Sarutobi Hiruzen sat in his room and closed his eyes to rest. He did not go to bed because he knew that he would not be able to sleep at all.

What happened today really made him a little depressed, and even what happened today made him act a little different from his usual self.

"Maybe you're too angry?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought silently, obviously he was also a little worried about doing something today.

Normally, he would not be impulsive easily as he takes the overall situation into consideration, but today he was really pissed off.

First, he abandoned the ANBU and even saved Danzo by giving benefits to the Uchiha clan, but he actually stabbed him hard in the back.

Then he also discovered that Danzo actually sent a test subject of the Wood Release in order to assassinate him!

If it were normal times, it would be fine with Sarutobi Hiruzen. The most important thing was that Senju Natsuhiko was right next to him.

This is simply to directly tell this guy who is terrifying in strength, cruel and thoughtful in his methods, I have a new clue in front of you, you can continue to put the dog leash on us!

And Xia Yan is not an honest person. He has obviously thought of all this, so he unceremoniously added fuel to the fire.

Sarutobi Hiruzen really couldn't bear this situation, and he also had other thoughts.

On the one hand, he must show his attitude. If his attitude is not firm, then the dog leash will really be tied tightly.

He had to let Senju Natsuhiko know that even if they were caught, it was not something Natsuhiko could ask for!

In addition, there is another reason, that is, he wants to test out what level this brat has reached.

That's why he took action. Even though it seemed a bit impulsive in retrospect, he didn't regret his decision.

"However, this boy's strength is really incredible."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed quietly. He knew that Natsuhiko would be very strong, and he would definitely not be able to match him without special preparations.

This was indeed the case, but Hiruzen Sarutobi really didn't expect that he would lose so miserably, and it could even be said that he had no power to fight back!

He had no idea when Xia Yan left the mark of the Flying Thunder God on him.

Even if Xia Yan didn't use Flying Thunder God, his technique wouldn't have much effect on Xia Yan.

The power of Wood Release was fully demonstrated in Xia Yan's hands. Hiruzen Sarutobi even used the fusion of the Five Releases, but he found that he still could not defeat Xia Yan's Wood Release.

Of course, Sarutobi Hiruzen also knew very well that the reason why Natsuhiko was so difficult was because he combined the characteristics of the first generation and the second generation.

If Natsuhiko is only good at the Flying Thunder God Technique, then Hiruzen Sarutobi can definitely use the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique to fight against him.

With all the shadow clones together, he could definitely find a way to hurt Xia Yan!

However, Xia Yan is also good at wood escape. If he gets together, it is hard to say that the arrival of the tree world is coming, and his death will be even worse.

Similarly, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is good at Wood Release alone, can compete with him in ninjutsu, and then find an opportunity to surprise this kid.

But everything is a daydream, this kid has no obvious weaknesses at all!

"Compared to the teacher and the first generation, he is still far behind.

But combining the characteristics of the teacher and the first generation, it is really unimaginable how difficult it is. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed quietly, such a troublesome guy would give anyone an extremely headache.

However, a headache was a headache, and Sarutobi Hiruzen had already made up his mind, that is, he had to wait until he returned this time to find someone to conduct research.

Xia Yan is not as good as Senju Tobirama, and even worse than Senju Hashirama!

This gave Hiruzen Sarutobi confidence that he only needed to thoroughly study Natsuhiko's tactics, habits, and the seal to restrain Flying Thunder God, as well as how to deal with Mu Dun and restrain this kid, etc.

After getting these things done, it's not like he can't deal with Natsuhiko Senju!

As Hokage, he has so many resources in his hands, and he will not think about challenging Natsuhiko alone.

Since the establishment of ninja villages, ninjas now consider more teamwork and tactical issues.

Perhaps the current ninjas do not have the extreme individual strength of the Senju Brothers and Uchiha Madara, so this change occurred.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't think there was anything wrong with this change. After all, ninjas had to follow the development of the times.

Look at those warriors who, for the sake of honor, are now almost on the verge of being abandoned by the times. This is the biggest gap!

"This matter must be carried out when we get back. We must not delay it, otherwise we will really be put on a leash by this Senju Natsuhiko!"

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt better. He opened his eyes and then stood up and moved around a little.

After sitting for most of the day, his body became a little stiff, and Xia Yan had thought about things clearly, so he had to think about his meeting with the daimyo this time.

Although meeting the Daimyo is really not a very important or troublesome matter, you still have to give others some face. After all, the Daimyo is also the nominal supreme commander of the Fire Country.

In addition, he also had to think carefully about how to get enough money from the daimyo to satisfy both himself and that brat Senju Natsuhiko.

"It's really a headache."

Sarutobi Hiruzen rubbed his eyebrows. In fact, he originally planned to take a relatively gentle approach to solve this problem.

Being gentle means that he can't get that much. Anyway, his idea is to give Xia Yan a certain bottom line, and he won't give too much to this brat.

But now he obviously couldn't think like this anymore. He didn't know whether that brat Xia Yan would increase the price, but he knew that he had to give enough, at least to satisfy Xia Yan this time.


At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt chakra fluctuations around him, which made him immediately alert.


He turned around immediately, but soon he heard the sound of being thrown to the ground, which made him frown.

Looking carefully, Sarutobi Hiruzen found that Natsuhiko had directly used Flying Thunder God to come to him, which made him extremely depressed.

That damn Flying Thunder God mark is on his body, and he has also found where that mark is, but now it seems that this guy Xia Yan definitely has more than just this mark on him.

Shaking his head silently, Sarutobi Hiruzen was too lazy to think about these things anymore. His eyes moved from Xia Yan to the guy lying on the ground.

The guy who collapsed on the ground looked extremely miserable. His limbs had been completely destroyed, and there were other wounds on his body. It was obvious that he had been beaten like this after fighting Xia Yan.

But who is this guy and why was he beaten like this?

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Hokage and has mastery of a huge intelligence network, it is impossible for him to remember every little thing in the huge intelligence network.

Especially since the guy in front of him has been beaten beyond recognition, it is impossible for him to recognize him directly.

"Minister Natsuhiko, what is going on?" Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and asked in a low voice, "Who is this guy?"

"He, he is a ninja who is one of the Twelve Daimyos." Natsuhiko said with a smile: "His name is Kazuma."

"A daimyo's ninja?" Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly. He didn't have any good impressions of such a guy: "Is he here to monitor us?"

"No, it's something more extreme." Xia Yan slowly sat down, and then continued with a smile: "However, this guy also gave us a chance."

"What's the meaning?"

"What if I tell Lord Hokage that he is collecting the Kyuubi's chakra?"


Secretly collecting Kyuubi's chakra is a very serious matter, but strictly speaking it is not that serious.

The serious reason is because everyone knows how terrifying the tailed beast's chakra is.

Once someone with ulterior motives uses Kyuubi's chakra to do something, it will be absolutely catastrophic!

But this kind of thing is not that serious, because Konoha itself is studying Kyuubi's chakra, and there is a precedent for this kind of thing.

There is a research class in Konoha, where everyone will study blood inheritance, ninjutsu, or some special chakra.

In fact, this kind of thing is very different in every Ninja Village. Anyway, everyone has always shown a very tacit understanding on the road of double standards and comparison.

To be honest, the five major ninja villages in the current ninja world really have a sense of deja vu as the five most virtuous people of the United Nations in Xia Yan's previous life.

But it's a pity that the tailed beast, the nuclear bomb of this world, really doesn't perform very well, otherwise it wouldn't be what it is now.

Of course, in addition to the poor performance of the tailed beasts, Xia Yan also felt that many of the policies of these five major villages were also not very good.

Xia Yan felt that the current development model was not even the slightest bit worse than his previous life.

But this is good, at least this environment is extremely convenient for Xia Yan to complete his only task.

"Kyuubi's chakra?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned for a moment when he heard these words, and then he glanced at Xia Yan suspiciously: "Are you going to use this excuse to blackmail the Daimyo?"

"Huh?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean it's false? Does the Hokage don't believe what I say?"

"I believe it, because I believe you can create a chain of evidence." Hiruzen Sarutobi shook his head directly: "After all, you have the aura of Nine-Tails Chakra in your body, it is not difficult to create such a chain of evidence. .”

"..." Xia Yan suddenly pursed his lips when he heard what Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

It's not a secret at all that Emotion himself has Nine-Tails chakra.

Xia Yan always thought that he was hiding well. After all, he was running around with the little guy and no one noticed or said anything.

As a result, he now discovered that it was not that no one noticed the feelings, but that others had already noticed them but would not talk about them at all.

Sure enough, privately collecting Nine-Tails Chakra is something that jumps between serious and not serious.

For other people, this may be an extremely serious matter, but for Konoha ninjas like Natsuhiko, it is not a big deal at all.

Of course, if he were an ordinary ninja, he might still be in big trouble, but he is now considered one of the top leaders of Konoha.

"It's really not me."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly and said directly.

"I got the Nine-Tails' chakra just to study the suppressive power of Mu Dun against the tailed beast's chakra.

It's working pretty well now, but I can't control these powers, at least not yet. "

"Oh? It would be great if you can suppress it. It seems that your research is going well."

Sarutobi Hiruzen believed this immediately when he heard this. As a Senju, especially one who had awakened the Wood Release.

It would be strange if you were not interested in the Kyuubi's chakra and did not try to suppress and control it.

He didn't bother to ask Xia Yan where the nine-tailed chakra came from, nor would he ask Xia Yan whether he could come up with the results of his research.

Because he knew this was impossible, and it was also impossible for him to threaten Xia Yan with this matter.

Because he knew that Xia Yan definitely knew about the research class. As the head of the ANBU, it was impossible not to grasp this kind of information.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had no interest in causing trouble for himself. Originally he didn't say anything when he found out, but now even if Natsuhiko admits it personally, he won't say anything.

However, a kind reminder, or a necessary ‘threat’ is still necessary.

"But Minister Xia Yan, it's better not to play with fire when it comes to some things, otherwise you might burn yourself."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama, for reminding me. I know."

Natsuhiko nodded, then he took out a scroll and threw it directly to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“If you don’t talk about this, let’s talk about business.

This guy collected this himself. I noticed the chakra of the Nine-Tails when I came here.

I thought my perception was wrong, but when I followed the breath, I unexpectedly found this thing.

What was even more surprising was that this guy soon appeared behind me and attacked me. "

Having said this, Natsuhiko paused for a moment, while Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes shone slightly.

Even if Xia Yan didn't say anything, what happened next was very clear and even obvious.

The daimyo wanted to take back control, and Hiruzen Sarutobi knew this, but unfortunately it was basically impossible for the daimyo to succeed.

It's not that he didn't know that the daimyo had created a ninja organization of twelve warriors, and he was even thinking about how to infiltrate this organization.

For example, let someone you trust enter the organization to understand what is going on, and then try to gain control of the organization.

For example, his son, who seems to be having trouble dealing with him now, is a good choice.

The boy Asuma is now in the rebellious stage. Sarutobi Hiruzen can see that this boy is full of respect for him, but even though he respects him, he doesn't seem to like his own style of doing things.

He is now starting to do things based on his own preferences. Although this situation is not serious yet, Sarutobi Hiruzen can keep this situation going.

It's not a big deal for children to be rebellious, and Sarutobi Hiruzen believes that his children can definitely understand the 'will of fire'!

In this case, Sarutobi Hiruzen can arrange some things, and even let Asuma enter the twelve warriors.

But things seem to be a little different now. This ninja named Kazuma, one of the Twelve Daimyo, actually secretly collected the Nine-Tails' chakra. This matter is very serious!

Although this somewhat disrupted some of Sarutobi Hiruzen's original arrangements, those arrangements were just brewing in his mind and did not have a complete result.

In this case, the most important thing is to make some arrangements according to the needs of the current situation!

"Does this scroll really belong to this guy and he collected it himself?" Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at the scroll in his hand and confirmed again: "Minister Natsuhiko, you know this is very important."

"Of course it's his." Xia Yan smiled and nodded, and then he became more serious: "Although I will also play some harmless tricks, there are some things I won't mess with."

"Well, that's good." When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, his expression became serious: "It seems that there are a group of people with evil intentions around the daimyo."

"Yeah, who would have thought it would turn out like this." Natsuhiko couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

Then a gentle smile appeared on his face, he picked up the teacup on the table and placed it in front of himself, and also placed it in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up the teapot and placed it on the stove. The chakra condensed slightly and the stove was lit.

Steam quickly emerged from the teapot, but Hiruzen Sarutobi did not rush to pour the tea, but lightly knocked on the table.

"We can't let the daimyo be deceived by these young people."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed quietly, looking a little pitiful.

"Kyuubi's chakra is very dangerous. If you are not careful, the Daimyo will be in trouble."

"Yes, Kyuubi's chakra needs strict control."

Xia Yan responded with a smile. Although he was smiling, there seemed to be sadness in his tone.

"No one knows whether this will be a disaster, and as the daimyo's protective ninja, they are guarding themselves.

I think these so-called twelve warriors should be disbanded. What do you think, Hokage-sama? "

"That's what I think about too."

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but laugh at this moment, and then he picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea into their cups.

"The tea is mediocre, let's just make do with it. After these twelve warriors are disbanded, does Minister Xia Yan have any suggestions?"


Xia Yan mentally chuckled. Is this the time to overturn the distribution of benefits?

In fact, the theme of Natsuhiko's visit tonight was really to discuss the issue of profit distribution with Hiruzen Sarutobi.

It was not beyond Natsuhiko's expectation that Sarutobi Hiruzen was so virtuous, even though they had different positions within Konoha and could even directly draw their swords against each other.

But outside of Konoha, or for the benefit of Konoha, they can cooperate.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has demonstrated this to the fullest. It can be seen that he was able to put aside his prejudices with Namikaze Minato during the Nine-Tails incident, and now he can naturally do it for the benefit of Konoha.

But for the benefit of Konoha and for their own benefit, now they really have to discuss and allocate it.

"How about the ANBU?" Xia Yan picked up the cup and took a sip, then asked with a smile: "I think the ANBU can protect the Daimyo-sama from any threats."

"It's a good idea, but..." Sarutobi Hiruzen also took a sip of tea, and then he continued: "The ANBU is expanding, and Director Natsuhiko hasn't finished it yet. I'm afraid the current manpower is not enough?"

"If you have difficulties, overcome them, Hokage-sama." Xia Yan shook his head indifferently: "After all, I am an ANBU ninja, and ANBU have never been afraid of difficulties."

"But sending ANBU will give the daimyo a bad feeling, that is, he seems to be controlled and monitored." Sarutobi Hiruzen gently put down the tea cup: "We must consider the influence. After all, he is the daimyo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words almost made Natsuhiko laugh. Who really cares that that guy is a daimyo?

If it weren't for that guy having money in his pocket and being more obedient and sensible, it wouldn't be unusual for this guy to be replaced directly!

After all, as long as you are a blood member of this family, the others are really not worthy of being cared about so much.

However, Xia Yan also knew that he couldn't completely do it alone in this matter, because it was completely up to one person to 'protect the daimyo', and it was difficult to say that he would completely control the daimyo.

In this case, it is really difficult to tell clearly who owns the famous money bag, and everyone must avoid this situation.

So after thinking carefully, Xia Yan slowly said: "In this case, we can only shoulder the task of protecting the daimyo. We need to thank Hokage-sama for sharing the worries of his subordinates."

"This is a perfect decision. After all, the ANBU still needs to focus more on the village." Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled and nodded: "Other than that, what other ideas does Minister Natsuhiko have?"

"I do have some ideas."

Natsuhiko picked up the teapot and filled himself and Hiruzen Sarutobi with tea. Then he thought for a moment before speaking.

“The scale of Anbu has become larger, which also means that Anbu has to spend more money, so I need more money.

Well, the current ANBU funds can only provide the number of three squadrons. According to the current number, it will be expanded to the number of three brigades. Is this reasonable?

Of course, funding for logistics, reserve forces, intelligence departments, and government departments also need to be increased. "

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was choked and coughed when he heard Natsu Yan's words. It took him a long time to look at Natsu Yan in disbelief and then asked loudly.

"That's a reasonable call for you? Konoha doesn't have that much money, so don't think so well!"

"I know Konoha doesn't have that much money, otherwise why would we be here?"

Xia Yan took it as a matter of course, twirling the tea cup in his hand and still smiling.

“So, if we protect the daimyo, do we need the daimyo to pay a protection fee?

In addition, the ninjas recruited by the daimyo secretly collect the chakra of the nine tails. Does this require money to settle our losses?

After all, sealing the Kyuubi's chakra requires dispatching the sealing team to complete it. Is this a waste of Konoha's public resources? "

Although Xia Yan is not very good at finding money, he is definitely not bad at it.

To put it bluntly, it is to give the big name a reasonable excuse and then use it to make some use of it. Especially when they are on the strong side, they don't worry about the big name not taking it seriously!

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard Natsuhiko's words, his eyes flickered slightly. He touched the teacup and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

But his contemplation did not last long, and soon he raised his head and looked at Xia Yan.

"Konoha experienced the Third Ninja War and defeated other villages with one against four."

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to be a little tentative as he asked cautiously.

"Perhaps, the daimyo might help us share the losses?"

"I think that makes sense, Hokage-sama."

Xia Yan nodded immediately, and then said in an extremely affirmative tone.

“Konoha has paid so much for the Fire Country, and at the same time, it has proven in the war that it can protect the Fire Country and protect the meaning of the Daimyo from being violated.

So it’s not right for us to bear the loss only ourselves. I think any big name would agree with us. "

Natsuhiko deliberately made his voice louder at 'whoever', while Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with absolute certainty.

"Indeed!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said seriously: "Besides, we have proven ourselves, but the heavy losses also prove that our efforts in cultivating ninjas are not enough..."

"So we need more money to train more ninjas." Natsuhiko took over what Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "So the daimyo's financial aid to Konoha must be increased by 50%..."

"Sixty percent." Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted Xia Yan before he could finish his words: "Sixty percent, this is calculated by us, so that we can better protect the Fire the interests of the country.”

"That's right, 60%." The smile on Xia Yan's face became even brighter: "The daimyo's money is actually to protect the Fire Country, and it is given to us for the same purpose, so we are willing to bear greater pressure. "

"Yes, we are willing to take on more pressure."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and nodded, then he picked up the teacup and raised it in the air.

"For the Fire Nation?"

"Of course, Hokage-sama."

Xia Yan also raised his tea cup, and then he said with a smile.

"For the Fire Nation."

As the words fell, the teacups collided with each other in mid-air, making a crisp sound...


"You two hypocritical guys almost made me sick to my stomach."

In Natsuhiko's room, Kyuubi's voice echoed in Natsuhiko's mind. Apparently he was disgusted by the conversation between Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And he never understood why these two guys, who were obviously mortal enemies, became like brothers at that moment.

What made him queasy the most was that such a tacit understanding was actually used to trick others. He felt that his little brain was really not enough.

"This is not hypocrisy, this is because we have common interests and needs." Xia Yan sat down on the edge of the bed, and then said nonchalantly: "Although they are enemies, they are enemies in terms of position. It is not the case that we have common interests and needs. Can’t cooperate.”

"After the cooperation is over, are we still going to fight to the death?" Little Jiuwei poked his head on Xia Yan's shoulder.

Probably because Xia Yan didn't seal him, he seemed freer and would often use chakra to run outside.

But Xia Yan didn't care about this situation. At least this little guy still knew that he couldn't be exposed in front of others, so he was very restrained.

"Absolutely. After all, it's a conflict of position. It's not that easy to resolve." Xia Yan stretched and said casually: "And now we have always maintained an external position. There is nothing strange about this."

"I can't understand you humans, it's too complicated." Little Kyuubi shook his head, and soon he spoke again: "Forget it, let's not talk about these troublesome things, have you put away that big chakra?"

"Of course, this thing is the key to your growth." Xia Yan smiled, and then took out another scroll from the ninja bag.

This scroll really belongs to the chakra collected by Kazuma. Hiruzen Sarutobi was not mistaken. The scroll he got was actually forged by Natsuhiko.

What was sealed in that scroll was actually the chakra of the little Kyuubi. There was no difference between this chakra and the big Kyuubi.

Originally, they were born from the same source, but one was created by the Six Paths, and the other was created by Xia Yan using his own chakra and the system.

However, there is still a certain difference between the two types of chakra, that is, the chakra of the small nine-tails cannot allow him to grow on his own, and he must need the chakra of the big guy.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Elite Jonin (system judgment without using any ability) (Kage level chakra reserve)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (elementary, can swallow a lot of special chakra to grow, plant the intermediate Nine-Tails fruit to make it grow)

Seeds: primary fire escape seeds (90%), intermediate seal seeds (40%) (unplanted and unable to be planted are not displayed yet)

Fruit: None

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (18% progress)

Natsuhiko's purpose of collecting Kyuubi's chakra is actually very clear, that is to allow the little guy to grow.

However, Natsu Yan is also a little tangled in the way of growth. Natsu Yan is still very clear about planting fruits to make the Kyuubi grow.

But what is the so-called special chakra? Xia Yan is a little confused about this.

Is it possible to let Kyuubi swallow his senjutsu chakra?

However, Xia Yan didn't pay too much attention and didn't think of the so-called special chakra, so he could just use the most primitive method.

Anyway, this is how Xia Yan came all the way, and he is very familiar with everything.

"That big guy's chakra, I'm really looking forward to it." Little Kyuubi shook his head, and then he asked curiously: "How long will it take you to process this chakra, that is, brew it into a state suitable for me? ?”

"I don't know, but it shouldn't be long." Xia Yan touched his chin and said uncertainly: "Anyway, this thing has fallen into our hands, do you still need to worry?"

The little guy leaned on Xia Yan's shoulder and didn't reply. Indeed, there was no need to worry too much.

But the little guy also hopes that he can grow up quickly, and he also hopes to help Xia Yan fight...


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