"Is it Tailed Beast Jade again?"

Xia Yan looked at the nine tails that was crazily entangled by the wooden dragon and could not move, especially the chakra gathered in his mouth, and he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

It can be seen that even though Kyuubi has recovered now, his ferocity is still more terrifying than before.

However, Natsuhiko was not frightened by the Kyuubi. His perception had already discovered that Namikaze Minato had arrived, and besides Namikaze Minato there was an uninvited guest. This guy was Obito whom he had dealt with before!

"Why did Obito come back?"

Natsuhiko felt this situation and couldn't help but frown a little deeper. To be honest, Kyuubi told him that he was not that worried. After all, in the original work, Namikaze Minato tried his best to seal Kyuubi.

However, there is no explanation in the original work that Obito came back to read it. This can be said to be an extremely unexpected thing.

But soon, Xia Yan suddenly relaxed his brows, and a smile suddenly bloomed on his face.

The chakra all over his body was vibrating crazily. The next moment, his hands completed the seal as quickly as possible, and finally he pressed his hands directly to the ground.

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·Wooden Formation Wall!"

With the crazy burst of chakra, countless giant trees with lizard heads rose up from the ground in an instant. They stood firmly in front of Xia Yan, not giving the terrifying Tailed Beast Jade any chance.


The violent explosion echoed in the ears again, the night sky became white again this time, and the violent explosion once again caused the earth to sway continuously.

And this time, there were even many cracks in the ground, and these cracks quickly spread into the distance.

However, Xia Yan, who was hiding behind the wooden formation wall, knew that such cracks might not extend very far.

Because these cracks are not deep, but their power is terrifying enough.

"Xia Yanjun."

At this moment, Namikaze Minato appeared next to Natsuhiko with Uzumaki Kushina on his arm, and in his arms was the newly born Naruto.

"Hokage-sama." Xia Yan looked at this scene and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Is this another plan to seal the Nine-Tails into Naruto?

Natsuhiko remembered clearly that when this guy left, he vowed to seal the Nine-Tails back into Kushina's body.

Why do you suddenly regret it now? Xia Yan mentally guessed that there shouldn't be so many weird shrinking world lines happening.

But why are things out of control and starting to develop in the direction of the original work?

Soon, Natsuhiko had his answer without Minato Namikaze needing an answer.

When he laid his eyes on Kushina, he immediately realized that Kushina's current situation was really bad.

Her vitality is now intermittent, and even if she relies on her constitution to support her, she will definitely not be able to last long.

The most terrible thing is that her current body may not be able to carry a complete nine-tails.

Namikaze Minato probably took this into consideration, so he brought Naruto over.

Moreover, Namikaze Minato's current situation is not very optimistic. You must know that he first transferred the first tailed beast jade and then fought with Obito for so long.

Finally, Kyuubi was transferred here, and Kushina and Naruto were brought here.

The most terrible thing is that he himself is not a chakra tank like the Senju clan. Even a "shame of the Senju" like Natsuhiko means that his chakra content is not worse than that of Namikaze Minato.

Of course, that's if he doesn't plant any seeds now.

"Natsuyan-kun, it's too late to say more." Minato Namikaze took a deep breath and looked at Natsuyan seriously: "Let's seal the Kyuubi quickly. Kushina's situation is not good. I want to seal the Kyuubi to This is the only way Kushina can bear it, both on her and on me."

"Huh?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, then pointed to Naruto in their arms: "Then what's going on with this little guy?"

"This is a preliminary plan." Namikaze Minato shook his head slightly: "In case, I mean if there is an eventuality, then I have to let Naruto bear part of the responsibility, because he is the one between me and Kushina child!"

"I understand." Xia Yan nodded seriously. He seemed to be in awe: "You will definitely succeed."

At this point, Natsuhiko said nothing more. Although Namikaze Minato probably had the same awareness of death as in the original work, he still wanted to save Kushina more.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan was too lazy to pay attention to it. After all, holding such a consciousness was very consistent with Xia Yan's thoughts.

What he has to do now is to cooperate with Namikaze Minato to control the Kyuubi, and then find an opportunity to escape and let the Hokage face the Kyuubi alone.

After all, this guy Obito is already here, and he has good reasons for all this.

"But the wooden dragon still needs to stay, otherwise it won't be fun to just hang a 'chuanchuan' on the Nine Tails."

Xia Yan thought this mentally, and then while controlling the decline of the wooden formation wall, he controlled the wooden dragon to wrap around the nine tails even more crazily.

When the wooden formation wall completely fell, Nine Tails had been locked in place by Xia Yan's wooden dragon. He kept struggling and roaring.

But a creature like him that is purely composed of chakra seems so powerless and pale when faced with a technique like Wood Dragon that can quickly absorb chakra and strengthen itself.

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw all this. Even if he did have a high level of consciousness, he didn't want to have any accidents at such a young age.

His life has just begun, his child has just been born, he is the Hokage of Konoha, and he wants to change the current status of the ninja world!

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato lowered his head and looked at Kushina in his arms, and Kushina gave him a weak smile.


Just for a moment, a muffled sound was heard accompanied by the explosion of Kushina's chakra.

Golden chains jumped out of her body, like a golden dragon circling in the night sky, binding the nine tails that were originally entangled by the wooden dragon.

This is a chain designed to restrain the tailed beast's chakra. With the cooperation of the chains of the Wood Dragon and the Uzumaki clan, the Kyuubi can't break free from the shackles of the chain no matter how fiercely it struggles.

His sharp claws shone with an icy cold light in the dark night, and the ferocity and cruelty in his eyes became more solid, but he was still powerless.

"Right now, I'll take part of the Nine Tails first..."

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but nodded when he saw this scene, and he spoke loudly.

However, the next moment Xia Yan suddenly pushed him away fiercely, and then a person suddenly appeared beside him in an instant!

"Is it finally here?"

And Natsuhiko also noticed this figure. He had already locked onto Obito's chakra.

Therefore, he began to prepare when Obito's chakra rioted, and his approach immediately made Kyuubi seem to see an opportunity.

The sealing chain rippled at this moment. Kyuubi seized the opportunity and struggled wildly, and the sound of the chain clanging was heard for a moment.

"It's you again!" Namikaze Minato hugged Kushina and Naruto and stood firm. He stared at Obito angrily and whispered.

"Yes, it's me again." Obito nodded slightly, and then he spread his hands indifferently: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in you anymore. What I'm really interested in is the guy next to you."

"Oh?" Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this. He was really confused now.

He swore that he did have a good relationship with Obito before, but since he joined ANBU, he has not had much contact with Obito.

As for now, it is impossible for them to have any contact. After all, one of them is a rebellious ninja in Konoha, and the other is an ANBU responsible for cleaning up rebellious ninjas.

It’s just that Obito is acting like a roundworm in his stomach.

Natsuhiko was thinking about using Obito to escape so that Namikaze Minato could achieve his desired goal and fight to the death to save his life. He had no choice but to recuperate but rewrite history.

As a result, this guy didn't say anything and came directly towards me as soon as he came up. This doesn't seem right?

No matter how much he thought about it, Xia Yan didn't seem to understand when he bought this family job to make him cooperate with him so much. ""

"Actually, it's Mudun, right?"

Natsuhiko vaguely had an answer in his mind. His appearance might be a variable for Obito, or in other words, for Black Zetsu, it was a variable that was beyond his control.

That's why Obito came to look for him. On the one hand, he hindered the sealing of the Nine Tails, and on the other hand, he came to try his best.

"Are you looking for me?" Although Xia Yan had the answer mentally, he still frowned and asked: "You guys, are you coming here to cause trouble again?"

"Are you looking for trouble?" Obito tilted his head, so that he couldn't tell that he had been injured before. He said in a low voice: "I'm just curious, who actually has Wood Release again, like this Power is really not something that ordinary people can possess.”

Having said this, Obito paused for a moment, and then he slowly walked towards Xia Yan.

The chakra in his body was condensing as he moved it, especially the right half of his body, which had unimaginable chakra fluctuations.

Xia Yan kept staring at him. He didn't make much action for the time being, but his Flying Thunder God was ready. He wanted to see what else this guy had to do.

"So, I want to give it a try and see how your Wood Release performs!"

After the words fell, Obito suddenly stretched out his right hand, and countless sharp branches stabbed towards Xia Yan fiercely!

And Natsuhiko seemed to have guessed Obito's movements. His Flying Thunder God technique was activated instantly, and he had already avoided these wooden thorns in just an instant.

But Obito didn't pause at all. His right eye turned slightly and then his body twisted. The next second he caught up with Xia Yan.

Xia Yan snorted coldly when he saw this, and then activated his Flying Thunder God again, and Obito also instantly became hollow and quickly caught up.

For a moment, both of them disappeared, leaving only Namikaze Minato, Kushina, and the struggling Kyuubi.

"It seems that the situation has become a little worse." Namikaze Minato took a deep breath and looked at Kushina with a complicated look: "Now, we can only rely on ourselves."

"Who is that guy...?" Kushina asked with some difficulty, her breath becoming increasingly unstable: "Why did he do this?"

"He..." Namikaze Minato sighed deeply: "He said he was Uchiha Madara."

"Uchiha Madara..." Kushina's pupils dilated slightly, and then she shook her head helplessly.

Like Namikaze Minato, she didn't believe this statement at all. After all, she was from the Uzumaki clan, and Uzumaki Mito was still alive when she came to Konoha.

Naturally, she also learned a lot about the history of Konoha, and she also knew who Uchiha Madara was.

But in terms of age, Uchiha Madara is already very old even if he is still alive at this time.

But if it wasn't him, then why would he know how to use the Sharingan to control the Nine-Tails? Could it be that he was a disciple or a descendant who inherited his name?

"Forget it, leave him alone." Kushina shook her head. She looked at Namikaze Minato and then asked softly: "Minato, what are you going to do now? I'm afraid I can only temporarily cooperate with the control of that wooden dragon. Kyuubi, the rest..."

"Well, I know how to do it." Namikaze Minato suddenly showed a smile at this time, he looked so sunny. However, at this moment, Naruto, who had been in his other hand, suddenly burst into tears.

Kushina turned to Naruto and choked in a low voice: "I'm sorry Naruto... I woke you up."

"I'm sorry, Naruto." Namikaze Minato gently placed Naruto on the ground, then he raised his head slightly and looked at Kushina: "Next, I know what to do, don't worry, I will do it in the future It’s going to be hard on you.”

"Minato!" After hearing Namikaze Minato's words, Kushina suddenly had an extremely ominous premonition.

However, Namikaze Minato didn't wait for her to finish her words, but showed a bright smile.

"Kushina, thank you, thank you for everything you have done for me.

It was you who made me the Fourth Hokage, you who made me lucky enough to be your husband, and you who made me the father of this child. It can be said that my life has been perfect so far.

If I have to say I have regrets, it would probably only be one or two. "

Having said this, Namikaze Minato stopped, and he did not intend to continue talking.

His chakra is indeed not very good now. In fact, if there is enough time, he can try to accurately separate and seal the Nine Tails with the help of Xia Yan.

But now, things are different.

Even though the wooden dragon still stayed here to entangle the Kyuubi, he could clearly sense that after losing Natsuhiko's control, the wooden dragon was still devouring the Kyuubi's chakra, but its binding power had become stronger and stronger. The worse.

If this continues, it will be a matter of time before Kyuubi escapes. He has no time to separate Kyuubi slowly and accurately.

Kushina's condition is very bad now, but at least she has Wood Dragon to help her, and she still maintains a state that can withstand the tailed beast.

He had to use the fastest speed to split the Nine-Tails!

Kushina has hope of life, so he will naturally not give up on the person he loves most.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato's eyes began to become determined. He quickly crossed his hands together, and then he began to form seals quickly.

Weird chakra rippled in his body, and his spirit began to become a little confused. He seemed to feel that a huge and terrifying, but invisible monster appeared behind him.

"No! Minato!"

Kushina shouted in grief, but Minato Namikaze didn't look back at all, because he was worried that he would be even more sad if he turned around.

"Ninja Technique: Seal all zombies!"

Chakra rippled crazily on his body, and in an instant he had completed the seal!

If possible, he would not choose this technique.

But this sealing technique is indeed the simplest at this moment, a technique that can accurately divide the nine tails and complete a partial seal!

As the seal was completed, Namikaze Minato felt more and more clearly that the terrifying existence behind him began to move.

His palm seemed to touch an illusory chakra figure, and a cold chakra passed through his abdomen.

An invisible chakra light shot towards Kyuubi in an instant, hitting Kyuubi's body instantly.

Suddenly, a strong pulling force came, and Namikaze Minato knew that he had probably succeeded.

At this moment, Kyuubi began to roar even more crazily, and he tried his best to resist this technique.

But no matter how huge the Nine-Tails Chakra hit him, he still couldn't resist for long in the face of the weird "Ghoul Seal".

In an instant, a pale nine-tailed shadow condensed with chakra was pulled out and disappeared into Namikaze Minato's body along with the chakra light.

A burning sensation came from the abdomen, and at the same time there seemed to be some kind of terrifying existence inside the body, as if it could tear itself apart from the inside at any time.

Namikaze Minato gritted his teeth and used the little remaining chakra to suppress the Kyuubi's half body.

He cleverly used the corpse seal to extract all the chakra of the Nine-Tailed Shadow Escape and sealed it in his abdomen.

In just a moment, the pattern representing the sealing formation quietly appeared.


Kushina's grief-stricken voice sounded again, and her voice was already a little hoarse at this time.

Namikaze Minato didn't look back, he closed his eyes and tried not to let tears stay.

But unfortunately, he couldn't control his tears at all, and they fell to the ground drop by drop.

"I'm sorry, Kushina, I'm sorry. Please forgive me for being selfish this time, please forgive me..."

Namikaze Minato's voice also seemed choked, but he didn't stop the movements of his hands at all.

Kyuubi, who was bound by the chains of the Wood Dragon and the Uzumaki clan, was still struggling to resist, but his resistance could not threaten Namikaze Minato and the others.

However, Kyuubi also clearly felt that the damn wooden dragon had cracks, which made him know that his chance had come.

It was a pity that Namikaze Minato would not give him a chance. He could naturally detect what Kyuubi could detect, so he quickly formed the seal again.

"The next step is the Bagua seal, Kushina..."

"Sorry, goodbye..."


Natsuhiko and Obito quickly shuttled through the forest, and soon they came to a stop far away from Kyuubi.

Natsuhiko didn't think he could escape Obito's tracking. After all, his teleportation method did not require coordinates like the Flying Thunder God, but he could teleport directly to the location he wanted to teleport to.

What he has to do now is to take Obito far away, and then have a good 'communication' with this guy.

After Namikaze Minato's affairs were almost settled, he quickly went back to complete everything he wanted to do.

He has Obito's information, and if Namikaze Minato can defeat him, Natsuhiko believes he can too!

After all, Namikaze Minato left Obito a generous gift, and Natsuhiko can use any of the Flying Thunder God's curse seals because of the plug-in feature.

So he is really not that worried about Obito's problem. As long as he grasps the situation correctly, Obito will definitely not be a problem.


Natsu Yan had just stood firm, and while his perception was locked on Obito, he suddenly discovered that there was someone coming from the direction of Konoha.

These people were not small, especially when he noticed that there was Sarutobi Hiruzen's chakra in them, which made him nod slightly.

He remembered that after Namikaze Minato sealed the Nine Tails in the original work, Hiruzen Sarutobi arrived and took Naruto away.

He is deliberately moving in this direction now just to avoid unnecessary things happening.

For example, when he was rescuing Namikaze Minato and his wife, Hiruzen Sarutobi suddenly came to disrupt the situation, which would be a headache.

Xia Yan almost came in this direction on purpose. He originally only planned to take some precautions, but now it seems that his choice to come here is still very correct.

But just as he landed, Obito also chased after him. The chain in his hand instantly flew out of his wide sleeves and whipped towards Xia Yan fiercely.

"It's really a problem."

Natsuhiko jumped up and avoided the chains, but he was a little annoyed when he saw Obito approaching again.

Since Obito or that Black Zetsu want to see Mu Dun, Natsuhiko will definitely not let them down!

He felt his own chakra, and then quickly formed seals with his hands. In just a moment, his chakra began to surge, and his seal was completed!

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·Thorn Killing Technique!"

Natsuhiko stretched his hand forward, and instantly countless rattan-like wood shot out towards Obito.

Moreover, a lot of wood appeared around Obito. These woods surrounded Obito and there was a trace of chakra surging.

Obito's brows twitched slightly when he saw these wooden escapes. If these wooden escapes hit him, they would definitely bring him huge trouble.

Because these wooden escapes contained a special power, and this power made him feel very dangerous.

"Sure enough, there is a big difference between this Wood Release and my Wood Release."

Obito muttered silently, and then he turned around and instantly avoided these wooden bars, and his right hand stretched out again.

"Wood Release: Cutting Technique!"

The sharp wooden sticks quickly stretched out under the stimulation of his chakra, and then stabbed towards Xia Yan crazily.

But as soon as he took action, his expression changed slightly, because the figure in front of him had quietly disappeared!

The Sharingan in his right eye began to operate rapidly, and at this moment Natsuhiko suddenly appeared beside him, and the ninja sword covered with blue chakra slashed hard at his right hand!


After Xia Yan slashed with the sword, Obito's right arm was cut off directly at the palm of his hand!

However, he had no way to continue, because Obito's reaction speed was not too slow. After all, he was also an Uchiha with a kaleidoscope.

Looking at the palm that fell to the ground, Xia Yan paused slightly. Less than a second later, he returned to where he was, as if he had never attacked before.

Obito, on the other hand, looked at Xia Yan with a gloomy look, and he realized that his experience tonight was really miserable.

Because of his ability, he was actually cracked by two people who also mastered the art of Flying Thunder God!

First his teacher, then his classmates.

These two people who once had a good relationship with him turned out to be the ones who caught his weaknesses.

This made Obito feel incredible and at the same time he was unable to control his anger.

His teacher Minato Namikaze mastered the Flying Thunder God technique, but Rin was killed by Kakashi because he was late.

And Xia Yan is the one who has the best relationship with him among them at the same time. This guy is actually from the Thousand Hands clan, and he can master Mu Dun and Flying Thunder God.

Since he had such powerful power, why didn't he help Lin at that time?

Once Obito's mind became active, he would not consider Natsuhiko's situation a year ago at all.

He only knows that what he sees is what it is!

Thinking of this, Obito's chakra became more intense, and Xia Yan naturally noticed this situation.

In addition, Xia Yan also noticed that Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others were getting closer.

"We can't let them get closer, if that's the case."

Natsuhiko's face turned slightly cold, the chakra in his body surged rapidly, and Obito also completed his own seal.

"Fire Release: Explosive Wind Dance!"

Obito spit out a fire snake fiercely, and the fire dragon became extremely huge under the exaggeration of his huge chakra.

And as the Sharingan in his right eye continued to rotate, the surrounding space began to distort crazily.

This fire dragon continued to rotate following the twisted space, and the hot breath spread crazily towards Xia Yan. In an instant, the ground seemed to be on fire.

"Immortal Technique·Water Release·Water Formation Wall!"

Natsuhiko was not polite. In order to prevent Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others from coming, he directly used a large-scale water escape to deal with it.

In the end, he didn't even expect that this Water Release actually blocked Obito's Fire Release.

But he didn't stop there. His perception was always locked on Obito, and at the same time, he formed the seal again.

He didn't know how long it would take him to complete the ninjutsu with just one seal.

But he believes that all this is not far away!

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·The Arrival of the Tree Realm!"

Natsuhiko once again used Tree World Descendant. Since the troops led by Sarutobi Hiruzen were to be unable to get through, large-scale ninjutsu would naturally be needed to deal with it.

One water escape is obviously not enough, but if the tree realm is added to it, then this area will definitely become a forbidden land!

As long as Natsuhiko doesn't take the initiative to withdraw from the tree world, then Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others will never dare to come over easily.

On the other hand, Xia Yan's celestial chakra has also bottomed out.

He can only maintain his condition now. If he is using any magic, then he will exit the immortal mode.

Suddenly, Xia Yan jumped up, and a swirling space turbulence suddenly appeared where he was.

Obito's figure quickly appeared from him. He was not surprised at all when Xia Yan avoided his attack. He immediately and quickly moved towards Xia Yan.

"Although your Wood Release is powerful, it can't reach me at all. It's such a waste of energy. I'm afraid you're about to die in your current state, right?"

Obito's figure was still low and terrifying, and he stabbed Natsuhiko fiercely with a kunai in his left hand.

"Guess whether I'm really attacking this time or a fake attack?"


Natsuhiko jumped back to avoid this attack, and then unsheathed his ninja sword to block Obito who was attacking again.

"It seems you are very impatient."

Obito's only remaining eye stared at Xia Yan, but his voice was a bit teasing.

"But your Wood Escape is really scary. I find that there is no way I can compare with your Wood Escape."

"You got this ability by using Senju Hashirama's genes, right?"

Natsuhiko swung his sword away, and after the ninja sword passed through Obito's body, he dodged and came to a tree.

"I have noticed something else about you a long time ago, you are really a disgusting guy.

You're wearing a mask because you don't dare to see people now that you're neither a human nor a ghost, right? "

Natsuhiko's mouth is still vicious, and he doesn't care about Obito so much.

Especially now that it is clear that the two sides are in a hostile state, he cannot have any compassion.

Even though Obito is a complete tragedy, his level of tragedy is actually on par with Uchiha Madara.

Because the entire history of Naruto is jokingly said to be the history of internal fighting within the Otsutsuki clan. In the true sense, there are no evil villains in this world.

Every action of everyone has a strong purpose, and even their starting point is actually good. It seems that they themselves have no problems.

Obito was a guy who had a breakdown in his heart and then turned into a psychopath who wanted to make everyone fall into illusion and find the true happiness deep inside.

His approach probably means, 'The real world is a hell, so find paradise in the illusory world.'

To be honest, I am afraid that for many people in the ninja world, his approach may still be welcomed.

What Obito didn't know was that the Infinite Tsukuyomi was actually a trap.

Even if he resists Uchiha and plans to take control of everything by himself, he will still be tricked by Kaguya Otsutsuki in the end.

But no matter whether his starting point is good or not, Natsuhiko will not sympathize with Obito that much. He is a very practical person.

Obito's actions seriously affected his interests, so he would never show any mercy.


At this moment, a vast and extremely strange chakra suddenly rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a cold and suffocating chakra aura spread towards Xia Yan and the others.

At the same time, Kyuubi's violent roar became more intense, but also became more hoarse.

In his perception, the nine tails at this time had shrunk by half, which made him immediately realize what happened!

"It seems that I don't have time to play with you anymore."

Natsuhiko glanced at Obito, and then the chakra on his body suddenly became rippling.

"Although I really want to find out who you are, I think I'd better start with your body."

"You are very confident." Obito looked at Xia Yan dumbly, and his tone was full of playfulness: "You have done so much just now and still can't deal with me. Do you think you can quickly deal with me now?"

"I think I can indeed..." Xia Yan raised his head slightly, and his ninja sword turned blue again: "Actually, I don't think it will be too difficult to deal with you, just like..."

As soon as the words fell, Natsuhiko's figure disappeared instantly, and Obito suddenly felt a strong sense of threat spreading.



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