Natsuhiko recognized the blue light ball immediately. It definitely belonged to Namikaze Minato's soul.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because from this scene it seemed that the solution to the corpse-sealing technique did not lie to him.

It's just that he's still a little strange, why hasn't his shadow clone been lifted yet, and why hasn't he been summoned to solve some necessary troubles?

Xia Yan still has some doubts about whether to let Jin Gukuan go. It's not that he doesn't want to be trustworthy - in fact, for him, trust is just a scale that can be moved up or down, and can be changed at will.

Just like his moral bottom line, his moral bottom line has always been extremely flexible.

There are more benefits to keeping this guy than letting him go, so he can ignore the promise he made and deal with it as he wants.

There is no right or wrong in the face of interests. The old man in House of Cards has step by step from a party whip to the boss of the Free Beacon, which is enough to prove that his approach is correct.

Even if Xia Yan is not that black-hearted, he can still reach that level in some aspects.

"Forget it, don't think about this, let's save Namikaze Minato first."

Xia Yan shook his head gently, and then he quickly formed a seal. With his chakra surge for just a moment, countless trees spread out where he was, and finally completely enveloped them.

"Wood Release·Wood Spindle Wall!"

This time he didn't use any magic. His magic chakra has not fully recovered yet, and he doesn't dare to mess around.

And his move was also to prevent others from Konoha from coming, even if he used Water Release and Wood Release to block Sarutobi Hiruzen from outside.

But who knows if there are other people running from other directions, so he must be on guard.

After doing all this, Natsuhiko stretched out his hand and covered the heart of Namikaze Minato, and then he began to contact the weak and controllable Yang Escape power in his body.

In the original book, Naruto, the boy, resurrected Akai with ease, and also helped Obito stay alive. He did this by using the power of Yang escape.

However, at that time, his mastery and use of Yang Dun was simply out of control.

After all, he directly obtained the inheritance of the Six Paths Immortal and reached the full level in one go.

Xia Yan is only in the most elementary state now. In this state, he can't even try the so-called Yang Escape Chakra mode.

The so-called Yang Release Chakra Mode is actually the state where Naruto has a golden glow all over his body and a Taoist Jade behind him.

Of course, Naruto was able to achieve that state by combining the power of the nine tails and the chakra of other tailed beasts.

That state has reached the level of the Six Paths, and there is no problem in saying that it is the Six Paths Chakra Mode.

"If you want to get to that point, you need the power of tailed beasts and various chakra powers. The most important thing is the power of Yang Dun. There is still a long way to go."

Xia Yan sighed softly, and then a touch of golden chakra appeared in his hand.

This chakra quickly entered Namikaze Minato's body and began to continuously ignite the 'fire' in his body.

There was no need to rush this matter. Natsuhiko could not directly pour a large amount of life force into Namikaze Minato's body like he did with Sarah.

After all, Namikaze Minato is dead in some sense now, but Sarah was alive at that time.

With the continuous influx of this golden power, Xia Yan clearly felt that he was starting to become a little weak.

However, such weakness is still within his tolerance, and such weakness is obviously due to his physical weakness, and has nothing to do with chakra.

After all, when the power of Yang Dun is not combined with chakra, it is more manifested in the body.

Closing his eyes slightly, Natsuki felt the condition of Namikaze Minato's body, and he had to say that the power of Yang Release was indeed terrifying.

Even though Namikaze Minato had no breathing or heartbeat at this time, with Natsuhiko's help, the 'fire' that was about to go out in his body continued to grow.

After it finally stabilized to the point where the 'flame' could no longer be extinguished easily, Xia Yan took his hand away.

"It seems that from now on, Yang Dun's power must not be used easily before it can be used in combat."

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, Xia Yan couldn't help but gasp slightly. This way of using Yang Escape really made him feel uncomfortable.

After all, it's just a basic level. He can only master this level with the help of the system. Now this is his limit.

He didn't know what it would be like to reach the intermediate state, but he was somewhat looking forward to it.

"Can Yang Dun's power be obtained through seed development, or can it only be obtained through bloodline development and improvement?

I am currently at the intermediate level of bloodline development, but the Yang Escape power I have obtained is only at the elementary level.

So does it mean that there is really a higher level above the advanced power? "

Xia Yan was thinking silently, but the movements in his hands were not slow at all. With the slight surge of chakra in his body, he also transformed the control of Yang Escape power.

The next moment, the power in his hand turned into a faint green light.

This green light is full of vitality. This vitality was extracted from the trees by Natsuhiko in advance, and this vitality is also the key to saving Namikaze Minato!

"However, it is obvious that too much was extracted this time. After all, there is no problem with Kushina."

When this life force was quickly poured into Namikaze Minato's body, Natsuhiko did not forget to turn his head and glance at Kushina.

In his perception, Kushina's vitality has long been restored to its original state. The removal of the tailed beast did cause great harm to her, but the physique of the Uzumaki clan is no joke.

Xia Yan couldn't detect the hidden problems, but he could detect the vitality problems through his unique perception.

At least in his perception, Kushina's problem is not that big now. Even if there are indeed some big problems, those are not what he needs to worry about.

These problems can be completely recovered through nursing, and he will not let Namikaze Minato's vitality completely reach its peak.

He would carefully control the infusion of life force, so that while the life force would ensure that Namikaze Minato was fine, it would never allow his body to fully recover.

A Namikaze Minato who needs to recuperate and has no energy to manage government affairs is the real best Namikaze Minato in Natsuhiko's mind!

With the continuous influx of Xia Yan's chakra, when he sensed that it was almost the same, he immediately stopped the flow of life force.

After slightly sensing Namikaze Minato's current state, Natsu Yan suddenly frowned.

At this time, Namikaze Minato could be said to be 'alive', the 'fire' in his heart had become extremely strong, and the life breath in his body had reached a pretty good level.

But why did his breathing still not return, and his heart not beating?

Xia Yan has never encountered such a situation before, and he really can't understand what is going on.

"Did it fail?"

Xia Yan quickly thought, failure is not what he wants to see, and it is definitely not what he is willing to bear.

It's just that Namikaze Minato is definitely alive now in his sentient state, but why doesn't his breathing and heartbeat return?

As he was thinking about it, Natsu Yan suddenly thought of something like a flash of inspiration, and then he fiercely stretched out his fist and hit Namikaze Minato on the chest.


Namikaze Minato's body moved slightly, and Natsuhiko was keenly aware that this guy's heartbeat seemed to be moving.

So he punched it again without hesitation. With his fists, he found that Namikaze Minato seemed to be starting to react.

I don't know what time the punch was, but Namikaze Minato was suddenly shaken.

Then Xia Yan suddenly opened his eyes without any need for oxygen delivery...


Namikaze Minato felt that he was a little confused now, he had no idea what was going on.

He felt as if the ribs in his chest were broken. In addition, there was an inexplicable memory in his mind.

In his memory, he and the Kyuubi in his body entered the stomach of the God of Death together, and it seemed that he and the Kyuubi would be fighting in the stomach of the God of Death forever, resenting each other.

He didn't know why he felt this way, and he didn't know why he felt this way.

All he knew was that he soon entered a dark space, a space where he forgot everything, a space where there was only him and Kyuubi.

He could feel the Nine-Tails, which was almost completely bound to his soul, roaring, and such anger seemed to tear him apart completely.

And he was also ready to fight the Kyuubi. He only knew that he had to keep attacking the Kyuubi and fight to the death with the Kyuubi.

However, before all this started, suddenly the world he was in was shattered, and a ray of light suddenly fell on him.

This ray of light instantly confused Namikaze Minato, but the next moment he felt like he was being dragged away from this dark world, and his thoughts suddenly became much clearer.

He didn't know what happened, and it was not only him who was pulled out together, but also the nine tails in his body.

He felt like he was constantly flying in the sky, and soon he seemed to have found home.

He found that he had entered a place that was extremely familiar to him, but he had no idea where it was.

His thoughts recovered a lot at this moment, and he seemed to remember a lot of things. He remembered that he used the corpse seal to seal the Nine Tails.

The corpse sealing technique is a fatal sealing technique. If he uses this technique, it is basically certain that he is hopeless.

But he has no regrets at all. He is willing to sacrifice himself in order to let Kushina live and to prevent huge problems in Konoha.

"But what state am I in now?"

Namikaze Minato didn't know, he felt like he was full of energy, but he couldn't wake up.

He seemed to be dead, but he didn't seem to be completely dead. His thoughts were a little confused. He found that he could think but couldn't figure out what was going on.

Such a confused and contradictory feeling really made him feel worse than death.

And he felt very uncomfortable. He felt very uncomfortable all over his body. It was a suffocating feeling, a feeling that made him feel like he was really going to die.

He couldn't explain what was going on. He felt that life was worse than death, both in his heart and physically.

"What the hell is going on, what's going on with me."

Namikaze Minato felt more and more physically suffocated, and he clearly felt as if he had regained his vitality.

But he couldn't breathe or move at all. He was on the verge of death!

For a moment, he suddenly felt as if he became lighter, and then he seemed to feel that he was really flying.

"Does this feel like going to the Pure Land?"

Namikaze Minato seemed to realize something. This feeling was wonderful, a feeling that he could not put into words at all.

It was as if he naturally knew where he was going. This feeling was really weird and wonderful, and it also made him feel a little confused.

"I left the belly of the God of Death, but how on earth was the seal of the zombies cracked?"

With such confusion, Namikaze Minato began to rise quickly into the sky, and he seemed to be heading towards his true destination.

He felt more and more sleepy and unwilling to think about all this. He just wanted to have a good rest and have a good sleep.

This feeling became more and more intense, and he couldn't resist it at all, so he slowly closed his eyes.

"Perhaps, this is also a good destination. After all, after going to the Pure Land, there may be a chance to meet Kushina in the future, and in the belly of the God of Death..."

Namikaze Minato thought this mentally, but the next moment he suddenly felt his whole body shaking violently!


Along with this vibration, he clearly felt severe pain in his chest, and his original lightness began to slowly disappear.

"How is this going?"

Namikaze Minato's sleepiness seemed to have been dispelled, and he was confusedly sensing everything around him, but he couldn't feel anything of value at all.

Because the severe pain from his chest continued, and he felt that his body was becoming heavier.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Amidst such knocking sounds, Namikaze Minato felt himself beginning to fall rapidly, and the severe pain in his chest made him unable to think about this at all.

He didn't know how long he had fallen from the sky. When a violent burst of pain spread from his chest again, he felt like he fell hard to the ground!

The pain in his chest made him almost want to roar, but at this moment he seemed to feel his blood starting to flow.

And he seemed to be able to vaguely hear the beating sounds coming from his heart.

He felt as if he was holding his breath, and the suffocating feeling spread over his body again. He tried hard to open his eyes, and he tried hard to breathe.


Finally, amid the spread of severe pain and the constant knocking sounds, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Oxygen entered his nose and mouth again. He seemed to feel that the air was so sweet for the first time, and it seemed that for the first time he felt that being alive was so wonderful.

But this feeling did not last long, and he slowly closed his eyes again.

He just felt that he was so tired, he really wanted to take a rest, he needed to really take a good rest...


I don't know how long it took, but Minato Namikaze seemed to regain consciousness.

He felt that his chest was really painful, and not only that, he also realized that his body was not in particularly good condition right now.

Even though he regained his vitality, the feeling of weakness continued in his body. He knew that he was probably very weak now.

This was the first time he had encountered such weakness, and he seemed to have a premonition that it would take a lot of time to recover from such a situation.

"Dip, drip, drip!"

At this moment, Namikaze Minato suddenly felt that there seemed to be some sound coming from his ears. This sound seemed to be the sound of some kind of instrument.


And along with this sound, Namikaze Minato seemed to hear a woman's voice.

This voice made him feel extraordinarily peaceful. He knew that this was one of the most important people to him, the mother of his child...

"Wait a minute, Kushina, Naruto!"

At this moment Namikaze Minato realized something, and then he immediately forced himself to open his eyes.

Although he was very tired and weak now, he was eager to see these two people in his heart.

Slowly, Namikaze Minato overcame the greatest difficulty. He finally opened his eyes. What he saw was a snow-white ceiling, and the smell of disinfectant quickly entered his nasal cavity.

"Is this in the hospital?" Namikaze Minato's thoughts turned quickly, and he suddenly understood where he was now.

"Minato! Minato! You're awake!" At this moment, a weak but full of surprise voice sounded in his ears.

Namikaze Minato didn't even need to turn around to know that this must be his wife Kushina.

Namikaze Minato slowly turned around, his eyes quickly locked on the woman with red hair. Kushina's face was also a little pale, and her breath was not stable.

But the tears in her eyes and the joyful expression unexpectedly made her look so beautiful at this moment.

Namikaze Minato reluctantly showed a smile. He could see that Kushina was also undergoing training in this ward just like him.

It was only when he turned his eyes and saw the sleeping baby lying in the cradle between the two of their beds that the smile on his face completely bloomed!


Namikaze Minato stretched out his hand to touch Naruto, but he found helplessly that he was too weak now and he could not do this at all.

"Minato, you're finally awake!"

Kushina could no longer control her tears at this time, she choked with sobs and looked at Namikaze Minato crying.

"Why are you so stupid, why do you do such dangerous things! Do you know, what does this world mean to me if I lose you!"

"I'm sorry, Kushina..." Namikaze Minato's face was full of apologies, but at this point he couldn't say any more.

If he could turn back time and face this situation again and let him make a choice, I'm afraid he would still do it.

He loves this village, he loves his family, these are the things he vows to protect to the death!

For this reason, he can give up his life and everything about himself. He is willing to bear everything, even death.

He will not regret it, and he will never regret it. This is his choice!

"By the way, Kushina." Suddenly Namikaze Minato seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed slightly: "The corpses have been sealed away, is there a way to unlock it?"

"Are the corpses sealed away...?"

Kushina became a little more serious when she heard Namikaze Minato's words. She knew that her husband might want to change the subject.

However, this question really puzzled her. Normally, someone who casts the corpse seal would definitely die.

Because the soul has been taken away by death, how can this person survive?

It's just that Namikaze Minato is alive and well now. This question is also a bit unbelievable to Kushina. She didn't think about it carefully before, but now she really needs to think about it seriously.

She handed over Namikaze Minato's Ghoul Seal, and she inherited this technique from Uzumaki Mito, the ancestor of their Uzumaki clan.

And when she obtained this technique, she only had a way to seal it, and there seemed to be no way to unlock it.

"I don't seem to know about this either." Kushina shook her head in confusion: "But Minato's situation is obviously that the seal was successful. Is there anything else about this technique that I don't know about?"

"Then do you know who saved us?" Namikaze Minato frowned, and then he continued to ask.

"I do know this. I heard the nurse here said that an ANBU saved us."

Speaking of this, Kushina knew, after all, she woke up earlier than Minato.

"And I also heard that that Anbu is considered a member of the Senju clan. He also fought with you. Minato, do you know who he is?"

Anbu from the Senju clan?

Hearing this sentence, Namikaze Minato's pupils shrank slightly for an instant, and he probably knew what was going on.

If nothing else happens, I am afraid that only this person can do this!

"Knock knock knock."

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on their ward, and then an ANBU walked in.

When he saw Namikaze Minato, he didn't seem surprised that the Hokage had woken up. He immediately bowed slightly and said quickly.

"Hokage-sama, the doctor is coming to examine you, and the Sandaime Hokage has already arrived."

"I know, thank you for your hard work."

"Also, Captain Nightingale is here. I wonder if Lord Hokage wants to see him."

"Nightingale, let him come in directly. Let's talk about the inspection later.

Also, after he comes in, you all should step aside, I need to talk to him alone..."


Natsuhiko walked slowly down the corridor of the hospital towards Minato Namikaze's ward. He didn't wear a mask because this meeting was not a formal occasion.

Recalling everything last night, a smile appeared on his lips.

It can be said that this operation was very successful, even if there were some accidents, such as Tsugu Kuan being killed by the solution to the zombie seal.

Most likely, this is malicious intent from colleagues?

But no matter what, other things are under Xia Yan's control. How can this not make him happy?

"However, Sarutobi Hiruzen seems to have a bit of a problem with me."

As he walked, Xia Yan thought of the scene where Sarutobi Hiruzen found him last night, which made him smile.

After he hammered Namikaze Minato awake, even though Namikaze Minato fainted again, under his examination he was pretty sure that the fourth generation Hokage survived!

Speaking of which, Natsuhiko himself also ignored some issues, that is, Namikaze Minato had already lost his life at that time, even though he had ignited the fire of life and injected vitality into it.

But if you want to wake up, you have to do other things, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise Minato Namikaze might have become an unlucky Hokage who died and came back to life, lived and failed, and then died again.

After completely rescuing Namikaze Minato, Natsuhiko removed all the wooden escapes, whether it was the wooden ingot wall that protected them, the wooden dragon or the descending tree world, they were all removed by him.

In this case, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others would not be unable to get through. Sure enough, while he was waiting for himself to recover, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the Konoha ninjas rushed over collectively.

Looking at Namikaze Minato and his wife who fell on the ground, and Naruto who was crying in Natsuhiko's arms, Sarutobi Hiruzen fell silent.

The other ninjas were cheering, because this time the matter was finally solved, and the terrifying Nine-Tails was finally sealed!

Especially when they confirmed that the Fourth Hokage and his wife were still alive, the cheers became louder.

"Good job, Natsuhiko." Amidst the cheers, Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Natsuhiko in a low and low voice: "You did a really good job."

"Thank you for the compliment, Hokage-sama. This is what I should do."

Xia Yan bowed slightly. He had taken off his mask. His smile looked so gentle, so sunny and kind.

It was just like him normally, but his expression made him more and more wary in the eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At this time, he took off the mask belonging to the ANBU and acted so gentle and sunny. This was not taking off the mask at all, but putting on another layer of mask.

This is a mask that he has been wearing for everyone to see, a mask that makes Hiruzen Sarutobi feel fear in his heart!

"What do you want?"

After a long while, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke again, his voice was lowered and became deeper.

"Hokage-sama knows what I want from beginning to end."

Xia Yan said with a smile, he turned slightly to look at the cheering ninjas, and finally said slowly.

"Isn't this all very good now? I naturally hope to get better. I am working hard for all this, just like what I want."

"You are too impatient." Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression became a little complicated: "Willn't everything in the future belong to you?"

"Maybe, but I'm preparing for my future."

Natsuhiko looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a smile, and his smile began to become a little cold.

"Hokage-sama, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. If I don't seize the opportunity when it comes, I will not be able to forgive myself."

At this point, Xia Yan said nothing more, because what he said was enough.

He had a showdown with Hiruzen Sarutobi in a relatively tactful yet extremely tough manner. His words had fully reflected his distrust of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

In fact, he knew it was dangerous to do so, after all, Sarutobi Hiruzen still held great power.

But so what?

Everything Xia Yan did tonight has already given him a layer of gold in terms of fame, especially the strength he showed, especially the Wood Release, which was seen by all the ninjas in Konoha who can participate in the battle.

With these things, Sarutobi Hiruzen would never dare to do anything excessive, and Xia Yan was not afraid of what he would do.

After all, there are really not a small number of ninjas in Konoha who are willing to support and follow the Senju clan.

Some of these ninjas are civilians, and some are small family ninjas.

Perhaps the big families are worried that the rise of the Thousand Hands Clan will have an irreversible impact on their interests.

But now these big families, or what the big families in Konoha are like, Xia Yan knows very well.

I'm afraid the Hyuga clan's problems don't require Natsuhiko to do anything. In a few years, they themselves will hate Sarutobi Hiruzen to death.

The Uchiha clan has already been targeted by him, even though he knew that what he did tonight would cause some trouble.

But so what?

More than fifty years ago, Senju and Uchiha could work together to create a new Konoha, so why can't they join forces again today, more than fifty years later.

Even if Xia Yan plays a dirty trick in this alliance, I am afraid that the initiative will be firmly in his hands from beginning to end.

But compared to a family that is in danger and will be doomed if everything is not changed, I am afraid that individuals will make a wise choice!

"Besides, if I show my hand to Hiruzen Sarutobi like this, he will probably be very anxious.

And if I can get the position of ANBU Minister, then his anxiety will become even more serious.

Although Namikaze Minato needs to recuperate, he is the fourth generation in name only, and what I did is equivalent to taking sides.

The result of this is that he must use various means to win over everyone who is worth winning over. "

Using various means means to some extent that the means are unscrupulous.

Natsuhiko never touched Danzo, the purpose was to let Danzo 'help' Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Otherwise, how will these ninjas be able to separate themselves from Sarutobi Hiruzen in the future?

The appearance of Xia Yan will probably aggravate all this!

Walking slowly in the corridor, Xia Yan couldn't help but take a deep breath when he heard the crying coming from below.

The damage caused by Kyuubi was still great, and the hospital's 'business' at this time was countless times better than before, almost even surpassing the war period.

However, Xia Yan didn't care too much about these. There was no right or wrong in terms of interests, and Xia Yan didn't think there was anything wrong with the appearance of Kyuubi this time.

After all, it was the first time that the village faced the danger of war, so the ninjas would be more strict in protecting the village to avoid similar things happening in the future.

"I hope this kind of thing won't happen again in the future."

With this thought in his mind, Natsuhiko stopped in front of Namikaze Minato's ward.

Looking at the closed door, he adjusted his expression, and then slowly pushed it open...


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