The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 211 You don’t even want to call me Minister

Konoha's meatballs are actually very famous. For example, three-color meatballs are the favorites of many ninjas.

Natsuhiko remembered Orochimaru's female disciple Anko, who was a die-hard fan of Sansekiwanji.

But it's a pity that Xia Yan has never eaten this kind of thing.

Although he often bought these things when he was a child, they were mostly for others.

Especially my deskmate, it seems that as long as she is unhappy, a bunch of meatballs can make her happy.

Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh when he thought of what happened when he was a child.

At that time, although Xia Yan did not have the power now, he also did not have the status he has now.

But I have to say that he was actually very happy at that time, because at that time he did not need to think too much and there was not much pressure in life.

But he was happy, and Xia Yan never thought about going back to that era.

People are always moving forward, and the beauty of the past will only inspire them to create a better future!

Not long after, Xia Yan brought Lianhua to this meatball shop.

And he also noticed that there were many people walking towards the store after he appeared.

It can be seen that the four-person team of Thousand Hands is still very reliable in their work.

Although nominally he wanted to talk to Senju Renge alone, in fact their affairs involved the secrets within the ANBU.

Natsuhiko didn't have the habit of plotting loudly, and besides, he had control of a secret force as large as ANBU.

It really doesn't make sense for him not to use his power for personal gain. Anyway, it's not the first time he has done this.

"Boss, please bring some of your special meatballs."

After entering, Xia Yan randomly found a pretty good seat and sat down. At the same time, he did not forget to order something he often ordered before.

"Okay, come right away!" The boss here, a middle-aged man, replied with a smile.

Only after he saw Xia Yan, he was slightly stunned for a moment, and then he laughed and said, "I didn't expect it was you, young man."

"Huh?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he asked curiously: "Boss, do you know me?"

"It's not really acquaintance, but I know you often came here many years ago." The boss said with a smile, but he looked a little emotional: "It has been many years, you must have been only five or six years old at that time, I didn't expect It’s so big now.”

"So that's it." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "I did come here often before, but then the tasks became heavier and I didn't have so much time."

"I understand." The boss hammered his hand and seemed to suddenly realize: "Is it because of the war? You have really worked hard these years. This time I treat you, and I will give you more!"

With that said, he turned and left without waiting for Xia Yan to refuse.

This scene made Xia Yan a little bit dumbfounded, although the boss didn't understand it wrong.

After all, he had made a lot of contributions to the war, but the ANBU really wasn't on the front line.

Shaking his head gently, Xia Yan was too lazy to worry about such things.

The residents of Konoha are still very simple, although this is very inconspicuous in the overall structure of the ninja world.

But I have to say that when you look carefully, you will still feel good.

"Xia Yanjun, when you called me out today, you probably didn't just want to eat something."

When the boss left, Lianhua turned to look at Xia Yan and suddenly asked.

"Although I don't understand why you should choose a place with such high risks, I will unconditionally trust Xia Yanjun's choice."

"Aren't you afraid of mold when you stay at home all day?"

Xia Yan smiled slightly, then he knocked on the table and asked softly.

"Besides, I don't want you to stay at home all day. Let me ask you a question. Do you remember what I asked you before?"

"Remember." Lianhua nodded seriously: "I will always remember what Xia Yanjun said."

Naturally, Lianhua couldn't forget what Natsuhiko told her before leaving Konoha that he would consider giving her a chance to show herself.

Lianhua didn't know what this opportunity was, but she was somewhat looking forward to it.

Staying at Xia Yan's house all day long, although this will be the inevitable result of her future.

But deep down in her heart, she was unwilling to let it go on like this. She also longed for an opportunity to show herself.

She has learned a lot since she was a child, whether it's ninjas or government affairs.

Although the Thousand Hands clan is in decline, they still have resources.

After thousands of years of inheritance, even if a lot has to be handed over, it is still a huge legacy.

Lianhua never thinks that her abilities are not good enough, nor does she think that she is worse than anyone else.

Especially since there has been a female ninja like Tsunade in the family who can stand alone, her inner desire is naturally self-evident.

But it's a pity that the family didn't seem to give her a chance, or rather Senju Reita didn't give her a chance.

And she did not choose to resist because of her own character and the relationship with her mother.

In fact, she also knew that her resistance would probably have no effect.

Because Senju Reita would never allow others to resist him, but in the end he was solved by Xia Yan.

Lianhua didn't know exactly how to do it, but in the end, the elders behind Xia Yan took over everything, so you can imagine it.

What's more, the elder behind Xia Yan seemed to listen to Xia Yan.

"To be honest, you should know something about my situation."

Xia Yan glanced around, and then he continued to speak.

"You know that I am an ANBU. You also know that I have a high status within the ANBU."

"Yes, I know." Lianhua nodded seriously.

"Although I have never asked, I know that Xia Yanjun is at least the captain, and I'm afraid it's even higher now!"

Xia Yan smiled and nodded. It was not surprising that Lianhua could guess this.

Although he didn't say it, he didn't completely hide something.

Lianhua was asked to come to Xia Yan's home, when Xia Yan was still the captain.

If he was still a squad leader, I'm afraid Senju Shoma wouldn't do this.

Although the main reason was that Xia Yan activated Wood Escape, at least the captain was already in the upper reaches of power.

As for Lianhua's current guess that he has a higher status, this is not a surprise.

During the Kyuubi incident, Natsuhiko showed his power in front of all the participating ninjas.

Naturally, these ninjas would talk about this in the chat after the war, and the unique wood escape could not be hidden at all.

Similarly, when Xia Yan met Senju Xiangzhen, he did not deliberately avoid this woman.

Even though Natsuhiko showed great respect for Senju Shoma, Senju Shoma was not as strong as expected.

Even visible to the naked eye, his attitude seems to be in a weak position most of the time.

This kind of weakness is not like before. Although Xia Yan had the initiative before, it is not like it is now.

But now, Xia Yan is acting like a real superior first, and the elder is like a follower.

"That's right." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he continued: "My status is higher now."

"To put it simply, I am now the ANBU Minister."


ANBU Minister?

Renhua was stunned when she heard Natsuhiko's words. ANBU was founded by the second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

She was familiar with her family's history and there was no way she didn't know what ANBU meant.

This is the most special department in the entire Konoha ninja system.

Moreover, this department also holds the greatest authority. Even if it is necessary and subject to huge restrictions, it is still a department that holds great power.

At the same time, this department is also directly under the Hokage, which also gives this unit special political significance.

The entire big family in Konoha, no matter who they are, wants to put people in.

Not only can you get a huge amount of intelligence information within the ANBU, but you can also express your loyalty to Hokage.

Even if you have a plan, you can get more information in this way.

For example, Naruto's movements and the tasks performed by the Anbu were used to judge Naruto's thoughts.

Now my fiancé actually has such a terrifying department in his hands.

Even though she did have suspicions, she still felt that Xia Yan had gained more power through the Nine-Tails incident.

After all, Natsuhiko saved the village and cooperated with the Fourth Hokage to seal the Kyuubi, so it was normal to receive sufficient rewards.

However, Natsuhiko's identity and age are not so suitable for the position of ANBU minister, especially since the former minister seems to have no problem.

Thinking of this, Thousand-Armed Lotus opened her mouth slightly and wanted to say something.

But the next moment she suddenly realized something, and she immediately turned her head and looked around.

They spoke loudly, especially when they talked about ANBU, so she had to be careful.

However, what she didn't expect was that the diners in the surrounding stores didn't seem to hear them at all.

They were still laughing and talking about their own affairs, and the whole store still looked so harmonious!

"Surprised?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows. He held his head with one hand and asked directly: "Didn't you already guess it?"

"I guessed that Xia Yanjun would have higher expectations." Lianhua took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "But I didn't expect that Xia Yanjun would actually...actually..."

"It's actually the Minister of ANBU?"

Xia Yan smiled softly, he already knew what Lian Hua meant.

"It's strange but normal. After all, with my age and status, becoming a minister is not realistic.

Besides, you are also very confused. There was a minister before ANBU, so why is it me now, right? "

"Yes." Lianhua nodded, but then she said seriously: "Actually, no matter what Xia Yanjun says, I will believe Xia Yanjun."

Although Lianhua really had a lot of doubts in her heart, she still chose Xia Yan's words.

But she was also waiting, waiting for Xia Yan's explanation.

Now her heart suddenly started to throb. If what Xia Yan said was true, then she would have an unprecedented opportunity!

Originally, she thought that Xia Yan was just a team leader, so her opportunity to show herself would be limited to one team.

But now, she can even show her abilities throughout the ANBU!

"You may say so, but I know you still have serious doubts."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, knocked on the table and said calmly.

"Age and identity are sometimes not the key issues. The key issue is that there are people to support you. The more critical issue is that some people have to die."

"Someone supports it, and someone dies?" Lianhua thought about it seriously, and she immediately understood what Xia Yan's words meant!

If someone supports it, it is naturally the support of Lord Hokage!

The Third Hokage will never support Natsu Yan, so the one who supports Natsu Yan must be the Fourth Hokage.

And the Fourth Hokage is not in Konoha now. Maybe this is the method left by the Fourth Hokage to prevent his power from being completely divided in Konoha without him?

And some people died, probably the ANBU ministers of the previous generation.

But the question is, how did the ANBU minister die?

Could it be that he was killed by Kyuubi?


Thinking of this, Lianhua didn't dare to think anymore, but Xia Yan spoke.

"It's such a pity for the previous generation of Minister. He refused to use ANBU during the Kyuubi Incident, so I took action to kill him."

Xia Yan smiled and said something that made Lianhua's hair stand on end. She never dreamed that Xia Yan did it himself!

Turning her head slightly and looking at the diners, Lianhua already knew that these people were definitely members of the ANBU.

Xia Yan has completely controlled and surrounded this place with ANBU people.

And these Anbu didn't respond to what he said, which only shows that Xia Yan has completely mastered everyone!

How long has it been?

What kind of method is this?

How scary is this boy who is slightly younger than himself?

"Okay, that's pretty much all that needs to be explained."

Xia Yan looked at Lian Hua, who was a little dazed in front of him, and he couldn't help but lightly knock on the table again.

"Now let's get down to business. I'm reforming ANBU, but I have too many things on my hands.

This doesn't fit my idea so I need someone to help me. "

"You want me to help you?" Thousand-Armed Lotus took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

It was really difficult for her to stay calm when she was exposed to something so scary and full of information.

Her mind was a little confused now, and she couldn't think about what Xia Yan meant by reform.

But she caught one important point, that is, Xia Yan wanted her to join the Anbu to help because of this reform.

And this reform is probably quite powerful. With this reform, she can enter the ANBU and realize her dream!

"Yes, but there is a ugly saying ahead."

Xia Yan tapped his fingers on the table. Although he still looked a little lazy with his head on one hand, his expression had become serious.

"What you are going to do may expose you to the deepest intelligence of ANBU. If your performance does not satisfy me..."

"Xia Yan, are you here too?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly interrupted Xia Yan's words.


"Speaking of which, you seem to have liked eating meatballs since you were a child. Why is that?"

Walking on the streets of Konoha, Uchiha looked at Qiong with some curiosity, and he asked with a smile on his face.

Perhaps he has solved some minor problems in his heart, and now he is in a good mood.

Today he plans to spend time with his granddaughter, and after today he will take the initiative to find Senju Natsuhiko.

Facing that kid, Uchiha really couldn't feel any more relaxed except for feeling the pressure.

And he doesn't need to take it easy in the future. What he wants is to work tirelessly until he realizes his dream!


Uchiha Qiong paused slightly, her eyes couldn't help but look forward, and then she showed a smile.

"This is probably a good memory."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Qiong's thoughts seemed to go back to a long, long time ago.

She still remembered that it was not long after she entered school, but she encountered some little trouble...

"I heard that you are from the Uchiha clan?" A boy led by a group of little guys surrounded Qiong: "Can't your eyes turn red? Let's show it."

"That's the Sharingan, I don't have one." Qiong was a little afraid of this situation. This was the first time she had encountered similar trouble.

But she still maintained her appearance and answered calmly.

It's just that she is indeed a little scared in her heart, but as the pride of the Uchiha clan, she must not show it.

"Tch, what's the Sharingan? I think it's pinkeye." The little boy was still reluctant. He stuck his head out and said unhappily: "Hurry up, everyone wants to see it. Do you want everyone to hate you?"

"You..." Qiong really didn't know how to deal with this scene. She really didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

She was a little anxious, she didn't want to be annoying, but she really didn't have the Sharingan.

Don't talk about her. In fact, I'm afraid many people in the family don't have Sharingan. Everyone is proud to have Sharingan enabled.

However, just when she was at a loss, a voice suddenly came over.

"I think you are the most annoying, right?"

I saw a silver-haired child slowly walking into the class carrying a bag. He couldn't help but pout when he saw this scene.

"Sure enough, this kind of school violence really happens everywhere, regardless of age."

"Hey, what did you say earlier?" The boy who took the lead looked at Xia Yan unhappily, and shouted loudly: "What kind of violence? I don't know how to hit girls. You white-haired guy is really annoying!"

"Forget it, you don't even know." The silver-haired child spread his hands casually, and suddenly he said with a smile: "You just said you wanted to see red eyes, right?"

"Yes, can you?" The little boy glanced at Xia Yan doubtfully.

"Of course you can." The silver-haired boy nodded, still smiling and said: "Actually, you can do it too, and I can even help you do it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the silver-haired boy suddenly lifted the bag in his hand, and then he stepped forward and rushed forward.

With one punch, the little boy who took the lead was hit directly in the face.

Then, without waiting for the other brats to react, he dodged and rushed in front of them.

Then he punched or kicked each of them, knocking them all to the ground!

After he finished all this, he stretched out his hand to catch the bag that was thrown up high.

"Find a mirror and take a look." The silver-haired boy said with a smile on his face: "See if your eyes are red now?"

"" These brats were obviously confused.

They slumped on the ground, covering the place where they were beaten with one hand, while staring blankly at the silver-haired boy.

For a long time, after a little boy cried loudly, the others also cried loudly.

The heartbreaking sound even made many students passing by look over.

Perhaps because they felt too embarrassed, the brats jumped up and ran directly outside.

Qiong Ye stared at this scene blankly, she really didn't expect such a solution.

Her eyes also fell on the silver-haired boy. Under the sunlight, this boy looked particularly eye-catching.

Suddenly, the silver-haired boy turned his head, looked at Qiong Wei and smiled: "Hello, did I scare you just now?"

"" Qiong tried her best to stay calm, but her eyes still looked a little frightened.

"Come on, eat some." Without any explanation, the silver-haired boy took out a bunch of meatballs and handed them to her: "Sweets can make people feel happy. I'm afraid you won't feel good if you encounter such a thing."

"Thank you...Thank you." Qiong originally wanted to refuse, but when the words came to his mouth, he turned into a thank you.

She took the ball handed to her by the boy and took a bite.

It was very sweet, and this sweetness seemed not only to come out of her mouth, but also seemed to echo in her heart.

It was not that she had never eaten such meatballs before, but she had to admit that the taste of this meatball at this moment seemed to be better than anything she had ever eaten.

"Okay, I'll take my leave now."

The silver-haired boy shrugged, then turned away and murmured quietly.

"I knew from watching the show that Itachi had been bullied before, but I didn't expect that he actually encountered one now."


Qiong didn't know what he was talking about. In fact, her attention was not here. She looked at the boy's back and suddenly opened her mouth.

"Please, please wait."

"Huh?" The boy turned his head unexpectedly, and then asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"Um..." Qiong was a little embarrassed, and finally asked: "You...what's your name, by the way..."

Qiong seemed to remember something at this moment. She immediately bowed slightly to the boy and said, "My name is Qiong, Uchiha Qiong. Please give me your advice."

"Don't be so polite, we are in the same class." The boy spread his hands: "It's the first day today, and we haven't arranged specific seats yet. I know you. As for me..."

"My name is Xia Yan. I have met Xia Yan deeply, and I would like to ask for your advice..."


"Qiong? What's wrong?"

Just when Qiong accidentally recalled things from her childhood, Uchiha's true voice brought her back to reality.

She smiled and shook her head slightly, without saying anything specific.

The story of Xia Yan and those meatballs started from that time.

In the next three years, whenever she was unhappy, Xia Yan would buy her meatballs to eat.

Every time she actually wanted to refuse, but every time she accepted.

However, when they were eight years old, Xia Yan left school. From then on, no one bought her meatballs when she was sad.

But she also retained this habit because she remembered Xia Yan said that eating sweets when she is in a bad mood can make her mood happy.

Although the meatballs she bought herself no longer have the same sweetness as before, she still likes this feeling.

Likewise, she also misses the person who bought her meatballs.

"Nothing, let's hurry up."

Qiong smiled and replied, and then she pulled Uchiha forward quickly, and Uchiha smiled and didn't say much.

But when they came to the meatball shop, they couldn't stop laughing.

"Why are there so many people?" Uchiha looked at the packed shop and couldn't help but shook his head: "It seems that today's business is too good."

"Yes." Uchiha Qiong was quite helpless when he saw this scene.

She knew that this meatball shop was doing very well, so so many people there today didn't seem to surprise her.

But Qiong was not disappointed. If you can’t eat in the store, you can take it away.

In the past, when Xia Yan bought her meatballs, or when she bought them herself, she always chose to take them away.

But when she and Uchiha walked into the store, he always felt that the diners in the store seemed to be looking at them intentionally or unintentionally.

Uchiha frowned. He didn't know why these people were so rude, but he didn't say anything for the sake of his granddaughter.

But soon, he seemed to see a familiar figure.

He wasn't sure at first, but when he saw it clearly, he immediately froze in place, not daring to take a step at all!

"What's the matter, Grandpa?"

Qiong glanced at her grandfather strangely, and then when she followed his gaze, her eyes suddenly lit up slightly.

"Xia Yan, are you here too?"



Xia Yan looked at the two people in front of him and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He really didn't expect to meet the two of them in this place, let alone when he was talking about something.

Natsuhiko glanced at Uchiha Makoto, and he was suddenly a little funny, because this old man didn't seem to expect to meet him here.

His expression at this time was frightened and slightly uneasy, and it could be seen that he seemed a little afraid of himself.

"It's been such a long time."

Qiong didn't seem to notice anything strange about her grandfather. She walked to Xia Yan's table and was about to say something, when suddenly she noticed a girl opposite Xia Yan.

This girl is very beautiful, although her expression seems a little strange - a little surprised and a little surprised.

But Qiong could tell that this girl seemed to have an unusual relationship with Xia Yan.

This made Qiong's originally happy mood immediately cool down. She glanced at the girl in confusion before continuing to speak. "Who is this......"

"Hello, my name is Lianhua, please give me your advice."

Lian Hua seemed to have recovered a lot of her emotions at this moment. She watched Qiong stand up politely and spoke slowly.


This name was very unfamiliar. This was the first time she heard this name. She guessed that this could be Xia Yan's teammate, right?

Although Qiong has been asking for information about Xia Yan, she has gotten very little information, almost nothing.

It wasn't until this year that she met Xia Yan again, and then she got a little understanding of her deskmate's situation.

"My name is Qiong, Uchiha Qiong, please give me some advice." Although he didn't know who this Lotus was, Qiong still bowed slightly very politely.

"Why are you still the same as before? You're too polite." Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head slightly when he saw this scene.

Qiong's look reminded him of the time when he first met her.

Turning his head, Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha Makoto. The old man was still frozen in place.

He seemed a little embarrassed. He didn't know whether he should step forward, but he didn't dare to turn around and leave.

This scene made Xia Yan chuckle, and then he said: "Really elder, it's been a long time since we last met."

"Captain Natsuhiko..." Uchiha sighed slightly, and then he said: "It's been a long time since I last saw you. I was still thinking about how to express my gratitude to you."

"Captain? Your Excellency?" Qiong couldn't help but frowned when he heard his grandfather address Xia Yan.

She really didn't expect that her grandfather and Xia Yan knew each other, and they seemed to be relatively familiar with each other?

Besides, calling her grandpa that way seemed a little too respectful.

And she also felt that her grandfather seemed to be naturally shorter in front of Xia Yan.

She really didn't expect this situation, and she was even a little confused as to what was going on.

"There's no need to thank you. I can only say that you made a right choice." Xia Yan shook his head, put one of his hands on the table and tapped it gently: "Sit down, business is good here today. If you don’t mind, just make do with it.”

"If you don't bother Xia Yan, please forgive us for being presumptuous." After Uchiha thought for a moment, he nodded seriously.

In fact, he really wanted to say, why is business here so good today? It's just because your ANBU reserved the place!

Now he finally understood why he felt he was being watched when he came in.

Originally, this meatball shop was already filled with ANBU people.

Any stranger who comes in will not be given a seat, and will even be stared at like him!

But Uchiha is also a little curious, what are Natsuhiko and this girl going to say here?

Will it have any negative impact if he joins in so rashly?

He had to be extremely careful about ANBU matters.

Although he has successfully sent Uchiha Shisui into the Anbu, that child is still too young, and he is still training in the reserve team.

He didn't know exactly when he would be able to carry out the mission.

Now he can only think about the promising future of that child.

"I don't want to bother you. In fact, I don't intend to hide many things." Xia Yan looked at the two people with a smile on his face, and his voice was still so gentle: "After all, some things have reached my level, and I don't hide them. It’s necessary.”

"Captain Natsuhiko..." Uchiha glanced at Natsuhiko inexplicably. He didn't understand what Natsuhiko meant.

Suddenly, his expression changed slightly because he thought of something.

ANBU does not need to hide his identity, so there is only one possibility!

At this moment, Xia Yan also spoke.

"To be precise..." Natsuhiko looked at Uchiha calmly, and he said slowly: "Actually, you should call me Minister now..."


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