The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 206 The Ten-Tails’ Conjecture

"Such power is really..."

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth twitched. Facing what he saw in front of him looked like a nuclear bomb exploding in a documentary, even he felt a little uneasy.

However, he quickly recovered from this state. After all, he was one of the patients with 'lack of firepower phobia' in his previous life. He suddenly found that he had such power and naturally became excited.

In particular, he knew very well that the power of the Tailed Beast Jade he used this time was not at its peak.

If a tailed beast jade from the real Nine Tails comes down, I am afraid that not even a city can withstand such an explosion.

This is his first attempt, and he only relied on his previous experience of trying to figure out the Rasengan, which is already very good.

As for the true power of the Tailed Beast Jade?

The most cruel tailed beast jade in his memory was the one from the Ten-Tails during the Fourth War. The tailed beast jade flew hundreds of kilometers, directly across the battlefield and razed the headquarters to the ground.

And if the tailed beast jade had not been transferred by Namikaze Minato and Senju Tobirama, the frontal battlefield at that time would have been completely wiped out!

The tailed beast jade that was transferred to the sea by Namikaze Minato caused a strong tsunami and earthquake directly after the explosion.

The shock wave coming from such a distance is so powerful, you can completely imagine what kind of scene it would be if this thing exploded in front of you.

But Natsuhiko also knew that it was the chakra belonging to the Ten-Tails, and there was still a qualitative gap between a pure tailed beast and the Ten-Tails.

But Xia Yan can definitely find a way to create such a thing. After all, he is an "abnormally talented" cheat player!

"Even if I can't reach that level for the time being, I can improve my proficiency with the plug-in after using it once. I have already begun to feel the effect. The next time I use it, it will definitely not be like this again!"

Xia Yan thought silently, but soon his expression changed slightly.

He was lamenting the power of his Tailed Beast Jade, and forgot one thing for a while.

That's the shock wave created by his Tailed Beast Jade, which is really not something ordinary people can withstand!

Even if his Tailed Beast Jade is used, it is not the most powerful one in terms of power.

According to Xia Yan's understanding of the power of nuclear bombs in his previous life - he really regarded the Tailed Beast Jade as a nuclear bomb, and the power of the Tailed Beast Jade he displayed was of a smaller yield.

But even if the power is small, it is not a problem to blow up a smaller mountain according to Xia Yan's estimation!

Such power is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

Although the people in Loulan had left long ago, judging from their speed, they probably couldn't run very far, and their physical fitness couldn't be compared with the ninjas at all.

Even ninjas would suffer from such a shock wave, let alone these ordinary people.

"Fortunately, they are behind me. It would be really bad if they were in the other direction!"

Thinking of this, Xia Yan no longer hides his abilities.

His figure paused for a moment, and in an instant he had left the place. When he appeared again, he was beside Sarah and others!

He originally left a mark on these Loulan survivors in order to prevent them from having any accidents.

But now it seems that what he did is really meaningful, and his reaction speed is fast enough, all this is not too late.

"Earth Escape: Earth Current City Wall!"

Golden chakra burst out wildly under Xia Yan's control, and a huge earth wall quickly rose up under the sand in front of him.

This huge earth wall blocked everyone in front of them, but in the next second a terrifying impact was already coming towards them.


Almost at the moment when this huge earth wall rose from the ground, cracks began to appear on this earth wall, and an indescribable impact force hit through the earth wall.

For a time, almost all the Loulan survivors fell on their backs, and blood flowed from the ears and noses of many people and animals at this moment.

Crazy sand overflowed crazily, and the hot breath spread towards them rapidly.

The survivors of Loulan performed well. Although they were extremely uncomfortable, they could still control themselves.

But the animals obviously didn't have that much restraint. They roared and ran around.

Some unlucky horses had their internal organs shattered directly by the peripheral shock wave, and they collapsed on the ground and died slowly.

Others were directly pushed out of the barrier by the shock wave, and then ignited by the hot spreading power, and burned to ashes alive.

This situation lasted for a while, and finally the power of the tailed beast jade began to slowly weaken.

Even though this weakening was not obvious at first, Xia Yan was still keenly aware of it.

"This kind of power is too exaggerated."

Xia Yan muttered silently in his mind. Looking at the huge earth wall he had created, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

At this time, this huge earth wall was close to collapse, and countless spider web-like cracks spread on the earth wall.

It can be said that if such an explosive impact lasts longer, I am afraid that it will really be impossible to prevent the impact of this force.


When all the shocks stopped, Sarah couldn't help but murmured, and her eyes were completely focused on Xia Yan.

"Just now, what happened?"

"There was an accident and I didn't control my power well."

Xia Yan felt the shock subside, and finally he shook his head slightly and said, he had no intention of hiding these things.

"But in general, there should be no problem. Although we can't see it, the enemy's condition shouldn't be much better. Let's pack up and set off quickly."

Xia Yan really doesn't know what's going on with those guys from the Akatsuki organization and the guy who sneaked over to peek.

Because the tailed beast jade he used made everything around him chaotic, it was not impossible for him to sense it.

But there is no point in wasting energy to find those guys. Those guys will be disabled if not dead.

It's a good habit to hit last, but the movement he made this time was too great, and it was impossible for Sunagakure Village not to notice it.

Waiting for Natsuhiko to lock onto them and catch up to kill them, who knows how long it will take, maybe all the Sunagakure ninjas nearby will come over at that time.

Therefore, starting early and leaving here early is the best choice.

"I understand, I will get everyone ready immediately."

Sarah was not stupid, she immediately understood what Xia Yan meant, but she still asked with some worry.

"Are you okay? Such an intense battle..."

"I'm fine. This kind of fighting is still acceptable to me."

Xia Yan shook his head, but his eyes became much more serious.

"But there is one thing I need to make clear to you, that is, I am not a ninja from any village. I am only looking for you for the Dragon Vein. You don't know me, do you understand?"


Sarah was stunned for a moment, but after noticing Xia Yan's indifferent gaze, she immediately nodded seriously.

"I understand, you only came here for the Dragon Vein, and I just made a deal with you, that's all."

"Yes, that's all. It's a pleasure to work with you."

"It's a pleasure to cooperate..."


"Cough cough cough cough cough..."

In the desert, a cough suddenly came from under the desert.

As the wind and sand blew, a certain area in the desert soon collapsed, and a semicircular gold-like object was seen wrapping a person.

This person was obviously Luo Sha, but at this time Luo Sha looked extremely embarrassed, his clothes were very tattered, and there was blood spilling from his body.

The explosion just now was too terrifying. Even though Luo Sha had noticed something was wrong, he still underestimated the aftermath of this explosion.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Luo Sha collapsed on the ground. He could never forget the destruction caused by the violent explosion just now. Likewise, he could not understand why a person could use the Tailed Beast Jade.

It's natural for a Kage not to know something like tailed beast jade.

Even though Ichibi has never displayed such power, the ancestors of Sunagakure Village have not come into contact with other tailed beasts.

Naturally, relevant information was also recorded in the information library of Sand Hidden Village, and he also knew how terrifying the tailed beast jade's power was.

At that moment, he really thought he was dead.

Fortunately, he responded correctly at the critical moment, which allowed him to survive smoothly.

However, he was too close to the center of the explosion. After all, he was chasing from behind, and his hiding place was behind the three members of the Akatsuki organization.

And Natsuhiko's tailed beast jade was thrown directly towards the three members of the Akatsuki organization. As a result, he was also within the range covered by the tailed beast jade!

Taking a deep breath, Luo Sha stood up tremblingly. Amidst the wind and sand, his eyes subconsciously looked at the explosion area.

However, looking at it this time, he couldn't help but trembled all over.

In the vast desert, a huge pit with a width and depth of up to a hundred meters suddenly appeared, and flames were burning near the huge pit.

Chakra aura of chaos and disorder permeated the pit, and the smell of death seemed to be easily smellable at this moment.

This kind of power is simply not something that one person can exert. This kind of power is so exaggerated that it is hard to accept it!

"Such a guy is really scary. Why does such a person exist in the ninja world?"

Luo Sha looked at the scene in front of him and was stunned for a long time before he sighed quietly.

He still hasn't figured out who is fighting. The only thing he can clearly see is that the guy is covered in a layer of pale golden chakra.

In addition, the three people fighting this mysterious man really left a slight impression on him, after all, they were close at that time.

After all, there was someone he knew very well there.

"Scorpion, did this guy kill the Third Kazekage?"

Luo Sha's expression looked a little solemn. As Xie was once a genius in the village, it was impossible for him not to recognize him.

If this guy hadn't left Sand Hidden Village, it's hard to say whether the current Fourth Kazekage would have been Scorpion.

After all, the resources behind Scorpion are also unimaginably huge. That guy can naturally get the support of Chiyo and Ebizo, but there are no ifs for this kind of thing.

And this time, Luo Sha was able to completely destroy some of Chiyo's illusions.

"Except for Scorpion, one of the other two seems familiar. It seems that that guy is the legend among bounty ninjas, Kakuzu."

Luo Sha recalled everything just now, thinking silently in her mind.

He really didn't know Xiaonan. After all, under Nagato's closed policy, all information transmission from the Kingdom of Rain to the outside world was cut off.

In addition, the Akatsuki organization is relatively low-key, which makes everyone in the current ninja world think that the leader of Amegakure Village is still Sansho Hanzo.

They had no idea that the Land of Rain had already changed its owner at this time, and they didn't even know that Sanshoyu Hanzo was dead now.

In the original work, the news of Hanzo's murder has been covered up by the Akatsuki organization.

It wasn't until more than ten years later, when Jiraiya personally sneaked into the Land of Rain to inquire about the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization, that he was surprised to find that Sansho Hanzo had long been killed by his disciples.

However, this guy Kakuzu was not a low-key person before. Bounty ninjas like him would appear on the lists of various great ninja villages.

"But it doesn't matter. I'm afraid these guys are already dead. There will basically be no survivors under such a saturated blow."

Luo Sha shook his head, turned around and planned to go back.

His current injury is not comfortable at all. He must go back and recuperate. In addition, he must also convey some things.

Now he no longer thinks about the survivors who are chasing Loulan, nor does he think about whether that mysterious guy is a ninja from Konoha.

After watching for a long time, he even doubted whether the guy was Senju Natsuhiko.

Because the fighting style shown by the mysterious guy before was completely different from the Senju Natsuhiko in the intelligence.

But now he was very happy that he was sober and did not issue large-scale orders.

If a large force ran to intercept them, then the guy exuding golden chakra would take action directly.

That end would probably be a replica of the time he was humiliated by Senju Natsuhiko, and it would even be more serious.

"But what is that golden chakra? Could it be Dragon Vein Chakra?"

Luo Sha muttered silently, and then he limped away.

He had really been thinking about the power of the dragon vein for a long time, but he knew that there was no way he could break the seal of Namikaze Minato.

Therefore, he had no chance to take action. He could only wait for the opportunity to think of a solution in the future, but now everything was in vain.

But he can be considered a hero, so since there is no other way, let's stop here.

If you continue to dwell on these things and cause trouble, you will really lose more than you gain...


In a secret corner of the desert, when the wind and sand cleared, Xiaonan placed the bodies of Kakuzu and Xia on the ground.

She was already covered in scars, and the black robe with red clouds on her body was already in tatters.

The terrible explosion and the unimaginable shock wave really made it impossible for her to forget it. Her mind was still replaying what had just happened.

What kind of attack method is this, and what kind of power can do this?

It seems that even Nagato is unable to cause such destructive power at once!

Especially when she discovered that the guy didn't seem to have any obvious weaknesses at all.

His speed was so fast that they didn't even dare to let this guy get close, and his strength was completely and absolutely formidable.

More importantly, even if they adopt long-range defense and offense methods, they intend to severely deplete this guy's state and look for opportunities to defeat him.

But in the end, they discovered that this guy actually had more terrifying methods to deal with them.

This kind of comprehensiveness is really suffocating, this kind of power is really incredible, and this kind of enemy is really disappointing.

Especially this guy, he was dealing with them as if he were toying with them, which made Xiaonan feel helpless.

"I'm afraid there is no way to really deal with Nagato when he comes. After all, Nagato is now..."

Konan shook his head. Nagato was in really bad condition right now. Not only was he unable to walk due to his injuries.

And according to the guy who calls himself Uchiha Madara, Nagato has not yet completely mastered the power of the Samsara Eye.

Under such circumstances, Xiaonan really had a feeling that when Nagato faced this guy, it would be really difficult to deal with him.

But Konan still has confidence in Nagato. After all, Nagato is the one who has mastered the Samsara Eye. He is born to change the entire world!

Taking a deep breath, Xiaonan stopped thinking about those inexplicable things and focused her eyes on Kakuzu and Xia.

Faced with such an attack, even if these two people put up the strongest defense, the final result was still very bad.

Even at the most critical moment, Xiaonan maximized his paper shield to form a thick wall, and then quickly took the two people to fly up and leave there.

But for now, it seems that she only saved two corpses.

Such an attack is too terrifying and terrifying!

"However, it seems that such an attack requires a certain amount of time to accumulate. As long as you don't give him a chance, everything will be easy!"

Xiaonan couldn't help but shake her head when she looked at the two corpses, but she also carefully thought about the situation she faced before.

To put it bluntly, they fell into such a crisis because of insufficient intelligence collection. If they could know this guy's methods, they would not appear so passive.

And although the power of the technique used by that guy was extremely terrifying, he also made a lot of preparations when it was released.

This is an opportunity, an extremely critical opportunity!

But it is a pity that this information was learned a little too late.

"But now that I know it, I won't have so much trouble in the future. Next time..."

Xiao Nan gritted her teeth, then turned around and planned to leave. Although she successfully recruited Xie in this operation, Xie died in front of her in the end, which really shocked her.

But at this point, she has no good solution. There is no use staying here in her current situation. She must report today's situation back.


But just as she turned to leave, a strange chakra suddenly came towards her quickly, and she immediately became alert.

Just for a moment, the ground began to loosen, and then an ugly puppet with a very weird shape crawled out of the sand.

It glanced at Xiaonan, and then quickly pulled out something similar to a scroll from its chest.

After losing the scroll, the ugly puppet immediately lost its power, but the scroll seemed to have vitality and jumped directly into the severely damaged puppet in front of it.

The next moment, Scorpion, who had no life breath or chakra breath, suddenly opened his eyes, and he sat up from the ground with difficulty.

"It's really a powerful method." When Xiao Anan saw this scene, he immediately understood something: "Your body has been completely transformed into a puppet, and that's how you can achieve this step."

"Although I prefer this to be a secret, it seems I can't hide it now." Xie replied indifferently: "But I still want to thank you for bringing my body back."

"It seems that you are alive, but this guy Kakuzu..." Xiaonan looked at Kakuzu aside, and she finally couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that there is no way for him to survive. "

"Maybe so." Xie shook his head slightly: "I have to admit that such an attack is really terrifying, and the power of the dragon vein is really beyond imagination."

"Now, shouldn't you tell me something about Dragon Vein in more detail?" Xiaonan looked at Xie calmly, and said in a cold voice: "What's going on with that guy? Now we should have a good talk. ”

"Well, I understand." Xie nodded. He turned to look at Xiaonan with some difficulty: "Although I don't know much, I have already recorded this grudge, so I won't have any regrets." hide."

"Because, I will repay you in the future for everything this guy has done to me!"

Scorpion's words were extremely firm, and he really couldn't forget the figure covered in golden chakra.

That guy was deeply engraved in his mind like a nightmare. This time he was probably the closest to death.

He is an artist who pursues eternity. This guy will break his art and destroy his art almost in an instant.

How can such a Scorpio not be resentful and hateful?

"Although I don't know who you are, I already remember you well.

I will remember you firmly, I will definitely defeat you! "


"Ninja Technique: Spiral Tailed Beast Jade!"

At the port of the Kingdom of Wind, Xia Yan was exuding golden chakra, and he quickly moved towards the Sand Ninja in front of him.

In his hand was a black ball of light that looked like a spiral pill. This ball of light exuded an aura of unimaginable destruction.

The Sand Ninja in front of him couldn't keep up with Xia Yan's speed, and he didn't have any better precautions.

Therefore, he could only watch as Xia Yan came in front of him, and watched as the light ball hit his chest!


With a scream, the sand ninja flew out directly. The next moment, his body that was still in the air disintegrated, and then turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head slightly. The power of this tailed beast jade was really terrifying.

He has mastered the use of this technique through the power of the system, but he found that the power of this technique is really scary.

Even though he is constantly compressing the fusion of this technique, in order to weaken the power of this technique, instead of causing terrible lethality every time he attacks a person.

But he found that he had been weakened to the point where he was absolutely unable to condense this technique.

But the lethality still did not decrease, which made him very helpless.

It can only be said that tailed beast jade involves Yin and Yang escape techniques, and is really not suitable for use on humans.

There is absolutely no problem with this kind of lethality. It is very suitable for annihilating the enemy, but it is not suitable for controlling the enemy.

However, Xia Yan didn't care too much. At least he had figured out the upper and lower limits of this technique, and he already knew how to better maximize the power of this technique.

"However, Sunagakure Village's behavior this time is a bit strange. They have not launched a large-scale pursuit until now. Is there something wrong within Sunagakure Village?"

Xia Yan silently withdrew his Nine-Tails chakra, and he returned to his normal state in just a moment.

He was really surprised now, because this time the operation went so smoothly that it was hard for him to imagine.

The only trouble was meeting people from the Akatsuki organization, but this time he used his new ability to directly defeat those three people, which was an unexpected gain.

In fact, for Xia Yan, he has always considered whether to get a vest.

He is now the Minister of Anbu, and he is not particularly easy to act on many things, especially since his personality is that of a "great and upright" person. He is really not easy to do many dark things.

However, in order to enhance his influence, he did not have much room to hide his identity as 'Senju Natsuhiko'.

The only Sage Mode that was hidden ended up being leaked in order to gain Namikaze Minato's trust.

As for the Wood Release, Lizard Pill, and his Flying Thunder God Technique, these have become his signatures.

But he didn't regret that he had been exposed so comprehensively. Without the support of these things, he really wouldn't have been able to get to this point.

What's more, the strength of a ninja is always greater than his strength, and conspiracy and tricks are just a means to help him get what he wants.

If you don't have the strength to play tricks, the result will only be that you are eaten to death by others, without any room for improvement.

Xia Yan didn't want to be eaten to death, nor did he want to be thought that he was easy to bully.

Therefore, having enough strength to ensure that people know about it is definitely a very valuable and meaningful thing.

"But now, it seems that I have actually made a vest."

Xia Yan looked at the Loulan survivors behind him who were already rushing toward him, and he couldn't help but smile.

Although the previous battle was a bit frustrating, after all, he really couldn't break through the defense at will without using Flying Thunder God or Wood Release.

At that time, he was going to give up and just use the moves he was good at to carry out a sneak attack to fulfill the promise he made.

Fortunately, Xiao Jiuwei reminded him in time, making Xia Yan realize that he didn't have a better way.

The final result was that he did not completely reveal his identity as "Senju Natsuhiko", and at the same time he also mastered a vest that was completely different from the "Senju Natsuhiko" combat mode!

"This is an unexpected surprise!"

With this vest, Natsuhiko can really do a lot of things that are inconvenient for him to do. For example, he can use this identity to attack other Jinchuuriki!

‘Senju Natsuhiko’ is a great and upright character. Although he is in darkness (Anbu), he yearns for light (Hokage) in his heart.

And now with this new vest, you can use various methods without restraint, as long as this new vest is not exposed!

"After I go back, I need to plan carefully, such as how to use this new vest, and who I will target when the time comes, etc."

With the Kyuubi's chakra and getting the little Kyuubi out, he really wondered if he could make a Ten-Tails.

Just how terrifying the power of the Ten-Tails is, just look at Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito. Neither of these two people have completed the Blood Successor Snare, but they have both entered the Six Paths level!

Especially Obito and Uchiha Madara, to say the least, this guy's strength has reached an inhuman level.

Even if he doesn't use the Ten-Tails, it's hard to say that his methods and experience can give Obito a lesson.

Especially after his resurrection, he also obtained the magic chakra, which gave him the foundation to kill the six-level powerhouse.

Ordinary chakra cannot deal with existences at the six levels, but celestial chakra can do it!

As for Obito, before he became the sixth level, he really couldn't beat Kakashi.

Even if Kakashi is 50-50, even if he deliberately lets Kakashi stab him through the heart, his fighting performance has never been very good.

And after he fused with the Ten-Tails, he relied on his firm will - Kaori-rin, and finally succeeded in suppressing the Ten-Tails, becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki and finally entering the Six Paths!

The improvement brought by the Ten-Tails is simply unimaginable, and it is impossible for Xia Yan not to think about such power.

What's more, Obito needs to rely on his own will to suppress the Ten-Tails, but Natsuhiko doesn't need to worry about this, because even if the Ten-Tails appears, it is a product connected to his own will with the help of the system!

"Thank you for your help, Your Excellency."

While Xia Yan was thinking, Sarah had already walked to his side and said extremely respectfully.

"Without your help, I'm afraid we would never be able to leave the Kingdom of Wind, or even..."

"Don't thank me, you should thank yourself."

Xia Yan came to his senses, shook his head with a smile, and took out the scroll from his ninja bag.

"If you hadn't promised to make a deal with me, I wouldn't have been able to help you, right?

It's just that you made the right decision, and I'm a ninja and need to keep my promise.

Take this. This is the money I promised you last time. I gave you some more. I think you will need this for your new start. "

Sarah nodded, she had no intention of rejecting the money, because so many of them needed a new start, which was definitely very expensive.

But after Sarah put away the money, she raised her head and looked at Xia Yan seriously. After hesitating for a moment, she slowly asked.

"Until now, I still don't know your name, even just a code name, so I..."

"Name?" Xia Yan interrupted Sarah before she could finish speaking.

After thinking seriously for a moment, he suddenly smiled.

"Well, what do you think of Ginshi? Sakata Gintoki?"


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