The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 198 Xia Yan’s power (please subscribe~)

What Natsuhiko said was interesting was definitely not a good thing in Sarutobi Hiruzen's opinion.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was really at a loss now. He never dreamed that Danzo would go crazy. He was even thinking that he had done so much for Danzo, was it worth it?

It's just that Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly calmed down, because he knew that unless Danzo died directly, he had to save him!

This was a very embarrassing situation for him, and it was also a very helpless situation for him.

It can be said that to some extent, he is the reason why Danzo is what he is now!

Danzo is his shadow, and everything Danzo does is basically what he says he acquiesces to. This guy knows most of Sarutobi Hiruzen's secrets.

If Danzo falls into the hands of someone like Natsuhiko Senju for some reason, then Hiruzen Sarutobi can be sure that this kid will definitely dig out all the secrets!

Then what might happen then would definitely not be what Sarutobi Hiruzen saw.

Because this will definitely have a devastating impact on their huge interest group!

In addition, there is another reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen keeps saving Danzo, and that is personal emotions.

Danzo has been his best friend since childhood. This kind of relationship is really indelible. In addition, it is really his credit for Danzo to become what he is now.

Because Danzo wanted to be Hokage, this was an unlimited challenge to his authority, and he naturally couldn't allow it.

Therefore, he began to create a stereotype for Danzo, constantly making Danzo fearful and disgusting in the village, and even in the entire ninja world.

Such a dark person, such a unworthy person, naturally cannot become the Hokage bathed in the sun!

It can be said that he single-handedly destroyed Danzo's future and pushed Danzo into the abyss of darkness.

It was also he who continued to indulge Danzo, let Danzo feel the taste of power, and made Danzo believe that he could become Hokage, and thus step by step he got to where he is today.

At this time, Danzo was getting farther and farther away from the Hokage, and he was getting closer and closer to the abyss.

"Duanzo, what on earth have you done?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know what Danzo had done, but Natsuhiko knew very well that this Danzo brother had given him another big gift.

But it's a pity that Natsuhiko has no intention of killing Danzo now, because it is definitely not in his interests.

But with such a big handle in his hand, Natsuhiko can really control Danzo, and even force Hiruzen Sarutobi hard!

When he thought of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel even more happy.

As for the roots in front of him, although they are not that easy to deal with, Xia Yan really doesn't take them seriously.

Because at this moment, his seeds have been completely arranged!

Suddenly, three roots leaped high in the sky, and the ninja swords in their hands glowed downwards with a cold light.

The next moment, three long knives stabbed Xia Yan's body in no particular order!

Their speed was so fast that they were the elites at the root, but Xia Yan seemed to be standing there with no intention of moving at all.

But even if he didn't move, these root ninjas noticed something was wrong, because after they stabbed Xia Yan with their swords, it seemed like they were stabbed in the air.

"not good!"

At this moment, these roots suddenly came back to their senses, because the figure in front of them had disappeared without a trace, and what they focused on was just an afterimage!

This kind of speed simply made them feel incredible, and this kind of speed was definitely not something ordinary people could perform.


However, before they had time to think about it, a root ninja suddenly let out a low scream.

At this moment, they noticed that one of their companions had been penetrated through the chest!

"It's the flying thunder god technique. Such a skilled flying thunder god. This guy is not White Fang."

If it’s not White Fang, then of course it’s Nightingale!

At this moment, they realized who they were facing, but even when they realized it, they also knew that they had no way out.

Perhaps they have known this since receiving this mission, but it has become stronger now.

"Kill him."

The two root ninjas didn't shout or panic, as if they didn't have too much excitement at all.

They just waved the ninja swords in their hands quickly and attacked Xia Yan as if they were desperate.

Faced with such an attack, Xia Yan's figure flashed slightly, and he did not use any Flying Thunder God technique. He quickly walked through the gap between the two people like a ghost.


With a swing of the sword, the ninja sword with blue chakra directly cut through the chest of a root ninja, and the blood mist bloomed directly as if it was free of money.

Xia Yan didn't care about this guy's life or death at all. After killing a person, his body paused slightly and then turned around quickly.

The root ninja behind him had stabbed him fiercely. The speed of the sword was so fast that Xia Yan didn't seem to have any room to dodge.


The next moment, the ninja sword penetrated Xia Yan's chest directly.

However, this root ninja did not feel the slightest joy, because he knew that his sword did not hit Xia Yan at all, and he had already noticed Xia Yan's previous chakra fluctuations.


Sure enough, with a muffled sound and lingering smoke, he found that his ninja sword was stuck on a wooden board.

"Did you perform well? It was very fast." At this moment, Xia Yan's gentle and soft voice echoed in his ears: "But it's a pity, it's still a little bit behind."

This sound made this root-level ninja's hair stand on end, and he quickly pulled out his ninja sword from the block of wood.

But before he could make the next move, Xia Yan had already stabbed this guy in the chest!

However, after doing all this, Xia Yan didn't stop at all. The chakra in his body surged slightly, and the next moment he disappeared again.

"Fire Release: The Art of Fire Dragon!"

The moment he disappeared, a huge fire dragon had already slammed into him viciously. The root ninja who had just been killed by Xia Yan was instantly burned to charcoal.


The remaining eight root members all knew that they were in big trouble now. In fact, they had already realized all this when they knew that they were facing Xia Yan.

But even if they realized it, they would never have thought that there were twelve of them, and four of them had been killed in less than a minute. This was a bit scary.

And now that the Konoha Nightingale disappeared again, they immediately felt tremendous pressure.

"We can't go on like this!"

The short brown-haired boy among the eight roots couldn't bear it anymore. He quickly intertwined his hands, and the next moment huge chakra surged in his body.

"Wood Release·Wood Spindle Wall!"


"Wood escape?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared blankly at the row of wooden pillars bending up from the ground to form a dome to protect the two people. He was completely stunned.

He didn't figure out what was going on for a while, and he even wondered if this kid was a member of the Thousand Hands Clan, right?

However, this thought only briefly crossed his mind, and the next moment his face became extremely ugly!

Natsuhiko doesn't know how to talk nonsense at all, and it's not like they haven't analyzed the Senju Hashirama Wood Release.

Could it be possible that this kid was the successful experimental subject?

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen did not directly manage the root, he still knew many situations about the root.

For example, Danzo once took away a boy from Orochimaru, and then he taught the boy devotedly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen never said these things, as if he knew nothing, but in fact he had already seen all this in his own eyes.

He really never dreamed that this guy Danzo would actually release this kid and attack him. The most terrible thing is that Natsuhiko, a serious member of the Senju clan, is right next to him!


At this moment, Natsuhiko's voice suddenly rang in Sarutobi Hiruzen's ears.

"It's really interesting, isn't it? I felt that this boy had unusual chakra before.

This chakra is very similar to mine, I didn't expect it to be like this. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen watched all this in silence, and he was unable to give any answer to Natsuhiko's question for a while.

What should I say?

Could it be that this brat belongs to the Thousand Hands Clan, and was only brought along by them and then carefully trained, thus opening the Wood Escape?

This answer is obviously an extremely troublesome response, because it already involves the issue of peeking at the blood successor.

And if this kid is taken away by Xia Yan, then Xia Yan will definitely try his best to get the memory and information, which will inevitably lead to huge trouble.

And tell the truth?

This is even more impossible. Tell Xia Yan that we dug up your ancestor's grave and then used his body to conduct experiments. The results were successful. This kid appeared in front of you?

Such an answer will definitely cause no worse trouble than the first one, and may even be more terrifying and suffocating!

"It seems that Hokage-sama doesn't know much about this matter either."

Xia Yan said deliberately, and then he sighed slightly.

"In that case, just catch the people who use Wood Release. As for these root ninjas..."

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and at the same time he had entered the immortal mode.

His hands quickly formed seals, and majestic chakra surged out instantly, and the earth trembled crazily at this moment!

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·The Arrival of the Tree Realm!"

Xia Yan has no intention of hiding his strength or holding anything back. Without the use of magic, his Wood Release will definitely not be worse than Yamato in the future.

Not to mention the current Yamato, this kid's Mu Dun is not worth mentioning in Xia Yan's eyes.

You must know that in the original work, when Kakashi faced Yamato at this age, he was instantly overturned and almost killed.

Kakashi is Natsuhiko's subordinate, and the relationship between the two of them has always been very good. However, when Kakashi faced Natsuhiko, he could not gain any advantage at all.

With Xia Yan's current strength, there is no pressure at all to face Yamato at this moment, or rather the boy codenamed 'A'.

But Xia Yan just wanted to show Sarutobi Hiruzen that there was actually a huge gap between Mu Dun and 'Wood Dun'.

Natsuhiko would not refuse something like this that would make Sarutobi Hiruzen feel pressured.


In an instant, countless branches and vines burst out from the swaying ground.

And these branches and vines quickly grew into trees. These trees were like uprooted, creating a forest in an instant!

The trees in this forest were completely controlled by Xia Yan. Under his control, these trees fiercely moved towards the wooden ingot wall that was huddled in place.


A branch was pulled hard, and huge cracks appeared in the wall of the wooden ingot in an instant. Although it was not completely broken, it was visible to the naked eye that this technique might not be able to withstand it for long.


Without giving these roots any chance, Xia Yan once again controlled the branches and whipped them hard, and this time the wooden formation wall could no longer resist.

In an instant, the wall of the wooden ingot was beaten to pieces, and the root ninja hiding inside was obviously very uncomfortable.

Although the wooden ingot wall protected them, the violent vibrations with invisible power were still transmitted to the interior and shared with them.

But no matter how uncomfortable they are now, they still know to avoid the next attack, especially when they see the thick branches twisting towards them, they are even less likely to wait for death on the spot!

It's a pity that Xia Yan Mu Dun moved much faster than them, but in the blink of an eye, a root ninja was caught by Mu Dun!


This root immediately let out a scream, and his body obviously began to become thinner.

The advent of the tree world itself is a technique that can absorb the enemy's chakra. Even the tailed beasts will despair if they are entangled by the wood escape, let alone humans.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

But at this moment, other ninjas at the root also launched an attack on Xia Yan, and several kunai made a sound of piercing the air and stabbed at Xia Yan quickly.

They obviously understood the current situation. If they didn't deal with Natsuhiko, they would never be able to get out, let alone attack Hiruzen Sarutobi.

It's a pity that their attacks can only be regarded as useless. Xia Yan didn't move at all. The trees quickly blocked in front of Xia Yan and blocked all the kunai.

"Wood Release: Violent Spear Tree!"

Not to be outdone, Yamato also quickly formed a seal and released a wooden escape. Multiple wooden vine branches stretched out from his body, and then continued to grow in size and slammed into Xia Yan's wooden escape.

But what was shocking was that after his Wood Release collided with Xia Yan's Wood Release, Xia Yan's Wood Release didn't make any ripples at all, but his Wood Release actually split open!

"It's not on the same level at all."

Sarutobi Hiruzen watched silently, and when he saw this scene again, he seemed a little numb.

There is an essential gap in power. As Hokage, he naturally knows this very well. But when the gap reaches such a level that people can only feel incredible, all that is left is despair.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked that he was attacked by Danzo, when he noticed that among the people who attacked him, there were also people who used wood escape, he couldn't help but become curious.

He also wanted to know the difference between the Mudun users forged by experiments and the natural awakening of members of the Thousand Hands Clan like Xia Yan.

However, now he seems to know that the gap seems so big that it makes people feel a little desperate!

It doesn't matter that the two of them are not from the same dimension at all. The quality and quantity of chakra of these two Mu Dun are very different.

You must know that although this kid is younger than Natsuhiko, he has been successful in the experiment and has been trained by Danzo for a long time.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, has awakened Mu Dun not long ago - maybe it has been a while, but he has not used it, which is not impossible.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen still tends to have just awakened not long ago. If he had had such power earlier, he might have gotten what he wanted earlier.

One has been practicing for many years and the other has just awakened. The difference between the two is so huge.

This is probably doomed to one thing, that is, they did obtain the Wood Release through the experiment, but their experiment also failed!


Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was deep in thought, Natsuhiko's voice suddenly woke him up.

He came back to his senses immediately, and at this time he also discovered that except for the kid, almost all the roots had been caught by Xia Yan's Wood Release!

It's just that the kid was constantly besieged by Xia Yan's Mu Dun and was extremely embarrassed, but Xia Yan still hadn't done anything evil.

"What's wrong?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and suddenly thought quickly in his mind about how to answer the question that Natsuhiko might ask, but Natsuhiko's words made his pupils dilate instantly.

"Lord Hokage, I would like to ask you a favor. I hope you can help me use Fire Release."

Natsuhiko gently took off his mask and revealed his face. He looked unusually gentle at this moment, but his words made Hiruzen Sarutobi feel like he had escaped into an icehouse!

“As long as there are leaves flying, there is fire burning, and the shadow of the fire shines on the village, and new leaves will sprout.

This is the inheritance and expression of the will of fire, and it is also a special expression of will.

But in my opinion, this is also a kind of transmission of power. The blending of wood escape and fire escape can burst out even greater power.

And this is also the expression of the strength of the two families when Konoha Village was first established. After all, one is good at wood escape, while the other is good at fire escape.

It's a pity that no Uchiha is here today, and I haven't finished my fire escape training yet. "

Having said this, Natsuhiko turned his head slightly and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen. He ignored the old man's slightly cold gaze and still smiled and narrated.

“But I’m honored to have a Hokage-sama by my side.

I think Hokage-sama will not be stingy with using fire escape. Let me review the power that truly belonged to Konoha when Konoha was established, right? "

After Natsuhiko said these words, he stopped talking, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression had completely changed at this time.

A huge and extremely powerful aura surged out of his body instantly. This aura rushed towards Xia Yan's face. For a moment, Xia Yan seemed to have the illusion of suffocation!

He is truly worthy of being a Ninja hero. This kind of power cannot be unleashed by ordinary ninjas.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not the old guy he will be in the future. Even if he has indeed reached the end of the peak of a ninja's all-round qualities, he is still at the top!

Faced with such Sarutobi Hiruzen, Natsuhiko began to restrain his hypocritical attitude.

Before that, only Namikaze Minato was the only one who could make him do this, and even Obito had not forced him to do this yet.

However, Namikaze Minato did not have any murderous intention at that time, but at this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already brewed murderous intention, and Natsuhiko had obviously completely angered him.

But no matter how scary his attitude was, Natsuhiko might not really be afraid. He still stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen, quietly waiting for his response.

"Don't go too far, Minister Natsuhiko." After a long while, Sarutobi Hiruzen said in a deep voice: "This is of no benefit to you or me!"

"Really?" Xia Yan snorted disdainfully: "Lord Hokage, if you do some things too much, you will be punished by God. You may even have an accident and die during a trip."

After the words fell, the aura belonging to Natsuhiko also overflowed out. In an instant, the auras of him and Sarutobi Hiruzen collided in mid-air.

This situation also saved those basic ninjas to a certain extent, because Natsuhiko had obviously completely set his sights on Sarutobi Hiruzen, and naturally no longer controlled those wooden escapes.

But those root ninjas who were trapped by his wooden escape were unable to break free. After all, the chakra absorbed by the wooden escape for a long time had already made them unconscious.

At this moment, it can only be regarded as a slight relief for them. They have no way to escape from the cage.

Similarly, Yamato's pressure has also become much lighter. Although these wooden escapes are still besieging him, he has become more comfortable.

"Even if I die, you can't become Hokage, you can't even become acting Hokage!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was the first to move, and he punched Natsuhiko hard.

Sneak attack is always the most commonly used move by ninjas. Unless the strength is crushed to the extreme, no one will give up this most practical way of fighting.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen obviously also knew that his sneak attack might not cause any trouble to an opponent like Natsuhiko.

Sure enough, the moment his hand touched Xia Yan, he was already preparing for the teleportation technique. When he noticed that there was an obvious difference in the feel of his hit, he immediately used the teleportation technique to distance himself.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

In just an instant, Sarutobi Hiruzen had completed the seal, and ten shadow clones were condensed by him at this moment.

Obviously, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that it would be unimaginable to face a ninja like Natsuhiko who was good at flying thunder gods one-on-one.

Therefore, he needs to have enough bait to distract Xia Yan and create enough space and time for him!

"What a beautiful decision. Hokage-sama is really a treasure trove."

Natsuhiko's voice came from the trees nearby, but the next moment it echoed directly in Sarutobi Hiruzen's ears.

"But Hokage-sama, how long do you think it will take me to clean up these shadow clones of yours?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes narrowed slightly, but he was not swayed by Natsuhiko's words, and he quickly formed the seal again.

"Psychic·Ape King·Ape Demon!"

As the smoke lingered, an ape appeared next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, but this time his face became a little ugly.

Because his shadow clones had been completely wiped out, and he was far enough away that Xia Yan was coming towards him quickly.

There was no time to think about why Xia Yan could accurately clean out his shadow clone but not kill him. There was no time to think about why Xia Yan suddenly slowed down.

He clasped his hands together fiercely, and with the surge of chakra, another technique was completed.

"Tu Escape·Tu Lu Returns!"

In an instant, he completed another earth escape. At the same time, he directly grabbed the ape demon's arm and jumped backwards. During the leap, he had already completed a seal with one hand.

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

Huge thick smoke spread across the forest for a while. It must be said that the current Sarutobi Hiruzen is still a terrifying ninja.

Even though he doesn't have any blood inheritance to speak of, his control over jutsu is really beyond ordinary knowledge, especially since he has all the chakra attributes, and he can cast any ninjutsu with any attribute without any stagnation. !

"There's no time to explain so much."

After Sarutobi Hiruzen completed all this, he took the monkey demon and hid behind a big tree.

Looking at the densely packed shadow clones, and the shadow clones were all accompanied by a monkey demon, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Transform into a wishful stick. The opponent I face now will never be weaker than my teacher. He even has the power of the First Hokage!"

"The combination of the first generation and the second generation..." The monkey demon was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something: "The boy who used Wood Release that night when he dealt with the Kyuubi?"

"It's him." Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded solemnly: "Transformation, this kid will never give up easily."

"I understand." The ape demon sighed, but soon he transformed directly into a wishful stick.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had just grabbed the wishful stick, and the next moment his expression became extremely ugly.

"Immortal Technique, Wood Release, Cutting Technique."

Accompanied by an extremely powerful chakra fluctuation, he instantly felt that all his shadow clones had been wiped out!

He immediately grabbed the wishful stick and jumped up. At this moment, he found that the forest was covered with countless wooden thorns, and his shadow clone did not even have a chance to avoid such wooden thorns!

These wooden thorns seemed to be aware of Sarutobi Hiruzen's position, and they also extended towards Sarutobi Hiruzen crazily.

Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and waved the wish-fulfilling stick in his hand fiercely. With the help of his chakra blessing and the monkey demon, for a while, these wooden thorns had no ability to get close to him at all.

However, there were too many wooden thorns, and it seemed difficult for him to deal with them, which forced him to keep retreating.

But when he quickly passed over a big tree, the next moment there were five figures scattered and jumping around. It was obvious that he used the shadow clone technique again!

"There's not much chakra left, we have to solve the trouble this time!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought quickly. In fact, he was really frustrated now because the number of times he could encounter Natsuhiko during the battle was almost zero.

After all, having mastered the unimaginable flying thunder god technique, Natsuhiko almost always had the absolute initiative, and such absolute initiative left Sarutobi Hiruzen helpless.

He knew that Xia Yan still had sentience, so he had to use shadow clones, which were extremely chakra-consuming techniques, as bait.

"However, I seem to have tested out some of the characteristics of this kid, Flying Thunder God.

He can't attack beyond a certain distance, so I have to deal with all this before he catches up! "

With this thought in his mind, Sarutobi Hiruzen threw the wishful stick forward, and then quickly formed a seal.

"Secret Technique: Diamond Prison Wall!"

The Ruyi sticks that were thrown out spun and flew back the next moment, and then they split into dozens of sticks, constantly crossing and surrounding him!

The diamond prison wall can not only be used as a technique to trap enemies, but can also be used as a technique to protect oneself.

Not only did he accomplish all of this, but all of his shadow clones also accomplished all of this. After he was completely protected by the Vajra prison wall, Xia Yan also quietly came to him.

"Trapped yourself?" Xia Yan asked in amusement, "Lord Hokage, you are playing with fire and burning yourself."

"I don't know if I am playing with fire and burning myself, but I know..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head slightly, and at this moment he and all the shadow clones completed the seal at the same time.

"I want to see your measure, I want to see if you can withstand it!"

"Fire Release·Fire Dragon Bullet!"

"Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet!"

"Earth Release·Earth Dragon Bullet!"

"Thunder Release·Thunderbolt!"

"Wind Release·Cyclone!"

The five figures performed different escape techniques at the same time, and he maintained terrifying consistency in each escape technique.

Both the quality and quantity of chakra are completely consistent, and the flying directions of these techniques are also focused on a focus.

When these five escape techniques were completely brought together, Sarutobi Hiruzen formed the seal again, and his chakra surged crazily at this moment.

"Five Escapes: The Technique of Large Continuous Bullets!"

Five ninjutsu with different attributes merged together, and then they intertwined crazily, and then fiercely attacked Xia Yan!

"With such a long distance, and I didn't give you time to prepare, I wanted to see if you could use the Flying Thunder God technique here!

Without using the Flying Thunder God Technique, I also want to see if your Wood Release can defend you! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen mentally muttered silently, and the next moment the terrifying explosion sound spread crazily, the whole earth was shaking violently, and the forest became extremely hot at this moment.

Countless trees were pushed down by invisible forces in an instant, and then quickly ignited. Thick smoke continued to spread in the forest. At this moment, it was like the end of the world was coming!

Sarutobi Hiruzen also suffered the impact of this invisible force. All his shadow clones have disappeared, and the monkey demon has also returned to the psychic world.

Looking at the devastating scene in front of him, he stood up slowly, his eyes always flickering.

"Is it over?" Hiruzen Sarutobi stared forward. He couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "It seems that I have won. This kid has no chance to come over."

Sarutobi Hiruzen really didn't think about killing Natsuhiko, or he didn't even think he had a chance to kill him.

Because Xia Yan's strength is really too strong, and this guy has also mastered the art of Flying Thunder God!

In the final analysis, this battle is also a test, a showdown and a show of determination.

Natsuhiko mocked and forced Hiruzen Sarutobi, which was a cruel step on Hiruzen Sarutobi's face, and he would fight back no matter what.

Konoha's current situation really couldn't stand the torment, but Hiruzen Sarutobi had to do something for his own dignity.

But now it seems that his Five Escape Techniques may have caused great trouble to him, otherwise he would have had a ninja sword held to his neck by now!

"Then Hokage-sama will probably be disappointed."

However, just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Natsuhiko's voice suddenly lingered in his ears.

"Why does Hokage-sama think you won?"


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