The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 190: Konoha has set back forty or fifty years?

Namikaze Minato's question is both acute and very realistic.

Natsuhiko's actions this time had an unimaginable impact on the ninjas within Konoha. Not only Konoha, I am afraid that what happened last night was completely spread outside the village.

There are spies in every village. This is no secret at all. Even for large villages, it is more practical to keep these spies than to kill them.

Because some decisions made by the big village can be passed back through these spies.

As long as the core secrets are not involved, every major village will turn a blind eye.

And sometimes when the village needs to divert some minor conflicts, it can use the waste, clean out some spies and publicize it to achieve the goal.

It can be said that as long as these spies don't go too far, they are basically safe.

And such a safe environment allowed them to pass the news back as soon as possible during the Nine-Tails Incident.

Konoha couldn't stop it even if it wanted to, especially since Konoha itself was too busy after the Nine-Tails incident, so what time did it have to take care of these spies.

Sarutobi Hiruzen can completely imagine that, I am afraid that there is already a description on the table of each Kage about the Natsuhiko who stole the show in this Nine-Tails incident.

They had no way of collecting the data on losses immediately, but Xia Yan's performance yesterday was too eye-catching.

If Konoha really doesn't give him anything for such a big contribution, the chain effect it will cause is really beyond what Sarutobi Hiruzen can imagine.

In fact, the development of things was similar to what he thought. At this moment, reports of the Nine-Tails incident had indeed appeared on the tables of each great ninja village.

In Sunagakure Village in the Land of Wind, Rasa looked at the report in front of him with a gloomy expression. If there is a village with the most complicated connection with Konoha, then it must be Sunagakure Village.

The Third Ninja World War was provoked by Sunagakure Village's initiative to attack Konoha, and it was Sunagakure Village that surrendered the fastest.

Even after that, Konoha chose to form a temporary alliance with them for stability, but everyone knew what happened to such an alliance.

Otherwise, they would not have the Anbu of Sunagakure Village pretending to be Iwagakure ninjas to attack the Konoha stronghold, and there would not be any opponents who attacked the repatriated personnel after sending Yashamaru back.

Of course, that attack really caused their Sunagakure Village to lose face.

More than a hundred ninja lives were lost in that operation, including two ANBU brigades and an entire sealing class!

In addition, their intelligence secrets were also leaked, because Konoha obtained the information about Ye Cang's mission.

It's easy to imagine how great Sunagakure's losses were, and this time Luo Sha also firmly remembered one person, and that was Konoha Nightingale.

He had a premonition that this guy would definitely become a shocker in the ninja world, and this time the Nine-Tails incident seemed to confirm his thoughts.

According to the intelligence description, an ANBU stopped Kyuubi alone this time. Seeing this part of the description, Luo Sha was still a little unsure.

Because although the guy named Nightingale showed extremely strong combat effectiveness, he was more effective in flying thunder gods and some conventional escape techniques.

But when Rasa saw the description of the mask in the intelligence, he couldn't calm down, because the description in this intelligence was exactly the same as the description of their Sunagakure ninja a few months ago!

Anbu's mask always remains the same, no matter which village it is in. This is an identity that Anbu will never change.

Even if the ANBU retires or dies, this mask will always follow him unless he hands it over to his successor.

Not only is it a matter of the mask, but even the description of the body shape is exactly the same. In these books, Rasa is sure that the person who blocked the Kyuubi is the Konoha Nightingale!

And something even more terrifying happened. When Luo Sha turned his back with trembling hands and saw the description of Wood Escape in the intelligence, he could no longer sit still.

"This damn guy, he is actually a Senju, he is actually a Senju! And he is also a damn Senju who has mastered the Wood Release!"

Luo Sha stood up suddenly and slammed his hand on the table. The table could not bear his impact and fell into pieces in an instant.

And Luo Sha didn't care about such a thing at all. He was really confused inside now. He really never dreamed that this guy would be a Thousand Hands.

It wouldn't matter if he was just an ordinary Senju clan. After all, he was taught a lesson back then. Luo Sha naturally knew how terrifying the Senju Hashirama was.

That move of Wood Release made the entire ninja world tremble with fear. Otherwise, why would Konoha hold the Kyuubi and be the number one ninja village in the ninja world?

Probably because they were jealous of the talent, after Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara fought to the death, they both died in the battle.

The death of these two people made many people in the ninja world feel relieved. After all, they were too terrifying.

However, today, another person who mastered the Wood Release appeared in the ninja world, and this person, like Senju Hashirama, relied on the Wood Release to deal with the Kyuubi alone!

Rasa didn't actually know how terrifying the Kyuubi was, but looking at how damaged Konoha was, he almost had an idea.

For a person to be able to do this, it is extremely terrifying no matter how you look at it.


Chiyo pushed open the door to Kazekage's office and frowned as she looked at Rasa in front of her.

She heard that there was information coming from Konoha, so she rushed over early.

To say that there are people who hate Konoha deeply, I am afraid that Chiyo is definitely one of them. After all, she has not forgotten what Natsuhiko did back then.

But what she didn't expect was that Luo Sha would actually make such a gesture, which left her a little confused.

"Elder Chiyo, you are here."

Luo Sha tried his best to control his anger. He picked up the information that fell on the ground and handed it directly to Chiyo.

"Just take a look, I think you'll understand."

Chiyo frowned, then quickly took over the information and read it carefully, but soon her expression changed like Luo Sha.

She shook her head in disbelief, then carefully confirmed the information again, and then she slowly raised her head and looked at Luo Sha.

"Are you sure?" Her voice was trembling: "Are you sure it's that damn guy?"

"I think this matter needs further follow-up." Luo Sha sighed helplessly: "Maybe you can ask your brother for further confirmation."

"I understand." Chiyo nodded silently: "This is really not good news."

"Indeed." Luo Sha also sighed fiercely: "This is really bad news..."


In the Cloud Hidden Village of the Land of Thunder, the Fourth Raikage held the report in his hand and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Like Sunagakure Village, he also received this urgent information early this morning.

He didn't take it too seriously at first, and even when he saw Konoha being destroyed by the Kyuubi, he couldn't help but become happy.

It has been more than a year since the Fourth Raikage took over Cloud Hidden Village. After a year of sorting and cleaning, he has basically taken control of Cloud Hidden Village.

Even though there are still some people who are still using their 'highly qualified' status to fight in some positions, the Fourth Raikage no longer takes them seriously.

Sooner or later, such people will be swept into the dustbin of history, or they themselves will choose to surrender.

Because the Fourth Raikage did not leave any escape route for them, nor did he show them any kindness.

He is not taking action now, he just doesn't want the village to become chaotic. He is an impulsive person, but he has learned a lot after being a Raikage for a year.

And he is also an ambitious person from beginning to end. His ambition is to let Yunyin Village completely replace Konoha and become the number one ninja village in the ninja world!

Therefore, even now, he has never reached a reconciliation with Konoha. Even if they are not really at war, they are actually still in a state of war.

Strictly speaking, Cloud Hidden Village's losses in the third war were huge. After all, they lost the third generation Raikage.

But such losses come more from the soft power side. The image of Cloud Hidden Village suffered huge losses due to the death of the Third Raikage.

These losses are reflected in the share of tasks. Many scattered tasks simply cannot be trusted in Yunyin Village. After all, they are even dead.

“Hmph, the Shadow Master died in Konoha?

Why doesn't my father believe in us after he died in battle?

And my father fought against tens of thousands of ninjas alone, why didn't they tell me?

What's more, we and Konoha haven't completely ceased fighting. Has Konoha really won? "

These four questions have been intertwined in the mind of the Fourth Raikage, and these questions have also made him more and more dissatisfied with Konoha and his desire to replace Konoha.

In addition to the loss in image, Yunyin Village's loss in terms of military strength is really not that big.

Except for the war with Konoha, which mobilized thousands of ninjas to fight Konoha in Yuno Country, they never had any other wars.

Moreover, these thousands of people did not suffer too many losses. After all, Konoha was surrounded by enemies on all sides, so it was naturally impossible to mobilize so many troops to deal with Kumogakure.

The battles between Konoha and Kumogakure were basically small-scale conflicts, and the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi went to deal with Namikaze Minato together.

Of course, this was a battle that the Fourth Raikage didn't want to recall, because Kirabi and Kirabi couldn't do anything to Minato Namikaze.

Even in a two-on-one situation, Namikaze Minato was forced to a draw, which was a shame no matter how you looked at it.

But regardless of the humiliation, Konoha's tragic victory is already a fact. Their losses are beyond imagination. This is also an important bargaining chip for the Fourth Raikage to plan for Konoha.

But today he got a piece of information, one that made him feel extremely incredible.

"Another Wood Release appears in Konoha, and another Senju rises?"

The Fourth Raikage looked at the report in his hand with cold eyes. He naturally knew about the legend of Senju Hashirama. After becoming a Kage, he could get more things than he imagined.

He had a certain understanding of how terrifying the ninja who put down the troubled world was.

That kind of terrifying wood escape that even tailed beasts are afraid of is a haze in the hearts of the older generation. There are even people in their village who have had head-to-head confrontations with Senju Tobirama.

That was what they encountered when they wanted to capture the Eight-Tails. Naturally, the result was a disastrous failure, including the first Raikage's failure!

It can be said that Senju Hashirama took care of the shadows of their village and all the masters, including the Eight-Tails, without giving them any chance.

I really can't imagine the fourth generation Raikage with such terrifying strength. This is not a dimensional existence at all.

"And this guy is the Konoha Nightingale who made a big fuss in Sand Hidden Village some time ago. Not only can he use wood escape, but he has also mastered the art of Flying Thunder God!"

The Fourth Raikage was extremely familiar with the Flying Thunder God Technique. Wasn't it the same technique that Namikaze Minato used back then?

And not only Namikaze Minato, but also the second-generation Hokage who died at the hands of their Kumogakure Village, leading to the outbreak of the Second Ninja War, was also very good at this technique.

It can be said that the power of shinjutsu to the Fourth Raikage personally is no less than the power of Namikaze Minato to the Iwagakure Village.

The Fourth Raikage really couldn't understand why there was such a freak in Konoha. It was said that this Konoha Nightingale was not that old, only fourteen or fifteen years old.

At such a young age, he not only mastered the Flying Thunder God, but also mastered the Wood Release?

What kind of genius is this that can grow to this point?

All techniques need to be practiced over and over again before they can be used freely. It is said that this boy is also very good at water escape and earth escape. Has he been practicing since he was born?

Or should I say that as long as this guy learns one technique, he can use it extremely perfectly?

"This is really a combination of the first generation Hokage and the second generation Hokage."

Shaking his head, the Fourth Raikage sighed slightly.

But after such a sigh, his eyes suddenly burst out with flames. This was an indescribable fighting spirit!

Soon a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, and the flames in his eyes grew brighter and brighter!

"Interesting, really interesting. It would be a pity if such geniuses couldn't compete against each other.

And having such an opponent as a challenge is really interesting! "

The Fourth Raikage had no intention of giving up his idea, even though the appearance of Natsuhiko gave him a big headache.

But after all, he was a native resident of the Kingdom of Thunder, and the bellicosity engraved in his blood made him more and more interested in Xia Yan.

He is a combative person and a person who likes constant challenges.

It was impossible for him not to feel the slightest emotion when such an opponent appeared. On the contrary, he found it even more interesting.

In this way, it is more worthy of him to challenge, and more worthy of him trampling his opponents under his feet!

"Konoha Nightingale, or other Senju's surnames, I have remembered you, and I will also keep you in my heart!"


In Iwagakure Village, Onoki was quietly looking through the documents that needed his review in the village, while Huang Tu stood aside a little uneasily.

He didn't dare to disturb his father, especially when his father was reviewing documents, but he didn't like standing here either.

Tsuchikage is everyone's dream, Huangtu knows this very well, but he knows even more what it takes to become a Tsuchikage, because he watches what his father is doing every day.

To be honest, he actually doesn't like this kind of life. For him, what he prefers is fighting.

Even though he knew that his father was actually training him and that he had a better and higher starting point, he really didn't like it all that much.

However, Huang Tu didn't dare to disobey all this. His father was not a good man.

Therefore, even if he didn't like this environment, he didn't want to be a fourth-generation Tsuchikage.

But he still had to be honest and obedient until his father felt that he was hopeless and gave up on the idea of ​​him becoming a Tsuchikage.

But what makes Huang Tu depressed is that his father spent much more time reading documents today than usual.

This made Huang Tu couldn't help but wonder what kind of information his father was so fascinated by. Normally, he should have finished reading it by now.

"It's really interesting." Just when Huang Tu felt strange in his heart, Onoki suddenly let out a sigh.

"Father, what's wrong?" Huang Tu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and finally finished reading.

However, he still asked honestly. In fact, he was also very curious about what kind of information he let his father read for so long.

If it weren't for Luo Tu who was relatively abiding by the rules and stood motionless, he would have poked his head out to take a look.

"You behaved pretty well today, at least you weren't so impatient, Loess."

Ohnoki turned his head to look at Huang Tu, and then nodded involuntarily, but soon he shook his head slightly.

"As for what I saw, I can only say that it is very touching. Sometimes the changes in the ninja world are really like reincarnation."

Ohnoki couldn't help but pause when he said this. He had to say that the ninja world was really a huge reincarnation.

War is a cycle, even if everyone knows that war is actually not a good thing for the entire ninja world.

But for their own development and for the benefit of their respective villages, sometimes they would still throw themselves into the war without hesitation, with various purposes to make a good profit from it.

During the First Ninja War, the gold-horned and silver-horned brothers in Kumogakure Village launched a coup, not only killing the second generation Raikage but also keeping the second generation Hokage alive.

This also became the trigger for the Ninja World War, which spread to the entire Ninja World.

During the Second Ninja World War, Hanzo, the demigod from the Land of Rain, brazenly launched a war for more territory and better development.

This war also affected the entire ninja world, because all their villages had no choice but to join in, whether to protect their homeland or expand outward.

As for the just-concluded Third Ninja War, it was actually more like a war to shift conflicts.

It's just that after the end of World War II, everyone has been cultivated, so their inner ambitions have once again surged.

War, in Ohnoki's opinion, is really a reincarnation full of irony.

But this time, it seems that the reincarnation is no longer about the war, as if time has gone through a reincarnation, and a guy like this appears in Konoha again.

Konoha Nightingale, Onoki naturally knew that he would not forget this person who stirred up trouble in the Kingdom of Wind a few months ago and was also good at the flying thunder god technique.

But he didn't expect that this guy not only controlled the Flying Thunder God, but he was also from the Thousand Hands clan!

This time Konoha broke out about the release of the Kyuubi, which made Onoki a little happy, because the relationship between the five major ninja villages in the ninja world was really not good.

If a major problem occurs in any village, it will be a good thing for other villages.

What's more, these five major villages are like gangsters in the entire ninja world, and other small countries are simply unable to resist them.

Many small countries don't even have their own ninja villages, and sometimes they become directly dependent on the great ninja villages of these big countries.

Once there is one less competitor, or the competitor is frustrated, the other four ninja villages can also find ways to erode some interests.

The most direct way is to start from the task share, which is an extremely important financial revenue.

But when he saw Nightingale's performance, he couldn't help but sigh. This Konoha Nightingale had alleviated the unfavorable factors for Konoha to some extent.

"Reincarnation?" Huang Tu was a little confused by his father's words. He couldn't help but touch his head and then asked in confusion: "Is anyone dead?"

"It should be said that someone was resurrected, two ghosts were resurrected."

Ohnoki shook his head calmly, but when he looked at his son's increasingly incomprehensible expression, he knew that his son probably didn't understand at all.

But he didn't expect his son to understand. He could tell that his son's mind was probably not on the Tsuchikage.

He is more willing to be a ninja and a warrior, rather than a controller who coordinates the overall situation.

It's just that he hasn't found a better successor yet, so he can only deal with it like this for now.

He understands that strong-willed melons are not sweet, but he also has selfish motives.

But having said that, which movie doesn’t have some selfishness at heart?

After all, not everyone is the two brothers Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama. Even the successor chosen by Senju Tobirama to a certain extent is one of his own.

"Forget it, let me tell you this." Onoki threw the document in his hand: "There is something wrong with Konoha's Nine-Tails. It left the seal and caused huge damage to Konoha. Almost half of the village was gone. But ..."

"Is there such a good thing?" Before Onoki finished speaking, Huangtu said excitedly: "Having destroyed half the village? Doesn't that mean Konoha has set back forty or fifty years?"

"You..." Ohnoki couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at being interrupted like this, but he couldn't help but froze for a moment after hearing Huang Tu's words.

He touched his chin and thought carefully about the Konoha of today and the Konoha of forty or fifty years ago. They are really very similar!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh: "You are really right, Konoha has really gone back forty or fifty years..."

"Not only has the size of the village regressed, but even the ghosts of the past have returned..."


After yesterday's commotion, the entire ninja world now knows about Xia Yan, and his existence has also caused serious thinking among all the Kage.

I'm afraid except for the Kirigakure Village in the Water Country, they didn't think so much - after all, their shadows have been controlled, and Obito is the mastermind of the Nine-Tails incident.

However, these things did not affect Xia Yan too much. After all, it had just begun, and Xia Yan also needed to take over his ANBU.

There is no room for sloppiness or carelessness when it comes to ANBU, and there must be no room for any slowness.

After all, ANBU is a piece of fat, and the power held by ANBU is really unimaginable.

That is to say, because the power of ANBU is so great, the formal establishment of ANBU is particularly small. It is unimaginable to have only thirty people in a brigade.

In Konoha's normal organization, there are at least four to five detachments in a brigade, and a detachment has close to ten squads.

If the organization is based on a normal ninja brigade, then there should be about two hundred ninjas in a brigade.

But what about ANBU?

Basically, the establishment of a detachment is regarded as a brigade. The purpose is to prevent the ANBU from having too many people, which will further strengthen the already huge power.

In fact, the roots are similar, and their actual number of personnel is not large, but they have an advantage, that is, they have the task of lurking in enemy countries.

Because of such a mission, they can quietly develop many external staff, but the relatively transparent ANBU cannot do this.

Now Xia Yan has put on the Anbu costume and put on the mask, and the appointment letter has been sent to him. He has to speed up to complete some things he should complete.

"After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen already knows about this. In order to prevent him from reacting too quickly, I have to be faster."

Xia Yan thought this mentally, he was also very fast, and he did not dare to relax at all when facing the ANBU created by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He does not intend to be a minister who is idle, so he must do something stronger.

Anyway, he has Namikaze Minato behind him, and Namikaze Minato doesn't have to worry about the trouble these things will cause if he wants to cultivate, so Natsuhiko now completely plans to let go and do it.

It didn't take long for Xia Yan to arrive at the ANBU headquarters, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

This was not the first time he had come here, he had come here dozens of times during his six-year ANBU career.

But this time is the most special, because he is about to become the real controller of this place, and he will command the entire ANBU.

"Speaking of which, what if I had not gone to ANBU but gone to the battlefield."

Xia Yan stood there and murmured, seeming to be recalling everything in the past.

"Perhaps I am also a normal ninja now. Maybe relying on the Nine-Tails incident, I can even challenge the leader of the jounin class."

Captain of the jounin class, this is definitely one of the most important positions in the history of Konoha. Don't look at this establishment, it seems to be just a class.

But all Konoha's masters, family heads, etc. are classified into the jounin class system.

The jounin is already considered to be the position closest to the core power of ninjas in Konoha. Even the choice of the shadow is actually made within this jounin class.

I'm afraid the only one who breaks this tradition is future Naruto, right?

Natsuhiko couldn't quite remember whether Naruto had really become a jounin. After all, he accidentally turned on sage mode when facing Konohamaru in the chunin exam. I'm afraid he wasn't even a chuunin.

Shaking his head, Natsuhiko walked directly into the ANBU headquarters, but he was no longer thinking about the Jonin squad leader.

Because this is simply wishful thinking. If Natsuhiko really gets the position of Jonin squad leader, then I'm afraid Sarutobi Hiruzen will be completely defeated by him, and the entire Konoha will be completely controlled by him, right?

As long as Sarutobi Hiruzen is okay, Natsuhiko, the Jonin squad leader, will have no hope.

What's more, Natsuhiko himself is an ANBU, and his ninja level was also hidden after he entered the ANBU.

He didn't even know if he was a jounin now. Although normally he should be in the jounin category now, the flexibility here was too great, and Natsuhiko had no interest in challenging these things.

"It looks like everyone is here."

When he walked into the ANBU headquarters and came to the lobby, he noticed that all the ANBU members had gathered here, which made him nodded slightly.

Before he came over, he had already informed the people of the third brigade to notify all the ANBU, and told them to temporarily put aside all tasks and gather at the ANBU headquarters.

Although his order was nonsense, because he was only the captain of the third team, but after everything last night, no ANBU would refuse him.

Even the captains of the First and Second Battalions were the same, because they really didn't expect Xia Yan to be so strong, let alone a Senju!

Under everyone's gaze, Xia Yan continued to walk forward slowly, his pace was slow but steady.

Even with his steps, all the ANBU present could feel a powerful aura coming towards them.

He did not go to the front of the third group, but kept walking towards the front of the venue.

This scene immediately made the eyes of the ANBU in the third brigade couldn't help but shine slightly, and the eyes of other ANBU who had witnessed his great power also seemed to have flames burning in their eyes.

The expressions of the captains of the First Brigade and the Second Brigade changed slightly. Strictly speaking, Xia Yan's move was a bit overstepped.

Even what he did last night was a huge transcendence. It was a typical example of inferiority overcoming superiority!

If you take into account that Natsuhiko killed people at the root and even humiliated Danzo, this guy is really a habitual offender.

"Didn't the village give him any punishment? Even, even let him..."

Under the somewhat horrified gazes of the two captains and the gazes of all the ANBU, Xia Yan walked to the front and turned to look at them.

After a long while, he slowly took off his mask and showed a smile.

This smile was so gentle, as comfortable as sunshine, and his voice slowly sounded at this moment.

“Hello everyone, taking off the mask I think is also the first time for most people to meet you.

My name is Natsuhiko, Senju Natsuhiko..."


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