The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 184 Descendants of Thousand Hands!

In addition to being a necessary equipment for the lizard to store energy and escape, the lizard's tail is also one of the important weapons for a lizard to attack its enemy.

In nature, a lizard's tail is also a symbol of its strength and status. With such a strong body as Lizard Maru, the power of its tail is unimaginable!

Huge was as if Nine-Tails had been hit by Lizard Maru, and his body inevitably retreated violently backwards.

Moreover, there were scars on the area where he was hit. This situation made the anger in his heart become more intense.

Even though he has no self-awareness now, his emotions still retain the instinct of a beast.

No matter which kind of beast is attacked, it will go crazy with anger. He raised his head fiercely. The dark chakra condensed again at this moment, and the aura that destroyed everything bloomed again.

"Is it Tailed Beast Jade again?"

Natsuhiko was naturally aware of this situation, but because Lizard Maru had just landed and was unable to initiate a second round of bouncing, he had no way to rush directly in front of Kyuubi to stop this guy from releasing the tailed beast jade.

Therefore, Natsuhiko directly chose to form the seal again. At the same time, without him needing to say anything, all the chakra in Lizard Maru's body began to brew crazily.

"Immortal Technique, Earth Escape, Earth Current Wall!"

"Earth Escape: Ten Thousand Miles Earth Current Wall!"

Natsuhiko and Lizardmaru performed ninjutsu almost at the same time. Natsuhiko's earth flow wall, which contained Senjutsu chakra, suddenly appeared with five huge lizard heads.

This huge earth wall instantly blocked Kyuubi's hurried Tailed Beast Jade, and in addition to Natsuhiko's earth flow wall, there was also a larger-scale ninjutsu released by Lizard Maru.

Lizard Maru is a lizard. Although he has no magic, he is also good at earth escape.

As the leader of the Shouzaki Kingdom, he was stationed at Shouzaki Castle. Without such a large-scale defensive earth escape, Konoha would have bulldozed Shouzaki Castle long ago.

These two huge and thick earth walls completely blocked the Nine Tails from outside, and at the same time blocked the terrifying Tailed Beast Jade from the outside.

However, Xia Yan was still uneasy, as his chakra never stopped flowing. Fortunately, now that his chakra is liberated, he can really use his power so unscrupulously!

In just a moment, a bright light burst out, and this hot light lit up the night sky instantly.

Xia Yan felt the power that was so powerful that it was suffocating. He couldn't help but feel deeply in his heart. He was truly worthy of the Nine Tails. Even if he prepared the Tailed Beast Jade in a hurry, the power would be so terrifying.

But even though it was scary, what made Xia Yan happy was that his magic blocked this damn tailed beast jade!

Even though his earth flow wall was already devastated at this time, including the one used by Lizard Maru, it was also penetrated.

Whether it was Natsuhiko's or Lizardmaru's earth flow wall, the entire upper part had almost been completely reduced to ashes, which was obviously caused by the tailed beast cannon just now.

The earth trembled crazily. This violent explosion caused many ninjas behind Xia Yan to fall to the ground without being able to stand. One can imagine how powerful such power is.

Through the broken earth current wall, one could clearly see Kujo dancing his tail, his eyes fixed on Xia Yan's figure.

The Third Hokage and others were also looking at Natsu Yan at this time. They expected that Natsu Yan might block the Kyuubi.

After all, he traveled through the Kingdom of Wind alone, and he still had a huge psychic beast like Lizard Maru.

Combining the two, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others really felt that Natsuhiko would have a chance.

But thinking about it this way, when they really see all this, they will still be extremely emotional, such strength is really terrible.

People like the Third Hokage who knew Natsuhiko's identity were like this, while those ninjas who did not belong to the ANBU were completely dumbfounded.

Namikaze Minato had transferred a tailed beast jade before, and even though they were so far apart, they could still clearly feel the terrifying power.

And now, a little-known ANBU member not only summoned a psychic beast that was no weaker than Kyuubi in front of them.

Later, he showed off his power in magic. He cooperated with the psychic beast and actually blocked the attack of the tailed beast!

Who is this guy? Almost all the Konoha ninjas present stared blankly at all this, looking at the young man standing on the head of the giant lizard.

They could tell by his attire that this boy was a member of ANBU, but they really didn't know who he was.

But they felt from the bottom of their hearts that ANBU was indeed a place where crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and people who could fight against the Kyuubi were hidden inside!

"It's him! It's him!"

Uchiha Zhen was naturally paying attention to everything in front of him. When the huge lizard appeared, he noticed Natsuhiko standing on the lizard's head.

Although he and Xia Yan didn't get to know each other a few times, Xia Yan would have a profound impact on him every time he met.

Even though Xia Yan was wearing a mask now, he didn't think he would admit his mistake with that figure, that aura, and that unique hair color.

He had always known that Natsu Yan was a member of ANBU, and he also knew that Natsu Yan was definitely not a simple ninja.

After all, those few meetings with him, especially the first meeting, really left an infinitely deep impression on him.

There was nothing he could do. The teahouse had been completely occupied and surrounded by ANBU before he knew it, and all the teahouse guests inside had been replaced.

He could completely imagine that if he had any bad thoughts at that time, he might still be in ANBU prison at this moment, and he might never have to think about coming out in this life.

But just when he was sighing, suddenly there was a huge change in the scene. Uchiha Shinya came back to his senses immediately, but when he saw this scene, he was dumbfounded.

He looked at everything in front of him with his body trembling, and for a moment he couldn't say a word at all.

Not only him, but everyone present could not help but tremble when they saw the scene in front of them. For a while, the whole of Konoha seemed strangely silent.

The same was true for Sarutobi Hiruzen. He stared blankly at everything in front of him. It took him a long time before he said a word with a trembling voice.

"This is...Wood Release!"


Outside Konoha Village, there was the wooden house where Namikaze Minato had transferred to with Naruto in his arms.

With a bang, a figure fell.

In just the blink of an eye after the figure landed, he had already turned over and stood up, and was alert to everything around him.

After realizing that no one was following him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He is Namikaze Minato. Faced with the terrifying attraction just now, I am afraid that not many people in the entire ninja world can escape. Only ninjas who have mastered space ninjutsu can do so.

As it happens, he is one of them.

"It's basically certain what happened to this guy's space ninjutsu."

Namikaze Minato secretly analyzed mentally while guarding the surroundings.

"He should have a mysterious alien space, and his ability relies on this alien space to prevent him from being harmed.

However, this space may not be omnipotent. It will always reveal certain flaws. Unfortunately, there is no chance to get more information from Xia Yan.

But it can be assumed that he cannot attack in a different space, and I have no way to attack him.

But if he attacks, will it take him out of this different space so that I can attack him? "

Namikaze Minato's combat analysis ability is also top-notch. It is difficult to say whether Kakashi's powerful analysis ability in the future is what he taught him.

But just when he was filled with doubts, ripples suddenly appeared in the space in front of him.

Soon a whirlpool appeared in this space, and a figure in the center of the whirlpool became clear from blur to clarity at an extremely fast speed.

"Humph, you ran away pretty fast, but it depends on where you run this time." Uchiha Obito, the man in black, chuckled, but his tone was a little complicated.

It seems to be full of confidence, but there are some inexplicable things in it.

Namikaze Minato didn't speak. He just held a kunai in a fighting posture, but he was still analyzing everything quickly in his mind.

“Also, this guy knows the secret that jinchūriki will become weak during childbirth, and he even broke the seal of the Nine-Tails and even tamed it.

To put it all into context...there's only one person that I know of. "

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato seemed to have made a decision in his heart. He stared at Obito and suddenly asked: "Are you... Uchiha Madara?"

Obito didn't make a sound, but silently took off his hood to reveal it.

Namikaze Minato's guess was correct, but it was also outrageous, which made Obito feel disappointed but also a little lucky at the same time.

Yes, I am no longer an Uchiha Obito.

Now I am just a person walking in the world, doing the right thing.

He is no longer Uchiha Obito, he is now Uchiha Madara!

"No, this is impossible. Madara Uchiha was already dead during the battle at the Valley of the End."

Suddenly, Namikaze Minato seemed to deny his own judgment.

"Even if there is some forbidden technique that we don't know about that keeps him alive, even so, considering his age, he should have died long ago!

What's more, when you were dealing with ANBU, you didn't show your strength despite Nightingale's obstruction, and you were even almost killed by Nightingale. "

"Who knows, after all, this kind of thing is not impossible." Obito did not deny it, and of course he did not admit it: "And you also said that you are already so old according to your age, so it is normal that you cannot show much strength. .”

"Forget it, it doesn't matter who you are now." Namikaze Minato's face became increasingly cold: "I'm very curious as to why you are targeting Konoha, but no matter what, you won't succeed."

"If you ask me to say it, it was my whim and my plan early in the morning." Uchiha Obito raised his head in a low voice: "It is both for war and for peace."

As he spoke, the chains on Uchiha Obito's hands under his long sleeves had been fixed. Namikaze Minato's expression changed slightly when he saw this kind of chains. Of course he knew this thing.

This is exactly the same as what Kushina used to trap Kyuubi!

He is now more and more certain that the guy in front of him is probably Uchiha Madara. Even if he is not that guy, he may be that guy's disciple or something.

"Has the method to control the Kyuubi, and has the same space ninjutsu as me and the Nidaime Hokage.

At the same time, he still has such dangerous thoughts, so he must be kept!

Otherwise, things will be even more difficult than the Nine-Tails wreaking havoc. "

Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Obito's actions and kept analyzing in his heart. He had always known that he wanted to keep this guy, but now his inner thoughts were more determined.

"If I don't kill this guy, there will be endless consequences, and Kushina is still waiting for me. I must defeat him, for Konoha and Kushina!"

Namikaze Minato took a deep breath. He was completely ready for the battle. He already had the idea of ​​​​fighting. Although this idea was extremely immature, it was also very dangerous.

But Namikaze Minato doesn't have to worry about that much at this time. He also has the Flying Thunder God as his protection, so maybe this will be an opportunity!

"Enough chatting, are you ready to face your death, Yondaime Hokage." A calm death declaration came out of his mouth, and Uchiha Obito had already assumed an offensive posture.

"Then give it a try!" Namikaze Minato ignored Obito's words, he had already made up his mind.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato picked up the kunai and rushed directly towards Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Obito also reacted.

The distance between the two was not far to begin with, but at the speed of the ninja, it was even closer in an instant.

Namikaze Minato's eyes were unusually calm. The moment he approached Uchiha Obito, he stabbed out the kunai, and Uchiha Obito also stretched out his hand.

Not contrary to his expectations, Namikaze Minato had already penetrated Uchiha Obito's body the moment the two came into contact.

After they were completely separated, he clearly saw Uchiha Obito attacking him, and the chain was also tied to him!

"Is that really true... It seems that there is no problem with my guess!"

Using the Flying Thunder God Technique, Namikaze Minato had retreated completely. Looking at Uchiha Obito behind him, he seemed to have a way to deal with it mentally.

"Besides, he doesn't seem to want to start a tug-of-war with me. Does he have the idea of ​​completely destroying Konoha? It just so happens that I don't want to either."

Namikaze Minato seemed to be becoming more and more aware of this guy's weaknesses, and his eyes seemed a little silent at this time.

"It seems that whoever attacks faster will decide everything."

Speaking of kunai, Namikaze Minato already had this in his mind. He rushed towards Uchiha Obito again, and Uchiha Obito also rushed towards him.

Namikaze Minato's eyes were already a little cold, and he threw out the kunai in his hand the moment he rushed out, while Uchiha Obito simply ignored and dropped the kunai, he just wanted to catch Namikaze Minato.

The kunai quickly pierced Obito's forehead, but the kunai did not cause any harm to Obito, as if it pierced the air.

"I got you!" Uchiha Obito shouted in a low voice, his hand already touching the edge of the opponent's sleeve.

All this happened in a thousandth of an instant, but the moment Obito said these words, he suddenly discovered to his surprise that the figure in front of him suddenly disappeared!

Just for a moment, there was a heartbreaking pain in his back, as if he had been hit by a high-speed rotating heavy object!


His whole body was hit to the ground, and the powerful impact caused rubble to scatter everywhere. Only the white Rasengan shone brightly in the smoke and dust!

"Did you move to the kunai you just had? It was a mistake!"

In this case, no matter how stupid Uchiha Obito is, he knows that he has been taught a lesson by his teacher!

Even if he believed in his heart that he was just careless, he had to admit that Namikaze Minato was really powerful.

Such reaction speed, such attack speed, and such analysis speed are truly worthy of the Golden Flash Namikaze Minato!

Uchiha Obito quickly disappeared from the battlefield, and then saw a black shadow leaping up quickly and then jumping to a high place.

He covered his arm, and a white viscous liquid began to drip, and his palm fell off, as soft as rubber.

But before he even had time to breathe, Bo Feng Shui suddenly appeared in front of him again.

Uchiha Obito only heard the sound of the flesh being cut apart by the kunai entering his body, and he didn't even feel the pain.

But he clearly realized that Namikaze Minato had taken action again!

"The Flying Thunder God's Technique? Did it leave a mark on my body? Was it just now?"

Obito's thoughts turned and he immediately understood what happened. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Especially when he saw the sudden appearance of the sealing technique pattern on his body, as well as the gradual separation of the connection with the Nine-Tails, his face under the mask became extremely ugly.

"Contract seal?"

There was astonishment in Obito's tone, and frustration surged in his heart at the same time, as if every step he took was being plotted by the other party, and he had no power to fight back.

"Are you planning to separate Kyuubi and me?"

"This way Kyuubi is no longer your property, rest in peace!"

Namikaze Minato's voice was so cold, which was completely different from his usual appearance. I'm afraid everyone who has seen him like this is his enemy, and these people may have already been reported to the underworld.

Uchiha Obito was a little stunned. This was the first time he saw his teacher like this. This made him feel a little confused. At the same time, he seemed to feel that something was drifting away.

However, Uchiha Obito's ability is still insignificant. With just one breath, he has become virtual and escaped from Namikaze Minato's control.

"As expected of the Fourth Hokage."

Standing on a big tree, Uchiha Obito whispered regardless of his broken arm.

"It was my mistake to underestimate you, but how long can you protect this dilapidated village?

You have indeed separated the Nine-Tails now, but the Nine-Tails will be in my possession sooner or later, and even without my control now, the Nine-Tails will still continue to destroy.

Even if you manage to survive this time, you won't be so lucky next time. "

As he spoke, the space around Uchiha Obito began to become weird, and the next moment he was completely involved in the space.

"I am the one who can unify the world. In terms of means, I have plenty. I will definitely get what belongs to me next time!"

Obito's figure has disappeared from the spot, but the cruel words he said that villains usually say continue to echo in this space.


Namikaze Minato looked at the scene in front of him and finally shook his head helplessly.

It's just that he didn't feel at all relaxed. The Nine-Tails problem was half solved, but he didn't kill this guy when he ran away, which also left troubles in the future.

Moreover, the Kyuubi is only separated from control, he still needs to be sealed. Namikaze Minato is really not relaxed at all now.


In Konoha Village, Natsuhiko stared at the Kyuubi in front of him, looking at the violent eyes and feeling the violent chakra, he couldn't help but sigh that the Kyuubi was truly the strongest tailed beast.

I just sprayed a tailed beast jade, and other tailed beasts would probably have to wait a little longer, but this guy didn't seem to be doing anything like that at all.

Sometimes Xia Yan wonders, when the Six Paths Sage separated the Ten-Tails, did he strip off a piece of chakra and give it to the Nine-Tails every time he stripped off a tailed beast?

Look at that one-tailed guy. In Natsuhiko's memory, he seems to be unable to even spit out the tailed beast jade.

As for the other tailed beasts, although he didn't say it explicitly, he could feel that these tailed beasts still maintained a little respect and fear for the Nine Tails.

I'm afraid that this kind of awe and fear is entirely because the strength of Kyuubi has completely put a very long distance away from them, right?

"No wonder Senju Hashirama was willing to give away the other tailed beasts back then. In addition to Konoha exchanging tailed beasts for money... in exchange for peace, I'm afraid it was probably because the tailed beasts in other independent villages couldn't defeat Jiu. Tails?"

Of course, tailed beasts are only one reason. Another reason is that Konoha has Senju Hashirama. They really don’t need too many tailed beasts to increase their influence!

However, Konoha may not think so now, and with the death of Senju Hashirama and the distrust of the Uchiha clan by Konoha senior officials, there are now very few means to suppress the Nine-Tails.

I am afraid that only the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique can be effective, and the most troublesome thing now is that Kushina's condition is very bad, and the Kyuubi is still being controlled, so they have no way to seal the tailed beast.

"Perhaps Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others dug graves and studied Senju Hashirama's body in order to find a way to effectively control the Nine-Tails?"

Xia Yan has such speculations in his mind, but it doesn't matter whether this is the case or not, because this kind of thing is always the most serious and ulterior thing.

Especially when this kind of thing can become a trump card in Xia Yan's hand, he will not go back and think about right and wrong. He will only consider whether this matter has enough power for him.

"Besides, what about research? I already have Wood Release, and it's time to show an attitude!"

Thinking in his mind, Xia Yan's chakra began to surge crazily. This time, he really planned to show many things that he had not shown before.

This is not just a thought, but he really has to do it, and he has to do it to the extent that everyone will remember him and know him!

He had already killed Takumi Murashima, and the position of ANBU minister had been vacated.

He had accumulated so much fame and made so many preparations just for now, for the sake of being the ANBU minister.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly started to form seals again. He still maintained the immortal mode, because he knew that the effect of his simple wood escape was really not that good.

It's hard to say whether he can be compared to Yamato in the future, and the Nine Tails used to suppress and escape is even more embarrassing, but if Xia Yan's current wood escape cooperates with his senjutsu, then the situation may be greatly improved.

"Even if I can't reach the level of Senju Hashirama, I think it will definitely surpass Yamato by a lot, especially when I still have Yang Release!"

Thinking quickly, Xia Yan had completed the seal. With his majestic chakra mixed with magic, the earth began to tremble crazily!

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·Birth of the Tree Realm!"

Accompanied by the huge and extremely high-quality chakra eruption, the earth also rumbled at this moment.

Under Xia Yan's chakra, countless plants pierced the ground and began to grow crazily. In just a moment, the giant tree in the sky had formed, and countless tree vines rushed out crazily, winding towards the location of the Nine Tails.

Kyuubi suddenly seemed even more angry at this moment. This huge tree seemed to remind him of some bad memories. Even though he was now being controlled by instinct, he let out a roar.

Then his nine tails shot out like a phantom, and at the same time, his body began to jump backwards, dancing and attacking the entangled tree vines.

Many of the entangled tree vines broke at the same time. It must be said that Nine-Tails' power is also one of the best, but there are still a few tree vines entangled in Nine-Tails' body.

At this moment, Xia Yan found that his wood escape was expanding at once. It was obvious that these wood escape absorbed the chakra of the nine tails and regarded this chakra as his own nutrition.

"It is truly worthy of being a Wood Release, or in other words, Xianju is indeed one of the strongest powers. Even a half-experienced Wood Release like me can display such power."

Xia Yan is a little happy now. Even though his chakra consumption is a bit large, his recovery power is a guarantee that he doesn't have to worry so much.

Moreover, Mu Dun's performance now is somewhat beyond his expectation. Such performance makes him feel that the power he exerts is probably not much worse than that of the young Senju Hashirama during the war, right?

However, this is only a manifestation of overall strength. Without the help of immortal magic, he would not be able to exert such power. He still has a clear understanding of his own Wood Release.

"While now, drive the Kyuubi out of Konoha completely!" With this thought in his mind, Xia Yan quickly formed the seal again: "Immortal Technique, Wood Release, Cutting Technique!"

At the moment when Natsuhiko's chakra surged crazily again, the giant tree in the sky that he had summoned once again spawned countless branches. These branches were extremely sharp, and they stabbed crazily towards Kyuubi's body. !


Kyuubi roared, and then he dodged even faster, but his body was caught by some tree vines, and he was completely unable to be as flexible as before.

In addition, he had been tortured by Kushina's seal for so long, and he had not completely reached his peak after coming out, and now that some chakra was absorbed by those wooden escapes, his speed became even slower.

In an instant, these sharp branches pierced Kyuubi's body fiercely. Kyuubi roared again at this moment, this time his voice was more like a wail.

"Hit! Is this Mudun?"

"Great! Finally there is an effective way to deal with Kyuubi!"

"It is indeed a technique that can calm down the turmoil in the ninja world. This is so powerful!"

"It's just Wood Release. This is the blood limit of the First Hokage. Who is that ANBU and why does he use Wood Release?"

Countless Konoha ninjas who saw this scene couldn't help but cheer, but there were also many sane people who couldn't help but ask questions after seeing this scene.

Especially members of some big families, they watched all this in silence, and Yamanaka Haiichi looked extremely ugly.

He knows a lot of things that others don't know, especially since he personally tested Xia Yan and induced Xia Yan to say a lot of things.

He knew that Natsuhiko was a member of the Senju clan, but he never expected that this young Senju ANBU would grow to this point!

Mu Dun, this kid who dreamed of being Hokage actually awakened Mu Dun. This is really a terrifying fact.

"It seems that I have to discuss it with Lujiu and make some necessary preparations."

Yamanaka Haiichi thought silently in his heart, and his eyes glanced at Nara Shikaku beside him, and then involuntarily focused on Sarutobi Hiruzen in the distance.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was a bit incomprehensible. He never expected that this kid, Natsuhiko, would grow to this point without knowing it!

He had always known how ambitious Xia Yan, a child of the Thousand Hands Clan, was, and he had never completely trusted this brat.

However, today's scene really made him feel extremely confused. The power this kid showed before was enough to give him a headache, and the power shown today made him feel even more difficult to deal with.

He had always believed that this kid's strength was somewhat close to that of his teacher, and his personality was more like that of the First Hokage.

It's just that everything this kid showed today seems to be telling him that his strength is not only like the second generation Hokage, but also like the first generation Hokage!

And an even more terrifying thought suddenly appeared in his mind. If the character this kid usually displays is just a mask, then he is a second-generation Hokage with the strength of the first-generation Hokage!

Because neither Takumi Murashima nor Owl showed up now, a bad premonition was already brewing in his heart.

"The Thousand Hands Clan... is actually the Thousand Hands Clan!"

Uchiha stared blankly at everything in front of him. He really never thought that the person who cooperated with him and ignited his inner desire was actually a member of the Senju clan, the Uchiha clan's old enemy for thousands of years!

What is the purpose of this kid saying those words to himself, and what does he think?

Uchiha Shin felt a chill down his spine for a moment. It would be fine if this brat was just an ordinary ninja. Even if he was a powerful ANBU, it wouldn't be a big deal.

However, everything has changed now. The Thousand Hands Clan is really like a heavy burden that weighs heavily on his heart. For a moment, he doesn't know what he has done.

Not to mention whether everything he did was right or wrong.

At the moment when the hearts of people in Konoha were extremely complicated, suddenly another figure appeared on the lizard's head...


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