he can do to stop him!

The figure flickered once, almost at the same time after the Flying Thunder God was cast, he used the Flying Thunder God again.

In the eyes of others, there was almost no time interval. He had come to Murajima Takumi's side again.

His sage mode has been turned on, and his perception is locked on this guy crazily. His ninja sword once again emits blue chakra. This time, he will never let this guy escape easily!

"It's now!"

After determining that Takumi Murashima did not use any ninjutsu, Natsuhiko used the sword again.

His ninja sword slashed down diagonally from above. Murashima Takumi, who was in mid-air, had no room to use it. He could only watch helplessly as the sword slashed across his neck!

After landing and sheathing the knife, Natsuhiko's movements were as smooth as mercury pouring down the ground, while Murashima Takumi fell directly to the ground, leaving scarlet blood all over the ground.

Quiet, the entire ANBU headquarters was so quiet right now that even a pin dropped could be heard clearly.

No one dared to speak, even the other two captains were completely dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them.

Natsuhiko killed Takumi Murashima cleanly, which really exceeded their imagination, even if they had already had a premonition after seeing the move before.

But when they actually saw Murashima Takumi's body, it was really difficult for them to calm down.

This ANBU minister who had been in Konoha ANBU for more than ten years died like this?

The most important thing is that he actually died under the knife of his own people?

They silently raised their heads and looked at Xia Yan, looking at the young man with a mask that showed no expression at all. At this moment, they felt a little chilly in their hearts.

This young man was too decisive and cruel in his actions. This was really very different from the Nightingale they usually knew.

"Everyone, I will take full responsibility for everything that happened tonight."

Xia Yan looked at the stunned ANBU in front of him. His voice was no longer as gentle as before, and he spoke calmly.

"But now, we don't have time to linger here. The Nine-Tails is plundering outside, and the home and villagers we are sworn to protect are being destroyed and killed.

I don't have time to go to the Sandaime-sama to ask for orders, I don't have time to confirm these things with the Buchou-sama, and I don't have time to wait for him to issue orders.

I cannot be disturbed, and none of us can be disturbed. Now everyone listens to my orders. Is there any problem? "

Natsuhiko's voice echoed in the ears of all ANBU present, and they seemed to have not yet fully reacted.

After all, such a terrible thing happened right in front of their eyes, and it seemed difficult for them to face it calmly.

But when they reacted, they already knew what to do!

Yes, the situation is so critical now. It’s really not time to waste time anymore. They have more important things to deal with!

"Captain Nightingale, please give the order." Trout looked around, took a deep breath, stood up and shouted loudly.

"Captain Nightingale, please give the order!" As Trout's voice echoed, all the ANBU no longer hesitated at this moment, and they shouted equally loudly.

Even the other two captains are the same. In fact, for them, they have no need to listen to Xia Yan.

After all, Murashima Takumi is dead, and without the ANBU minister as a check, they can independently control their own team.

But they are not willing to do this now. In their eyes, since Xia Yan has decided to take responsibility, then at best they can cooperate well.

After all, they really admired Xia Yan for what he had done, but they wouldn't have dared to do it otherwise.

In addition, they also know who will be in charge of this operation. If something goes wrong, they will be in big trouble.

They are not willing to take on such trouble, and they prefer to perform well, even if they know that there are many dangers.

But once they survive, they will have the opportunity to compete for the position of ANBU minister.

"Very well, if that's the case."

Xia Yan looked at all the ANBU present and couldn't help but nodded, and then he immediately spoke.

"All reserve troops, your training is not yet qualified. I'm sorry that I can't let you face the Kyuubi.

You are responsible for escorting all civilians into the shelter, rescuing all injured ninjas, and part of your team to guard the prisoners in the prison.

Now that the Nine Tails are plundering, it would be unimaginable to have problems in the prison.

The instructor who trained you is responsible for the assignment, and you only have five minutes to complete it all.

As for all the battle sequences….”

"Start with me!"


After Namikaze Minato placed Kushina in place, and after sensing that the Sandaime and the others had brought Naruto over, he left the room directly.

He did not rush to the battlefield immediately, even though he was anxious, but as a ninja he did not forget what he wanted to do.

Kyuubi is too strong, even if Namikaze Minato can barely deal with him, he still has to do some necessary things.

For example, he had to determine the scope and area of ​​the damage that Kyuubi would cause to the village. In addition, he had to deal with the person who controlled Kyuubi.

Only by combining these three points can he act. He wants to get rid of the person who controls the Nine-Tails, ensure that the village is worry-free while subduing the Nine-Tails, and seal the Nine-Tails back into Kushina's body to ensure that Kushina is fine. .

Therefore, the best observation point is naturally the Hokage Rock, which stands high among the clouds and overlooks the entire Konoha!

Especially on his own statue, where his mark is left.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato directly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

In just an instant, he appeared on the hair of his statue.

The white Hokage God's robe was raised slightly, and with one glance he could see all the chaos in Konoha at this time.

Looking at the chaotic Konoha and the Konoha ninjas who were coming one after another, his heart was filled with grief.

But he knew he had to endure it, and soon the Third Hokage appeared. Apparently they had sent his child back, which made Namikaze Minato breath a little relieved.

However, the fighting power of the Nine-Tails is too powerful, and ordinary ninjas seem to be unable to have any effect on the Nine-Tails.

What worried him was that it seemed that no matter whether it was the Uchiha security department, the Anbu or the Roots, there was no limit to their dispatch.

"What exactly happened here?"

Namikaze Minato had a slight headache. Why hadn't these people taken action when it was so dangerous?

Seeing the sudden roar in the sky, and then the terrifying chakra began to gather, Namikaze Minato gritted his teeth and decided what to do. He could no longer let Kyuubi run wild.

But at the next moment, a powerful water release shot towards Kyuubi fiercely, and Kyuubi stopped angrily and looked into the distance, and then moved towards the distance.

This made Minato Namikaze a little confused, and at this moment, the Uchiha ninjas from the security department began to appear on the battlefield.

This scene made Namikaze Minato sigh in relief. Even if it was a little late, at least Uchiha, who had the Sharingan, might be able to restrain the Kyuubi.

But it's a pity that although the addition of Uchiha did put a lot of pressure on Kyuubi, Kyuubi didn't seem to retreat because of this. Instead, he acted even more violently.

"However, the illusion used by Uchiha's Sharingan does seem to have some effect on Kyuubi. The Sharingan in Kyuubi's eyes seems to be a little unstable. If the pressure continues..."

Namikaze Minato forced himself to calm down, and he began to focus more on finding the Uchiha who controlled the Kyuubi.

Only by finding him can the Nine-Tails be freed from control and sealed, and only by defeating him can the Nine-Tails be sealed with peace of mind without having to worry about being attacked at any time.

Of course Namikaze Minato knew that he was racing against time, because if he were a little slower, Kushina might be closer to death.

But now he has no choice. He must be patient, otherwise not only will he not be able to save Kushina, but the entire village will become even more troublesome.

Fortunately, the ANBU members were quickly dispatched. Namikaze Minato could see clearly that these ANBU members began to rescue the injured in batches and began to evacuate all civilians.

At the same time, many Anbu ninjas began to gather in the direction of the Kyuubi, which made Namikaze Minato feel a little relieved.

However, at this moment, Kyuubi seemed to become more and more impatient with his appearance. He suddenly raised his head and roared to the sky, and then looked towards the Hokage Rock with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Has it been discovered?" Namikaze Minato frowned: "Or is it controlled?"

But he didn't have time to think too much. Nine-tails' terrifying chakra began to condense, and a black chakra ball suddenly appeared on his mouth. As the chakra became larger and larger, a suppressed and terrifying aura came from it. Distribute.

Many ninjas below felt suffocated, while Hiruzen Sarutobi's pupils narrowed. He had already figured out what this was!

"Damn it, this is the Tailed Beast Jade, the Nine-Tails' target is Hokage Rock!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly turned his head to look in the direction of Hokage Rock. Just as he turned his head, Nine Tails roared and spit out the Tailed Beast Cannon in his mouth. With a bang, the heaven and earth shook.

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt desolate in his heart. If the Hokage Rock is destroyed, then you can imagine how terrifying this blow to Konoha will be!

But no matter how much he thought, he couldn't stop the tailed beast jade from roaring towards the Hokage Rock.

Everything that existed between the Hokage Rock and the Tailed Beast Jade was shattered almost simultaneously at this moment, deep trenches appeared on the ground, and the terrain was changed by this blow.

In front of the tailed beast jade, Namikaze Minato was undoubtedly under the greatest pressure. He seemed to feel that the entire space was heavier. It was completely believed that if he was hit by this attack, nothing, including the Hokage Rock, would be affected. Will stay.

"It must be stopped!"

Having made up his mind, his eyes became extremely solemn, his hands immediately formed seals, and the special kunai was placed in front of him and held up.

The tadpole-like spell seals began to appear, and then they were quickly divided into pieces to form a simple yet mysterious pattern.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and the dark tailed beast was in front of him in an instant, but at this moment a stunning scene also appeared.

The space seemed to be opened up, and the terrifying tailed beast jade instantly fell into the inexplicable deep space. It was absorbed bit by bit without any aftermath.


Very far away, in the forest outside Konoha, a dazzling light suddenly burst out, and with a loud bang, the earth began to shake crazily,

Namikaze Minato glanced there, and he felt like he was covered in cold sweat. If the tailed beast jade really hit the Hokage Rock, half of the village would be affected!

However, at this moment, a hand appeared silently from behind him and grasped his neck.

Although Namikaze Minato was not paying attention here, his perception and reaction speed saved his life. He noticed something was wrong almost immediately, and subconsciously the kunai in his hand had been swept out.

However, what made him frown was that his kunai penetrated directly into the opponent's body, as if the person in front of him was a phantom.

"Space Ninjutsu, is the space Ninjutsu that Xia Yan said actually like this? Is it hiding oneself in space?"

But the next moment, he made a new discovery, because when his kunai stabbed the opponent's arm, the virtual feeling suddenly disappeared, and his right arm was firmly held by the opponent.

"Can you come out of the space at any time and launch an attack?"

Namikaze Minato was thinking silently, while the masked guy in front of him rotated his Sharingan, and an inverted space vortex appeared, trying to suck the opponent into his unique divine power space.

"Your opponent is me, it's all over, golden flash!"


Minato groaned, feeling the strong and irresistible gravity. He seemed to have a better understanding of the ability of the guy in front of him.

There are too many properties of space ninjutsu. If you do it at will before you can determine which type it is, it will harm everyone!

But when he felt his body being stretched, as if he was about to be thrown into another space, he basically concluded that this guy wanted to bring him into the space where this guy was hiding.

Naturally, he won't let the guy in front of him get his way. Who knows if he can get out once he gets in? Moreover, his goal has been achieved, because what he wants is for this guy to appear!

"Lead him away and separate the connection between him and the Kyuubi. Then after killing him, he will definitely interfere with my sealing the Kyuubi.

Although the situation in Konoha is a bit troublesome now, with the Sandaime Hokage and Natsuhiko and the others, there should be no problem. "

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato took a deep breath and then quickly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and his entire body disappeared in an instant.

When Obito saw this scene, he couldn't help but frown. Looking at the disappearing figure in front of him, he shook his head: "Escaped again. Was your move very neat? It seems that I will have to absorb you faster next time."

As he spoke, he glanced at Kyuubi in the distance. At this time, Kyuubi was being besieged by many ninjas led by the Third Hokage.

Moreover, the ANBU and Uchiha people had also been dispatched, but most of the attacks could not cause damage to the Kyuubi at all. On the contrary, the aftermath of the battle between the two sides caused great damage to Konoha.

Seeing this, he nodded with satisfaction. The Kyuubi was indeed the strongest tailed beast. With him in Konoha, he would definitely be unlucky today!

"It seems that Kyuubi will be fine for the time being. Let's deal with Namikaze Minato first, and then deal with Konoha."

As he spoke, ripples appeared in the space around Obito, and his figure gradually distorted and then disappeared.


In the Uzumaki clan's old site in Konoha, a strange fluctuation suddenly occurred in the space, and the next moment Natsuhiko appeared here with Tsutani Hiroshi.

He casually threw Jin Gukuan on the ground, and then Xia Yan took out a package and threw it in front of him. Then he looked at the guy in front of him calmly.

"Here are Konoha's passes, clean clothes and disguise props, as well as military food pills and other things you need for this operation."

Xia Yan said in an indifferent tone. At this time, he was too lazy to pretend.

"Take the Bing Liang Pills to restore chakra, and then be ready at any time."

"It seems that Captain Nightingale is ready for everything."

Jin Gukuan raised his head and looked at Xia Yan, a crazy smile appeared on his face.

"Kyuubi, Kyuubi actually ran out, and you chose this time to let me help you break a sealing technique. It's interesting, it's so interesting!"

Jingu Kuan smiled like crazy, but he felt a little chilly inside because he felt like he had discovered some huge secret.

The ANBU captain in front of him had been preparing him for a while and told him that he needed to break a sealing technique. This didn't seem to be a big problem.

But that guy chose this time and brought himself to such a remote place, so the problem was really big.

How Kyuubi escaped, he didn't know.

But this did not prevent him from thinking, did this damn ANBU captain deliberately release the Kyuubi and rely on the Kyuubi as a cover to break a certain sealing technique?

If that's the case, then the secrets involved are really scary.

Especially he knew that the sealing technique he said he was practicing didn't look simple at all.

The sealing technique that uses one's own life as a condition to break it is not a simple thing no matter how you look at it!

"It's really interesting, isn't it?" Xia Yan's shadow clone looked at him indifferently, and then he shook his head gently: "I don't know what you are thinking, and I don't care what you are thinking, but I have to tell you the best Do as I say, or I will have to resort to other means."

"Captain Nightingale, it doesn't seem right to threaten me at this time." Jingu Kuan restrained his smile and looked at Xia Yan with a somewhat fierce look: "To be honest, I am not afraid of death, because I am under the protection of Lord Evil God He won’t die at all, and Captain Nightingale is just a shadow clone now, right?”

"Of course, my body has more important things to do, such as dealing with this fox that escaped from the cage."

Xia Yan nodded calmly, and then he smiled meaningfully.

"I am indeed a shadow clone now, but you should also know that I use the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Do you think a guy like you would not have my mark on you? "

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and his figure suddenly flashed quickly. The next moment, he was behind Jin Gukuan.

A kunai appeared in his hand, and the sharp kunai was pressed against Tsugu Kuan's neck.

"Did you see it?" Xia Yan said softly: "You have my mark on your body, which means I can catch you wherever you go. As for the problem that you will not die, I can handle it easily, because you As long as you ruin my plan, I will make your life worse than death!"

"Don't underestimate my determination, and don't doubt what a person can do when he loses his bottom line.

In some sense, it's a good thing for me that you don't die, because I can use you to do various human experiments, even medical experiments and poison experiments.

In the long and endless years, you will be my best and only experiment. I will torture you until you are crazy. Believe me, do you understand? "


"Is that the Yondaime Hokage's time and space barrier?"

Akimichi Tingza in the distance asked with a little doubt. Because it was night, the situation in Hokage Rock could not be seen at a glance.

However, there are only two people in Konoha who can use the Flying Thunder God. One is Nightingale from ANBU, and the other is Konoha's fourth generation Hokage.

Nightingale has now entered the battlefield, but his position is not far away. It seems that he did not use the Flying Thunder God to run that far away. So obviously the one who takes action this time should be Namikaze Minato.

"It should be the Yondaime." Sarutobi Hiruzen also smiled, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Hokage Iwa was fine, and then he shouted loudly: "Everyone comes closer to me, and work with me to drive the Nine-Tails out of the village. "

"Yes, Hokage-sama!" Because Namikaze Minato's move of the Tailed Beast Cannon just now was too shocking, everyone responded loudly under the shout of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At this time, the morale of the Konoha ninjas was high, and everyone had a determination not to fear death. After all, this was their home, and behind them were their families.

They are absolutely unwilling and will not allow their family members to die in such a catastrophe without any reason.

Sarutobi Hiruzen watched the mighty Konoha ninjas frantically attacking the Kyuubi. He couldn't help but nodded silently, but soon he frowned again.

Uchiha was dispatched, but he did not see Uchiha Fugaku. Those Uchiha ninjas came here under the leadership of Uchiha Zhen.

He didn't quite know what was going on here, and he actually didn't care. What he was more concerned about was the ANBU dispatch, and he did not see Owl or Murashima Takumi.

These two people seemed to be missing, with no trace of them either on the battlefield or here.

Apart from that, there was no movement on the root side, and he didn't know what Danzo was doing.

But he didn't have time to think too much, because at this time Kyuubi roared again and launched an attack.

Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and prepared to channel his old comrade-in-arms, the monkey demon. Ninjutsu could not produce any substantial attack on Kyuubi, so he could only use some more radical methods, which was to use taijutsu to deal with Kyuubi.

But the next moment, a majestic chakra suddenly surged out, and the next moment the earth trembled violently again.

"what happened?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped what he was doing, and suddenly he saw a thick smoke appearing not far from Kyuubi.

In the thick smoke, he could see a huge figure looming. For a moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and when the smoke dissipated, he was completely sure of his guess!

Because he saw a figure standing on top of this huge thing, and this huge guy was a lizard!

"Xia Yan..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured in a low voice, but he made no other moves now.

He knew very well that whatever he did now would only appear to be in the way, so he might as well watch first and then make a decision.

Natsuhiko stood quietly on Lizard Maru's head, looking at the roaring Kyuubi in the distance with a smile on his lips.

He had been preparing for the Kyuubi Incident for so long, and now it was time to get active.

War is a continuation of politics, and sometimes certain things can be understood this way.

The Nine-Tails Incident is an event that someone knows everything about. Others may not know the twists and turns, but Xia Yan knows it all too well.

So what he has to do this time is to show himself and show his strongest side to everyone!

He had endured and waited for so many years, and now this opportunity finally came.

"Lizard Maru, this time we are going to fight seriously." Xia Yan said softly to Lizard Maru below him: "Are you ready?"

"Kyuubi, he is really a terrible enemy." Lizardmaru's voice was still so low. He looked at Kyuubi and then asked in a low voice: "Can we defeat him?"

"It's hard to say, and I don't know." Xia Yan shook his head slightly: "However, we can try to drive him out of Konoha Village."

Fighting in Konoha really affects Natsuhiko's performance. If he is not careful, it is difficult to say that the entire village will be affected, let alone the civilians and slightly weaker ninjas.

Therefore, only by driving Kyuubi out of Konoha can Natsuhiko attack without restraint.


There was another loud roar. Perhaps Kyuubi found an opponent with a similar size to him, and he couldn't help but let out a roar.

Then Kyuubi ran wildly towards Xia Yan, and all this made Xia Yan stunned for a moment.

"It seems that it is easier than expected." Xia Yan thought silently in his heart, and then he said directly: "Lizard Pill, let's go!"

"Yes." Lizard Maru responded in a low voice, and then he crouched down slightly and suddenly exerted force on his limbs, leaping towards Kyuubi.

Natsuhiko stood on Lizard Maru's head. He took a deep breath and instantly entered the sage mode.

In mid-air, Xia Yan's short hair was constantly fluttering in the strong wind, and his aura was constantly improving.

The next moment, his hands quickly began to form seals, and the surging chakra combined with the breath of immortal magic rippled again.

In an instant, he had completed the seal, and then he released his technique without using it at all.

"Immortal Technique·Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet!"

"Roar!" Kyuubi roared violently again, and the huge sound vibrated around like sound waves.

A huge open area was formed with it as the center, as if it had been run over by a steamroller.

Violent flames seemed to appear on his body, but such violent actions did not affect the water dragon impact containing magic at all.

When Natsuhiko's water dragon hit Kyuubi hard, Kyuubi let out a violent wail at this moment.

But before he could stop wailing, Lizard Maru bumped into him, and then his tail whipped towards Kyuubi...


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