
When Natsuhiko walked into the ward, he nodded to Minato Namikaze with a smile, and then he looked at Kushina.

He also nodded to Kushina with good intentions, which was enough for him.

In fact, he didn't expect that his luck would be so good. After all, he didn't know exactly when Minato Namikaze would wake up from his coma.

The vitality he injected into Namikaze Minato was not much, and the rest needed Namikaze Minato to recover on his own.

What he did was actually very illegal. After all, compared to treating a person with medical skills or ninjutsu, the most important thing is that a person's body heals itself.

Regardless of whether it is surgery or medical skills, the actual effect they have is to assist.

Xia Yan directly injects life force in this way, to a certain extent, directly repairs the problems in a person's body.

Of course, this kind of repair can also be seen as using life force to activate the healing cells in a person, allowing them to multiply more powerfully.

Of course, this was just what Xia Yan thought about. After all, he was not a medical student, and he didn't get involved too much even with medical ninjutsu.

"You're too polite, Xia Yanjun, I don't think we need to be like this."

Namikaze Minato shook his head slightly, and then he said with a smile.

"But you came just in time. I also want to know about the current situation in Konoha."

Namikaze Minato is still concerned about the current situation in Konoha, even if his current state is not really that good.

But as Hokage, he has this responsibility, and now that Xia Yan is here, he can't forgive himself if he doesn't get to know him better.

Kushina frowned, and then she sighed helplessly. She knew what kind of character her husband was.

Although she was a little worried about Minato's current physical condition, she was more proud. After all, her husband had helped her realize her dream back then.

"Natsuhiko-kun, as promised, if you need to avoid it..." Kushina said and sat up: "Then I can go out and wait."

"Actually, I think there is nothing worth hiding in the village." Natsuhiko smiled and shook his head: "So there is no need for Kushina Jounin to avoid it, and I think Lord Hokage doesn't want you to avoid it either."

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, but he didn't say anything because Natsuhiko had already said everything he wanted to say.

He really didn't intend to let Kushina avoid it, especially since he still had some questions to ask Natsuhiko later.

He hopes to face these problems with his wife, understand something together, and verify something together.

"Lord Hokage, the casualties in Konoha Village this time have not been fully calculated, but it is foreseeable that the casualties should be high, especially among civilians."

Natsuhiko almost used the calmest tone to describe the damage caused by Kyuubi to Konoha this time, while Namikaze Minato has been trying to control his inner anger.

Natsuhiko really didn't know how many casualties the Kyuubi had caused this time, but he would know just by looking at Konoha's reaction mechanism.

If he hadn't rushed all the ANBU reserve teams to evacuate the civilians in advance, they might not have known what to do when they encountered their village being attacked for the first time, right?

In the original work, the residents of Konoha were so malicious towards Naruto, and the destruction of the Kyuubi back then probably left an indelible impression on everyone.

In addition, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others usually used the method of deflecting conflicts, instead of letting the villagers focus on 'why Konoha's prevention and control and evacuation were so poor'.

It's better to just put it on 'Kyuubi has caused so much damage to the village, such hatred cannot be eliminated'.

The former is detrimental to their situation, while the latter gives them time to deal with more problems.

However, it is worth mentioning that it was probably because of the Nine-Tails incident that Konoha later improved the prevention, control and evacuation measures in its own village.

This was the time for the Chuunin Exam. After the two villages of Sunagakure and Otogakure invaded, the villagers could evacuate to the shelter quickly and calmly.

"As for the ninjas, it has been confirmed that there are more than 80 genin killed in the battle, more than 40 chunin, and more than ten jounin."

Xia Yan continued to tell what he knew. It was normal for the ninja to suffer a small loss. After all, ninjas are equipped with chakra and have been trained to have certain self-protection capabilities.

However, this number is not too small, especially since this is only the current death data. There are still many injured ninjas waiting for treatment in the ward downstairs.

Whether these guys can survive is still a question, and whether they can continue to become ninjas after they survive is another question.

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but sigh slightly when he heard this. The loss this time didn't seem big to the ninja.

But after being the Hokage for more than a year, he naturally knew that the loss this time was not as simple as a ninja.

This is a loss to Konoha's credibility!

In fact, problems with tailed beast seals have happened in other villages, but it is extremely rare for it to happen in my own village.

Moreover, Konoha is number one in the ninja world, and it receives the most attention. Therefore, Konoha is also the most passive when such problems arise.

After all, Konoha has not yet reached the level of the so-called free lighthouse country that Natsuhiko was in his previous life, and there are not so many good-tempered villages in this world.

"There is one more thing I need to talk to Hokage-sama."

Natsuhiko raised his head slightly when he said this. He looked at Namikaze Minato seriously and then spoke slowly.

"The head of ANBU, Murashima Takumi, is dead. He was killed by me."


Before Namikaze Minato could speak, Kushina beside him made an incredible sound.

The ANBU minister was actually killed by Xia Yan, and he told his husband so bluntly, what on earth did this guy mean?

And Namikaze Minato couldn't help but frown. He stared at Xia Yan carefully, knowing that there must be many hidden things in it.

And I'm afraid that their current conversation will really involve what he wants to verify, so he just looked at Xia Yan quietly, waiting for Xia Yan to continue talking.

"Kushina Jounin, please don't get excited."

Natsuhiko's voice was still gentle and calm. He looked at Kushina with a smile, and then turned his eyes to Namikaze Minato.

"The reason is very simple, that is, the Sandaime-sama asked me to work with Captain Owl to convey the order to dispatch ANBU to the Buchou-sama.

However, Captain Owl was unlucky. He was attacked by Nine Tails and eventually died, and the order was also destroyed on him.

I went to the ANBU alone to convey the order, but the result was that I refused to dispatch without an order.

The situation at that time was very critical, so I had no choice but to kill the minister and let the ANBU take action. "

Having said this, the smile on Natsuhiko's face became even brighter, he stared at Namikaze Minato and smiled slowly.

"I think if in this situation, Hokage-sama would probably make the same choice, right?"


Natsuhiko's words struck straight into Namikaze Minato's heart, and at the same time left Kushina stunned.

After all, she really didn't know why the ANBU minister would make such a choice.

This is really stereotyped to an extreme, an unimaginable extreme!

Not going out without an order, even if Kyuubi is causing serious damage to the village, this is simply beyond Kushina's imagination.

But Namikaze Minato's expression changed slightly, because he already knew everything.

Xia Yan had already told him what kind of person and existence the ANBU minister was.

That guy is most likely a pure machine, and the owl guy is the key to linking Sarutobi Hiruzen and this machine.

There is such an obedient ANBU minister to rule the ANBU, and the other ANBU captains are more or less affected, and they even take orders directly from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Moreover, many squad captains in the ANBU were directly promoted by the captain, which is why Namikaze Minato was unable to control the ANBU at all.

If you want to break the current situation of Anbu, there is only one way, and that is for Namikaze Minato to directly choose to break up with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Then he forcibly replaced the head of the ANBU and started all over again.

But it was obvious that Namikaze Minato had no such plans or thoughts. The ANBU was not under his control from beginning to end.

But now, Natsuhiko actually killed Takumi Murashima directly, and found such an impeccable reason that even Namikaze Minato was a little frightened by this approach.

In a matter as terrifying and dangerous as the Nine-Tails Incident, Xia Yan could actually think of such a method and dare to do so.

Isn't this guy afraid that because he killed the ANBU minister, there will be problems in dealing with the Kyuubi?

If it were Namikaze Minato, he probably wouldn't dare to do this.

After hesitating for a moment, Namikaze Minato suddenly sighed quietly. His eyes when he looked at Natsuhiko changed slightly and became more serious.

"Xia Yanjun, if we don't discuss whether what you did is right or wrong first, aren't you afraid that there will be even the slightest surprise in your actions this time?"

Namikaze Minato's voice was still a little weak, but his tone was extremely firm.

"If something goes wrong, aren't you afraid of huge losses to Konoha? Aren't you afraid that the situation will get worse?"

"Hokage-sama, I have carefully considered everything I do, and you have also seen my strength."

Natsuhiko smiled and said to Namikaze Minato, of course this was nonsense, because he himself did not expect such a good opportunity to appear.

But there was one thing he didn't lie about, and that was that he had indeed carefully considered the Nine-Tails matter before he chose to get involved.

"As for right and wrong, I think Hokage-sama has never figured out one thing."

Natsuhiko sighed slightly and looked at Minato Namikaze with a smile, and this smile also gave Minato Namikaze a bad feeling.

He seemed to know what Xia Yan was going to say, but this answer was probably the last thing he wanted to hear, but it was also the answer he wanted to hear most at this time.

"Lord Hokage, although this sentence is very cold and even wrong in the eyes of many people.

But when people stand at a higher position, in many things, especially in the face of interests, there is no right or wrong or right and wrong, only entry and exit.

And, a fairly flexible bottom line with a fixed lower limit. "

Having said this, Xia Yan stood up, and the smile on his face began to fade.

Although his expression was still gentle, it made people feel chilling.

“My bottom line is that there will be no problems in Konoha, and within this bottom line I will do whatever is good for me.

Whether it’s an owl or Takumi Murashima, even if..."

"Me too, right?"

Before Natsuhiko could finish speaking, Namikaze Minato suddenly interrupted Natsuhiko's words.

"It was you who saved me, and the reason you saved me was because you didn't want me to die. This would affect your interests, right?"


Xia Yan hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded seriously.

"There is really no problem with Hokage-sama thinking this way, because once Hokage-sama dies, then Sandaime Hokage-sama will lose control.

This is not a good thing for me, especially since I still need to develop, so Hokage-sama is the best person to fight against the Third Hokage. "

This time Xia Yan didn't lie, because there was no need to lie.

Strength is a person's support. In this era, Xia Yan's strength can be regarded as a relatively good support.

Even if he has this strength in the future, he will only be a slightly stronger miscellaneous soldier.

But now, Uchiha Madara is dead, Nagato's Rinnegan has not yet been completely controlled, those Kage have no information about him and he has Kage's information.

It can be said that this is completely a dimensionality reduction blow!

Even though Namikaze Minato has senjutsu and the Kyuubi's chakra as a support, in his current state, let alone desperately speaking, it seems difficult to speak.

Xia Yan found that for now, he didn't seem to have much to be afraid of.

Of course, he didn't dare to get into a situation where everyone was his enemy. Ninjas were afraid of being stabbed in the back.

He still remembered how the original Ye Cang who was saved by him died, and how Madara Uchiha had his heart ripped out.

He will only show his ambition within a certain range. This is already his limit, and he really needs to be strong now!

Namikaze Minato looked at him quietly, but Kushina was completely dumbfounded at this time.

Although she is usually carefree, this does not mean that she is really stupid. On the contrary, she is a very smart person.

She has already heard a lot of things, such as the fact that the ANBU chief was deliberately murdered by Natsuhiko!

And her husband is still alive entirely because the young man in front of him still needs his husband to stand in front of the Third Hokage so that he can continue to do what he wants to do calmly.

This boy is from the Senju Clan and is a user of Wood Release. Kushina lived with Uzumaki Mito in the Senju Clan when she was a child.

She naturally knew how much this family desired Hokage, and she also knew that she had not given up on her dream again even after knowing that this guy was lonely.

Even though they almost disappeared from Konoha, traces of them are rarely found even now.

But Kushina believes that their goal has not changed from beginning to end. I am afraid they are still looking at the position of Naruto!

Thinking of this, Kushina couldn't help but look at her husband with some worry. The current situation was too complicated.

"I understand, Xia Yanjun."

After a long while, Namikaze Minato sighed quietly. He seemed to be looking a little haggard.

"I understand, maybe I'm really not suitable to be Hokage."

"Minato..." After hearing this, Kushina couldn't help but speak, but she was interrupted by Minato before she could finish her words.

"Kushina, don't worry, listen to me."

Namikaze Minato shook his head slightly, and then he said a little lonely.

"After being a Hokage for a year, I actually realized a lot of things.

As a Hokage, sometimes you really can't judge something by right or wrong, because it's too narrow-minded.

Xia Yanjun is right, there is no right or wrong in the face of interests, there is only a flexible bottom line.

I was aware of it when I was dealing with the problem, and I was forced to make a lot of choices.

Especially among these choices, many of them are wrong in my opinion.

But I must maintain a bottom line, and this bottom line is the interests of the village.

Now that the village is stable, even if something is right, I still have to think it is wrong.

And some things are obviously wrong, but I have to consider whether the consequences will affect the village, so I have to think that it is right.

This is very tiring, really tiring. It seems that Naruto is really not what I imagined. "

Having said this, Namikaze Minato suddenly showed a relieved smile. This smile looked sunny, but the smell of loneliness was even stronger.

"At first, I didn't know why Lord Sandaime chose me to be Hokage. I thought it was the result of my outstanding performance.

Later I learned that it was not because of this, but because of my teacher, Kushina and partly my performance on the battlefield that made me become Hokage.

Xia Yanjun, to be sarcastic, I once told you that you may think that I am not a qualified Hokage, but I have a bottom line that I must stick to.

Now I find that I am indeed not a qualified Hokage. Maybe it is because I insist on my personal bottom line too much? "

Natsuhiko looked at Namikaze Minato in silence, and for some reason he felt a little sad inside. He would not deny the fact that Namikaze Minato was a good person.

We will not deny the excellence of Namikaze Minato and his insistence on the bottom line. I can only say that he is an extremely outstanding ninja with great charm.

He cannot be regarded as a qualified ruler who can be flexible and even cruel at certain times.

He could hear the loneliness in Namikaze Minato's words, but Natsuhiko must bear some responsibility for causing such a situation.

After all, it was what he did that made Minato feel so unconfident.

"Hokage-sama, you are actually very good." Xia Yan hesitated for a moment, and finally said slowly: "Growing up takes time. The education I received since childhood is different from that of Hokage-sama, so..."

"Natsu Yan-kun, how long can my body support this?" Namikaze Minato suddenly interrupted Natsu Yan's words, and he seemed to change the subject a little abruptly.

"I'm afraid it will take a few years to recuperate." Xia Yan opened his mouth and finally said honestly: "It is not easy to lift the zombie seal. I have checked the body of Lord Hokage and there is no problem with life span. It only needs to rest for a few years."

"I understand." Namikaze Minato nodded, his face became serious: "It seems that in the past few years, the Sandaime-sama has been needed to control Konoha, and now there is a vacancy in the position of ANBU Minister."

Hearing these words, Natsuhiko suddenly raised his head and looked at Namikaze Minato with a strange look. He knew that this was Namikaze Minato's final decision.

Today's somewhat unexpected but reasonable showdown had only one essential purpose, which was to wait for Namikaze Minato to make a decision.

Natsuhiko directly admitted that he saved Namikaze Minato, so wasn't he playing an emotional card?

It was he who prevented Kyuubi from further destroying Konoha, and it was he who saved Namikaze Minato and allowed their family to reunite. This was both a sentimental card and a strength card.

At the same time, he told what he had done and said his bottom line without hesitation, which was a demonstration of his political skills.

Both cards have been displayed, so now what he has to wait for is Namikaze Minato's final decision. He is not Danzo and he will not easily overcome it. Namikaze Minato is the fourth generation Hokage!

"Then, I officially accept my fate as the Fourth Hokage." Minato Namikaze looked at Natsuhiko seriously, and finally said calmly: "Natsuhiko Senju, you are the new ANBU minister!"

"Thank you, Hokage-sama, for your trust." When Xia Yan heard this, his body froze slightly, and then relaxed immediately: "I will not let Hokage-sama down."

ANBU Minister, ANBU Minister!

This is the result that Xia Yan has been waiting for for many years. He finally got the ANBU!

Even though he had only been the captain for a few months, and even though he was only fourteen years old, at this moment he had indeed become the ANBU minister.

Now he is probably the youngest minister in the entire Konoha, and also the youngest minister with real power!

Joy surged in Xia Yan's heart instantly, but he did not show it at all. After all, there was no formal document issued, so all this was nothing.

But Natsuhiko knew what Minato Namikaze was like, and he knew that since Minato had said it, he would definitely do it.

Namikaze Minato has always been a trustworthy person, there is no doubt about that!

"I will write the formal document later."

Namikaze Minato looked at the boy in front of him and nodded slightly, then he said in a more serious tone.

"But Xia Yanjun, I admire your strength and your skills.

I believe that you will be a good Hokage in the future, and you are not just a passionate pursuit of a Hokage like me.

But this is not enough, this is far from enough. I will look at you, Xia Yanjun, I will always pay attention to you. "

Having said this, Namikaze Minato paused for a moment, and then he continued in the harshest tone.

“I will drive you to do it and watch the changes you make. If you don’t do well enough, you may even do worse.

Then even if it means death, I will not let you go! Are you clear about it? Senju Natsuhiko! "


Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly came to the hospital, his heart was very heavy now.

It can be said that he didn't have a good night's rest. After all, Namikaze Minato was admitted to the hospital, and Konoha suffered such a major blow.

As the Third Hokage, he must deal with these things, otherwise the village will be in trouble!

Moreover, such high-intensity work can also temporarily relieve his inner grief.

You must know that this night, not only Konoha suffered an unimaginable blow, but so did he himself.

His wife, who had been with him through decades of ups and downs, had completely left him. How could he bear such a blow?

He is also a human being, and he also has his own feelings. Lake Biwa is the woman who always stands firmly behind him.

But this person is no longer there, has completely left him, and there is no need to elaborate on the grief in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Sarutobi Hiruzen forced himself not to think about these things, because the more he thought about it, the more painful it became.

"Hokage-sama." When he arrived at the door of the Medical Minister's office, the current Medical Minister immediately bowed and said hello.

"In this critical period, there is no need for so many etiquettes." Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head: "What is the situation now, and what is the situation of the Yondaime."

"There are many injured people here among ordinary ninjas, and there are about two to three hundred seriously injured people." The medical director sighed: "As for whether they can fully recover, I really have no way to guarantee it, unless..."

Unless there was something else, the medical minister didn't explain too much, but Hiruzen Sarutobi already knew what he meant.

Unless God bless Konoha, unless Tsunade comes back to rescue these people personally!

But will God really bless Konoha?

Sarutobi Hiruzen himself didn't dare to think about this. If God really bless Konoha, it would be impossible for Konoha to be involved in the Third Ninja War.

It's impossible for Jiraiya and Tsunade to run away together, and it's impossible for Kyuubi to come out and cause such a big problem!

As for Tsunade coming back?

If it were in the past, maybe Sarutobi Hiruzen would still be looking forward to it, but now he really doesn't want to think about it.

A Senju Natsuhiko has completely made him feel the pressure, and Tsunade's departure was superficially due to hemophobia, and she thought she could no longer be a ninja.

But it's really hard to say whether there are other reasons deeper down.

For example, the death of the Senju Noshu tree, the loneliness of the Senju clan, and other reasons.

Her departure also prompted Jiraiya to leave, and Sarutobi Hiruzen saw all this.

Perhaps out of a sense of indebtedness, he did not express any opinions or resolutions on such matters.

Because strictly speaking, what Tsunade and Jiraiya did was equivalent to condemning the village in some sense.

After all, Konoha ninjas are like soldiers, and Tsunade and Jiraiya are equal to senior officers. How can they be so free?

"Let's not talk about this problem anymore, where is the Fourth Hokage?" Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head, and he asked with a sigh: "How is his situation now?"

"The Fourth Hokage, he..."

The expression of the director of the medical department changed slightly. After looking around, he lowered his voice and whispered.

"I'm afraid Yondaime-sama needs to rest for a while."

"How long will you rest for?" Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this sentence: "Can you give me specific information?"

"I don't know exactly what happened to Yondaime-sama."

The Minister of Medical Care said cautiously, because this matter is really of great importance.

"His physical condition is very complicated. The mildest injury seems to be a broken rib, which is easier to deal with.

But in terms of function, he had problems with every organ in his body, and his body was extremely weak. To be honest, when I saw him at the time, I thought he was dead.

But what is very strange is that although he is so weak, his life seems to be fine after our inspection.

And there is a force full of vitality in his body, which protects him and allows him to recover.

However, all this will take time. Preliminary estimates suggest that it will take several years to fully recover without any sequelae. "

several years?

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help being slightly silent after hearing this, then he nodded calmly and signaled for the medical minister to leave.

Then he walked silently towards Minato Namikaze's ward. Minato Namikaze's condition was really beyond his expectation, but overall it was good.

Although Natsuhiko completely sides with Namikaze Minato, and there is still a silent struggle between him and Namikaze Minato to continue, it is better than Konoha's shadow dying.

But on the way here, he also received news that Natsuhiko had arrived in advance, and Minato Namikaze dispersed all the ANBU and chatted with Natsuhiko alone for some time.

This news made Sarutobi Hiruzen frown. He always felt that this might not be good. What was Natsuhiko's purpose in coming to Namikaze Minato at this time?

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, which made him speed up his pace.


Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly pushed open the door to the ward, and soon his pupils expanded slightly because he saw Namikaze Minato drafting something.

"Sandaime-sama." Namikaze Minato raised his head slightly, and then he showed a gentle smile: "Thank you, Sandaime-sama, for coming to visit."

"You just woke up, you don't need to be like this." Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly walked to Namikaze Minato. When his eyes glanced at this piece of paper, his expression really changed.

Because he clearly saw that Namikaze Minato was writing the appointment of ANBU minister!

Especially when he saw that the name of the ANBU minister was Senju Natsuhiko, his face became even more ugly.

This matter is indeed what he thought, and it is developing in this bad direction.

"Are you too hasty?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked hesitantly: "Murashima Takumi just died, and he died in the hands of Senju Natsuhiko. At this time..."

"Sandaime-sama, we all have seen Natsuhiko's strength." Before Sarutobi Hiruzen could finish, Namikaze Minato interrupted him: "I don't think many people can compare with his contribution to Konoha this time. Are they comparable?"

"But, Murashima Takumi's death..."

"I know, I've heard about this. Although he did it very hastily, he also did it for Konoha.

It just so happened that the ANBU position was now vacant, so I thought I could let him have a try.

In other words, is there anything better the Sandaime-sama can do to reward Minister Natsuhiko for everything he performed in this Nine-Tails operation? "


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