The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 208 Jiraiya’s Power (8K please subscribe~)

The person who surprised Xia Yan was naturally this guy Jiraiya!

Although Natsuhiko has become the head of Konoha's ANBU, his contact with Jiraiya is really pitiful.

In fact, this is not surprising. The two of them had different statuses and were in different institutions.

When Natsuhiko was still a small Anbu, Jiraiya was the highest commander on Konoha's front.

By the time Natsuhiko started to become a little successful, Jiraiya had already left Konoha.

Naturally, it was impossible for Xia Yan to remember his chakra, and it was impossible to recognize him just now.

And Xia Yan was really surprised, why did Jiraiya follow him here?

After Jiraiya avoided Natsuhiko's kunai, he immediately assumed a fighting stance.

After he realized that a stronghold in Konoha had been taken over, he immediately went in to check it out.

But before he ran to the basement, he noticed that the back door of the canteen was opened. It was obvious that someone had left here.

So he quietly began to follow these traces, all the way to this place.

Coincidentally, when he arrived here he found that the attacker had started fighting with other ninjas again.

Jiraiya was not in a hurry to take action, he planned to observe and collect information before speaking.

Although the relationship between Kusagakure and Konoha is good, overall it is still a competitive relationship.

Even if Jiraiya is kind-hearted, he is still a person who has experienced a cruel war.

But he didn't expect that these Kusagakure ninjas would be so impatient.

Even before a minute has passed, they have been completely eliminated by this boy!

The most terrible thing is that this kid has already discovered his existence before he has collected any information.

Jiraiya realized immediately that this kid might have good perception.

Moreover, this kid's speed is really scary. If he hadn't seen the flying kunai, he would have doubted whether this was the flying thunder god's technique!

"I didn't expect it to be Lord Jiraiya."

Natsuhiko looked at Jiraiya and thought for a moment before speaking slowly.

"I don't know what's wrong with Jiraiya-sama following me?"

"Don't you know what you've done?"

Jiraiya looked at Xia Yan with great vigilance, he had already made a fighting stance.

"I don't know who you are or what your purpose is, but I can see that what you are doing is definitely not a good thing!"

"So, for the sake of justice in your heart, you want to stop me?"

Xia Yan looked at Jiraiya with a half-smile. He really didn't expect that he would be in such a situation when he met Jiraiya.

To be honest, Natsuhiko liked Jiraiya very, very much in his previous life.

When he saw Jiraiya dying in the hands of Six Paths Pain and Naruto sitting alone on the bench with a popsicle in his hand, it really made him shed a lot of tears.

When he came to this world, even though he knew that his and Jiraiya's ideas were absolutely different.

Even since Jiraiya was a disciple of Hiruzen Sarutobi, it was hard to say that they would become enemies because of their positions.

But Xia Yan still respects this old pervert, but they thought that the first meeting would be like this.

Shaking his head slightly, Natsuhiko was too lazy to pay attention to Jiraiya. He directly drew his ninja sword and aimed it at the living grass ninja and slashed it.

However, what Xia Yan didn't expect was that Jiraiya suddenly formed a seal directly, and then his white hair quickly grew, forming a lion's head and stabbing towards Xia Yan.

Natsuhiko naturally knew this technique, and he knew even more clearly that Jiraiya's hair at this time was not weaker than the ninja sword in terms of strength and sharpness.


Natsuhiko turned his sword slightly and blocked Jiraiya's hair.

At this time, Jiraiya rushed up and punched Xia Yan.

After Xia Yan frowned slightly, his figure ducked slightly and immediately avoided Jiraiya's punch.

It was obvious that Jiraiya was determined to stop him, and he seemed to have figured out one thing.

That's Jiraiya, I'm afraid he really doesn't know him.

"It's interesting. As a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he attacks me like this. It seems like something interesting is happening again."

Xia Yan smiled softly mentally, and then he was not polite at all.

After dodging to create a certain distance, Xia Yan put his hands together to make a seal gesture.

"Water Release·Shui Qingbo!"

In just an instant, Natsuhiko had already completed a Water Release, which made Jiraiya's expression change slightly.

He had already felt the power of this Water Release, and at the same time he also felt the intensity of Xia Yan's chakra.

"Do you have such chakra at such a young age? The kid is really powerful now!"

Jiraiya thought silently, but his hands did not pause at all, and he completed his technique in just an instant.

"Fire Release·Fire Bullet!"

The powerful fire escape was sprayed out by him, and the hot breath instantly filled the forest.

And when this powerful flame hit Xia Yan's water escape, huge water vapor covered the area.

When the Kusanagi ninja saw this scene, he immediately rolled and crawled to get out of here.

But just after he took a few steps, he suddenly felt a severe pain in his stomach, and then his body flew out and hit a tree hard.

"I didn't say you could leave."

At this moment, Xia Yan's voice suddenly came over, and then under the cover of water vapor, the grass ninja seemed to hear the sound of breaking wind.

He knew that this was another fatal attack on him by that guy.

The sad thing is that he had no defensive measures at all when faced with such an attack.

He really hated such outlaws who dared to do whatever they wanted in other villages.

They no longer care about the rules of the local village, just because they have great power!

"If I had the power, if I could catch this kind of lawless maniac..."

The grass ninja roared in despair, but at this moment a figure suddenly came to him.

With the crisp sound of metal collision, a kunai fell to the ground, and then the two figures continued to intersect, and the terrifying power also spread out crazily at this moment.

At this moment, the grass ninja felt his own insignificance, and he could feel that the energy escaping could kill him!

He didn't dare to move at all now. Surrounded by these two powerful guys, if he moved casually, he might end up dead.

However, he now has a mental belief that he no longer intends to stay in the Country of Grass, he must go to Ghost Lantern City!

"Wuwei, you can do it, you definitely can! You can only deal with these guys if you go to Ghost Lantern City!"


Xia Yan didn't know that the Kusanagi ninja who could only stay where he was and didn't dare to move around would actually be Wuwei, the future lord of Ghost Lantern City.

In fact, he didn't even know that the member of the Akatsuki organization he met for the first time in Kakuzu had actually been killed by him himself!

His attention was now completely focused on Jiraiya, but he didn't fully fire at all.

So far, Xia Yan has never seen anyone besides himself who can also use the immortal mode.

He and Namikaze Minato did have a sparring session more than half a year ago, but Namikaze Minato did not use Sage Mode that time.

Therefore, it was a pity that he had no way to see what the level of Immortal Mode from other people was like.

What's more, facing this guy Jiraiya, Xia Yan is also willing to play with him slowly.

In addition to his magical skills, this guy's fighting consciousness and fighting skills are worthy of Xia Yan's study.

Although Natsuhiko didn't have much interest in Incombustible in his previous life, he was tricked into watching a few episodes by the so-called 'Jiraiya Resurrection'.

As a result, he was shocked to find that Jiraiya actually wore a mask and beat an Otsutsuki to the point of ecstasy.

If it weren't for the fact that the intelligence gap is too large, and the power gap is a bit scary.

Also, Otsutsuki is really a bit of a loser, and his combat effectiveness is too overwhelming.

Maybe that Jiraiya can really kill him, this Otsutsuki one style or something.

Of course, Xia Yan later learned that the so-called Jiraiya was simply a fake and a clone.

And that Otsutsuki is also a living dead, he has not been completely resurrected.

But the so-called clone inherited Jiraiya's fighting consciousness and fighting skills.

Jiraiya could show that kind of ability, and it was impossible not to leave Natsuhiko without any ideas. Now that he has encountered the real thing, he naturally wants to try it.


When the two fists hit each other, chakra spread out in all directions in an instant.

An invisible wave of light directly flattened all the surrounding trees.

Jiraiya gritted his teeth and looked at the boy in front of him, who had the same silver hair as him. Now he only felt extremely troubled.

"Is this boy that strong?"

Jiraiya thought quickly. After seeing the previous battles, he knew that this boy's speed was definitely beyond imagination.

But seeing his age, Jiraiya felt that this boy's strength might be a weakness.

Although he knew that he might not be able to deal with such speed, he didn't have any chance.

But now, not only did this young man not use that speed, he just competed with him in physical skills and strength.

And what makes Jiraiya most incredible is that this boy's strength is not weak!

"Have you been underestimated? Moreover, this boy's chakra is also terrifying and abnormal. Who is this person?"

Jiraiya was thinking in his mind, but at this moment Natsuhiko changed his moves again, his body turned slightly, and then he kicked Jiraiya directly.

Jiraiya was a powerful ninja after all. Although he was distracted, his focus was still there.

Even though his reaction was half a beat slow, he quickly crossed his hands in front of his chest.

Under this same defense, although he was kicked away by Xia Yan, he was not injured.

"It's better not to be distracted when fighting. I'm afraid you'll die next time."

Natsuhiko stopped for a moment, looked at Jiraiya with a smile and said slowly, and then he shook his head slightly.

"The commotion between the two of us is not small. Although I don't take Kusakure Village seriously, I don't want to cause trouble. Please be more serious, Jiraiya-sama."

"Don't you want to cause trouble?"

When Jiraiya heard Natsuhiko's words, he immediately realized something.

His analytical ability has never been weak, and he immediately understood it with just a few words.

Although it is unclear what other trump cards this young man has, I am afraid that his combat effectiveness will definitely not be bad.

Even if he attracts the ninjas from Kusakure Village, he can definitely leave.

But I'm afraid he doesn't want to expose himself, or the organization behind him, or the Ninja Village!

Thinking of this, Jiraiya's face became extremely serious: "I'm asking you once, who are you!"

"It seems that Jiraiya-sama still hasn't figured out one thing." Natsuhiko sighed slightly, and then the chakra in his body began to vibrate.

Not only his own chakra, but also the dragon vein chakra sealed by him was cooperating with his crazy operation at this time.

He did not choose to use Kyuubi's chakra, who knows if Jiraiya understands this power.

'Senju Natsuhiko' did not use the Nine-Tails chakra on the surface, and he would never let his identity and vest get confused.

Along with the riot of these chakras, blue chakra suddenly appeared on his body surface!


With the crazy overflow of his chakra, the earth began to sway at this moment.

The ground where Xia Yan was sitting took on the shape of a spider web at this moment, rapidly spreading and breaking in all directions!

An extremely terrifying aura pressed hard towards Jiraiya and Wuwei. In an instant, both of them felt that it became difficult to breathe.

Especially Wuwei, at this moment he felt even more insignificant and powerless.

He really didn't expect that this outlaw would be such a terrifying guy!

Jiraiya's situation is much better than him. He is really not an ordinary ninja.

However, being locked by such a terrifying aura, his face was full of solemnity at this time. He knew one thing very well, that is, he had to fight hard!

“It’s terrible, such momentum is unheard of!

I even have the urge to be killed at any time. When did such a terrible guy appear in the ninja world? Who is he? "

Jiraiya gritted his teeth, and then he seemed to have made a decision, and then his hands began to form seals quickly.

"In that case, Fire Release·Big Flame Bullet!"

The majestic chakra started to circulate in his body, and the next moment he spurted out huge flames crazily.

However, he didn't even look at the damage his flames could cause. He retreated far away.

In the process of retreating, he also quickly bit his finger, and then wiped the blood on the corners of his eyes, outlining a fairy eye pattern.

After everything was completed, he formed a seal with his hands again and planned to summon Bunta.

Faced with such a crisis, Jiraiya's only other option besides escaping was to use sage mode.

But he has not forgotten how terrifying the speed of the silver-haired boy is. In his opinion, escaping may no longer be realistic.

The enemy in front of him was too unexpected and terrifying, and the only option he had now was immortal mode!

It's just that his sage mode's concentration time is a bit long, so he can only summon Bunta to delay.

Otherwise, everything will be over!



Following a surge, Xia Yan saw a huge toad appearing in the distance.

Seeing this toad, especially after sensing the natural power appearing in Jiraiya, Natsuhiko knew that he was condensing the sage mode.

This is good news for Natsuhiko. After all, he has never been serious. In fact, he just wants to see Jiraiya's sage mode.

As for the non-immortal mode state, Xia Yan has already felt it.

His performance is very impressive in terms of skills, experience, consciousness, strength and speed, etc.

However, this level is not enough to embarrass Xia Yan. In the final analysis, among these five abilities, he cannot surpass Xia Yan to the point of crushing him.

And in terms of Xia Yan surpassing him, he has completely crushed him!

That's speed. Even if Xia Yan doesn't use the power of the Flying Thunder God, his speed still exceeds ordinary people's understanding.

This way, when he faced Jiraiya in his normal state, Jiraiya had no way to deal with him.

"But this guy's speed when condensing natural chakra is too slow. In this case."

Xia Yan turned his head slightly and looked at the underground laboratory. The fluctuations caused by the battle between the two of them were too great.

This situation has also been discovered below the laboratory. At this time, a large number of ninjas have gathered below to arrange and defend.

Moreover, Xia Yan also noticed that there were a large number of ninjas gathering in the distance, and they were probably coming here.

Thinking of this, the chakra in Xia Yan's body shook slightly, and he disappeared in the next second!

"We should take advantage of this time to bring out the descendants of the Uzumaki clan first."

Appearing again, Xia Yan has arrived in this underground laboratory, and his appearance also made the ninjas gathered inside show horrified expressions!


"How did he get in?"

"Do it quickly!"

Following a commotion, the ninja inside immediately attacked Xia Yan.

They all picked up weapons and rushed towards Xia Yan. In such a small space, they besieged a person. No matter how powerful the person was, it would be difficult to escape such an attack!

But it's a pity that Xia Yan is not a simple ninja at all.

Although he raised his eyebrows at Miandu's siege, he soon moved too.

Before those weapons touched him, golden chakra suddenly appeared on his body, and then he punched the fastest Kusanagi!


There was only a muffled sound, and the grass ninja flew out upside down, and his chest collapsed.

The grass ninja behind him were knocked away at this moment, and the underground laboratory seemed particularly chaotic for a while.

Xia Yan showed no mercy when he saw this. He formed a seal with one hand, and the majestic chakra rippled crazily in his body.

"Water Release·Water Breaking Wave!"

The water column, compressed to the extreme, spurted out of Xia Yan's mouth in an instant.

This water column is very thin, but its sharpness is more terrifying than a ninja sword!

At this moment, those grass ninjas who fell on the ground and those who were unable to rush up all screamed in agony.

In such a small space, they couldn't do any effective dodge at all.

They could only watch helplessly as the water column cruelly cut open their bodies!

For a moment, the underground laboratory was like a hell on earth, with broken bodies and horrific screams everywhere.

Xia Yan seemed very calm about such a scene. He had seen all kinds of terrible scenes, but at this moment, it was nothing.

Anbu is the darkest place to face the ninja world. This darkness is not only a witness to the intertwining of ambition and lust for power.

He also faced death and the test of purgatory.

Ignoring the tragic situation in front of him, Xia Yan once again formed the seal: "Wood Release: Cutting Technique!"

As Xia Yan's chakra erupted again, countless wooden thorns appeared in the narrow underground laboratory in an instant.

These wooden escapes stabbed the surviving Kusanagi from all directions, as well as those who came from further behind.

The wooden thorns that penetrated the enemy's body did not end. They continued to branch and grow under the influence of Xia Yan's chakra.

After piercing the enemy's body from the inside, it stabbed the ninja behind with a hazy blood mist!

In such a narrow environment, Xia Yan is indeed easily attacked, but similarly, none of the enemies inside can escape.

"about there."

Looking at the hell-like scene, with heart-rending wails constantly ringing in his ears, Xia Yan nodded calmly.

Then he set his sights on the guy at the back who was dressed like a researcher.

He didn't know where the descendant of the Uzumaki clan was imprisoned, let alone whether the woman had chakra.

But these don't matter, Xia Yan has not completely killed them all for the time being, the purpose is naturally to prepare for intelligence.

"Do you want to survive?" Xia

Yan dodged and came to the side of a less injured researcher. He looked at the guy in front of him with a smile and asked slowly.

However, his smile, combined with everything going on in the basement at this moment, almost caused the researcher to have a cardiac arrest!

But Xia Yan didn't care so much about this guy, he continued to ask calmly.

"Let me ask you an answer, this will all be over soon, do you understand?"


Standing on Bunta's head, Jiraiya quickly concentrated his senjutsu chakra, while Bunta also concentrated his energy, waiting for the enemy to attack.

Bunta already knew that the enemies Jiraiya faced this time were unimaginable.

Thinking about it, an enemy who can force Jiraiya to use Sage Mode is definitely not a simple guy.

However, what neither of them could react to was that they had been waiting here for a long time without any attack.

If it weren't for the sudden fluctuation of chakra and the strong smell of blood coming from the basement not far from them, they would have thought that the guy had run away.

It's just that this situation made the two of them extremely embarrassed, and it also made them vigilant.

How disrespectful is this? That guy seemed to be deliberately letting Jiraiya use the sage mode, and didn't care about it at all.

Jiraiya was used to this kind of embarrassing situation, after all, he had been with Orochimaru before.

But Wen Taike was different. He had seen people look down upon, but he had never seen such a style!

But while they were embarrassed, they might also realize one thing, that is, this guy might be very familiar with Jiraiya.

In other words, he is very familiar with the immortal mode!

"Jiraiya, who is your enemy this time?"

Although Wentai felt very unhappy inside, he still observed his surroundings vigilantly.

"I don't know either. I only know that this kid attacked Konoha's stronghold. At the same time, he also killed the ninjas of Kusugakure Village wantonly."

Jiraiya said quickly while condensing Senjutsu chakra with his heart.

"I don't know what his purpose is, but this guy is too dangerous!"

Bunta couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this, and attacked the stronghold of Konoha Village, combined with the kid's unscrupulous killing of Kusugakure Village ninjas.

Bunta could imagine that the Konoha ninjas in that stronghold might also suffer.

No wonder Jiraiya wanted to take action, because Jiraiya was also a Konoha ninja.

Moreover, Jiraiya is a person who has faith and hopes for true peace in the ninja world. If he encounters such a guy, even if he has nothing to do with Konoha, I'm afraid he will do something.

Wentai opened his mouth to say something, but soon he became extremely wary.

He held one hand on the handle of the knife, his eyes and perceptions were all focused forward, and the chakra in his body also jumped at this moment.

Because he has noticed that someone is coming!

"Hasn't it finished condensing yet?"

At this moment, a gentle voice came into Wentai's ears, and then he saw a silver-haired boy slowly walking towards him.

"It's ready."

And Jiraiya also spoke at this moment. He opened his eyes again.

His aura has become completely different, and magical chakra is rippling in his body!

He stared at Xia Yan, and suddenly he asked: "Do you know me very well, or do you know the immortal mode very well?"

"To be precise, I understand everything."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then closed his eyes slightly.

In an instant, Jiraiya's expression changed, and Bunta's expression also changed slightly.

Because they all felt that magic chakra appeared on this boy!

"You!" Jiraiya pointed at Xia Yan in disbelief, and for a moment he was speechless at all.

"No need to be surprised, Jiraiya-sama." Natsuki slowly opened his eyes, and red eye shadow appeared on his face: "I can also use Sage Mode, but Jiraiya-sama is very unskilled in using it."

"You guy..." Jiraiya gritted his teeth, and soon his expression became firm: "Indeed, I am very unskilled in the process of entering the sage mode, but whether I can exert my power is very important. It’s something else!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiraiya had already appeared in front of Xia Yan!

His speed at this time completely overwhelmed his previous performance. When he punched, the strong wind made people feel suffocated.

However, his punch caused Xia Yan to easily dodge it sideways, but the moment he dodged it, Xia Yan's face changed slightly.

His strong perception allowed him to notice that the natural energy around him had changed!

"Frog Kumite?" Xia Yan immediately realized what kind of move it was.

Naruto used similar taijutsu when he faced Six Paths Pain, and this type of taijutsu came from Mt. Miaomu.

Naruto can learn such taijutsu, it's impossible that Jiraiya hasn't learned it before!

"It's really interesting!"

Thinking mentally, Xia Yan's sideways movement immediately turned into a larger evasive movement.

At this time, Jiraiya's perception had also been greatly improved, and he seized this opportunity.

"Immortal Technique: The Technique of Chaosing Lion's Hair!"

The moment Yu Natsuyan moved away from him, Jiraiya completed the seal, and his hair quickly stabbed Natsu Yan hard.

"It's really awesome."

Faced with such a combination of attacks, Natsuhiko had to admire Jiraiya's rich combat experience and excellent combat awareness.

However, Xia Yan was not a vegetarian. Faced with those long hair as sharp as a ninja sword, Xia Yan instantly unsheathed his ninja sword.

Blue chakra covered the ninja sword, and then he quickly cut off the long hair that was attacking him.

These hairs looked so fragile under Xia Yan's sword, and soon they were completely cut off by Xia Yan.

But at this moment, Jiraiya had quietly left the battle with Natsuhiko, and Bunta slashed at Natsuhiko with a ninja sword.

Xia Yan immediately jumped up when he saw this, but at the moment he jumped up, his perception suddenly noticed that the earth had quietly changed.

Although the hard ground still seemed to have no problems, he knew very well that it had turned into a swamp!

"Did you use the celestial technique to use Huangquannuma?" Xia Yan glanced at it and immediately understood what was going on: "It seems that he wanted to limit my speed, and deliberately used Wentai to attack so as to deceive others."

Natsuhiko's speed is definitely the most intolerable for Jiraiya, so how to limit the speed naturally becomes the most critical thing for Jiraiya.

Let Gamabunta attack Natsuhiko, force Natsuhiko to jump up to dodge, and then use Huangquannuma at Natsuhiko's foothold, it will definitely put Natsuhiko into trouble.

I have to say that tactical ninjas are indeed disgusting enough at times.

However, Xia Yan didn't think such a move could trap him.

In particular, Jiraiya seemed to underestimate his perception, and he also noticed more things!


Xia Yanluo stood firmly on the Huangquan marsh, his eyes looked at Jiraiya who was already standing on Bunta's head, and he spoke in a very cooperative manner with a smile on his face.

"You're trying to limit my speed, but that doesn't seem to be enough."

"It's indeed not enough." Jiraiya nodded solemnly: "But you are too confident. Why do you think that's all?"

As he finished speaking, another Jiraiya suddenly emerged from under the swamp!

"I've got you, don't even think about escaping!"

This Jiraiya grabbed Natsuhiko, and his whole body was filled with an oil containing special chakra.

At the same time, Jiraiya cooperated with Gamabunta and formed seals at the same time: "Immortal Technique·Fire Release·Toad Oil Great Flame Bullet!"

The huge fire escape swept towards Natsu Yan in an instant, but Natsu Yan was caught by Jiraiya's shadow clone and could not move at all.

This terrifying flame swept across the swamp and immediately ignited Xia Yan's location.

Moreover, there is terrible toad oil buried under this swamp. The moment this toad oil came into contact with the flames, it exploded violently!


A huge roar erupted in the Grass Ninja Village, followed by an even more terrifying shock.

Countless trees were cut directly in half at this moment, and then were ignited by the flames.

This forest turned directly into a sea of ​​fire, and countless animals had no time to escape, so they were turned into ashes.

Jiraiya stood on Bunta's head and gasped, but Bunta had already jumped up to avoid this terrible scene.

"Is it over?" Jiraiya murmured a little tiredly. Sage mode was too much of a burden for him.

"I think, yes."

However, a gentle voice suddenly sounded behind Jiraiya, and Jiraiya's pupils instantly dilated a lot.

"The shadow clone is hidden under the Yellow Spring Marsh, and the Yellow Spring Marsh is filled with toad oil.

Then you made me think that you just planned to use the Yellow Spring Marsh to limit my speed and use the shadow clone to catch me after I landed.

The last step was to use fire escape, combined with the toad oil in Huangquan Marsh to enhance the power of fire escape and even cause an explosion, making it impossible for me to leave.

I have to say, Lord Jiraiya's tactics are really interesting. "

As this gentle voice described his tactics, he felt the dissipation of his magic chakra.

At this moment, Jiraiya felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave...


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