The sand and dust were flying, and the sand was moving quickly across the desert.

Since he learned that the dragon vein was lost a few days ago, he rushed to Loulan as soon as possible to see the situation.

What made him extremely angry was that all these conjectures seemed to be correct. The dragon veins had completely disappeared, and the originally intact seal had been destroyed.

Especially when he carefully inspected the destroyed seal, he found that the destroyer was very familiar with the seal.

And that guy's skills are also very powerful, and he is obviously good at sealing.

Combining this together, Luo Sha was more sure that this was probably done by someone from Konoha, and it was probably even done by the Konoha Nightingale!

Although the Nightingale Senju Natsuhiko didn't show any sealing ability last time, but not knowing doesn't mean that he doesn't have this ability, right?

What's more, the flying thunder god's technique also requires some special curse seals to guide it. Who knows whether these curse seals require sealing techniques to cooperate.

I have to say that if Rasa can become a shadow, his personal ability is indeed guaranteed. After all, analytical ability is also crucial for a ninja.

Combining his own analysis with the tips given by Chiyo, Rasa felt really lucky. Fortunately, he did not send a large number of Suna ninjas to investigate.

The lesson he learned last time was still fresh in his mind. Even though he now knew a lot of information about Xia Yan, he didn't dare to easily trouble this guy.

But he was not very willing to let people go like this. What if they all guessed wrong and the person who came was not Senju Natsuhiko?

So Luo Sha made a decision, that is, to go and see the situation by herself!

Although it is said that the shadow of a village should not be dispatched at will, but after thinking about it, he is the most suitable for the current situation.

The last time Chiyo was beaten by that Senju Natsuhiko, she was almost unconscious, and a ninja like Senju Natsuhiko was also unusually restrained.

Especially from what Senju said, it seems that this guy is not afraid of poisonous attacks.

If Chiyo, or a puppet master like her, were to be put in this situation, they would simply be giving away their lives.

Puppet masters are still very important to Sunagakure, and their abilities are completely strategic during wartime.

Therefore, Chiyo's consideration had been denied before, and since large troops could not be sent there, it seemed that the only person with the most combat effectiveness for Sunagakure was Rasa himself.

I have to say that this is a sad, huge village, and it is one of the five largest ninja villages in the ninja world.

It is simply unimaginable that the decline of talent has reached this point, but this is indeed the reality of Sunagakure Village.

But no matter how sad it is, there is nothing to complain about now. Instead of wallowing in sadness, it is better to look forward.

Although Luo Sha is not a very good person, his mentality does match that of a Kage.

After the inspection, Luo Sha originally planned to leave, but he quickly noticed one thing, that is, all the residents in Loulan had actually left.

"Did they all leave, or was the person suspected of Senju Natsuhiko sending them all away?"

Luo Sha thought silently, he was already in despair, but suddenly he realized that he seemed to have seen an opportunity.

If he wanted to cause trouble for Xia Yan, it was basically unreliable to directly use force, because he was really not sure whether they were opponents.

Therefore, he could only use some normal diplomatic methods, and even caused other villages to panic about Konoha and the Senju Natsuhiko, thus putting pressure on Konoha.

But because there is no evidence, no substantive evidence, he basically cannot do it even if he wants to.

But now, if he finds the fleeing Loulan residents and confirms that the person who came is Konoha ANBU Minister Senju Natsuhiko, then he will have a solution!

"It's really an opportunity that has been presented to you. It would be a pity if you don't take advantage of it!"

Luo Sha thought this mentally, so he quickly followed these traces and rushed forward. He knew that he was already slow, but he also believed that he could catch up.

Ninjas are very fast, even an ordinary genin, with the help of chakra, their speed and endurance exceed the limits of ordinary people.

But who are these people in Loulan?

Under the blockade of Shayin Village, Loulan was just a group of ordinary people. They had no chance to get any ninja training!

And this time it's not just one or two people who are leaving, but the entire Loulan City. It's crazy how fast they can be.

"We must catch up with them. As long as we catch up with them and determine what they are, then many things will be much easier to handle."

Thinking of this, Luo Sha started on the road again. After two days of rapid pursuit, Luo Sha found that the traces he found had become increasingly clear.

He even found some campfire pits that emitted residual heat, which showed that he was getting closer to those people.

This made Luo Sha feel very happy. Even though he was a little tired now, at least he was almost completing his goal.


Just when Luo Sha was happy, violent chakra fluctuations suddenly came from more than ten kilometers in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, even the ground began to tremble crazily, and the originally peaceful desert roared crazily at this moment.

Such a sudden change made Luo Sha a little confused. He had no idea what was going on, but he realized one thing, that is, some amazing people had definitely come into the Kingdom of Wind.

"These chakras are very scary, and each one is difficult to deal with. But they seem to be fighting on their own. What is happening?"

Luo Sha frowned a little. He really didn't think that this situation was a good thing for him.

Although it is said that the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit, many things are unknown until there is clear information.

Although it is not clear what the specific combat power of a person with such powerful chakra is, I am afraid it will not be much worse.

After thinking about it, Luo Sha finally gritted his teeth and decided to go up and see what happened.

After all, this is the Kingdom of Wind, and this is his territory.

If such a guy appears in his territory, he can't let it go no matter what!

Thinking of this, Luo Sha jumped up and quickly moved forward.

His speed is very fast, especially now that he is starting at full speed, it is even more ridiculously fast.

And he didn't forget to cover up his figure as he moved forward. He had to be extremely careful with such a dangerous aura.


Another loud roar exploded in Luo Sha's ears, and he immediately held his breath and lowered his body.

At this time, he was very close to the fighting place, and he had to be careful enough.

The wind and sand were his best cover, and now he finally saw clearly what was going on.

I saw a figure with pale golden chakra exuding all over his body and an extremely terrifying aura. He was facing three people alone who also used terrifying chakra!

Although this figure emitting golden chakra couldn't really get close, he was completely able to fight against the other three, which was really beyond Luo Sha's imagination.

He could see that each of these four people was too strong, and he couldn't even deal with one of them alone.

He even saw an extremely familiar person!

"Is that a scorpion? And...the Third Kazekage?"

Luo Sha gritted his teeth and tried hard not to make a sound. The scene in front of him really shocked him, and he was also extremely confused in his heart.

"Who is this? What happened here?"

Luo Sha kept thinking in her heart, and soon a more terrifying chakra began to emerge, and Luo Sha's face changed crazily at this moment.

"Is this...tailed beast jade?"


Xia Yan's words were very arrogant, and his words immediately angered Kakuzu and Xia.

Both of them are arrogant people. How could they not get angry when hearing such words.

Even Xiaonan was angered by such words. They dared to speak so wildly in a three-on-one situation. They all decided that they must teach this guy a profound lesson!

And the lesson is to let this guy die and let this guy know who he is facing.

"Boom boom boom!"

Violent explosions were heard endlessly, and the mist generated by the collision of water escape and fire escape filled the entire desert, making the already hot and distorted desert even more hazy.

There are countless black sand and pieces of paper flying in the sky, which makes this forest look even more weird and unreal.

Xia Yan stood upright on a giant iron needle stuck on the ground with a kunai in his hand. He glanced at the three guys and sighed slightly in his heart.

The strength of these three people is indeed very strong. Even if these three people have no cooperation at all, they will not be holding each other back.

The strength of each of them is very good, although Xia Yan got close to them at first and received a severe beating, resulting in the loss of most of Scorpion's puppets.

Kakuzu and Konan were also injured to varying degrees, but they reacted very quickly. After they understood Xia Yan's ability, they decisively distanced themselves.

This kind of operation directly gave Xia Yan a big headache, especially after they showed their strong personal abilities, he also felt that it was a bit tricky.

Not to mention that Scorpion's puppets can cover and compress Xia Yan's range of activities in a large area, and the power of the black sand of the Third Kazekage is not weak, it is difficult to say that Xia Yan will not feel uncomfortable once he is touched.

Xiaonan's paper escape also gave Xia Yan a headache. Although it might not be able to hit him at all, his range of activities had been compressed, and the paper escape exploding around him made him look ugly.

Not to mention that there is Kakuzu who still has four lives and can perform ninjutsu with the four attributes of water, fire, thunder, and wind. In regular battles, except for some defense problems, Kakuzu is perfect in other aspects.

What troubled Xia Yan the most was that the remaining masks worked very well together, and with the restraints of others, he really couldn't attack at close range in the first place.

He is indeed fast enough and can even rush in front of the enemy to deliver a fatal blow in an instant.

But these three people are not fools. Even if their speed is not as fast as Xia Yan, they can deploy their defenses in advance after increasing the distance.

If Xia Yan really rushed over desperately, he was afraid that he would be pierced by the iron sand, and then he would be baptized by the iron rain.

This kind of feeling is really like when he was playing the game, he was kited from a distance in melee combat, but he couldn't hit anyone.

And he couldn't completely break through the blockade using ninjutsu, and might even be attacked by surprise, which made him even more speechless.

"To put it bluntly, I'm still not proficient enough, and after getting used to flying thunder gods, I'm not used to this pure speed mode."

Xia Yan laughed at himself. After all, he had just used this mode and he still needed more practice.

If it was Naruto, maybe this guy would use a lot of shadow clones to block the skills, and then directly throw a spiral shuriken to clear the area.

This way he would have the opportunity to get close to him, and then use some kind of Dayama Rasengan to kill the enemy directly!


Xia Yan was suddenly stunned for a moment. He seemed to have thought of something, and then he immediately asked in his heart.

"Hey, little guy, can I use your tailed beast jade in this state?"

"Yes." Little Kyuubi's voice rang in Xia Yan's ears: "But you are not very proficient in using it in your current state. Are you sure you want to use the Tailed Beast Jade?"

"I didn't say I would use it, couldn't you help me use it?"

Xia Yan immediately mentally recovered, but at this moment, a blue lightning suddenly hit him.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, then jumped up directly. After dodging the lightning, a kunai appeared in his hand.

The kunai flew out quickly with a touch of golden chakra, piercing several pieces of white paper among the lightning flints, and then Xia Yan's figure flashed slightly and appeared directly in front of the puppet that had just rushed over.

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, as the golden sound passed by, these puppets made a shattering sound.

Xia Yan's movements were very concise and smooth. Almost every blow caused a puppet to break directly. In Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, his power was once again enhanced several times!

With such strength and speed, these somewhat ordinary puppets couldn't withstand his attack at all, and it was no joke that they would break into pieces at the first touch.

"Shall I help you?" Xiao Jiuwei replied when Xia Yan attacked and counterattacked: "I also want to help you with this, but I'm afraid I can't help you, because..."

"I understand, you have no control over your power."

Xia Yan kicked a puppet to pieces, muttered silently in his mind, and then turned around to avoid the oncoming fire escape.

Then he quickly formed seals with his hands, and the powerful water escape was directly used by him.

The huge water dragon roared and crashed directly into the iron sand and white paper coming towards him, and for a moment there was another violent explosion in the sky.

"It's like this. Although it's very helpless, there's nothing I can do about it."

Little Kyuubi shook his head and said helplessly, but soon he spoke again.

"Although I can't help you directly, there are other ways."

"Oh?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he asked doubtfully: "What do you mean, you plan to teach me directly?"

"Yes." What Xia Yan didn't expect was that Xiao Jiuwei nodded directly: "I plan to teach you directly. In fact, this matter is not difficult, because you have such a foundation."


Xia Yan frowned slightly, and soon he seemed to understand what Xiao Jiuwei meant.

The basis he mentioned probably meant that Xia Yan had strong enough chakra control, and that Xia Yan himself had mastered the power of Yang escape due to system reasons.

The essence of the Tailed Beast Jade is to spin the chakra, change the form of the chakra to the extreme, and finally compress it into an ultra-dense spherical shape and attack.

This is all very easy to say, but it requires extremely strong control of chakra.

Namikaze Minato's Rasengan seems to have been inspired by the operation of the Tailed Beast Jade, and was developed as a powerful special move.

His chakra control is extremely strong, so his use of this technique is also very powerful.

Looking back at Naruto, there is no denying that this boy is extremely talented, but under the interference of the Kyuubi, his control of chakra can only be described as a disaster.

Therefore, he must cooperate with the shadow clone to use the Rasengan, which is also a manifestation of chakra control.

But this is only for the Rasengan. The tailed beast jade is much more troublesome than the Rasengan.

Because it also has a very critical point, that is, the power it needs to control is very special.

This is not just the chakra of the tailed beast, but the chakra of the tailed beast's yin and yang escape!

For ordinary people, they simply can't tell the difference between the power of Yin Dun and Yang Dun, let alone the use of these two chakras.

But Xia Yan was different. Through the system, he opened up the power of blood and obtained the power of primary Yang escape from the broken power of Asura.

Even if he is only a beginner, he can still master such power, and he can naturally tell which kind of little nine-tailed chakra in his body belongs to.

"Speaking of which, after that kid Naruto turned on the Nine-Tails Chakra mode, he failed when he tried to use the Tailed Beast Jade against the Third Raikage Hajime. Isn't it because of his control problem, but because he didn't have the Nine-Tails Escape in his body? ?”

After the mist and thick smoke dissipated, Xia Yan stood there and thought silently.

The reason why he dared to do this was because he sensed that the three people in the Akatsuki organization were not moving either.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was that it was like this. He had written down all the general directions in his diary after traveling for so long, but he was not so clear about many small details.

He seemed to remember that after Naruto's use of the tailed beast jade was approved by the tailed beasts, he then turned on the second state of the nine-tailed chakra mode.

In this way, he can freely use the tailed beast chakra to use the Rasengan, and use the Kyuubi to use the tailed beast jade.

"If that's the case, I can give it a try." Xia Yan mentally muttered: "The Tailed Beast Jade is a combination of Yin escape and Yang escape chakras. What is the specific ratio?"

"Eight to two." Little Kyuubi immediately replied: "Keeping the Yin Yang Chakra ratio of eight to two, performing fusion rotation, and extreme compression, it can be completed."

"That's true, but no matter how you look at it, it's not that simple." Xia Yan sighed slightly, but he soon became serious.

Things have come to this, and if he doesn't try, he might not be able to deal with them so easily now.

If it works well, maybe Xia Yan will have another identity in the future, which will allow him to better handle some inconvenient things.

After all, as the head of Konoha's ANBU, he really doesn't have that much freedom to run around.

If it wasn't so easy to use, Xia Yan wouldn't care so much.

The worst he could do was admit that he had taken someone else's dragon vein. He had completed the deal with Loulan anyway, so he wasn't afraid of others nagging him.

At most, it will be a little affected after returning to Konoha, and there will be some troubles in Konoha's situation in the ninja world.

But no matter what kind of trouble, Xia Yanyue will not let himself fall into an unfavorable situation. He does not have that kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, let alone let himself fall into an absolutely unfavorable situation.

"You are indeed very powerful." At this moment, Xie suddenly spoke: "One person can fight against three of us, and even prevent us from letting you get close. It's incredible."

"And your chakra is indeed very large and very powerful." Kakuzu's green eyes stared at Xia Yan, and his hands maintained the seal posture: "But are you sure you can defeat us? ?”

"Let's capture him without any effort." Xiaonan said in mid-air: "We have no grudges, and if this continues, you will be dead, so I think we can talk."

"Talk?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, and then he smiled: "After fighting for so long, you suddenly want to talk to me, how can I trust you? Besides, you were the one who made the first move, right?"

"Don't be ungrateful. If you continue to fight, you will die." Xiaonan frowned slightly, but she still said condescendingly: "I said there must be some misunderstandings here. We can resolve these misunderstandings by talking, and we can even become friend."

become friends?

Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. Not only him, but also Xie and Jiao looked at her in unison.

Fortunately for Xia, this guy has already been relatively completely transformed into a puppet. He doesn't have too many expressions, but Kakuzu's expression looks a little weird.

It was obvious that they all understood what Xiaonan meant. This woman actually had plans to recruit Xia Yan.

To be honest, if he considers the tailed beast's chakra seeds, Natsuhiko is really a little bit tempted.

But it's a pity that he doesn't have that much time to accompany these guys on tasks. If he wanted to join the Akatsuki organization, would he have waited until now?

"Forget it being friends, I don't think I can be friends with you."

Xia Yan shook his head indifferently, then raised his hand slightly, and black chakra appeared on his hand in an instant.

This black color formed a clear contrast with the light golden color on his body, and with the appearance of this black chakra, a strong wind seemed to blow around him for a moment.

An extreme sense of depression suddenly hit his face. Whether it was the three members of the Akatsuki organization or Luo Sha, who was hiding and peeking from a distance, they all seemed to have trouble breathing.

At this moment, Xia Yan continued to speak.

"Also, why do you think this is all I have?

Don’t forget, I told you to guess how many of you can or leave! "


"What exactly is this?"

Looking at the dark chakra, Xiaonan, Xia and Kakuzu felt an extremely ominous feeling in their hearts.

But they really don't understand why they have such a ridiculous premonition, even though Xia Yan's fighting power has made them sigh.

But after this period of fighting, they could finally see that Xia Yan's attack methods were actually a bit monotonous.

Although he has terrifying speed, he also has great strength, and he also has huge chakra.

But he didn't seem to have the kind of decisive ninjutsu at all, nor the ability to forcefully break through their defenses.

If there was a final ninjutsu, they might have suffered in the first wave of confrontation.

And with the ability to quickly break through their defenses, they would not be held back for most of the day by keeping the distance.

Could it be that this guy was hiding his clumsiness before?

The purpose is to test their abilities and then make the final decision?

But isn't this too crazy? Isn't this kid afraid that he will die if he is born unexpectedly?

"Don't waste your efforts." Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Kakuzu roared: "There's no use in bluffing!"

"Really?" Xia Yan smiled slightly: "If you don't give it a try, how will you know I'm bluffing?"

"Since you are seeking death, you can't blame others." Xie Ye spoke slowly, his voice cold.

"The opportunity has been given to you, but you don't cherish it at all." Xiaonan frowned and said, "It seems that we can only take the most extreme measures."

Natsuhiko ignored their words this time. He was seriously controlling the yin and yang escape chakra of Nine Tails to fuse and compress it.

He is indeed not good at the Rasengan technique, but as a time traveler and knowing the method of practicing this technique, it is not that he has not practiced it.

It's just that this technique is patented by the Fourth Hokage, and he has no other way to obtain this technique, so he doesn't dare to use it or use it randomly.

Of course, the more important point is that this technique also requires a high amount of chakra.

Xia Yan used to have real 'chakra', and he really didn't dare to play such a technique casually.

Therefore, he no longer thinks about this technique for a long time, and his fighting style does not rely on this technique.

However, the practice back then seemed to have provided some convenience to Xia Yan. This time when he was condensing the Nine-Tails chakra, although the operation was a bit awkward, overall there was no big problem.

There was more and more black chakra in his hand, and a black sphere bloomed in his hand.

This sphere is also constantly being compressed, and during the compression process it continues to grow due to the accumulation of energy.

The feeling of suffocation permeated the entire desert. Seeing this scene, the three members of the Akatsuki organization really didn't want to launch an attack, but the problem was that the distance they had opened before was too far, and they also had to worry about Xia Yan's deception.

They were really worried that Xia Yan would stop what he was doing as soon as they passed by, so that they would have to face Xia Yan's terrifying attack.

For a moment, the three of them were really in a dilemma!

"You know, actually I wasn't serious from the beginning."

Xia Yan felt the increasingly terrifying tailed beast jade in his hand, and he suddenly smiled and said.

"Even now, it's essentially the same, because the combat mode I used was really my first time trying it."

"First attempt?" Xie's cold voice sounded: "You mean, your current power actually comes from dragon veins?"

"Dragon Veins?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, then he nodded with a smile: "You can understand it this way, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Now that Xia Yan has given Xia Yan a reason, he really has no excuse not to make good use of it.

And this is not wrong at all. He can use the nine-tails chakra mode, and he really relies on the power of the dragon vein to do it.

Without dragon veins, how could Little Nine Tails evolve to where it is now? There would be no way for him to obtain such power for his own use.

After saying that, Xia Yan gently raised his hand. At this time, the black ball in his hand seemed extremely huge.

There seems to be some purple arcs shining on the black ball, and there are many other colors of power accompanying the black ball.

Seeing this scene, Xie immediately formed a seal with his hands, and the next moment countless puppets appeared in front of him.

They know that if they run away, they may be overtaken, and if they attack, they may be deceived. In such a dilemma, they can only choose to defend.

Similarly, Kakuzu and Konan also started to defend at the same time. They obviously knew what their situation was like, and now they had no good solution!


The power in Xia Yan's hand paused slightly, and the next moment his golden chakra burst out with unimaginable power!

"Bye now!"

As he finished speaking, the black ball flew out instantly.

The black ball directly rolled over the puppets in the sky. These puppets showed no resistance at all and turned into dust with a crackling sound.

Then the black ball landed on the defense line that had been laid out by black iron sand and white paper escape, and for a moment, the bright brilliance filled the sky.

In this almost uninhabited desert, an aurora suddenly appeared, and then the whole world seemed to have lost its sound and color.

Only the vast expanse of white appeared in front of me, and no other colors could be found.

However, such a sudden whitening quickly restored the color, and it seemed that there was only black and white intertwined in this color.

But as time went by, a huge mushroom cloud burning with flames slowly emerged in the world of black and white!


At this moment, the world seemed to have regained its sound, and a thunderous roar suddenly exploded in the desert.

The earth began to sway crazily, as if it could not withstand such a terrifying force.

The black iron sand and the white paper escape that were originally used as defenses had long since vanished into nothing at this moment, and the huge shock wave spread crazily in all directions!

The wind and sand swept around with unimaginable heat waves, and even Xia Yan was dumbfounded at this moment...


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