Xiao Jiuwei didn't know what Xia Yan was thinking about, not to mention that Xia Yan had other things to think about now.

For example, where to plant the Nine-Tails Chakra Fortress in his hand, and how to deal with the so-called twelve guardians when Hiruzen Sarutobi goes to visit the daimyo.

Obito's arm is still stuck in a tree, and he didn't get any feedback even before Natsuhiko set off.

This made Xia Yan begin to wonder if he had been so lucky before that he was able to gain the power of Asura in one shot.

And the current situation is not the same as before, so Xia Yan can't get what he wants?

This possibility is not impossible, it is even quite high, which makes him a little helpless and at the same time he has no other choice.

Now he could only wait slowly, waiting for some miracle to appear in the tree.

The improvement of Asura's power is actually related to the improvement of his bloodline power. Having reached the intermediate level, of course he is not willing to stand still. He is still very much looking forward to more advanced power.

In the future, Feng Jueyungui can only barely stand firm with his current strength. If he wants to be the biggest BOSS in the entire ninja world, it is destined that he cannot face it with such a mentality.

He still needs to keep moving forward, keep improving, and keep developing towards a higher level!

"But speaking of it, my current route seems to be the route of restoring Otsutsuki. Is it possible that I will have a pair of eyes in the future?"

Xia Yan had not thought much about eyes before, but now that he thought about it carefully, he found that it was really difficult to say whether he would have a pair of eyes.

After all, it is a very strange thing for those Otsutsukis to not have a pair of special eyes.

As for whether it will be a pair of Sharingan, Rinnegan, or the most primitive Byakugan, it's hard to say.

But all this is too far away from him, and thinking too much about it will not do much good to him.

"Besides, even if I have eyes, I have long been accustomed to fighting without relying on such things. An extra pair of eyes can only be the icing on the cake."

Indeed, even if Xia Yan had the right eyes, it would probably be the icing on the cake for him.

He is already used to the way he fights. If it were really possible to give him a pair of Sharingan and Rinnegan eyes that are better at micro-manipulation, it would be better not to give him one.

Xia Yan smiled casually and simply stretched out. Although what he was thinking about was not unrealistic, it was enough to think about it.

The more practical thing is that he has to deal with the so-called Twelve Scholars - to be precise, the Eleven Scholars.

Kazuma has been solved by him, and the remaining people may have some troubles, but such troubles are not too difficult for him.

Of course, these guys are not that easy to deal with, such as the four ninjas who can use the terrifying thunder escape like the 'Thunder Dream Thunder Man' when combined.

There is also the monk Jilu who is suspected of being a magician and adopted Sora in the original work.

As for the others, Xia Yan doesn't have that much thought to pay attention to.

The reason why he can remember these guys is entirely because in Xia Yan's memory, these guys are people who prefer the Hokage system.

Others believe that the Daimyo is the real 'Jade', and they are bent on pushing the Daimyo to a position that does not belong to him now.

I have to say that they are indeed a group of warriors who go against the current. Xia Yan has full respect for such idealists and those idealists who put them into practice.

For example, people like Jiraiya, people like Namikaze Minato, and Natsuhiko are all like this.

However, what Kazuma and the others did, not only was completely contrary to this era, but also seriously affected the interests of ninjas like Natsuhiko.

Then these people will either not be caught, or they will be wiped out!

Unfortunately, their current fate will naturally be cleared up by Xia Yan, but they can be regarded as dying for their own ideals, right?

“The minimum guarantee is that five people will be killed, but considering that they are corpses, maybe more people will die.

Although it is very unfortunate that such a regretful thing happened, for the sake of the safety of the daimyo, we still want to clear up the unstable factors.

Therefore, the bloodshed and sacrifice are unavoidable, and there is nothing we can do about it. "

Xia Yan smiled and sighed casually, and his words made Xiao Jiuwei look at him inexplicably.

Little Kyuubi really couldn't figure out what the humans he created were talking about.

But listening to the attitude of these words, it seemed that this guy didn't think of any good things anymore, which made Xiao Jiuwei a little speechless.

However, he would not foolishly say 'just kill them all'. After Xia Yan had emphasized the differences between humans and animals so many times, he was too lazy to make himself uncomfortable.

"By the way, little guy." At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly remembered something, and he asked: "You have the memory of that big guy, so do you know any special chakra?"

"Special Chakra?" Little Kyuubi tilted his head, and then asked strangely: "Why do you ask this question, and what is the special chakra you define?"

"Special chakra, that kind of..." Xia Yan touched his chin, and he didn't know how to define it.

After thinking about how to deal with those eleven guys, Xia Yan's thoughts naturally fell on Xiao Jiuwei again.

This guy has been promoted and is the best choice for the current Xia Yan.

Because this little guy has been promoted, he will have more chakra to help Xia Yan cultivate seeds, and even have a certain amount of power to help Xia Yan fight!

But, how should special chakra be defined?

Is it possible to directly say that it is the chakra of the tailed beast?

"Actually, if you want to talk about chakra that is ownerless but different from human beings."

Just when Xia Yan was thinking hard, Xiao Jiuwei spoke again.

"I do remember that there seems to be such a power, and the number is very large."

"Oh?" Xia Yan glanced slightly. This was an excellent answer: "Where?"

"Speaking of which, you have also been exposed to this power. You should know the specific location best."

Little Kyuubi glanced at Xia Yan strangely, and then said slowly.

"Didn't these powers appear in your memory? You even plan to get them back again."

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he couldn't help but smile.

Only then did he realize that he had temporarily ignored the easiest thing to get...


There is a saying that goes well, it is called darkness under the lamp.

Xia Yan's current state is dark under the light. He has obviously obtained a huge special chakra that can be used by himself.

But he subconsciously ignored this thing, or in his subconscious mind, this thing was used for other things.

For example, it was used to impact the maturity of some seeds, or to increase his own chakra reserves, so he didn't think about it at all.

But after some reminders from Little Kyuubi, Xia Yan immediately realized that he really was sitting on a treasure.

Even if possible, the so-called zero tail is essentially a special chakra. If Xia Yan has an idea, he can even consider it.

"After all, I discovered that these so-called special chakras are really the ownerless chakras I thought before."

Natsuhiko was thinking silently as he followed Sarutobi Hiruzen forward.

After last night's reminder, Xia Yan already had mental calculations and ideas, but he still had to wait to get the chakra from the dragon vein back.

At least he can only set out to do these things after he has dealt with the things that need to be dealt with at the moment.

But at least he has a clue and won't run around like a headless fly anymore.

Of course, he kept the chakra temporarily in order to protect it.

In case the chakra of the Dragon Vein fails to achieve the effect, Xia Yan can still take measures to save it. It is never wrong to be more prepared.

When Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen were about to arrive at the daimyo's palace, they both stopped in unison, and then they looked at each other.

"Minister Natsuhiko, I'm going to see the daimyo." Hiruzen Sarutobi was the first to speak: "Then I'll leave it to you to protect the ninjas."

"Don't worry, Lord Hokage." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "I won't let Lord Hokage be disappointed. In the end, they are just a bunch of rabble."

"That's good."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded seriously, and then he said with infinite emotion.

“It is really a pleasure to work with Minister Xia Yan. I am impressed by the wisdom and ability displayed by Minister Xia Yan.

I don't think we need to be so tense, although I can't promise anything. After all, I don't know what agreement you and Minato reached.

But I want to say that sometimes Minato's ideas are too naive. Maybe you are attracted to him because of this naivety, right?

However, you and I are the same kind of people, I can already feel it from our conversation last night.

You do gain more by staying close to Minato and helping him, but the process isn't always smooth sailing.

But you have other options, I think you know what I mean.

Regarding the issue of the Thousand Hands Clan, I don’t believe that if you were as smart as you were, you wouldn’t understand my choice if you stood in my position and perspective at that time.

I even believe that you will be more cruel and callous than I choose, right? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped here. His eyes looked at Xia Yan quietly, as if waiting for Xia Yan's answer.

Natsuhiko, on the other hand, was a little confused. Even though he looked like he was fine on the surface, he was really unable to react to Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

This old man actually wants to win over himself?

Xia Yan felt really weird for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, Xia Yan seemed to understand something.

Perhaps it was his recent performance and the conversation with Sarutobi Hiruzen last night that made him make such a seemingly mindless decision.

After all, Natsuhiko's position has always been with Konoha, and Natsuhiko has come through time and received a more advanced and comprehensive education. To some extent, his performance really made Sarutobi Hiruzen sigh.

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen did something that seemed a bit unrealistic, but it was also very consistent with his character and ideas.

But after thinking for a long time, Xia Yan finally smiled and shook his head: "Hokage-sama, what are you talking about? I am the head of the ANBU, and I have always stood behind Hokage-sama."

"Really?" Hiruzen Sarutobi was a little disappointed: "Are you sure you are standing behind me?"

"No, I am standing behind Hokage-sama." This time, Xia Yan emphasized the pronunciation of the word "Hokage": "As an ANBU, naturally there are more Hokage-sama."

"Don't you want to become Hokage?" Sarutobi Hiruzen understood what Xia Yan said, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Becoming Hokage is the dream of every child in Konoha, and I am no exception." Natsuhiko still looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a smile: "I have told Lord Hokage about my dream a long time ago, but I have always dreamed of becoming Hokage." Where’s the Hokage?”

"So, the reason why you don't approve of me is following Minato, but in fact, your purpose is the same as mine?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to understand what Natsuhiko meant, but he soon shook his head again.

"You, you are different from me. I want Minato to truly understand and integrate into my thinking, but you..."

"Hokage-sama, the world is changing, and the ninja world is also changing. No one dares to say that he is definitely right."

Natsuhiko interrupted Sarutobi Hiruzen. He didn't want to say this to the old man at this time, and he had already determined his goal.

If it were before, he would definitely be very happy to get close to Sarutobi Hiruzen and still maintain his relationship with Namikaze Minato.

In this way, he could continue to get what he wanted between the two Hokage, and finally achieve everything he said he wanted.

But things are different now. Not to mention that Natsuhiko has predicted the future of Hiruzen Sarutobi, and he is no longer the young man he once was.

He didn't intend to rely on others, especially now that he had a showdown with Namikaze Minato, he would continue to follow his established plan.

"I understand what you mean." Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a while, and finally he nodded: "Then we will wait and see about the future."

"We'll wait and see in the future." Xia Yan also showed a smile: "I think I will not let Mr. Hokage down in any way."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded silently, of course he understood what Natsuhiko meant.

In any aspect, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

This means that whether it is dealing with Sarutobi Hiruzen or the others, or governing Konoha, he will not let Sarutobi Hiruzen down!

He could hear Xia Yan's confidence, but he also felt that Xia Yan was qualified to say this.

At least Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others are in a very difficult situation now, to a large extent thanks to this brat...


After separating from Sarutobi Hiruzen, Natsuhiko quickly hid himself, and then ran towards the palace where the daimyo lived.

The conversation with Sarutobi Hiruzen had reached this level, although the conversation this time was really not that pleasant.

However, this incident will definitely not affect what they are doing now. In the final analysis, this is just a discord within Konoha.

In order to safeguard the interests of Konoha, or to obtain greater interests within Konoha, they will definitely give up their discord and complete the current tasks well.

Natsuhiko and Hiruzen Sarutobi have different tasks. After all, Hiruzen Sarutobi is the Hokage. He needs to communicate with the daimyo and negotiate to gain mutual understanding and trust.

Of course, these are all words communicated to the outside world, which are essentially bullshit, because the communication between them will not be so harmonious at all.

To put it simply and straightforwardly, Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to threaten the daimyo and let him know where he was.

What Natsuhiko has to do is much simpler, and that is to let the daimyo know what level Konoha's attitude and determination have reached!

There is no such thing as a red face or a white face. What they all want to do is to make the daimyo fall into the abyss.

Probably the only difference is that Hiruzen Sarutobi doesn't have to do it, the task of doing it is done by Natsuhiko, the ANBU minister.

"It's really luxurious."

When Xia Yan quietly entered the daimyo's palace, he couldn't help but shake his head when he looked at the extremely luxurious decoration in front of him.

But he soon recovered. After all, the famous names of the Fire Country were truly wealthy.

The wealth accumulated by their family for generations is simply unimaginable. Even if they provide a ninja village, their wealth will not be substantially reduced.

Of course, if you pay, you will be rewarded.

They provided for the development of the Ninja Village, and the Ninja Village also provided him with protection and convenience, allowing them to continue to accelerate the accumulation of their wealth.

In fact, in some aspects, this can be regarded as a virtuous circle.

There is an interdependent relationship between the two, but the status between the two is actually really different.

It's hard to say what happened to other villages, but in the Land of Fire, as the first ninja village to be established in Konoha, they essentially chose the daimyo, rather than the daimyo choosing them.

Xia Yan walked forward slowly, his perception was also quick at this moment, and soon he locked a room.

In this room, there are eleven ninjas gathered together, and their chakra performance is very good.

What makes Xia Yan strange is, why did these guys gather together and not protect the daimyo?

As the guardian ninja of the daimyo, they should always surround the daimyo in batches to prevent any possible accidents.

But they didn't do this now. Although this gave Xia Yan great convenience, it also forced him to seriously think about whether there was any accident.

"Has Sarutobi Hiruzen come in already?"

However, Xia Yan didn't have time to think too much. He suddenly found a familiar chakra in his perception, which made him immediately realize that he should speed up.

"Forget it, I don't know what you are thinking, but it's better to just throw the pot away."

Xia Yan thought this mentally, and soon his figure disappeared. After quietly dodging several guards, he came to the door of this room.

"Damn it, why haven't there been any news from Kazuma? What happened to him?"

At this moment, a voice came from behind the door, which immediately made Xia Yan temporarily stop his actions.

This voice is very weak, and most people may not be able to detect it at all, but Natsuhiko is an ANBU ninja.

Collecting intelligence under any extreme circumstances is his essential job, and he will not forget it even if he becomes a minister.

And this sentence alone made Xia Yan figure out what was going on.

Emotions had something to do with him. To put it bluntly, it was because Natsu Yan was arrested by Kazuma. As a result, they never found Kazuma today, so they got together to discuss and compile information.

After understanding the news, Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Especially in his perception, a warrior-like guy ran over quickly, which made Xia Yan even more sure that he had not found the wrong person.


Suddenly, Xia Yan dodged and came to the side of Wu Wu who came behind him. He didn't wait for the samurai to finish his words before he knocked him unconscious with a knife.

Then Xia Yan formed a seal with one hand and turned into this indifferent appearance. After throwing the warrior into a corner, he walked to the door of the room.

"Knock knock knock."

After knocking on the door gently, Xia Yan stood at the door silently and waited. Soon, the room became quiet.

It didn't take long for the door to the room to be opened. It was opened by a guy with a bald head who looked like a monk.

"Mr. Musashi?" The monk was stunned for a moment when he saw Natsu Yan transforming into a human being, and then said directly: "Is there something wrong with the Daimyo-sama?"

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded slightly and glanced at the room without leaving any trace.

In just an instant, he could clearly see where everyone in the room was standing, and he also had an accurate estimate.

Although Xia Yan is sure that he can definitely take down these guys easily, it is better to be as careful as possible.

Although he will take risks when it is profitable, this cautious mentality has long been integrated into his bones.

"I understand, Mr. Musashi." Monk Jilu nodded seriously, and then he said with a smile: "We will assign people there soon, please wait."

"No." Xia Yan shook his head gently, and then he smiled: "This time, I'm afraid I need you all to go there together."

"Oh?" Dilu glanced strangely: "What's the matter, Mr. Musashi?"

"The Hokage is here." The smile on Xia Yan's face became even brighter: "So, this time we need everyone to come together."

"The Hokage is here?" Jilu really didn't know this information, but his face became serious at this moment: "I understand, we will gather there immediately."

"Sorry, Mr. Ninja." Xia Yan interrupted Di Lu again: "The past does need to go away, but you can't go through it like this."

At this moment, Dilu finally noticed that Xia Yan was in something wrong.

Why did he still maintain such a gentle and kind smile when the Hokage came over, without any feeling of nervousness at all.

And what he said now also made Di Lu confused. Even if he was stupid, Di Lu understood this strange situation. There might be something wrong with the person in front of him!

"Mr. Musashi." Jilu frowned, and he asked loudly to make other companions pay attention to the situation here: "What on earth do you mean."

"What it means is very simple." Xia Yan raised his head, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became a little incomprehensible: "You can't go there standing, what I want is..."

"You guys lie down and go over."


"You...who are you..."

In this room, eleven figures collapsed on the ground.

Some of them had weak breaths and seemed to be dying, some had completely fallen into a pool of blood, and some of them were still able to speak.

Jilu was obviously the one who could still speak. He glared at the 'Mr. Musashi' in front of him, but severe pain came from his body, and even speaking made him feel strenuous.

He really couldn't imagine what had just happened, not just him, but everyone else who was still alive as well.

After Mr. Musashi said such provocative words, the eleven ninjas in their room were beaten like this in just a few seconds!

They didn't see clearly what this 'Mr. Musashi' did, and they didn't know how this 'Mr. Musashi' attacked.

They themselves seemed to have seen a ghost. This ghost-like guy appeared beside them all in an instant.

Then bursts of blood mist continued to appear along with the blade, and they fell to the ground one by one, without the slightest ability to resist!

Such a terrifying attack method and such a terrifying speed made them think at this moment that this might be a space ninjutsu.

Because this speed has exceeded the scope of human imagination, this is not the speed that humans should have!

However, space ninjutsu is really not a simple thing. Even in Konoha, there are only two people who seem to have mastered space ninjutsu.

One is the Fourth Hokage, and the other is the Konoha Nightingale who disgraced Sunagakure Village.

But these two are both ninjas of Konoha, and one is even the Hokage of Konoha.

Let’s not talk about whether they need to do this, but essentially there is no enmity with them.

Even to a certain extent, they should cooperate with each other and complement each other.

What's more, they haven't heard of Konoha's space ninjutsu - Flying Thunder God Jutsu. It is a space ninjutsu that requires coordinates to be performed.

The so-called 'Mr. Musashi' in front of them did not throw out any kunai, or anything carrying coordinates, which really made them extremely confused.


Xia Yan looked at Dilu and the others who had completely lost their fighting power. He thought about it and simply released his transformation technique.

He smiled and looked at the still energetic people in front of him, and then spoke quietly.

"My name is Konoha ANBU Chief, Senju Natsuhiko."

"Natsuhiko Senju?"

When Di Lu and others heard Xia Yan's self-introduction, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. It was obvious that this name was unfamiliar to them.

Even though this surname can evoke a lot of memories for them, they really don't know who Xia Yan is.

However, the position of ANBU Minister made their pupils shrink slightly.

The ANBU minister is no longer a person in the shadows, but a person who can see and touch the light.

They knew that the head of the ANBU was Takumi Murashima, a silent, cold and powerful man.

When did Konoha's ANBU minister turn into a child?

Could it be that Kyuubi said what happened that night?

Or is this just a scam?

Xia Yan looked at their confused and complicated eyes. He couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and then he continued to speak.

"Maybe you are not familiar with my name, but that doesn't matter.

Maybe you will be familiar with my code name in ANBU, you can also call me Nightingale. "


After hearing this name, Dilu and others already knew who they were facing, and at the same time, they no longer doubted the authenticity of Xia Yan's identity!

Konoha Nightingale, this code name is simply like Shura. It is a prestigious name pushed by the lives of hundreds of ninjas.

"Mr. Minister, why are you..." Di Lu covered his abdomen and asked with some difficulty: "Why are you doing this? We..."

"Don't talk. The more you talk, the faster your blood will bleed, and the faster you will die."

Xia Yan looked at Dilu in front of him with a smile, and then he shook his head gently and said with regret on his face.

"I know what you are wondering about, why should I take action, right?

In fact, the reason is very simple. Aren't you very confused why the guy named Kazuma disappeared?

That's because he was caught by me and he did something very interesting. "

"Kazuma...were caught by you? Why on earth?"

"Why, because you are collecting Kyuubi's chakra."


"Impossible, how is it possible!"

In the room where the daimyo met the Hokage, the old god Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting there, while the daimyo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a look of horror and disbelief.

He originally thought that Sarutobi Hiruzen met with him just to discuss matters related to Naruto.

But he never dreamed that apart from this, Sarutobi Hiruzen also told him something that made him break out in a cold sweat.

Then his ninjas are secretly collecting Kyuubi's chakra!

And this matter was actually caught. This would cost the daimyo his life!

It would have been okay if it was normal, but it was indeed an extremely sensitive matter now. The Kyuubi had just attacked Konoha and caused huge losses.

When such a thing broke out at this time, the Daimyo could fully imagine how destructive it would be.

"Originally, I didn't believe this either." Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his head slightly, and his slow and heavy voice rang out: "But this is the fact, Daimyo-sama, maybe you have been deceived."

"This..." The daimyo swallowed, and then he forced a smile: "I think we should investigate this matter carefully, what do you think, Hokage?"

"This matter is indeed worthy of investigation." At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the room.

At this moment, twelve figures soared from the sky and landed heavily on the ground.

The screams mixed with the splatter of blood immediately made the Daimyo tremble with fear.

He looked towards the roof and saw a young man standing on it with his hands folded across his chest.

The young man had a smile on his face. He quickly jumped off the roof and then spoke kindly.

"My Lord, Senju Natsuhiko, Konoha ANBU Minister, Daimyo-sama, this matter is here. Let's investigate it carefully at this time.

how do you feel? "


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