The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 203: The Immortal Nine-tailed Chakra Mode sets the Thousand-Armed Buddha?

"What's happening here?"

Xia Yan felt the Dragon Vein Chakra rushing into his body with an extremely strange expression.

The most interesting thing is that after Xia Yan noticed that the chakra entered his body, he did not have any adverse reactions.

He even found that his body seemed to be very adaptable to such power.

"Is it because I have absorbed the power of dragon veins that this happened?"

Xia Yan thought carefully for a long time, but in the end he couldn't come up with any better answer to his current situation.

The amount of dragon vein chakra is still very large, even if more than 95% of it is swallowed by this guy Kyuubi.

But even the remaining 5% definitely exceeds the amount Xia Yan extracted originally!

This huge amount of chakra instantly made Xia Yan feel a little swollen all over his body.

Although the feeling of being filled with majestic power all over the body is very good, after all, these are external chakras, and it is not easy for Xia Yan to completely master them!

"Fortunately, I have the experience of handling it last time. Although it is more difficult to deal with it now than last time, I won't be clueless."

Xia Yan thought silently, and then quickly formed a seal with his hands.

The magic chakra surged rapidly along with his seals, and soon a sealing technique was completed by him.

He had sealed some dragon vein chakra before, but some of that chakra had long since become the nourishment for Xia Yan's seeds, and part of it had been integrated into Xia Yan's own chakra system.

This time Xia Yan still planned to deal with it this way, just because of the temporary departure of Xiao Jiuwei, his seeds could only be planted with his own chakra.

Now he can completely use the chakra that suddenly broke into his body to quickly form his own seeds.

As for the other huge chakra, he thought it was better to seal it within his body, and maybe it could be used by Kyuubi in the future.

"Ninja Technique: Bagua Seal!"

When everything was ready, Xia Yan quickly pressed his hand on his lower abdomen. The next moment, a string of mysterious sealing charms appeared on his abdomen under his clothes.

The chakra in his body also stabilized at this moment, and the swelling feeling finally stopped at this moment.

Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't expect that some of the dragon vein chakra would eventually escape into his body.

He had already planned to leave all the chakra to Kyuubi, but he didn't expect that it would end up like this.

Raising his head slightly, Xia Yan looked in the direction of Kyuubi. At this time, Kyuubi's body shape had completely changed.

The originally towering sealing tower has experienced the baptism of Dragon Vein Chakra, coupled with the changes in Nine-Tails' body, it has now completely turned into ruins!

The current Kyuubi's size is not weaker than the big guy when he attacked Konoha, and Natsuhiko looks extremely small standing at his feet.

However, Xia Yan could tell that the little Nine-Tails was probably only about forty or fifty meters away when crouching, and it might be about seventy or eighty meters if it stood up.

This kind of body shape was really far behind the Kyuubi in his memory at its peak.

After all, when he was captured by Uchiha to deal with Senju Hashirama, he was the complete Susanoo when he used the fury of the beast.

In that state, Susanoo was over 200 meters tall, which meant that the Nine-Tails at its peak stood at a height of 200 meters!

Of course, Naruto has also used the Six Paths Mode to materialize the Nine-Tails, and the standing Nine-Tails is also huge.

After all, it was the Ultimate Susanoo that was used to deal with Sasuke. If he couldn't match his height, he would be at a huge disadvantage.

"This little guy still has a ways to go."

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, and Xiao Jiuwei seemed to have come to his senses now, and he also looked at Xia Yan.

"It seems this chakra is indeed useful."

Little Jiuwei said angrily. Although he has grown up, his voice has not changed much.

"I can feel that I have become a lot stronger now, and my chakra has become more abundant. My current state is much stronger than before."

"Is that so?" Xia Yan nodded slightly, and he couldn't help but smile: "Congratulations to you, you are about to catch up with that big guy to attack Konoha."

"There's still a long way to go." To Xia Yan's surprise, Xiao Jiuwei shook his head: "Actually, the big guy is stronger, but he has been suppressed and weakened by the seal, so he couldn't reach the peak level when he came out. .”

"I know this, I mean your body shape." Xia Yan spread his hands and smiled casually: "At least your body shape looks good, even if there is still a long way to go."

The little Kyuubi grinned and looked like he was smiling, but this smile was particularly charming given his size.

Moreover, Little Kyuubi has just grown to this state, and it is obvious that he has not yet been able to completely control his power, which makes his aura now spread crazily in all directions.

And his chakra control was very poor. When he flicked his tail, violent chakra continued to emit, and even Xia Yan felt a strong oppressive force.


Suddenly, Xia Yan noticed something. He found a group of people looking towards them in the distance.

In addition, there was a familiar person running towards him constantly. This person was Sarah!

What surprised Xia Yan was that he could clearly sense that Sarah was still very far away from him.

But he can still clearly perceive such a distance, which only shows that his perception has been improved again.

Xia Yan's perception has actually been improving, even if he doesn't know the reason.

However, as his strength continues to grow, his range of perception and accuracy of perception are indeed increasing.

In the past, when he cooperated with the immortal mode, his range of perception would not be what it is now.

But at this time, with the immortal mode, he could sense things more than ten kilometers away. This feeling was really amazing.

However, Natsuhiko still restrained himself. After all, his ancestor Senju Tobirama could feel the chakra of Uchiha Madara in the Land of Thunder in Konoha Village.

This is no longer a problem thousands of miles away. Even if Madara Uchiha is too high-profile, the one who can do this is definitely the top figure in the ninja world.

“Not only is the little guy’s road still long, but my road is also still long!”

Xia Yan still has a long way to go, and he still has a very clear understanding of himself.

If he is an Uchiha, then he will definitely regard Uchiha Madara as his own template, and constantly use Uchiha Madara's growth process to imitate and improve himself.

In fact, strictly speaking, this point is relatively simple. After all, Uchiha Madara's improvement experience is very obvious and detailed.

But it is a pity that after he traveled through time, he was a Thousand Hands, so all he could do was to improve by referring to the two predecessors who had already formed.

Of course, it's not like he doesn't have other reference options. For example, that boy Naruto is one of Natsumi's reference targets.

But it was just a reference, because Xia Yan found that the path he took in the early stage was really different from Naruto's.

And he didn't think he had a chance to get the tailed beast before. At most, he could just get some chakra.

But now, Natsuhiko can take it as a serious reference, and his comprehensiveness and the completion of Kyuubi are both much better than Naruto's.

"Except I don't have Naruto's pure and sincere heart, but people like me don't need that."

Xia Yan thought silently, and then he looked at Xiao Jiuwei.

"Come back, we have to leave here too."


Little Kyuubi nodded, and then his huge body instantly turned into a ball of red chakra.

These red chakra quickly entered Xia Yan's body, and at this moment Xia Yan instantly felt that he seemed to become more powerful.

Little Kyuubi's growth is really much stronger than he imagined. How can Xia Yan not be happy with such changes?

He closed his eyes slightly, and the next moment his system appeared in Xia Yan's eyes.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Quasi-shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (huge chakra reserves)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant the intermediate nine-tails fruit to make it grow) (consumes too much chakra, continues to grow)

Seeds: None (not planted and unable to be planted are not displayed yet)

Fruit: primary fire escape fruit, intermediate sealing fruit

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (20% progress)

Xia Yan looked at his attribute panel silently, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became bigger and bigger.

I have to say that the Kingdom of Wind is really his blessed place. Both times he came here, he got huge improvements. This feeling is really good.

But this is also the last time, because he has basically got everything he can get in the Kingdom of Wind, and there is no need for him to come here to cause trouble.

"And this improvement seems quite interesting."

Xia Yan mourned silently in his mind. His level showed that he had reached the stage of quasi-shadow.

In fact, Xia Yan couldn't explain clearly what quasi-ying actually meant. It was probably that his strength was already at the level of quasi-ying, but he was still lacking in some aspects.

To be honest, Xia Yan has always been very confused about the strength level judged by the system.

To what extent the so-called shadow will reach, the system has never given an accurate answer.

But Xia Yan was too lazy to think about it that much. After all, this kind of thing was just a reference at most. In the final analysis, the ninja competition still focused on overall strength.

Xia Yan's overall strength is not absolutely weak. This so-called quasi-shadow is actually just a rough range of the strength he can show without using other abilities.

But is Xia Yan the kind of person who has the power to use it?

Not to mention anything else, the Flying Thunder God Jutsu has become his regular ninjutsu, and he will not be stingy with using senjutsu or anything else.

"Unless I want to hide my identity, I will use these powers."

In addition to the increase in his physical strength, his invisible strength has also grown further.

The two seeds he originally gave to Kyuubi to plant were almost finished, but now they were completed at once with the help of the power of dragon veins.

This is definitely good news for him. He doesn't care that the power of Fire Release is only at the elementary level, but the improvement of the sealing technique will definitely make his Flying Thunder God one step further!

"After all, the stronger the sealing technique, the better you can control and use the Flying Thunder God's mark."

Except for the sealed fruits, there is not much other obvious growth.

Perhaps the only thing worth being happy about is that the only mission has been slightly improved.

Thinking about it carefully, it was probably because the news about him becoming the head of ANBU was spread, right?

As for the lack of improvement in bloodline development, Xia Yan was mentally prepared, and he did not expect to get further improvement here.

But the happiest thing is actually Kyuubi. Not surprisingly, this little guy has grown to an intermediate level.

Moreover, the chakra of the Dragon Veins seems to be too huge. After the Nine-Tails guy devoured so much and successfully allowed him to grow, there was still a lot of Dragon Veins that had not been completely digested.

Fortunately, these chakras were not wasted inexplicably. They still remained in Kyuubi's body and could continue to contribute to the little guy's growth.

"The typical step is to eat full and then slowly digest."

After Xia Yan mentally summarized Kyuubi's situation, he suddenly thought of a question.

The previous Kyuubi's chakra quality and storage capacity were completely insufficient, which prevented him from trying a state.

In the original work, the Nine Tails in Naruto's body is actually only half, but this half puts Naruto into an amazing state and bursts out with unimaginable power.

Now Xia Yan seems to have given it a try. He is really looking forward to this so-called 'Nine-Tails Chakra Mode'!


Xia Yan spoke silently, even though Kyuubi no longer had any contact with the so-called little guy, he was still happy to call him like this.

"Now, can we try chakra resonance and enter the so-called 'Nine-Tails Chakra Mode'?"

"Maybe you can give it a try." Little Kyuubi's voice quickly echoed in Xia Yan's mind: "Now I have enough chakra, and I feel that I seem to be growing continuously, but there is one thing I Need a reminder.”

"Oh?" Xia Yan asked doubtfully: "What's the matter? Just tell me directly."

"That is, my current strength is not very stable. You actually know this." Xiao Jiuwei answered truthfully: "After all, I have just reached this level, so my strength performance is still a bit chaotic. Even if I can enter the state It won’t last long.”

"I understand." Xia Yan nodded slightly, which was really not surprising to him.

In fact, even if Xiao Jiuwei didn't tell him, he could guess these things.

After all, this guy's aura seemed so chaotic just now, and it was natural that he couldn't control it.

But as long as he can enter this state, it is completely acceptable to Xia Yan.

He could wait slowly, slowly waiting for Kyuubi to grow, and at the same time, waiting for his own growth.

After all, he now has no shortage of fighting power. He has time to wait and take his time.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Such resonance is not that simple. We can slowly adjust and try."

Xia Yan casually patted the dust on his body, and then silently said to Xiao Jiuwei.

"This can last as long as it lasts. After all, we still have a long way to go in the future."

"Of course, but it's worth looking forward to being able to form combat effectiveness."

Once again becoming sluggish inside him, he casually replied.

"I'm not just showing off. After all, I've inherited that big guy's memory, and I have the fighting ability to be equal to him!"

Xia Yan just smiled and nodded to the little Kyuubi. The little guy had grown in size, but nothing else had changed.

This is very good, not to mention Xia Yan himself is looking forward to that day in the future.

With his current ability, he may not be able to successfully cast a wooden figure, let alone a technique like Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara that can resist or even suppress the complete Susanoo.

He is really looking forward to using the 'Sage Nine Tails Chakra Mode' on the Thousand-Armed Buddha in the future, and then using it with the Flying Thunder God technique.

With such destructive power and lethality, he alone might frighten a whole village!

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan's perception was once again locked on Sarah, who kept running over.

She is still quite far away from Xia Yan now. After all, this woman is not a ninja, so it is normal for her to be slow.

Xia Yan knew that this woman was here to find him, so he had no intention of embarrassing this woman.

The chakra in his body rippled slightly, and the next moment he left the Seal Tower and came to the outskirts of Loulan. Then he jumped away and ran directly towards Sarah's position.

Under the influence of chakra, his speed was much faster than before, and a blue stream of lightning-like light passed across the vast desert.

However, the strange thing is that this stream of light did not cause any dust to float...


The Sand Hidden Village Kazekage's office was inside, and Luo Sha was reading the report at this time.

This period of more than half a year can be said to be the most difficult and troublesome time I have ever spent. It can even be said that this period of more than half a year is not as simple as being unlucky.

More than half a year ago, Iwagakure Village brazenly started to take action against the forces of Sunagakure Village in these countries for the benefit of the Bear Country and other countries bordering their Wind Country and Earth Country.

Faced with this situation, Luo Sha could only choose to respond, and in order not to be attacked on both sides - at that time, they were still disgusted by Kirigakure Village, he decided to 'strike far away and attack close'.

Of course, that's not what the words said, but the meaning is almost the same.

He decided to reach peace talks with Kirigakure Village, so that he could fully focus on dealing with the invasion of Iwagakure Village.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to personally send Ye Cang, the talented ninja of their Sand Hidden Village, who possessed the Burning Release, into the abyss.

However, something happened that he never dreamed of. The Nightingale from Konoha Anbu entered the Kingdom of Wind at exactly this time, and he came to send Yashamaru back.

Konoha and Sunagakure Village have stopped fighting, and have even reached an alliance.

But everyone knows that such an alliance is only superficial, and there will definitely be no shortage of private competition and even violence.

In order to get more benefits, especially after learning that this Konoha Nightingale was the captain of Konoha Anbu, Luo Sha chose to take action.

However, this attack was as desperate as poking a hornet's nest. The Konoha Nightingale showed shocking strength.

Although I really don't understand why this guy chose to escape in the first place, after that he killed hundreds of sand ninjas with his own strength.

Especially since it also included two brigades of ANBU and killed the entire sealing squad, no village could accept such a loss.

What's even more suffocating is that this damn guy got Ye Cang's mission and obtained the decryption through special means.

Even if Chiyo, a legendary ninja from Sunagakure Village, tried to intercept him in person, he would fail in the end!

Luo Sha was numb. He really never dreamed that he would encounter such a situation.

After this incident, Luo Sha found that her luck seemed to have dropped to freezing point.

First of all, Ye Cang seemed to know her mission, and even knew that she had been betrayed, so she chose to die with the Kiri Ninja who solved her.

This incident also aroused the mist ninja. They had originally agreed to withdraw their troops, but they still stayed, which also caused huge trouble to Sunagakure Village.

And because of this incident, Sunagakure, who was constantly being harassed by enemies in his abdomen, was unable to compete with Onoki's Iwa Ninja, even under the leadership of Rasa.

In the end, they could only leave the Bear Country and other countries in despair. Such losses were simply shocking!

Such a series of chain reactions really put Luo Sha in danger, and also put the Sunagakure Village, which was already in a bad situation, into an even worse situation.

For this reason, Luo Sha had to be forced to shrink. He could only use the "low-price" plan to take on tasks everywhere, so as to re-enhance the image and soft power of Sunagakure Village.

For this reason, he even recalled all the ninjas who were used to blockade Loulan. If it weren't for the fact that the situation was exhausted, who would be willing to do this.

I have to say that this policy is still somewhat effective. Even if the ninja's income is greatly reduced, such desperate tasks have made life in Sunagakure Village a little easier.

However, before Luo Sha even had time to be happy about this situation, he once again received information that made him extremely angry.

Konoha was attacked by the Kyuubi.

Normally, this is definitely good news, especially since Sunagakure Village and Konoha already have conflicts of interest. Rasa should be happy to hear this news.

But when he learned about another incident in the Nine-Tails incident, he became numb again.

The Konoha Nightingale who attacked them back then was actually a descendant of the Senju clan. Not only was this guy good at the Flying Thunder God technique, he could actually use wood escape?

This information is really terrible. The Flying Thunder God Technique is already troublesome enough, but now there is a Wood Release?

And according to the intelligence, this guy's Wood Release is not weak at all, and he has controlled the Kyuubi. How can Luo Sha be happy with this kind of news?

It can be said that the appearance of Mu Dun will make Konoha, which was originally attacked by the Kyuubi and suffered serious losses in reputation and image, absolutely nothing will happen.

It's hard to say whether they will go further because of this. After all, Wood Release is the art that calms down the ninja world.

The news that followed was not optimistic at all. It could even be said to have directly calmed down Luo Sha's original desire for revenge.

According to reliable intelligence, the former head of Konoha ANBU, Takumi Murashima, has died, and the new head of ANBU is Konoha Nightingale - Senju Natsuhiko!

"Why is God so unfair? Konoha has everything, why does our Sunagakure Village have nothing?"

Such sentiments appeared in Luo Sha's mouth not once or twice, and he did feel extremely troubled by such things.

But today he didn't have time to lament these things. He couldn't help but frown while looking at the report in his hand.

"Those people in Loulan are going to replace items again? Humph, they don't hire ninjas, and they don't listen to what they say. If they didn't have no choice now, how could they have been so comfortable."

Luo Sha really didn't have the slightest fondness for the people in Loulan. These residents of Loulan lived in the Kingdom of Wind, but were independent from the Kingdom of Wind.

Moreover, in order to prevent Sunagakure Village from having any thoughts about Dragon Vein, if there is a problem, they would rather go to Konoha to solve the problem instead of coming to them.

Luo Sha admitted that he did have some thoughts about Dragon Vein, but he was really angry at being slapped in the face by people like Roland.

It was because of this incident that Luo Sha began to take retaliatory actions against Loulan. This was also the main factor why Loulan was getting worse and worse.

"Just wait, it won't take long for them to completely collapse!"

Luo Sha thought ferociously, but at this moment Luo Sha suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, and then he subconsciously looked out the window.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly, because he couldn't see that there seemed to be a stream of light flickering in the sky, and the direction of this stream of light was the direction of Loulan!

"Sir Yondaime Kazekage." At this moment, Chiyo suddenly ran in quickly: "Something happened."

"What happened?" Luo Sha's face changed slightly, and he stood up immediately: "What happened?"

"It's the dragon vein." Chiyo said with a serious face: "Not long ago, they sensed violent chakra fluctuations in the dragon vein, but soon such fluctuations disappeared."

"Is there something wrong with the seal?" Luo Sha asked doubtfully, but soon his face turned ugly: "Or is it that someone has touched the dragon's veins?"

Chiyo said nothing because she didn't know how to answer this question.

Such silence also made Luo Sha's face become extremely ugly. Is there really something wrong with the dragon vein?

He walked back and forth a few times, and finally he looked at Chiyo seriously: "If, I mean, if something goes wrong with the dragon vein, who do you think could do it?"

"Dragon veins are sealed by Konoha." Chiyo hesitated before saying, "It's hard to say that they couldn't do anything, and do you still remember Yondaime?"

"Remember what?" Luo Sha frowned and asked, "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

"Konoha Nightingale, that is, the ANBU Minister Senju Natsuhiko, when he came to the Country of Wind half a year ago, he disappeared for a while in the face of my brother's arrest."

Chiyo organized his words, then slowly opened his mouth and said what he thought.

"He was so powerful, why did he choose to retreat at that time? And where did he go after he retreated and disappeared? These are all very confusing things."

"You mean..." Luo Sha's face turned extremely green at this moment: "Did he run into Loulan at that time?"

"I don't know." Chiyo shook his head: "I just expressed my suspicions. And the seal of the Fourth Hokage is not that easy to break. I'm afraid only Konoha can break such a seal, right?"

After hearing this, Luo Sha walked back and forth along the table again, and finally he punched his table hard.

"The people of Konoha, and this damn Senju Natsuhiko, are so abominable!"


"It seems that someone from Sunagakure Village discovered him one day."

In the desert, Natsuhiko looked at the corpse of the Sunagakure ninja lying on the ground, and he casually shook off the blood stained on his ninja sword.

Then he directly formed a seal and used Fire Release, burning these corpses directly into ashes.

He has already taken the elementary fire escape fruits and the intermediate seal fruits. Naturally, he can now perform some simple fire escapes.

But even in simple fire escape, he can exert unimaginable power in his hands.

After all, Natsuhiko's chakra quality is very high, and his chakra is also very large.

It is not worth advocating to defeat ten levels with one force, but Xia Yan will not be stingy with this chakra if he has the ability to do it.

Looking back, Xia Yan glanced at the convoy of Loulan survivors behind him, and he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

It had been three days since he set out, and he hadn't experienced such a slow pace for a long time.

But he promised Sarah that he would help them. No matter how flexible Xia Yan's moral bottom line was, he would not bother to do something deceptive.

The people of Loulan want to leave the Kingdom of Wind, and there are not many places they can choose.

At least Natsuhiko doesn't plan to send them to the Fire Country. After all, he doesn't intend to admit that he took the dragon vein for the time being, and their going to the Fire Country will definitely attract Konoha's attention.

If Sarah, a woman, didn't control her mouth, then everyone would really know about Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't plan to send them to the Fire Country, and the environment was not bad and they could live a good life. Xia Yan only thought about a few places.

One is the Country of Yu, which is protected by Ninja Village, and those cult organizations have not been killed by Natsuhiko in the future. This is definitely a suitable place.

Beyond that is the Country of Tea. This place is along the coast and has no Shinobu Village, but the entire country is Konoha's back garden, with safety and environment guaranteed.

Sara thought about it and finally decided to go to the Country of Tea. This decision made Xia Yan slightly relieved.

Although the Country of Tea is far away from Xia Yan's destination, the Country of Grass, it is simply a world away.

However, if you find a ferry from the Kingdom of Wind, you can directly reach the Kingdom of Tea. To a certain extent, this can reduce Xia Yan's burden.

And Xia Yan's speed is not slow. As long as no one holds him back, he can reach the Country of Grass within a week!

However, the speed of these Loulan residents is really a bit troublesome, and Sunagakure is not really stupid, they have now reacted.

"It's just that the intensity of their reaction was too low. What's going on?"

Natsuhiko has experienced being surrounded by Sunagakure once, and he naturally knows how bad it feels, but this time it seems that it is not as strong as the last time.

"Are you okay?" While Xia Yan was thinking, Sarah walked up behind Xia Yan and asked worriedly.

"It's okay for now." Xia Yan smiled and shook his head: "We can reach the ferry in two days, and then you can..."

Before Xia Yan finished speaking, he suddenly frowned, and then he immediately turned his head and looked into the distance.

And in that place, several guys wearing black robes with red clouds loomed in the desert...


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