The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 202: Extracting Dragon Veins (Please subscribe~)

The daimyo's affairs have been settled everywhere. Neither Sarutobi Hiruzen nor Natsuhiko are people who will let go easily if they seize the opportunity.

Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for the daimyo to have any chance of making a comeback, especially when the daimyo saw the twelve ninjas protecting him lying on the ground like dead dogs, he knew that he had no chance.

Therefore, the next thing became much simpler. Sarutobi Hiruzen completely revealed his ferocity hidden under his pleasant appearance and respect.

The result of this was that the daimyo was completely defeated. He had to agree to any conditions, because he really had no choice.

In the end, both Sarutobi Hiruzen and Natsuhiko got what they wanted. With such a large amount of money, they can better do what they want to do.

Even if they know that when they return to Konoha, they may not be able to continue their current tacit understanding, and may even become enemies directly.

But in general, their internal fighting was limited to one area, which was a pretty good result.

"After we go back, we will start to complete the handover of negotiations with the daimyo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting in a teahouse in the capital of the Land of Fire. He picked up the teacup and took a sip, then whispered to Natsuhiko.

"This time, it's really thanks to Minister Xia Yan's assistance and help, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to do it so smoothly."

"For the sake of the Fire Country and Konoha, we are naturally duty-bound."

Xia Yan chuckled lightly. He was very familiar with such high-sounding words, but soon his expression became a little more serious.

"But Hokage-sama, I'm afraid you will have to act on your own when you go back this time."

"Huh?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned for a moment, and then he frowned: "Minister Natsuhiko, do you have any other plans, or have you made any other discoveries?"

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded directly, and then he said softly: "I discovered several descendants of Uzumaki, and according to the intelligence, their situation is not very good."

"Oh?" Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you sure the information is true? Sorry, it's not that I question you, but this matter is really important!"

The descendants of the Uzumaki clan are indeed too important, especially for Konoha.

Because Konoha has a perfect method of cultivating the descendants of the Uzumaki clan, as long as the descendants of these Uzumaki are cultivated, they can become Konoha's future Jinchuuriki!

You must know that as the Kingdom of Uzumaki was breached by Kirigakure, the Uzumaki clan originally fled to death, but now it is already very difficult to find anyone first.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen needs to bear some responsibility for this situation, from his position and perspective at the time, it was absolutely right to do so.

But he also paid a price for this, that is, with the collapse of the Uzumaki clan, this left a huge hidden danger for Konoha's future Jinchuuriki plan.

It's not that others can't become jinchūriki, but that others are inherently at a disadvantage compared to members of the Uzumaki clan.

And now that Natsuhiko said that he had found a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, how could such a thing not arouse the attention and expectations of Hiruzen Sarutobi?

"This is ANBU information. I think it has a certain degree of authenticity." Xia Yan put down the cup in his hand and sighed softly: "Of course, in order to be more accurate, I plan to go and see it myself."

"So that's it?" Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly: "I understand what you mean and think. You can go with peace of mind."

"I know, I just reported to the Hokage-sama." After Xia Yan said this, he stood up directly: "Then I will set off first. I hope everything goes well this time. I will also do the same after returning to Konoha. There won’t be any big problem.”

"Don't worry, I won't be confused about priorities." When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, he couldn't help but snorted: "Minister Xia Yan, you underestimate me, don't you?"

Xia Yan spread his hands indifferently, and he didn't bother to reply to this sentence, because he really didn't believe Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But believe it or not, he won't say anything more. He has more important things to do now.

Knocking on the table lightly to signal Sarutobi Hiruzen, Natsuhiko stood up and left the teahouse directly without much unnecessary nonsense or movement.

Although it is not good to leave Sarutobi Hiruzen alone in this place, Sarutobi Hiruzen himself is not weak.

Especially since Xia Yan had already notified the ANBU people to come over quickly, he didn't need to worry too much about the defense work.

In fact, even if the Anbu didn't come, Sarutobi Hiruzen wouldn't have any trouble. After all, all the people who attacked him at the base were killed.

Even if there are other ninjas at the root, their elite level is definitely not as strong as before, and even these ninja Danzo may not be able to control them.

So there is nothing to worry about in terms of safety. The reason why Natsuhiko called the Anbu was more importantly to escort the so-called twelve warriors who were defeated by him back to Konoha.

Of course, there are not twelve of them now.

After being hit by Xia Yan, they now only have six or seven people alive. It can be said that they were directly forcibly reduced by half.

This was the result of Xia Yan's mercy. If Xia Yan was a little more ruthless, it wouldn't be unusual for none of them to be left alive.

"The matter with the Daimyo of the Land of Fire has been resolved, and the Nine-Tails' chakra has been obtained. Then it's time to deal with other matters."

Xia Yan walked slowly on the street, but his mind was thinking about other things, but it could be seen that he was in a good mood now.

Indeed, he is now very happy with what he has done in Daimyo this time!

The set goal has been achieved, and at the same time, the Dai Ming was severely blackmailed. It can even be said that the Dai Ming will not be able to make any waves in the future.

Even though a lot of things were accomplished this time through the hands of Sarutobi Hiruzen, considering the path Natsuhiko is going to take in the future, this can only be regarded as helping him!

"Besides, even if the daimyo wants to hate him, he hates Hiruzen Sarutobi and not me. Am I just an ANBU minister?"

The scapegoat has always been an excellent existence, and Natsuhiko seems to understand why Sarutobi Hiruzen likes Danzo so much.

I'm afraid another key factor is that Danzo is really a perfect scapegoat, and he can get out of any trouble.

In this way, no matter how many bad things you do, others will never hate you for coming here.

"But the journey this time is a bit long. In addition to going to the Country of Wind, we also have to go to the Country of Grass. I hope everything goes well..."


Natsuhiko threw Sarutobi Hiruzen away on the pretext that he had discovered the descendants of the Uzumaki clan in the Land of Grass.

In fact, this is not an excuse. After all, the mother and daughter were originally living in the Country of Grass, and their current life is probably very miserable.

But Xia Yan's actual goal is really not the mother and daughter, because who knows if Xiang Ling is born now, and Xia Yan doesn't think he can get any benefits from the mother and daughter.

The future Jinchuuriki of Konoha?

Don't be kidding, the Jinchuuriki of Konoha are alive and well now, won't there be Naruto in the future too?

Naruto's descendant Boruto inherited the physique of Uzumaki and Hinata. Isn't this kid more suitable for jinchūriki than a simple Uzumaki?

So in the final analysis, he didn't attach much importance to the mother and son of Xiang Phosphorus. His purpose was actually more focused on the Kingdom of Wind.

After thinking about what the so-called special chakra most likely refers to, Xia Yan's mind was filled with the shadow of dragon vein chakra.

What's more, the Dragon Vein Chakra was already his, and Sarah transferred it to Xia Yan at a very low price. Xia Yan was essentially just going to get back what belonged to him.

Especially now that Namikaze Minato has gone to Mt. Myoboku, he can recycle this chakra even more unscrupulously!

However, since he had a high position in Konoha and was not suitable for leaving Konoha at will, he had to find an excuse.

It is very necessary to say hello to Sarutobi Hiruzen. In fact, such a greeting is nothing more than telling Sarutobi Hiruzen that he hopes he will not act rashly when he is not around.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is also a human spirit. He understood Natsuhiko's words immediately, and he also answered sonorously and forcefully.

But to be honest, Natsuhiko believed that Hiruzen Sarutobi would not act rashly, but he did not believe in Hiruzen Sarutobi's character.

After all, he didn't dare to act rashly because his deterrence was here, and he had a lot of leverage against them.

If he had nothing, Xia Yan wouldn't believe that they could really be so honest.

"It's back again."

When Xia Yan spent a few days entering the Kingdom of Wind, he couldn't help but sigh.

Strictly speaking, the Kingdom of Wind is really the place where he made his fortune. The broken power of Asura was planted in the Kingdom of Wind.

And the first time Xia Yan truly showed his power in front of the world was in the Kingdom of Wind. It can be said that this place really left him with many good memories.

As for whether the residents of the Kingdom of Wind and the guys in Sand Hidden Village thought so, Xia Yan said it didn't matter. Anyway, he was from the Kingdom of Fire, not the Kingdom of Wind.

Entering the desert, Xia Yan quickly headed in the direction of Loulan.

Although the wind and sand will affect his speed, Xia Yan had already left a mark when he came here last time for the purpose of escaping.

But now it has unexpectedly become a tool for him on his way. I have to say that this is really a beautiful accident.

But even so, the land area of ​​the Kingdom of Wind is still very large. Even if Xia Yan traveled with the Flying Thunder God, it took him several days to reach the ancient city of Loulan.

However, what surprised Xia Yan was that he had only been away for half a year, but Loulan now looked even more dilapidated.

"How is this going?"

Xia Yan frowned. He didn't forget that he had adjusted Sarah's body well when he left.

With a healthy body, she would never let Loulan become so ruined, but the current situation is really unexpected.

Could it be that after Xia Yan left, Sunagakure's people investigated something and took action against Loulan?

When he thought of this possibility, Xia Yan's face suddenly turned ugly. Although he really didn't care about the situation of the people in Loulan, the problem was that Loulan was bound to the dragon vein.

Once something happens to Loulan, it's hard to say whether Dragon Vein will survive. How can this not make him look ugly?

"Let's go in and take a look. If the Kingdom of Wind really takes action against Loulan and uses the dragon's veins, then maybe I will do something else."

Xia Yanxin thought, and then the chakra in his body swayed slightly, and the next moment he disappeared from where he was.

When he appeared again, he had appeared directly in the tower that sealed the dragon veins.

Looking at the seal that was still intact, and the kunai inserted on top of the seal that was engraved with the mark of the Flying Thunder God of Namikaze Minato, Natsuhiko suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with the dragon vein. Even the tower has been renovated.

Xia Yan has not forgotten that the last time he unlocked the seal, the tower was almost destroyed by the dragon vein chakra that rushed out.

Even if it didn't collapse in the end, half of the building was overturned. Now that the tower has been completely repaired, it can be seen that Sarah must have done some work.

“And there’s a seal inside, probably to prevent outsiders from coming in, or to remind Sarah directly after I come in.

Of course, one must be careful. If someone from Sunagakure Village sets it up, it is better to see who comes over. "

Xia Yan had already noticed the seal here after he came in, but he didn't care about this little thing at all, and he even deliberately touched the seal here.

His purpose is simple, that is to determine who is staying here.

If it is Sarah, then Xia Yan will fulfill the promise he made. Not only will he give Sarah a large amount of money, but he will even take them out of this place.

If they were from the Sand Hidden Village, then Xia Yan would kill all the Sand Ninjas who stayed in Loulan, as if he was helping Loulan get revenge.

"Hopefully it will turn out well."

Xia Yan sighed, and then he walked slowly towards the place where the dragon veins were sealed.

Feeling the violent chakra within the seal, Xia Yan smiled slightly.

"Little guy, is the chakra here suitable for you?" Xia Yan asked silently to the little Kyuubi.

"I don't know about this kind of chakra, but this chakra is really strong." Little Kyuubi's voice rang in Xia Yan's mind: "Maybe?"

"I hope there is no problem. After all, other special chakras are not so easy to obtain." Xia Yan sighed slightly, and then his face became serious.

He took a step earlier, and then directly pulled out the kunai plugged into the ground.

Just for a moment, the chakra of the dragon vein seemed to wake up, and the majestic and crazy power rippled throughout the entire tower in an instant...


"We're almost there, everyone, please work harder!"

"Yes, Your Lady Queen!"

In the desert outside Loulan, Sarah led the residents slowly towards Loulan.

Shalan now looks very energetic, her complexion is also very good, and he no longer has the symptoms of constant coughing as before.

It can be seen that with Xia Yan's help, her condition has indeed improved a lot, and her condition has improved not only physically, but also mentally.

This change comes from the fact that she knows one thing, she knows Xia Yan's identity!

She had always known that Xia Yan was strong, but she really didn't have much idea of ​​how strong he was.

After all, Loulan is a relatively closed place. This situation is caused by Shayin Village's blockade of Loulan. After all, Shayin Village really doesn't want other disobedient beings in its territory.

Lou Lan actually didn't know enough about many things, even some relatively common sense things.

But this time, Sunagakure Village really can't continue the blockade, because their losses are too great!

It was also at this time that Sarah learned how powerful the ninja who set his sights on dragon veins and even mastered terrifying medical abilities was.

When that guy left the Country of Wind, Sunagakure Village chased and intercepted him, but in the end, he killed hundreds of Sand Ninjas by himself, and finally left calmly!

This kind of thing has completely exceeded Sarah's imagination, even if she doesn't know what the ingredients are in these hundreds of ninjas.

But if one person can do this, it is enough to make others feel scared!

"With such a promise made by a strong man, it seems that Loulan will have hope in the future!"

Loulan's hope, after the last lesson, Sarah already knew that it was not a city isolated in the desert.

Those are her people, those are the people of Loulan who live with her!

Since Sunagakure Village doesn't want to see them and even makes their living environment so bad, it is not difficult to choose a different living environment for their future.

Therefore, after half a year, even though Sarah's body has recovered, she is no longer focusing on Loulan City.

In addition to renovating the sealing tower, they all saved up their money and waited for Xia Yan to come back and take them away from here.

However, during this period she also received some not very good news, that is, Konoha was attacked by the Kyuubi, which caused Konoha to have to be rebuilt.

Normally, it would be difficult for her to get such news, even if this kind of thing has spread throughout the ninja world.

However, the last time Natsuhiko visited, Sunagakure Village was completely humiliated, which lifted a lot of the blockade they had originally arranged. All these ninjas went on missions to try to restore the influence of Sunagakure Village.

Now Sarah can only hope that there are no problems in Konoha, so that Natsuhiko will come over to deal with the dragon vein matter.

As for whether Natsuhiko will die because of Kyuubi?

Sarah thought this was impossible. After all, how could a ninja who was that powerful die so easily?

"I'm finally back."

After spending a long time, Sarah and the others had arrived at the outskirts of Loulan City.

Looking at Loulan standing alone in the desert not far away, Sarah showed a smile on her face.

Although she was reluctant to leave here, she believed that her ancestors could build such a home in such a difficult environment. They would definitely be able to do better if they had better conditions!

But at this moment, Sarah's expression suddenly changed, because she realized that the seal she left in Loulan actually reacted!

"Is this... someone coming?"

Sarah's expression changed slightly, and she immediately put down the things in her hands and ran towards Loulan quickly.

"My Queen..."

The other people in Loulan didn't react when they saw this scene. They had no idea what was happening.

But soon they all seemed to understand, because in Loulan City in the distance, a huge force rose into the sky.

The huge shock wave quickly spread towards the surroundings, and a white halo that was almost visible to the naked eye destroyed everything around them. Even if they were so far apart, they felt a little unsteady!

"What's happening here?"

"Jesus, what's going on?"

"Her Majesty the Queen is in danger, come back quickly!"

All the Loulan people were dumbfounded. They had never seen such a terrifying scene, especially the roar of wild beasts, which made them shudder.

Many people seemed to think of what happened half a year ago, but that scene half a year ago was not as scary as it is now.

All the people of Loulan were dumbfounded, but Sarah was not. She knew exactly what was going on. This was definitely because the dragon veins had been touched!

Although she didn't know exactly who it was, she had an idea that it might be Xia Yan who was here.

After all, apart from Xia Yan, the only one who dared to release the dragon's chakra so unscrupulously was An Lushan, who was already very vague in her memory.

Even Sand Hidden Village, which doesn't know how much they think about dragon veins, is extremely cautious in their attitude towards dragon veins.

"Are you here, finally here?"

Sarah thought silently as she forced herself to endure the shock wave that could almost push her away and move forward slowly.

However, at this moment, the shock wave suddenly stopped, and the violent chakra disappeared at this moment.

It was as if none of this had ever happened, except that in the Loulan there was a huge fox with nine tails shaking.


The next moment, accompanied by a roar, a manic breath rushed towards his face.

This breath seems to be more terrifying than the previous dragon vein chakra...


In the sealing tower, after Natsuhiko pulled out the kunai left by Namikaze Minato with one hand, the violent chakra rushed towards him in an instant.

He had already experienced such chakra once, so naturally he would not be frightened by such a posture, not to mention that he now has enough chakra to use, so it is not impossible to try to seal it if it is not possible.

Looking at the increasingly turbulent Dragon Vein Chakra, Xia Yan quickly formed a seal with his hands, and then he shouted in a low voice: "Exit!"

Along with the surge of his chakra, the core seal of the dragon vein seal was instantly destroyed by Xia Yan.

This seal was dealt with by Xia Yan last time. Although it was repaired by him, it could not be completely repaired.

And this time, with his actions, the entire seal was completely on the verge of collapse!


Suddenly strong winds blew up all around, making bursts of whistling sounds. Looking at the crumbling dragon vein seal, Xia Yan nodded slightly.

The gap left by him in this seal has been completely opened. Although it has not been completely destroyed, it is enough for the Dragon Vein Chakra to 'squeeze out' itself.

However, the speed at which it came out was not particularly fast. This was Xia Yan's intention. He did not completely destroy the seal because it affected the speed of the dragon's veins leaving the seal.

This speed is also convenient for the nine tails to devour, and the seal is kept to prevent himself from being able to deal with this chakra, so it is better to seal it.

No one knows how strong this Dragon Vein Chakra is, but it's not wrong to be safe.

"Are you ready?" Xia Yan silently asked the little Kyuubi: "This chakra is coming out, and it depends on you next."

"No problem." Little Kyuubi's voice echoed in Xia Yan's mind, and soon he turned into a red chakra and appeared on Xia Yan's body.

With the condensation of this red chakra, the next moment the little guy completely left Xia Yan's body and ran in front of the dragon vein.

What he did made Xia Yan's face change slightly, because as the little guy left, Xia Yan immediately felt that the seeds that were originally nourished by the Nine-Tails chakra were instantly nourished by his own chakra.

It can be said that this directly caused Xia Yan to lose a lot of combat effectiveness. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

However, Xia Yan didn't say anything. His focus was more on the little Kyuubi.

He really wants to find out now, what will happen if this little guy swallows chakra?

Little Kyuubi ignored Xia Yan this time, probably because he couldn't know what Xia Yan was thinking after leaving Xia Yan's body.

However, he also began to gather his own chakra, and it could be seen that he was also preparing for the attack.

Hoo ho ho...

Amid the roaring sound, the hurricane became more and more intense!

The surrounding rubble was blown up by the hurricane, spinning rapidly around the altar like a tornado.

No matter what it hits, it will make a deafening sound, and the ground will tremble at this moment.

Amid the tremors, the masonry ground cracked into cracks, and these cracks spread rapidly to the surrounding areas.

In a moment, the entire ground cracked into pieces like turtle patterns.

Xia Yan watched this scene silently, and then he began to circulate the chakra in his body. In just a moment, red eye shadow appeared on his face.

Immortal mode is activated directly at this moment, and Xia Yan will never let any accidents happen to him.

"It's about to get out of trouble." Xia Yan shouted loudly to Xiao Jiuwei: "Get ready quickly. If it doesn't work, tell me immediately so I can seal it!"

"I know." Little Kyuubi nodded with a stern expression: "Don't worry, I won't force it."

Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words, but at this moment, the chakra of the dragon vein finally squeezed out!


A huge amount of chakra emerged from the cracks in the seal in an instant, as if spewing out from the abyss. It directly shattered the dome of the seal tower and turned into a chakra pillar that shot straight into the sky!

Xia Yan looked solemnly at the chakra in front of him. Even though he had used this chakra before, the amount at that time was really far behind compared to now.

Especially when the chakra was too large and strong, Xia Yan seemed to notice through the sage mode that it was filled with an indescribable force.

Although it is difficult to tell exactly what this power is, it is the power that can allow people to travel through time and space, and this power is absolutely awe-inspiring.

"You have to move faster. It's hard to tell whether Sunagakure will notice anything with such a big movement."

Natsuhiko mentally muttered that he was not afraid of Sunagakure, especially since he had dealt with Sunagakure once before, so he really wasn't that worried.

But he didn't want to make this matter too big, which would easily reveal that he used the mission as an excuse to come over and hack the dragon's veins.

Little Kyuubi seemed to be well prepared. Looking at the chakra that seemed to pierce the sky, he suddenly opened his mouth, and the next moment a huge gravitational force appeared from his mouth.

Xia Yan has never seen this scene before, at least the Kyuubi in his memory does not seem to have such ability.

However, Xia Yan felt relieved when he thought that his Nine-Tails was actually conceived by the system, and it didn't seem to be a big deal if it had some weird abilities.

The huge and huge amount of chakra went towards the little Kyuubi's mouth crazily. In just a moment, the little guy's body expanded more than ten times.

The huge body instantly burst the surrounding tower walls, and even his head was about to be knocked out of the tower!

However, the little Kyuubi seemed to be able to hold on. He continued to swallow the dragon's chakra in large mouthfuls, and Xia Yan also noticed that this guy's body did not continue to grow in size.

In other words, it started to shrink again during the process of change, and then became larger again after shrinking.

During this repeated process, Little Kyuubi's body began to become extremely strong, instead of being like an inflated balloon like before.

His chakra also began to become extremely pure and powerful, so powerful that it began to feel like the big guy when he attacked Konoha!

This kind of devouring is still going on, and Xia Yan's nerves are always tense. He doesn't know how long this will last, but he knows that once the little nine tails are about to die, he will immediately seal the chakra of the dragon veins.

Time passed bit by bit, and Xia Yan could clearly feel that only a few minutes had passed, but for some reason he always felt as if a long time had passed.

Fortunately, the dragon's chakra pillar has become very weak, and the surrounding hurricanes have also stopped.

It seems that the dragon veins located underground are about to dry up.

"Is it over?"

Xia Yan mentally muttered silently, but the next moment, Xiao Jiuwei suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.

In an instant, the dragon vein chakra that was being devoured by him suddenly became free.

The chakra that had been devoured crazily by the little nine-tails suddenly gathered quickly for no apparent reason, and then rushed towards Xia Yan fiercely!


Xia Yan stared at this scene blankly. He didn't even realize what was going on. This chakra had completely entered his body...


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