The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 204 The first stage of Nine-tails Chakra Mode (please subscribe~)


Xia Yan looked at the black clothes with red clouds. Even if he couldn't see the faces of the people opposite him, he knew who these guys were.

But Xia Yan was a little confused, although he did have cordial and friendly exchanges with people from the Xiao organization.

For example, he snatched the head from Kakuzu's hand, then snatched the head from Scorpion's hand, and finally cut off Obito's hand.

But he has never revealed his true identity. Even now when he quietly came to Loulan, he never said who he was.

Therefore, he really didn't understand why these Akatsuki people blocked them.

"Who are they?" Sarah had already noticed Xia Yan's reaction, and she also looked at the people from the Akatsuki organization: "Are they from Sunagakure Village?"

"No." Xia Yan shook his head, but soon he thought of something: "I can only say that I am not sure. I don't even know if they are enemies."

"Then what should we do? Go around them?" Sarah asked in a low voice. No matter how you look at these people in the distance, they are not easy to mess with.

"You go around them and keep moving forward. I'll go take a look." Xia Yan thought for a moment before saying, "The best and worst plan is that if I fight with them, you try to run forward to avoid the impact. Got it?" ?"

Sarah couldn't help but nodded seriously when she heard this, and then she quickly turned back and ran into the large army.

Xia Yan walked directly towards the people from the Xiao organization. He himself was now very curious about who these guys could be.

He had already had conflicts with the Akatsuki organization, so naturally he wouldn't care about any conflicts with these guys, not to mention that their conflicts would escalate in the future.

But when he got closer to these guys, Xia Yan couldn't help but frown severely.

The people he met were really acquaintances. There were three Akatsuki members here, two of them were Scorpion and Kakuzu.

Xia Yan really thought about it for a long time and still couldn't figure out how the two of them got together.

After all, in his memory, the two of them had never formed a team, but when he noticed that there was a woman beside them, he seemed to know what was going on.

"Is Xiaonan here to recruit Scorpion?"

Xia Yan silently thought to himself, although this paragraph was not mentioned in the original work, at least Xia Yan has also played games.

He remembered that there was a scene in the game where Xiaonan recruited Scorpion, and that recruitment was completed in the Kingdom of Wind.

"Could it be that I happened to meet you?"

Xia Yan was basically sure that his guess was correct, and there seemed to be nothing surprising about the appearance of that character here.

Kakuzu was originally a person who was willing to travel around the entire ninja world for money.

It's hard to say whether he came here after finding a suitable target in the Kingdom of Wind.

And Natsuhiko didn't think Nagato would be so relieved to let Konan recruit such a dangerous and unusual guy by himself.

It wouldn't be strange to have a guy like Kakuzu come with her and protect her secretly under the pretext of a mission.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan had already walked in front of Xiao Nan, Kakuzu and Xie. He glanced at these three people with a smile, and then nodded slightly.

"Hello." Xia Yan said with a smile, "I wonder what the three of you are doing here?"

"It's not a big deal." Xie also spoke at this time, his eyes locked on Xia Yan. He always felt that the guy in front of him looked familiar.

Not only Scorpion, but also Jiaodu frowned slightly. He also felt that the guy in front of him was a bit familiar.

Especially the tone and voice of his speech really gave him some bad memories.

The three of them came together this time, which was actually pretty much what Xia Yan thought.

The purpose of Xiaonan coming to the Kingdom of Wind is to recruit Scorpion, while Kakuzu came to secretly protect Xiaonan.

Scorpion's danger level is very high. Even if Xiaonan is not weak at all, he is not willing to let Xiaonan be in any dangerous situation.

After they completed this matter, they originally planned to return directly to the Kingdom of Rain.

What people didn't expect was that a torrent of chakra stopped them in their tracks.

The intensity of this chakra made them all feel incredible, so they decided to come over to see what was going on.

In particular, this guy Scorpion is even more interested. He has already identified the direction in which such a torrent of chakra appeared. It is Loulan who has been staying in the Kingdom of Wind!

There is dragon vein chakra in Loulan, and Xie also remembers this very clearly, so he wanted to find out the situation.

It was only when they felt Loulan that they discovered that Loulan had gone empty, and the place where the dragon veins were sealed was completely destroyed.

In addition, many Sunagakure ninjas also came over to investigate, and even small groups of troops began to gather.

This situation made Xie really a little confused. He even doubted whether his own people from Sand Hidden Village had stolen the dragon's veins.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have dispatched just this few people, and they would act like they didn't care at all.

"Besides, all the people here are gone. Judging from the traces outside, they left here. Maybe we can find out what happened."

Scorpion told Konan and Kakuzu what he thought, and then they decided to come over to see what happened.

As luck would have it, they happened to encounter a group of Sand Ninjas that Natsuhiko had killed.

The weird speed and neat techniques really make people frown.

They are all powerful ninjas. Naturally, they can see that Xia Yan didn't use much strength at all when he took action. They can also see that the reason why Xia Yan is so skilled is that he probably has a lot of dead souls under him.

Such a kid is definitely not an unknown person.

"It's okay." Xia Yan didn't know what Xie and the others were thinking. He continued to smile and said, "Then I won't disturb you all. After all, I still have an escort mission to complete."

"Is it just a simple escort mission?" At this moment, Xie suddenly said indifferently: "These people are residents of Loulan, and some special forces appeared in Loulan some time ago. I think you should know something about it, sir." What?"

"What are you talking about?" Xia Yan deliberately showed a puzzled expression: "I don't know what you are talking about or what you want to express. I'm sorry that I am in a hurry."

"I'm sorry too." Kakuzu suddenly took a step forward: "If you don't say something clearly, I'm afraid we won't let you go."

"Oh why?"

“We are also interested in what you took away.

Also, I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel very uncomfortable when I see you..."


The wind is constantly blowing in the desert, and the wind and sand are blending together and dancing all the time.

Under the shroud of the wind and sand, Xia Yan stared at the three members of the Xiao organization, and the atmosphere seemed particularly dull.

Suddenly he chuckled. This chuckle seemed to break the dullness, and his chakra surged rapidly at this moment.

I have to say that this horn is really extremely sharp. Although he is not wearing a mask now, he can still detect some things.

After all, this guy has been numb because he has lived for too long. Does he have any special goals?

Therefore, he could only regard money as the only motivation in his life, but Xia Yan snatched the head from his hand.

Destroying a person's wealth is like killing his parents, and this is more vividly reflected in the characters.

Even though he didn't recognize who Xia Yan was, he could feel the unhappiness in his heart, and he had no intention of suppressing his unhappiness.

"It seems that we have to take action." Xia Yan sighed helplessly: "Although I don't know who you are, and I don't want to waste time, but..."

"Won't waste time."

Scorpion took a step forward, and with a wave of his hand, a burst of smoke appeared, and then the puppet of the Third Kazekage appeared in front of him.

"We'll move quickly, you know, it's not just him who's uncomfortable looking at you, it's me too."

"I understand." Xia Yan nodded helplessly: "It seems that we can't escape this time."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kakuzu suddenly took action!

His fist hit Xia Yan hard like a cannonball, but Xia Yan jumped up and dodged the blow.

He didn't use the Flying Thunder God Technique, but it's not that he didn't have the opportunity to arrange it. Now that he has eaten the intermediate sealing fruit, his use of the Flying Thunder God Technique is far better than before!

As long as he wants, he can condense curse seals around him at any time, and he can do it without cooperating with the seeds of Mu Dun.

However, his Flying Thunder God Technique has almost become Konoha Nightingale's signature, and he has no intention of letting these guys know something, at least not yet.

"Water Release·Water Breaking Wave!"

In the process of retreating, Xia Yan's right index finger and middle finger were close together, and he completed a technique with just one seal.

Xia Yan violently sprayed out a straight line of ultra-high pressure water column from his mouth. This water column turned into a sharp water blade and shot at the three people of the Akatsuki organization.

Although the three people were shocked when they saw this, Xia Yan actually performed such a water escape in such a dry area.

But their reaction was also incredibly fast, and they jumped away from the attack without giving Xia Yan any chance.

"Boom boom boom!"

Although the water break wave did not hit the target, the chakra water jet, which was like a water column, directly cut open the sand where the three of them were, and some of the rocks hidden under the sand exploded with a roar.

The three members of the Akatsuki organization landed steadily. They glanced at the location where they were before with their peripheral vision, and their eyes suddenly became serious.

The chakra in Konan's body began to surge, and a pair of wings made of paper appeared behind her.

The scorpion controlled the puppet of the Third Kazekage to directly fight the weapons. At this moment, the fine black sand started flying all over the sky.

Kakuzu grabbed his clothes, and then pulled hard behind him, revealing his body full of seams.


With a low roar, four monsters with white masks and black threads all over their bodies rushed out of Kakuzu's body and scattered around.

"You're really serious."

Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head slightly when he saw this scene. The reaction of these guys was really beyond his imagination.

If he only has the current strength to deal with them, it will be really troublesome, even if his current chakra is very huge.

"If that's the case, let's try it again with magic. If..."

Xia Yan thought silently, and his magical chakra began to brew.

"Do you want to try to resonate with me?" But at this moment, Xiao Jiuwei's voice sounded in his mind.

"Huh?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then asked quickly: "Didn't you say it's not possible yet?"

"What I mean is that my own reasons prevent me from fully grasping the power I have."

Xiao Jiuwei also responded quickly. Fortunately, in the spiritual space, such communication did not pass by the outside world for a second.

"The result of this is that there is no way to completely synchronize the power, but you can use my chakra perfectly."

"You mean, I can use your chakra alone now, instead of completely synchronizing with you?"

Xia Yan instantly understood what Kyuubi meant, and something emerged in his mind.

He suddenly realized that Naruto's Nine-Tails Chakra actually had many different modes.

The first state is pure chakra mode. At that time, he had not yet been recognized by Kyuubi, and he was just using Kyuubi's chakra.

The second state is recognized by the Kyuubi. Their power has completely reached the level of resonance and they have become perfect jinchūriki!

And in this state, Naruto can also use Sage Mode, which further enhances his power.

What Xia Yan thought before was actually to reach the second state at once.

After all, Kyuubi and he trust each other, and Kyuubi himself was born using his chakra coordination system, so the chakra resonance is simpler and easier.

But now it seems that the little Kyuubi's upgrade state is too manic, which makes the little guy unable to control his own power.

Under such circumstances, he naturally cannot achieve the second state.

But the first state doesn't seem to be very difficult to get down, because the little guy won't be stingy with his strength.

"My relationship with Naruto is completely reversed. He wants to gain Kyuubi's trust, and I want to wait until Kyuubi controls his power."

Xia Yan mentally smiled bitterly, and at this time he jumped up again to avoid the siege of the three people from the Akatsuki organization.

No matter how fast the communication in the inner world is, in the real world, the enemy will not just stand there waiting for you.

These three people are all veterans, and they will not give Xia Yan any chance to adjust.

But Xia Yan didn't need too many opportunities to adjust. The moment he landed, he formed a seal with one hand, and the chakra in his body surged crazily.

"Earth Escape·Earth Formation Wall!"

In an instant, a huge earth wall suddenly rose from the ground, isolating the three people from Xia Yan and the Xiao organization.

Although this isolation will not last long, it is enough for Xia Yan...


"let's start!"

When the huge earth wall rose, Xia Yan immediately said to the little Nine Tails in his body.

"Okay, please be patient for a while, my chakra is not that easy to bear."

Little Kyuubi's voice echoed directly in Xia Yan's mind, and then before Xia Yan could react, the majestic chakra emitted from his body, and then poured directly into Xia Yan's body.

In an instant, a red chakra coat appeared on Xia Yan's body. As the chakra continued to darken, Xia Yan even felt a tail appear on his butt.

"Why is it in this state?"

Xia Yan was a little confused. He looked at the earth wall that was about to be breached, and his face was a little uneasy.

Even for most jinchuriki, half-tailed beast words are actually the only way they can use tailed beasts.

Like Naruto, he achieves the most perfect Jinchuuriki and perfectly utilizes the tailed beast's chakra to become a state to assist him in fighting.

For other Jinchuuriki, this kind of thing is simply something they dare not even think about.

In order to achieve this step, in addition to mutual recognition with the tailed beast, another thing is that one can control and use the chakra of the tailed beast.

Countless Jinchuuriki were already desperate in the first step, and they didn't even have a chance to try in the second step.

But Natsuhiko was different. He and the tailed beast had almost absolute trust.

Therefore, he never thought about using this half-tailed beast state to face these guys in front of him.

What's more, anyone can tell what a half-tailed beast is talking about, but unless someone is particularly familiar with tailed beasts, it's really hard to recognize the chakra pattern.

"You have to control my chakra and fuse it with yours."

Xiao Jiuwei said quickly in Xia Yan's mind, and his voice sounded anxious.

"Only in this way can you form chakra patterns, fuse my power, control my power, and then use my power!"

"Is that so?" Xia Yan took a deep breath, and then he said seriously: "I understand, it's like the immortal mode."

After the words fell, Natsuhiko directly began to control the power given by the nine tails to merge with his own chakra.

What he does is really similar to Sage Mode, because Sage Mode also fuses the extracted natural power with its own chakra to create Sage Chakra.

Now Xia Yan directly regards the chakra of the Nine Tails as natural energy. All he has to do is to control these powers and then fuse the chakra for his own use.

I have to say that this step is not that simple, but fortunately Xia Yan has enough experience in using magic.

In addition, there is a symbol like "Jinchuriki" on his panel, which allows him to complete the fusion in a very short time!


A roar suddenly sounded, and the earth formation wall arranged by Xia Yan completely broke at this moment. Thick smoke filled the entire battlefield, and Xia Yan was also covered in it.

Faced with this situation, Xia Yan didn't panic much. He has now begun to try to control these chakras.

And as he fused, he clearly felt that his power seemed to be strengthened again at this moment.

This kind of enhancement is very similar to the immortal mode, but Xia Yan thinks that this state may be more powerful than the immortal mode.

It's not that the sage mode is not good. In fact, Naruto has already set an excellent example.

When the Nine-Tails Chakra mode faces Obito of the Six Paths, there is no way to cause any trouble to Obito, but it can use senjutsu to hurt him in the Six Paths mode.

Although the power displayed seems to be of a certain strength, the overall strength of the senjutsu and the level of power are actually higher than the Kyuubi.

Unless the chakra of a tailed beast reaches the level of the Ten Tails, from a chakra level, pure tailed beast chakra is really not good.

"But in terms of quantity, the tailed beast chakra occupies an absolutely dominant position, and it is unimaginably strong for a single improvement."

Xia Yan's mind has quickly analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the sage mode and the tailed beast chakra mode, and his body also experienced huge changes at this moment.

He could clearly see that the red chakra that originally covered his body turned into a faint golden color at this moment.

And there was also a strange charm that looked like magatama on his body.

At this moment, he found that his perception seemed to be able to detect something that he had never noticed before.

This seems to be an emotion, or a clear concept of good and evil hidden deep in the human heart.

"Good thoughts and evil thoughts?"

Xia Yan whispered softly, and at this moment, a huge black vertebral body stabbed towards Xia Yan fiercely!


The roar sounded again, countless dust and sand were raised at this moment, and the figure of the Third Kazekage quietly appeared in the sky.

Obviously this was Scorpion's move, but unfortunately, Xia Yan's perception at this time had already exceeded its previous state.

What's more, in the Nine-Tails Chakra mode, his speed has been exaggerated to an unimaginable level.

Even if he can't catch up with the flying thunder god's ninjutsu that can travel through space, he has definitely reached the level of the Fourth Raikage!

However, the moment Xia Yan landed on the ground, a bolt of lightning struck him fiercely.

Xia Yan knew that this was definitely Kakuzu's move, so his figure flashed slightly and left the place again, but soon he noticed that countless white papers were already rushing toward him.

There are also terrible chakra fluctuations among these white papers. Such chakra will obviously make these white papers burn or even explode!

"Paper shield? It's really interesting."

Xia Yan quickly jumped up again, and he turned the papers stained with terrible chakra into useless work.

Landing quickly on the ground, Xia Yan took out a kunai after thinking for a moment.

In just an instant, a layer of chakra appeared on the kunai, and Xia Yan's eyes were locked on the three people of the Akatsuki organization.

Hiding had no choice before, but now he had no intention of hiding anymore.

Because now he wants to give it a try, the power of the nine-tails chakra mode!


"What a fast speed. Who is this guy?"

Xiaonan was floating in the air and looked at Xia Yan, who was covered in golden chakra in the distance, and her face looked particularly solemn.

"First he displayed such terrifying water escape in the desert, then showed such speed, and now he has a golden chakra coat on his body.

Kakuzu, didn't you say that you have lived for a long time, and you two seem to be very unhappy with him, can you give me an answer? "

"To be honest, I was also surprised. His water escape ninjutsu's strength far exceeded my expectations."

Kakuzu said with an unpleasant expression. He was indeed surprised by the guy in front of him.

"In such a dry place with no water source, it is possible to perform water escape ninjutsu on such a large scale.

Even if I have lived for more than seventy years, in my impression, not many people can do it.

As for his current state, I'm not sure. This guy's weirdness and position are really unimaginable.

As for hating him, I can't say it. I always feel that I have seen him before and even suffered a loss. "

"I feel the same way."

Xie Ye spoke quickly, and he frowned involuntarily when he mentioned this issue.

"I also think I have seen him, and even suffered a little loss, but I also forgot where.

After all, it's really hard to forget such a guy once you meet him. "

It is indeed unforgettable. Such a speed and such a ninjutsu performance, this is definitely not a simple thing.

Especially this kid's golden chakra coat. How can people forget this image so easily?


Suddenly, the expressions of the three people in the Akatsuki organization changed at the same time, and the next moment they were almost pulling away in different directions.

However, a golden figure rushed between them at this moment, and the kunai with light golden chakra stabbed Kakuzu fiercely.

Kakuzu's expression changed slightly, this kid's speed was really ridiculously fast!

But after all, he is also an experienced ninja. Faced with such a crisis, he quickly changed his chakra. Now his whole body is already covered with earth escape chakra.


Kakuzu roared angrily, and then punched Natsuhiko's kunai without hesitation.

In the past, Xia Yan slashed this guy hard without causing any damage.

But now, Natsuhiko directly pierced Kakuzu's fist with a kunai!


Kakuzu let out a roar. The feeling of directly piercing his fist was really extremely painful, but luckily both Scorpion and Konan took action!

"Paper Release·Paper Shuriken!"

"Magnetic Release·Sand Iron Giant Needle!"

The two techniques came towards Xia Yan crazily, and Kakuzu gritted his teeth.

His other clones retreated quickly, while one of his bodies stretched out his hand to grab Xia Yan. It was obvious that he wanted to keep Xia Yan here without giving him a chance to escape!

I have to say that Kakuzu is truly a veteran ninja, and he can make the most decisive decisions at critical moments.


When the paper shield and iron sand completely covered him and Jiao, a huge roar sounded again, and smoke and dust continued to fly away at this moment.

After a long time, the flying dust slowly fell to the ground, revealing two figures who were covered in bruises and nailed by giant sand-iron needles.

Kakuzu was no longer breathing at this time. He was very unlucky. A giant sand-iron needle penetrated his heart directly from his back.

However, there is still resentment in his body, and he still has enough heart to prevent him from dying easily.

Xia Yan's condition seemed a bit bad at this time. He was penetrated by several giant sand iron needles and nailed firmly to the ground.

It just seemed that he moved slightly at the moment of being penetrated, which allowed these giant sand-iron needles to avoid his vital points and did not directly kill him on the spot.

"Is it over?" Xie looked at all this from a distance, with no intention of stepping forward.

"I don't know." Xiaonan slowly fell from the air, and she remained calm in that area: "Maybe it's over, maybe it's not yet."

Ninjas are the ones who cannot be underestimated, especially the weirdness shown by Xia Yan makes them really dare not take it lightly.

Even Kakuzu, who seemed to be dead, did not choose to 'come back to life', and seemed to be waiting for Xiaonan and Xia to identify the body.

None of these guys are easy to get along with. Their vigilance and caution are really frustrating.

"It seems that my plan has failed."

At this moment, Xia Yan, who seemed to be dying, suddenly raised his head helplessly. He didn't look like he was about to die.


With a muffled sound, the pierced Xia Yan disappeared completely, and the real him not far away slowly walked out.

He also seemed a little depressed at this time. Originally, he had planned to give these guys from the Akatsuki organization a big surprise.

For example, use the shadow clone to attract their attention, and then directly detonate the shadow clone when they approach, while the main body waits for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack from behind.

It's a pity that none of these guys were fooled, and the surprise Xia Yan prepared was of no use.

"Sure enough, a guy like you can't be killed so easily."

Xie turned his head, his face was still expressionless, but his eyes were much more alert.

“Although I’m looking forward to it, you’ll be killed like that, which will save us a lot of trouble.

But you are still alive, which means we can get more information, which seems not bad. "

"Hmph! Although I'm sorry that you're not dead, I'm more interested in you now!"

After confirming Xia Yan's true situation, Kakuzu also came to life at this moment. He looked at Xia Yan with an extremely sinister look, and his green eyes were full of violence.

“You’re not dead so I can dig out your heart!

I can see that you are very good at water escape and earth escape. It's great. I lost a heart of earth escape, so I can use your heart to make up for it! "

"You won't stand a chance."

Xiaonan also flew into the sky again at this time. She looked at Xia Yan silently, and the white paper around her started flying again.

“Although I don’t want to cause trouble, and I don’t agree with their attack on you.

But there's nothing more to say at this point, and we won't give you a chance. "

Looking at the eyes of the three people in front of him and feeling the rippling chakra in their bodies, Xia Yan didn't have much fear.

This woman Xiaonan is quite interesting. Indeed, he did not feel any malice from this woman from the beginning.

But regardless of whether there is any malice or not, Xia Yan has to take action seriously. After all, it would be a pity to miss such a good sparring product.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Xia Yan's face. He gently turned the kunai in his hand, and then asked softly.

"Guess how many of you will be able to leave alive in the end?"


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