The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 185 Xia Yan’s Wooden Dragon (Please subscribe~)

"Is this...Wood Release?"

When Minato Namikaze rushed back to the village, he immediately discovered that the situation at the scene seemed to be beyond his imagination.

In his expectation, the Nine-Tails might now be unleashing its power and causing huge damage to Konoha.

In fact, the Nine-Tails did cause huge damage to Konoha, but this damage was limited, and the current situation of the Nine-Tails did not seem to be ideal.

At this time, a giant tree appeared in the Konoha. This giant tree continued to spread out vines and branches and attacked Kyuubi fiercely. Kyuubi seemed to be afraid of such things.

In particular, Namikaze Minato also noticed that something seemed not quite right about the current Kyuubi situation.

He is really injured now, and Kyuubi's chakra seems to be in bad condition now.

Namikaze Minato could sense that the giant tree was sucking the Kyuubi's chakra and strengthening itself. Such a strange scene seemed to completely match a jutsu in his memory.

Especially when he saw Natsu Yan standing on a giant lizard, it felt as if he turned around and found that Natsu Yan, who said he was not good at it, was beating the Kyuubi.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato threw a kunai, and then quickly came to Natsuhiko's side.


Xia Yan had long noticed that a kunai was flying towards him, but he also noticed that there was a mark of the Flying Thunder God on the kunai, so he did not take action.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a kunai like this to come close to him. After all, he is a person who cherishes his own life very much.

"Natsu Yan." Namikaze Minato looked at Natsu Yan with an expression of complete surprise: "Have you actually learned Wood Release?"

"Yes, I have learned Wood Release." Xia Yan nodded lightly: "But my Wood Release is not good enough. It must be used in conjunction with fairy magic to achieve the effect. I think Lord Hokage should have felt it, right?"

Facing Namikaze Minato, Natsuhiko had no intention of hiding it from him. After all, Namikaze Minato himself knew magic.

Therefore, there is not much point in hiding it from him. It is better to make your situation clearer directly.

And his current abilities are really not something you can easily deal with just by knowing the information.

There are probably few people in the entire ninja world who don't know about Senju Hashirama, and so does Uchiha Madara, as well as Senju Tobirama and now Namikaze Minato.

Their information is widely known in the ninja world, but what can they do if they know it? If they can't be dealt with, doesn't it mean they still can't be dealt with?

"It's such a terrifying power. With such a combination of techniques, the Kyuubi can definitely be safely sealed into Kushina's body!"

Namikaze Minato's eyes shone slightly, he was someone who really didn't care about Natsuhiko's identity and Wood Release.

"Can you completely control him? Then I can try to seal this guy away."

"I think it should be possible, but I don't have many techniques because I don't have many techniques at home."

Xia Yan thought for a moment and quickly gave a relatively standard answer.

In fact, this is all nonsense. There are actually many techniques left in his family, and they may even be much more perfect than those handed over to Konoha.

But this does not prevent him from crying about poverty, and it also makes all preparations for Xia Yan's own actions later.

It has been decided that Namikaze Minato will not be able to easily rule Konoha in the future, so naturally he cannot let all this develop too smoothly. In this way, he may really have to wait for decades.

But at the same time, he must not let Namikaze Minato die, otherwise he would be forced to be completely bound to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He has never thought about binding Sarutobi Hiruzen since he came back, even if now his goal is to move closer to ANBU!

Namikaze Minato made it clear that he could not get the position of ANBU captain through the back door, so he could only think of other ways to do this.

Now that he has achieved his goal, and even the ANBU minister is dead, the necessary escape must be done together.

Although Xia Yan is not so sure whether the technique to break the seal of the corpse can quickly return the soul to the still active body.

However, according to the analysis of the technique he got, there is no problem, and if it doesn't work, he can also try the technique from Sunagakure Village.

He has not forgotten that he still owes Queen Sarah a sum of money. Since he is going to the Kingdom of Wind, he can definitely do something more extreme.

He had already made a mental plan, so it is understandable that he would say this now.

It left a way out for himself. If things went too smoothly, he could pretend that he was not very good at the technique or that he had no chakra, which was completely acceptable.

After all, he and Kyuubi were in a strong relationship, so no one would be able to find any fault with him.

"Then try to control him, and I will solve these problems later." Namikaze Minato thought for a while and said seriously: "I'm sorry to bother you, Natsuhiko. When everything is over, he will take the wooden release in my hand. I leave all my skills to you, but I’m going to leave it to you tonight.”

"I understand, Hokage-sama, I will fully cooperate with you." Xia Yan nodded, and then he continued to ask: "Are we here to deal with the Kyuubi?"

"No, some accidents will inevitably happen in the village. Let's take him out." Namikaze Minato said without any hesitation: "You find an opportunity to leave a curse mark on him, and I will go over immediately and move him to a safe place. . Then I will bring Kushina out, and you must control him during this period."

"I will do my best, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan nodded seriously, and then he looked at Kyuubi.

He still looked calm, but his heart was not calm at all, because Namikaze Minato's words made him feel that things seemed to have changed a bit.

In the original book, Namikaze Minato brought Naruto with him when he returned. Even though Natsuhiko wasn't sure what kind of mood Namikaze Minato was feeling at that time, he made such a move that Natsuhiko couldn't understand.

But I have to say that Naruto's future achievements are really because of the Kyuubi.

Without the Kyuubi, can Naruto really do that in the future?

Shaking his head, Xia Yan stopped thinking about these things, because no matter how the future develops, I'm afraid Naruto's achievements will not be low.

Not to mention that he is the reincarnation of Asura, this kid can maintain his truest self in a life like purgatory.

It was like being possessed by another god, so pure that it was unimaginable.

After Natsuhiko's plan succeeds, he will probably not turn into the future Boruto. After all, he is Uzumaki Naruto!

"I understand. In fact, I have already left a mark on the Kyuubi when I used Wood Release. Hokage-sama can start at any time." Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan said seriously.

"I understand." Namikaze Minato also nodded, and then he showed a smile: "Then, let's get started."

After the words fell, Namikaze Minato disappeared without a trace again.

And with his disappearance, the mountain-like Nine-Tails also disappeared into Konoha...


In the forest a certain distance away from Konoha in the Land of Fire, the space suddenly became distorted. The next moment, a figure in black who was missing an arm quietly appeared here.

After he landed, he gasped a few times, and then looked into the distance.

That direction was Konoha. His expression was a little complicated now, but it took him a long time to slowly look away and look at his arm.

His arm was broken, and the fierce battle just now even caused his arm to melt.

However, he also knew very well that the most likely reason why such a situation occurred was because his body was not particularly compatible with this power.

But he doesn't really care, because he can replace his arm at any time!

What he is more concerned about now is the situation in Konoha and how much damage the Kyuubi has caused to Konoha.

This operation was almost a failure, but this failure was not complete. After all, he had already accomplished a lot.

Just like letting Konoha Village be attacked for the first time, just like him putting the whole Konoha into crisis.

Even though he lost to the Fourth Hokage, his other achievements were enough to show his strength.

I just don’t know what the situation of the jinchuriki is now. Kushina is from the Uzumaki clan and her vitality is very strong.

But the jinchuriki who lost his tailed beast will definitely not be able to survive. I am afraid that his teacher's wife is dying.

"Come out." After Obito stood there and thought for a while, he suddenly said.

"Are you doing well, Obito?" As his voice fell, a black and white monster suddenly slowly emerged from the ground.

"Don't talk sarcastically, what's the situation in Konoha now?"

Obito walked slowly to Zetsu's side, then cut off the white half of his arm with a hand knife, and then placed it on his own arm.

"Now, Konoha's crisis is not as troublesome as imagined. After all, they have a guy who can use wood escape."

Black Zetsu didn't pay attention to Obito's movements at all, he just said something in an understatement.

In fact, he was also extremely confused in his heart. After all, he himself didn't know what the specific situation was and why a guy who could use Wood Escape appeared.

In particular, this guy's Wood Release is very good. Even Kyuubi can't stand this guy now.

Such strength is really unimaginable. In his memory, the Thousand Hands clan seems to have been overwhelmed.

"Could it be that this kid is the reincarnation of Asura?"

Hei Jue thought silently, but soon he felt something was not right.

He didn't understand Asura because he had no contact with Asura back then, but he knew Indra very well.

The chakra reincarnations of these two people basically happened at the same time. Uchiha Madara had only been dead for a long time. How could Asura's chakra reincarnation appear earlier?

But the problem is, he can detect that the Wood Escape used by this kid actually contains extremely strong Yang Escape.

Asura's power basically comes from the ultimate Yang Escape power. Although the strength of that ANBU boy is not the ultimate, it definitely exceeds the use of Yang Escape power by normal people.

This performance was really unexpected, which was why Hei Jue was doubtful.

But he didn't say too much about these things. Some things need to be carefully explored before they can be determined. He is just 'Uchiha Madara's will'.

"Wood Release?" Obito was stunned when he heard this, and then his expression immediately changed: "That legendary Wood Release? Did Konoha's experiment succeed?"

"It shouldn't be an experiment. If there are no accidents, that boy should be a member of the Thousand Hands Clan."

Hei Jue shook his head, pretending that he didn't know much about these things, and spoke in a low and hoarse voice.

"I have been observing the situation of Nine-Tails in Konoha. After this guy took the initiative to fight and used Wood Release, I have been trying to find out his information.

But this guy was an ANBU, so I deliberately approached the high-level officials of Konoha to learn more information.

As a result, I discovered that this boy is really a member of the Thousand Hands Clan, and you know him. "

"Know?" Obito stretched his arms slightly after changing his arms. After hearing Black Zetsu's words, he couldn't help but paused: "Who is he?"

"Nightingale is the Anbu who caused great damage in the Kingdom of Wind." Hei Jue showed a smile and continued: "As for his name, you should be familiar with it. Fukami Natsuhiko... No, you should Just call him Senju Natsuhiko."

Xia Yan?

Obito was obviously stunned when he heard this name. This name was so familiar to him.

But the name of the person he is familiar with is Fukami Natsuhiko, but now it seems that this guy who has given him some help has also concealed a lot of things.

After Obito accepted Uchiha Madara's name, he also read a lot of Uchiha Madara's history.

He could feel Uchiha Madara's views on Wood Release, and at the same time feel his complicated feelings of 'love and hate' towards the Senju clan.

The Senju clan is truly the Uchiha clan's biggest enemy and most troublesome opponent in history.

These two families have been fighting each other for thousands of years without stopping, and there is also a history of cooperating with each other to deceive other families.

But most of them are still based on confrontation. The most recent cooperation is that the leaders of the two clans, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, want to stop the war.

Therefore, they worked together to establish Konoha Village, which brought huge changes to the entire ninja world.

"Is this a member of the Thousand Hands Clan? Is this guy Xia Yan a member of the Thousand Hands Clan?"

Obito thought silently, and his expression began to become a little complicated.

“Uchiha Madara’s opponent back then was Senju Tobirama, who had mastered Wood Release.

And now I have inherited Uchiha Madara's name. Natsuhiko, my former friend, is actually from the Senju clan, and he also mastered Wood Release.

This kind of thing is really interesting! "

Thinking of this, Obito looked at Konoha in the distance again, and his eyes became more determined.

"He is cooperating with Namikaze Minato to seal the Kyuubi, right?" Obito asked in a low and hoarse voice.

"Yes, and the current situation of Kyuubi is not good." Black has no idea what Obito is thinking, but he knows that his goal has been achieved: "If this continues, Kyuubi may be sealed soon. Oh, by the way, Kyuubi has been transferred out of Konoha."

"Is that so?" Obito nodded slightly, and then all the chakra in his body began to circulate: "It seems that I have to go back and take a look. The Nine-Tails can be sealed, but it cannot be sealed easily, and I I also want to see how strong the so-called Wood Release is."

As soon as the words fell, Obito's body began to become distorted, and he had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When Hei Jue saw this scene, he slowly sank into the ground, and a smile appeared on his face...


Natsuhiko looked at the disappearing Kyuubi, and then patted Lizardmaru's head. He had already sensed Kyuubi's current position, so naturally he was about to set off.

Lizard Maru has not shown much combat value since it came out. After all, the battle just now was not long, and during the actual battle, Xia Yan directly used Wood Release.

As a result, Lizard Maru himself did not dare to lean too close.

But he didn't intend to let Lizard Maru leave like this. After all, this guy could also exert great value in other aspects besides fighting.

"Lizard Maru, I'm afraid I won't need your help in the next battle, because it's about sealing, not defeating the Kyuubi."

Natsuhiko said to Lizard Maru.

"But don't rush back. Let the little lizard come out to participate in the rescue mission and try to find all the people buried under the ruins."

"I understand, no matter life or death, right?"

Lizard Maru said angrily, but then his tone became a little emotional.

"I didn't expect that you are actually a user of Wood Release. No wonder you have two names."

"Human beings are far more complex than animals, because this is a huge difference between humans and animals." Xia Yan sighed slightly and said with a smile: "Maybe you will understand, maybe you will disdain to understand, but human nature has always been the most important. Scary is also the most complicated thing.”

"I really don't want to know about you humans. You humans are indeed too complicated. You are not as powerful as we are."

Lizard Maru rarely spoke to Xia Yan for a few more words, and then he nodded.

"I understand. I will help you deal with these things. If there is any trouble over there, remember to call me."

Natsuhiko smiled and nodded. He could tell that after tonight's battle, Lizard Maru had recognized him.

Just like Xia Yan said, the minds of animals are much simpler than humans. Animals can judge whether they are strong based on their strength.

As for humans, in the society of the ninja world, you not only need strength, but you also need a certain mind and even enough insidiousness and cunning.

Strength can only guarantee that you will not be defeated head-on, but having enough brains will allow people to know how to develop. The necessary insidiousness and cunning can control your subordinates and even eliminate dissidents in an environment of intrigue.

Patting Lizardmaru's head again, Natsuhiko locked his eyes on the position of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and then his figure moved slightly, and in just an instant he appeared next to Sarutobi Hiruzen!

"Hokage-sama." Natsuhiko said softly: "Kyuubi has left the village. I want to assist the Fourth Hokage in sealing the Kyuubi. I will stay with Lizardmaru and he will help you dig out the buried residents."

"Thank you, Nightingale." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Xia Yan with a somewhat complicated expression. It took him a long time before his expression turned serious: "I have a question, where are Owl and Murashima Takumi? Why didn't I see them?"

"Them." Xia Yan raised his eyelids slightly, but then he changed into a regretful tone: "When Captain Owl rushed to the ANBU with me, Nine Tails happened to come towards us, and it turned out... "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's face instantly became a little ugly.

No need for Xia Yan to tell him that he already knew the meaning, the owl died in the hands of Kyuubi! But, is this true?

Even if the owl guy isn't particularly strong, he's not so stupid that he won't run away from Kyuubi.

He has even thought that if the owl dies, Takumi Murashima will not be far away. After all, the transfer order belongs to the owl!

"As for Minister Takumi."

Natsuhiko seemed to have guessed what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking, but he didn't pay attention and continued.

"Because the transfer order was lost, the minister refused to dispatch the ANBU, and if he did, I would have to find the Hokage-sama.

But the situation was too critical at that time, and I couldn't find the Hokage in time, nor..."


Sarutobi Hiruzen angrily interrupted Xia Yan's words. He stared at Xia Yan and finally asked in a deep voice.

"So you killed him, right? When you found the opportunity, you killed him, right?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Xia Yan still nodded calmly, and then he spoke slowly.

"Please express my condolences. The situation forced me to do nothing, and I will bear all responsibility for this matter."

"I see......"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Xia Yan's calm posture. He gritted his teeth and hesitated for a long time, and finally he nodded with difficulty.

"Then I'll continue to rely on you, Captain Nightingale!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words were full of anger, but he still chose to compromise in the end.

He could see the reason why Xia Yan was so unscrupulous, because he had already demonstrated Mu Dun in front of everyone, and even more so, demonstrated his proud strength!

In addition, with the contribution he made this night, all the 'accidents' that happened to him will be naturally erased.

Even his killing of Murashima Takumi can be entirely attributed to the ANBU minister!

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't move him, and there was no way to move him. Once something went wrong, Konoha would really suffer.

After all, this guy belongs to the Thousand Hands clan, and after all, this guy has mastered the Wood Release.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has been trying his best to erase the influence left by Senju Hashirama. On the one hand, it is to continue the policy of the Second Hokage, because Senju Hashirama is too strong. In the post-Senju Hashirama era, Konoha The ninja mentality needs to change.

On the other hand, it is to stabilize their own rule. After all, the Thousand Hands clan was also very noisy back then.

He did a good job, although he did not completely eliminate such influence during his reign. After all, there are still many people of the older generation alive.

But all that remains is for his successor to follow his will to complete this series of transformations and allow Konoha to enter a new environment.

But now there is another Senju who has inherited the Wood Release, and he is also an ambitious guy. Sarutobi Hiruzen is really angry and helpless in his heart.

Wood escape is really important to Konoha, and this Natsuhiko is really a Senju Tobirama with the strength of Senju Hashirama. Even if he is still far from reaching it now, he is only fourteen years old!

Looking at the figure disappearing in front of him, Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes, but he soon opened them.

Because Konoha still needs rescue, the village is the top priority. Only when everything is stable can he deal with other things with peace of mind.

But he still needs to take a closer look at the Kyuubi matter. He is worried that Xia Yan will interfere with it and take Kyuubi as his own. He will never allow such a thing to happen!

"Anbu reserve troops, Uchiha's security department and injured ninjas cooperate with Lizard, and the others..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath. He looked at the looming Nine-Tails figure in the distance and then raised his fist.

"Come with me, let's seal the Kyuubi!"



Traveling through space, Xia Yan quickly came to where Kyuubi was. Recalling everything that had just happened, he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

Obviously, even if the matter reached this point, it was not beyond his expectation, but it really made him feel that Sarutobi Hiruzen was not that easy to fool.

Fortunately, he had never thought about how long this matter would last, and after he had done so many things today, he did not believe that Sarutobi Hiruzen really dared to do something to him.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan locked his eyes on Kyuubi not far away.

At this time, Kyuubi looked extremely violent. His eyes were already looking at Xia Yan almost the moment he landed. It was obvious that he already held a grudge.

However, Xia Yan didn't pay too much attention. Feeling the chakra he was constantly recovering, he could only sigh that it was indeed Asura's power.

Even though the power of Asura he obtained was already broken, the help it brought to Xia Yan was incredibly powerful.

"I've almost recovered, but I'm afraid the immortal mode won't last long. Even if my intermediate immortal mode recovers very quickly, it will take at least ten minutes to fully recover."

Xia Yan secretly pondered his current combat effectiveness, and he suddenly discovered that he could still fire at full strength for a period of time.

And if Jiraiya heard what he was thinking, he would probably burst into tears.

Jiraiya really couldn't even think about restoring the chakra in sage mode in ten minutes.

Even if the future Naruto is in sage mode, it actually takes a period of brewing and collection.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, can do all this in combat, and he doesn't even need a shadow clone to help!

I can only say that there is really a big difference between cheat players and talented players.


At this moment, Kyuubi suddenly let out a roar, and he swung his huge nine tails and rushed towards Xia Yan fiercely.

For a moment, the earth trembled crazily, and the surrounding trees were swept away by him in an instant. Sarutobi Hiruzen and others who were rushing over in the distance did not dare to approach easily.

The huge roar and the violent shock made them understand that if they approached rashly, they would really die without any body parts!

However, they could clearly see Kyuubi from this distance. After all, Kyuubi's body was really huge.

"I'm angry, then..." Xia Yan raised his head slightly, and instantly his chakra rippled again: "Immortal Technique, Wood Release, Wood Dragon Technique!"

The Wood Dragon Technique, this is a technique within the limit that Xia Yan's chakra can bear at present!

This limit does not mean the limit of his chakra, but that he can still maintain good combat effectiveness after using this technique.

He would not foolishly use all his chakra to construct a jutsu, because if he did so, he would not have the strength to deal with everything else that might happen.

Even if his recovery speed is very fast, he will never go out like this!

With his chakra rippling, the ground trembled crazily again at this moment, and the shock caused by the nine tails before was really comparable to an earthquake.

The next moment, the ground around Xia Yan instantly shattered, and a wooden dragon constructed from Xianjutsu and Wooden Release Chakra sprang out of the ground.

The long wooden dragon roared, and then under Xia Yan's command, it slammed into the Nine Tails.


Under the violent impact, invisible energy waves spread crazily in all directions. There were no problems with the trees that were far away.

But now under the impact of these invisible and deadly energy waves, these trees collapsed in an instant, and many of them were even cut directly in half!

Xia Yan faced all this by himself, and he couldn't help but quickly form seals to form an earth wall with five lizard heads.

Moreover, this earth wall shattered directly after the impact of the energy wave. You can fully imagine how terrifying this power is.

"How is this going?"

Obito had just landed, and even before he could stand still, he was instantly swept away by a vast force. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough to enter the void, he might have suffered by now.

The situation of Sarutobi Hiruzen and others was better, but only slightly better. The previous earthquake-like shaking coupled with this invisible shock wave had caused many ninjas to fall to the ground.

Even though they were not injured, each of them was in an extremely embarrassed state at this time.

"Is that... the Wood Dragon Technique?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen could see at a glance what it was that after colliding with the Nine-Tails, although it seemed a bit damaged, it then entangled the Nine-Tails and continued to absorb chakra to restore itself.

That is a very advanced ninjutsu in Wood Release, and it is also one of Senju Hashirama's best ninjutsu.

He really didn't expect that Xia Yan could even master the wooden dragon and be able to deal with the Kyuubi!


Just for a moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression changed again.

Because along with Kyuubi's wail, Kyuubi's mouth once again condensed a huge amount of chakra...


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