The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 191 Nine-tailed Chakra Seed? (Please subscribe)

"Hello everyone, I think this is the first time for most people to take off their masks. My name is Natsuhiko, Senju Natsuhiko."

Natsuhiko's voice was very soft, but under the influence of chakra, it could be transmitted to the ears of every ANBU present.

Whether they were front-line troops or reserve troops, or ninjas engaged in civilian work or ninjas doing torture, they could all hear Xia Yan's words clearly.

And Xia Yan's words confirmed all of their suspicions, because Xia Yan is now the ANBU minister!

ANBU has rules, that is, no one except the minister can take off their masks in public, let alone say their names in public.

Unless it is a specific situation that everyone knows, such as Kakashi in the original work, this is regarded as the bottom line for challenging Anbu.

But there is one person who can be excluded, because this person is the supreme commander of ANBU, and he is also someone who has broken away from the actual confidentiality rules of ANBU.

This person is the head of ANBU!

Natsuhiko's actions at this time have already explained one thing very well, that is, he is now the Minister of ANBU!

When other ANBU ninjas got this news, they had already made assumptions but still couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Besides being surprised, I was even more excited.

In fact, Xia Yan's performance has been recognized by them. After all, it is not something ordinary people can do by fighting in and out of the Kingdom of Wind.

And last night's performance proved how terrifying his strength was. Whether it was the mountain-like psychic beast or the terrifying wood escape, these made the ANBU ninjas sigh.

Moreover, Xia Yan's decisiveness and his commanding ability were also recognized by these Anbu.

In such a critical situation at that time, Natsuhiko brazenly killed the ANBU minister in order to allow the ANBU to dispatch more quickly to save Konoha. This was not something ordinary people would dare to do.

And in such a chaotic situation in Konoha, he can calmly command the ANBU members to do what they need to do to save greater losses. This kind of commanding ability is absolutely trustworthy.

Especially this guy, he is a descendant of the Thousand Hands clan!

It can be said that Xia Yan's identity and performance have completely conquered these Anbu.

"Xia Yan...Captain." But at this moment, the captain of the second brigade suddenly spoke: "I'm sorry I need to interrupt. Does Captain Xia Yan have a letter of appointment?"

"This is natural." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then his eyes looked at Kakashi, who was already standing below.

At this time, Kakashi and Ye Cang were standing together, and their eyes were filled with fire.

But compared to Ye Cang's enthusiasm and excitement, Kakashi's enthusiasm was a little aggrieved.

Because he was pinned inside the barrier last night and unable to move out, Sarutobi Hiruzen refused to allow many of them to participate in the battle in order to protect the so-called future of Konoha.

So when the Kyuubi was plundering last night, they could only watch but could do nothing.

Even though he knew that this was for their own good and for the future of Konoha, Kakashi should still feel aggrieved.

However, he and the people who were trapped in the barrier all saw Natsuhiko's performance. Others may not be able to recognize who Natsuhiko is, but Kakashi is absolutely fine.

He really didn't expect that his captain was actually a member of the Thousand Hands Clan.

However, no matter which clan member he was, Kakashi would not take it too seriously. After he saw Natsuhiko's eyes, he immediately walked out.

"Show it to Captain Zhu Bun." Xia Yan took out the appointment letter in his hand and handed it to Kakashi.

"Yes, Team... Mr. Buchou!" Kakashi said habitually, but he reacted quickly and immediately changed his name.

Then he quickly came to the captain of the second brigade with the appointment document in his hand, and handed it to him respectfully.

Zhu Bun, the captain of the second team, frowned at all this, especially when he heard Kakashi call Natsuhiko a minister.

He is also ambitious for the minister, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to let Xia Yan take command last night and let Xia Yan admit all the consequences.

It's not that he doesn't want to take risks, it's that in his opinion Xia Yan is strong enough, but being too decisive is impulsive. In addition, given his age, this kid has no chance.

Therefore, if he does nothing and does not make any mistakes, he will have a good chance of competing for the position of ANBU Minister.

In his opinion, his only opponent was Xia Yan's old boss, Captain Antelope of the First Battalion.

But what he never expected was that Xia Yan showed extraordinary strength, unimaginable calmness and commanding ability, and now he directly got the position of ANBU minister, which Zhu Bun really couldn't accept. .

Looking at the appointment letter in his hand, Zhu Bun forced himself to stay calm, but soon his brows raised, and then a smile seemed to appear on his face under the mask.

"Captain Nightingale." Zhu Bun raised his head and looked at Xia Yan: "There seems to be something wrong with your appointment letter."

"Oh?" Xia Yan looked at him calmly, then asked with a smile: "Excuse me, what's the problem?"

"Your appointment letter was issued by the Fourth Hokage." Zhu Bun raised the appointment letter high and said loudly: "It seems that there is no approval from the Third Hokage."

His voice was loud, and under the influence of chakra, almost the entire ANBU hall echoed with his voice.

His words made some ANBU think deeply, while also making some ANBU frown.

Those who can enter the ANBU are not fools, and they can more or less feel that the situation within the ANBU is more complicated than they imagined.

But no matter how complicated it is, no one has picked it out and told it so clearly like today.

The high-level game is not something they can participate in. All they have to do is follow orders and complete tasks, that's all.

As for who issued the order and who they were loyal to, it didn't matter at all. What mattered was that the order they followed came from the Hokage.

"Captain Zhu Bun, your words make me very confused." The smile on Xia Yan's face seemed to fade away: "What are the responsibilities of ANBU? Can Zhu Bun answer it for me?"

"Of course I am loyal to the Hokage and Konoha." Zhu Bun said with a cold snort.

"So, isn't the Fourth Hokage the Hokage?"

Xia Yan's expression became more and more indifferent. He raised his head slightly and stared at the red bunting. His tone was still gentle but made people feel a bit cold.

"Captain Zhu Bun, you have gone too far. The Hokage is the Hokage, and orders are orders."

Zhu Bun's face turned slightly cold. He knew what an embarrassing situation his words would put him in, but he still said them.

After all, he was the captain promoted by Sarutobi Hiruzen, even with the help of Takumi Murashima.

And since Minato Namikaze came to power, the Anbu still obeyed the Third Hokage. This has not changed from beginning to end, and he doesn't think this is worth changing.

It is true that what Xia Yan said was correct, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with his choice. He would not approve an appointment that was not recognized by the Third Hokage!

"Sorry, I will not admit such an appointment without the approval of the Third Hokage." Zhu Bun snorted coldly and then turned around: "The Fourth Hokage is indeed the Hokage, and the Third Hokage is the Hokage who can lead Konoha to the normal level. .”

"Are you questioning the villagers and everyone's choices?" Xia Yan said, already putting his hand on the Ninja Sword: "It seems that Captain Zhu Bun is not a qualified ANBU."

"You want to do something to me?" Zhu Bun saw Xia Yan's posture and his eyes became extremely cautious: "Anbu roommates are fighting with each other, are you sure you want to do this? I'm going to see the Third Hokage, don't you allow it, Captain Nightingale? ?”

After saying this, Zhu Bun turned around and walked outside, but his chakra began to gather as he walked.

It was impossible for him not to know how dangerous Natsuhiko was. Ever since he almost crushed Takumi Murashima last night, he knew how dangerous the young man in front of him was.

Moreover, this young man also dealt with Kyuubi alone, and his Wood Release was incredible to him.

As an opponent against such a person, no matter who it is, I am afraid that he must be extremely vigilant, even the shadow must be like this!

"I don't object to you meeting the Third Hokage, but as I said just now, you are not a qualified ANBU."

At this moment, Xia Yan's voice came from behind. Zhu Bun paused slightly and looked behind him warily.

Xia Yan suddenly showed a smile. He easily pulled out the ninja sword from his waist, and then walked slowly towards Zhu Bun.

"In the name of the ANBU Minister, I declare that you have been expelled from the ANBU. Please keep your wrists and retreat."

Xia Yan's words combined with his expression seemed gentle and gentle, but his content directly determined the fate of an ANBU captain!

Directly expelling a captain from ANBU is something that has basically never happened in the history of ANBU.

But no one dares to doubt whether Natsuhiko's decision is valid, because the ANBU minister does these things despite having such authority.

Zhu Bun's expression changed when he heard Xia Yan's words, especially when he saw Xia Yan walking towards him, feeling the huge momentum that had locked onto him, and his cold sweat was slowly flowing out.

He could see that this boy from the Thousand Hands Clan would not care about fighting with his roommates, or in other words, this boy was eager to jump out on his own.

Because he is probably going to take this opportunity to clear out those ANBU people who are completely loyal to the Third Hokage!

In just an instant, Xia Yan's figure suddenly disappeared, and at this moment Zhu Bun suddenly felt a sharp pain in his shoulder.

He knew that he had been attacked at this time, and his injuries were definitely not light!


Zhu Bun suddenly cursed loudly, and then he completely ignored the pain in his shoulder and drew out his Ninja sword instantly.

The vigorous chakra bloomed crazily at this moment. He almost used his greatest strength and fastest speed to turn himself around and then slashed at Xia Yan with a knife.

He didn't know whether he could hit Xia Yan, but he knew that Xia Yan probably really planned to keep him here. If he didn't resist, he would be dead!

What made him feel incredible was that Xia Yan didn't use the Flying Thunder God technique at all. He just stood there and looked at him quietly, and then gently raised the knife flat.


The sound of metal clashing instantly rippled through the entire ANBU hall. Xia Yan's ninja sword blooming with blue chakra had easily blocked Zhu Bun's sword!

"If possible, I hope you don't have to be too insistent."

At this moment, Xia Yan's gentle and soft voice sounded again. This voice sounded like talking to an old friend.

Such a voice makes people feel like bathing in the spring breeze, but what he said makes people feel like they are in an ice cave!

"After all, I just want to expel you and leave you with one wrist, but your approach seems not to be that way.

You know, to step over an ant without killing it..."

Having said this, Xia Yan's figure suddenly disappeared again. When he appeared again, his ninja sword had penetrated Zhu Bun's chest!

"Strength is difficult to master, and I'm not good at restraining my own power too much, especially now."

After the words fell, Xia Yan also slowly drew out his Ninja Sword, while Zhu Bun fell to his knees weakly on the ground.

His chest was completely stained with blood, and soon the scarlet blood flowed out quickly, completely staining the area where he was.

Zhu Bun raised his head and looked at the door in the distance, looking at the ANBU who looked at him with extremely complicated eyes, and his mouth moved slightly.

But it's a pity that he didn't say a word. In the end, his head drooped weakly, and his heart stopped beating.

Such a bloody and decisive scene immediately sent chills down the spines of all the ANBU present.

They had seen Xia Yan's decisiveness last night, and today they had seen Xia Yan's decisiveness again, but the gap between the two decisivenesses was really too big.

At this moment, people really couldn't understand Xia Yan, but they also clearly realized one thing, that is, the ANBU may have completely changed!

Xia Yan looked at Zhu Bun's kneeling body, then shook off the blood on the ninja sword and put it away.

Treating guests, beheading, and accepting them as dogs, these three sentences explain very thoroughly how to bribe a person or even a group of people.

Xia Yan didn't have time to entertain, so he directly chose 'beheading' as a deterrent, and the rest was to 'accept him as a dog'.

Of course, this is not quite right. The members of ANBU are all talents, and they are all very valuable talents.

"Who else is leaving can now speak their mind."

Xia Yan glanced at everyone around him, and there was still a smile on his lips.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything casually. After all, as long as you have good personal reasons, it is enough."

Xia Yan's words made all the ANBU dare not say anything, and no one dared to stand up and say that they planned to leave.

They really couldn't believe Xia Yan's words that he wouldn't do anything casually. If it was a real Zhu Bunting, he wouldn't die so miserably.

"If not, then I'll change the question."

Xia Yan still looked at everyone with a smile, and his voice still made people feel as gentle as bathing in the spring breeze.

"The Fourth Hokage appointed me, Senju Natsuhiko, as the Minister of ANBU...

Who is in favor and who is against? "


Who is in favor and who is against? This question actually doesn’t make much sense anymore.

Because no one would make any sense at all, Captain Zhu Bun, who was kneeling on the ground and completely dead, had set a good example for them.

They really didn't dare to provoke this guy with such a gentle and bright smile, but his methods were as cold as ice.

Xia Yan glanced at everyone present, and then nodded silently. He knew that his method had suppressed everyone.

Quickly clearing out the most aggressive one to scare everyone, and then dismissing those who needed to be dismissed one by one, so that he could completely control the ANBU.

As for after being purged by him, will the number of ANBU be insufficient?

Don't be kidding, Natsuhiko has no plans to adapt the 'ANBU Brigade', or expand it into a 'normal ninja brigade', as the people in the reserve force are sufficient no matter how you look at them.

"Since there is no such thing, let's all disperse."

Xia Yan calmly glanced at everyone present, and then spoke slowly.

"The captains of each brigade will arrange rest and tasks. If there is no captain, the team captains will negotiate on their own for the time being.

However, your negotiation time is only ten minutes, and you can call on the reserve team.

Everyone, Konoha is the most difficult thing right now, and it is also a difficult period for me. Taking over ANBU during this period is unimaginably difficult.

So I hope you can cooperate with me instead of causing trouble for me, do you understand? "

"Yes, Sir Minister!"

All ANBU members of the third group and some members of the first group answered loudly, while other ANBU members of the first group and the second group seemed a little silent.

"Did I not speak clearly enough?"

Xia Yan was very dissatisfied with the current situation and looked at Antelope, the captain of the first brigade.

"Captain, do you and Captain Zhu Bun have the same attitude?"


Antelope looked at Xia Yan with a complicated expression. He did not expect that Xia Yan would be so ruthless, but he was not Zhu Bun.

Even if he had the thoughts of a minister, and even if he was single-handedly promoted by Sarutobi Hiruzen, after seeing Zhu Bun's end, it was naturally impossible for him to follow in his footsteps.

Taking a deep breath, he turned back and yelled at the ANBU of the first team.

"Are you all deaf? Since you are deaf, just retire. ANBU doesn't need such ninjas! Did you hear the minister's order?"

"I heard it!" At this moment, Antelope's majesty in the First Brigade was fully revealed, and all the Anbu of the First Brigade shouted loudly.

"How should you answer the Minister's words?"

"Yes, Sir Minister!"

After doing all this, Antelope turned to Xia Yan and nodded. He had done everything he could.

Even though he was unwilling, he made the right choice, and he also wanted to see how Xia Yan would deal with those in the second team.

After all, until now, many ANBU ninjas in the second team have not said that sentence.

Maybe some of them are completely loyal to Sarutobi Hiruzen, or maybe some of them just haven't made a complete decision yet.

But the attitude they are showing now may not satisfy Xia Yan. After all, the newly appointed ANBU minister is not a good-tempered person.

"very good."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, then looked directly at the second brigade, shook his head gently and said slowly with regret.

"But it's also very bad. I know you have feelings for me. After all, your captain died in my hands.

But you have to take time to get emotional. I am very disappointed with your immature behavior, so..."

Having said this, Xia Yan raised his head slightly, and his eyes scanned everyone present in the second team.

He could clearly feel that all the members of the second team were a little nervous at this time, and some people were glaring at Xia Yan in this nervousness.

Xia Yan had basically expected this attitude, so he didn't take it too seriously, especially since he knew what to do.

"Kakashi." Natsuhiko turned to look at Kakashi, and then he said calmly: "From now on, you are the acting captain of the second team, and your task is to rebuild the second team."

"Yes, Minister!" Kakashi nodded directly, but when he finished answering this sentence, his eyes immediately became strange: "Re...rebuilding the Second Battalion?"

"Yes, rebuild." Xia Yan nodded directly. His eyes once again looked at all the ANBU members of the second brigade: "From now on, you are no longer members of the ANBU. Take off your masks and put down your weapons, and then leave here."

Xia Yan's voice was still incredibly calm, but his words instantly caused all the ANBU's expressions to change slightly.

They seemed to have a premonition, but they couldn't believe that the law would not punish the public everywhere.

But when they thought of Xia Yan's methods, they suddenly felt that everything seemed normal.

Many ANBU ninjas in the second brigade wanted to retort, but they were quickly stopped by the people around them.

Especially those ANBU ninjas who have always been silent and completely on the side of Sarutobi Hiruzen, they have begun to take off their masks first.

There was no use in talking too much. Even many ninjas who were not firmly on Sarutobi Hiruzen's side had no choice but to take off their masks at this moment.

Even if it was just a few minutes of contact, they knew that the new ANBU minister was definitely not someone easy to talk to.

And they do have resentment in their hearts. After all, someone killed their captain in front of them. This feeling is really too bad.

Also, they really don't believe what they can do relying on those reserve teams.

Besides that, would the Third Hokage really ignore the changes in ANBU?

Now, in the eyes of smart people, Xia Yan's actions are establishing his authority and actually clearing up the influence of the Third Hokage.

But the Third Hokage is still the one who has controlled Konoha for decades. No one can say what the future will be like!


Walking on the streets of Konoha, Natsuhiko looked at the setting sun in the distance.

This time there was such a big commotion in the ANBU. Although Xia Yan didn't feel much when he did it, he also had some lingering fears after doing it.

He is not worried about those guys taking action. On the contrary, once they take action, Xia Yan will have better excuses and reasons to quell a 'mutiny'.

As long as this matter is defined as a mutiny, these people can be directly regarded as rebellious ninjas, and there is no need to put much pressure on dealing with rebellious ninjas.

However, there are quite a lot of smart Anbu people in this second brigade. They all know that they can't deal with Xia Yan. After all, Xia Yan also has a "bad reputation".

Rather than seeking death, it would be better to simply retreat.

Of course Natsuhiko could see what they were thinking, and even guessed that they might want the Third Hokage to push him down.

But the entire Anbu had fallen into Xia Yan's hands, how could he let someone push him down?

"This large-scale cleanup is only the first step, and it is a very rough step. This cannot be done in the future."

Xia Yan looked at the sunset, and he walked step by step into the area destroyed by Nine Tails.

Even though only one person was killed in this large-scale cleanup, Xia Yan's method of 'firing' these ANBU was really an indiscriminate attack.

You must know that there are many family members among these Anbu. Xia Yan wants to win over those families and logically cannot do so. This is why he has lingering fears after doing it.

But when he thought that there were some family members in the reserve team, Xia Yan felt a little relieved.

At worst, he could just take the initiative to visit some people later, or deliberately select some family members from the ANBU's application list to show his kindness.

Thinking mentally, Xia Yan has entered the area where the battle took place last night. This area has basically become ruins.

Collapsed houses and broken trees were everywhere, but the fire nearby had been put out, and with the help of Lizard, the people inside were basically rescued.

There are now ninjas everywhere in the ruins, perhaps measuring and mapping to prepare for future reconstruction.

But Xia Yan didn't pay that much attention. He was completely searching for those trees that were lucky enough not to be destroyed by Kyuubi or Ninjutsu along the way.

There really aren't many of these trees, but Xia Yan is definitely better off than not having them, and it's not like he has gained nothing!

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

"Analysis results, whether the primary seeds of Fire Escape have been extracted."

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

"Analysis results, whether the intermediate fire escape seeds were extracted."

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

"Analysis results, whether the primary seeds of Lei Dun were extracted."


As Xia Yan walked down, he found the seeds he wanted on several trees that were promoted!

It must be said that his luck was really good, or maybe it was because the system knew what kind of seeds he lacked, so it blocked other seeds, allowing him to get what he wanted most.

Xia Yan was really extremely happy with this result, although he knew that the seeds would greatly consume his chakra.

But after experiencing the last 'bug' incident, he knew that his so-called 'only mission' could accelerate the improvement of these seeds!

In addition to the huge help that the 'only mission' can provide, there is another thing that he has not forgotten, and that is the power of dragon veins.

Last time, he only absorbed a very small amount of dragon vein power, which allowed his seeds to grow at a good rate.

If he absorbs all the power of the dragon vein, then these powers will definitely help him, and maybe he can experience the pleasure of 'maturing in one go' again.

"But it's a pity that I haven't found a more advanced chakra seed."

Xia Yan looked at the ruins for a long time. After making sure that all the trees in Konoha Village had been touched by him, he shook his head helplessly.

His chakra is indeed good now, and his resilience is extremely strong, but he has to plant seeds. How can he accomplish all this without sufficient chakra?

Especially after experiencing his 'complete strength' in the past few months, he is really unwilling to give up this state.

But for the sake of the future, he had to give up some 'excessive comfort', which made him really helpless.

"Before I got the high-grade seeds, these were okay, but if that doesn't work, I would just plant them one by one.

Although this is not efficient enough, it can at least shorten my half-life. "

After Xia Yan thought carefully, he planned to leave here directly.

He had already searched the ruins, and there was no need to continue. Besides, he wanted to thank Ichiban Obito.

This guy did not summon the Nine-Tails in the area where he lived to give face. You must know that the place where he lives is also a relatively remote place in the residential area of ​​Konoha Village.

"Now go outside and take a look. It's the place where the Nine-Tails is sealed. I hope you can get some good results."

Thinking in his mind, Natsuhiko's figure moved slightly, and the next moment he appeared at the place where Namikaze Minato and the others sealed the Kyuubi last night!

He was here to rescue Namikaze Minato last night, and he left some marks specifically to prevent Obito, and now these marks are fully functional.

Natsuhi basically wouldn't expect to get any powerful escape techniques in this place, but don't forget that Kushina used the sealing technique here last night.

Kushina's sealing technique is much more powerful than Minato's. If she hadn't been too weak, she wouldn't even need Minato to do anything. She could seal the Kyuubi herself.

Xia Yan came here to find sealed seeds.

What's more, the degree of destruction nearby is completely incomparable to that inside Konoha. This is a forest with many more trees.

"It's just that there are too many trees and it's troublesome to find them, but it's always good to search more."

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan also acted quickly, and not long after, his system prompt rang.

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

"Analysis results, whether the intermediate seal seeds were extracted."

When Xia Yan heard this result, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

With a stronger sealing technique, his Flying Thunder God technique can be improved to another level. He is extremely satisfied with the result!

Without any hesitation at all, Xia Yan directly extracted the seed, and suddenly a seed emitting light yellow light appeared in his hand.

“This harvest is really satisfying!”

Looking at the seeds in his hand, Xia Yan found a tree and sat down against it. This harvest made him even more happy than the chakra seeds with the other two attributes he had obtained before!

There is no doubt about the power of Flying Thunder God Technique, especially his current Wood Release must be combined with Xian Technique in order to exert its powerful combat effectiveness.

Moreover, the consumption of Wood Release is unimaginable, but the consumption of Flying Thunder God Technique is much lower. Even if it is used in conjunction with Immortal Technique, it will never make Xia Yan uncomfortable.

Besides, he had no intention of using Wood Release against anyone. Why waste precious chakra when he could kill the enemy with one strike?

However, when Xia Yan was happiest, the system in his mind suddenly sounded again.

"Plants with special attributes have been detected and are being analyzed."

"Analysis results, primary nine-tails chakra seeds, are they extracted?"


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