In fact, Xia Yan didn't have a relatively clear idea of ​​what his current vest, which only used the chakra power of the tailed beast, was called.

After all, no matter whether he is called Ishigin or Aizen, the ultimate goal is to hide his true nature as Senju Natsuhiko.

Even if this vest is called Makoto Ito, or Ryuji Hirasaka or something like that, there will be no problem.

Therefore, Xia Yan did not pay too much attention to this matter. After escorting Sarah and others into the Kingdom of Tea, he turned around and left directly towards the Kingdom of Grass.

Just solving the problems of these Loulan survivors has already wasted more than a week of his time.

Although Xia Yan had to admit that his gains were extraordinary and his strength had even been greatly improved, he still had a lot to do.

"Fortunately, I have enough chakra now, and with the nine-tails chakra mode, my perception has been strengthened, which can also save me a lot of time!"

The enhanced perception allows Xia Yan to detect the mark of the Flying Thunder God left by him from a distance.

Once he finds these marks, Xia Yan can use his powerful chakra to complete teleportation over long distances!

In the original work, during the Fourth War, the reason why Namikaze Minato and the others were able to arrive so quickly from so far away was really thanks to the infinite chakra given by the Reincarnation of the Earth.

Otherwise, no matter how outrageous their perception is, they will never get to where they need to be easily.

It only took about two days. With the help of the Flying Thunder God's technique and his own rapid movement, Xia Yan arrived in the Kingdom of Grass.

To be honest, Xia Yan himself felt a little incredible at such a speed.

Although he was a little tired, with his physical fitness, he only needed a good rest to recover without any damage.

Therefore, Natsuhiko rested in Kusano Country for one night and set out early the next morning.

The Kingdom of Grass is located between the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Fire. In terms of geographical environment, it is almost as bad as the Kingdom of Rain.

But a terrifying guy appeared in the Land of Rain, and that was the demigod Sanshouyu Hanzo.

Relying on the strong strength shown by Shanjiaoyuhan during World War II, it barely gained a foothold among the Three Kingdoms.

And because of the intimidating power of Sansho Hanzo and the year-round rain in the Land of Rain, few people would go to the Land of Rain to feel uncomfortable.

This also led to some terrible things happening in the Rain Country, but the outside world knew nothing about it.

Looking back at the Country of Grass, this country also has its own ninja village, but there are not many ninjas with strong combat capabilities.

Moreover, the ninjas in his own Ninja Village were not very powerful, which eventually led to the Country of Grass becoming the place where Konoha and Iwagakure, the two super great Ninja Villages, fought.

The reason why he can exist until now is that the value he can provide is probably buffering and some necessary task shares.

Moving quickly within the Land of Grass, Natsuhiko had not participated in the head-on conflict of the Third Ninja War.

But as an ANBU, he has participated in too many war-related tasks, so he is not unfamiliar with the Country of Grass.

It didn't take long for him to quietly arrive at the outskirts of Caoyin Village. Looking at the village with almost no defense, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

"It's still like this. When I came here before, I thought it was just because of wartime needs that we didn't have enough precautions. Now it seems that this is just a mess."

Xia Yan was really surprised that Caoyin Village was in ruins, but if he thought about it carefully, it wasn't really a surprise.

The Country of Grass is already an extremely corrupt country, how can its villages be any better?

Moreover, the characteristic of Kusagakure is that it is a village that is good at studying ninjutsu from other countries. At the same time, he is also very good at collecting information and then reselling it.

It was because of these two points that Xia Yan remembered that this village seemed to have been almost wiped out.

Moreover, the greatest existence value of Kusanagi Village is not to provide protective power for the Country of Grass, but to provide ninjas and protection for the Ghost Light City.

There is also a huge prison in the Kingdom of Kusana, which is the so-called Ghost Light City. In the future, their city lord will still be the Jonin of Kusanagi Village!

The most critical reason why Xia Yan can remember this is the so-called treasure chest of bliss.

That thing was said to be the treasure of the Immortal of Six Paths, and it was later rumored to be even more evil, saying that it could fulfill a person's wishes.

But Xia Yan knew that all this was false, because what was inside was simply a monster, a very destructive monster!

"Um, monster?"

Xia Yan was walking slowly in Caoyin Village. He had already sneaked into the village, and when he thought about the treasure chest of bliss, he suddenly realized something.

"That monster is also pure chakra, so can this thing also become Xiaojiu's food?"

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, and then he directly started to ask about the little Kyuubi in his body, and the little Kyuubi seemed a little baffled by this matter.

"I don't know either, and the big guy doesn't seem to have any memory of the box."

Xiao Kyuubi replied in Xia Yan's mind, his voice sounded so uncertain.

"I can only say that you can give it a try. I don't know if it will work, and my current situation is not suitable for using that chakra."

"Okay, I understand." Xia Yan nodded, and then he asked curiously: "By the way, can you fuse the chakra of other tailed beasts?"

"I don't know this either, but I know what you are thinking."

There was no need for Xia Yan to finish. Xiao Jiuwei immediately understood what he meant, and then he spoke nonchalantly.

"Ten-Tails, although I can feel that I don't like this state, but it doesn't seem to be impossible, as long as the other guys are not so annoying."

"I know." Xia Yan chuckled and did not continue to dwell on this issue.

The tailed beasts are already separate individuals, so naturally they don't like the so-called ten-tailed state that much.

But Xia Yan didn't struggle so much. He was already used to the existence of this little Kyuubi guy.

If he can get the chakra of other tailed beasts and successfully plant it, he will find a way to integrate the chakra directly into the little nine-tailed body.

This allows Little Kyuubi to always maintain his independent will, which is also simpler and more convenient for Xia Yan.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan raised his head slightly, his eyes locked on the inconspicuous canteen in front of him.

The last time he came to the Country of Grass, this was where Natsuhiko and the ANBU connected.

But later Xia Yan learned that this place was not the territory of ANBU at all. In fact, it was established by the roots.

But Xia Yan didn't care. It wasn't a big deal to get some key information from the root.

"At most, I'll teach them a lesson when necessary. After all, these guys are itchy..."



In the basement of the canteen, the last root ninja hit the wall hard and then slowly collapsed to the ground.

Xia Yan shook his hand and sighed quietly. Just as he thought, these root ninjas had no intention of cooperating with his work.

After he entered this place, these guys were quite polite and cooperative at first.

But when he told him his name and position and asked them to cooperate with him in his work, they flatly refused.

Natsu Yan will not tolerate them in this situation. You must know that to a certain extent, Natsu Yan and their immediate boss Danzo are on the same level!

Therefore, Xia Yan took action decisively. He did not give these guys any chance to fight back, not to mention that he had long wanted to use the power of 'Senju Xia Yan'.

"Tell me what will happen if you disobey your boss's orders."

Xia Yan didn't pay attention to these root ninjas lying on the ground. He found a position at random and sat down, and then asked with a smile.

"Although I am the head of the ANBU, theoretically I cannot rule the roots, but don't forget that we are all Konoha ninjas.

As the head of ANBU, my position is much higher than yours. No matter how powerful you are, you cannot disobey my orders.

If you have any thoughts and opinions, you can inform Konoha instead of going against me, tell me do you know what you are doing? "

"We...we know, but we are root ninjas."

A root ninja who was not seriously injured said with some difficulty, "Xia Yan. Even if Xia Yan is not particularly cruel, it is not something ordinary people can endure."

"No...without Danzo-sama's order, we..."

"I understand, then I will kill you and find the information yourself."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, looking a little regretful. There was even a little regret in his eyes.

"It's such a pity that I trained you to serve Konoha.

But a ninja who doesn't even know who he is is really a waste of Konoha's resources. "

Having said this, Natsuhiko took out a kunai, and then he shot it towards a root ninja without any explanation!

These root ninjas have been beaten to the point of losing their fighting ability. In his ANBU career, the first thing Xia Yan learned was the structure of the human body.

Therefore, he is familiar with where a person is weakest, and how to attack to make a person lose combat effectiveness the fastest, or die the fastest.

These root ninjas have obviously temporarily lost their combat effectiveness. All they can do when facing Xia Yan is to let him manipulate him!


The kunai cut through the air and directly stabbed the heart of a root ninja. Before he was completely dead, Xia Yan took out another kunai.


The kunai flew out again, and then nailed the neck of another root ninja hard.

There were only four root ninjas in this basement, and Xia Yan killed two of them in an instant.

They were not given a chance to defend themselves, nor were they given any room to refute. This scene also made the remaining two root ninjas feel chills in their hearts.

Especially after they noticed that Xia Yan still had a smile on his face, as if he had just done a small thing, fear emerged in their hearts.

Those who can become root ninjas actually have very firm beliefs.

However, because they are expatriate ninjas, they are not completely included in the root establishment - the root division, like the ANBU, uses a special establishment.

In fact, their hearts are more inclined towards Konoha, rather than being alone, and their state is more like Kabuto.

Even if they follow Danzo's orders, even if they know that they must obey one person at the root.

But facing Natsuhiko who is so tough at this time, even if they are thinking about obeying Danzo, they can't help but be afraid.

"Please...please stop."

When Natsuhiko took out the third kunai and aimed it at the third root ninja, the ninja couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm sorry, it was our fault. We will die unjustly if we disobey our superiors' orders.

But we do have a more important task, we...

We are willing to cooperate with the Minister! "

Xia Yan looked at the root ninja in front of him silently, the kunai in his hand still aimed at him.

It took a long time for the spikes of the kunai to turn around and point to the ground, and Xia Yan stood up with a smile.

"Wouldn't it be better to recognize who you are earlier? You are a ninja of Konoha, not Danzo's private soldier."

"Yes, I was wrong, sir!"

The root ninja answered quickly. He didn't know if he answered too quickly and stretched the wound. Soon he started coughing.

"Slow down, don't be in a hurry." Xia Yan said softly: "What I need is very simple, just a piece of information."

"Sir...Sir, just say it!" The root ninja endured the pain and gave a clear answer.

Xia Yan was very satisfied with this guy's attitude, so he slowly put away the kunai in his hand.

There are still two people left, but Xia Yan has no intention of killing them all.

It's okay to kill one or two people for disobeying orders, but if you kill too many, it will damage his reputation.

Xia Yan's actions also made the root ninja completely relieved, and the same was true for the other root ninja.

After Natsuhi put the kunai away and thought about it for a moment, he started talking about his purpose with a hint of teasing.

“According to ANBU intelligence, there are descendants of the Uzumaki clan living in the Land of Grass.

Red hair has the ability to perceive, and people like Kusanagi who are good at research will not let them go.

And you root ninjas like to pry into other people's secrets so much, I don't think you will let go of this matter in the Country of Grass, right? "


"Hey, why is it still like this in the Country of Grass?"

On the streets of the Country of Grass, a man with long white hair, a forehead protector with oil characters on his head, and a huge scroll hanging on his back slowly walked out of a tavern.

Obviously this guy is Jiraiya!

Jiraiya has been traveling around the ninja world since he left Konoha, or in other words, since the end of the war, he followed Tsunade's footsteps and left Konoha.

According to him, he was looking for inspiration to complete his new book, but no one knows what the truth is.

But it can be seen that Jiraiya is still in a good mood now.

The Hokage Building in Konoha is simply a huge swamp. Once it sinks into it, the consequences will be disastrous.

Jiraiya is not good at surviving in such a swamp, and he doesn't like to get himself trapped in a swamp, so he doesn't have any thoughts about Hokage.

This is not stupid, but an extremely self-aware approach, especially after seeing Miao Mushan and his own disciples.

With the outbreak of the Nine-Tails incident, the entire ninja world knew about Konoha's situation, and it was naturally impossible for Jiraiya not to know about it.

However, after receiving information and confirming that Konoha's losses were not particularly large and that his disciples were fine, he was relieved.

Especially after knowing that his disciple had actually gone to Mount Myoboku, he did not choose to return to Konoha, but directly chose to go to Mount Myoboku.

After meeting his disciple, Jiraiya's worried heart was finally relieved.

Namikaze Minato is fine, and so are Kushina and Naruto. Even though they are not in a good state now, this can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

But what makes Jiraiya incredible is that he knows the experience of Namikaze Minato's resurrection from the dead.

He knew that the corpses could be sealed away, but he didn't know that there was a solution to this technique.

Not to mention that Konoha Nightingale, who is now famous as a ninja, actually did so many chilling things behind the Nine-Tails Incident.

"Konoha is really a terrible swamp. Such a young child has such a terrible scheming and has calculated so many things. Is this still the Konoha in my heart..."

After learning about Natsuhiko, Jiraiya was even more unwilling to run back to Konoha.

And after the psychological stone fell, he also planned to continue to look for inspiration.

Minato and the others already have their own goals - to practice senjutsu and master the power of the Nine-Tails, and Jiraiya will naturally not disturb their lives.

But just when Jiraiya was about to leave, the giant toad sage Gamamaru suddenly found him and left him a conversation that he still remembers.

"Big Toad Immortal, what do you want from me?"

When Jiraiya ran up to the big toad, he was still very respectful.

"Little Jiraiya, I seem to have seen something new in my dream."

The Great Toad Immortal is very old. He didn't even open his eyes when he spoke, as if he was talking in his sleep.

"I saw a very strange boy appear. That boy had unimaginable power and the ambition to change the entire ninja world."


When Jiraiya heard this sentence, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. He even thought that the big toad immortal was in a sleep state, and the wording was not appropriate.

It's a good thing to change the entire ninja world. No matter how you look at it, it seems more appropriate to use determination, right?

However, Jiraiya did not dare to interrupt the big toad. He still lowered his head and thought carefully about what it said.

A strange boy with unimaginable power and the determination to change the entire ninja world?

Isn’t this the son of prophecy?

Jiraiya, the son of prophecy, is really no stranger. Ever since he came to Miaomu Mountain, he has been intertwined with some special prophecies.

He knew that his disciple would be the one who changed the ninja world, and he also knew that his disciple might be the one who would destroy the ninja world.

Jiraiya asked Gamamaru specifically about how to guide his disciples in the future, and the result he got was to travel around the world, write and publish books.

Therefore, Jiraiya walked among the ninja world and saw all kinds of human beings.

He guessed that perhaps only by understanding the entire ninja world better could he know how to change everything and how to guide his disciples to the right direction.

"Yes, it's ambition."

Just when Jiraiya was thinking secretly, Gamamaru suddenly spoke again.

"It's full of ambition. What he did is completely beyond our imagination. In our opinion, he is destroying the ninja world.

But what is strange and undeniable is that everything he does is indeed changing the ninja world, and he is indeed the person who can bring changes to the ninja world.

Moreover, this time in my dream he is not your disciple, he may even be your enemy if he doesn't handle it well. "

The voice of the Great Toad Sage was long, and this information also made Jiraiya's pupils dilate slightly.

This time, the Big Toad Immortal's prediction actually changed dramatically.

The legendary son of prophecy is no longer his disciple, will he even be his enemy?

What happened to cause such a change?

Could it be that this big toad is really sleepy and his mind is not clear?

"I know you're confused, Jiraiya-chan."

The Great Toad Immortal spoke again at this time, his voice was still slow, but there was a feeling that could not be refused.

"Although I am also very confused, the strange thing is that this time my dream lasted for a long time and I could see it relatively clearly.

So, even though it's a pity, this is probably the most accurate one. "

"is that so?"

Jiraiya lowered his head slightly. He really didn't expect to get such a result.

He had great faith in the Great Toad Immortal because the Toad Immortal never made any mistakes.

But why has the Son of Prophecy changed now? What is the reason for the change? What happened to all this?

"Little Jiraiya."

Just as Jiraiya kept thinking, the words of the Great Toad Sage rang in his ears again.

"Although that young man is no longer your disciple, you will always meet and have intersections.

I don't expect you to guide him, but I hope you can make him feel good thoughts.

That child has good intentions in his heart, but his good intentions are more driven by ambition than pure kindness.

Also, you have to keep one thing in mind, that child..."

"Is he a young boy with Indra and Asura intertwined, and nine or one wild beast as his companion?"

Walking on the streets of the Land of Grass, Jiraiya silently recited the prophecy given to him by the Great Toad Sage.

However, this prophecy was somewhat profound, and Jiraiya had no idea what it meant.

Indra and Asura, these two seem to be names, but who are these two people?

Also, what does nine or one beast mean? Is it possible that there is a beast around the child?

"This is really unpredictable."

Jiraiya shook his head helplessly, but he was also an optimistic person. If he couldn't think clearly, he wouldn't give it up.

Anyway, the Great Toad Immortal said that he would meet that boy sooner or later, and maybe he would know what was going on by then.


At this moment, Jiraiya suddenly stopped and looked at a canteen nearby.

As a disciple of the Third Hokage, one of the Sannin of Konoha and a wartime commander, he knew exactly what this place was.

Today it was extremely cold here, and Jiraiya was keenly aware that there was a smell of blood coming from it.

"problem occurs?"

Jiraiya frowned, and then he quickly leaned over.

Although he left Konoha temporarily, he never forgot that he was still a Konoha ninja.

He actually had to investigate such a matter and resolve it seriously!


"Is this right here?"

Xia Yan came to the entrance of a basement. I have to say that the setting of this place is quite exquisite.

It is not within the central area of ​​Caoyin Village, and the place is relatively remote, but this place is very convenient for the large troops of Caoyin Village to come to support.

I have to say that the business capabilities of those guys at the root are indeed too good, and they can dig out places like this.

But these guys from the Roots, or Danzo, are also hiding something, because those people from the Roots have obviously known about the situation of the descendants of the Uzumaki clan for a long time.

According to the root ninja, they had already passed the information back, but the reply they received was to continue monitoring.

This made Natsuhiko wonder whether Danzo himself wanted to control this descendant of the Uzumaki clan and did not intend to hand her over to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Judging from the situation in Konoha at that time, the value of this Uzumaki descendant was more to prepare for the future.

After all, Kushina was in good hands, and there was no need to worry about the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Hiding something is definitely beneficial to Danzo.

However, there were unforeseen circumstances, and Danzo probably didn't even expect that Namikaze Minato and his wife would die directly.

This allowed him to hide directly until his death, unable to complete the control and mastery of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

If he had brought this descendant of the Uzumaki clan back earlier, maybe he would have had the slightest chance.


Just when Xia Yan was thinking about this guy Danzo, several figures quickly appeared around Xia Yan.

Their positions were very strict, and while they completely surrounded Xia Yan, they also acted as support to cut off Xia Yan's escape route.

However, Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged. His perception had already locked onto these people.

He had even sensed the situation below this underground laboratory in advance.

Intelligence is crucial to any ninja, no matter how strong you are, you may overturn without enough intelligence support.

Xia Yan had already discovered the information and had enough strength, so he dared to act so unscrupulously.

"I'm here to find a woman." Xia Yan said calmly: "I have to say that your methods of dealing with a woman and a baby are quite powerful, and you seem to take them very seriously."

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and the chakra in his body began to rotate slightly.

"So, it might not be realistic for you to hand her over to me, so I'd better take it myself."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yan had already disappeared. At this time, a grass ninja didn't even have time to react. A blood mark appeared on his neck!

"Do it!"

The Kusanagi ninja who led the team had no idea what was going on, but this did not prevent them from feeling fear instinctively, so he roared with a slightly distorted tone.

Unfortunately, as soon as he roared, his eyes widened.

His throat seemed to have been severed, and he could clearly feel that his throat was filled with blood and overflowing, and he could only make a whining sound.

Two people died in a row in an instant, and they didn't even know how the enemy took action or where they were now.

These ninjas in Kusakure Village have never seen this situation before, and fear spread in their hearts at this moment.

"Kusuyinliu·Fa Po Zhang!"

Although these guys are extremely scared, some of these grass ninjas still dare to attack.

I saw a young ninja with powerful chakra appearing all over his body. He knew exactly where his enemy was, so he could only defend all the places he could defend.

His actions seemed to have affected the other living Kusagakure ninjas. They immediately formed seals and waved their weapons.

However, all this seems to be in vain!

The ninja sword floated past with light blue chakra like a ghost, leaving only traces like afterimages that were unclear whether they were illusions or reality.

All these people fell into a pool of blood in an instant, and the young ninja who was the first to think of counterattack was kicked to the ground by Xia Yan at this moment.

At this moment, the young ninja once again saw clearly the person in front of him.

But at this moment, all his teammates were dead!

"It's very good. He also knows how to fight back."

Xia Yan gently shook off the blood on his ninja sword, and looked at the ninja in front of him with a smile.

"I have to say that you bring courage to other people, so I have always hated the kind of guy who can bring faith to other people.

Although this kind of person is worthy of respect, he is also very troublesome. "

"I hate people like you too!"

The young ninja gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Yan, who seemed to be restraining his inner fear.

"An unscrupulous guy like you should be thrown into prison!"

"Maybe, but ordinary prisons don't dare to admit me."

Xia Yan smiled slightly, then he took out a kunai and shook it gently in his hand.

"Well, that's it for now."

As he spoke, blue chakra suddenly emerged from the kunai in Xia Yan's hand, and then he turned around and shot it fiercely behind him!

The kunai cut through the sky, and the trees along the way were torn apart by the wind of knives it brought when it flew by, and some trees were even directly broken.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out from behind a big tree, and Xia Yan's eyes quickly locked on this guy.

He had already locked onto this person through his perception, but he had always thought that this guy was a member of Kusayad Village and was waiting for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

But now, when he saw this guy clearly, his expression became a little weird.

"Why is it him?"


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