The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 187 Ending (Part 2) (8K please subscribe~)

Sarutobi Hiruzen led hundreds of Konoha ninjas and quickly dispatched less than five minutes after Natsuhiko disappeared.

He had left enough reserve troops to rescue the village, and with the Kyuubi leaving Konoha those shinobi who were not allowed to participate in the war were released.

Now following him are all ninjas who are still capable of fighting. These ninjas are really not many for Konoha.

Even though Konoha has the largest number of regular troops left on the border, Konoha is the richest village in the entire ninja world and the village with the most complete ninja training system.

Even if the number of ninjas in Konoha is not as good as that of Kumogakure due to the war, they are definitely not something that the other three villages can look down upon.


The ground was shaking crazily, and Kyuubi's roar became more and more deafening. They could fully feel how fiercely Kyuubi was resisting now.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stabilized his body, looked at the countless ninjas behind him who fell to the ground due to the violent shock, and shook his head helplessly.

"Rizu, let's take a look at the situation ahead."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath, and he spoke directly to Hinata Hizashi beside him.

"The descendants of the Senju family are fighting against the Kyuubi."

Hinata Hinashi's Byakugan opened instantly. In fact, he knew that even without the use of Byakugan, they could vaguely see the situation ahead.

However, in order to get more real and complete information, it was better for him to use Byakugan, not to mention that he himself was very curious about what happened.

Just at this look, he was stunned for a moment, and then he slowly said everything.

"If I read it correctly, the child of the Senju family used the Wood Dragon Technique. The Wood Dragon entangled the Kyuubi and kept devouring the Kyuubi's chakra.

As for the previous earthquake, it was the child of the Senju family who withstood the Kyuubi's tailed beast jade. "

He single-handedly resisted the tailed beast jade, and also summoned the Wood Dragon Jutsu?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little silent when he heard this. Natsuhiko had indeed resisted the Tailed Beast Jade before, but he only used Earth Release to cooperate with his psychic beast.

And now, his psychic beast is still in Konoha assisting the ninjas in searching for rescuers. He is truly facing the Kyuubi's attack alone.

No, he is not facing the Kyuubi's attack alone. He can defend against the Kyuubi's attack and at the same time pose a real threat to the Kyuubi!

The Wood Dragon Technique, as a ninja of that era, Hiruzen Sarutobi could not possibly not know this technique.

This is the Wood Release Ninjutsu that Senju Hashirama is best at and the most commonly used, but this is only for Senju Hashirama.

There is no need to think about ordinary people's Mudun, even those who have lost their self-awareness and have sprouted their bodies in experiments conducted by Danzo and others with the tacit approval of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The power they have mastered to be able to display a wooden formation wall is amazing. Advanced wood escape such as the Wood Dragon Technique is really out of the question!

Has Xia Yan grown to this point?

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath. What this boy showed tonight really shocked him time and time again. The kind of heart this boy showed also made him feel palpitations.

"Now that the Yondaime-sama and the children of the Senju family have controlled the Kyuubi, they should be sealed... huh?"

At this moment, Hinata Hizu made a sound again, and his face seemed to become a little strange and worried.

"Someone appears again. This guy seems to know how to use space ninjutsu, and... he and Xia Yan started fighting, and the two of them started to come towards us!"

Someone else was involved and coming towards them?

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, he immediately put aside all his previous thoughts. No matter how terrible Natsuhiko was, in the final analysis, he was a Konoha ninja.

No matter how you look at it, an outsider ninja will be an enemy of Konoha, not to mention that Sarutobi Hiruzen also communicated with some ANBU along the way, especially the Weasels who had guarded the Yondaime ANBU before.

He knew that the person who attacked the Fourth Generation was an alien Uchiha, and that Uchiha was also a person who knew space ninjutsu.

"Let's go!" Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted: "Go and deal with the enemy, rescue the Fourth Generation Eye and seal the Nine-Tails!"

"Yes! Hokage-sama!" All the Konoha ninjas shouted, and they quickly rushed out following the footsteps of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But not long after they set off, a huge chakra aura instantly filled the air in front of them, and then a gushing torrent rushed towards them instantly!

"All ninjas who can escape from the earth come out!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw this scene and immediately gave orders. Then he took the lead in forming seals with his hands, and his majestic chakra began to surge rapidly.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

The other ninjas who were able to escape quickly took a step forward, and then quickly formed seals collectively.

The torrent in front of them was already beyond their imagination. It was really terrifying to display such water escape in this forest.

However, they said that what they faced was just the beginning. Before this wave of water escape could hit the earth wall they built, the earth trembled crazily again.

Then a towering giant tree suddenly rose up in front of them. They were all people who had experienced the previous battle with Kyuubi, and they had even witnessed Xia Yan's performance.

They naturally remembered what the giant tree was at this moment, and they also remembered that the power of this giant tree made even the Kyuubi have some scruples!

Because this is one of Mu Dun's signature ninjutsu, the arrival of the tree world.

But what kind of opponent is Xia Yan facing? How dangerous is this opponent to force him to be the only one after the first Hokage who has mastered Wood Release to use such a technique?

It's a pity that they have no answer at all, and they are even stunned on the spot. The roaring flood and the huge tree are simply not something they can deal with.

Especially since the vines of the giant tree were already heading in their direction, they could fully imagine what would happen once those vines hit the earth wall they built.

"Everyone, retreat immediately!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen obviously thought of all this. He gritted his teeth and looked at the scene in front of him, and finally had no choice but to give the order.

Now he suddenly realized how helpless and sad the Kage from other villages felt when they faced the first Hokage Senju Hashirama forty or fifty years ago.

Natsuhiko is obviously far from reaching the state of Senju Hashirama back then, but even the techniques he performs now make them feel helpless.

And how terrifying the Senju Hashirama back then was...


"Damn guy!"

In a cave in the Kingdom of Fire, Dai Coyoan awkwardly clutched his chest and walked out through space, and then he fell to the ground.

The blood quickly dyed the ground red, but Obito didn't care. He just cursed Xia Yan angrily and how despicable this guy was!

He had thought that he might lose against Xia Yan. After all, this guy seemed to have seen through his technique just like his teacher.

With the lessons learned from Namikaze Minato, he didn't dare to act so confident, but even if he lost, he felt that as long as he was careful enough, he wouldn't lose too badly.

But now, he has really lost extremely completely, and he has lost without any dignity at all!

Obito had actually discovered the secret of Xia Yanfei's use of Thunder God a long time ago. As someone who also possessed Wood Release, he had long noticed that there were many seeds of Wood Release buried in the ground under his feet.

He guessed that Xia Yan's Flying Thunder God probably used these seeds as coordinates, so that he could use the Flying Thunder God without restriction in a specific area.

This is both concealed and extremely efficient, but there is also a problem, that is, there is always a certain distance limit for burying the seeds.

Obito didn't know how the distance limit was calculated, but that didn't prevent him from leaving that distance directly.

As long as he got out of this range, he didn't believe that Xia Yan could come directly to him and attack him without coordinates.

However, he never dreamed that Xia Yan, that damn guy, actually attacked him directly without relying on the coordinates on the ground!

When the ninja sword with blue chakra pierced his chest, he suddenly remembered one thing, that is, he seemed to have been left with a curse mark by Namikaze Minato before.

"Can the curse seals of the Flying Thunder God be used interchangeably?"

Obito was breathing hard, but as he breathed, his breath gradually stabilized, and his wounds gradually began to heal under his black robe.

He stood up slowly, and the blood seemed not to flow out as fast as before. He could recover at a speed that was half Bai Jue's.

"It seems that you are at a disadvantage."

At this moment, a black and white figure suddenly appeared on the ground. He looked at Obito and shook his head.

"That boy from the Thousand Hands Clan is indeed very powerful."

"Hmph, he is good, but that's just that." Obito gritted his teeth and said, "If I hadn't been careless..."

"That boy has magic chakra."

Before Obito could finish speaking, Black Zetsu continued to speak.

"And he has already tested out your information. He also has Mu Dun and Fei Lei Shen.

You should be grateful that he has been fighting for so long now and does not have enough chakra to deal with you, otherwise you may not be able to come back. "

Having said this, Hei Jue paused for a moment, because he was really a little scared.

Natsuhiko's strength is indeed not up to Senju Tobirama's level, but the combat effectiveness shown by Natsuhiko at this time is not weak.

More importantly, the gap between Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara is not that big.

At his peak, Uchiha Madara and the Kyuubi were unable to defeat Senju Hashirama. Now that Obito's information was known to others, and the opponent had similar abilities to him in terms of techniques, he really didn't know how Obito could win. !

He had been secretly observing the battle between Obito and Natsuhiko. When Natsuhiko suddenly ducked and stabbed Obito in the chest, he almost couldn't help but come out.

Fortunately, Obito was self-aware and knew how to escape in time. Similarly, Natsuhiko's senjutsu chakra didn't seem to be enough.

Otherwise, a scarlet word 'danger' might appear above Obito's head.


Obito felt that his body was gradually recovering, and he took off his mask, revealing his pale face.

"This guy actually has magical powers, it's really unexpected."

"He never disclosed it to anyone, so I have no information about it."

Hei Jue shook his head, and then he said seriously.

"Even if he is not very good now, I don't think you are still capable of fighting. So what are your plans now?"

"Plan?" Obito glanced at Black Zetsu, and soon he withdrew his gaze: "There are no plans anymore. Let's go. Anyway, we have done everything we can."

Indeed, although today's action can be defined as a failure for Obito, it is also a relatively successful failure.

He wanted to get the Kyuubi, but Kyuubi was protected and forced Mu Dun out. This was considered a success.

What's more, his action this time was originally to show his strength and let those in Nagato who were not particularly obedient know his abilities.

In this regard, he has accomplished it relatively perfectly.

Especially before, he also felt the cold chakra. He guessed that Namikaze Minato might have used some terrible technique, such as the zombie sealing?

If this technique was really used, then the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village would be completely hopeless.

After killing his teacher, Obito felt a sense of loss, which was really uncomfortable.

But Obito has no regrets. Since he has already gone down this path, he will not regret it anymore.

He admitted that for a moment, he really hoped that he would be recognized by Minato Namikaze and recognize him as the former Uchiha Obito!

But it's a pity that Namikaze Minato didn't do it, and even identified him as Uchiha Madara.

"It seems that I have indeed become Uchiha Madara."

Obito felt bitter in his heart, but while feeling bitter, he also strengthened his belief.

Since you didn't recognize me, we will be strangers from now on, especially now, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive this.

So from now on, I am Uchiha Madara, and I will definitely create a new world.

A wonderful new world with you, Lin, Kakashi, and everything!

"And Natsuhiko, you really gave me a big surprise this time. Maybe Madara Uchiha's opponent is Hashirama Senju."

"Now I am Uchiha Madara, then you are Senju Hashirama. It seems that we really need to have a good 'communication'!"

Thinking of this, Obito's Sharingan in his right eye began to rotate slightly.

The next moment, his body began to twist, and then he disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared...


In Konoha, the former site of the Uzumaki clan, Natsuhiko looked calmly at Tsutani Hiroshi who was gradually recovering. Although he was alert, he didn't make much movement.

Even though he is just a shadow clone, he who has inherited all Xia Yan's memories naturally knows that now is probably the most critical time.

He was not wary of Jin Gukuan's strength, but of this guy's attitude. Once this guy had other thoughts, Xia Yan would have to come over in person.

The one disadvantage of the shadow clone is that he has no idea what the original body is doing now, so now he can only wait.

"I don't know what the specific situation is over there now. I hope there is no problem."

Xia Yan's shadow clone thought silently, but at this moment the ground around him suddenly shook slightly, and then a small lizard broke out of the ground.

Seeing this lizard, Xia Yan's shadow clone couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. They had no way to contact nature and needed other things to help, and the lizard was the best way to communicate between them!

After the lizard broke out of the ground, it first glanced around and then jumped onto the shoulder of Xia Yanying's clone. It stuck out its tongue and quickly transmitted the information to Xia Yanying's clone through chakra.

Xia Yan's shadow clone also understood all the current situations at this moment, which made him nod with satisfaction.

It seemed that everything on his side was okay, although he was a little surprised that Obito actually went back and looked for trouble for himself.

After all, he didn't remember that he bribed Obito to do such a thing.

But now that it has happened, he doesn't think there is anything to worry about anymore. Now he has more important things to do.

"Okay, I think you have been preparing for so long, and you should have almost recovered."

Xia Yan looked at Jin Gukuan, and he spoke in an extremely calm voice.

"Then please begin, Your Excellency."

"finally coming?"

Tsutani Hiroshi had already noticed the arrival of the lizard, and he had also noticed the scene of the huge lizard fighting against the Kyuubi outside.

He even noticed the towering giant tree appearing and cooperating with the huge lizard to attack Nine Tails.

Now a little lizard appears here. After contacting this guy next to him, he also has the flying thunder god technique and the spiritual transformation technique.

He suddenly realized if the guy next to him was using Wood Release, and if this guy was a member of the Thousand Hands Clan!

"You are from the Thousand Hands Clan, right?"


Xia Yan nodded directly. He looked at Jin Gu and said calmly with a wide tone.

"I am a member of the Thousand Hands Clan, and the person outside who uses Wood Escape is my true body. Do you have any questions?"

"I'm afraid Konoha doesn't want you to do what you did, right?"

Jingu Kuan licked his tongue, as if he had determined something.

"It seems that even if I help you deal with it, it will be difficult for me to leave in the true sense.

After all, as a descendant of the Senju clan, you are doing things that Konoha doesn't want you to do.

Gee, is this equivalent to the Hokage himself betraying Konoha? "

The face under the mask of Xia Yanying's clone was looking at Jin Gukuan as if he was mentally retarded. Is there something wrong with this guy's brain?

But after thinking about it, Xia Yan didn't bother to pay much attention to him. After all, a mentally ill person won't listen to you no matter what you say.

Just like Obito, Natsuhiko didn't tell him that there was something wrong with Lin's death, because he didn't have that much evidence, and he couldn't awaken a person who was deeply trapped in self-awareness.

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and his voice became colder.

"Just do it if you are told to do it. If you don't do it, I will ask the main body to come over and do it for you.

You have no choice, you can only be honest and obedient, so that you have the possibility of survival.

Don't make it difficult for me, after all, I haven't tried using human corpses to nourish my Wood Release. "

After saying this, Xia Yan's shadow clone held a seal with one hand. Jingu Kuan glanced at it and then fell silent.

Although he didn't know what this seal meant, he was not stupid and could guess that it was probably the seal to release the shadow clone.

If he did, Natsuhiko might stay forever. After all, he couldn't believe what this Konoha Anbu said.

But if he doesn't do it, he will be controlled to do it, and Xia Yan will take crazy revenge on him afterwards.

At the thought of being crushed and merged into Mudun, he couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

In that state, he didn't know if he was still alive, and was he still conscious at that time?

Thinking of this, Jingu Kuan sighed helplessly. He slowly picked up the death mask, and then stared at Xia Yan.

"I hope you can remember your promise, and I will cooperate with your actions."

After saying this, Tsugu Kuan directly put the death mask on his face, and then began to quickly form seals with his hands.

Xia Yan's shadow clone has been watching all this. The method of unlocking the zombie seal actually does not require any technical content at all.

He only needs you to know the technique and then follow the technique to form seals and cooperate with chakra to complete it.

It is very simple to say, but the reason why this technique is listed as a forbidden technique is not only that it will kill people when it is sealed, but also it will kill people when it is unlocked!

And when it is untied, it still needs to bear the pain of disembowelment. Such a price is really not acceptable to ordinary people.

Along with his movements, a chakra that seemed not to belong to the world enveloped him, cold and desperate, like the god of death!

Jingu Kuan let out waves of low roars, as if he was suffering from some powerful pain.

He tried to control his movements as much as possible. He stood with his arms stretched out flat, and his hair had been blown up by the chakra.

Behind him, there seemed to be a white shadow of Death.

This god of death was invisible, but Xia Yan seemed to be able to feel a short blade in its mouth.

Closing his eyes slightly, Xia Yanying's clone's perception instantly opened up. In an instant, he seemed to see a first-born creature with two horns, like an evil ghost from the legendary hell!

The temperature in the entire room suddenly dropped. Xia Yan had long expected that such a thing would not be simple.

But when Tsugu Kuan actually used it, he found that he still underestimated the technique of sealing off the corpses.

Fortunately, he has experienced quite a lot, so he just maintains the necessary vigilance.

After all, he is just a shadow clone now, and after all, he has not taught Jingu Kan the sealing method to seal away all zombies.


Suddenly, Xia Yan frowned, because in his perception, he was surprised to find that the soul of the evil ghost seemed to be bound to Jin Gukuan.

This is not just a connection of chakra, but a direct compatibility between soul and soul. Especially Xia Yan also feels that this evil ghost hates Tsutani Hiroshi.

"What is going on? How could something like this happen?"

Xia Yan had no idea what was going on. Once the souls were linked to each other, it would not be so easy for this guy to get away!

Orochimaru's performance in the original work is obviously that there are no souls linked together, but why does this guy have such a problem?

"Is there something wrong with the technique? Or is there another reason?"

Xia Yan obtained the technique from Senju Xiangzhen. If there was really something wrong with the technique, Xia Yan would be really disappointed.

And if it is for other reasons, such as something unclear, such as this guy believing in an evil god to make himself immortal.

This caused the evil god of death to hate him, and then the situation was different.

"However, it should be the second type. Senju Xiangzhen really doesn't dare to harm me, and his disgust is real."

Xia Yan was thinking silently, but Jin Gukuan didn't know what happened at all, and he continued his actions.

He picked up an ordinary dagger, and with his movements, the evil ghost-like Death removed the dagger from his mouth.

Then he stabbed the sword into his abdomen fiercely, just like committing seppuku. He violently stirred the short knife in his abdomen, and then pulled it fiercely in one direction.

Jin Gukuan suddenly groaned, and he quickly pulled out the knife, and a huge wound immediately appeared on his abdomen, and blood and his broken internal organs continued to overflow.

The evil god of death did the same thing, silently cutting a wound on his abdomen.

From the wound, a blue light group suddenly appeared. The next moment, the blue light group seemed to feel something, and it immediately flew out.

This scene made Xia Yan frown slightly. The speed was so fast that he had no time to react.

But he didn't move much, after all, he was just a shadow clone now.

But he noticed that the direction of the light group's flight was exactly where his body was!

"It seems that this technique is indeed as described. After being cracked, the soul finds its own body. Without the body, it will wander around the world for a while, and finally return to the pure land."

Xia Yan was relieved at this moment. After all, he didn't need to prepare for reincarnation anymore, let alone trouble Chiyo anymore.

Even he didn't think there would be any problem in causing trouble for Chiyo, but reincarnation is really not that easy to handle.

Especially since he has now lost a qualified test subject.

"help me!"

Turning his head, Xia Yan looked at Jin Gukuan, who groaned intermittently and vaguely.

Xia Yan mentally sighed slightly, he could feel that Jin Gukuan's life breath was passing quickly at this time.

The vitality that seemed to be locked in his life seemed to be broken. With the rapid flow of blood in his abdomen, his life was also quietly disappearing.

Xia Yan's shadow clone pondered for a moment, then he quickly squatted down and tied up Jin Gukuan's leaking and damaged intestines, and then stuffed them into Jin Gukuan's stomach.

"Wait a moment, I..." Xia Yan raised his head slightly and said, but then he paused before he could say anything.

Because at this time, Jin Gukuan has completely lost the breath of life!

His eyes were as wide as bells, but his dilated pupils had completely lost focus, and his entire face was distorted, looking like an evil ghost.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan couldn't help but put down what he was doing. He knew that this guy was completely hopeless.

It is known from his perception that Tsugu Kuan has completely lost his life breath!

"It's really scary."

Xia Yan murmured, and his perception covered Jin Gukuan's body crazily. In just a moment, he detected a lot of information.

The evil, curse-like mark on this guy completely disappeared. This disappearance was very strange, and it disappeared very completely.

Xia Yan guessed that maybe it wasn't really a question of technique, but that this guy's actions really pissed off the so-called God of Death, right?

After all, death is also a reincarnation. Even if this reincarnation can be avoided, you cannot avoid it in other ways that are known as evil.

"It seems that this world is really weird, but I have accomplished an achievement..."

Having said this, he stood up and looked at Jingugu Kuan, who was looking a little dead-eyed, and couldn't help but scratch his head.

"I am the first one to kill this guy who believes in evil gods and has immortality..."


In the forest of Konoha, Natsuhiko landed firmly next to Namikaze Minato and Kushina.

Naruto cried very loudly, and he seemed to sense something, so he cried loudly.

Natsuhiko walked up to Naruto and took a serious look at his stomach. What made him slightly relieved was that there was no seal on Naruto's stomach at all.

But similarly, he could find the existence of the seal on Namikaze Minato's body, but there was no chakra of the Kyuubi at all.

This made him immediately realize that this was probably the function of the corpse seal, so the corpse seal was to seal the enemy together with himself, and it was a seal with the soul as the core.

"It's such a shame, otherwise I might have been able to get some tailed beast chakra."

Natsuhiko shook his head slightly, and soon his eyes fell on Kushina.

At this time, Kushina had completely passed out. She was probably too sad to be in this situation. She lost her true love overnight.

"Fortunately, it seems that my performance this time did not make them completely despair, nor did they both reach a certain death situation."

A smile appeared on Natsuhiko's lips, and then he squatted in front of Namikaze Minato, closing his eyes slightly, and his perception began to spread crazily.

At this time, Namikaze Minato had lost his heartbeat and consciousness. Basically, this situation could be judged as death.

However, Xia Yan would not judge a person's death so easily, especially a ninja cannot judge so easily!

"found it!"

Suddenly Natsuhiko opened his eyes, and he felt the 'fire' that had almost disappeared in Namikaze Minato's body.

This kind of 'flame' is the most critical thing, and it is the key to whether a person can survive.


At this moment, a blue ball of light suddenly rushed over, and then submerged into Namikaze Minato's body.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his lips...


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