After several days of preparation, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally handled the matters that needed to be dealt with, and also reported the matter to the Fire Country Daimyo through ANBU.

Xia Yan also cooperated well with the wave of Sarutobi Hiruzen for this purpose. He asked Snow Eagle Senju Yang to go there in person, and he also obtained relevant information.

"It was only Sarutobi Hiruzen and I who set off, and the road we took was not a big road. It seems that this old man is really low-key and careful enough."

Xia Yan looked at the information in his hand and couldn't help but nodded slightly. This was a good thing. Being too high-profile was sometimes not so good.

Although what he does in the future will definitely be high-profile, it is necessary to keep a low profile before things completely explode.

Because this way we can avoid alerting the enemy. You must know that the Daimyo always wants to dominate the Fire Country again, not just the money bag of Konoha Village!

The existence of the Twelve Guardian Ninja Warriors is, to some extent, a preparation for getting rid of Konoha's control.

Even though the Hokage's attitude towards the Daimyo is very respectful now, he secretly does not take him seriously at all, but the Daimyo knows it very well.

"Is it possible that the daimyo was actually involved in collecting Nine-Tails chakra behind his back?"

Xia Yan mentally guessed, but he was just thinking about it because he didn't care what the answer would be!

The daimyo is indeed the nominal leader of the Fire Country, but unfortunately he cannot control the huge army of Konoha Village at all.

After all, the ninja world is still the world of ninjas. You cannot control the huge army of ninjas. Even if you have an army composed of many ordinary people, it is actually in vain.

Therefore, he got rid of the shackles of being controlled by Konoha, and then began to restrict the development of Konoha's economy, or control the economic lifeline of Konoha Village.

Finally, when everything actually matures, and we can regain control of Konoha Village through negotiation or something, this path is definitely not impossible.

Just imagine, when your food, clothing, housing and transportation are all controlled by one person, even your job, will it be too late before you are controlled?

But it is a pity that in the original work, Hema and the others broke up because they had an internal split.

And the daimyo has always been nothing more than a money bag, and nothing has changed in this regard.

"Since nothing has changed, it's not a big deal if I destroy you in advance."

With this thought in his mind, Xia Yan had already arrived in the living room, and Qianjulianhua was putting breakfast away in the living room.

At this time every day, she would prepare everything that needed to be prepared in the morning, and then wait for Xia Yan to come down to eat and go to work.

She looks like a little wife, but more like a housekeeper.

"Morning." Xia Yan nodded lightly in greeting, then walked over and sat down.

"Morning, Xia Yanjun." Thousand Hands Lotus's voice was still as cold and ethereal, but she was no longer calling Xia Yan 'sir'.

"Auntie went out shopping again?" Xia Yan couldn't help but ask in a funny voice after taking a sip of the appetizing millet porridge.

"To be precise, she went out to hide from you." Thousand Hands Lotus revealed the truth directly: "After all, Xia Yanjun's identity is no longer the same. Even if Xia Yanjun's attitude has not changed, the people around him have to change."

Xia Yan smiled and nodded slightly, but did not make any answer to such a question.

He can indeed feel that the attitudes of many people who know his true identity have changed. In the past, they could joke a little, but now they all have a respectful attitude.

It's always cold at high places, and Xia Yan can be said to have experienced a little bit of it.

But he didn't care that much, because there were still only a few people who knew his identity, and it was enough that his classmates could at least treat him normally.

Even if his previous persona was just an act, it still brought him some benefits.

"I won't be home for the next while."

Xia Yan put down the bowl in his hand, and then said casually.

"You will take care of the house. I have already informed the ANBU that they will come and guard the place. You can just live a normal life."

"It seems that the task of sending out all the ANBU ministers will not be an easy task."

Thousand-Armed Lotus raised her head slightly and glanced at Xia Yan, then she lowered her head.

"I understand, I won't let there be any problems at home."

Senju Renhua is very smart. Even if she doesn't know what Xia Yan's mission is, she knows she shouldn't ask so she shouldn't ask.

As for Natsuhiko being so cautious even though he is already the head of ANBU, this is not a strange thing.

Xia Yan's position as minister was obtained entirely through force, which would inevitably involve the interests of many others.

Since there are interests involved, there will naturally be people who choose to take risks because the interests involved are too great.

This kind of people are very dangerous and terrible. If we don't take precautions, the things they will cause are unimaginable.

When Xia Yan was there, they might be worried about Xia Yan's strength and the fact that the operation would not be successful at all.

But if Natsuhiko is not in Konoha, then he might be able to succeed in revenge if he acts quickly and decisively enough.

Even though Natsuhiko is still the ANBU minister and his whereabouts are one of the most closely guarded, there is no airtight wall in the world.

"That's good. I hope this operation goes well and at the same time we can make more money for the Anbu." Xia Yan finished all the breakfast on the table and then stood up.

"Are you trying to make money for the ANBU? Natsu Yan-kun is going to meet the daimyo?" Senju Renhua suddenly understood something after listening to Natsu Yan's words: "Is it that Lord Hokage is going to meet the daimyo?"


"Actually, it's not difficult to understand. I was thinking about what kind of mission it would be that the ANBU minister would also be dispatched."

Thousand-Armed Lotus rolled her hair, and then continued to speak.

"It wasn't until Xia Yanjun reminded me that I thought that the only person who could dispatch the ANBU chief and get money at the same time was the daimyo.

And you need a reasonable reason to see the daimyo, so it must be the Sandaime Hokage who wants to see the daimyo, and Xia Yanjun goes with him.

It's just that the Sandaime Hokage and Xia Yanjun are not the same people. I'm afraid Xia Yanjun also paid some price, right?

However, I am afraid that such a price is nothing to Xia Yanjun, and it may even be thrown out by you on your own initiative. "

Xia Yan stood there and looked at the Thousand-Armed Lotus with slightly shining eyes. Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart again, this woman is indeed very smart!

He had already felt this way a few months ago, but as he helped this woman solve her 'worries,' the wisdom she showed became more and more obvious.

But this time, Xia Yan was really surprised. He guessed so much for her with just one sentence, and it could even be said that they were almost inseparable.

It can only be said that this kind of thinking ability is really terrifying. If it were Xia Yan himself, he would have to think carefully for a long time before he could think of this.

"I feel a little wronged by leaving you at home." Xia Yan sighed slightly: "Have you ever thought about finding a place where you can fully utilize your talents?"

"I will only listen to Lord Xia Yan." Qianju Renhua lowered her head slightly, and this time her title was also changed: "If Lord Xia Yan thinks it is necessary, then it is necessary. If Lord Xia Yan feels it is not necessary, then It’s not necessary.”

"Is that so?" Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "I understand, let's talk about it when I come back."

After saying this, the chakra on Xia Yan's body rippled slightly.

Thousand-Armed Lotus's words have been made very clear. In this case, Xia Yan doesn't mind giving it a try.

After all, it would be a pity to keep her at home with this kind of ability and really use her as a vase...


Sarutobi Hiruzen had been setting off for some time, and he was walking silently on the path to the capital of the Land of Fire.

Since he promised Senju Natsuhiko to only take him to the capital of the Fire Country, he would not break the promise.

However, he also maintained a certain degree of vigilance along the way. After all, Natsu Yan's strength was really terrifying. If he had evil thoughts about Sarutobi Hiruzen, it would be really dangerous.

Therefore, he left a shadow clone in the Sarutobi clan's residence, and told an elder in the family about this operation.

If Xia Yan really did something unforgivable, then he could also use the disappearance of the shadow clone to send a message.

If the main body dies, the shadow clone will disappear, so that the elder can immediately expose what Xia Yan did without giving the brat any countermeasures.

From the moment he set out until now, Sarutobi Hiruzen always felt as if he was being watched. This feeling was inexplicable.

But he didn't find anyone, which made him wonder whether it was Xia Yan who came over but didn't show up?

When he thought of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't bother to care about those voyeuristic eyes, as long as he remained vigilant enough.

"Hope nothing bad happens."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought silently, and then he began to speed up and continue walking forward.

He didn't encounter any accidents along the way. Ruoyouruowu's eyes seemed to be just looking at him without any other plans. This made him more certain that this was probably Xia Yan or Xia Yan's person.

But he was very curious as to why this boy Xia Yan hadn't come out yet. Could it be that he could still rely on the Flying Thunder God to teleport here after he arrived at the capital of the Kingdom of Fire?

"Be careful where you walk, Hokage-sama."

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in Sarutobi Hiruzen's ears, which made Sarutobi Hiruzen's pupils dilate slightly.

But soon, he forced himself to calm down his thoughts. He turned his head slightly to look, and then a strange look appeared on his face.

"Natsuhiko?" Hiruzen Sarutobi asked strangely: "How come your mask...comes from Kakashi?"

ANBU cannot change their mask, especially since this mask will follow a person for a lifetime!

But now Natsuhiko has almost openly violated this rule. He directly appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen wearing Kakashi's mask.

The most terrible thing is that, wearing a mask and ANBU costume, he really feels a little indistinguishable from Kakashi.

Both of these two people were originally white-haired, and Natsuhiko is also good at using swordsmanship. Apart from the absence of the Sharingan and the iconic Thunder Release, it is basically impossible to tell the difference between them wearing masks.

"Nightingale's reputation is really too great. To avoid trouble, I think it's better not to use the identity of Nightingale."

Xia Yan spread his hands and then explained. He seemed a little helpless, but when he heard this, Sarutobi Hiruzen's brows jumped.

"Last time I was in the Kingdom of Yu, Kumogakure's ANBU turned around and ran away when they saw me, which made me almost unable to complete the mission."

"It seems that in this short period of one year, Xia Yanjun has grown to a point that makes everyone sigh."

Sarutobi Hiruzen replied angrily, but after saying this, he seemed a little silent.

Because this sentence is really true, Xia Yan has indeed grown to a level that astonishes the world.

Who would have imagined that nearly a year ago, Natsuhiko looked like an excellent ANBU and had already become a team leader at a young age.

But that's all. Although it is excellent, it does not make the world feel scared.

However, now, not only has his strength reached a terrifying height, but his status has also made an unprecedented jump, directly becoming the Minister of ANBU!

He became a minister at the age of fourteen, and he was also the minister of ANBU. This can only be said to be unprecedented in the ninja world.

Unless someone can become a Kage at this age, or become an ANBU minister at a younger age than him, I am afraid he can surpass him.

But when he thought of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but shake his head, because whether he became the ANBU minister at the age of thirteen or the Kage at the age of fourteen, this was unrealistic.

If such a magical thing really happened, then there are only one or two conclusions that can be used to evaluate this matter.

The first is that this village is in trouble. If such a young person comes to the front, is there really any hope for such a village?

After all, for a person like Natsuhiko who has such a deep inner state, Hiruzen Sarutobi felt that there would be no one else in the ninja world.

As for the second conclusion, it is naturally a compromise of interests. It is good for the village to let this young man come to the forefront, so why not let him do it?

But in this case, the young man is indeed a bit pitiful, because he may only be able to act as a puppet without any autonomy at all.

"Forget it, if we don't talk about these things, then White Fang, the rest will depend on you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have thought of something. He immediately shook his head and stopped thinking before continuing. He spoke directly.

"Of course, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan chuckled, bowed slightly and said softly: "Then, shall we set off?"

After saying this, Natsu Yan walked directly forward, and Sarutobi Hiruzen set off behind Natsu Yan.

But after Xia Yan set off, his eyes couldn't help but glance around, and a smile appeared on his face under the mask.

"You're really careful. Could it be that I killed him? Or..."

"Are you looking for a chance to kill me? If so, then it's really worth looking forward to..."


"Just now...was that the Flying Thunder God's technique?"

Among the treetops some distance away from Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen, a root ninja stared into the distance, with a slight cold sweat on his forehead.

He still knew how terrifying the Flying Thunder God Technique was. After all, the current head of ANBU used the Flying Thunder God Technique and killed many of their base members!

But what made him a little confused was that the mask worn by the person who came just now was not the mask of the ANBU minister.

Konoha Nightingale is a famous name in the entire ninja world, and his mask is remembered by everyone.

He has a special status in Konoha. As a member of the Roots, it is impossible to mistake this mask for him.

"That mask belongs to White Fang, that is, Hatake Kakashi, but why does this guy know how to fly the Thunder God Technique?"

This root ninja couldn't figure it out, but he didn't want to think more about it.

He had been following Sarutobi Hiruzen for some time, but before that he had never seen the ANBU protection personnel, which made him have huge doubts in his heart.

But now he has met the ANBU people, and he has also determined the ANBU personnel and the route of action of these two people.

Therefore, he also had to complete the report and start preparing for the next step of the mission.

Thinking of this, he quickly formed a seal with one hand, and then his whole body turned into a ball of smoke and disappeared.

Farther away, the ANBU suddenly felt something. He immediately closed his eyes and felt it for a moment, and then he quickly opened them.

"It has been confirmed that there is only one person to protect, White Fang." The root ninja said quickly: "There is no problem with the route. If there are no accidents, they will arrive here in twenty minutes."

"Only one person?" Another Root Ninja asked doubtfully, "Are you sure you're not mistaken? I remember that White Fang is busy rebuilding the Second Brigade. Is it really him?"

"There is nothing wrong with the mask, and there is nothing wrong with the appearance, but there is one big problem." The root thought for a moment, and then said seriously: "That is, this guy White Fang seems to have mastered the art of flying thunder gods."

"The Flying Thunder God's Technique?" Upon hearing this, all the ninjas who came to ambush the root showed doubtful expressions.

The Flying Thunder God Technique is definitely not a simple technique, otherwise only three people in Konoha throughout history would have learned it - the Second Hokage, the Fourth Hokage, and the current ANBU Minister Nightingale.

Is it possible that, as a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, and also a classmate and friend of Konoha Nightingale, White Fang received guidance from these two and learned the art of Flying Thunder God?

Or is that not White Fang at all, but the ANBU Minister Nightingale?

If it is Nightingale, then this matter will be in big trouble. This guy's performance in the Night of the Nine Tails has already said it all.

And his attitude towards Genbu is also very bad. It can be said that he is definitely not someone that Genbu is willing to mess with!

"Okay, don't think about it too much."

At this moment, a shorter root suddenly spoke.

"Konoha Nightingale is now the Minister of ANBU, and will not be dispatched easily unless there are special circumstances.

What's more, even if he is dispatched, we must complete Danzo-sama's mission! "

"That's right, Nightingale is now the minister of ANBU, and it is said that he does not have a good relationship with the Third Hokage."

This is, a root ninja thought for a moment before speaking.

"In fact, both the Five Gates and the Anbu know this more or less, so it is more important for us to complete our own mission."

These words of the root ninja immediately silenced all the other ninjas. Indeed, the relationship between Anbu and Naruto is really not good now.

Even ninjas like them, who have almost no emotions at all and only know how to complete their tasks, know this.

The reason why they reacted like this was mainly because the mission they received was somewhat unexpected, and the enemies they had to face were also somewhat beyond their imagination.

Senju Natsuhiko is really no ordinary enemy. He is powerful and his methods are terrifying.

They all still remember the heads sent back one by one, and the dead-eyed expressions really had a huge impact on them.

They are indeed like machines, their emotions and fears have been completely suppressed, but the reason why they have become like this is largely due to their belief in the so-called 'protecting Konoha'.

But Xia Yan killed them so openly and did not forget to humiliate them, but this guy did not receive any punishment.

In addition, what they are doing now has also shaken their hearts a little, otherwise they would never have been in such a 'discussing' situation.

But now they have come to their senses. Since they have accepted such a task, they must complete it well.

They should not have any doubts about Lord Danzo. They must trust Lord Danzo's judgment. Everything they do is for Konoha!

Thinking of this, they immediately dispersed and slowly adjusted their status. What they have to do now is the final preparation, which is also preparation for the battle.


"Huh? He's missing?"

Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen kept walking forward. They were not very fast, so perhaps this matter was not in a hurry for them.

Therefore, it's not a big deal to go a little slower. Even if you want to speed up and then speed up, it's not impossible. In this way, Xia Yan can think about what to do next.

But what surprised Xia Yan was that those who protected Sarutobi Hiruzen actually disappeared?

This made Xia Yan feel a little strange. Could it be that Hiruzen Sarutobi felt it was unnecessary, or that he believed that he would not attack him?

Xia Yanke couldn't figure it out. He didn't always use his perception to explore those guys, so he didn't know what those guys were about.

However, Xia Yan felt that those guys were a little strange. There was nothing wrong with their chakra, but they didn't seem to be complete people.

Shaking his head, Xia Yan was too lazy to think so much. He preferred to see what tricks the Third Hokage planned to pull off.

But what Xia Yan didn't know was that Sarutobi Hiruzen's current thoughts were similar to his!

"The feeling of being watched is gone. It seems that they are indeed members of the ANBU."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought silently, but he had no intention of making it public. In his opinion, that feeling disappeared one after another after Natsuhiko.

So this probably means that he was indeed targeted by someone, and those people were ANBU people!

But now it seems that those ANBU people are here to provide the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God, rather than to trouble him. Such a discovery seems a bit interesting.

"It seems that I really misunderstood this kid, but if I think about it carefully, it seems normal that he doesn't plan to do anything to me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought silently, in the final analysis, this boy probably guessed that he would take precautions, so he had no intention of taking action, right?

No matter which one it was, Sarutobi Hiruzen was slightly relieved. He was still quite worried after all. After all, they said they were facing this guy Senju Natsuhiko.


Just when the two of them were sure they had a problem with each other, but finally gave up on their bad plan, Xia Yan took the initiative to speak.

"Should we speed up? After all, we both have a lot to do."

"It's a very good choice." Hiruzen Sarutobi came to his senses and nodded with a smile: "Then, let's speed up, but Captain Natsuhiko has to give way to me, after all, I am old."

Having said this, the two men's chakras moved slightly at the same time, and the next moment they accelerated and rushed forward at the same time.

Natsuhiko did not explode at full speed because he knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen's speed could not keep up with him at all.

This old man was right about one thing, that is, he was indeed old.

Although Xia Yan is still young and his body has not yet completely reached its peak, but he eats a lot of basic fruits and exercises deliberately, his speed is also very terrifying.

Just running, Xia Yan suddenly noticed something was wrong, because he felt the fluctuation of chakra.

Similarly, Sarutobi Hiruzen also noticed a strange chakra aura brewing. After all, it was a shadow and he had participated in so many battles. If he wasn't sensitive, he would have died long ago!

Such a discovery couldn't help but make them both look at each other, but as if it was a confirmation look, they suddenly thought of each other with great joy.

"This damn guy actually wants to do something?"

There was no time to think, the next moment several earth dragons rose up from the ground, roared and slammed into Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen!

However, such ninjutsu is really not practical for the two of them. After all, they are not ordinary ninjas.

Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen only paused for a moment, and then the teleportation technique was activated in an instant, and the two of them avoided these terrifying earth dragons so easily.

But when they landed, the looks they stared at each other looked particularly weird.

Although it wasn't a look full of betrayal, hurt, and disbelief, it was enough to feel surprised.

"I really didn't expect that the Minister would be so murderous towards me."

"I never expected that Hokage-sama would be so cruel."

The two of them spoke almost at the same time, but they were both stunned for a moment, and then they asked in unison with quite a tacit understanding.

"Not the one you arranged?"

After asking this question, the two fell silent again.

With this silence, they quickly dodged another Tudun's attack, and they also noticed who the person who attacked them was.

These guys were all wearing ANBU costumes, but the cold and numb aura already explained their identities.

"People at the root?" Xia Yan glanced at it, and then looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Lord Hokage, aren't you going to explain?"

"You asked me to explain, then who can give me an explanation?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was extremely ugly. He never dreamed that the person who attacked them would be the root!

Is Danzo this damn guy crazy?

Why would he do something so stupid and irrational?

Does he want to do something to Xia Yan, or does he want to do something to himself?

Such thoughts kept spinning in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind, but these people at the root had no intention of stopping.

They rushed up again, and their main target was Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Seeing this scene, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned livid, while Natsuhiko's face hidden under the mask showed a smile.

Obviously, these guys with roots were aiming at Hiruzen Sarutobi, and Natsuhiko even recalled a scene in the original work.

In the original work, Danzo chose to assassinate Hiruzen Sarutobi because he was dissatisfied that Hiruzen Sarutobi had regained the power of Hokage.

It's just that this guy's behavior in the original work was betrayed by Kakashi, so he directly declared failure.

Xia Yan really didn't expect that this guy Danzo would dare to do such a thing when he was pushing him to this point by disturbing the situation?

"Or did I push him too hard, and he had to find an opportunity to resist?"

Xia Yan couldn't guess the reason, and he didn't bother to guess such things. His eyes were now fixed on a kid with long brown hair.

He knew that the kid who had no accident was probably Yamato, and his current identity at the root was A.

Because he has already sensed a chakra power similar to his own in this kid, and this power is the power of Mu Dun!

This boy is Danzo's trump card against Hiruzen Sarutobi, but this boy's identity cannot always be exposed.

"I really didn't expect it to be delivered in front of me. Danzo, you are indeed a good person. I'm afraid Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression will be even more exciting when he finds out about it, right?"

Thinking of this, Natsuhiko rushed in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen with a teleportation technique. He did not draw out his ninja sword, but simply flicked his hand forward.

Two figures intertwined, and the root ninja in front suddenly flew out upside down, and his body had been penetrated by wooden thorns!

The bright red blood rained down and splashed on Xia Yan's white mask, which looked particularly strange at this moment.

"You..." Sarutobi Hiruzen was already ready to take action. He looked at Xia Yan who suddenly took action and didn't react at all.

"Although I think going to the theater seems to be a good choice, but..."

Xia Yan gently shook off the blood in his hand, his voice sounded so gentle.

"I found something interesting, something very interesting. I think Lord Hokage will also find it very interesting..."


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